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free for all also known as the 1v1v1 v1v1v1v1v1 is one of the most intense and exciting game modes in rocket league [Applause] well usually it is we have some of the best players in north america facing off against each other for one thousand dollars only one could come out on top here's how it works there are eight players in the lobby all trying to score a goal to secure a spot in the next round when a player scores they are safe and can leave the game until the end of the round the round ends when there is only one remaining player who has not yet scored that player is eliminated then all the players who secured their spot rejoin for the next round each round one player is eliminated until we come down to a 1v1 for the 1 000 prize to make it even more insane the game never stops after a goal the ball instantly spawns in the middle of the field since there's no one actually on your team friendly fire demos are enabled as well is any of this making sense to you if not don't worry you'll get it maybe definitely no definitely the legendary rlcs caster and showmatch host content creator johnny boy is one of the original purveyors of this mode so of course i asked him to join me in the casting booth for this video now let's see which one of these pros can survive the longest and become the n a free for all champion here we are has this been done since that epic old school 1b1b1b1b1b1 back in the day with you oh yes i am embarrassed to say sunless that this has actually happened a few times i don't know if we've had an all pearl one before this could be a first my thing is stealing ideas but making slight changes so oh he's safe for the next round you love the gold steels on this game boat one of the best things that was super impressive i don't know if these guys have practiced this before i don't know if any of them are experts off the free-for-all right um but like said like ghost deals are a big part of it camping the middle then trying not to pass the ball to people who are the same color as you because if you pass the ball to someone who's you know air quotes in your team you're making a mistake you're you're not actually helping yourself you gotta just think this is me against the world and then uh it works so for a lot of us it's just our natural instinct oh yeah aj was completely uncontested there he had the shot but he just couldn't get it on target same thing for arsenal actually ear posts are coming in clutch here when i play this on stream or with my with my community there's definitely four demos aj is safe oh who got the titles did oh chicago went high he went too high with it i think he was maybe it's expecting squishy to just not bother saving that but squishy had it covered he's got a decent position here and he scores is that a bit of planning who's in trouble here someone's in trouble oh they've got a 50 50 hits 1v1 i thought squishy was out i thought he didn't score himself oh chicago scores atomics out right was that atomic g atomic is out of here oh my goodness who do you think look good in that first ride though because oh my god you know earlier who's got who do you think has the iq then to outsmart the rest of the lobby i did see arsenal pull that midfield uh ball spawn play but that was after a couple players had already been out so once the field thins it's a little easier to think a little bit yeah it wasn't exactly a 200 iq play but it was uh he was thinking about the strat so i think arsenal's going to do well in this chaotic mode also with the the friendly fire demos a lot of players taking advantage of that that's true actually i guess demos are a part of it like arsenal's pretty well known for that so it's rentals um but in terms of like this smart players i mean the players who are most known for their sneaky play i would say again arsenal's definitely top of that list for me um but you gotta also include like players like uh squishy you know he's got a more defensive play style so it might work out well here hard to eliminate oh that was pretty close but still no goals yeah i could definitely see him pulling some crafty plays towards the end some little goal steals those are always fun but it's also a little bit of 1v1 uh ability especially obviously in the later rounds when it's literally a 1v1 so i'm curious yeah if we see some classic 1v1 matchups maybe that some matchups that you've hosted in the past come up oh what happened that was interesting so i think squishy he had you know kind of an open net but because on those kind of plays in threes you're you're wanting to aim a bit higher i think he just naturally aimed high hit the backboard really well but obviously in this game mode this in the backboard is probably a bad idea so it's pretty hard to ignore that muscle memory and it doesn't end up working for him is that another one it is this is a 4v1 here no 3v2 getting a bit excited oh my gosh i'm glad i got you here because this whole thing is going to be me like asking you what happened because i'm just like i'm gonna have to look at this in the edit room and like really figure out what happened i'm about to just dissect this because live is chaotic really hard it is pretty hard so we are in a 3v2 every single round and there's an odd number you start off with uh you know slight disadvantage numerically for one of the team callers until i believe most of the time in the in these free-for-alls what you do in the final three is you all spawn in on the exact same team ah the only way to make it i'm not sure if that's what they want to do because obviously if there's a kickoff goal it doesn't work yeah um also some rebalancing if it ends up being like 400 or something well chicago's in a 3d one here so are they just going to let him score they might actually so there's a chance no alpha it's going for the concealer he's got it alpha wow we got squishy chicago and aj left here little 2d one oh my chicago with a crazy read there this ignores the bump and no actually i'm squishy he's gonna let him go through aj that's a huge play we're talking about like who's gonna make those like really sneaky plays he's got the the iq had to mention squishy there because he's always thinking about like what to do that's going to surprise his opponent that's aj out atomic out two of the most mechanical players in the world eliminated already it seems like i mean everybody in here has got ridiculous mechanics it seems like it is going to come down mostly to who can play the most intelligently it's all about brains well there's a little uh there's definitely some rng sometimes it's hard to predict when exactly it's going in when you should uh leave already in the middle squishy's safe already wow well i mean that was a bit of a you know just right place at the right time kind of situation but i mean he'll take it just an early goal and sometimes all it takes is one goal then they just start flying in that could have been another one chicago's missed it yeah the game really speeds up uh as players oh what leave very unfortunate for chicago maybe he didn't want it to get stolen like he was he was worried about placing it across the net or something well possibly yeah that's true i didn't notice if he if he had imperfect vision maybe he couldn't see where his team is well i'd say teammates you know the other blue cars were right it's afraid for a little poach you don't want to leave one just across the net you got to be very sure about it who scored that missed no boost are they just going to they're just going to take turns here but again a 50 50 from the middle so there's three players left rattles alpha cap and chicago you got to feel like rails is going to figure out a way to to big brighten this alpha's kind of waiting in the middle not sure if he should defend his teammate he's trying to goal still again another one awkward formation there you don't see that much other than this game mode team tackle coming in anyone who's just like uh you know never seen this game mode before it's thinking what on earth is happening look at that though they're they're backstabbing each other they light rails score it alpha gets in the middle you want it again oh chicago chicago with the you believe he was congratulating squishy for the same play last round yeah i don't think that's exactly what he had in mind when he left that he he really did expect it to be more of a you know a race to the center and pick up a freebie but actually alpha kepp has done it again i think three times in a row the alpha kept escort a pretty smart play maybe he's the the dark horse here instantly we're not seeing a lot of ggs here city maybe or is it just a little bit of uh you know disappointment that the content is over everybody's got to be recording this it's not a long video for some of them and then someone tried that middle play they were immediately demoed missed oh boy oh alpha kept was really hoping that arsenal would score that because i think he had a free dribble again alpha kept he's just waiting in the middle he's letting right up marcel 1v1 it can backfire sometimes though if you uh if the goal is delayed a little bit they could be in a very awkward position 100 and they're trying to poke that chance it's the ssg boys in 1v1 didn't they 1v1 on arsenal's channel and reynolds beat him so that's a better event maybe for ourselves these are the nice little 1v1 matchups you get from this game mode that i love it's very little you know demo and contact uh 1v1 essentially it's one of the dear first is first to score wins who have you got here who do you think's taking it i don't know with the demo in contact it really it really uh throws things for a loop it's not really a traditional 1v1 probably arsenal i feel like he's been playing a lot of ones lately but you know if reynolds already beat him once in his channel wow anything could happen it looked like maybe that would have been a clean demo because if you hit somebody in the side even with demo on contact they don't get downloaded all right so with the mind game there it is rails is done he's out of here and arsenal is through is that top four and i already it's been i think so it's a pretty quick one here this has flown by squishies looked pretty solid he said a couple of tricks a couple of early goals from just you know being in positioning aggressively i think he's probably the favorite for me right now yeah he's progressed very quickly the last two rounds ralph is so many rats so many are last years it's a game of rats we're the final four alpha kept squishy arsenal and missed this is crazy so i yeah i gotta think squishy's the favorite here alpha cap dark horse but yeah you don't wanna ever um write off arsenal and miss has been he's probably the one guy who could just 1v3 mechanically in this lobby very good double demo for arsenal well that's a gift for missed arsenal's just letting it in but he's got that though wait and then elsa gets a demo on arsenal yeah they were both sitting there i don't even know what happened i just see arsenal dead arsenal has timed it he's got him and he's got the open net well i mean that was pretty crazy what happened is it looked like squishy missed the open net so arsenal mistimed his arrival for the center circle respawn and that's how alphacount managed to demo him but it looks like arsenal's 1v1 defense is just on another level right now i think with lore mechanics the 1v2 is a bit of a struggle because you just get scored on then you get scored on again right um but shouldn't be too much of an issue for miss you should be able to think of a winning uh play here you might not win it but he'll you'll have his chances you know like this is still you can let arsenal score here and play for the center circle squishy right field so smash this guy [ __ ] in here he's gonna try this is a good shot yeah squishy doesn't want to let that one in because he knew that arsenal was spawning in the middle or was somewhere near the middle arsenal squishy intense stuff it looks like they've all got a very defensive posture for this one yeah this is like uh what's that scenario where you're all it's like the the three-man face-off you should have it another open net for squishy shirley no i missed us there no way so now we have a warming one oh that's a thrill and a half squishy is going to be so disappointing now he's going to defend a miss flippery set he does get it because it's straight at him but miss is still recovering oh my god anyone's gay this is to play arsenal in the final final spot which will just be uh what a [ __ ] catch a squishy a little too far wow and uh it's gonna be missed in arsenal in the final for the thousand dollars i have not seen nervous finishing like this for a long time we had a couple of uh open up misses by chicago squishy missed an open eye you really took his time with the second uncontested shot and this is one of the most prestigious events in rocky lake history so you have to imagine in the back of players minds they've been thinking about this for weeks preparing uh it all comes down to this so obviously it makes sense they're nervous so now we just have a 1v1 missed versus arsenal do you think arsenal's just going to score a kickoff goal that would be a beautiful way to end it wouldn't it i mean arsenal's definitely a lot more experienced than once than miss so he's got to be the favorite here but the fact it's one goal game and demo contact is enough like unpredictability to kind of level the playing field yeah you can't really go by the past oh solid challenge i missed he's got arsenal turned on his back doesn't challenge him being a bit sneaky there he's trying to fake the the early play on the ball back missed up missed is faking here that's a great challenge two successful challenges in a row by miss but he's been caught side looks like they traded yeah favors the defender [Music] great defense by both players arsenal this time with a very nice interception it doesn't look like he's got a lot of boost but he's got enough for this game well arsenal it was one of the names we brought up with the stars he's got the smarts but he clearly has the mechanics as well he won i think three 1v1s in this like he was in the final two players three times and he took them all that i expected oh i love arsenal what a legend [Music] you
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 2,121,128
Rating: 4.9628415 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: XCor17VyLaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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