I Played 100 Days Of Subnautica And Here's What Happened...

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this game has been popping up for me everywhere recommending it to me asking me to play it so I decided to spend 100 days in subnautica and the best part is that I know absolutely nothing about this game so this will be fun to now become the king of the Seas within a hundred days nope well let's go ahead and find out and don't forget to subscribe if you enjoy this video oh oh oh we're in it we're in it okay okay oh I can't do anything oh oh that's gonna hit me oh okay we're awake now what I'm gonna burn to death okay we're out we're out all right get me out of here oh I'm playing oh extinguish of Fire look at that I'm a pro already press f8 to report bugs okay oh what is this my little tablet oh it sings to me you really you really couldn't load any faster oh okay so this is like my inventory oh okay okay I'm getting it Oh weird you interact with the cliff instead of E that's gonna take a little getting used to oh is that where I came from speaking about where I came from this video was sponsored by rage Shadow Legends rage Shadow Legends has taken over and gaming will never be the same again raid is the first game to bring a true console level experience to your phone with hundreds of artifacts to equip in over 600 Champions blessed with unique skills you can build your team develop your Champions and raid your way a couple of my favorite features of the game starting off with the Doom Tower sprawls over 120 levels with all new bosses and it's definitely a challenge even for season players not to mention the new four-headed Hydra boss with each head having a different ability and this month Rey just added Awakening which allows you to choose a powerful blessing that can transform the way your Champion's perform in battle I mean who doesn't love a good AOE attack that looks as beautiful as this and on top of that they added the iron twins Fortress dungeon which all I have to say is good luck and for the big news Ray just released the ultimate version of everyone's 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was gather a bunch of materials and learn all about the oxygen situation because apparently I ran out of it really quick okay that's damaged so that needs to be repaired use fabricator what I don't have to craft this it's already here for me bleach filtered water equipment okay this is a little confusing but I'll figure it out storage container oh oh there's food no water wait when did I get an egg I then did some exploring and found some fragments lying around but I couldn't do anything with them and then I got chased by something called a stalker so apparently I'm not safe in this game hey little fishy oh that's aggressive bladder fish oh what's this it's like a boil that's kind of weird oh what the hell it burned me okay don't go near the freaking hole after exploring for most of the day and Gathering the materials I looked at my inventory and it was pretty full but I had no clue what to do with any of it so as night was approaching I headed back into my life pod because you're not gonna catch me in The Waters at night are you crazy oh I can use this to cook fish oh nice okay so that's how I get my food I just grab the fish and cook them titanium Ah that's what the Salvage is for okay well I guess we might as well make the knife is that gonna help us I don't know so if there's one thing I did know the high capacity O2 tank is what I wanted to craft first so I looked at the requirements and decided to go out on a journey thank you oh flashlight makes the cave so much easier I was struggling finding the materials for the high capacity O2 tanks so I started crafting everything else that I could this area looks so cool oh silver that's what I needed when I got back to the lifebot I crafted a repair tool because it seemed pretty necessary to prepare this a message I really don't want to listen to all this I'm going to be honest what is it does this just poop out Med kits for me no repair this that's fancy all right oh towards the end of day two I found the last remaining quartz I needed to craft the high capacity O2 tank at the start of day three I crafted the rebreather which apparently increases your oxygen efficiency whatever that means I've been noticed in the tool section there was something called the scanner which I probably should have built a lot sooner because when you scan stuff it unlocks important blueprints later on in the day I went out to gather more materials because still at this point I had no clue what I was doing so I was just trying to gather everything I would need on the morning of day four I built the habitat Builder which I'm assuming is how you craft a base oh okay wait do I just yeah I just hold this down and then it crafts it that's pretty fancy midday I had an epiphany that I could scan these parts I've been seeing and sure enough I was right wait what did that do I have to find three of those and then I can that is so freaking okay well I guess we're going on a search for all that stuff what the hell is a seamoth sounds kind of cool oh it looks like a vehicle oh I want to find the rest of those for sure I'm actually really scared to go in here can I even go in here I can't it was this abandoned PDA open data box I have no clue what I'm doing but it's kind of cool battery wait why is there a countdown what's our countdown what the hell is going on oh hell no it just exploded okay well I'm fine right oh am I taking radiation apparently the explosion is all part of the story so I just ignored it and crafted a mobile vehicle Bay which I soon learned as how you craft Vehicles makes sense right day six I crafted a radiation suit because the game made it seem pretty important to have one I then went out on a scanning frenzy and found something called a sea Glide so found both of the parts went home and crafted one up all right let's see what this thing does oh it makes me really fast well now that I'm fast I guess I'm gonna go check out this life pod situation too this is so pretty I love this I soon found out that each abandoned life pod will have a PDA and then also a data box which gives you free blueprints after checking out the live pod I went on another scanning frenzy and then I headed over to the Aurora and found some Supply crates dude this place is terrifying I just saw a big shadow of something and I'm gonna ignore it for now I don't think I'm supposed to go in this ship yet this is very frightening what the hell no something is on me dude what does that even mean dude that you're supposed to kill me in one hit I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out run day seven I was on a mission to find the rest of the seamoth fragments because it seemed like a pretty good vehicle I don't know what this is but it seems like a good idea fire reactor it sounds like something that could give me power I don't know laser cutter that sounds useful is that what I think it has yes okay I think I only need one more after this I do okay we're getting somewhere on the morning of day eight I found the last laser cutter fragment I needed to unlock the blueprints help me tell me tell me tell me that's what it is tell me that's what it is oh yes we've unlocked the seamoth baby let's go so I went back to the mobile vehicle Bay checked out the requirements and saw it was pretty easy so I got started it's time I'm so excited oh oh hell this is all fancy enter seamoth oh damn dude this is so cool yo what is the propulsion cannon that sounds sick oh I got it unlocked yo man I'm really starting to stress out how the hell do I get out of here oh God I have no clue where I am I don't know what happens when you die in this game okay I see my thing about how to oh God oh God I'm definitely dead I'm definitely dead oh gosh oh the screen's getting black well I'd oh I just found back at the live pod do I have all my stuff on me yeah I have all my stuff who cares who cares I'll die whenever I want on day nine I made it back to my seamoth and saw some giant tentacles detecting what now oh no it's absolutely not worth it what the hell am I doing I didn't know this game was all like that oh dude I need to go after getting out of there I saw some weird things spawn in that looked like a little wizard so I decided to head to the surface because it scared me and that's when I found a freaking Island wait can I go on this island oh my gosh I thought this was just an ocean game what are you okay you look like a Pokemon oh of course it's night time why wouldn't it be scary cave I wonder if I'm gonna find good resources since it's like far off lithium oh dude what the ass is that oh hell no bro I don't think I'm ready for this at all get away from me sand skirt what is this do you do anything can I jump nope okay you're useless what is this why do I feel like this is extremely late game stuff what dude where am I yo this is the second alien tablet I found diamond oh if this is anything like Minecraft I just hit the jackpot what in the actual F Pro this is some alien cult crap what is an ion Cube what dude there's already a cube there what do you mean all right maybe I should just come back here after I've learned a little bit more about this game I started off day 11 by crafting a laser cutter and then going out to find the rest of the resources I needed to craft the propulsion Cannon after doing so I decided it was time that I probably look for a base location and set up when I came across the boil that burned me so I started building here because I figured it might be a good spot but I can't build a base without a multi-purpose room so I went to this island and started scanning everything in sight and as much as I would love to show every single time I went out and farmed for all the stuff I'm building this game is a major grind so that would be a waste of your time now sit back and watch as I build my base over the course of the next couple of days [Music] foreign tree was fully grown I was able to pick the fruit put it in the bioreactor and create power the radio was very important for progression because every time you played a distress call it would give you a location to go to and my base was finally somewhat complete on day 16 I decided to head to the Aurora and maybe check out the ship [Music] this ship had a bunch of these pdas which were important for progression because each time you picked one up and read it it gave you a hint on what you were supposed to do next when I got to the cargo bay area I noticed the door needed a code which was in my notes to self so I typed it in and kept pressing forward my first time using the laser cutter seemed pretty cool I felt like a character from Star Wars but I made my way through and there were some pretty important stuff in this room and little did I know what lied behind this door was gonna change everything for me after scanning four different prawn suit fragments it fully unlocked the blueprint that way I could craft it create a new video and this right here is where things got a little weird sticky if you will so basically I went about this how I would go about Arc if I don't know something I look it up so I looked up what the code was to get in this room and little did I know that it unlocks the blueprint for the Neptune which is how you beat the game you fly off in a rocket ship and I didn't know that but we saved it for day 100 it didn't change anything now that that's out of the win foreign I did the same exact thing for cabin one don't come at me please I'm a newbie I'm sorry and after going into what I thought was the last available room on this ship I made my way off and headed home when I got back to my base I hung all my pretty posters and then played the next radio message after doing so I checked how much the prawn suit cost and Ty got started on that if you've never played this game you need a stalker tooth to make enameled glass which is extremely boring the last thing I was missing for the prom suit was Ruby and a gel sack which are kind of rare so I just headed to this distress call instead wait a minute what is this I just found a ruby on accident that's kind of cool I guess thank you what is this lithium deposit creature egg I stock oh oh I have everything I need now finally ultra high capacity tank no way I could have more oxygen than this day 23 I crafted the arrow gel necessary to craft the prawn suit and finally I was able to make it let's see what this thing can do okay two arms okay seems pretty straightforward can we jump oh it's a jet pack oh this is nice okay it's pretty slow but I am assuming it has its purpose day 24 I took my prawn suit over to the next distress call and this thing was nice because it could go as deep as 900 meters stock after doing so I crafted myself a compass which would help me follow tutorials a lot easier and then headed to mushroom Forest because I heard that there was a bunch of fragments here that would help me later on down the road so I started looking [Music] after scanning as much as I could I found this little trench with blood oil in it which I'm assuming is pretty rare and with some more exploring I found a time capsule which gave me some goodies it gave me a lot of stuff what is it the thermo blade cooks and sterilizes small organisms for immediate consumption oh this is so sick looking it's like a CS go or a valorent knife I'm sorry subnautica I did not mean to do you dirty like that please forgive me I started off day 27 by crafting a modification station which gave me access to some pretty good upgrades and of course it only made sense for me to craft the ultra capacity O2 tank because it gave me 225 oxygen which would allow me to explore more day 27 I crafted a moon pole which was basically a Docking Bay for your vehicles but I'm not sure there was much more purpose than that day 28 I got another radio message so I decided to head towards the signal and that's when I found a crash site that I've been looking for for a couple of days now specifically for the power cell charger fragment that I needed to unlock it and this data box as I was heading for the signal unfortunately I forgot my radiation suit so I started dying from that and the crush depth on my seamoth was only 200 meters so there was no way I was going to be able to do this right now day 29 I headed back into the Aurora because there was a module for the seamoth that I missed when I got back home I equipped the depth module which gave me an additional 100 meters and when I went out to go explore I got rocked by this Leviathan what the hell was that I'm gone remind me to not go this way after looking for a different route I found the abandoned PDA and then headed to the bottom of the ocean to find another after doing so I went into the jellyfish cave because it held magnetite which was a rare resource that I needed to be able to make a better depth module for the SEMA so first I needed to be able to craft the level 2 which enabled me to then craft the level 3 and now with that equipped to my seamoth it gave me a crush depth of 900 meters which was going to enable me to explore a lot more speaking of exploring I headed to a crash site which enabled me to unlock the Cyclops and I found a bunch of prawn suit arm attachments foreign day 33 I crafted a vehicle upgrade console which allowed me to change the colors of my vehicles but also had a fabricator that allowed me to craft awesome upgrades for my vehicles as well I'm assuming this is straightforward grapple arm pulls me okay that's pretty cool after some research I found that the Cyclops was one of the biggest baddest machines you could have in this game so after adjusting the position of my console I was able to craft one damn dude that thing is freaking massive okay thank you for telling me where to get on because I've been looking for a while this place is sick oh look at all these storage bins what oh this is like a whole ass submarine dude okay that's the engine power cells fabricator what's this way what is this open no vehicle dock oh I can dock vehicles in there oh this is where the captain is so how do I turn on the engine there oh that's so cool after playing around with the Cyclops I got it painted and damn did it look good day 35 all I did was go on a PDA and data box run when I found this awesome reinforced dive suit which gives you 50 damage reduction and heat reduction [Music] I spent most of Day 36 searching for the blood kelp forest because I needed blood oil which is used in a lot of rare recipes so it was definitely a good find when I got back home I played another radio message which seemed to be a pretty important one because it gave me a timer at the top right and said when the Sunbeam will arrive but I ignored it for now and crafted up some Benzene which allowed me to craft a reinforced diving suit dying in this game isn't a huge deal though it is pretty annoying so this would allow me to take less damage after doing that I crafted a drill arm for the prawn suit went ahead and docked it inside of the Cyclops and then went on an adventure that I probably wasn't ready for yet I went to the blood kelp forest because it held the entrance to the Lost River which was an extremely intimidating cave all right let's see how this works all right let's get right in oh dude I feel like Iron Man bro uh is this it looks like it I guess oh I'm so scared what is this urinate Crystal that seems rare oh this is the stuff I need after getting a couple of the harder to find resources I went ahead and docked up my prawn suit and headed to the location of where the Sunbeam would be landing now this is the island with the alien building yeah Survivor we see you bull crap I don't see you dude yeah me either you are come save me wait what the hell that building's moving no way you bastards dude awesome awesome not like I wanted to escape or anything so I'll have to do a full 100 days I looked around a little bit and found that at the bottom of the alien building there was an entrance for me to go inside and explore it well this place is freaking massive what is that oh that's an ion Cube make sense [Music] uh this is what you use the tablets for okay it's all coming together now what's this oh hell no dude interact oh no what have I done what have I done what have I done are you gonna probe me bro oh dude that is so jacked up man did anything even happen reads what oh did I just screw myself damn it man from this point forward things started getting really weird when I got back to my base I crafted a power cell charger let's see what I need to craft this what is that oh my gosh that's so freaking loud bro [Music] um excuse me freaking heck dude anyways what I was going to do was craft the Jetpack upgrade for my prawn suit which was gonna allow me to jump way higher and for a longer period of time and jump holy crap dude and as I was just minding my own business in my base not again bro is there a damn speaker or something [Music] what the hell after getting bullied by music I crafted the level one prawn suit depth module and then I started adding some more stuff onto my base because as it sits it was looking pretty sad the whole reason for the additions was for a scanner room because apparently it allowed me to find everything a lot easier in the world of subnautica bro this game literally makes me feel like a superhero oh what is all this is this all the stuff I can find fragment all you give me is a DOT that's it okay what's this camera drone oh crafting the HUD ship allowed me to see everything on my screen that I was searching for so I headed that way found a PDA and also discovered the beacon which was going to be helpful you remember the boil that was next to my base yeah that was able to provide me power through the thermal plant which was pretty sick shortly after I found out that growing crops in this game is super overpowered because you put an item into a bed and then Farm it and it gives you three backs so you do the math there when I got back home I played another radio message which led me to the next life pod so after heading there I received the PDA and then I realized that so far in this game I haven't really read any of these pdas and I had no clue what I was doing so I went ahead and spent the next day reading through every single PDA to see what I needed to do uh whoa what's happening to my screen how was that yo yo yo yo bro what are you what the heck after that weird little cut scene I was told to do a self scan which in fact told me that I had a bacterial infection that was progressing and as you saw earlier in the game it said that anybody with an infection cannot leave the planet so I'm kind of screwed until I figure that out but after finding out this information I continued reading every PDA because this was obviously going to hold the information that I needed and after straining my eyes reading all of that I found out that there's alien facility locations that I have to explore so I can figure out how to cure myself so when I got back home I played another radio message and this is where they told me the captain's code so if I would have just been patient and waited I would have been able to do it legit but it's fine it's all good so after some preparations I headed back to the Lost River Cave because that is where I needed to look for these alien facilities oh yeah and you remember those beacons that I was talking about well you can place them down give them a name and then it'll give you a placeholder so you never get lost in the future anyways as I made my way into the cave I was aggressively greeted by a ghost Leviathan which if you didn't know is extremely dangerous so I chickened out and ran off to one of the side walls when I found this little secret entrance so I decided to head in whoa what's this oh it's like an airlock I'm so tired of seeing these portals that I can't do anything with anyways I finally decided to man up grapple onto this ghost Leviathan and try to kill it with my drill arm which by the way I spent 20 minutes doing this and got absolutely nowhere I will kill you mister okay this hurts I'm out I'm out after Escaping The Wrath of the Leviathan I followed a very linear path and found the very first alien location it looked like all of the other alien buildings I've been into but hopefully I held the secrets I needed to progress so you know the drill by now put a purple tablet in this little thing it opens a fancy door I make my way through and I also found a couple of data terminals in this one which was nice I'm not sure I found what I came for but I don't think it's coincidence that after getting a couple of data terminals in here and then scanning myself that a little cutscene happened what the hell is happening to my hands yo this is like the origin story to a villain bro after finishing up at that location I made my way a little deeper into the cave when I found a very very scary area that I'm not sure I was ready to explore yet what the hell was that that's what those things do oh my God where's my prawn suit brother I don't want to die I don't want to die oh there it is okay that was that is so toxic So Not only was I getting bullied by warpers but if you look at how deep this place was and the crushed depth on my suit not good something that was good though is I found kyronite which is a very rare resource what the hell is that again uh [Music] okay I don't know what that is but I hate it dude I no that thing looks like it could swallow me whole okay I'm gonna leave I most definitely was not ready for this area so I decided to head home that way I could make the level two prawn suit depth module that way I could go even deeper so I loaded up into the Cyclops and made the slow trip home and speaking of home when I got back I played another radio message which gave me this and I'm not the smartest person in the world but I know that's not correct and after some boring grinding I was able to make the depth module for the Cyclops and I was able to make it for the prawn suit so now both had a crushed depth of 1700 meters and I was going to be able to explore anything I wanted so now with a crushed depth of 1700 meters for both my Cyclops and prawn suit I felt I was ready so I headed back to the scary cave because I needed answers the only difference this time is that I used the Cyclops to make my way all the way down instead of just the prawn suit because I needed to protect it and I'm not sure that was an amazing idea because well you'll see I'm gonna be honest I came here with a plan but I have no idea what I'm looking for okay you stay away after going a little deeper I found the crazy scary entrance and that's when another cutscene happened which means I'm probably in the right place you again what do you want woman so as evil as this little Spirit seems it said it wanted to help me so I was a little confused but I had to worry about this fire first oh yeah and uh let me be the one to tell you to never bring a cyclops down here unless you want to repair every five seconds but on the bright side I found the primary facility and when I got here I realized I needed a blue tablet which I didn't have access to yet we finally made it damn it so after some quick research luckily there was another facility super close to me so I headed into this one which held the blue tablet and the cool thing is after finding a tablet the first time you're able to craft it as much as you want so in the future if I ever needed this thing again it would be easy peasy yo this thing's hidden away like it's the answer to everyone's problems even though I had the blue tablet now when I was ready to dip I figured I might as well explore the rest of this place and I'm glad I did because it told me all about the primary location and after some more research I'm also extremely happy I came in here because I found something called ion power data and that was very very necessary to complete this game upon arrival at the primary location I inserted the blue tablet when the creepy lady started talking to me again and told me to come here which I thought was a little weird but I'll keep moving forward [Music] I knew this place was the real deal because when I came in a bunch of lights on the main path lit up and it kind of scared the crap out of me [Music] the cool thing was that in the middle of this place there was an ion Cube node that kept refreshing so it was unlimited farming of these beautiful little green goobers and it seemed like there was a purpose because there was four portals at Each corner of this place and uh not too sure why foreign [Music] all the portals online I crafted a fabricator inside of my Cyclops that way I could make a blue tablet because the main room of this facility needed a blue tablet and let me tell you what was through this door was extremely frightening I did not want to go down here at all well a cannonball I guess oh what the hell what is this oh what who are you oh that's the lady for my dreams foreign I found out that this place was completely safe nothing in here would attack you which was nice I feel like she didn't tell me too much information so after looking around a little bit I opened up one portal and then I found five different eggs and I put an eye on cube in this box which gave me a data terminal we have been happy the others built a passage to reach the world outside I asked them for this freedom but they could not help us I will give you freely what the others trying to invade to take what are you doing why are you getting so close oh ah dude that's sick this game is so cool well thank you woman after she cleared the sound for me I opened up the portal and that's when I got another cutscene wait are you the good guy or the bad guy am I helping you be bad there's no way you're bad hatching enzymes oh that's how I hatch the eggs obviously so I sat in here for a while and did some research and found out that the four portals in the main facility actually led to the four ingredients you need to make the hatching enzymes so obviously that's what I did and luckily I did my research before starting any of this because I was able to bring everything necessary to craft a mini base inside of this whatever place because I was going to need a fabricator to be able to craft those enzymes and I didn't want to head all the way back home because that would take years so after getting the base powered up I placed the fabricator and got these enzymes crafted up all right lady I got your freaking enzymes you better not be an please be a good person so there was nothing left to do but to head to the egg area and put the enzymes into the terminal please don't screw me over okay there you go I hope you're happy yeah be free oh no oh no this is actually like really sad so she's dying and that's why she needed her young to hatch so they could be free and carry on her Legacy I'm gonna cry you mother fluffer [Music] friend I was your friend I'm so sad I'm sorry I doubted you poor lady what are you guys doing he's throwing up little goo balls everywhere what are these concentrated enzyme 42. oh I guess I was supposed to do this no way no freaking way this is the serum to save me there's no way [Music] okay am I right elf scan Maybe shut up dude there's no way oh my God this story is amazing what a beautiful game but as you know I was healed now so I had one thing left to do and that was to leave this place so I got started on building the Neptune but as you can see I did it the lazy butthole way and broke down a lot of my stuff in my base that way I didn't have to farm for it time to get out of here wait no is that just the launch platform ah [Music] I was soon smacked in the face by reality because when I got onto the platform I realized that each individual part of this rocket ship had to be built so it wasn't gonna be that easy for me to get out of here [Music] what is this oh my gosh I'm not even building the ship yet luckily for me without even knowing about the Neptune I formed a buttload of the rare resources in the scary cave which was gonna help a lot here funny enough the thing that was taken me the most time was all of the easy to get resources because well I didn't have too much of it I cut this whole process down into the pretty version for you guys but this took me a really long time because each part of the Neptune was an insane amount of titanium but not only that I had no copper or gold or any of the other things I needed to make wiring kits so I had to go out and find all of that all over again and looking at the requirements for the next part of this ship made me realize how lucky I was to go into that blue tablet place because I was able to find the ion power cell data if I didn't do that originally I would have had to take another five to six day trip which would have made this 105 days [Music] and right here I was really convinced that this was the last part of this ship that I had to build but there was one more there's always one freaking more and the last part was actually extremely tough for me to build because not only did the enameled glass need a stalker tooth which took a while to wait for but I also needed to go out and find the Cyclops Shield generator which alone took me a couple of days because the tutorials in this game aren't very straightforward there's no map so it's very hard to follow please tell me this is the last part okay oh oh the music it's done oh so I went ahead and used the terminal to change the colors and make it well size and ship but then I had to name it thanks for 100k and I had to name it that because you guys have exceeded my expectations you all allow me to live out my dream every day and it's surreal honestly I now I don't know what else to say other than thank you a billion times and I will continue thanking you every day but my beautiful people all good stories must come to an end and my story in subnautica was at an end I was finished with all tasks I was faced with so I said my final goodbyes to this place I headed up the elevator and made my way into the Neptune [Music] foreign life support systems online now this was my favorite part of the whole ship because well the Times Capsule thing is just super cool and I remember finding one earlier in the game so I put a couple of items in here that I would want to find if I was to play this game again but I was the captain now everything was powered up and ready to go and it was just up to me now to launch this ship [Music] nine eight oh that's so beautiful the birds came to say goodbye to me wait get out of here don't die leave Birds one oh okay good good good good okay well we're out of here see ya World soaked in water bye nerds fun game I honestly had a great time wait what is this part of it hello not again not again oh okay it didn't hit us in the face this time okay good performing gravity turn maneuver this is really cool all right well I guess I'm out of here two one [Music] [Music] oh she's back oh this is such a beautiful game Stars [Music] goodbye mother if that's what you want to be called well thank you friends for watching and don't forget if you enjoyed this video please hit that subscribe button let's hit 200k well sometime soon I love you all good back [Music]
Channel: iSyzen
Views: 885,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oozjFoPQs1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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