Can I Survive 7 Days? - I Turned Fallout 4 Into A Zombie Apocalypse Game

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the smithing Brit and today welcome to the Glorious world of Fallout 4. where we're going to be starting a brand new and very special Adventure into this glorious world for you see I love Fallout 4. it's a highly enjoyable RPG game but recently I had an idea what if I turned it into a zombie survival game so that's exactly what I've gone and done in my Wasteland pretty much every enemy has been replaced with a zombie and these are your classic Romero zombies bullets aren't going to be particularly effective because these bad boys don't need limbs to stay Undead it's going to take several well-placed shots of the head to bring down one of these bad boys and as a result this game is going to get very challenging as we're going to have to defeat hundreds and hundreds of Undead whilst balancing ammo conservation food water and finding safe places to sleep it's gonna be a hell of a journey so make sure you sat back relax you've got a nice warm cup of Yorkshire Tea in hand and preferably a nice biscuit to dunk into it let us begin and create our hero for today's Journey today our hero ladies and gentlemen is going to be Dwayne Johnson the long lost cousin of Dwayne The Rock Johnson unlike his counterpart our hero is not a legendary action star however that's not going to stop him from trying to survive and here's our lovely boy Dwayne oh Dwayne Johnson you lovely man sadly he never broke out into acting after being turned away because of his Valiant scar which he earned in battle by MMA wrestling his brother or something I don't know there's deep law here you can expand it in the comment section anyway bam I'm happy with my character he is going to be perfect now we just need to come up with Dwayne Johnson's stats firstly he needs to have a decent amount of endurance if we're gonna stay alive for any amount of time we need a lot of it at the same time perception is very important as this increases the accuracy with guns and the last thing you want is to be in a melee brawl of a zombie and we'll top it off with some stats into intelligence and Agility which will hopefully increase our survival skills okay we've spawned into the world as Dwayne Johnson and we look absolutely fantastic now a few things first things first you might notice that the game looks gorgeous as because I've made a handful of moderations to make it truly Jazzy but what I must now do is replace pretty much everything in the game with zombies so those evil insects over there are about to be swapped out for a ravenous horde of the undead I'll be right back as soon as it takes me half an hour to load the settings right and I've done it ladies and gentlemen as you can see all of those beasties have now been replaced with zombies some of whom have actually caught whiff of me and are starting to shamble over to our area now most zombies when they're not directly attracted are a little bit slow but as you can see they've just caught wind of my location and they've increased their Pace unfortunately for me I only start out with two weapons a combat knife and a semi-automatic pipe rifle hmm not exactly the best now as I mentioned these zombies don't take much damage with body shots so if I shoot them in the body nothing happens instead I've got to shoot them in the head and uh luckily for me oh my goodness there's a lot of I have a doorway here oh dear I I hardly have enough bullets for this oh my goodness I definitely right behind me oh my God what Jesus Christ Undead already I'm dead I'm so dead already um right and that's an educational experience about the danger of zombies and how we're not going to die like that okay right immediately crouching that's what we're going to do good Lord I thought I was going to be safe behind a door but no zombies can open doorways of course they can right now I'm gonna have to be uh very sneaky and make my way around here and honestly I need some kind of defense or safety this is especially important because the zombies are going to get more and more dangerous at night so my thinking is a very simple I'm going to try and take over the red rocket truck stop yep that's my plan oh there is actually a bat hit that might be useful that gives us a little bit of a ranged advantage and I'm gonna see if yep we can just make our way past all of these Undead up to the red rocket truck stop as hopefully you know we'll find some equipment there that's usable or in the very least Just Keep Us Alive oh there's one right there hello you right okay I think we're just gonna have to vat this one now because I've gotten rid of all of the UI I have no idea if the Vats is actually going to kill him but um no it doesn't okay great if anything he now seems angrier right baseball bat let's let's try and baseball bat him ow jeez he's a painful boy oh and of course there's multiple now coming around for me lovely right let's grab that bottle cap you've got a helmet on which means you're gonna take far more bullets to kill uh maybe if I find dog meat he'll be able to help me so yes that's that's my plan uh into the red rocket truck stop we go so uh yep we're in lovely stuff here's the workshop and uh where's that dog meat dog meat dog meat please tell me you're here please tell me you won't replaced by a zombie God damn it I think he was wasn't he oh my God look at you look at you look at you there's so many of them there are there's literally an endless quantity of zombies now coming towards me some of them are very uncomfortably fast right you need some shots of the head to die you're still up and running what the hell I actually can't believe how challenging it is to kill just one zombie I've put so many bullets into your head God damn it right that's it I I literally I have to resort to baseball bat on you ow you hit like a truck as well right baseball batting that's what we're doing just baseball bat zombies to the head I know it's not very efficient but realistically this is all I can manage oh finally we killed the man with a helmet you've got another helmet as well God damn it right fog fog oh my God how am I even going to survive this how am I going to manage this is going to be hell okay most zombies take two bombs to the Head some of the armored ones appear to take like you know 20. right Bonk you're dead or you had ammo on your body lovely that's what I like to see right we've got one heavily armored zombie left right now you're down on the floor come on why won't you die God damn it right that's it I'm just gonna Vance it we're just gonna Vats hit him endlessly and there we go he's finally dead oh my God what a fight that was a um a challenge to say the least a real challenge I don't really want to stray too far from this area because there's a good chance I will then just immediately be killed by another zombie but hey at least some of them had bullets on them that's nice right well it seems like this is going to have to do in terms of being home for the moment it isn't the best defended but I think it's entirely possible that I could set myself up some some at least temporary barricades to stop the undead from attacking me so what I'm going to do is start scrapping my way through the red rocket truck stop so that I can actually build myself some defenses alright so bam here's the first war built which I don't think zombies are going to be able to get past and I just need to repeat this several hundred times so what I've built here is hopefully the entrance way or one of the many potential entrance ways into the base because the AI is definitely not going to be able to power find its way around here but we can hop over with ease right I have done it I've actually built myself a fully enclosed base that only I am able to get inside and out of which is very very nice indeed I mean it's you know still not the best looking place and there is very limited food options but you know it's at least progress now what I've done is uh cleaned up some space and effectively opened up ourselves up to potentially having you know some beds I mean they're not going to be brilliant beds we kind of just need basic locations for people to sleep so I'm gonna crank down some mattresses on the floor here but I think I could stretch to giving myself you know just a nice premium quality bed with maybe a radiator next to it oh lovely yes this will be my personal bed because you know that's exactly what I deserve next up we're gonna need to actually get ourselves a way of generating power and of course the only thing we can afford is a small generator so that's all we're going to have in order to provide myself with some form of proximity protection to the base I'm going to actually construct myself a small Watchtower here which I'm hoping should actually be able to provide you know at least a level of Defense all right well I think I'm going to stay inside tonight as evidently uh it's a little bit dangerous outside so yep close up all of the doors and uh maybe I can do something with this weapon of mine right in order to modify my gun so that it would actually be able to kill a zombie I'm going to need to find more resources in the world so yeah this is actually going to be a true Fallout 4 survival scavenger experience which in my opinion is something the game was kind of lacking but this is our first day complete as the sun is going down and it is not going to be safe for me to be outside yes 7pm it's time for some sleep so I'll wake up and see all of you in the morning where we're gonna have to go on a Scavenging run to the local town of Concord to see if I can get a better weapon ah good morning welcome to the start of day two our adventure will now restart as I would like a better weapon now I would like to add that my general goal for today's video is to survive for at least one week I'm not too sure if that's actually viable but I think I could do it especially if I just take things a little bit slow and play a bit carefully you never know what's going to be possible oh and also I completely forgot I actually leveled up so I'm gonna pick up the first point into gun nut as that's likely going to become very useful when we start modifying weapons and there's a couple of zombies over here picking away the corpse wonderful stuff not too many of them so this should be quite easy to manage and hello you and if you're feeling a bit faster than the others today no we're all about the same speed good all right there we go Bonk and bonk and bonk there we go that's one down Bonk that's two down and bunk that's three down lovely stuff and what do we have here oh a pipe pistol that actually probably will do more damage than my automatic rifle yes it does lovely it takes the same ammunition sure it fires less but this increase of damage of just free actually might be enough to one shot a zombie in the head I mean there's only one way to find out so I'm actually going to go over to this house and see if I can kill a zombie oh my goodness speaking of that there's actually a bunch of zombies in sanctuary I was hoping this would be a relatively easy place to conquer but nope that's not the place right uh one shot to the Head let's see how you do and one shot to the head still alive okay another shot to the head still alive okay we're gonna need more than uh 13 damage in order to kill these people okay I don't think a residential area is going to be the location to find some guns so I'm gonna Trust my instincts and head deeper into the town today see if I can find myself at least something that can one hit zombies in the head and here we have it we've arrived in Concord uh now of course because this is an urbanized area that means we are very likely to run into more and more Undead that said if we're lucky we will also run into potentially some friends and it looks like we have some combat going on here there's a handful of Raiders fighting some zombies oh wait no I realized the issue I've run into um I've got a bunch of Raiders and they're fighting zombies inside yep that's because the minute men who you normally come over to save um I'm afraid unfortunately they've contracted the zombie virus and so they've all died I mean it is rather entertaining but a bit of a shame because they're definitely not going to be able to help us out now that said these Raiders should have some decent weapons on them so my hope is that I could kill them and I'll be able to get something good off of it yes look at these men go alright so a couple of shots of the body there and yep that's one Raider dead and that's another one dead as well lovely I mean they've done this Splendid job they've cleared up the zombies for me oh hello you've got some armor on you right shots of the Torso let's go and that was enough lovely okay relatively low on ammo but we managed it oh no and I forget uh if they were dealt damaged by a zombie uh they die and get resurrected as a zombie yep that is uh going to be a problem here oh dear and these ones hit hard these fresh zombies not happy at all trying to fight them and we've got ourselves a short laser musket here that's actually quite a powerful item indeed in terms of doing damage but I'm here to scavenge not to actually Provide support consequently we're gonna grab some fuses some light bulbs so you know what let's give it a go we've got ourselves a double barrel shotgun that we can't use but we have a short laser musket that I think would probably be able to one hit most zombies so into the museum of Freedom we go now we're not here to save the Minute Men because they're all dead we're instead here to fight several Raiders which are still somehow alive and steal all of their bullets I mean that said there's definitely still Undead around I really don't want to run unless I have to there we go there's another dead Raider oh my goodness and there's some zombies lovely okay those dead Raiders immediately respawned I see that's how it is I'm gonna guess you guys are a bit stronger than normal zombies as well so uh let me quickly just aim onto your head there we go fire the shot are they dead yep that looks like a kill right this next zombie is going to be a challenge you've actually got head armor on and yep that's what I was guessing a full shot to the head and you're still up and running baseball bat though that was effective another baseball bat To The Head And there we go we defeated them oh and I actually have a level up as well and seeing as I reckon we're going to be using non-automatic rifles the most I'm going to pick up The Rifleman perk there we go so that our laser musket will do slightly more damage okay right hello you yeah it's another Dead zombie there we go we've actually got ourselves a pipe bolt action rifle now this does 40 damage a shot which is insane uh the only issue is we only have six bullets for it oh hello there Raider man you are much more angrier than everyone else I found but a quick shot to the head and there you go no of Reviving is the undead for you and I've even got myself a Molotov and oh yes look in there it's the survivors the Minute Men oh Paladin dance hello it's me your friend right you're dead sorry and oh my goodness there's quite a few of you right could you please kindly step one by one out of the room line up for your headshots there we go lovely stuff anyone left and we've got one boy left he's actually got head armor on as I'm gonna make the executive decision to make this a critical shot and hopefully that's enough to kill because these guys absorb ammo nope he is still going what the heck all right quick charge up the shot and there we go that's him dead now um everyone here is dead but I think there should actually be some ammunition upon the roof that I kind of want to go for right lovely stuff we have a whole suit of power armor here that we of course can't use and a minigun that I I can't use either okay this is actually pretty meaningless still there's at least some oil around and that is going to be good so I think I should have enough Goods to start modifying my weapons I took back through the Museum of Freedom we go as I'd like to return to the lovely truck stop and get myself some more powerful shootie Shooters oh fantastic I found myself a hidden floor safe now I've got a whole bunch of log picks so this one shouldn't be too difficult to do come on everyone's favorite mini game holding the W key and what do we have here we've got some 38 rounds lovely a 10 millimeter pistol and a bunch of 10 millimeter rounds okay yes things are starting to look up this 10 millimeter pistol will have infinite modding possibilities and we have 130 bullets for it because zombies keep dropping them lovely stuff this is definitely an upgrade so we're now back to the lovely truck stop I'm sure no more zombies have spawned nope they're all feeling friendly today wonderful right I've made some modifications of my 10 millimeter and I've turned it into a tactical hardened 10 millimeter and I'm hoping that this bad boy is now going to be quite the deadly weapon I've added a scope to it so we can actually you know snipe stuff and I'm pretty happy with the bad boy so much so in fact I'm gonna have a quick one hour power nap to regen my health and I'm gonna make my way over to that lovely radio tower where we see so many zombies mostly just because I want to clear it out so that they don't stop wandering over to my house but there could also be some loot so it's worth doing and here we go these zombies are heading towards us they're going to crouch down for some accuracy and shot to the Head one oh that actually missed I think one shot to the head that did hit that one hit that was a good hit and that was another good hit there lovely stuff right yes provided I can hit my shots um it should only take two bullets to kill each zombie and I get the feeling if I'm able to improve my pistol damage skills we could raise that even higher alright now just quickly before I go to bed I'm going to set up a recruitment radio you can and I'm hoping that this bad boy is going to actually uh attract some friends that's right I would like some additional friends to come and actually stay with us potentially they can help us get food water you name it all of these things would be incredibly useful right there we go I have now built the settlement recruitment Beacon yes and I do believe it is now on so brilliant we can now start attracting settlers and hopefully when the settlers arrive they you know won't be infected with the plague and if that's the case then glorious we will actually have a thriving little Society so I'm gonna get myself well rested and ready for what tomorrow brings all right well bam we're back and in the game our lovely settlement Beacon has been running in the night does that mean that we have any friends yet nope looks like no friends for us well oh well that's fine I think I'm going to start today by doing some light adventuring maybe over to Sanctuary I mean we haven't really fully explored Sanctuary for all we know we could find some friendship there and oh letter from Richard what M1 grand and bait it oh hello hello what are you hey kid if you're reading this I just wanted to say that I met someone wearing a leather jacket and a generally cool looking guy from some gang called Cool Cats he talked about how they're all set up in a place down south an old red rocket I think I don't know what I'm gonna do next but I need to move on right okay it looks like um there's an M1 grand potentially lying around now that sounds like a kind of weapon I could do with I mean this bayonet seems uh a bit decent shiv shiv shiv right I've done some digging and it would seem that my M1 grand is probably in the federal ration bunker being held by some banded slash Raiders so um you know what I think we could do a nice long journey ahead of ours today and go fight some Raiders see who's my base is just gonna have to tick along and try and attract some survivors okay right we've made our way to the uh Federal ration stockpile and as you can see there's a bit of a scuffle going on there appears to be someone in a giant suit of power armor pummeling their way through some zombies and you know what hats off to them let me see if I can pull out a gun to help oh no uh they appear to have just been killed right well um bugger is there no one else around here that can fight zombies or is it literally just going to be me Splendid lovely it's just going to be me isn't it brilliant right well um zombies it's lovely to meet you but uh I'm going to see if a fragmentation grenade is going to actually solve my predicament here so um farewell friends catch that and I think potentially yes it worked the fragmentation grenade worked oh it's glorious right I can take all of the ammunition off of the bodies I mean there are still apparently more zombies spawning in and oh my goodness that's that's actually still a lot more zombies um right surely there's ammunition around here somewhere oh there's more explosions going on great okay right um this is this is just like fresh hell geez okay I'm gonna close that door hopefully they can't um make their way through that if they can I'm gonna be a little bit buggered uh but yes I need to make my way through this base what do we got here stockpile terminal ah ah come on out of that close that door close that door no zombies welcome sorry friends not today friends um we're highly busy no close that door there we go they appear to be stuck on the terrain a little bit oh no you made it through great right two shots of the head please wait the zombies are just getting back up again okay right we gotta clear our way through here all right we've made it into this place and I mean there's going to be Raiders set up over here somewhere and they're all going to be quite dangerous indeed but at the same time they have ammunition for us and that is good well there we go there's a Raider fighting a zombie and he just died but there's going to be another one here as well oh brilliant that just caused another zombie to spawn in oh it's quite a fresh one as well right I'm gonna have to uh kill this human in front of me over some shots of the head to make sure he doesn't come back as a zombie okay no his head didn't explode great he's gonna come back oh my goodness this zombie in front of me is taking so many bullets to the Head what the hell okay he took like 12 bullets to go down and of course some more zombies just got straight up because well I didn't kill the humans by blowing their heads off oh and you're going to run at me right quick shots in the face quick shots of the face please yes stumble them stumble them yes there we go that's another Dead zombie all right and well um deeper into the base we go we've got some kind of nice construction area I'd say oh yes yes it's the M1 grand we did it we found it you can hide but you can't run from capitalism yes lovely this is going to be a good weapon it takes 308 rounds 66 damage that's pretty darn good I mean we don't have many uh 308 rounds but that's okay that's okay we'll be good in the future hopefully as soon as we can find more bullets oh my goodness you look amazing look at this scope and sights oh it's wonderful oh we found the exit okay right we found the exit so we went in we got the M1 grand lovely jubbly and uh yeah now I think we just make the Mad Dash back across our base because I imagine it's getting a little bit late and what okay there's just more zombies coming in of course there are and the sun's going down outside right don't worry I'll just dodge my way out the window um see you later guys oh dear this place is not fun there's so many of them I can see the red rocket over there we're almost home come on game I'm almost home and we're in any friends any friends anyone uh people too oh there's two people here yes oh we have a friend they're a settler I mean they're little words for wear but hey you're new and you want to introduce yourself hey welcome you're ready to do whatever it takes to make this into a real home um yep yep there is I could do with you um I could give you getting some food that would be wonderful I will assign you to um assigned to the tato plants lovely how are the general needs of my people doing pretty low in terms of Defense I mean I think it would be a decent idea to sign one of our troops to uh defense I mean you seem like you could potentially be up for the task all right we're gonna need some more beds I reckon so let's start getting them safely laid down inside our main area and hey I suppose I could also build a bunk house so yeah that's what I'll do I'll place a small shack right here and inside of the shack I'm going to place down some little beds okay we've now got sleeping spots for far more lovely potential survivors when they join our Colony right you know what I've also had a brilliant idea I'm going to turn my baseball bat into an ax uh it's gonna hopefully make it do more damage and my logic is if I can land a headshot with it that might might be enough to kill I'm gonna name this Barry that is spoiler hopefully it'll be a nice powerful weapon anyway next up is this lovely amazing weapon of ours which I think could do with a side so bam will get that built on and there we go we've got a very nice weapon now ah right I awaken feeling well rested and our base is looking lovely and glorious this morning I want to kind of explore the section to the north of our base a bit today just to see what's in the wilderness see if there's any like wild people out here oh hello that appears to be a crashed military helicopter okay potentially we can get something useful from that and there we go two good kills hello you thinking you could sneak up on me you cheeky bugger that's illegal oh my goodness there's a lot of them out here today maybe it's more efficient if I just work quickly although the sun is now starting to set what time is it 6 25 p.m okay right okay I think I'm going to deliberately thin the local herd in this environment and then we'll come back tomorrow to uh see what we can make of the uh spoils and fantastic we made our way home just before nightfall actually sets in any new settlers join us today nope still just two people well that's fine and dandy all right so I've made my way out in the nice and early morning over to the vertibird crash site and also over there on the radio tower there's some Raiders fighting zombies which is good as I think it's attracting a decent amount of attention away from us which is always a good thing anyway hello there friendy you need um one shot to the head I reckon oh oh uh you know one shot that would actually hit there we go you're dead lovely oh and hello did I just hear another zombie oh yes there you are hello there lady wrapped and then a singular additional shot and you're dead lovely oh my goodness it's just a crashed power armor right here well um I mean power armor isn't going to be useful in the slightest it costs so much to run would just make us slower as it's probably the worst thing we could grab here oh my goodness I just noticed there's like a bajillion zombies right there slowly Meandering their way towards me I mean while the Raider back there is still fighting on his Tower and look at him go he's got his gun and he is storming along so you know what I'm going to uh walk away from this area right I've decided to make my way home which is very good because the new sellers arrived which we can make friends with hello there there we go so we have a new assistant who's able to actually help manage our food situation Happiness Is On The Rise which is good the higher our happiness the more likely we are to have someone join us each day although defense could be higher right I'm going to try and improve our defense by building a stationary gun here attaching it to our power Network and how does it do how does it it just shoots it's not a turret it just it just shoots in a straight line I get the feeling that that's just going to attract people to our location but you know what fine so instead I'll just Place some like power to Spring traps on the ground there we go I'll apply a factor of intimidation I'm not too sure what happens ow okay if you stand on them you just get stabbed by some boards lovely well yeah that'll do that'll do nicely right I've gotten up nice and early on uh day just to kind of see how my settlement does in the night and you know what I think it's doing quite okay we've got our one guard here settler who is sniping away at ghouls in the distance anyway evidently our settlement is able to defend itself even at night which is very good indeed as I'm going to be taking some time away today to actually uh try and get a second settlement going you see over in the Wasteland here there's a town called The Covenant and uh if we can become friends of them they can potentially give us their entire settlement so my plan is to cross the Wasteland on today our sixth day and basically get some goodies well there's some shooting going on and I think Yep this is the town of Covenant which we've located Splendid stuff now um are you guys friendly yes you are you are fighting the zombies and oh my goodness there's zombies on the walls right well uh let me help out you lovely Caravan guard bam that's one dead it's time for us to get to work the last one we want is for potential settlers and colonists to die here so yes couple of shots to the head and we should fix this yes you discovered Covenant oh geez covenants are attacking me what the hell oh dude because I wandered in without permission right I've got to fight back okay well I wanted to have this settlement for myself but it looks like no we're now going to have to uh go to war with the entire thing I'll give them one last chance if they shoot at me uh that's it oh there you go if you shoot at me that means you are hostile if not then all is good yep you're you're hostile to me right that's it I thought I was coming over here to make friends uh sadly everyone in Covenant Must Die hello you right there we go that's another dead person in Covenant my goodness right well this has turned into a little bit of a blood buff but that's fine the worst part here is all of the shooting has attracted more and more zombies to the actual mess all right let me get a natural gun out weapons Molotov cocktail time I reckon take that members of Covenant good bloody luck all right you look like some kind of Mary dude you're dead oh and you've immediately come back as a zombie well you're all really coming back as zombies oh there's one settler left all right okay let me kill him right there we go they're just kind of behind this bush somewhere ah there we go I think I killed the last settler right um I think that should now be every single uh person in this settlement dead oh no there we go there's the settler I think they're still up and alive and I need to quickly clear my way through this area hello you still hostile to me settler hello oh yes you are I'll give you one chance I'll give you one chance you got one okay you're definitely definitely violent to me you're dead I'm sorry ah there we go fantastic I've killed everyone here now so I can now use the workshop here at this lovely location brilliant okay well we now have a new base I guess um don't ask about what happened to the previous occupants I don't think we'll ever get to know right well I finally found enough copper and crystals and all of that to actually uh get a recruitment Beacon down and I was just you know uh cleaning up the base a bit when I saw that apparently we have two people already staying in the settlement which is very Jazzy indeed I was not expecting that although I can hear some shooting so I wonder if my settlers are actually in danger oh dear right let me quickly get some basic defense down for them uh there we go all right and now I need to go and see if my settlers need saving some gun shots off in this direction yes okay it does appear to be someone fighting some zombies right hello there don't worry I'm here to save you it's a settler no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hello hello hello hello hello don't worry I'm here to save you oh no [ __ ] I accidentally shot the settler I'm so sorry I'm sorry set left okay right well that's one less settler I'm afraid to worry about oh dear right um away we go beans I thought ah fantastic I've got myself a settlement set up but no no I accidentally just killed one of our potential occupants all right well uh back to our new settlement we go oh goodness all right let's check in um well bam people zero ah right we had two settlers they're both dead I'm just gonna have to like leave this place be like that's gonna be the only way I can manage is if I just don't come back here and then the humans can arrive over there in a car without me accidentally killing them all right so I'm going to fast travel my way back to the red rocket truck stop where apparently it looks like we're up to four settlers over there brilliant now what I have got set up is that on the seventh day we're going to see a horde attack which is going to be the climax of today's video right it's the start of the final day and I am making preparations because we need to make a lovely glorious stand now I know that uh as soon as it kind of hits nighttime we're gonna get assaulted from this direction I'm not too sure what is going to be coming our way how many zombies how much ammunition I'm going to need I have no clue so I'm just going to set up as many defensives as possible that's why I've got these lovely traps here I'm going to set up some lights and hopefully they don't bring down the Walls alright so I've built myself this uh nice big scaffolding tower that I think gives me a decent enough look at all of our potential threats coming from that direction I've got this new airlock gate system set up as well as all of our lovely traps so I'm hoping that that's going to be enough to Keep Us Alive all right the time is upon us ladies and Gentlemen The Horde is over there we can see them they can see us and no do not open the front gate you settlering idiots stay behind the gate who fools okay right we have some Undead marching towards us and I'm going to do my best to thin out the herd before they make their way in uh I mean I've got a whole bunch of these kind of like pipe round so I might as well generally spray them into the midst hello you what are you doing okay maybe uh you could do me the order of walking onto one of my traps that would be lovely oh look at that nice bit of scatter shot on that laser there Splendid stuff gone by lovely settlers will have them dealt with in no time goodness that zombie is taking an absolute hammering we can use this their head has almost run out of Armor All right one quick tactical reload and Yep they're still going brilliant good there's these zombies all right let's try Molotov cocktail off in the distance there we go let's get that raring to go goodness look at how many zombies are down that road they are just going to keep coming for like the next few hours Splendid laser boy are going to be known as laser Larry from this point went on my friend right if I got anything that would be effective against this large group oh yes shotgun generally speaking shotgun is going to do the trick nicely hello there friend oh don't you dodge that's rude alright let's set a bunch on fire and see how they like it on how effective is the fire you know what that was pretty darn effective although I am noticing that a lot of you are just getting straight back up how about second fire how do you feel about second fire I mean I'd say second fire has been decently effective oh my goodness look how many there are this is just obscene oh you know let's try blowing up the cards we can blow up the car then yes that's probably an explosion that can kill zombies oh my goodness you are actually still going but don't worry the laser will finish you off bam you're dead no don't go to my settler don't go to my settler get away from him get away from him get off my boy on a one-way setlist is actually getting overrun over there right I can assist them with my last Molotov cocktail and that's about it bam you're dead no did they die don't die don't die live settler live what are you doing out here you fool right bayonet shift bayonet shiv oh my goodness that Zombie's got head Armor All right two shots the head come on please work still not enough right bayonet shiv oh dear oh dear right come pop that reload in Pop That reload in all of our settlers have now come out to fight on the front lines okay right we are just bayonet shipping our way to Victory currently come on yes pop those shots no get away from my boys my lovely boys oh no there's one on me ow okay I'm surrounded please settlers save your glorious leader ah jump away jump away jump away I fam you're dead you're dead oh there's one on my flank there's always one on the flank jeez how many set is my down to I think I've lost a couple this one is amazingly managed to survive somehow all right let's use some of our Vats to uh clear some out about one shot that was a Miss second shot that was a missed third shot that was a Miss great using vads to clear out zombies super effective not many shots left now but you're dead you're dead how many rounds do I got left I've got none here all right switch to the shotgun hello you bam bam two full shows to the face still not dead oh my goodness they just keep coming get away from my lovely man oh my goodness we've done it have we done it I think there's one zombie left did we do it haven't even survived I feel I think we lost a settler we did who did we lose oh my beautiful laser boy laser Larry his corpse is somewhere in this giant pile of zombies right all in all I think we have um successfully dealt with the undead right that was a success right yeah we've still got three survivors but geez we did it we managed to survive for yet another night in this Barren hellscape and with that ladies and gentlemen I think we wrap up today's video it was a glorious test and yes we can indeed survive in the Fallout 4 zombie Wasteland the night is dark and full of Terrors but with the base I've built and all of my assistants by my side even we can survive a giant horde of the undead if you enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like and if you want to see if we can survive maybe for a month then let me know in the comment section below and why not consider subscribing and joining our glorious Community as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our lovely patreons and channel members for making today's video all the more possible and if you're sat there wondering what video to watch next looking over them this one on screen now chosen by me to be perfect for you anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,802,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, fallout, fallout 4, can I survive 7 days, I Turned Fallout 4 Into A Zombie Apocalypse Game, Zombie Apocalypse Game, fallout 4 zombie, fallout 4 mod, survival, game, the spiffing brit, 100 days, 100 days minecraft, skyrim, bethesda, starfield, skyrim 100 days, fallout 4 100 days, fallout 4 7 days, funny moments, challenge, video game, adventure, zombie, zombie apocalypse, apocalypse, fallout 4 mods, gameplay, funny, zombies, games, project zomboid, gaming, minecraft 100 days
Id: L03pY5OvY6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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