The Bee Movie but it's a horrible PS2 game

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according to all known laws of aviation this game should not exist why would you let this happen why would you let this be a thing I did a dramatic reading of the script on comedy night how can I not know that that's the thing I also wore a yellow for the occasion I thought it was fitting but we're gonna take a look at it now I hope you enjoyed the video here we are the most requested game of all time b-movie game not only for it to be done on my channel but in general like when this movie came out everyone was demanding that a triple-a game be released hello oh my god this is gonna be a cinematic masterpiece just like the actual movie Barry B Benson thanks for having me oh so this is like a sequel to the movie Jesus we're gonna get even more content than we bargained for there's even a video game I haven't heard about the video game it's both challenging and entertaining oh wow this is getting a bit mad the B movie video game is breaking the fourth wall oh wait no this is just the movie in game form they just format it in a way that he's telling the story from the newsroom for some reason none of their sons graduated with straight B's there's nothing wrong with not being a straight B we all have our differences and that's what makes us the same this game better be [ __ ] really hard because they're giving me some hell of a tutorial here just let me go wait I gotta get a care why can't I fly move the [ __ ] over wait I'm driving there too I like the approach of whatever they're doing on their day they've time to drop you off you know this stranger you know if that B is wearing clothes why am i naked or is that a jumper that just matches my stripes I don't know if I'm a fan of that that's like a human wearing nude colored clothes welcome to onyx games Cana underwhelming doesn't quite have the visual to the movies I don't know why this is taking so long is it loading or is it just building up the cinematic universe we're about to experience because I'm not that hyped if I'm honest a honeycomb collector yeah I get me any job just let me do something oh my god I've got to do a trial for it finally I get to play I've just been looking at loading screens and tutorials operating the tube is easy are you serious was I going too fast oh my god repeat instructions yeah why not tell me again easy like all it is is moving left and right that's the tutorial I'm giving it [ __ ] but I'm probably the only person over the age of seven to actually play this game the funny thing is all these random games I get I ordered them from the company I used to work for and if any of the people who knew me are sending these out to me there must be like Jesus what is his life come to that poor guy look at absolute unit of Abby oh wait can I take this care of myself oh my god I'm actually getting to drive as much fun as this is I really hope I get some actual gameplay coming up soon it's honey this and honey that honey honey honey this video is sponsored by honey I wish cab-driving why do we need cabs why can't we just fly everywhere oh thank god finally gonna have some adventures do you want me to repeat no please okay I definitely hit that guy this game is not as violent as I thought it would be like I think it's rated eighteens oh my god another job why do I just have tons of jobs can you just stop making me do jobs it's like if you played Grand Theft Auto and immediately you were like Grove Street home anyway I best start doing taxi cab missions and driving ambulance around there's only one way to show the paulus and that's to turn my life around for the better well we are broadcast in B HD it has twice the stripes of B TV Wow twice the stripes oh my god I'm all for bad puns but this is time to piss me off like how can a game entirely hinge on bad B puns make me proud boys oh no petunias you striped suckers I don't like the sound of that if I'm honest all right here we go I'm free to experience the outside world to really live the b-movie the game oh no stop I want to go back hell is this what why are we doing this seems unnecessarily dangerous I like the Jazz though do you like jazz why are we flying here this is a really bad idea I think they just want me dead oh my god those diamond children are gonna kill me I just got eaten well it's their own fault for flying around the bloody pond as if a bee could have that much power I like how that's what I'm complaining about out of everything that's what I'm saying yeah that doesn't sit right with me talking bees driving Cairns is fine though weird spot to save like mid-conversation but you're saving multiple slots just in case I want to go back and really play that elevator vacant spots well you'll often come across one of these in your adventure what why you know I take the picture now I'd love to stand here and teach you all day but we're kind of busy I want him to die I want to get eaten by a frog this is very peaceful man you see this is the gameplay I came for I'm gonna pollinate these flowers there we go everything's pollinated who are these [ __ ] attention to all jocks dragonflies have entered the airspace and they are enemies I didn't know bees and dragonflies had this rivalry this is more like grant at all and I thought picture them as ballers be careful though get to close it now I feel like this is too much information for one day man let's go back to taking pictures of flowers wait bees are equipped with a very unique feature called bee vision you're gonna be all my life I think I'm point here too many issues with this game it's just you know the movie was a cinematic masterpiece I want this to be a gaming masterpiece so it's off to a high standard you know the really here that's a dragonfly sound like this is great or actually the spirit of this game it's beautiful like I don't even know where they are anymore they're just threatening me you think Jerry Seinfeld actually voices to be in this or is it just a very good impression I made it oh Jesus I'm a fool to sit on there I'm gonna get stuck do it aren't I oh I think I'm gonna fall yes I would like to save that thing looks like it's turning over and gonna kill me I'm not doing anything this is torture for bees this is an interesting minigame this is not how I thought my day was gonna go you know why aren't you guys helping like if they flew around the human it'd probably freak them out a bit you know allow me some time to get free wait you mean the good time that the whole time and they did nothing I thought they'd have to at least risk their lives a bit to save me but no they could have just whistled beak and whistle better than I bloody can it's see I'm just not very good at it okay how did I land here and how come it's like nighttime and raining all of a sudden like how does a bouncing for I just skip it I just can't be bothered man oh it's like Harry Potter except I'm a B and Ron isn't there to say a B it's just a bee I don't even know what this problem is gonna do for me but hey I'm a bee I just can't resist oh I get it I'm gonna slow down time and dodge the rain interesting [Music] yeah thanks for telling me that after I've hit into something he doesn't seem that bothered that he's in this life or that situation to be honest all right I made it why are we even going to this this effect on pcs I'll be right back we're out of coffee anyone need anything only your speedy return my love what a great husband I'm about to be eaten just let it happen man what a great ending to the game oh it's like dr. strange just an endless loop of him dying there's a kind of sickening crunch like off his little B bones there isn't there wait stop oh my god I've been spotted Jesus Christ this guy's the best human I've ever seen dog bed she's freaking out it's like there's a murderer in the house not a B what she seems kind of irritated already oh my god is she blind okay I think I've stressed her out why am I even doing this okay well that worked I guess why am I not just leaving or hiding yeah I had feckin run through that guy looks scary I don't think I can he doesn't seem to be noticing me oh man this guy is not having a good day they just ditch every time can I leave now okay this one's terrified of bees I feel a little bad about this one wait you've a newspaper what are you trying to hit me with a pen newspapers like my natural predator I love this jazz to emphasize every hit what are you all doing in here there's a I kind of liked the ending with maybe no can we go with that that's canon all right you know what I think I've played enough of the b-movie the game today and I don't mean enough for one day I mean enough for a lifetime you know what for the type of game it is there are okay Pat's there's just a lot of grinding in the game for some reason oh yeah I'm gonna end it there I hope you enjoyed the video folks appreciate is always and I guess other than that I will just see you next time B for now chat at patreon soldier fortune the eighth reagent k alexander karat almighty peanut any country any r34 ashley awarded bad speller friend throwback hannibal ow cat has leash an McNeal chloe pappagiorgio cookie minion dana Fernley Daniel Daniel David Olsen's Derek Williams story the exploring dr. strawberry eccentric le bruit Sima Emma Hampshire even MacArthur fluffy people in curvy turban
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,699,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, imovingtarget, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, bee movie, bee movie game, bee movie the videogame, bee movie ps2, bee movie funny moments, old ps2 game, ps2 game, worst ps2 game, bee movie callmekevin
Id: 0p1HT2I0Fqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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