Subnautica - THE SUPERCUT

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abandoned shape three two one [Music] come on whoa we survived what's up wake up Susie Q it's your time to shine tell me what I need to do girl wait I didn't know Altera had a jingle would agree repeated it in emergency mode with one directive to keep you alive on an alien world sounds good please refer to the data bank for detailed survival advice hey you know I'm a professional at subnautica I'm not gonna need any advice so guys welcome we have crash landed on to 4546b now first things first we need to get out of this pod and check out what's happening outside foreign human life signs detected yep and that's a scary thought we were alone no one else survived except us and welcome to the Underwater World my Lord this looks beautiful I was actually thinking about doing a comparison video from the original up until now and it would be an incredible thing so I'm gonna go ahead and gather some fish to discover yeah we got a peeper all of our good friends are back in the game what's up Boomerang we got to gather the Necessities uh which is apparently not a boomerang I need to get uh other things like copper and titanium and things to build things with in fact actually I need to go back to my pod because as much as I've played this game I already forgot the recipes and it wouldn't surprise me if the recipes are different from what they were before okay so we got this fish I don't want to hold it anymore let's open up our fabricator oh wait yeah let's make a cooked fish why not cooked peeper give ourselves a nice little boost while disposing of the skeletal structure bodily fluids and internal organs thus rendering them safe for human consumption perfect thank you very much all right so we got some stuff oh I actually didn't need to do that I forgot we have water and nutrient blocks in here which is a good start so we need a scanner so we can scan different things the game is based around scanning different blueprints the creatures and learning more about where you are and how you can survive repair tool obviously we need uh silicone rubber cave sulfur and titanium ah silicone Rubber and titanium okay so we need all of this basically look what silicone is that is the creepvine seed cluster so I'm going to boost my way there as soon as possible I forgot we didn't do this yet what's up okay so I'm looking for kelp this game gets more beautiful is it just me also I apologize I'm keeping the graphic settings pretty high up because I want to experience it in full for myself uh and it may or may not look that good on uh YouTube because YouTube likes to destroy quality so I apologize in advance for that all right let's get some scrap metal that is going to be our source our main source for a while for titanium I can break this Limestone apparently let me get rid of this UI titanium we got silver habitat modules I believe you awesome oh more copper is an essential component of all powered equipment your probability of survival has just increased to unlikely gotta love Susie Q's slight humor life on this planet grows in unusually distinct and diverse ecological biomes further study recommended get out perfect all right so we avoided the stalker see this is the you know when I when that happens like when these instances happen or I know I could get eaten uh hardcore sounds very appealing to me like the idea that you can't die or it's over sounds very nice to me however I just feel like I'm so bad at video games in general that I'm not going to be able to be good enough at subnautica to be able to survive long all right so I got the creep Vine seed cluster let's make some silicone Rubber and turn some of this scrap metal into titanium now this part of the game is a bit grindy uh at the start it's not it's not too much but there we go get our survival knife it's not too bad the interesting stuff starts to pick up as the series goes on so he's following the massacre on a breakfast yeah cool thanks I should probably make some more uh silicone but some more scrap metal and I should look for cave sulfur which is going to be dangerous but I got my knife my thirsty knife Susie Q if you could give me some information to uh accurately and properly get some cave sulfur uh that would be very much appreciated I'm rather familiar with the the map overall not the safe shallows though because every time you start a new game you're in a random spot in the safe shallows even though it is the same map it's not randomly generated I'm still always finding difficulty in navigating around the safe shallows that's just me though I have a terrible sense of direction uh good old subnautica music so satisfying it's very it's very fitting too for the mood like I would want to feel some like you know mysterious but uppity type beat when I'm lost in the alien planet and seemingly have no way to get back home absolutely all right I'm feeling good about this cave I'm feeling really good about this cave give me this quartz quartz come on come on where are you uh oh okay so this is a good spot I just gotta get oxygen otherwise I'm gonna die oh no I know thanks Susie oh wow look at this I'm already fading to Black fading to Black so bad at this game all right oh boy it's getting dark oh whoa buddy don't don't get near me all right quickly I mean there's an egg here I know you're here somewhere hello yeah no that's what I'm looking for it's an essential component no I I understand I'm very well aware of that lady all right so there's none in that cave that was actually surprising they're usually pretty abundant around here I'll check that cave in a second I can make a battery already okay all right let's turn some stuff into things stuff into more things and as every other Survival game goes better stuff into better things oh boy it's getting dark oh it's too dark don't hurt me where are you come on seriously there's there's none there's none cave sulfur where are you AKA crash powder what seriously where are the where are you guys at maybe I need to look deeper we gotta go deeper man look at the environment oh I'm gonna die of starvation before anything else happens come on whoa yo this is actually kind of creepy it's so dark holy crap okay I know some of you guys are here you have to be right aha there you are you sneaky devil all right come out nope okay we're good we're good we're gonna go get it perfect give me that I should also make myself a tank I would have saved myself like five minutes of resurfacing for air all right so we need a repair tool we need silicone rubber oh we got a whole bunch oh wait I was mistaken I got it reverse I thought it was two clusters for once okay I got you repair tool let's go yeah I wouldn't touch that why would you touch that this guy is careless he's the wrong person to be surviving right now all right so we're gonna repair our pod here yes putting results to databank what is this oh okay never mind I don't remember getting this the 4546b environment scan Category 3 ocean planets oxygen nitrogen atmosphere extensive biodiversity safety warnings May support Leviathan class Predators oh goody water contaminated with high levels of foreign bacteria oh goody and plant is beyond Federation space rescue unlikely oh goody it is not recommended to explore this environment without hazardous material suits and extensive support apparatus sure we got it we got a message I'm gonna point it says I received [Music] nine nine nine hours to continue to monitor for emergency Transmissions from other life bonds wow excellent thank you help is not coming basically you rock oh I should probably save it's important to do that uh okay so what's next what do we gotta get next uh or equipments let's get a standard O2 tank oh it automatically goes in yay cool and then I know we can use silicone rubber I think to help uh make fins fins yes make us go a little bit faster oh what is that the fabrication what is this oh wait no I you already said this hey you're interrupting me hold on I have a silver I could do the silver and then titanium that's all I need right and then I can make a better tank I did not have two glass never mind I need oh I just need two more quartz let's do that courts are oh that's much faster and I got 60 I'm just kidding I got 70 actually I love how when I looked there it was perfect for all the kitties to make meme jokes holy crap where is quartz it's back to square one do you guys remember old subnautica how impossible it was to hello well I should probably scan that uh how impossible was to find courts the game's back at it again set out to troll me seriously there should be a whole bunch over here you guys are cute you're harmless right let me just collect as much as possible but these days oh this goes deep and we get oxygen now no worries we're fine any any uh Cave sulfur guys here I think we're good all right let's head back I got enough to make this uh better tank one of the many reasons why I die in subnautica is oxygen uh deprivation it's actually kind of interesting to me that this game is set so far in the future but these oxygen tanks run out super quick they do refill super quick too so that's kind of nice but what are you gonna do right let's make some glass very important stuff yeah all right there we go let's go uh so girl 135 let's go all right tools uh we need a scanner so I need to make a battery which I'm pretty sure I can make I just need two of the mushrooms Electronics battery and over here to the scanner all right so now we can start collecting some blueprints to unlock power cell scanner can be used to synthesize blueprints from Salvage technology and to record alien biological data yes indeed I'm going to store the rest of this stuff away for now there we go and let's do a self scan we might as well itself can complete Vital Signs normal continuing to monitor very good all right so this alien foreign bacteria is not going to get to us it's not that easy my friends to enter this about it all right so we have about let's go scan some stuff so we got to do I mean I could scan pretty much all this it's not necessary uh it's useful good information but the important things that we scan where was that wreck at I need to find that wreck hello ah down here perfect well it was like debris oh no it was a wreck all right so scan some beacons so we can Mark our base if we decide to build one and whatnot a two of them perfect yes C Glide perfect C Glide is the vehicle of choice in this game ooh grabtrap uh C Glide is gonna help us move around much more quickly all right so this is another completed blueprint it's moving super fast I should Define these cargo containers and uh hopefully I'll find another sea Glide one all right so I guess our best bet would be to go towards the Aurora a little bit because there are a lot more wrecks and debris out there oh wait that's the same one never mind oh hello beautiful you guys are great I don't think I've ever had any extensive interaction with you guys it's actually sad to say there's a lot of things in this game that I haven't had any extensive interaction with hello I'll leave you there I don't know if I'm gonna need you also salt very important curing food making uh wait bleach or something I can't remember oh wait a second wait a second stop it I know I gotta get rid of this thing there we go we got Creek Vine stuff seek fluid intake oh it's getting dark out here hello wait are you chasing me go away it's getting blue it's blue over here oh come on he's chasing me can you stop we can throw hands if you want to throw hands dude I have a weapon I mean you got like 20 different weapons all right just get away get away wait wait what are you doing oh okay yeah he was uh he didn't make up his mind just yet got him and he runs away that was a good exchange I enjoyed that Exchange oh [Applause] I tried to fight it that was really stupid of me but it's fine oh coffee maker let's go wait did we get it oh I think we got it cool yes sea Glide what kind of peeps now we can make faster oh here's my girlfriend my long-lost girlfriend or the female version of the uh of the player there actually was a uh a female uh model in in sketchfab I think there was talk about it at one point I wonder what happened oh no that's right oh no you know I should have been focusing oh no no that's okay oh that might kill me that might kill me okay no I'm good I'm good oh all right I need to stop venturing out like an idiot I need to get I need to go back One Step at a Time come on man you are not capable of doing multiple things oh I have a health kit yes let's use that uh you're not capable of doing that you need to go back make the sea Glide Venture forth oh we took this guy off his track man I'm dying of thirst let me drink some water wait that's it 20. suck I gotta make bleach which I think salt is a part of it salt and coral if I recall correctly if I were Coral correctly oh wait I think the creep Vine is for the radiation suit right or it makes something that goes like um what is it called I can't remember like a fiber mesh or something I think that's what it is I should eat some calories too wow those things are huge okay we're back here oh yeah we got a message let's check it out this is life pod 3 uploading our coordinates we're plugging some holes in our emergency C Glide so if we're late for the Rendezvous don't panic also don't go home without us seriously three out signal explanation uploaded to PDA see one thing I never understood were are these messages broadcasting live like because I was waiting for a while before it received it and I highly doubt that there would be any problem transmitting it from you know 300 meters away uh quickly so that might that means they might be alive right now but of course we know that as we approach they won't be Pathfinder tool what in the world it deploys holographic Pathfinder disks used to map away back out of the caves oh are hard to navigate I gotcha okay I can't remember what I need for the radiation suit how do I make oh it is with lead okay I remember now let me make some Fiber meshes might as well make them I can't think of anything else the creep Vine sample is used for other than that tool we just saw which is pretty neat but I know my way around I'm not gonna waste it alright so we got three of those I can't store away unfortunately but we can make our nice little C Glide we need lubricant which is perfect because I believe it's made with this and I was right perfect so C Glide is lubricants copper wire and a battery vehicle okay so we need four I don't have four copper and I don't have enough mushrooms okay let's get one more copper and one more mushroom mushroom is easy it's dark holy crap all right I just need one copper people please hello I should definitely make myself a flashlight lots of titanium down here copper perfect now I'm not gonna make the flashlight because the sea Glide already provides its own light even though it does kind of waste a lot of battery oh it's only one copper see I'm so confused half the time when these things change there we go we got our sea Glide why am I still carrying around this fire extinguisher the seat Glide will increase your effective exploration range for your safety please pack supplies for long Journeys and stay within five kilometers of the nearest Life part perfect all right so we should go quickly get some Coral uh because I need to make some bleach which if I'm not mistaken it is coral and salt here we go perfect we're gonna have to make a a locker a waterproof Locker all right let's see it is yes bleach and we can make intuitive oh we get two a piece oh they're not that much though they're only 30. okay that's a nice balancing mechanic I suppose Ozzy from the cafeteria what the hell the hell it happened our pod was almost crushed by the seamoth bay on the way down now we're hanging on the edge of a Cave System looking snake things trying to beat through the hole come get us already signal location uploaded to PDA well thanks for that excellent I'm sorry man I'm not gonna be able to help you waterproof Locker oh it's just for titanium okay okay cool matter of fact I will make two of them thank you very much all right let's put them right here store this stuff away real quick and don't need the fire extinguisher good enough I'm too fast for you what am I worried about you can't catch me you're only a threat in the first five minutes of the game nope whoa did you see that guy what in the world was that I have never seen that you guys have some strange mechanics good sir okay maybe I'm completely missing where lead is supposed to be oh you know what it's probably in the Sandstone not the Limestone I'm an idiot uh oh gold um I'll take gold dude which should be this way I think if the uh Aurora yeah or is right here the grassy plateaus gotta be over here somewhere stalker back up all y'all back up Sandstone Galore which we should also get an abundance of silver which would be ever so helpful in the future oh wait oh we got stuff to scan though scanner room hey perfect whenever we get around to building a base we can use this part to scan for more stuff would also be cool if the scanner room had the ability to scan local blueprints does it I don't know if that's been a change or something that'd be cool okay Sandstone where are you at that is limestone oh come on all right I guess I'll focus on blueprints for now what are you bioreactor okay short-range Scott suggests this biome supports extensive by A diversity and connects to a number of small cave networks perfect that's what I need girl ah sandstone bled yes wait I'm gonna die hold on I'm gonna die uh did not give me it are you kidding me what is it we're gonna need lead eventually anyway everything is useful bioreactor okay I think that's it for this one right oh girl we're getting a lot of stuff well hello there wow I didn't actually know I could swipe my knife at it like clicking it bashes it but then if you actually attack with it like that it can break it that's interesting I can't imagine that blade is that good and if that's the case why on Earth do we have a hardened blade medical radiation oh no oh yeah what's up dude oh you're creepy huh no lead come on man we can spare the silver for now uh is that enough though I I imagine it can't be more than two why would it be more than two that's just ridiculous I'm venturing wait it's too far leading to an unknown environmental biome no yeah that's where I want to go why would you tell me this seriously why on Earth would you think I want to go down there uh oh whoa whoa whoa yo is that the chip oh this jelly shroom caves what's up Reef backs it has been forever how are you doing I hope you are thriving well could I possibly find Sandstone on you oh I'm way too close I don't like it we all know what happens near the Aurora aha gold okay well we're getting resources I cannot complain about that however I just want to get LED and go I am I may already have enough but I can't I don't want to come back out right now lead all right that's three let's just get four to be safe let's just go please let's go back home oh dear lord where am I hello mister okay you guys always help me I just look to you look how beautiful this looks I mean it probably just looks super blurry on YouTube I'm so sorry guys uh I'm I'm recording it in 1440p so I really hope that it reflects a bit and has a little bit more bitrate available to show the detail of the game but it is very complex uh when I record if you're familiar with recording and file sizes and such it gets pretty pretty high in size uh our little lockers can those be destroyed I don't know if they can all right uh electronics we can make a wiring kit how do I make a freaking radiation suit oh you know what it might be a it might be a part of uh let me put some of this stuff away oh I have barely any room holy crap it might be a part of me going to these places so let's do that actually store this away let's hurry as fast as we possibly can our three that's the first one that came up so I'm gonna go to you real quick all right we're swimming through it hello what's good what's happening all right your sea Glide is destroyed there's a hole yes there is we got a PDA awesome we got a compass let's go it's a blueprint okay it's a blueprint oh maybe that's what it is maybe now we gotta go to the other one and get the blueprint for the radiation suit oh boy we're going back out here though help for us first where's the Aurora oh we're going way away where did you guys head off to or maybe you didn't head off there maybe that's just where you landed yeah I'm gonna assume that something to scan what are you seamoth we could have a seam off soon oh not good all right grassy plateaus grassy plateaus Reef backs are always a good sign oh there's another one that's another one let's go food I think we need three or maybe four come on come on come on come on come on we need three that's it that's all we need dude okay nope we don't get a data box [Music] Sandstone got some gold okay well I'm a little bit clueless I should head back home I haven't got a new message maybe I have to wait a bit for an event to pass see this is where I I come into an issue where it's like we all know what's gonna happen most of us do some of you may not a lot of you may not since subnautica is now being blown up uh because of its release uh I don't want to spoil it something will happen and I'm assuming that after that happens maybe maybe then I can unlock it in the meantime we're gonna go back and make some stuff we're gonna look at our fabricator and see what else we can do hello oh yes perfect okay let's take a look uh tools we have that uh blah blah blah laser cutter ingredients are unknown how the propulsion Canon wait did I just unlock those Compass copper wire we should make that congratulations Survivor you have exceeded your weekly exercise hey thanks data indicates that swimming was your favorite activity be sure to vary your routine the uniform muscle development excellent I will do so and look at that beautiful Compass right on my head I think that sits yep sits right there and this will be the thermometer I think all right flashlight is a battery and glass let's make that I need some mushrooms though give me some oh it's dark hello I hate that I hate when I'm inside the Pod and it's just like just kidding it's dark all right so battery and glass now we can get a flashlight perfect oh yeah that's nice and bright oh yeah stick around your eye dude that's a smart thing to do we can make a first aid kit that's actually really convenient habitat Builder we need a wiring kit computer chip and a battery so your computer chip is gold a copper wire and two oh we have that dude let's go we just need to get the uh oh three two [Applause] [Music] that never gets old wow it looks that looks like it's been touched on too oh man well all hope is lost okay there we go see I didn't want to spoil it but I thought maybe that was a possibility too let's go let's go thank you well sorry Aurora uh you know I didn't want you to go but now I can make a radiation suit that would be the helmet the gloves and the body right yes okay now we are safe kind of we are safe to uh explore around in the radiation which means we can also go to the Aurora and one of our goals is to uh fix some of the leaks that are causing the radiation so that's going to be fun now in order to do that we're gonna have to prep ourselves quite a bit we're going to need a seamoth that is a an absolute must we need to see moth we need to gather some supplies it's it's gonna be it's gonna be a grind a bit slavery Quinn Aurora do you read dude that's like really quick nothing but vacuum oh where's all Terror ships they run low on engine grease to send an SOS you offer to help they don't pick up Aurora I'm out on the far side of the system it's gonna take more than a week to reach your position do you still need our assistance over yes I do I'll try them again tomorrow you didn't you gave me literally one second to respond just running errands for Altera see what the long range scans pick up in the meantime I definitely need to make a laser cutter but I don't know what materials are required for that and doesn't tell me either ingredients are known hmm it's probably something crazy that we haven't gotten yet so let's go and just explore around actually I need to eat let's eat first that's important come here buddy now that I can catch you legit wait hey where'd you go let's cook that peeper cure that peeper make sure we have him uh ready to go that way it doesn't spoil that's what happens when you cure it's actually kind of scientific science wait I have two peepers I want to do two peepers all right let's make two peepers two cured peepers that should be good and then we need to make bleach as much as we can disinfected water see this takes up a lot of space though that's the only problem I have with this which makes sense because you could literally just survive Forever by loading up your entire inventory okay so we have all this uh let's make a few batteries too wait I thought I had copper oh no that's gold whoops I also had two more copper down here I'll grab real quick just making up some resources it's all part of the game got to be strategic with some of these things wait I put it in the wrong spot two batteries should be fine and you know what let's make four let's just use up all this copper one two and one two there we go perfect that's a lot of water let's put some of that way jeez I could drink some right let's drink one there we go okay let's head out to a place where we can gather some cool stuff holy crap I actually don't know my next objective oh you know what I probably need for the uh the laser cutter is Diamond we don't need that right now though I think we can actually get the seam off first oh look how close the glass the grassy plateaus were to me oh boy but I guess right now I can get some more blueprints ooh Sandstone let's go Silva Silva what are you oh wait a laser cutter never mind I didn't know that oh so okay I gotta start looking those boxes too see I don't remember that being a thing either it's like you just usually just get the ingredients there we go dude they're right here nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope all right boxes come on boxes whoa whoa whoa dude yeah I don't even think he was after me it's just scary oh the good olds Nautica music let's go oh I'll take some lead I already has a bullet are you shooting me all right I'm gonna come back down I will get you laser cutter you are mine you've got whoa I just dolphined it up oh there's a live pod yo what up I found you without even you telling me uh I'll try to remember where this one is so I don't waste time coming back here when it does tell me about it or maybe it'll just skip over that oh there's a box oh no there's a freaking herb no I got something Ultra Glide fins let's go hello hello hello hello hello skipping past you ah got some lead what up dude all right live pod oh wait the logs have oh they have voices let's hear three you really think it'll carry two of us you regular see Glide toes a mass of 80 kilograms over 30 kilometers an hour the power seller rig to this one should double that you think there's something out there that's faster oh sure and that's assuming it doesn't overload three meters from the light pod you're calm about this I'm seeing the engineering problem if I stopped seeing the mats I'll be terrified it's so nice to have life be given to the life pods oh yeah I gotta get out of here though gotta get out of here okay there's two wrecks oh my God what the hell Jesus dude calm down you do not have to eat me that hard you could give yourself freaking dental problems you idiot so that was uh that was stupid but uh there's a wreck down here I'm gonna see how far I can get in I do know that there's Parts oh yeah well for those who don't it just got really silent hello all right so that's uh that's the mountain I'm not going over there not yet not yet guys we have stuff to do focus on oh yeah some more stuff to scan I keep saying let's go a lot I apologize oh wait I already have that oh okay I might need the rebreather at some point but I don't think I can use it efficiently uh since the radiation is going to overpower anything if I take any part of my radiation suit off oh see moth yes ah all right we gotta take this blueprint I can't remember all I remember is it is very easy to make all right so it is a titanium Ingot which is 10 titanium Power Cell two batteries and a silicone rubber uh two glass which is just quartz lubricant and Lead let's go oh we have to make one thing first the mobile vehicle Bay crap oh we got a message that's cool uh just trying to get in here and scan some stuff can you stop shooting me please all right I'll come back to the message don't you worry there might be Avery Quinn of the Sunbeam [Music] where's the entry okay there's an entryway hello oh there's a data box yes wait what did you get you got me stuck okay don't do that to me uh where is the entryway man there's gonna be a hole somewhere there it is all right so we gotta head there quickly oh wait no there's a bunch of stuff to scan propulsion Cannon let's go wait Hello whoa what what what is happening out there holy crap what was that dude what was that I can't tell if that's ambient or if that's like set up for an event all right just give me the stuff and hurry up oh just like oh what what is it stop it oh my God what is this music dude this is sick okay I need a laser cutter Bay yes uh poster take it natural selection two we all know that there's a connection we knew that for freaking years at this point okay I'm out I don't know what it is but you need to stop this music dude that it's giving me goosebumps it's also very loud it's like I did something wrong all right well I'm going back in I gotta get back to the other side where that data box is oh I might have to oh no I gotta have the laser cutter for it don't I yeah it's the only way in okay so I gotta find another one of those somewhere oh wait basic plant pot why are there so many here's to hoping there's another entry to where I need to go hello all right it's right here I can get in through here oh dude it's right there come on just let me have it man okay I can't get it I gotta get a laser cutter for that one uh which I should probably try and find soon this music is awesome I'm just gonna say that oh the quartz is glowing that is Neato passing 100 meters no that's fine I really gotta find this laser cutter I don't remember what it is that I need to build it it's probably diamond oh I didn't get enough oxygen all right there we go two e's and a oh that's deep this is deep yeah I'm gonna need a breather or seamoth or something what is this bioreactor come on oh you know what they probably want me to go to the uh they want me to go to the Jelly shrimp caves and I'm not okay with that I don't think I'm ready and as a matter of fact this is it isn't it this is definitely it oh can I make a dang I should have had a fabricator should have made the oh there we go uh any resources that I could use anything down here this is not the jelly fruit case oxygen efficiency greatly decreased it doesn't seem like the radiation is reaching this far anyway so it might be a good idea for me to make a rebreather I really gotta find another piece to this uh laser cutter I'm guessing as I get closer to the Aurora I'll find it because I'm also going to need it for the Aurora it would only make sense people it would only make sense okay yeah there's more stuff okay yeah yeah yeah I'm on edge you jerk cut it out wait there's another one where did you come from yeah spit yourself out idiot go go go ahead good Lord all right I'm getting way too close for comfort hello [Laughter] he's a gutter oh no I'm not gonna find any over here am I I'm not going to get that lucky come on it's just one what are you off this chair I'll take you I will take you oh desk okay I like desks this is nice you can spruce up my base when the time comes oh oh wait what is this I can use the welder or the repair tool for this for those who don't know it was once called a welder oh very very nice and what do I get first aid kit that works I guess um is there anything in here uh I can't see oh my goodness that's bright hello door doesn't open wait are you serious what is in here wait what is that sea Glide are you serious I have that a done head dad well that was a waste was I supposed to be able to get the uh the sea Glide that early man chair let's go hurry up I'm gonna die okay yeah the Aurora is not looking hot all right the oh the sand sharks whoa okay you guys are so finicky I don't like it at all hello hello hello I just need a freaking laser cutter okay they are literally forcing me over here it's yellow as hell uh I don't like it oh wait what on Earth are you time oh wait a second launching time what time castle hard uh tops technical artist at UWE we just got a time capsule dude you found my time capsule I thought I'd share this quick sketch I made from my early development of subnautica it's my idea for how I felt the game should progress from before we even had a story keep exploring deeper and deeper there is so much to see well thank you dude that's awesome did I get something for that Cyclops depth module what where did I get that did I get that from the Time Capsule that is so awesome I should have scanned it first dang it I just clicked on it because it said I could oh floating box can't go wrong with a floating box first aid kiolt okay I think it's safe to say that I'm not gonna find a laser cutter out this far uh where are you oh the power transmitter let's go no giant Leviathan class monsters around here it's all safe battery no Take that go I missed it oh okay I'll take that propulsion Cannon sounds good yes okay posted Cannon is wiring kit pattern okay dude we can get that right away oh please have a laser cutter over here somewhere I'm getting way too close to you know what and I don't feel like dealing with it Fortune Cannon no and that's another one come Lord leave me alone please laser cutter is all I'm asking for maybe it's only in that area it wouldn't surprise me uh uh yeah I think I think that's it over here it may not even be all that important right now but it is to me I can get to the back of that thing get another data box data box can give me another blueprint so it's like getting two for one it's a lot of pro oh another one what do you got for me this time Mr Time Capsule launching time team this thing is so awesome oh Gonna Miss This delicacy really got a taste for the bubble trees here got kind of uh coconut texture to it on the inside wish they had this stuff back home whoever finds this I hope you enjoy it as much as I did sure thing what did you give me hey you give me a sample and some water cool deal dude that these time capsules are pretty pretty awesome please be what I need you to be please I got 30 seconds no no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine yes yes give it to me sir I'm gonna die I'm gonna die hurry up out here scan in for blueprints and everything is just it just feels scary and I'm tense and on edge oh man I'm way too close all right let me get let me get some water in my belly all right perfect uh that's pretty good I'm gonna eat it right now because I think it goes bad after a while anyway okay so we can make the laser cutter what do we need for it two Diamond of course well we can make the propulsion Cannon we found one mobile vehicle Bay I'm assuming that we're going to need the laser cutter where do I get diamond I'm assuming that's probably oh it's towards the mountains we gotta go to the mountains how full am I I'm pretty full I'm gonna drop off resources and then I'll go to the mountains so I'll be right back all right so we're heading over to the mountains I know diamonds over there I'm a hundred percent positive that diamonds over there what do they come out of I can't remember the name of the stone we're just gonna swim straight there grab it and we're gonna come back to this wreck grab that data Bank like a boss and then we will continue on oh hey look there's another laser cutter right there God dang it oh what are you you part of the Cyclops right yes the hole okay hey mushroom Forest great you think this scan over here yeah so that's probably the Cyclops blueprints I can imagine that you're picking up all Terror and whatnot we are not here for that 200 meters yeah I can't go 200 meters that's ridiculous oh hello lithium up another wreck ooh the Shocker or the amp peel whatever it's called now data box lightweight high capacity tank that sounds pretty good man scare we already got that all right I gotta go oh my goodness bone sharks what am I doing down here why am I being so dumb oh whoa what no no Mesmer since when are the Mesmer out here I am so lost they were only in the other place just get me over here to the freaking mountains please I need Diamond uh oh it's over heat is this it must have been oh no where am I electro magnetic signatures in the region oh yeah no that's good that's just fine that is just fine I I know what could potentially be over here what's up dude it's the Deku Tree yep I hear it where are you no we are not having this today okay we are not doing this today I have not the patience for you nor do you have the patience for me good sir am I supposed to be getting diamond right now is that what I'm supposed to be doing I mean we're allowed to do whatever we want to do this might be the most effective way is this the mountain oh is this the mountain okay I'm too close I'm too close I am too close I'm way too close oh God oh God where is it it's not here okay I feel safe hey we gotta we got a message but I got gold don't know what to do with it let's just get on the mountain let's get on the mountain the above surface area all right I'm about 100 confident that I'll be able to find oh there it is the uh Shale out crop yes [Laughter] what you will be liable to reimburse the full market price your current bill stands at three million okay about that wow of energy signature identify wow dude he just he just ran off the mountain okay I'm just here for diamond and I'm going straight back okay we're not doing anything else right now oh go I mean gold I'll take okay uh also lithium why not collect some lithium I'm gonna need a lot of those at least I don't have to worry about breathing let's get this oh that is so much better Diamond I think that's all we needed right I'll collect more gold sure we're gonna need you for advanced wiring kits and such it's kind of spoopy in here but it's also quite relaxing quite relaxing indeed all right well my inventory is full I have a lot of stuff I'm just gonna head on home and it's getting dark of course we'll deal with this mountain later there's more to it than meets the eye but I don't have the time for that uh oh beautiful dive all right no no no oh I'm gone dude I'm gone I can't do this anyway I'll see you guys back at base all right oh we got a message that's right Avery Aurora yes I didn't know how big I didn't know we're now enroute to your location excellent we're gonna bring you home thanks man Sunbeam out it's it's always strange to me the only time I parked a rig this big on a rock that small was in VR and I blew it it's a bad option all right but so are all the others but it's just crazy that they're coming back for me dude like that's good it's a good thing it really is a good thing but it's like dude the amount of resources and time and the risk I don't even know if it's worth it my man plastille Ingot let's go because we got lithium uh anything we can build we can build another scanner blah blah blah laser cutter so we have that we just need cave sulfur God dang it I didn't get any cave sulfur let me put all this away uh I probably have more than my lockers will allow me to have yep uh great okay I gotta use this stuff up or or or I could just make another one okay one more waterproof Locker coming up just to hold this extra crap all right take all my lithium I got a bunch uh and everything else I'll keep cool so we need cave sulfur this ought to be good aha cave system hello now there were some that ran away but that was like I'll never be able to find that area again are you kidding me hello I am looking for cave oh oh got one whoa where did he go oh okay that was too easy yes okay because sometimes it's not in there oh oh LeBron LeBron you can't get me yes give me another one come on oh two for one it's a twofer oh I'm gonna need more batteries or actually not more batteries I need to uh charge my batteries oh wait can I get rid of the yeah let me let me use up the the Dead one right so the only one that's free is the zero one yay me smart awesome now we have the laser freaking gun let's go all right so you can go there uh and we can go back and get that cool thing what else was I gonna make the polishing cannon that's not necessary right now I'll eat some food and we're good to go we'll probably find some stuff inside that place anyway okay let me try to remember where it was though it was down out here towards a grassy Plateau I'm assuming in this wreck will likely be more vehicle modification stations too which would be perfect oh wait this is not the right wait where's the wreck head is it is it is it farther out here oh there you are there you are you beautiful thing don't worry I'm gonna get inside of you wait saying Mike do you see this why is how is this possible oh there we go it said I need to exchange it oh no I'm a dummy I didn't get the rest of the um so dumb I'm so dumb laser cutter that bad boy I didn't bring any batteries with me so make sure you don't use it all up another message let's go Avery Quinn all right I need to uh get some oxygen we'll check that in a second I'm about to die dude I jumped far just by myself ridiculous uh so what can I take out the battery from this thing uh and exchange it right I don't need to scan anything just yet actually you know what take this out uh get my scanner back there we go okay those are a little bit more important okay we made it in get this out of the way perfect a bench I already scanned a bench and why are you giving me a freaking laser cutter fragment yay we got a mobile vehicle Bay I thought I already had a bench yes what is it what is it what did I get plastic Ingot blah blah blah blah Compass radiation suit blah blah blah uh lightweight capacity tank power transmitter bioreactor okay I guess I didn't get anything dang it what are you modification vehicle upgrade console okay I'll take that propulsion uh disinfected water whoa what what what no freaking way get out get out get out it's too deep I'm always too deep I'm so sorry you guys uh told me a while ago that I can carry two tanks with me and just swap them out and then when I get to the surface just refill them you guys are smart I almost died just now oh boy there's a lot of stuff in that room man laser cutter is op okay uh we got the data Bank what is it trying to scan mobile vehicle Bay yes is this it that is it yes oh dude we can build the freaking seamoth what about you is this the last one oh yeah we got it polishing Cannon what are you anything out here another laser cutter oh it's smoky in here oh floodlight wow I almost missed that you are going to be needed good sir okay I think that's uh that's it let's head back home dude we got a mobile vehicle Bay and then uh we gotta get the sea mouth gotta get that seamoth built all right I'm going to head home I don't think there's anything else that I need right now except oxygen always need more oxygen always [Music] all right I'll see you guys back in 380 meters oh right message sharing subject locations with other agents yep got to enjoy that ah it's super creepy okay back to what I wanted to do which is mobile vehicle base I need lubricant power cell and titanium Ingot uh I got the lubricant right yo power cell is just two batteries which I do have and silicone rubber so let's just take those I'll take all the batteries because I need them and then we just need uh how much more we only got three titanium that's gonna be like literally two or three actually let me put this stuff away two or three uh scrap metal pieces that's so fun actually I think all I need is two never mind does anybody remember that commercial I was just like imitating all right eight titanium uh that should be 9 10 and then we get the marble vehicle Bay marble vehicle Bay this is so good okay so uh I could put this to let's say five uh whoops and we just drop it yeah so what does it say oh hello oh whoa what is this this looks completely different uh titanium another Power Cell two glass lead lubricant okay so I gotta get some stuff we got to get some stuff oh boy okay we're gonna need some batteries so I'm just gonna gather four of these to make that power cell actually I think it's two power cells right no just one okay that's cool man that's cool all right let me gather these things quickly in the snap of a finger oh we got another message too yay quince oh hello yeah no I got you location uploaded to PDA thank you okay so we need the glass two glass and a lubricant oh I need copper so I need two copper which is not in here did I use all my copper oh come on nope I got him right here battery and battery ah this is a uh this is a method huh titanium Ingot perfect let me have enough room yep I got enough room all right so I just need two more wow we are progressing insanely fast dude ah there we go okay so now we can build our seamoth and that will set us up we're pretty much good now we can go over to the Aurora will be the first thing to do go over there and fix that we gotta bring our laser cutter we got to bring everything with us but it should be an easy ride titanium Ingot let's go um hurry up please thank you making me wait and sound awkward all right load her up and Builder is it fast safe mode of Transport but remember that swimming is good for your glutes and endorphin levels oh I know that man let's go seamoth is ours well hello guys I can move fast I'm always faster than you but how does it feel to be uh outclassed entirely okay so I can't go past 200 meters it tells me in the top in the tippity top I can't go past it no oh God oh okay we're almost at the edge we're almost at the edge I'm just going over here dude you sound like you're over there off the oh yeah you sound like you're off in the distance so okay oh we gotta save oh we gotta save yeah I don't know we're good we're good oh it's an ampio that's cute oh it's a freaking okay uh what are you repulsing Cannon let's go all right we have a lot of logs to listen to oh Jesus Christ that scared me come on you don't have to play the sound we know all right all right I'm stuck here is there anything else around here oh wait oh what freaking Mesmer stop it give me Silver I'll take silver oh my God that thing was close all right I'm not I'm not prepared for this where's my okay oh boy you know I can't imagine this game in VR I die I would literally literally die I know that that word is overused but I would very much die there's a wreck I want to get into the wreck all right let's do the wreck there's a data box oh my goodness what is with the random propulsion of enemies in this game dude stay away stay away it's already opened dang it all right where's my scanner okay all right I gotta make I gotta really pay attention to my oh boy this is not good I really got to pay attention scanner room I already have what are you nothing okay my oxygen is dropping oh it's dropping really low but we got an exterior grow bed that is good we can grow our own kelp I have to start building a base that should be something at some point okay it looks like that's it outside of here so oh we got another message all right well I gotta get back into my Smith for some oxygenists okay so at a certain point inside of this we will start losing oxygen crazy fast so let's be quick huh flood light we already got uh holy crap hello what are you swivel chair okay I guess that's important integrating new PDA data oh wait never mind that was the wrong thing uh okay that's closed off no that's fine we're gonna be fine we still got about probably 40 seconds left stasis rifle let's go dude we need all these things hurry up hurry up one out of two that's it yes we have all the cool things man interior grow bed too this is crazy modification oh no I'm gonna die though I'm gonna die more than likely take the box what is it reinforced dive suit let's go dude okay uh now I'm really going to die uh uh wait wait wait how do I get out oh no where's the exit oh you've got to be where did that come from I'm dead it's over it's over dude are you kidding me where was the exit no can you imagine right now if I was playing on Hardcore well if I was playing on hardcore uh what did I lose well it's like any of the actual things that just unlocked blueprints right it's like I have my welder flashlight still there okay I don't know what else I picked up that was important I don't think it was anything oh but my CMOS is all the way over there so that sucks where in the world I think I had trouble with that exact same wreck before too figuring out where in the world the exit was all right well I'll be right back once I get my Smith all right here we are what up I think I got everything in here though I don't think I need to go back down oh wait no I could go back down one to figure out where in the world the exit was but also I think I could pick up my stuff right oh it was on the bottom crap yep whoa that is a big did you see how big that titanium was silver okay I'll use the silver all right perfect I did not realize it was on the bottom that would have uh I'm an idiot all right let me just head back all righty oh geez dude what is your purpose what is your purpose in life all right we got a message it's probably from Avery nope it's not oh hey victorton is got I have assumed command oh you assumed this thing the captain did was enter Southwest of the crash site stay together and good luck this message will now repeat excellent coordinates corrupted oh transmission origin coordinates downloaded oh signal location uploaded to PDA oh what could I do I was gonna make a stasis rifle but I need a magnetite uh where magnetite is uh in the oh 10 jelly shroom caves isn't it oh no I mean it's not only there I'm sure I can find it elsewhere but it honestly isn't that important right now what is important uh is what's important what are we doing right now we certainly got to fix the Aurora is there anything else I can make I feel like I need to make stuff but I guess not habitat Builder might come in handy yeah it's not needed right now let's go fix the Aurora we got to take care of all the outside things first before we can even think about doing anything else I don't have enough I need to make I need to get stuff hold on there we go we're all filled up uh I think I collected too much stuff boy I need a base soon huh there we go two batteries should do it and I think we're ready uh oh actually no wait I like I don't like how it doesn't tell me my charge let me scan myself too so you can complete foreign bacteria counters reached statistically significant levels whoa no adverse effects detected be vigilant for symptoms I will do that thank you charge two percent and zero get rid of those keep them there we'll charge them later all right now we're ready to go wish me luck because they're probably gonna die and let's see this important to the keep lights on lights off lights on oh oh my God this ship is so big I actually really like the color over here it looks good The Sounds Reef back protect me please oh we got another message I can't deal right now oh it's a iPod that's right this one hangs upside down for some reason hello all right creature decoy and first aid kit I will take it thank you hello oh there you are okay get back in wait is there stuff is there a thing it's too dark over here potential water batteries things we might need even power cells now that I have a seamoth it's a reef back okay I know you're over here I know it's over here there's all oh no no no no no no no no no no good I I especially don't want it to destroy to fall out we'll have devastating effects on the alien ecosystem if not contained within the next 24 hours well that's not good good thing I'm over here right now okay I just gotta get through this I think we made it I think we simply made it guys nothing to worry about why were you guys freaking out you just startled me for no reason oh my goodness my shadow my suppression risk no it's fine dude you just pretty much advised me that I need to ow that I need to fix this oh my God I'm gone I'm gone okay uh then I need to fix this and then you're telling me hey you should probably be careful about what oh boy oh no I needed the propulsion Cannon didn't I I think I could make it without it oh my goodness scans show the digestive threats of nearby life forms contain human tissues oh that's fantastic you're talking about the the other thing right I sure hope you're not talking about these little crawlies oh my goodness it's infected get out of my sight you're a freak I should have made a propulsion Cannon I should have done it oh fire extinguisher I'm gonna need you I forgot to give myself one holy crap we don't have to put these out it's not in our way hello wait what is this exiting mode loading voice recognition engineer Barkley and chief technology officeru identified drone get me a propulsion Cannon function can retrieve D hey Berkeley install that circuit box with that repulsion Cannon and you'll punch a hole in the cargo bay damn it drone I said Pro pulse should not repulsion recalibrate sensors senses recalibrated sensors aren't the problem I tweak the program it's like you now it doesn't like being told what to do drone I know his name's Albert now Albert I know it's not your fault but it really helped me do my job bring me what I asked for thanks for your time the function thank you now go away entering hibernation mode boss this hobby of yours isn't making my job any easier or safer maybe so but it's all that's stopping me from being so bored I take a space walk in my skivvies oh the interaction between those two is just amazing give me that battery data terminal yeah Altera launches the Aurora uh phasegate announced for the ariadne arm Alterra launches the Aurora okay so that's some stuff that we can get into at a different time right now it's kind of urgent and PDA notes to self uh so here we are finally in open space we cross the Galaxy to install a phase gate to send ships to mine resources to build more expensive ships to install fancier phase gates are we trying to exhaust the Galaxy or just ourselves you birthday all right we have a code cargo bay is one four five four yeah see this is the part where we probably need the propulsion Cannon would need if we weren't IG [ __ ] p and can parkour his way up oh so good dude I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get blocked at some point where I needed I should do this legitimately but you know what I'm not wasting anyone's time no you know what you know what I'm gonna go do it I'm gonna go make the propulsion Cannon I think it's important I'm sorry to leave you guys a hanging but I'm gonna go I'm gonna go do this right uh is it safe to jump in this water is it I'm probably gonna die okay screw it I'm gone hello oh my God it's right there no no no no no no no I did not see it right there holy crap what is it doing is it stuck okay let's hope and pray it's stuck and we can just get out of here right above it right hello okay I am going to run goodbye dude if that thing was there the whole time and I drove past that I am going to flip all right he's stuck he's very much stuck and I'm happy about that we're good let's get back home and make this propulsion Cannon good Lord okay now the problem is oh yeah wait we got a message hello this is life no I've landed close to close to rotation devices active but we've got some big old fish I don't know how long we're gonna last sights to bring radiation protection four out thank you we got some big old fish oh wait is this a wiring kid a wiring kit and a battery wiring kit is too silver ore I'm pretty sure I have that right there we go perfect propulsion cannon that was easy enough now now now we can go back to the Aurora oh okay so oh it is stuck for real I thought it would like on despawn and oh my goodness I had no idea I was so close to it that is so creepy all right well I'm glad he's stuck I'm sure if I reload the game he'll he'll be back but it's all right ah let's get out of here and do what we came to do now please don't eat my cement though now that you're close to it I know you're hungry and you like to mess with people's stuff let's just knock all right put this to good use what we were supposed to do is be like bam oh wait uh actually no we weren't supposed to be like that supposed to be like oh yeah moved it oh yeah move that good and we're free yay all right so the code was uh hold on I'm not gonna check I remember open up God damn I thought you would do it automatically man it's got to be dramatic give me the water nutrient blocks see I did not need to make any food all right the Aurora is pretty much done it is gone oh let's go hello hello hello oh box nutrient block dang it I mean that's just as good it's fine oh my goodness look at that the smoke is just building up and leaking out dude that's crazy where there there's bleeders down here so I need to make sure I keep my knife on me we'll take the uh I can hear the Reaper I think I can hear it from here dude oh it's so scary oh so I can yeah let me get my uh repair tool out all right cool got that open it up perfect and this should be oh it's a sign it's a cmod fragment right yeah I don't need that what are you VR sweet log uh loading program desert island drama size three players normal spawning players on beach player one has been washed away by an unusual High unusually high tide uh player 2 has traded a coconut with player three for 10 credits has planted a coconut players are getting hungry is going to Coconut Tree blah blah still hungry building gets hand to sleeping inside her tens it's cold night Falls passing ship is offering trading three requests for a musket has been shot twice oh oh man what happened player two wins played two died from cold and starvation what in the world oh yes oh my goodness my SEMA is it already done oh my goodness I'm so happy right now dude now we can go a little bit deeper oh we always need to go deeper hello another battery dude there's tons of batteries that's the drive room we don't need to go there just yet I mean that's the objective but there's so much more to see like getting the prawn suit we don't even have the Cyclops ready dude I would love to get that ready too I'm actually I'm think I'm realizing that as I'm playing this game I'm doing it all out of order because I know what I'm supposed to oh my goodness hey buddy get off no stop it stop it okay I know what I'm supposed to do so I kind of skip over things but the game pretty much does guide you if you play it yourself it does guide you and kind of give you a hints on what you're supposed to do like getting that PDA talking about the propulsion Cannon would lead you to believe you should probably get it and bring it because it will be useful hello auxiliary Mission orders it's the kind of stuff that we can read later on sweet offer wait this is important isn't it yeah 1869 1869 I'll try to remember that first aid kit another freaking bet can you give me like a power cell for something like way more useful another battery another disinfected water all right so we're going up to the prawn Bay which behind the prawn Bay will be oh I gotta repair this will be the living quarters let's go babe can't fight fire without Fire Sticks dude this is how we do it all right open door oh yes heck yes so those things the prawn suit the whole breach in this room oh right we should go there uh okay so I should scan these things would be important which we can't make just yet we have a lot of things that we need to get first in order to make this work but that's one out of four so fifty percent now storage module dude wait wasn't there one there was one hidden there was one hidden I remember oh they might have put it up there though oh accidents oh excellent which uh scansis 75 done yes okay so we got the prawn suit blueprint we are nowhere near building that thing I will say that though we are nowhere near building that thing legitimately all right let me put this thing proposed cannon on get on my way you get on my way you get out of the way get out of the way I'm gonna try to hit this prawn hold on hold on dang I missed all right living quarters okay so it was 1869 let me get my fire extinguisher out oh my goodness the nutrient blocks there's so much blacks wait I can scan the filtered water wait do I do I really not oh wait a second is that to see if it's like infected or anything oh vending machine I'll scan that I'm out of a fire extinguisher so I can't put out the rest of this fire so I'm just gonna have to burn to death sounds lovely I like how they made the wall shelf to look like a bar that's how I would have done it today's menu uh space bear space bear I wonder what that a lot of these a lot of the times uh game devs reference things like from their old games so I'm not very familiar with natural selection at all uh or anything else that they've done so if there's references to it like a space bear maybe oh I'm full you've got to be kidding me all right let me just eat a block it's fine drink of water take a health kit dude you might as well I have so many okay cabin one might be the 1869 yes perfect oh we got a blue cap uh abandoned PDA double bed or there's no voice I do like uh let's listen to a voice while we're doing this let's listen to 17. Ozzy's vlog to the day of the crash I don't know what the heck is happening I'm scared and I'm not going outside there are shadows in the water under the hatch but I can't tell if the rocks or aliens there's weird looking caves nearby the Aurora was carrying everything needed to build the phase gate mobile vehicle-based bioreactors propulsion cannons it had a cinema there was a zero g gym my Cafe I don't understand how we're here now I don't know why no one's coming for me it's actually kind of sad holy crap uh okay so I got the the gorg toy the I think it's called the gorg this is definitely a reference to National selection too dude there are so many things to scan it's ridiculous Kevin two can't go into Captain's Quarters oh right we're gonna have to go back here at some point oh here we go cool listen I know I don't have the right to make demands of you but I need you to understand that I want to change our arrangement I hear what you're saying and I will try to respect it how would you like to change it I would like to reduce our contact hours how much further can we do that to zero you're dumping me I'm changing the terms of our relationship how is it still a relationship if we don't see each other it's a relationship of a kind you have so many expectations I feel you just want to spend more time with that dumb guy and his dumb robots that's not a feeling it's a judgment and and I feel hostility in what you're saying perhaps your jealousy is a sign that you need what am I listening to business model why can't you just be happy for me I am happy for you and I'm happy for all the guys in the prawn Bay I'm just not happy for me oh this wow that's why I want to change our arrangement wow dude wow she called you out you dummy what was that seriously I didn't know you could find drama things okay so I know there's a sick room secret room secret room it's back here I think uh I can't get past the fire because I don't have any uh you know fire extinguisher so I'm pretty much at a loss here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember hello black box data integration terminal and Captain's Quarters oh wait I'll tell you rescue solution received at Tia's energy high priority terminal to have this quarters oh okay so that's how it ties in okay so I don't wanna I don't want to spoil anything uh but now I finally understand how that ties in I wasn't really it wasn't too sure about how that would oh yeah oh wait what was in here I don't remember uh oh wait it's probably in here though hold on hold on this tells me the code right lab access 643 I'm the best you're gonna make me die hurry up thank you oh lab equipment I would love that right now what are you what can we learn from the hive mind of straight what which make up the hive mind to be category a hive mind oh whoa whoa whoa we're gonna have to read that in a second because I'm gonna die eruption was detected on your PDA your technology blueprints have been updated wait what I'm gonna die I'm gonna die hey hey hey surface yes oh whoa I was actually not certain if there was a surface over here okay cool uh but what what did that mean let me go back to that what did it say a date event corruption was a technopedia your repulsion can blueprint has been re-synchronized dude that's what does that mean is that actually gameplay like does that actually affect gameplay you know what I don't know and I'm not questioning it all right we got it back that's all that matters now I'm coming in after I recorded this video because I realized by the end I didn't even bring it up again because I completely got sidetracked but here it is the data Bank entry of what can we learn from the hive mind of straighter six how are the individuals which make up a hive mind to be categorized they are merely dumb components of the larger intelligent organism or is the larger mind merely a product of the independent organisms can it be both we Define organisms by their traits but find invariably that these traits depend on those of the environment the concept of a tadpole is meaningless without the concept of the Frog it will develop into the idea of a predator is empty without an understanding of its prey this begs the question if we Define everything by reference to everything else what have we actually explained an illustrative experiment was recently performed on the hive mind colony covered on straighter 6. a device was placed outside the nest which would electrocute individuals approaching it an ant colony would have lost many individuals before a basic danger signal was successfully communicated between them resulting in learned avoidance of the device successful but costly the straighter 6 Colony quickly formed into two factions one attempted to move the device by Brute Force sacrificing individuals as they did so the second attempted to cover the device in sand these two goals being a mutually exclusive a fight ensued the first faction was beaten in virtue of their reduced numbers the device was safely buried and the survivors called a truce from the perspective of the individuals this experience must have been horrific from the perspective of the hive mind a nagging problem had been overcome with the most effective solution which perspective is the correct one we suggest that it is neither by attempting to fit such entities into our rigid sets of Concepts we are painting onto the world a false impression of concreteness and meaning which is a reflection of our concepts of ourselves we describe straighter six individuals as attacking one another just as we describe microbes in the human body yet the straighter Colony like the body cannot be healthy as a whole without the aggressions of its components we describe neurons in the brain as being dumb but brains as a whole as intelligence but when an idea takes hold in the brain and forces out inferior ones do we describe this as an act of aggression do we mourn dead neurons when a philosophy or a technology takes hold in human society when Wars are fought over them and people die is that rightly seen as being good or evil this is not to undermine the meaning of our existence from where we stand our existence is very serious indeed but is our civilization and our universe really any different from the colony on straighter six is intelligence something limited to things of flesh and blood or is the universe truly one giant intelligent system and we but amoeba blowing self-important potholes in its surface we would do well as scientists to remember that our goal is not to paint the world as we see it but to see it as it truly is and that my friends is one beautiful piece so honestly I was thinking that this was going to be something a little bit more hardcore as far as like uh you know backstory and whatnot the hive mind but I it makes more sense now and again it is kind of backstory and it does kind of paint a good picture it's not exactly as I thought that does not take away the beauty of it anyway I I wanted to cut this in because I I'm an idiot when I was playing and I totally forgot to show it to you guys so enjoy the rest of the video oh no see there's a freaking there's a freaking there's a thing over here I can't see any get up though there we go okay so we could just run through this and I'm gonna do it run through oh yay okay see this is my problem last time I didn't have the propulsion Cannon to be able to do this all right I could just get over it well I don't I literally have no idea why I was doing that whoa wow my goodness hang on a second I need to try to okay leave me alone oh my God you jumped up here you crazy fool that's kind of nice I actually forgot this was here uh so we didn't do the drive core thing I actually need to do that so and run through into the water all right so that was in the secret room which I can now leave I guess so we are going to eventually have to come back here for the Captain's Quarters but for now let's head back to the drive room I really do and you guys if you don't know uh exploring the Aurora you saw how big this ship was we can't actually explore that much unfortunately I wish we could I really wish it was a thing but there isn't unfortunately I mean most of it got destroyed and that makes sense okay I'm gonna have to yes yes all right okay now we got it well let's get our uh repair tool out we're at 80 we should be good to go and fix and this is what we do sit around here and we fix stuff we prepare with our repair tool and the whole ship just goes I'll behave wait I can scan this I can scan the breach what is it what does that even mean the Aurora's Drive core is shielded by a thick metal shell which breached in multiple locations shortly after the crash once Barista will continue to leak radiation into the surrounding environment until the breaches are sealed after that point the radiation in the environment will just get off me dude uh after that point the radiation in the environment will dissipate over time this procedure should only be attempted with appropriate radiation protection and a fully charged repair tool oh my goodness are you kidding me or how are you still alive you come here I'm gonna bash you against the oh my God I'm getting swarmed stop it holy crap what am I supposed to do against that was supposed to do against that kind of power oh my God I got it okay geez ah oh an achievement let's go oh yeah radiation levels yeah yeah let's go the Aurora is fixed now no more radiation no more mutated creatures or whatever adverse effects would have happened to these beautiful things around this Aurora of course they are disgusting things that will eat me in a second if I let them so you know I'm kind of indifferent but I feel good about it all right well I feel good about that uh and oh God dang it holy crap I got a lot of stuff um Cyclops engine okay that's we don't have the Cyclops unlocked at all we need a lot of stuff anyway but now I can put these upgrades like the storage module which is going to be nice because now I can uh have some extra space with me when I take my nice little seamoth with me I went the long way I could have went the short way and it's dark outside of course no it needs to be it absolutely needs to be all right so I know better than to dive down into the water uh Reaper's just sitting right there are you still stuck down there good sir yes you are okay well while you're sitting there I'm going to uh I'm gonna put these upgrades Emma Smith great okay Jesus I hate my life dude okay put it in wait that's not right no I dropped it oh what am I stupid put it on yes 300 meters let's go dude oh wait wait wait wait I totally forgot we got our friends stuck down here oh wait he might be fixed oh he's fixed okay which means he's loose the juice is loose all right so we got to be super careful we got some storage so I'm just gonna let's just uh try to bypass it wherever in the world it might be hello we haven't really had an encounter with it just yet hello okay it doesn't look like it's a rock around here shut up oh there it is oh there it is oh there it is I'm gone all right cool oh no wait what okay I'm about to say there ain't no way you see me oh all right so Second Officer Keane's Last Broadcast we should probably go to that too at some point uh let's go back to the Escape pod first hopefully I'll find another time capsule over here oh goodness no no I don't like it it's not no I don't like it stop dude I hate the Shadows ah take it and run this seamoth needs something to defend itself with I know I get that stuff later in the game but it's just not enough you guys know what you need in this game but they'll never provide it to you oh my goodness oh my goodness I was just enjoying the view and you pop up also let's take a moment let's just take a moment to congratulate the developers holy crap what a successful Game launch I think there's an upwards of like two three million owners something crazy I didn't see the details but it's absolutely insane the launch live stream was great if you guys haven't seen that too I'll link it down in the description below it is saved to YouTube so hello it was pretty fun they pushed a big red button everyone was excited Good Times all right let's check out the message hello yes you know Aurora we're from a little transgov on the far side of Andromeda and we have a saying there is no bad without the good no good without the bad sounds like you tasted a bunch of the former but that only means you're overdue a whole lot of the latter might just be we're in we're scanning for somewhere to park we'll be in touch when we find it send me Mount hey thank you so these guys are coming to save me huh coming to coming to give me the old save and a half okay so uh crap what should we do first oh we need to go we need to go check out the where's the uh oh wait did I not I already went there didn't I I may not have no I did not all right let's go there first all right so this is okay 300 meters we can do this that's why we got that upgrade I should have put uh I should have put some stuff away see this is why I have storage uh so I'll eat some food drink some water put all these batteries away I got so many of them there you go thanks for holding on my stuff babe I need to give you a name we never really get oh we did it's the uh the the McFlurry right and the mcfloester it was something to do with floaty I think it was the IG floaty no it was the pro floater that's right anyway so we the music the officials this game is so cool oh no no it's a wreck yes wreck I need to make sure I scan all the Necessities too I need to make myself a rebreather I really got to do that oh look a thermal plant hey 50 cool that's gonna be useful depending on my base location throw a plant perfect wait what are you pron suit torpedo arm fragment let's go get some of these arms for the prawn suit which we already have unlocked because we are golden oh yeah that looks good holy crap yeah I need to I need to make a rebreather uh so this isn't a legit is it a legit wreck it's got to be an entrance oh there is hello modification do I have this one right yeah there we go cool I'm gonna need that thing to make some cool stuff like the repulsion Cannon oh look sealed door I got man I am cutting oxygen like crazy 39 36 33 okay it's like three seconds per one 30 seconds no that's fine I got this first maybe I might die holy crap please don't let me die again ow this place is too difficult what do we got oh oh Power Cell charger fragment going to need that too okay I think that is it any upgrades in here I can take nope all right sounds good let's get out of here shut up I'm gonna make it I don't need you to constantly remind me holy crap my uh what things about to die Mr Seymour please don't explode look I can't lose you all right took a lot to get you out here I need you to stay alive and alert please is it down here hello it is down here stop it it's already scary see that's one of the beautiful things about subnautica it's actually funny to see people commenting saying oh he's scared of everything or oh he's acting it's like the game is really unnerving it's terrifying even if you know what's going to happen even if you know what is in a certain place it's still rattles you nerves when it comes to ambiguity in the unknown Fighting Fear or overcoming that fear is very hard to do because it's instinctual fear it's protective fear it's like I don't know what's behind me I don't know what it is I need to be alert I need to be nervous I need to be I need to have adrenaline pumping through my body so I can react properly like if you immerse yourself in a game like this you would feel the same thing too oh wait what are you wait there's stuff there's stuff sale diamond yes uh Ruby okay PDA hello ah voice logs so we can listen to that right this is Aurora come back to okay Planet four in 30 seconds the computer has identified a landmass at the attached coordinates I want you to regroup the crew there understood but they are your responsibility now don't let them down Captain you need to evacuate negative you'll need to ship in one piece if you're going to contact HQ on the long range I'm attempting a controlled descent holy crap so I'm just that was the Aurora crashing down that is nuts I don't like that at all see again reading this versus actually hearing it disturbing ultra high capacity tank let's go I think I need the modification station for that but we got that too he's doing so good what another signal oh we got a call we got communication quickly uh to All crew if you are reading this then you have followed the automatic distress signal broadcast by this life pods onboard computer contrary to my orders I've been forced to evacuate your orders are to disregard my safety and attempt to reach the designated Rendezvous coordinates at the nearest landmass I hope to see you there okay so this is going to bring us right up here so we actually should go back oh there's a lot of stuff down here I should probably collect do I have enough room I got plenty of room let's let's collect some of these rupees quickly now rupee since I may not see a lot of these real soon or I will but it's nice to have him oh Reginald yeah yeah come here no I know reginals are great dude they give me lots of food I should keep a few of them just in case I want to make a base I could put them in the aquarium they could mate I could have a whole bunch it'll be good all right got my rupees call my link going up getting out of here let's go straight up and it's night time so that's fantastic I will see you guys in just a moment all right message play this is life pod 7. coordinates attached part is structurally sound but the Fabricators bust requesting assistance seven out signal coordinates corrupted oh approximate transmission origin recorded to date a bank whoa what is this iPad 7 transmission origin the stress signals which seems like pasta isn't that the same officer key no office okay so officer Keane was live pod 19. all right distress signals corrupted last video photographic data has been downloaded and analyzed crew reported problems with the wrong board fabricator sunk to 200 meters in an area of low ecological activity I was just there oh wait that's the uh that's the cragfield okay I'll find that one actually you know what that might be where the Markiplier doll is Markiplier all right so fiber mesh and a wiring kit will get us what we need for the vibrita BAM you're good to go did I ever make a builder I don't think I made a builder yet that would have been helpful I went ahead and made another Locker because I need some place to store some stuff man I carry a lot of stuff on me don't I holy crap eventually I'm going to need to make a base so I can get the ultra high capacity tank for now I think I think we're good Rendezvous point all right I'll see you guys there aha is the island this is called the floater Island for those who don't know I got another message crap the reason why is there are these giant floaters that are literally holding up this entire thing do you see this it's ridiculous park it and let's go all right well welcome to dry land you know we've already been to dry land before so this is not energy signatures of the Island's surface Are You Now by the way people were saying oh the Boba tree you don't have any more of those what I got them right here dude seriously people were complaining that I threw it away and I'm not gonna have infinite resources the point of that time capsule was to say that they were saying their goodbye to the tree that they're gonna miss it not that it was being removed from a game or anything I don't know what y'all talk y'all on some you guys be on some stuff as the cool kids say you guys be on some oh there's actually a PDA hello abandoned PDA Rendezvous voice log let me guess Laura repair the long range comms make contact with the other survivors we can't be the only two that made it those are not the orders the captain gave me and they are not the orders I'm giving here this isn't chain of command it's survival my obligations as acting Commander don't turn on their convenience get out of the water if I get into trouble I'll send you my coordinates I can't let you go alone then come with me you don't leave me much choice received emergency transmission from Second Officer Keen two hours after last activity transmission from Altera HQ seems they sent a data package to the Aurora we were intercepted by leviathan-class Predator before we could reach the ship consider the CTO and I lost at sea be safe Keen out four Keen see a lot of people were bringing up the question of like why are we the only survivor of the Aurora it's such a big ship someone probably I mean there are other people that lived as you can see it's just that by the time we could interact with him at all uh they're dead they also got into their escape pods when the place crashed what I'm interested in is to find out my relation to them I don't know if I've been if I'm a rookie I don't know how long I could have possibly known these people does it matter to my character I need some kind of emotional investment other than my own like I developed my own idea of what kind of investment my character should have therefore I'm like oh this this affects me but it may not at all maybe I hated everyone there maybe my character didn't like any of them maybe they're all to me so therefore I don't care you know maybe it's not that bad maybe my guy feels like he should just make home here because they don't like it so he feels like he should do the opposite you never know man oh I should scan this stuff yeah marble Melon now I'm gonna have to keep you the marble melon is the most important thing you could possibly keep on a grow bed I'm going to take that there we go we got some seeds you back off God oh wait no the wrong wrong one oh that's gone isn't it was that an outdoor grow bed ow how did that even happen get out anyone else anyone else God what are you Spotlight okay giveth here oh right hello an artifact multi-purpose room now we can get a nice base going so I hope I got that that grow bed I should probably check after this because that's going to be very important for me to have exterior grow bed I need an interior grow bed right or you might be okay I got it I got it all right don't worry about it man we good ah so now we get to hear about the degassy so if you don't know about the degasi if you guys haven't seen also by the way launch was amazing for the game because they revealed the cinematic trailer which I feel like I should have been promoting the hell out of in the beginning of this video anyway cinematic trailer is amazing and I believe for the first time we get a an actual look at the degasi ship so for those who don't know about the degassi they are they're part of that cinematic trailer that's who's talking at the beginning and that's the first uh ship that crashes down onto this planet and their story plays out and I'll let you guys hear them as I collect them but is that thing I don't know I found it outside in the sand part of another ship none I've ever seen he's not even scratched don't fool around with it worth something Stand Down Chief if they were gonna crumble to dust it would have done so when I picked it up it's glowing we're not the first people to come to this planet people maybe could be aliens could be the damn sea monsters for all we know one thing for sure we ain't gonna find out by staying here all right so we just unlocked the bulkhead another PDA voice log number two so these are going to be kind of out of order but you can kind of piece them together just think of it as a uh as a Tarantino film right think of as Pulp Fiction you got to piece it together in your mind your life's more valuable to me than a plant patch you stop being in charge when the ship you are captaining sunk I'll stop being in charge when you take charge of yourself say chief chief what do you know how to drain those grow beds or 40 tons of storm water or how to conjure food from the air I know how to prioritize I'm just saying if that's so what's your boy's life with you today tomorrow you're going to be so dark what's up go deal with the punch Ed the habitat interfere with when I went rescued right I will leave you do you understand me I'll rescue comment Chief not in time I don't stay in here neither this rain keeps falling sooner or later this place will be buried only we got is whether to get buried with it all right who's this Paul torgle and meter the cut price mercenary our commissioned for the journey after days drifting in the Life pod rain hammering on the roof the weather cleared and we washed up here I hadn't made us Salvage the degasi wreck set back to finding us a stable source of food his education is paying off sooner than I'd anticipated our only problem is meter she says the weather's going to turn I say she's finding excuses to risk Our Lives I imagine she's not gonna weaken her life without her physical altercation and she's itching for a fight in every judgment she makes things go from bad to worse if she had my experience she'd have more faith humans have spent Millennia specializing in how the shackle nature to our will this planet won't cause us any new problems my one task now is to Keep Us Alive as comfortably as possible until the insurance company arranges rescue and this part of space that could be months or even years yeah imagine that can you imagine being trapped here for years oh 250 meters okay cool you see some six weeks later dead crew a habitat that's half Berry food washed away I suppose the executive decisions would be better left to someone with your extensive experience of hitting people in the face I know enough not to take unscheduled detours to Uncharted planets something you don't want to learn the hard way easy to judge a decision in hindsight harder to come up with a plan of your own going already we take a we can carry and hunker down in a cave somewhere I scouted a site a couple hundred meters deep lots of metal deposits how do you imagine we'd live with ready access to building materials like damn Queens a couple of water filters a bioreactor fresh fish but Chief will eat seaweed salad and drink our own urine if that's what it takes all that matters is do you got something better send the coordinates to my PDA I'll review your proposal I love his accent makes him seem more oh boy makes him seem more in charge ah crap okay where's the path I just lost fantastic oh my God I'm the worst dude where am I okay this this looks about right I think I was here already yeah there we go all right so I'm trying to go up here to this base because we get a lot of good parts for the base up here as long as I don't fall all these plants and I have no idea what half of them do nor do I believe that they're necessary I think they're just decorative and give a little bit of the lore of the planet here we go you're inside what are you oh marble melon okay Observatory okay cool and what an observatory this is nice placement top of this mountain dude you had your kid up here dang awkward what do you do gassy voice okay listen to that materials nothing left of the ship and your kid says we're gonna starve without more grow beds speak up kid his true father the natural growth rates are too slow to keep supporting us all I'm saying is Oceans got us surrounded no use hiding sooner or later we'll get our feet wet the rest of your life may have been a fight meter but I've made my decision you want to forfeit your emergency pay to take a swim go ahead believe me I'm thinking on it such a fool such a foolish decision like it's it's just right it makes the most sense uh what Paul's saying that you should probably not go down deep where there's Predators yeah maybe you can defend yourself because you're a badass mercenary but uh I still think that's kind of stupid because what you could do is what I do right you you go on an adventure to collect resources okay better to slightly experience the Predators when you have to to get resources than to live with them you're dumb nothing about what you're proposing is smart all right Bart torgels number three I've seen a deep I've been dreaming of it no I'm back here I'm finding it hard to enjoy alone father was right I've left this blue shouldn't have gone so deep they do not want us down there by my best efforts ill health is taking hold of me the Visions are getting worse Marguerite and father are now part of the ecosystem of this incredible planet it's reassuring to know that when I go I'll join them until then well there's always the view so that is for those who haven't seen the uh the trailer those are the lines that are read during the trailer which is amazing also I'm sorry if my audio randomly cuts out I just switched to Windows 10 and it's been a horrendous experience all right so we got some cool information we got some good blueprints this island is amazing I think I might be missing one or two pdas I'm gonna take a quick look around I don't want to miss too much of the story for the degassi because I really think it's interesting to have uh previous Survivor Tales being told to us as we're trying to survive too kind of gives us hope that we could survive seeing these bases and stuff and then it kind of takes it away when it's like spoiler they're all dead if you couldn't how the hell do I get back out there we go yeah spoiler they're all dead in the last one he he read that that uh it's probably my best efforts is Margaret and father are now part of the ecosystem of this incredible Planet which means obviously they're they're dead which is it's pretty sad also some information on them uh I believe that Paul is super oh oh yes right never mind we're not done with this place just yet how did they not find this they found this right did they talk about wait a whole hold on a second did they talk about this what there's no way they didn't see this this is just so easily accessible oh boy so again for me I know what this is if you if you aren't familiar and I'm doing my best to not spoil it for you guys imagine coming across this for the first time you see the artifact you pick up which kind of resembles this as well if we look at it ancient alien tablet with a purple symbol and let me look at this an alien Arc and we'll look at it says the structures intended purpose is unclear theory is unfunction ceremonial or religious role industrial applications or Advanced Transportation Network assessment further research is required this is pretty dope but I'm actually incredibly surprised that they didn't mention this did they mention this they were just that oblivious to what was right in front of them I mean they sure as hell didn't build that we all know that maybe I'm missing a PDA I'll take a look around the the island real quick okay I think that's it I don't think there are any other pdas if there are let me know for now we gotta go where's the oh yeah the proposed the gassy habitat okay so beneath us is a very important area beneath us is a very important area but we are not ready to go there just yet we got to go over here following the degassi oh look I need a base I definitely need a base I think we got a message yeah we did hello I said kassad why do I have to record this anyway yeah I feel like you uh I feel like you're not gonna be of uh much help yeah I'm gonna really need let me get a builder let me just start a base uh I'll put is some lockers and stuff in it we need a builder so I need a wiring kit and a computer chip so I need two silver gold copper wire and table Coral okay I think I have copper down here nope dang it man I gotta get some resources hang on a second wiring kit and computer chip cool yeah so there's actually some sandstone in the Deep caves right below me so oh I could do Advanced wiring kit let's go how did I just by making a wiring kit wait I've made both of these right oh maybe it was just for the computer chip oh and two gold I can make one nice but let's just make the Builder habitat Builder we're gonna use some titanium I'm just gonna throw together the quickest base I possibly can yes excellent I'm gonna make uh some interior interior grow bed hopefully so I need six titanium I don't think I have any stored away do I uh I can't put a floor I might be able to you know what I probably can I probably can put a floor bed in there I'm gonna need some freaking ah so quartz and some titanium right away master I'm gonna bring that stuff back Master don't you worry Master oh this music oh this music all right let's make this hatch real quick ah subnautica is such a good game Jesus Christ of Nautica is such a good game no I know I'm just gonna build this stuff real quick hold on a second interior grow bed come on oh no I really can't uh oh I got the wall thing right the wall one the wall planter I can't put it there either no Bob sag it all right we just need some more titanium which we have it's fine man I got another message this better not be Quinn all right Quinn Aurora we're approaching the planet oh no Landing site for you that's well it's better than the Alternatives we've sent you the coordinates no I'm not ready for this to align our orbit should be able to establish direct contact with you during that time okay then we're coming in to get you cross your fingers the weather hole don't leave us waiting send him out yep all right well I'll be busy um but it'll be fine we're gonna get rescued right it's not even gonna be a problem all right uh multi-purpose room right there there we go that's fine we're gonna need some power too I forgot about that hatch Perfecto what do we need for that actually so copper titanium and quartz let's go find some stuff real quick okay one solar panel should do it for now so this will be in here and I will plant all the things like the lantern fruit uh which I put away but I'll put the marble melons down those will grow and I can break them apart for four seeds and then you come in here I'm gonna plant two of those I think they'll take up a whole quarter of this right yeah that's fine but those will grow excellent all right and then we can build and we can build a locker which I need two more titanium for you kidding me all right so they'll grow I will make a Locker or maybe two let's make two lockers yeah because we can afford it now this is just a temporary base don't worry this is not a permanence I'll be building elsewhere once I get the resources to do so so I'm gonna transfer all this stuff over real quick and uh be on our way oh what is it for an aquarium two glass and a titanium I should put some Reginald in there right that would be the smart thing to do I don't really need it I guess since I'm gonna have infinite plants but wouldn't be a bad idea all right well that is everything from the life pod in all my lockers and my seamoth stored away I also have this guy set up oh look at your good little original I'll get them just in case you know because I can cook them and eat them at any time in case I run out of these which I don't think I have ever done in my experience of playing this game it's always been I've had enough just from this so we'll see how it goes I'm all set up I think I got another message which I will listen to real quick yes I do hello this is life pod six I have a passenger on board coordinates attached we've landed a kilometer from the crash site but there's radiation in between us and the Rendezvous request immediate assistance six out what is corrupted approximate transmission oh this is the one okay yeah this is the one I I already went to I'm pretty much ready I got food I got water get all the good stuff we're gonna head straight down to the Jelly shroom caves before the Sunbeam gets here now this should lead to the grassy plateaus it does is this a hole this is not the hole there's a hole somewhere I'll find it oh I actually can't recall if there was a direct hole straight down to the place oh there is wow okay never mind all right we're going down dudes oh I'm so scared God damn it that one actually hurt my chest oh wow we are right on top dude you know what sucks I have played this game so this is what I'm talking about this game is ever so ever expanding that I didn't even realize that there was a hole above it I thought there was at before this base was even here like when the jelly stream caves was like first developed or like in the early stages of the game there were like multiple entrances but then when this base was here all I could remember is the one that starts on the opposite side of the cave gave support a microcosm of unique possibly predatory life forms detecting an artificial structure somewhere in the region here we are this is the base that the degasi had built from the floater Islands actually you know what weren't we supposed to okay we were supposed to start on the opposite side right because there's like platform yeah there's a floodlight up there and I don't think they have pdas on them but there's like a trail of platforms that they made for like storing resources and whatnot and those things are the best the crab steaks they look harmless they look like little worms they're actually quite big and they like to consume people like me [ __ ] enough what was that wait what was that part of the music all right I'm just trying to collect them oh my goodness oh my goodness okay yeah I don't think there's any pdas on them so they're not that important dude this music whoa the crab snake is infected hello [Music] oh my goodness dude all right I'm just gonna go safely oh yeah go back into your home my good friend go back oh there's one right there oh there's one sitting in the mushroom all right hang on a second we're gonna be safe it's gonna explode my stuff oh oh stay away from me do not attack my thing I cannot have you destroy this get here oh my goodness well what a great start to a video right we got 17 minutes left let's just go in here dude I don't even care uh wait there's one down here right yes hello aha [Music] all right let's see David ow my God please you stupid idiot get over here you know what come here wait that wasn't you get over here there we go okay now let's listen to it degassi survivors it's Midas log yeah there we go these bread incompetence self-absorbed jerks I don't have a damn clue the kid's not so bad is Even useful but I swear everything that comes out of his father's idiot face is a narcissistic lie he wants to stay in this cave his problem I'm the one doing the heavy lifting when sea monsters are hunting you you don't hide you hunt the sea monsters then you build a bigger boat out of sea monster bones and you hunt bigger monsters keep going until there aren't any monsters left to hunt you I'm going deeper I'm gonna find what shot us down and I'm gonna tear its damn heart out I started the prep work the kids taught me how to make enameled glass I've started stockpiling metal oars to build myself a Seamon I'll raid the indoor grow beds I guess we can all see how that turned out for you that is always a pecking order and in our world money makes a hierarchy I pay made a fraction of what I pay you and you a fraction of why I pay me if money makes the higher Rocky why is Margarita making the decisions we need her we let her think what she likes so long as she does what she's told what if she doesn't for enough money she will people always do signal location uploaded to PDA whoa what what signal what is that wait what signal what are you talking about I didn't get a signal maybe I should pay attention to what I'm actually getting here I don't think I got anything different right oh is this it you know what maida told me today she wants to build a habitat 500 meters below sea level more than a kilometer Northeast of here as she needs botany to do it she's got it at her head that she can save us if she just acts recklessly enough but I've hold Star Wars the Neptune plus steel to the Federation this family operates nine different mining colonies across the ariadne arm made her thinks she's better suited to lead her contract still says otherwise I just cannot damn well tell whether it's the stupidest idea I ever heard on my only hope I turned 80 years old last week I thought I had another E.T in me but marooned on this planet there's no swapping out of my liver when the old one fails here immortal a maida is useful so it's my responsibility to make a decision return to the island and hope whatever not the degasi out of the sky won't do the same to the rescue ship or take us deeper in search of answers and all the while we hope an old age gets me before the sea monsters do I'll give media just one thing she was right about these caves there's enough lithium there to fabricate a hundred tons of plus Steel enough for a damn flea of Cyclops submarines there was nothing anyone could have done to avoid crashing here but I was right to order the detour if we get off this planet they'll be talking about the torgel share price on the other side of the Federation so he's 80. is that what he said he's 80 right yeah he turned 80 years old and he thought he had another 80 in him so like average lifespan 150 years that's pretty good man uh but we got two new ones to listen to one is deeper the other is this one let's listen to this one first something incredible just happened since we're down here I had this plan to build equipment and study the life forms we were encountering but I didn't have enough enameled glass so I started looking for a natural substrate that would strengthen the glass we have and those stalker teeth had been finding fit the bill only well we needed more that's when Marguerite got interested she actually listened to me more than I can say for father and I worked up the courage to talk about my more theories when I told her they were attracted to metal deposits that their teeth get dislodged when they picked them up her eyes narrowed and she dashed out of the room three hours later she came back her pack loaded down with stalker teeth I asked her about it she Shrugged and said my theories were good said she had the meeting out at the palm of her hand I think she meant it literally she is incredible she went out to the kelp forest armed with just a heat blade and went into Finn with a pack of pack of stalkers on the one hand that is the coolest thing I've ever heard on the other I hope the stalkers didn't come off worse than Marguerite did she had a huge gash on her forearm I don't think things went as smoothly as she made out what's the point in surviving here if we have to kill everything that makes it so wonderful more about these animals but father won't let me leave that um maybe with all this glass we could build a containment unit get up close to them we're already 200 meters below sea level you want to go deeper look around as Chief water leaking through the hall water outside the hatch we're drowning real slow if rescue arrives whatever shot us down it's gonna do it again and again until it's shut off an off switch around here chief why would an animal likely be half a kilometer down your kid found something on the scanner there's something down there something that shouldn't be you're fat I'm going all the same and I have an idea you two are gonna follow but if you do be mindful your Authority stopped at sea level oh boy of course Mida you crazy woman so they went even deeper I didn't get any coordinates for it so one can only assume where all right we have about nine minutes I was just collecting some magnetite because I know we're gonna need them I've ran into about 90 different fish and they're all dead I don't feel bad at all I would eat them if I could relocate their corpses um but yeah so we're moving forward we gotta go to the Sunbeam I don't even actually even know if we have enough time but let's hope we do so the exits right above here Joe oh okay someone just got shot to the Moon I'm actually I'm actually pretty upset at myself that I didn't know this earlier oh okay so we're back out here we gotta go about 1500 meters this way all right I will see you guys there all right so the Sunbeam is about six minutes away I hear a deadly predator in the distance it actually sounds really close I don't want my seamoth being destroyed so if we could just not and say we did oh cool I can spend my time uh Gathering some blueprints yay 67 here it is and look at that makes you wonder what it is right again I'm trying not to spoil for you guys uh I'll let the the information flow naturally but just let you know I already know what this is I already know what's gonna happen all right I'm about five minutes to wait I think I'm gonna look around see what I can find hello beautiful people original I need you I need you to make babies look how deep this thing goes this thing is actually really awesome when you take take a step back and you appreciate what you're looking at it's quite amazing I don't like the sound of that oh hello hi there I'm gonna scan you quickly oh it disappeared but I wanna I wanna scan it oh yeah the islands are over here never mind I thought this was I thought this was the end of the map called the void and I was actually extreme it's Christ hello hello hello I'm just doing something real quick scan you scan you ah okay it attacks it definitely attacks hello come here huh run friend stop it no look I got a plane to catch thank you now let's take a look at that warper huh all right though I'm about to die hold on whoop the warper an aggressive creature with the ability to teleport itself and others in space no genetic crossover identified with indigenous life forms demonstrates no recognized defensive Behavior one is the head mechanisms located in the head region provide its warping capability used or which it uses to stalk its targets to the Torso appears to hunt other life forms but no digestive organs have been identified internal structure considerably more complex than other known organisms unable to distinguish whether organic or artificial in nature assessment is further research required it doesn't say we should avoid but one would assume that that's what you should do see look at this you guys are like eh the Bulba 3 is going forever dude I got millions millions millions upon billions of bulbous tree samples that I can use to eat because I'm not going to plant these they suck ooh Sunbeam is going to pick us up at night right yeah this is gonna be a fun time all right let's get this over with all right ooh all right there's something up here this is actually good looking I don't think I've ever seen this at night all right I'm going up here I gotta pick up an artifact hey beautiful I'm gonna scan you first hold on ah this carbon-based device is lighter than it looks and features a symbol which resembles a u lit up in purple despite the onboard power still functioning algae growth on the exterior indicates it was abandoned hundreds perhaps thousands of years ago while the technology is far beyond Federation levels and there's no obvious way to interface with it it should nonetheless be possible to fabricate the precise physical copy of the device if necessary so now we can create this uh once we pick it up or I guess already cool oh [Music] Survivor we see you man I don't know how you held out down there we've broken atmosphere and we're descending towards the landing site that I'm building down there what do you mean there it is hold on don't turn it back now positions everyone touching down is ten nine eight it's coming from the building change course set thrusters to full [Music] probably would have been smart for me to take some a bit of an understanding from from Paul uh in his log saying that a rescue ship comes it's likely going to get shot down too we can assume that because the Aurora got shot down that this one is going to as well well there goes all hope now we just lay on this beautiful beach and die in peace all right so now since uh our character's interest is peaked for this device as if it wasn't already we're gonna go inside I'm gonna use our little tablet thing oh right there's one over here I could scan this one too hang on a second what oh never mind okay take my stuff take my Jewels yeah for skill control hello scan and scan it scan it scan it okay cool uh this device matches no known Technologies is like an alien in nature blah blah blah nonetheless there's a good chance it functions like a regular lock yes awesome scans indicate this structure is composed of a metal alloy with unprecedented Integrity no match is found in database performing structural analysis well that's nice man this place is much brighter than I remember it's actually quite beautiful with the specular lighting this looks oh top notch unknown language attempting translation okay that was cool uh discovered inside an alien facility was not possible to translate any useful information however scans have returned some information on the device itself it is likely a solid state computer although there is no clear way to interface with it when approach it began producing a low frequency radio wave containing complex but recognizable data patterns uh it is likely the alien species which designed this technology evolved or genetically selected sensory apparatus to hear and understand the information being broadcast by the device and to communicate back the mental processing power required to perform this kind of telepathy would imply the designers were considerably more psychologically developed than the common human further research required okay ah yes now we can find oh I think uh we gotta go a little bit further to do this but this is going to help us have better power that's all I care about ion Cube likely grown artificially cubic appearance suggests it has been cut from a larger deposit each Cube contains an equivalent ionic energy of five kilotons of TNT Jesus lord it's a lot of power pelotons all right let's just keep that there keep it nice and safe cannot ascertain whether their purpose is aesthetic or functional further data required yeah you know we can't decide whether we know if this is just to look cool I mean we're they worried about that are they worried about looking cool for their friends and their Pals they invite over for Sunday brunch no likely this is uh very important and we'll never understand what it's used for which is awesome all right enforcement platform schematic this data set appears to be a multi-dimensional schematic of some kind by mapping the pattern to three-dimensional space that is possible to gather a basic understanding of this facility's internal workings construction material the facilities unknown construction materials identified as an ultra hard non-reactive metal amalgam synthesized from off-world materials there's no indication that it can be damaged or destroyed by available means power the schematic indicates the facility was to be powered by a separate self-sustaining power plant located Elsewhere on the planet the location is not listed but there's evidence the designers intended to harness the planet's natural thermal energy obviously going to be down where the volcano is uh layouts the facility consists of the upper engineering section where the schematic was found and the control room which is accessed via a security sealed Elevator Shaft or a separate underwater Moon pole control the control room in the lower section houses the only known way to interface with the facility however the schematic does not detail the operation procedure or installed security measures AKA this thing is way too complex for us to understand huh [Music] sick yeah basically this thing is way too complex for our tiny little human three-dimensional space beings to understand oh yeah this thing got moved oh it's different alien rifle let's go data download alien rifle uh the strong resemblance to human Weaponry in form this device must have been designed with a humanoid user in mind whether the aliens that built the structure were themselves humanoid or otherwise employed the use of humanoids is unclear what is clear is that they considered defending this facility a necessary precaution there's no obvious way to remove the rifle from the case no obvious way but I bet I can get in there wouldn't that be a nice Easter egg come on let me just let me have it there's no obvious way but there's a way oh wait oh my God I thought I had it figured out that's awesome I want it I'm gonna figure it out if you guys have any ideas Post in the comment section below alright so here's another one of these if you can't figure it out by now it's uh I'm gonna spoil it for you it's a teleporter we can go places dude that lit up for me thank you it's like red carpet thanks but yeah this one is a receiving end of a teleporter you can't it's not a two-way purple tablet my inventory is full I think you're telling the truth there we go give me that tablet what kind of games do you think they play on their tablets huh these aliens play some kind of alien Runner game do you think they played Minecraft oh look alien device that looks dangerous I shouldn't be scanning it doomsday device scans indicate this device contains enough potential energy to destroy the entire planet along with most of this solar system fortunately it has malfunctioned that's actually crazy now it makes me wonder why would they have this here is it that it has malfunctioned right and that it's being stored here for display right these guys seemed you know could be aesthetic beings like they're they're here to look good and this is like hey look at what we have here or it's there for protection maybe the the gun down here is in a case that's kind of similar to like you know a fire extinguisher or a a fire ax that you have to like bust the glass out to use in case you need to maybe there's only one of the aliens needed to be able to defend this base and this could be the the kill switch this could be like oh well the place is doomed you know we should just destroy the whole place but you could just end it end it all dude and I could take the whole planet with me what do you guys think should I do it actually wait a second you look closely it looks like the inside of it is pulsing can you imagine having that kind of Technology my goodness okay did the facilities yep thank you Susie Q we got the key now we can turn off this bad boy so that way we can save the sun oh wait hello I can't see oh I can scan it okay cool energy core I can't read that energy core this device houses energy equivalent to a 100 Megaton nuclear detonation which can be channeled through the facility and directed at vessels overhead or bent around the planet's gravitational pull to strike Targets in orbit power is routed via the attachment terminal allowing for the device to be deactivated if necessary it is currently operating without parameters suggesting it will Target any ship within range well I wish I had known that now the sunbeam's dead now Ever every Quinn is gone oh yeah press that button oh we're gonna die oh hey cutie haven't seen you in a bit girl what's up he's taking another another thing of blood that's fine it's in my blood though casting a message translation reads warning infected individuals may not disable the weather this planet is under quarantine so scary dude the word quarantine just sounds so terrifying translating back [Music] ground oh there we go alien Factory locations uh intercepted background data regarding further alien facilities Elsewhere on the planet disease research facility debt the 800 meters location cave system with extensive fossil records Southwest of enforcement platform uh live specimen study synthesis of antidote for highly infectious bacterium designated Kara which has been changed it was the karar now it's the CRA which is basically the exact same thing in natural selection 2 which is the game also developed by unknown worlds Sanctuary a data corrupted Sanctuary B data corrupted off-site laboratory data corrupted primary containment facility data corrupted cool in the events of an outbreak quarantine procedures will be automatically did I just say automatically automatically enforced with immediate effects the quarantine enforcement platform will Target all incoming and outgoing craft to prevent the spread of infection off world well then I know like I said a great way to deal with that you have the device right here just fix it you guys are smart I know it's malfunctioned but come on how complicated can it be it's just compact energy you guys have that too 100 Megaton shot just blew up our friends so the Quran I might as well scan myself how infected am I surface can complete bacterial infection in your system is progressing detecting skin irritation and immune system response further data required to identify bacterials train my skin has some irritation it would be really cool to see my guy scratch every now and then if I'm like standing still so our objective is to go deeper not only for the degassi to find doubt where they went to but also for the disease research facility all right so uh let's get our seamoth we gotta get out of here is it still night time oh it's daytime oh boy oh boy all right oh leave me alone please gotta get to my seam off I'm getting out of here dude oh no I hear you big boy I hear you big boy Zak yes this thing is actually kind of important isn't it I got airgel oh that's what okay so I'm gonna I gotta plant this so I can get more oh right Mr mouthy so we gotta head back to the Escape pod real quick in our base reevaluate ourselves maybe make a power cell I'm probably gonna need that my power is dwindling down and then we're gonna head over to the other proposed degassi habitat that's 500 meters down so we're gonna have to upgrade right we're gonna have to upgrade our seamoth to go a little bit deeper instead of spending all the time to get a cyclops I don't even have the equipment for it anyway I'll see you guys there ah excellent Okay so let's take a look we don't have much power in this base 75 is there but uh Hey the trees are growing and we got the marble melons yay make some babies please make some babies don't be infected babies okay so I got all my stuff stored we got ion cubes batteries for daily we got a gel sack and we can make ourselves a nice little Foundation just kind of right here exterior grow bed just put it right here and I shall plant this no no I pressed the wrong button you know what's fine totally fine great I could have had a surplus of that stuff a ton of them I'm so stupid uh great I have no room for it oh all right I'm gonna have to take you guys out I'm so sorry if you were making babies I'm sorry all right I just gotta do this real quick there we go right in the corner titanium copper wire whatever aquarium is back put back my beautiful fishies make the love make the sweet sweet love please need a cop wire and an air gel which I do have right oh no I don't because I ate the gel sack oh my God I'm so s so stupid all right I'm making a locker real quick and I'm gonna put extra seeds right in there that I can replant all right well we need to make a fabricator for sure there we go titanium gold and table Coral sample that that changed again what is it to build the modification station so it's a computer chip titanium Diamond and Lead here we go computer chip and then what was I trying to make all right take that I didn't need diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond a lot of potential stuff here a heat blade or thermoblade as it's called super upgrades dude what do we need for the ultra high capacity tank uh four lithium and then oh my God I got this dude one two three four and then we need to take off our high capacity and yes dude upgrade for everything let's go 225 oh so good okay what's next uh upgrades Ultra Glide fins would be nice uh I have that titanium two silicone rubbers let me make sure I can do hold on uh I need to do the seam all upgrade so I need that plastial ingots enameled glass and two magnetite okay depth considerably does not stack a stalker tooth oh we gotta go hunt some stalkers hang on a second well since we're gonna be searching around let's make these fins we need two silicone rubber titanium and a lithium oh I need to take off my fins first hold on there we go Ultra Glide fins gonna be super helpful modification station dude we just made oh my God we made so much good stuff okay so we need stalker teeth and a bunch of titanium all right it's getting nighttime I kind of need my seam all hang on a second there you are okay so I know I don't need to kill you what I do need to do is find your teeth oh look he's got a stockpile what's up dude no no okay all right I should get a peeper peeper come here nope I got one for you here take it take it take it yes now go away wait oh wait they're supposed to eat out of my hand that's right that's my fault that's my fault I'm just looking guys everybody calm down now typically the stalker tees are going to be where they're stockpiling things like the titanium because it breaks off their teeth I don't know how they grow back so fast but you know what obviously an alien planet you got a t you got a tooth for me my dude I just need come here come here yes oh wait was that it I swear I just saw one so this one's gonna be friendly to me for now which is nice I just need a freaking stalker to oh found it I lied that's not it crap this thing is this place is Playing Tricks on my eyes dude I can't see anything give me two two of them two of them let's go uh well uh wait that was a good one right yeah he likes me he likes me I don't know how long that lasts for but yes you can tame those guys oh yeah I also need quartz hang on a second all right this should be enough I got some copper and stuff too so I can make another solar panel all righty do we have another one nope you'll take forever all right we've got our titanium make a quick glass make the titanium Ingot enamel glass and the plastille Ingot oh yeah that was super quick now we have to take I believe I gotta get my seam off one second and get the upgrade out your light no turn off your lights dude you're wasting battery all right depth we'll take that out and there we are what's the next one three rubies and a plastic Ingot dude are you serious we could make this I'm gonna I'm gonna do it I'm gonna freaking do it dude let's get some more titanium real quick all right we got the plastic Ingot and the rubies come on oh dude this is amazing 900 meters deep uh I'm in my seamoth as if I'm ready to go but I'm dumb because I need some power cells so uh all I need for power cell is two batteries uh oh I can make titanium two batteries and a silicone rubber yeah so two batteries which I do have plenty of I should make a battery charger dude how much is it for that I think I also have a power cell charger too oh my goodness I do uh so battery charger I'll put that I'll put it right here uh so copper wired titanium and wiring kit I'm pretty sure the wiring kit is silver and some odd stuff I I can never remember dude I'm so bad oh hey look at that how perfect I'm getting all kinds of lucky here that's the battery charger right man if I'm not a god at this game all right uh wow wait what happened on my battery did I put them all away seriously all right just give me give me all these real quick charge that one charge that one charge that one okay let's scan ourselves how bad are we infected that's not good oh yeah last episode two we got this crazy thing uh freaking modification station we got a new knife we got a new tank we got new fins uh and we got the upgraded cmoth depth module so basically all we need only other things we haven't made yet is the repulsion Cannon which is incredibly easy to make look at that this is ridiculous all right we gotta go find some uh some creep Vine seed clusters which I could just do with my super fast fins and my super duper C Glide which if you guys hey do you guys remember in the beginning of subnautica in early development that was the power glide which was like you could modify this thing to be super fast and you can like right click and it would shoot you off into the sky that seemed like an amazing thing that is no longer in the game which sucks I really was hoping that it would be I feel like I'm going the wrong way where the hell is the kelp forest what is this carrying high priority passengers remains oh yeah I've done seen this I actually saw it on someone else's video I was like damn this is gonna be interesting uh we'll show you that later on as a matter of fact that'll be our first destination before going down there how about that you guys want to see the super super awesome VIP dude he's super VIP man likely he's uh you know a character that uh was important to the mission uh if if we haven't delved into that part of the story yet I'm sorry if I spoil it but it has something to do with uh the the Aurora's Mission isn't exactly what it was told to us like I'm not a dude that's meant to be doing what I'm doing I'm just lucky right so there's there's other reasons why the ship came to this planet it's all I'm saying all right give me that silicone rubber we get two of them I'm just gonna make up quite a bunch quite a quite a few Bunch that's two power cells let's make three power cells and then I can make a lubricant and yes let's make a van power sail and then a two power sail and then I take the extra power sail and I put inside static units in the sea mouth so yeah I totally botched having a freaking Unlimited Supply of gel sacks because I'm an idiot let's just go we got some water I'll take another one just in case and we're all set let's leave let's go check out the high priority passenger first oh right I'm supposed to put it in my uh storage Bay come here Bam Bam that way you know if if the if the seamoth gets destroyed I lose that too it's so smart we're going pretty far without having the Cyclops or the moon pool which I think honestly we're gonna get the moon pool fragments over here once we get there we haven't actually been to that biome yet so it's gonna be pretty fun okay I feel like I've been in the kelp forest for about seven hours now if I could get out to be fantastic mushrooms it's getting dark just how I like it oh remains excuse me oh my goodness so this person's already dead is what you're telling me oh that's so good I'm excited this goes to oh there's a oh there's the big tree it's the Deku Tree hey life pod 13. I'm pretty sure you're important so whatever you have over here I'm just gonna steal it remains Oh you mean like PDA remains oh I don't know why I thought uh that would be like remains remains that's my fault uh so data downloads Aurora survivors 13. let's listen creators the cherishers and sustainers of Worlds give me this day my daily Pleasures as I give to those who see Pleasures from me external temperature approaching critical levels show me the path in life truth and love for mine is the power I am the one on and off and on again which the Universe plays with itself I am done as this bundle of Flesh return me [Applause] that is the most awesome voice log I've ever heard uh what's interesting about that is a lot of people are speculating that it's like there's an extra element to everything right that this was like way too weird to be like a dude praying but that's it to me it seems like that's all it is is a guy in his last moments he knows he's going to die uh and he he prays and at the very end he's that's what he says like if you know the universe blah blah play with himself something like that and then he says I am done playing with this flesh uh return me like he wants to return to to non-existing he wants to return to the planet or the oh my God what is that Reaper seriously you know we have been extremely lucky to avoid them where the hell am I hearing that holy crap all right well we got to go in here first obviously so that was cool yeah I don't think um there's much else to it it's it's not really an Easter egg either it's it's part of the story obviously if it gives you a a uh a freaking signal to it it's not it's not an Easter egg oh stay away oh my God I just realized all of my stuff is messed up give me the heat blade pulsing cannon on five uh repair tool there we go that should be good all right how do we get in this there's got to be a door somewhere hello seamoth I already have you I'll take a metal salvage why not more CMOS huh I'm guessing we were supposed to come over here at some point way earlier in the game it's kind of what I really really like about this game is that you can go however you want to and the game will still end up putting you where you need to be it's a very guided very guided game but not linear at all hi I'm just trying to I'm just trying to get in buddy no stay away aha there we go okay I still got some time I'm just gonna go in hello mobile vehicle Bay I already have you buddy I'm gonna go up and around I'm gonna get lost again and I'm gonna die uh mobile vehicle Bay okay so all this stuff is pretty much early game stuff that I already have so nothing crazy is that seriously that is this seriously it in this wreck this wreck is huge that's fine we have all this stuff I'm not gonna complain oh wait there's a PDA almost missed it almost missed it Degrassi crew manifest I was never very uh search and rescue mission Margaret Mida this is under what is this under uh position freelance security Personnel status Lost in Space near Planet 4546b age at time it disappears 42. okay mercenary born in the Mongolian States experienced and ship to ship in close quarters combat techniques tours of Duty with the Mongolian Defense Force and the trans system Federation dishonorably discharged from the tsf 15 years ago for going off Mission details classified Emissary khazar reports Mida was hired to accompany Paul torgel on board the degassi into Uncharted space and defend the ship in case of assault by Pirates or rival corporations cassar isn't that the dude cassar yeah that's what oh okay they're connected in a way oh crap oh crap okay here we go I almost hello see moth hmm come back to me so they're connected that's interesting I gotta read that one more time one second reports Mida was hired to accompany Paul torgel on board okay oh well I completely missed where it said Emissary did it say that before and the other one it probably did yeah emissary's voice log I just totally blew over that so his special mission was to retrieve Mida hello I have a floater on me hey stop it okay this is actually disrupting can you oh my goodness give me this get off me dude that is the first time I've ever had to deal with floaters anyway yeah so is that what his mission was to bring uh bring Mida home seems interesting what do you guys think let me know in the comments propose to gassy habitat 500 meters down and it's going to be so good luckily for me my seamoth is a boss holy crap it's dark over here it looks like the pop-in has been uh never mind I was literally gonna say the Poppin looks like it's gotten improved a bit but not really uh salt well you know what I'm gonna have the uh filtration machine soon which makes salt then I can just get Coral stuff and and turn it into Goods okay so this is the grand Reef welcome everybody to the Grand Reef oh I love the ambient sounds of this I kind of wish I could turn up I know we can actually if you guys didn't notice uh we have options now for this so like music volume ambient volume uh but I can't turn down sound effects to make the ambient sounds louder so the seamoth is always going to be pretty loud hello hello there how you doing what resources again can I get I think I can get a surplus of rupees down here and quartz oh yeah where are you dude the cinematic trailer is amazing if you ever want to see some of these creatures oh gel sack yes all right so I can hit this for some seeds that I will then plant that would be the best option so now I can't eat them I don't think I can eat them they are not consumable so that's good there we go ah we got it I'll make some air gel in the future whoa what uh oh is it super hot over here what the hell those things are spreading that much okay I mean I see them but should you really be giving me that much beat all right Ruby oh Jesus Christ oh my please don't destroy my seamoth no no is it dead we gotta go all right we gotta go we gotta go I gotta go around the corner gotta go around the corner oh my God please help me am I gonna be able to repair I got to repair right now leave me alone all right looks like I okay what I'm repairing stop looks like I'm gonna have to avoid that area Jesus Christ for those who don't know that's a ghost Leviathan uh which they they used to be uh planned originally to only be in the Lost River uh there was also talk about them being out in the open part that you can't really play on um which they are uh spoilers uh but they're in the freaking Grand Reef too this sucks sucks big time I don't want stuff to die I'm Gonna Save that would be the smart thing to do give me that oh what is this you're in a night yes take that ooh another Reginald I wonder if mine have uh duplicated themselves yet all right what am I gonna do about this ghosty I guess I am going to avoid it really because I just gotta go down here yeah we'll avoid it for now we shall avoid these things almost look like ghost Leviathan babies which I don't like either another jail sack dude let's go I don't really need it though to be honest I have enough seeds okay where are you where are you where oh my God where the hell did you come from okay from us I mean don't get over here but get away from my thing I'm gonna fight you oh God he's angry he's angry he's angry he's also super infected I'm just gonna kill him with this thing get out of here dude he doesn't want to fight me I got him yo this area unable to confirm whether it originated dude you suck I just killed you with the propulsion Cannon crab squid oh yeah look at that guy large Predator can be found in deep Waters where it lurks amongst the blood kelp and membrane trees in search of prey it can deploy a powerful electromagnetic pulse to defend itself uh 10 limbs feature different appendages for swimming walking hunting and possibly even tool use creatures What creatures caught in this grasp are expertly butchered and quickly consumed raise another illuminated herbivores are you is that the ghost story making that noise get away from me is its usual prey and it will approach and attack any light source in the vicinity's EMP blast was likely developed as a response to predation by creatures with electrical hunting mechanisms like the uh warpers intelligence so while crafts Goods appear to have large brains and a resemblance to the intelligent squids of Earth the organ inside the creature's head is in fact its stomach which it must fill with startling regularity uh neutralizes electric equipment light attracts its on wanted attention Okay yeah you guys are creepy we get it shut up I killed it with a gel sack and a few rocks I'm amazing oh what are you whoa yo is that a crab squid egg we got eggs all right I'll plant that one once I get a base built because they need to have a larger aquarium for that look at that guy he's super infected and dead no stop there we go power cell power 14 degrees here dude that's pretty uh I didn't realize there was such an abundance of gel sacks here I was acting like they were such a rare resource and they're not where am I going where's my where's my icon is that a diamond give me that diamond okay where did uh where's the signal hello oh I lost the signal is that because I'm right next to it okay uh what in the hell oh well hello there what are you I got a better question for you what are you is what the audience is asking oh God yeah so that was uh that was our dear friend I won't say who it is not gonna spoil uh enjoy that I'm actually very surprised that she contacted me this late in game it's if I recall correctly it was quite uh quite early on oh God dang it all right let's get in here I just saw a warper quickly this is the habitat a lot of stuff's going on right now we just got contacted PDA caught a hole clear through the reinforced Hull better come my breather in time I told her I said others would come corrupture threw me clear of the habitat and the monster turned and bored down on me and just as his tentacles came with under each Mater appeared out of nowhere shall a sea Glide him on hand the dragon piece of scrap metal in the other she meant to butcher that Beast or Die Tryin the last I saw her she had the metal launched in its neck as the monster did its best to shake her contorting off into the darkness I'm certain she got her wish one way or another then I thought I saw a light deep below me I hope maybe Bart have swung clear I followed it now I wonder whether I saw anything at all our oxygen is low the habitat is gone I can't see the sky something surely has the scent of My Blood dude the voice acting is so good oh my God all right well we just unlocked a bunch of stuff we got a shield generator we got swim charge fins I got a new uh PDA and we unlock the alien containment so we have number seven and number uh oh we're getting contacted uh the guys are survivors yes we got two number seven would be the one and then Number Nine stop fighting and listen we're sick what how you've been coughing right feeling itchy blisters yeah the Biometrics would have warned us if I were sick it's something new it's not in the database come on then What's it gonna do turn us inside out dissolve us into jelly it's an alien bacteria it's everywhere every organism on this planet it's altering our genetic code how are the creatures surviving if they're infected I don't know yet want me to cut some of them open for you find out what makes them tick no just tell me what you need son materials equipment just can I have some quiet I need some time to think excellent okay so that uh that completes it if you guys didn't see we just picked up an awesome egg uh this little guy the cute little guys called the cute fish or the Cuttlefish God dang it I keep saying the wrong one get back going this way um subtract the light I'm gonna keep my lights off hopefully we're fine but that's the Cuttlefish which we will hatch now that we have the alien containment oh boy Whoa oh God no no no no no no okay stay away perfect so that was a cuttlefish we'll we'll see that guy in a little bit he becomes our friend literally our pet and I'm excited uh but we have some we have some more to listen to from the degassi in fact we got all of them one two three four five six we just listened to seven we gotta listen number eight what are you so happy about meter say kid I brought you something what's up outside towed at home on the back of the sub you killed that thing it's still breathing I was about to finish the job but I can stay in chat if you'd like no and make yourself useful and pass me that hardened blade are you out of your mind your profile thing here why the sauce good as it looks why if others come you prefer got curious and came of its own accord or got messed up and dragged here when we go off this planet I am going to drag you through every Court in the damn Federation ah she is a wild card dude I'm actually wondering if put together could you really blame their non-existence uh on her yes probably I mean it's very likely alright and the last one I have had it with you risking Our Lives oh Stow a chief the kid can't kill this disease without fish to study I'm just bringing him home but tell her tell her I'm right you're both wrong Marguerite I can't find out how they resist the bacteria if you slaughter them all it ain't always they oblige in coming in alive he means you're being Reckless father the outcome's no better if we hold up in here and don't go outside that we have to find a middle way there is no compromise not while she's on my sea base your sea base I'm going outside boat torical has disembarked the habitat but come in it's dangerous damn it boy I knew you can hear me [Music] chief get off the radio and put on your helmet what race [Applause] holy crap I couldn't tell what what Leviathan that was sounded like a ghost Leviathan so that's the end of it they are now uh they are now gone and as it picks up from the uh the cinematic trailer with with Bart is it Bart I don't want to say Bart that sounds really dumb it is Bart okay dumb name it just sounds like I would make that mistake thinking of like Bart Simpson even though I don't watch The Simpsons anyway so that's the end of it Leviathan attacks breaks open their base this is their deepest base they've had okay so I am going to go home because my inventory is full uh if you couldn't tell down there that is a new biome that we're going to in fact the disease oh the disease research facility would be down in that direction so I'm gonna go home we're gonna put some of this stuff away we're gonna mess with our new toys for a little bit see what else we can do build whatever uh I'm terrified to be out here what the hell oh my God oh my God that scared the living hell out of me as much as I already know that there aren't any new creatures these are the sea treaders by the way I'm actually gonna get out and scan one um but the way they were lined up against this ball made me think it was some kind of giant spider please rewind this and tell me if you saw the same thing now these guys are interesting uh because they're feces that they drop uh is actually the best thing to use for a bioreactor uh to power your base if I'm not mistaken I don't know what else it is used for I don't think there's any crafting recipe that requires it but this is awesome I remember when these guys were added in it was so cool all right let me self-scan am I dying even more no I'm good dude just listen to this [Music] so awesome can you imagine just running into that like hearing it off in the distance okay where is this douche I feel like he's somewhere over here the crab squid though that's not good I'm just gonna keep running I think I think we might be all right so I got I'm full my inventory is full got a lot of stuff to put away ghost leviathans are terrifying and if you want to know something scary that goes Leviathan we saw is not the biggest one by the way we'll encounter that at some point you guys will see anyway I'll see you guys back at base all right Diamond all this other extra organic stuff can stay in here lab equipment should be pretty cool I can't actually store that can I can just drop them no I can't oh I can do this though all right I'll just place them on the ground somewhere there we go I think I could also do that with this yeah oh this is my favorite music for subnautica absolutely it's like what I started with it's such a good song oh yeah I forgot we have the uh let me turn this into titanium real quick we got a radio contact I'll keep the egg in here and the orange tablet actually I'll I'll lose that all these extra special stuff I'll put in here batteries should be fully charged yes perfect all right let me see real quick what it is for a power cell charger because I could really use this on my trips back uh Advanced wiring kit two rubies how do I make an advanced wiring kit two gold a wiring kit and a computer chip holy crap I got one silver here yeah this is gonna be tough I think when I come across the items that would be better also I'm gonna show you guys this well I could just eat the lantern fruits but this is kind of nice I actually can't really get back here all that well so I get a bunch of seeds that I can replant back in but I could also pick these up and eat them 12 and 14 respectively that's pretty that's pretty dang good there we go and now I'm full up and I don't even have to waste my resources just need to make stuff to be able to uh take on a trip with me all right now we can plant these guys and we can finally make some air gel and get our beautiful I should have probably picked up an actual uh gel sack though that would have been the smart thing to do all right let's listen to this thing while those gel sacks are growing we'll have to swim for the surface but it's 500 meters straight up we'll make for the Rendezvous and keep you posted out how did the signal location uploaded to PDA how did how did your did it I mean did it's a flotation device how in the world did it sink how did these things sink I know they got destroyed but this isn't this the part that floats it none of these seem to be damaged in any of them I must be confused how long are you going to take to grow huh 19 okay so we got some time I'm going to go to that real quick you might as well get rid of all these signals as quickly as we can this is used live pod sunk before she abandoned it how dare you holy crap this is very far away why are you so far away uh oh we've headed straight down to the underwater Islands uh actually we're in the blood kelp don't want to be here I wasn't actually expecting to be here this soon okay I know that there's a freaking ghost Leviathan here too I'm pretty sure there's one in fact I think I hear it haunch all right what is all this stuff what is this blood oil I will take give me all the blood oil synthetic fibers and the Benzene okay you used to make special stuff I'll just collect it my inventory is full already oh they're huge right right right shocker ampio sorry I keep forgetting the names okay they were slashed I'm just stupid Cyclops depth module oh Jesus get away okay I don't have it equipped man I don't have to ding equipped man I gotta get inside man huh okay what are you is that it all right pod 2 technical okay let's just listen wait I can reconfigure the O2 system to act as a bilge pump it's working okay good news we're alive and we've stopped sinking bad the oxygen is going to run out in 30 minutes and we're 500 meters down what do we do we'll have to use the remaining juice to send a distress call and build whatever gear we can then we find a way to the surface oh God what no well they pretty much knew they were gonna die and I don't like these cave crawlers so I'm gonna leave we'll come back to this biome we'll come back to all the biomes I promise the game leads us there just for right now I wanted to get this to pass time and it was kind of not worth it oh my God there's another message leave me alone man I'm just trying to get these jail sacks ready all right I'll see you guys back at the base whoa whoa whoa Cyclops depth module what increases diving depth to maximum well I know so I don't have to make that where the hell did I get that oh my God I got in the Time Capsule I totally forgot Jesus Christ that saves me so much time the time cap that got approved the devs approved that one that's crazy I think actually that was from the devs I got lucky holy hell that's amazing I have one more blood oil I need to move something all right let's make this Arrow gel I think I just need rubies right yeah rubies in a gel sack get van and two three and then I take this I'm pretty sure there's a glitch in this right if I hit that pick it up and then plant them right or plant these right let me do that again plant these back one two one two one two one two yeah so this is a cheap way to do what I'm doing just pick these back up and then you put them back down and then you can get them again I'm pretty sure but that's fine I actually don't have enough room for all that actually it was perfect I just need one more so one two there we go awesome all right airgel finally finally finally give me my Builder and oh wait oh wait I can't build this here I gotta build the water filtration system ah son of a um all right let me take these batteries I gotta remove this too apparently so two titanium and a copper wire I don't even think I have the copper wire come on let's do some copper God dang it there's the easiest place for copper huh oh this place has a lot of oh it still has the same titanium I dropped holy crap silver yay copper titanium still take I'm gonna need it dude I gotta build a base at some point [Music] all right I think that's enough copper for now where is my home all right quickly copper wire filled it with the arrow gel now we're gonna need some more power more than likely let me put the charger back now let me replace this battery and charge it there we go and what else could I do what else can I do what else can I build in this base right now oh the advanced wiring kit I don't think I got enough stuff for that but I will I will try can I put this right above yes I can perfect oh I can make another copper wire to make the computer chip I think I need table Coral sample for that yeah table coral and then what else does this need computer chip two gold and a wiring kit which is just too silver I already have one on me do I have another come on yes I do okay uh two gold wiring kits and the advanced wiring kit perfect now we can build this up oh I'm so happy charge death fun uh I'll take this one too out of my seamoth hello and then now we can charge this one as well perfect get it charging boy get it charging take all the power from this base it actually is going down quite a lot 20 water okay so this is not the oh nope we still have four okay ate some fruit all filled up and uh we gotta get some more power on this so that means we probably should get some titanium and build another room uh could I put it on top put on top and then I can power it from up here if I could get some heat I have no idea where the closest heat is but I just need a little bit more titanium to finish this and we got to build a ladder somewhere where can I build the ladder it's not gonna hurt these things right yeah climb up and then we're going to look at building probably a bioreactor wouldn't be hard wouldn't be the worst thing in the world because the only other source of power we have is that right now so I guess that's it there we go right at the front we need a wiring kit which we're going to need two silver for God dang it I don't like being in this biome dude I hate this biome it's like the transitional biome like oh things are nice and safe and peaceful and there's barely any Predators except explodey guys and and wrist suckers and then now there's all kinds of threats sand sharks and reef backs don't hurt you but they're scary just looking for some silver yay if I could collect some more that'd be great actually I don't have any room I gotta go I can't believe I I did this all in one oxygen run oh yeah we have another wait it's Alterra HQ this may be your only Communications window can't send a rescue ship all the way out there so Aurora you're just gonna have to meet us halfway we've uploaded blueprints to the ship's computer uh yeah give me a second Black Box data shows a high security terminal in the Captain's Quarters is still functional Becky's leaving like in five minutes all right well tell Becky I'll just take the the regular the regular yeah she'll know what I mean the code should be she does it just tell her the regular dude okay they're regular and she's like what's the regular I can come all the way back up here the code should be two six seven nine the regular is just a ham and cheese ham and cheese okay I'm I'm not 100 sure but I think that was neebs needs gaming that did that voice over but basically uh what we just got was the code to go back into the Aurora and get blueprints on a way to get home but obviously the way the only way that I know that we can get home that anybody would you know predict to get home would be the uh space vehicle uh potentially a rocket so if we build that we know that we're gonna get shot down so even though we got this in-game thing we still can't do it we have a lot a lot to do for now let's turn this all into titanium make a wiring kit and then we'll have a bioreactor oh yeah I probably should put solar panels on here would be a bad idea and then we'll have a bioreactor too an unlimited supply of tail sacks is also a great thing because then we could just use that to fuel this oh I need that lubricant see this is why I made a lubricant man I think ahead so interior grow bed I'm thinking about growing some plants that I can put in here uh I don't know I can't put the gel sacks in here but I could put something in there eventually possibly some fish in an aquarium too see if you guys replicated yourselves that would be amazing so this is basically infinite power just has to be maintained right so I can just swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe and then I can take six of them and then put those back right see six free once all right let's put some of this in here I don't know how much power we're gonna get but something 650 I guess that's the max it can be with this it's going up though yes it's going up okay perfect we should also make a bed a bed wouldn't be a bad idea I'll just put it up here to sleep uh two titanium and a fiber mesh what do we need for that again oh creep Vine samples crap bam now the live pod is essentially useless Droid mode targets unaccounted for one good Lord what a way to start so that is a warper if you guys haven't figured that out the one that we scanned and the one we also saw one it might be the same one could be a different one they said there were nine agents so but we saw another one in the the grand Reef which wasn't too Pleasant it wasn't too Pleasant of a sight um also I wanted to address something you guys were telling me hey idiots they don't reproduce in the aquarium they have to be in an alien containment well I will say this I believe I'm pretty sure you were able to do that like way back in the day I'm pretty sure I had reproducing fish on my Cyclops and the only way you could have that on the Cyclops is if you have this little thing the aquarium this is water this is an aquarium they can very much reproduce I don't see why not but I guess that's just part of the game alright so we are pretty much well prepared I don't want to have to wait for water it's only 24 done uh but I'll eat some of this stuff if I can there we go we're pretty much full oh I'm stuck also you guys said that I should plant the seed the creep Vines seed cluster instead of the creep Vine so that way we can get seeds as well so I don't have to go out and get them uh smart you guys are geniuses all right so we're in and we're going down uh the way down to the disease research facility is actually back through where that degassi base was I showed you guys last episode there's an entrance down there straight to where we need to go and our seamoth can make it so we should be good and turn off my lights it's a waste of beater uh and actually you know what I'm heading this way and I didn't even check if this is the right direction because it's probably not nope already at 86 Health my man it's great to be a glass ship alright so I know Mr ghosty pants is over here too uh we're probably gonna run into a lot of them uh in this episode so be prepared you know don't sit down too hard uh this is not the right spires I was looking for I thought I was going to the Grand Reef I was going the right direction God dang it hang on a second oh oh oh I'm wait okay so it's like this way oh God get away from me please well since we're here let's take a quick detour because that's what this game's all about taking detours anyway this is the cragfield biome uh there is oh there's the ground roof it's right there cool wait oh you are a hell infected I know there's a live pod here that contains something cool that everybody is going to enjoy if I could find it I have no idea where to look I'm also very terrified of what could potentially be in here we are very close to Reaper territory aha there we go so this is that part seven toy car let's go and we got ourselves a nice little Markiplier doll bet you all weren't expecting that y'all probably expected an igp doll who in the cap I'll take a cap all right let me see what this is life pot seven we get a voice I've tried everything the analysis circuits are the fabricator are fried barely manufacture the most basic of materials what a battery here have a children's toy need deep sea diving equipment have some lab tech hungry I'll turn that fruit into dust for you going forward with trial and error I hit every button here has got to make something useful eventually I wonder why they had the Markiplier doll though hmm highly suspect oh silver ore special equipment is required to collect this resource you damn right it is I'm like way behind on V vehicle building I only have the seamoth I should have more but you know what I'm lazy I mean I already can go pretty deep with this thing and then again I could go uh a bit deeper if I just make a cyclops because I already have the best uh depth module for it so lucky lucky me oh wait speaking of this might be a cyclops part I can't even build the Cyclops because I don't have enough stuff shut up oh my goodness oh no I'm not done at all we just got oh we got the Cyclops engine blueprint we have a lot to do I'm pretty sure there's one more thing that I haven't even found yet too oh I didn't find that cave hang on a second I'm pretty sure there's a cave in here I might be mistaken but I'll take I'll take a quick look around holy crap it's dark shut up shut up it's like I know you're there you're just jump scaring me on purpose up found it found it now we might have to have something special to get in here but that's okay hello that's a nice little I can't Crouch so what's the point in that oh this place is beautiful let me add him what is this oh pink cap I don't need it uh oh okay so it's just a teleporter I thought maybe it was uh I can get some information out of it but I guess not hello and you are a slave teleporter too so I can't I can't go anywhere all right so scan what does it say infected no bueno well this is pretty cool it's a nice cave I could have built a base here wait can I build a base here dude to be sick yes oh my goodness I could build a base in here that maybe I'll do that eventually it's a nice secluded place you don't have to worry about enemies too much except for these guys but you can kill them off you know population control and whatnot all right back to our steam off we got to go to the uh gold we gotta go back to the uh Grand Reef which I think is west of here but I'm like right on the edge of the world and I'm a bit terrified so I'm just gonna Scoot a little bit in ah there we go it's not as dark as it once was oh I should probably collect some rupees I'm eventually gonna need an arrow gel I believe for the the prawny prawn man the prawn suit okay where is that bastard I know you're over here somewhere you piece of Filth uh oh warper okay oh there's two of them right there damn they've they've ganged up dude which way do I go It's gotta be over here right oh oh see treaders okay uh this is not the oh that is not the way that is not the way is that a crab squid no that's a brain coral man you trying to trick me oh here we go hello wait no this is where I was what the hell are you starting to confuse me I don't like being confused I actually remember there being wrecks down here does anybody else remember that oh yeah so yesterday I just finished watching a movie with the gal uh Godzilla 2014 and uh I watched it mainly because uh Brian Cranston was in it and I love that dude uh but oh goodness so I watched it because of that but uh I noticed that the what they call the muto the like Mothra looking hello the Mothra looking guys they uh they sound exactly like the crab squid which is interesting because that came out in 2014 and the crab squid or the crab Squid's noises weren't actually developed until much later so I'm assuming there's been some heavy inspiration drawn from it it's a very creepy sound I really appreciate it and here we are me talking has brought us here quickly so this is the river of Bones AKA The Lost River this is brine for those who might be confused as to why there's a river under water this actually happens in in our world as well it's uh much more dense therefore it sinks to the bottom and still has a wavy property to it now this guy this is a beauty wait is there a crab squid in here go away nope I knew it there you are okay I might have to end you because I want to take a look at this guy I think we all do aha uh wait I could use this I can kill him with a first though hey little crabby boy you ready for this for the fling some rupee statue got him got him again come on dude this weapon is op I think I got him is he dead dude the crab squids are so easy to beat what in the world this should not be happening also what the hell is that why is there a another entrance in here I don't remember this being in here this was actually a secluded cave That was supposed to be kind of off the beaten path why is there another entrance holy crap all right well let's scan this bad boy and learn about him look at this thing still amazes me every time I see it ancient skeleton thank you oh it has a picture dude that's nice uh let's see ancient fossilized skeleton the skeleton of a million year old armored carnivore projections suggest this life form would have been larger than any living creature encountered on the planet uh the oceans of the time would have been very different to support life forms of this size with more open geography and many more individuals in the Leviathan range there were many like this likely not alone in its class look at this just it's like Gill or whatever you want to call this holy crap it's like sitting in brine too I'm surprised it's not oh Jesus Christ I forgot why aren't you getting damaged to deteriorated God that's awesome all right so this is the alien sensor which is basically a light uh the prominence and facing of these Alien Devices suggests they are some kind of probe or sensor other subject would seem to be the vast skeleton in the center of the cavern the attached cable that worked mainly to a remote power station or data Hub investigate yes so we are supposed to follow that blah blah blah follow it it goes inside and goes nowhere actually never mind the cables go over here and then they connect to this door which we can't open because I don't have a key with me we will get a key of it or we do have a key with me that'd be awesome I do not okay what kind of key do you need orange okay so we need an orange artifact to get in there which we will do eventually for now let's go back uh on the regular path I gotta see where this goes it looks like it goes to the blood kelp hello there how you doing leading to a biome with extensive fossilized remains what moon pool fragment okay let's go yay we caught the moon pool so we are straight in the blood kelp oh well well hello good sir oh my goodness look at this beauty let me turn up the brightness for you guys there we go what the hell's hitting me hey are you serious stop it look at this it's gorgeous absolutely gorgeous all right let's go back before I look oh I already lost my way suck okay it's this way right what is this does this go back into it also oh it does okay cool all right this is the main entrance okay so there's literally just two it's just split wait where the okay what in the hell what is all this it must have changed the terrain or maybe I'm just not used to it anymore oh my goodness another one of you huh I wish there were statistics like how many crap squids have you killed I would be the Slayer of crab squid always attracted to light holy crap it's too hot no no no no man don't worry about it don't worry about I'm just getting the rupees okay let's get back in hello oh yeah you thought that guy was big shut up what you see him that's like the strangest attack pose I've ever seen in my life oh yeah we're gonna take a trip down crazy Lane dude welcome to the river of Bones this biome contains unusually high concentrations of organic and fossilized remains yeah you're telling me oh oh no oh no okay it's attacking something else it's attacking something else I totally freaking forgot about that look at this dude you thought that one thing was big look at this gargantuan I want to see if they've actually added in the uh don't go too far they've added in the data please yes they have come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on quickly where is it don't mess with me indigenous life forms gargantuan fossil the fossilized remains of this extinct super predator shut up uh its sheer size would have prohibited it from entering such an enclosed space suggesting the geography of the planet has shifted around it over time a true apex predator dated at approximately 3 million years old ribcage measurements suggests the creature was eel-like in structure uh calculation suggest this was only the front third of the specimen scaring the hell out of me the remains now support a vibrant microcosm of life there are there are a series of precise angular indentations on the rib cage suggesting a third party has taken samples from the specimen at a previous time only the front third dude that is ridiculously long not just they're not talking about just the skull man they're talking about the skull and this part just the Third can you imagine I don't want to I really don't want to imagine that is Goosebumps that's what that is Goosebump inducing I need this rupee come here see he's actually pretty tiny he's a pretty tiny man he's tiny he's really tiny I'm going back up here because this was the path I was supposed to take I guess I don't think there's actually any point nope there's not okay never mind anyway so let's continue on there's a bunch of stuff in here we can't actually go and get because I need an exosuit like there's a bunch of okay there's like nickel and holes down here and other things but we had to go this way to get to where we need to go so it says I have an infinite amount of you guys I'm gonna collect more of you guys for Arrow gel just realize I'm dying of uh dehydration suck that water up wow I'm actually pretty low on everything for some reason hey another rib cage can I scan this one nope I'm assuming it's the same as the other oh another skull oh wow dude holy crap dude it's like literally on display that is so awesome 68 degrees Celsius right now so I'm gonna start burning but I don't want to start burning I'm good I think oh there we go leviathan's skeletal remains I'll get back on my steam off to read this lots of Bones down here people lots of Bones the sea dragon skeleton a semi-attack skeletal structure of a leviathan-class predator head trauma there is clear evidence of massive physical trauma to the Head the damage is so severe it was likely the cause of death and must have occurred somewhere nearby damage is consistent with a high-speed collision with a solid object age something in the environment has helped to preserve these remains but calcium Decay suggests an approximate time of death 1 000 years ago bone growth suggests the creature was in the egg laying state of its life cycle now we will learn more about that as we venture on into where these monoliths of sort are leading us to [Music] final all right here we go look at this bad boy [ __ ] you ain't never seen anything like this in your life this right here my friends is an alien base this alien structure appears collapsed to this floor so this place has collapsed it was once suspended excuse me caution as it is materials and life forms contained within well that's awesome ah we got an ion Cube give me that all right so we're gonna Fisher in this is the disease research facility oh crap I need a tablet interior walls in this section are substantial it clearly failed clearly uh-oh I don't like that bass Rumble look at this sea dragon egg excellent this large egg is held in a hermetically sealed environment and has been chemically sterilized without the means at the facility to house the fully grown sea dragon specimen it is possible the alien sought to a study instead the egg laying and incubation process to what end is unclear yeah they'll go to any end really oh whoa what uh a display case containing an array of rib cages harvested from the indigenous life forms there is a particular focus in this instance uh on vertebrate skeletal structures while some of these skeletons match organisms encountered on the planet so far most cannot be matched with confidence suggesting either that there are species out there not yet accounted for or that they have become extinct since these samples were collected possible I mean we're talking a thousand years ago that that one's out there you know who knows different species of Ray indigenous to 4546b each adapted to different environments the specimens are about 100 genetically identical to those encountered on the planet today suggesting the Rays in particular have undergone little evolutionary mutation in the past Millennium ghost race raise Crimson rays and rabbit Rays likely all share a common evolutionary ancestor the alpha Ray would have evolved deep in the ocean trenches quickly growing in line with available Food Supplies it would have most resembled the ghost Ray in size and appearance with translucent skin for camouflage and forward mounting eyes for hunting a fast and fearsome stalker of small creatures in the dark dude that sounds terrifying while some rays have stayed within the limits of the cave systems where they were first evolved others are relatively more recent adaptations to new environments likely the results of overpopulation all the Rays on 4546b have given up predation in favor of herbivores Scavenging and use poisonous flesh to protect themselves I'm dying well those all those things all sound scary I don't know how I feel about them I'm certainly glad that I'm confident that I won't run into one of those things but maybe I will maybe there's a big old surprise waiting for me anyway let's get down to business keep exploring around here oh what are you guys can't scan that okay ah data download damage report Leviathan detected at facility perimeter closing at high speed exterior anchor cable impacted with massive Force exterior anchor system buckling facility sinking collision with sea floor breach is detected in containment unit 7 the Leviathan eggs immediate specimen destruction protocol initiated 314 specimens destroyed one specimen unaccounted for evacuating staff to off-site sanctuaries planetary quarantine protocol initiated infected individuals may not leave the planet oh boy it went down hard I'm wondering how I'm getting that information like if the aliens are speaking in their language should I even be able to understand that look at this guy more skeletal remains alright so remains of research specimen the skeletal remains of a vast Predator housed within an artificial habitat habitat the environment constructed to house the specimen suggests it was kept alive in containment for research purposes for months or even years organic matter indicates the habitat one supported extensive plant life though it has since decayed when the facility collapsed the specimen was either left to die or killed on the spot Evolution while it shares some skeletal traits with the biter and Sand Shark including its distinctive double eye sockets its fossilized specimen is significantly larger and features unusual forearms rarely seen in aquatic species the species had likely gone extinct in the past thousand years and its evolutionary relatives have evolved almost beyond recognition residual biological evidence suggests indigenous life forms were brought to this location and subjected to intensive study I'm running out of oxygen yeah let me get this warp bro I thought I already unlocked it but I'll read that in one second can't die right now can't die right now gotta get back to the seam mob there we go so self-warping quarantine enforcer unit life form shows signs of heavy genetic modification and extensive mechanical grafting its Digestive and Pulmonary systems have been replaced by an onboard battery receiving energy directly from the main grid and distributing it around the body miniaturized phase technology has been implanted beneath the skin and is triggered by the central nervous system allowing the construct to teleport at will the brain and the nervous system have been digitally augmented with Advanced processing power and remote Communications assessment programmable Hunter slash killer avoid of course oh wait what am I doing I can't take that in here I'm an idiot so that's the warper uh we kind of got some more information on that the warper is something designed it wasn't something organic and I think there was a lot of hints towards that uh when we when we found it in the first place biological matter what is this warper Parts the organic Parts on display contain DNA from dozens of different organisms largely originating off-world they are in varying states of augmentation with Advanced Technologies this production lineup setups suggests these self-warping constructs were built maintained and deployed by the aliens that designed this facility so this was off-world creatures dude that is actually really awesome to know what is this a me Boyd oh that's cool a simple non-sentient organism found attached to land with high levels of fossilized organic matter it feeds on the matter until it reaches maturity at which point it divides to create two new genetically identical Offspring and the cycle continues why are you attached to the to this never mind so some off-world creatures ended up being this guy I always thought it was maybe some of the creatures that are on here you'll see later because it's good resemblance is being downloaded caution detecting atypical fluctuations in blood plasma proteins a self-scan is strongly advised oh yeah that sounds great all right so here we go the contingent profile this terminal contains extensive data regarding the bacterial contagion identified as karak uh Discovery first encountered uh during routine Network expansion on outer worlds pandemic developments network error resulted in routine quarantine procedure failure contagium was uploaded to and spread quickly through the core worlds confirmed deaths 143 billion individuals bacterial mechanisms attaches to healthy living cells and mutates the basic genetic structure symptoms stage one a gradual immune system failure stage two green skin lesions and flu-like symptoms stage 3 unpredictable alterations to biological structure stage 4 complete shutdown of executive function emergency steps taken core world's quarantined bacterial samples distributed to isolated diseased research facilities for vaccine developments treatment procedure is unknown so that's what they're looking for they figured out that we've done be infected and we's gonna die bacterial infection has spread to the skin and pulmonary system medical report recorded a Data Bank it is imperative you find a way to neutralize the infection [Music] the pain I love how he took off his gloves just to show us anyway so we're dying uh oh we got it we got an advanced theories uh bacterial uh okay we're at the getting our seamoth real quick oh there's our hands cute uh bacterial infection report you have been infected with a previously unknown waterborne bacterium and is currently multiplying in your bloodstream estimated incubation time two weeks your immune system is currently combating the infection at low efficacy uh you may already be experiencing flu-like symptoms and skin irritation these will likely be exacerbated as the bacterium takes hold your immediate priority should be abatement and eradication of the infection recommended steps Salvage further alien research data on possible vaccine investigate the mechanisms which have enabled the indigenous ecosystem to inhibit the symptoms of the infection yes so search for a cure basically get ourselves cured I gotta heal my freaking uh seamoth it's dying there we go okay so this is uh the disease research facility we got to come back and get that I can't actually remember what that data download is now I'm confused used a bit because this uh how where am I going did it direct me somewhere did it give me a uh something I guess at this point what we need to do is uh head deeper into the Lost River oh boy nope nope nope nope nope that's not the right way either so likely what happened is that sea dragon egg is what that Sea Dragon wanted the one that said oh my God the warper you scared the living crap out of me all right please let me go trying to go I know I'm infected all right so I actually have to go deeper is what I need to do up there is some good info and down here some good info too hello beautiful tree wow the music is perfect ah let's go all right giant Cove tree a vast tree encountered in a Deep Cove and the only one of its kind encountered on the planet the tree is surrounded by Rays grazing on its pink outer leaves spark a hearty fast growing bark covers the outside of the tree minuscule organisms inhabit The Notches in the surface ghost Leviathan eggs the trees branches are wrapped around a number of maturing eggs belonging to the species designated ghost Leviathan that's crazy right such a peaceful place for something so deadly this tree appears to be an ancient nesting ground the eggs were laid when the tree was young and now the branches protect and grow with them as they weight the right conditions to hatch what you guys are absolutely cute uh but I would rather you not hatch be really cool if we just witnessed one hatch while we're here um oh my God I started I started swimming off without my seamoth what in the world I must be crazy all right so down there is leading to an even deeper Place whoa whoa whoa whoa yep so now is when we have to build the Cyclops fantastic I'm dying of thirst again do I have enough water only one no stabilizing well I got a heat blade I can cook some fish should help a little bit there's another part up here I'm gonna go to real quick I think I also need another key so I need an orange one and a purple one in order to get what I need to back down here so once I come over here to go to where I need to go I'll bring those whoa whoa team off dude if you destroy so up here is pretty dangerous so I'm actually gonna get out and heal myself well not myself but my seamoth hey hey back up what a beautiful this is my favorite biome by the way this is my all-time favorite biome there's an egg down there that's not an egg never mind so here's a skull so it's very small version of the one we've already seen can I scan it nope same thing an apex predator and it's baby size oh there it is oh the ghost of Island get away from me uh there's a where's is he protecting that area are you kidding me this is gonna suck this is gonna suck bad please don't destroy my sea moth [Music] I think we're good ow yes okay so I don't need a key I think this might be an area for a teleporter more than likely I think they're all pretty much the same they have an entrance from underwater to standing up yeah there's a teleporter I don't think that there's anything else down except for that but anything else of importance yep another slave teleporter and I think I know where the master is for this one that's pretty much it in this cave I wish they would add a few things in here to make it you know I mean aside from that that's super helpful but you know early game when you don't have access to the teleporters would be nice to have a little treat in here somewhere safety is a nice one can't go wrong with some safety some free safety I'll take any I'll take a bunch of free samples of that safety stuff oh another Jewel groupie give that to me please thank you okay so now we can actually exit through the gift shop I mean the uh blood kelp okay it's over there stay away stay away oh my goodness they're just attacking they're just gonna attack nope leave me alone holy crap look at that thing yes so this goes up to the blood kelp I am so scared I'm so scared from my life all right so from this I don't think we're in oh my God there's another one Jesus oh look a life pod hello what happened here I've already been here life pod 2 interesting stay away from me I must have already been in here wait have I have I come this far oh wait maybe I did oh okay so I have been here that's where that's the same ghost Leviathan all righty well that's neat at least we're back out we gotta go back to base because we need some stuff and we got to start building that Cyclops so that's gonna be great what in the hell is that that please tell me that's an island is it an island God I hate these things dude this is so ridiculous the music is the only thing calming me down right now hello oh yeah dude look at that all right see if you guys can see this look at those eyes do you see those eyes can you imagine they did that on purpose they for sure did that on purpose I know I would have done that on purpose if I was designing this game for sure holy crap well we're infected terribly we're dying we need to find a cure we need a uh we need a cyclops a lot of stuff we need to do so I'm gonna head back home real quick all right so this stuff should be done right so now I can uh get rid of this I think yes okay now I could plant the seed that I picked up yay and then if that grows you know I'm just gonna get rid of it I'll grow a blood one nope excuse me foreign what dude that was this weirdest [ __ ] I've ever heard in my life please don't do that again that'll do pig that'll do hey hey watch it so I do know a lot of the uh the Cyclops Parts can be found can be found over here uh by the mountain biome so I'm gonna go over here and we're gonna scan some stuff maybe we'll see some of our friends along the way also I'm likely gonna have my first encounter terrible encounter with a Reaper this episode I just have this feeling and what might you oh wait a second I'm pretty sure I actually already have this no I don't scan it up dude Cyclops Bridge let's go I didn't have to go as far as I thought whoa hey Shockers what are y'all doing what are y'all doing in here oh we haven't seen one of these yet all right Mr shocker you are in the wrong neck of the woods boy oh I will harm you I will harm you back up I should not have done that I think it's fine I think it's fine I also hear a Reaper does anybody else hear a Reaper alien vent are you gonna leave me alone so I can look at this yeah uh these vents connect to an ancient piping Network that extends Beyond maximum scannable depth the pumping system is still functional the inflow vent is drawing water from the surrounding area and pumping it into an unknown location below the surface warm deoxygenated water is being expelled as the atmosphere most creatures are avoiding the vents peepers can be observed entering and exiting the pipe Network without signs of distress for the research oh see if we can see some peepers beepers hey as long as I'm not bothering you you shouldn't bother me usually it's the ones that have like a trail behind them that are going in and out oh here we go what up they're so cute awesome so we'll learn about those in a bit if you aren't familiar with what those are again I'm trying my best not to spoil it for you oh well hello there good sir you uh you're gonna ruin my seamoth all right so the bridge was here I'm wondering if I can find another one maybe yes oh no wait this is a moonful fragment I'm pretty sure yeah I already had the moon Bowl God dang it oh this music is uh it's gorgeous okay I don't see any other fragments around here there was a wreck over here though in the uh the what is this called again the bulb Zone the couch Zone it's a kush or bulb I can't remember what the new one is no no no no no you are way too close you are not supposed to be around here hey look at this paper dude he's spitting out some fancy stuff ow okay I'm gonna die dude oh my goodness stop running into me wait have I already been to this one too I might be wasting all my time oh you're Mesmer I want to scan you come on no and I'm not gonna talk to you all right yes the Mesmer small carnivorous life form with a unique hunting mechanism that enables it to hypnotize its foes outer Wings the Mesmer swims using a number of wings which can be angled up and forwards on approaching its prey tiny lenses on the surface can be tilted independently to create mesmerizing patterns which flood the victim's brain with enticing messages interpreted in whatever form is most convincing by the Target in our case it will be Susie Q outer shell the Mesmer can open the jaw like recess in the protective outer shell in order to blank share its beauty do not resist oh oh that was a nice gag I liked it if there's a Reaper we're dead I I would repair it but I'm kind of enjoying this adrenaline rush right now oh goodness that's not gonna help okay we just got to make it to the mountains my dude just gotta make it to the mountains hello oh goodness oh God ah you know I it's probably bad for my health probably very bad for my health to be playing scary games like this all the time it's like every game I'm playing now has something scary in it bad for my health dude my heart can't handle this okay well I know you're oh there you are all right you guys probably can't see him on YouTube all right let's just go up and see where the mountain is it's actually very scary that I can hear him and I can't see him okay so that is the Aurora that means the mountain should be behind us this way okay oh boy Northwest wow this Force goes on forever there might actually be another fragment over here hang on a second oh what a nice little Trench yeah no thanks are we right at the mountains okay we're right at the mountain I think yes what are you come on don't be something stupid don't be something stupid dang it it was something stupid incredibly useful but not anymore dude did I get more water I didn't bring water I'm a dummy I got a heat blade though that can give me some a good amount of food possibly replenish my stuff hello mobile vehicle Bay okay no no no no no I know I know you're here ah stop it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay I don't see it over here it's not on this side of the mountain good it's just echoing throughout everywhere engine fragments no we already had that one wait wait wait wait that's way too close that is way too close am I good sir I'm gonna go around this way I don't trust you at all then again I don't trust my own judgment I'm going to end up running smack into him okay there was some washed up on the beach before I think oh God the more I have to circle around this actually I don't even hear him anymore was he like inside of the mountain like because there's under under oh goodness oh is that a warper hey buddy stay away from me all of you stay away I'm just going around here don't mind me everything I'm doing right now is dangerous okay I'm gonna Park I can't do this and of course it's getting night time where are you he's got to be inside flashlight give me flashlight please oh God damn I put on the wrong one come here no actually come here easiest way to destroy those guys I need my scanner on three all right there we go now we can see much better now they're not gonna be inside I don't remember them being inside they're usually right at the beach and if any of you guys remember I actually had ow I had to run in with a Reaper way early on in my playthroughs uh where the guy charged at me from the water towards the beach and ended up just flying all around the mountain it was crazy I do not remember which episode it was but if you want to filter through and try to find it be my guest it's very very old I don't even hear him anymore at all seek fluid intake oh yeah no there's fluid all around me dude don't worry I will survive I gotta go a little bit oh boy I'm starting to think this are you deep ER where is it I don't understand all right I'm just going to go this way God I can't see anything yeah it sounds like it's straight inside of here dude all right well I guess we could take a small detour real quick actually let me uh let me get some water three H2O that's still good still good stop it I can't eat a biter that makes me say oh I can't eat a tainted one either all right five survival signs stabilizing thank you that's awesome all right I'll eat the tainted one because it gave me five freaking water for that oh it changed it cured him dude that we don't need an actual cure just thermoblade yourself dude all right this is bad DC's bad he is so in here or he might have glitched out or something oh whoop whoop it's a warper I can't see anything dude nope [Music] oh leave me alone oh there's a different there's another layer down here I don't have I don't have all the time for this oh God that scared the hell out of me please let's just get out of this I'm done all right so we're gonna turn around uh we gotta go into Reaper territory because I don't think there's any more fragments around here for me to scan uh usually they're laying around the mountain biome isn't just Jesus Christ the mountain biome isn't just this Giant mountain it does extend beyond a bit and goes that way so oh goodness okay so there's more mushrooms over here no no no I know look I'm not trying to anger you Mr Reaper but there's some stuff down here that I want to collect to be able to go deeper away from your territory because for some reason oh my God it's right there okay all right well let's try not to make a billion freaking decibels of noise please wait is there another one is there seriously another one just the one right feeling a bit more safe to be surrounded by this stuff oops not safe at all how many freaking reapers are there dude look I'm trying I'm I swear I'm not trying to run into you guys I just want I just want these blueprints and I just want to go oh God stop please please I beg of you oh my god dude if this was Hardcore can you imagine I see caress you're a nut job dude I'm pretty sure I did this before hardcore but I died and it was all over there's a vent down there that's good goodness you know I'm starting to think that there's nothing down here yeah I'm just gonna call that I'm pretty sure I can find all this in the mushroom Forest but see there's another part of the mushroom Forest down here ow okay seriously leave me alone we're gonna start back here just in case and then we'll just travel along it in safety all right can you please back up idiot all right don't touch my wait what is this oh wait I already have this right titanium okay so I'm seeking fluid intake okay it gives me four not even as much as a peeper wait why is my why is my knife glowing all green and stuff is that normal can y'all even see that in the recording okay I'm just gonna go down we're hoping and praying you wouldn't put These Blueprints here would you oh oh no okay oh there we go there we go there's one uh-huh that should be it should be it no we need another we need another you know I would call this but I feel like they would intentionally put some out here for those brave enough to finish the fourth well he's not gonna attack me through this right I mean if he if he is there's no way he can get me yeah that's how I feel ghostray that's exactly how I feel where'd you go okay you're over there sick all right let me get some uh let me get some quick ones right here oh wait I better save what am I doing all right you know it might be safe to say there's no more he's moving away from me actually he's afraid duh shut up shut up I don't think there's anything else that's fine with me I am oh wait I almost left two out of three okay so we just need one of each just one of each so they're not actually in like the Forest Area they're right outside of it all right repairing my seamoth let's take this on a cruise shut up yes they're both here dude they're both here wait what is that I don't know if that's what I'm looking for oh where's my scanner no oh no it's not no it's not shut up give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me yes all right that's moon pool uh come on come on wait did the mushroom Forest end oh Jesus Christ no I hate you so much everybody calm you realize I don't give two rats asses about you right you understand this I don't care I just want my bridge freaking fragment please give it just give it here yes yes we got it oh my goodness dude ow crap hold on I'm dying forgot I got a drink dude come here uh what are you stay fish yeah cook spadefish give me give me give me give me three that's fine that's just fine peeper no that was mine you asshat get away from me look I just gotta get home really it's basically it but I need I need to not die while I'm doing it hey no all right that's 10 water I should be okay another peeper might as well too good I'm too good uh oh my God I thought my sea mouth got destroyed you about startled the hell oh my God I'm gonna die though that's gonna die it's gonna blow up it's gonna blow up oh boy not cool dudes not cool god wow what an adventure we got all of it though we got the Cyclops I wait did we I don't remember it showing me because I was being attacked let's see no wait what hold on oh we do we do okay so three plastille oh my God this is gonna take forever it's one of my favorite things to do in the game building is Cyclops all right I'm heading back to base okay let's not die huh I don't even have health kits with me what was I doing thank you thank you very much drink yeah awesome I have the lithium I can get the titanium no problem I need a lubricant which might be already growing an advanced wiring kit that's uh that's gonna be a problem too right so I need a computer chip copper wire gold and table Coral let me gather what I can right now wait is this fully grown yet oh hey it is oh my God it's awesome okay so this would be the lubricant which we need first all right that's the copper wire and that should be a computer chip now we need two gold and wiring kit for a advanced wiring kit yay so we knocked that that was actually the hardest part scattering all those stupid things okay three enamel glass dealing I don't have room for all this can I make stuff I'll just make another lubricant I know I'm gonna need it I think for the uh the moon pole anyway yay that's one place stealing it and then I think I have enough to make a glass and then enamel glass okay I got one of everything uh I just need two more stalker teeth and then a bunch of titanium and quartz we can do this guys okay so I'm going into the kelp forest hopefully find a bunch of uh stalker teeth and scrap metal see perfect spot no no no no no back off back off there we go I'm gonna check for teeth no teeth no problem I got I need this uh scrap metal anyway where else are they at where are you guys at I honestly think that they only appear oh you know when I actually can see them because otherwise they'll be ridiculous stockpile of them you know so he brought it there he took it from him then he put it back awesome you guys are playing very nicely look at this what are y'all doing so am I gonna drop a damn tooth please yes I think I see one is that one hello yes it is no no no yes another one perfect okay so I just need four quarts can I handle that yes I can whoa stalker am I the only one that doesn't like this topographical projection of the terrain I actually don't like it it's like in the way it takes up a lot of space on the screen like when I want to see directly in front of me I don't want it to be obscured by a topographical projection of terrain that I can clearly see in front of me one two three four perfect okay so make the glass one more glass enameled glass and enameled glass yay all right it's titanium time that was really stupid holy crap there's metal everywhere dude I can't believe we've done so much with just making this look at this base dude this is like all we've needed all right that's one titanium Ingot and two one tooth wow literally perfect I can't get any more lucky can I wait did I make four of those oh I already had one God dang it we did it guys the pro boner is back well I mean not yet I gotta build it but we got all the materials it's safe just in case all the materials on us let's bring it back my dude here must be constructed indeed the water you kidding me give me this damn thing Vehicles Cyclops what must be constructed it's in deeper water how's that for deep water all right don't make me go to the dunes I'll do it there we go Cyclops decoy tube upgrade our mobile home is complete the Cyclops is designed to be operated by a three-person crew yeah only experience towns people should attempt to Pilot this vehicle solo but that experienced person is me what a beauty all right let's name this dude right now oh how I've missed you so much okay uh let's see this is going to be the pro boater uh the base of it I kind of want it to be like a teal-ish slightly just kind of a dull let's do a dull somewhere around here is Finn this is not gonna look good at all but let's go see how it does look and there we go it's kind of a dull color but you know it doesn't need to be all visible to every single enemy in this freaking place so yes the pro boater is ours well I guess the next step will be moving all of our stuff into this wait wait wait wait I gotta put it in I gotta put it in dude the upgrade I got from the Time Capsule look how much time is being saved we need that Cyclops engine and depth module oh my goodness can I put up posters on the walls of the Cyclops that'd be great ooh the illumination hopefully the lights work a little bit better too because I always had my issues with them okay we got our power cells access upgrades we could have wait we can have six maybe maybe it was that last time 1700 let us go wait I can't see anything else doesn't it usually tell us our like depth I guess when I pilot it or I have to turn it on oh boy yeah 1700 meters dude you know where we're going you know where we're going we gotta deck this thing out first though we got to put some stuff in it I think the Cyclops upgrading panel is over here right yeah okay so we can do we already have the depth module no problem Cyclops engine efficiency module which we already have does it say that there does not stack but that's stackable decoy tube upgrade sonar and the shield okay so that's gonna be a bit hard to make oh I'm excited I'm so glad we have this now mobile home and things are about to get crazy at this point once you obtain this and you're able to go deep this is where the amazingness happens where subnautica takes a crazy left turn dang it is Pitch Black I'm thinking I don't really want to do too much to this uh I probably could add a few upgrades maybe probably could use the shield generator uh the poly in poly and lean what is that poly poly what do I even have that blueprint poly blah blah blah I guess I'll just take a look look at the uh the fabricator real quick so I don't really know about this color scheme I mean I'll leave it I'll change it eventually I'm never happy with anything for more than like a day okay let's take a look what is it that we need it would be in here right huh I don't know how to make it I guess I gotta look it up oh it says I need a deep shroom so I have to go to the Deep Grand Reef to pick up a shroom great uh well I guess I could take yeah let's you know what let's dock this thing let's dock this thing and just head over there dude we got enough stuff on it right right we got enough stuff on us okay no we don't not at all that's fine let me park just real quick I'll get some more stuff all right that should be enough water wait you give me water right yeah let's go so the Deep shroom and then uh some salt apparently makes hydrochloric acid to which then I take that hydrochloric acid and I add gold and I get the poly all right let's boot up for the first time the latest of the pro boat oh it's been on this entire time God I'm dumb let's go are we going the right way where is the Aurora right there so we need to go over here I feel so good to drive this thing again big and bulky let's go yeah flank that speed excessive noise excessive noise you don't want to make too much noise everyone's going to know you're there well I can't go fast because the game hates me and wants to overheat my Cyclone are you wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait freaking kidding me give me this fire extinguisher I love how the music kicked in that's actually it's actually pretty awesome all right buddies where's the oh okay I thought something was in here and I was about to flip there we go extinguished I like how the kelp is just breaking through what a day man what a freaking day am I going the right way I think I'm okay yeah there's the spiers okay so this should be the sparse wreath that's the name of it let me make sure Southwest seems right but I might be wrong Island oh it is hello oh I forgot ghosties up here can we go silent all right we're rigged for Silent Running let's just make sure okay let's just make sure we're not going to run into ghosty ghost oh all right so we're underneath directly underneath the island all what's on fire up there what's happening just go slow dude straight down and slow hello oh you guys scared me oh good oh my God I'm not sure that I've ever heard them through the Cyclops that just sounds amazing oh there's a wreck hello dude stuff we get stuff and things stuffing all kinds of things all right let's uh card oh I can't power down the engine come on dude stay red and creepy for me so I stay silent when you switch back to my knife knife is important keep it on there okay day to box Cyclops thermal reactor module wait do I already have that I don't yes uh okay so I am very much aware that there are uh like prawn suit arms around here I'm pretty sure I might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure yeah what are you haha drill arm just stuck into I mean that makes sense it's a drill there ago one out of two okay I know the ghost leviathan's like right above me another one whoa I already have it crap membrane tree oh awesome okay the Deep shrooms around here that would be super convenient which creature egg are you I'm not actually interested in hatching and taking care of babies in game I have enough of that to deal with on the outside oh here we go oh yeah push that thing open dude there we go hey there's another one jeez all right so there's just a bunch of prawn seed drill arms which I already have as I said oh grappling never mind I will take that I need a laser cutter awesome I'm probably gonna run out of uh oxygen but that's fine laser cutter it is there you go oh another one all right oh crap I'm out another battery keep it going what do you got give me uh quickly quickly hello what are you grappling hit this fast fast faster and uh Cyclops sonar yay we unlocked it ah there we go okay whoa so scary man so scary back in I think that I think I might have already gotten everything I don't see the ghost man so totally fine if you don't want to bug me today I'm happy if you if you want to want to do that instead these two what was in this the case though open the case nutrient block oh my freaking God another one all right laser cutter it up drill arm wait I have drill arm now right okay yeah for a second I was like maybe I don't have it holy crap are you serious how much more could there possibly be okay never mind there's nothing this game is tripping me out dude is that wait is there seriously nothing else in here give me an upgrade dude there's like all these upgrade panels come on give me another upgrade I don't have to make it would be convenient for me okay I think that's all in Zeus Rick we're gonna find the Deep shrooms that's what we're concerned with Keep Her On Silent Running please engine on standard should be fine okay it's getting hot over here where is the Deep uh-oh okay this goes deep hello well oh no wait I did not entering ecological Death Zone adding report to Data Bank I I forgot I forgot I didn't know if I was still there back up back up please please please no I'm go oh my God I'm gonna die am I am I safe or what where's the where's the land get me to land please okay so the Deep Grand reef is not there I'm gonna die if I don't heal this thing so I gotta do it oh my god I think I'm safe though so that we'll talk about that in a second is the best thing ever okay I'm just healing my ship leave me alone please where's the damage where's the freaking damage where's the damage wait what did it not let me it didn't let me heal it up here what am I supposed oh do I have to do it on the inside wait it says it right there oh it's on the bottom oh there you are sneaky bastard so that was interesting that was a ghost Leviathan first of all uh and what I just got was the geological data for the crater Edge geological scans of this area show a steep decline in all directions this data is consistent with the theory that the Aurora crashed on the edge of a two kilometer by two kilometer volcanic crater it has likely been Millennia since Interruption reached the surface encouraging the ecosystem within the crater to flourish the Ecology of the trench surrounding the crater supports only two kinds of Life microscopic and Leviathan class exploration is ill-advised so that goes Leviathan that's one of many that are out in the void as it's called or The Dead Zone the geological Dead Zone they are the biggest that they can be the absolute biggest that they can be and I'm gonna be a bastard so everyone turn up your volume and just listen all right [Music] wait I don't even see it oh no no okay it's actually gonna hit me it's actually gonna hit me son of [Music] God ah that was so dumb of me why why oh man do you guys remember you guys may not remember if you're new uh but I actually fought these things hand to hand one time it was not pretty not pretty at all so the ecological Dead Zone it's honestly probably the most terrifying thing about this planet in general that we landed coincidentally on the only part that's close to the surface everything else is deep nothing and there's microscope there's either microscopic entities or they're Leviathan class aka the biggest things in the ocean what scares me more is the idea that if we were to Adventure out farther there is likely something bigger okay let me get out this thing is too bulky this thing is way too bulky turn off the lights turn off the engine let's get in the side let's get in the seamoth I just want to tell me what the hell that screaming was when I got out is this supposed to do that anyway what I was saying was that we're likely to find something bigger outside of this area and and not just bigger but bigger you have to imagine that at the edge of this crater is the biggest that we've seen uh of the fauna that spawned from the crater itself kind of makes this whole DLC by the way if you've seen the nod at it so if you have seen the ending or have heard about it DLC that's coming should give a little bit more detail about that because we could potentially be exploring something outside of this volcanic crater all in all we are playing inside of a volcanic crater and that's pretty awesome so the idea is that the ghost leviathans grow up in the KO tree area excuse me they grow up in the Cove tree area right they blossom then they move out to the Lost River then they move out even further uh to the Grand reef and then they move out finally when they're too big and they go to the the void is this the void I say oh hello warper please don't please don't do it where the hell the hell do I get to the Great why am I why am I having so much trouble finding the Deep oh he missed through sea Trader okay so typically the ghost leviathans are not around the sea treaders so I'll stick to them what's up guys what's up you oh my goodness I just bashed my own head I probably should not leave my Cyclops out there but you know what some time you gotta just take a risk and unnecessary risk okay not going down there chill whoa okay so they are near the sea treaders great well guys don't get attacked don't get attacked like me Jesus Christ you guys are loud chill out dude you do not ah here we go oh my goodness there's a warp behind me and there's a warper in front of me is going to be great I'm very sick okay I'm a very sick person like I came all the way over here this is kind of where I need to be and I don't even have like anything to build a base or even a fabricator on my Cyclops so I can actually uh make this thing kind of just mindlessly venturing that's good uh okay so deep shrooms I'm assuming they're going to be it's too hot over here I should have built a base here dude that's what I should do just detach everything I have move it on to the storage in the Cyclops and bring it down here to build what do you guys think should I do that right next to these guys I crab Squid's back I murdered you okay I straight murdered oh God he's gonna get me all right but seriously where the hell are the Deep shrooms oh my God I'm dumb I am dumb so they're not in the Deep Grand Reef uh I actually was mistaken because it said deep shroom deep Grand Reef nope I was actually wrong they are in the sea treaders path apparently so that might be helpful but that is also where the coast Leviathan is yay whoa oh no [Music] foreign just keep going dude just keep going stop with your EMP I need an EMP for myself dude will that take out the uh oh my God ah Jesus Christ wait there was an entrance right here dude I hate my life I gotta get out and fix this all right I just need to find the sea treaders again because they're on the sea Shredder path and they're in the sea Treader caves so also nice wait what no no no no no no no no no no no no no please stop yes stop what you're doing everything you're doing is stupid you suck how did he see me from so far away there you are okay so it said it's on the path somewhere and also in the in the caves which I guess I could follow them and they would show me where the where the caves are but you can't be going around okay guys are creepy too man everything down here is freaking scary where did this freaking ghost Leviathan go I don't have time man where the hell am I there's gotta be a cave of sorts right somewhere that they walk into or walk near I'm gonna go in here this might be what they were talking about then again it says it on the wiki but it could be very rare [Music] just now telling me this I've already seen and scanned oh yes haha give me this so I just need three well I could ideally take my seamoth back whoa is this really whoa whoa wait what yo I don't remember this this looks sick oh wait where do you kelp look at that oh we can ow okay we could go down here right if we want to uh oh we could go down here to get to the Lost River to get to the next biome oh my goodness please don't do that again you've already scared me with a song Once okay you don't need to do it again hello aha oh PDA join Ontario's board of directors it's not about money you travel freely I'll tear I get what you deserve make it a profit Road teller Corporation and you'll be recognized by the most powerful business people in the universe oh wow they seem corrupt totally fine man totally fine why is this so excessively loud whoa what torpedo arm let's go nuclear reactor okay all right we're getting some stuff now this is awesome holy crap where where are we going I'm gonna get so lost and die in here wait this looks suspicious this looks very similar to the other place where I end up dying at oh hey we got it nuclear reactor uh what is to die okay so the exit yeah it's the exact same wreck it is literally the exact same one this is where I died and the Escape was right there well it was kind actually some of these places were closed off not these though oh need a laser cutter oh no upgrades there are never upgrades in that thing God dang it well ow do you hear his scream that was blood curdling can I get out through here nope uh uh uh maybe this way nope I'm gonna die I'm gonna freak nope I'm not okay I was gonna say I think I likely got everything that's important right here like the torpedo arm oh wait never mind Cyclops fire suppression system let's go low has anyone down here what the hell is that oh wait I need this I'm pretty stoked let me get to make this guy have we not been here is this new this must be new it is new oh we already have the decoy that's fine more propulsion arm okay I don't remember bypassing this but you know what damn it I'm gonna get those three warpers are you for real okay I'm gonna give me give me something no give me give me give me okay I don't see him anywhere sorry fish I didn't even take your life into consideration before I threw you to your doom oh great I'll have one working battery that's fantastic what are you uh nuclear already have that so this is a particularly interesting wreck where's the entrance to it can I even get into this one it is a door but I can't actually open it this music is so dope oh here we go hello uh aha there's a hole and a laser cutter of course you'd imagine he'd be using this with two hands but you know my guys my guy's a g we don't need it uh okay more propulsive like you gave me enough out there oh a whole fragment for the exo suit dude that's nutty I'll take the titanium for that I feel like that's a that's an achievement I already have this too crap why can't you give me something new game come on man oh hey PDA uh charity is an archaic concept with the realest one today is alterians training academy for those that need to be needed we're not a charity because we don't ask for handouts we prefer to think of ourselves as a shut up as a philanthropic uh beneficence beneficence facility facilitation service promoting Synergy between employer and Workforce okay that's great yeah it sounds like a freaking scam to me dude okay so I can go down this later actually let me get the oxygen first man okay so down the ladder and what do we got a big mess of things okay anything up here nope just darkness hello oh oh that was not fun okay let's head over to the pro boater once more we gotta get this thing whoa dude you sound way louder inside of my ship sound normal please sound normal I command you to sound no I like uh I like how the crab squids [Music] gone I'm sorry I don't know what sound to make but I do love how the crab squids dude why has he not attacked it oh God stop okay yeah I get it dude we get it you're freaking the bad days awesome oh girl oh I can access them from here can I access their storage son I didn't even realize I had all this let's put the Titan actually you know what let's store all this stuff on here uh because what I want to do also is bring my base materials with me so I can set up a base closer to the Deep where I need to be it's very important I do this so I'm going to have that full titanium that full of titanium that full of titanium uh this can be extra goods and it can also bring a lot of the stuff and attach it to the walls of the Cyclops so we're gonna be good dude we are going to be good close that door please and let's begin move forward okay where's this stupid ghost Leviathan I'm I am hella not in the mood all right okay swimming along this thing is so slow dude what in the hell all right guys well I guess uh I'll see you in a few years when I get back to the Escape pod hooray all right Shield generation let's go uh yeah you put that in there cool uh so we have the efficiency module and now the shield generator which is going to be super helpful now we just need because we're going somewhere a little hot we're gonna need that uh thermal thing or can I no I have to have the kyanite like I said okay so we got the depth module the efficiency module according to you guys does not stack the fire suppression system might be great as well two airgel and a crystalline sulfur do I even have that I don't think I have that oh no I had to get those from the Lost River didn't I any more messages for me I'm lonely so what I got to do now is uh take all of this stuff and switch it on over because that's super fun and I love doing it alright so I know you guys love this bass and all but we got to get rid of it okay I'm gonna move it to the new location that I think is going to be the best place for it because there's going to be a lot of heat and we can have an awesome base to go to I kind of want to settle I want to go deep I want to outdo the degassi you know what I mean anyway I'll see you guys when I'm done uh it's so sad to see this entire base has just been emptied out you've done your job you've done your job water filtration machine but it's time for you to go now unfortunately I can't get this on my Cyclops so that's gonna be the bad thing but of course when I establish my base this won't be a problem good old solar panels it's too bad it wasn't like it used to be if you guys remember we used to be able to put solar panels on the Cyclops which was pretty amazing oh crap okay we got this and then oh yeah we have to move the plants I totally forgot about the plants all right so I now have all the seed clusters holy crap that's a lot uh and then I guess I could just deconstruct this there we go and then deconstruct the foundation holy crap the base is completely gone but I'm happy okay so let's head back to the Cyclops build this place up dude it's gonna look sick we are going to need uh maybe the radio but certainly the fabricator radio right here whatever oh yeah wait wait most important thing is this because this my boat this is my boat also if you guys want to potentially win a copy of the igp hole plate uh head on over to the uh IG Paradise Discord server we might be holding giveaways for those kind of frequently don't please don't be uh encouraged to purchase them uh I have a lot of copies of them and I could potentially get more don't waste your money it's not that important and you could potentially win one anyway so head on over there link is down in the description below alright what else was important uh that I had the battery charger for sure honestly oh yeah you know what it'd be really cool to set them up here the idea I had was lab counters down here you know just make it look all fancy and whatnot yeah lab counter which I can put a Markiplier doll if I want but not right now but I can put uh the fancy looking lab equipment on here wait I can't put this anywhere wait is that a joke because I could put the Markiplier doll anywhere what's going on here well my guess side can't that whole idea goes straight out the window son of a [ __ ] well I can't put the lab stuff down so I'm just gonna move this over still gonna keep it here but I'm gonna put the modification station actually let me put it opposite side here there we go modification station oh this looks so good this looks so good here we go I can live with this I can live with my bed being right there just get up start piloting dude around here we can have our nice little vending machine too and on the other side our coffee in case we get thirsty all right so the interior grow bed should ideally be just in the center here there we go now that's all full sweets I almost don't need an aquarium it's not necessary at all well I took the uh computer chip out of the modification station and made this so the medical kit fabricator will be here I could put two of them as they get made I could just store them in here that's the idea but I just realized that I had the resources for another computer chip so that's fine and that actually sets me where I have everything put away and organized and I think my marble melons they are done yay it's not just eat and replace I think I took way too many there we go and I still have a bunch extra so I will store them uh right here I think I think that's everything to be honest I think that's everything we got our storage we got our chargers we got the modification station we even now have medical kit fabricator yeah honestly that is pretty much it all right an hour and a half in and now we can finally do something fun for you guys it's only been like eight minutes but it's been about an hour and a half for me so you guys are lucky I love you so much all right we are going back to the Deep Grand Reef into the blood kelp and then go oh you know what there's the blood kelp by the underwater Islands right we could go through there which leads us to the top of the Lost River ah yes and since I have everything with me that means I have the orange tablet and I can go into that yeah this is perfect all right we're going that way and there's the shield look at that oh boy I'm excited okay so the underwater islands are over back behind us towards the mountain vincia fourth fourth travel across the open land of Harold and we're putting into this misery of ours and actually do something to get our asses off this planet aha I found it uh that means that there's probably the ghost Leviathan somewhere sorry dude uh hello ghost oh my God those lights suck oh it's right there it's right there holy crap it's right there all right so that means that the entrance should be somewhere down here uh I'm gonna have to probably get out and look around aren't I wow look at these warpers dude Jesus Christ wow I have the potential to run into everything apparently what was the ghostly infected why does it look like he's infected all right let's quickly get out and see if we can find the entrance to this place oh hey look dude we got uh we got the Deep shrooms I'll take a bunch of these oh and quartz I could use that wow there is a lot of courts around here this dude all right so I think I think it's this way oh I don't have I don't have a freaking uh take the scanner out uh and then uh take this is it still okay there we go hello I know your goal is to kill me and all but please let me live oh too close too close all right I honestly think it's probably down here just saying uh oh yeah dude he's super infected it's all green and crap out freaking ambul he's teleporting an ambulance Jesus Christ what since when do they do that oh come on God dang it Shield up I know it's gonna take a lot of my uh Power but I'm willing to sacrifice that to not get destroy my goodness all right I don't even know if this is the right direction okay it looks it looks right that's an opening that's perfect look I'm very sorry if I blew your ears out oh my goodness okay we're fine holy crap 37 Yep this is a Lost River perfect oh but that way wait that means there's another ghost they probably they already know I'm here but whatever hostile creature is leaving that's good okay we are relatively safe now uh we basically got to go down here and then turn around and that's the next biome we need to go to uh but right now I want to head back towards the beginning of the Lost River now to do this efficiently I might need to abandon my Cyclops now I know that sounds crazy but it might be the best choice but ideally I would do it where there are not any spine eels or you know ghosts leviathans let's just go up to these bones and park earn that stupid engine off and let's get uh oh yeah let's put some of this oh goodness uh uh I need to repair four I'm still getting hit by stuff stop it who's hitting me thank you welder for being amazing and super fast okay now we're good perfect um Health kids right take that one eat it all right so we're good and parked let's turn off the lights to save energy I guess maybe it does maybe it doesn't orange tablet I'll take with me wait it might also be purple let me take both all right we're venturing out please stop hitting my uh my Cyclops I may I'll make it I'll make it definitely and there's places to breathe there I hope there should be I might I'm making a huge mistake aren't I yep yeah so why is this one orange is that normal this one is orange the one in the blood kelp was green all right here's our old friend the other one should be gone right the crab squid yeah cause that destroyed that dude holy crap the frame rate sorry all right let's see it is orange tablet perfect excellent okay no I still have to uh holy crap I gotta scan these alien bones specimen case haha uh these fossils likely came from an ancient uh from the ancient ancestors of leviathans which inhabit the planet today relative size and delicacy of the bones suggests they formed parts of the ear canal or some other complex internal structure yeah that's freaking huge and we got uh the Flora specimen very good uh local plants being held in stasis uh the aliens evidently sought an extensive knowledge of the planet's ecosystem which would have been necessary to support any live specimen research examination stuff oh hey another cute fish coddlefish God dang it a large laboratory table and accompanying scanners and corporate Technologies far beyond our current level of understanding hypothesis equipment maintenance staff maintenance specimen uh now I just realized I'm gonna die holy crap this is not good I should have just brought the CE moth I should have just brought the sea moth I honestly don't think I picked up anything that important so if I die and I go back it's fine but see this would be literally the end of the game if I was on Hardcore oh yeah there's no freaking way I'm getting getting back that is not happening well I might as well challenge the ghost Leviathan hey buddy what is oh my goodness you are beautiful whoa right dude seriously take that dude take it take it nope oh that's actually kind of scary I didn't lose anything right I had all the same stuff yeah we're fine we're fine I got the oh wait I picked up the creature egg oh I could have lost that that would not have been good okay get into the Cyclops please or the seamoth whatever the hell you are there we go now let's go back sorry about that oh whoa whoa where the hell is it stop freaking me out all right this is what I should have done from the beginning uh yeah hypothesis equipment maintenance staff maintenance specimen analysis and specimen Gene manipulation so we get some free uh free Power some ion Coupes and then we get the data download fauna reproductive data now this is kind of important to understand the ecosystem specifically the fauna extensive alien research data on the local fauna with a special focus on their reproductive methods core conclusions have been synthesized the aliens discover the life forms on the planet have just one sex they observed local organisms engaging in asexual reproduction all healthy individuals tested were capable of egg laying eggs usually require genetic material from another of the species in rare cases only one parent was required with evolutionary mutation introduced by the effects of the environment itself research appears to have been focused around hatching conditions and genetic variations between parent and child that really does say a lot and damn those Reginald for not reproducing it doesn't matter what uh what sex you are you all need to be making some babies I don't care what kind of water you need to be in either it's not a different type of water you need to make babies all right well let's head over to our Pro boater Dodge this guy as easily as we can he's gonna see me he's gonna oh boy I just made a bunch of noise nope is that me is that me may or may not be kind of yes yes no no back up back up thank you no no stop stop it holy crap it is dark please turn on the interior lights please we should be able to make it we are gonna have to prioritize making this uh thermal generator or whatever the module is called where I can recycle heat from the outside and apply it to my Cyclops because if I don't have that man oh yeah we're gonna pass by the Sea Dragon and The Cove tree whoa look at all this ghost race they're like waiting for their relatives of sorts to ghost leviathans all right so this path is going to lead down to the next biome and uh it's gonna get hot it's gonna get real hot holy crap this is beautiful I'm gonna let you guys enjoy this segment right here [Music] oh no these guys all right and they are going to be trouble it's most certainly going to be trouble these uh these larvae will attach to my ship and drain it of its power because it likes to feed on that it's not harmful as in a sense that it won't hurt me but it will certainly take a lot from my my ship and I can't afford that uh where we're at this does not look good though ow ow all right oh yep there's the lava okay so there's got to be some kyanite somewhere around here it's usually by lava there's a hole down here hello are you uh important anything down there you know what let's go look let's go look you know what I could do I could always just take out the power cells before the lava larvae attach themselves oh it's probably gonna be really hot yep oh I forgot about that what are you what are you diamond diamond it's getting way too hot geez Jesus so I'm gonna need the uh a better suit at some point you know I don't exactly remember where the kyanite is I remember it being by the lava but I could be very mistaken I don't know let's go a little bit a little bit more into the biome first whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy Jesus all right well that means we need to make a better suit reinforce dive suits heavy synthetic fiber survival and extreme temperatures okay so that's what I need it's two titanium and two synthetic fibers how do I make synthetic fibers fiber mesh and Benzene Benzene is three blood oil okay so I gotta I gotta make a base somewhere and play Hey oh dang it hey there's kyanite oh wait oh no I have to have the exo suit to get the kyanite dude that actually really sucks let's just set up a base down here let's just do that first would be a good area to do this yeah something tells me I probably needed to have the exosuit already I like this corner I really like this corner right now stop it oh I could pick him up get out of here dude I didn't know I could pick him up with that all right so let's do real quick just a multi-purpose room and then a hatch to get inside oh God no get away stop it uh and then I need uh quickly I need a thermal plant two magnets height in the arrow gel okay that's that's doable okay get back up get back up actually I don't think it matters where I put that specifically um because the heat down here is ridiculous no matter what come on come on come on yes give me that power 250 dude that's pretty good that is pretty good and this is where we can actually charge a bunch of uh power cells we can also get a water filtration system in here be a good idea I think I need that air gel yeah uh oh wait that's what I need to do right away I need to do that right away give myself a foundation and get myself hopefully this stuff doesn't go bad down here does heat mess up any of the plants like the gel sacks and whatnot I got my three grow beds here on the foundation now I can plants pretty much everything one of them I can dedicate to the creepvine seed clusters the other I can dedicate to gel sacks and of course blood oil is one all right so now I know I can do one two pickup then plants one two and then pick up and there you go now we have them infinitely and I just ate it by accident son of a [ __ ] all right there we go we got a bunch of uh we got six of these going for creep Vine seed clusters and then a bunch of our gel sacks perfect up we're at zero power I just realized that yeah so let's get in our seamoth and I guess we'll oh wait wait wait I can't wait I totally forgot about that nope come on it's done it's done it can't even load it back up dude wow okay so I I completely botched uh oh my God wait a second no the depth module no [Laughter] oh God this is great I am so happy right now dude it's been like three hours been playing this game and I can't even tell you if I have enough content for an episode for you guys good Lord okay so I got my base established that's nice uh we got some water being made some plants are growing so we can do some more stuff what I can do temporarily is charge some uh charge some power cells and uh try not to forget that I should not bring a freaking seamoth down here because it can't survive all right Power Cell charger wow dude Jesus it's not even it's not even producing enough why is it not producing enough it's 50 degrees Celsius let's get rid of this there we go right on the lava just put right on the lava dude that's a ton of heat yeah 70 dude now I just need to power uh uh a transmitter which is golden titanium okay I could do that whoa look at that dude look at these guys get off get out of here I'm gonna hit you right into your friends get out [Laughter] that's right take that Crimson Ray all done you want some too come here are you good kick your ass too I gotta hurry actually because I don't have uh I don't have any Oxygen being produced I don't have any gold no what no gold I'm so dead all right I'm gonna have faith that there's gold somewhere around here yes what are the I honestly didn't know that so that's pretty cool yes power the base and there we go cool 70 degrees is much better there we go that's nice that's real nice although I probably could use another one now on his one gel sack and I can make another yes come on please please be done 91 there we go one two pick up one two three one two pick up one two three all right there you go keep those growing though uh air gel oh thank God right there oh yeah there we go and you're also at 70. yay yes okay now I can put the Power Cell charger back too there we go positive energy being produced okay so let's try to make ourselves a better suit that would that would help right now synthetic fibers two diamonds and two titanium okay so synthetic fibers is Benzene in a fiber mesh fiber mesh is two creep Vine samples which I will get uh Benzene is what again three blood oil okay so let me take a look at these plants see how they're doing 60 done and 60 done okay so I guess we're just freaking waiting all right here we go now we got some stuff so I'm gonna need to take you you I think a few of you right and now how do I get the oh growing blood vine do I get to see oh I do get them from you now those just replenish over time or how does that work oh they do okay they do grow more perfect so I need three of you and if you got an extra one I'll take it and I can start planting you guys all right let's see we need yeah the Benzene I do have the fiber mesh and now it needs to be synthetic fibers all right here we go perfect all right so we got to put these on take this off uh reinforced dive suit and then reinforce gloves yay now I shouldn't shouldn't be taking damage or if I am it's very little nope so I'm gonna replenish my health real quick and then we're gonna take a quick look inside of this biome just a little further I'm gonna say first because it's gonna get kind of dangerous here so the power cells are currently charging in the last two so I'll have a full Pro boater when I'm done here but I'm gonna take this moment start scanning some stuff come back come back okay Crimson Ray one of the largest Rays on the planet displaying generally docile Behavior thick scaling scales formed on the skin protect this Ray from extreme temperatures allowing it to survive in areas unpopulated by competing scavengers forward mounting eye sockets suggests a predatory evolutionary history Left Behind long ago it is inedible I need to recharge my oxygen I just realized hey buddy it's actually kind of cute I'm gonna try to pick up as many resources as I can as well oh my God now I know I can't stand the extreme heat but yeah like right there I can't for sure and you are lava lizard right come here nope stop it oh god oh boy Whoa I'm too quick for you man I can't actually read you I don't have uh I don't have the time we got to get inside of this thing this beautiful place this is the lava Castle okay I don't know where it's coming from oh there it is oh boy the Beast of all beasts I gotta find the entrance oh my God there's freaking two of them within the vicinity that's ridiculous dude get down and the freaking warpers too I guess you're pretty you're very pretty stay away please all right where's the entrance come on man I'm running out of oxygen tell me where you are seriously where the hell is this thing ah there it is okay I gotta Rush this I got 84 seconds left I do know I can breathe in here guys that's the only reason why I'm I'm bucking it I know I can breathe once we just hold in this area can be carbon dated to between 800 and 3 000 years three freaking kyanite I didn't know there was actually free kyanite dude that's amazing this is so good I'm extremely happy we can actually make the the thing now we gotta go though we gotta go hello yes yes yes where's the entrance come on yes oh breathe my friends breathe oh hello no no no no no no no no no I just want to scan you stop chasing me alien robot this device the alien origin although its design is relatively simple uh it's low Threat Level it is at odds with its advanced technology apparently available to its designers suggesting it was intended more to patrol alien facilities and repair damaged infrastructure than to deter Invaders despite its simple Design This construction is quite elegant in its minimalism four electromagnetic legs allow it to Traverse floors walls and ceilings with reasonable speed and appear to be replaceable internally there are few moving Parts rendering this construct energy efficient and resistant to wear over time a rechargeable ion-based power Reserve ensure it continues to operate immobilize and return to Altera for Mutual profit okay I don't want to bother these guys though they seem pretty innocent oh where's my purple artifact dang it dang it oh yes and the ion Cube going here and activate a teleporter perfect I forgot there was two entrances to this place all right so we are in the thermal generator or the thermal plant this is the plants of the precursors that powers everything including the warpers so we're going down to its base right now ah perfect we can activate that teleporter what do you got fossil data fossil data recorded from the volcanic rock that was excavated to construct the alien power facility uh it has been possible to extrapolate a number of key trends genetic Divergence the aliens recorded data on indigenous organic remains originating between ten thousand and one thousand years ago the life forms on record feature an unusually low overlap with those encountered so far on 4546b extinction event soil samples from one thousand years ago contain 300 higher concentrations of organic remains than the soil average data supports a mass extinction event killing off a majority of species enforcing rapid adaptation amongst many of the survivors holy hell I need another I do need the tablet man I gotta make two of them we gotta go back but at the same time I got the kyanite so we can definitely do something with that let me activate this teleporter real quick oh yeah Bring It live all right we're not going in that yet because I actually have no idea where it goes Kai and Knight Kai and I holy crap there's a lot of kyanite down here oh yeah dude an infinite amount I'm so glad I don't have to go back and build the exosuit I mean I will eventually I have to do it for the for the final part of the game but uh not right now hello hello hello hello I'm leaving don't worry oh yeah leviathan's skills will remains now we know which one this is good old Reaper a rebuild about the skeleton reapers are ill-suited to high temperature environments suggesting this creature was forced down into the active lava Zone by conditions outside its control Trace muscle tissue remains on the bones indicating the specimen died in recent months [Music] yep holy hell hi Jesus Christ the thing blew up all right dude he's a freaking mad man how do I get out of here no no no no no no no no no no oh my God he lost me I'm gone dude what is that what is this okay I'll take sure I'll take titanium nickel okay I don't have I didn't have nickel before all right what else did it say uh it's supposed to recent months Burns and other physical damage to the skeletal structure likely became prey for something bigger obviously the Sea Dragon whoa what was that from him my dude chill out all right so we need to uh let's get some oxygen these are all done so I'll take them on my person my goodness guys this is a very long episode and I apologize but I want to make sure you guys get something out of it I want to make sure stuff happens you know what I mean so I'll play as long as I need to okay so for kyanite a wiring kit and two poly and lean deep shrooms uh did I get six and salt deposits did I get six of those I'm pretty sure I did yes one two three four five six and two salt deposits two hydrochloric acid and that would be two gold there we go okay so now we got two of them uh what else do we need oh wiring kits I think I have that in here yes sick oh so excited I gotta put this in here now this should uh convert environmental heat energy into electrical power for use by the Cyclops okay so that should end up charging all of them I may not be close enough oh crap that might be why turn on the shield was oh yes dude that's perfect all right let's get closer down to the heat yep it's going up all right so we'll charge we're good to go now dude we have everything all right so I need to make uh some tablets though I need to do that for sure that is uh good Lord where would that be here we go purple tablet would be two diamond in an ion Cube okay all right and the other one yes right here okay so now I can go back and do both so I'm just gonna set down right here yep it's going up to 89 so I'm gonna turn it off here wow it's actually still going up even with all these lava larvae on there I'm not even worrying about it now dude it's perfect all right back to our lovely lava Castle we have a lot of information in there we've still gotta get oh God oh God oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't worry dude I'm not here not here not here not here take another kyanite I don't think I need it for anything else but I'll still grab it holy crap having having gave a good look at this in a long time forgot there was even that bottom part do you guys remember for those who were like into the early days of development do you guys remember when this wasn't in here it was just an empty den and a lot of us didn't even know what the hell it was for it's crazy right all right so let's go into this one first goodbye this is a nice looking one Let's scan it first blue tablet smooth and cold with a blue lights which illuminates an alien symbol resembling an uppercase H while it is likely these devices served in part as security clearance for whoever constructed them their size suggests some additional purpose such as personal computers whatever the case the technology is far beyond Humanity's own I mean we have tablets smaller than that oh crap [Music] Jesus Christ I I was actually waiting for it to happen it scared the hell out of me okay so that was uh that was our friend calling to us again as we can all guess uh we need to go a little bit deeper to find our friend our beautiful lady friend whom I feel like I have a connection with already it's kind of weird all right and a big electrical room let's go [Music] all right we get to scan this right yeah this looks super dangerous that's fine the alien thermal plant this system is directly converting local thermal energy into electrical current at 90 efficiency most of this energy is being stored in the battery-like devices within the plant itself Each of which holds enough power or enough to power a small City for a year some of it however is being drained off presumably as it is distributed to other facilities on the planet the power plant appears to be fully automated and given current understanding of the mechanisms involved on interruptible eating facility location updated volcanic area connected to this Cave System a depth of 1.4 kilometers all right so the primary containment facility a power router in the thermal plant is Distributing energy collected on sites to other facilities on the planet primary containment facility location updated constructed with a natural Chasm connected to this cave network south Southeast area of volcanic activity depth 1.4 kilometers power distribution self-warping quarantine enforcement units five percent Arc Network 10 percent sanctuaries Alpha Beta And Kappa 10 quarantine enforcement platform 35 percent diseased research facility offline primary containment facility 20 in reserve is 20 there's no clear way to interrupt the power flow so if you thought that we could turn off the gun or the quarantine enforcement platform by destroying this you're mistaken I mean I probably could do some damage if I just run at it I mean this has got to hurt me or something who is lining up again I love it it's amazing all right ion power data yes oh I'm so excited now so the IM power data it has been possible to extract useful information regarding alien ion power ion cubes are grown artificially from a mineral substance and are treated to remain in a stable State despite the huge ionic energy contained within by installing an ion cube in an appropriate device this energy can be released as electrical power using the knowledge it has been possible to synthesize new battery and Power Cell blueprints which leverage Advanced ionic energy to last considerably longer so now we can build better batteries and better power cells that will last much much much longer so we made it to the alien thermal plants the the precursor base that powers everything that we've seen so far and we've unlocked some new Blueprints and we also got contacted Again by our lovely lady who wants us to go just a little bit deeper and meet her shall we it's too hot I I got to get back all the way to massaclops I think I got everything out of there I have two power uh I need that doesn't have power either drop this one out and then replace this one there we go okay so the idea is our first step at least should be to try and get try and get a prong suit we are going to need that thing down in the deeper uh where is big dude he did not like me last time understandably so oh hey there you guys are two of you okay I'm moving what the hell oh yeah we built a base that's right I totally forgot we got ourselves we're not we I probably should have referenced the previous video but I'm lazy oh oh God it's so hot down here it's so hot all right this thing should be fully charged at this point right yeah because it's like right near the heat cool is that because of the water why zero power what's happening wait why is that not connected anymore what in the okay I'll put it right here maybe come on yes there we go oh 500 immediately okay we'll get to it then this is the saddest thing I've ever seen the saddest thing I have ever read in my life Give Me That Snack eat some chips uh drink some water uh oh yeah the battery charger you know what it's probably not a bad idea to put to put batteries in there I can what all right getting rid of all of them getting rid of all of them I'm making some better batteries my dude uh what kind of silver and gold do I have I have no silver okay so we gotta get some whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the hell did I just see like the city of Atlantis what the hell was that yo what dude I you know to be honest I don't think I've ever actually explored to the full extent the lava biome I've never seen this holy crap that is so cool dude that is nuts what a nice design all right well I'm clearly not gonna find any silver here so I probably shouldn't have thought that I would so I'm gonna have to travel for that oh God dang it I have to make a quick trip up to the surface I'm so ready well hello I didn't know I had a passenger or two get off thank you not getting a free ride from me while I'm up here it might be a good idea to build an Exo Suit might as well that's our goal for today make some batteries make the exo suit bring all them beautiful things down here can I run I'm gonna run into this warper come here you're annoying me [Laughter] I love how it's sound at all but in my mind it did in my mind I Heard It Go okay I heard that oh I forgot this was on my way I always adored this tree but then when they added the uh the lore of the ghost leviathans being like born from it I have mixed feelings still quite beautiful whoa whoa whoa whoa calm it down sir blood kelp here we are good amount of quartz all right I'm gonna get out right here just for a second see what I can find quartz quartz lots of quartz what the hell is that oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ hello [Music] where did it go okay am I seeing things oh no there it is okay [Laughter] uh well this is not good why is this one so close I don't like this I don't like it yeah I know it's a predator I know it's a predator I gotta get out of here dude oh he's gonna attack he's gonna attack there's two of them we're fine I think we're fine engine don't overheat just go through here dude oh no no no no you can't get me in here dude you're done you're done son you're done I'm in a cave holy crap oh I gotta fix I gotta fix oh oh oh oh no [Music] I will take it all right well I might as well search in this cave I've never been in here either you guys wouldn't you wouldn't believe me if I told you that uh there are a lot of places in this game I've just never been to I don't remember where I got silver from I'm pretty sure I maybe I was wrong maybe I don't recall but I'll take all this stuff all this stuff it's very important all right I'm full just need to head back up wait is this silver copper that's pretty cool I need my extra suit bad oh this is all the floater Islands maybe I can get some from here all right I'm gonna go up to this giant Island see what I can see on the surface and now is the perfect time to use that camera oh yeah yeah yep so we could possibly get some silver here ah wait I need to eat some food man I need to eat some food like nobody's business ah there we go nice and full now I can go out here and puke in my helmet ah yes that's one silver two is silver whoa whoa nope I just need that guy that give me that dude oh boy huh go deep in the cave go deep in the cave oh hello okay whoa this is cool dude what what where how could you possibly ooh God how could you be in here dude no no no oh this is the bottom this is the bottom Mr ghost it's these two infected Sand Sharks dude it's gonna hit me it's gonna glitch through this and hit me I guarantee it out oh there's another exit where is this ghost Leviathan screaming at me oh wow wait are you attacking my cyclops oh God I can't I can't do why did I why did I get out of here no my Cyclops is up there what am I doing okay okay I got up to some sort of safety a little better get back here for some oxymagen uh I can make some batteries I guess power cells first this should be our number one goal so we have to have two of them in a silicone rubber so that's four perfect and then I just need two silicone rubber boom boom and there we go I am Power Cell take the ion take the ion all right well I scanned over there isn't much left but there are some down here oh no it's not shut up nope there's another one come on be advised a common complication for cave divers is loss of orientation by eventually oh oh that's great I'll be fine you know silver always seems to be the one resource I constantly run out of huh well I'm officially out or at least I only have four of the ion cubes left so we can make two more power cells that'll put four in our cyclops which I can which I think is fine it's gonna be enough and I still only have two silver after all of that all right I'll do some more Scavenging around but uh I don't want to waste you guys time that looks so creepy I don't want to waste any more time I know your time is precious so I'll cut to when I have enough Silva that I can move on to the mobile vehicle bags I still don't even know what I need for my freaking uh prawn suit so it's gonna be fun stay tuned guys more to come all right well I'm back towards the mobile vehicle Bay and uh I got some silver decent amount of silver right now I need to find some stalker teeth because I have to make some enamel glass again so uh I don't think I got all oh crap ah there we go okay anyway so I'm gonna look for some stalker teeth and I figured you guys would want to watch that right of course hey look there's one foreign [Music] what the hell just happened did my Cyclops blow up ow yes oh my Lord Jesus hey drop a tooth come on give me one of your teeth pick it up drop a tooth really yes okay that's how well I need well I need some titanium I probably should have picked up some of that scrap metal that sounded weird I didn't hey oh it makes a sound when he drops it how stupid it's not stupid actually it's kind of nice had I known that before I wouldn't have wasted 18 minutes of my life that should be it oh no I need the air gel didn't I and I didn't bring any with me son [ __ ] so Ruby in the jail sack did I happen to store away any gel sacks I did two era gels and what else do we need good sir yes oh it's happening people it's happening excellent prawn suitable one first piloting a prawn suit to feel a sense of Limitless power no one operators uh where are you going no come back all right self-discipline here we go how deep can you go already 900 okay so I'm gonna have to get a module though to get you to not die when we's deep oh no wait I have to do that at the the moon pool station I don't know let's just dock this real quick and who come on yes all right can I do anything over here nope I can't do anything yet all right so that's the that's the second level of it I have to get the first depth module which is probably only obtainable through the uh great so what do I need for a freaking moon pool now two titanium ingots lubricant and Lead okay I just need a bunch of titanium let's get to it all right titanium Ingot that's one one lubricants and then I have the lead which I think is all I need but we got to add power to this too God Mr moonpool can go right here all right so what do I need for the upgrade console three titanium a computer chip and a copper wire okay oh no I have an extra titanium over here didn't I an inanimate object right thanks now I just need some power just a quick solar panel should do the job which is two chords two titanium and a copper I don't even think I have that much titanium holy crap there's a lot of stuff down here I forgot I had the uh the suit on I can survive this heat whoa yeah I'll take the cave sulfur there's a lot of you down here what the hell see another place a stalker tooth too another one I've never been down they must have spawned in late [Music] I gotta leave I just gotta leave wait never mind I can't leave more Sandstone all right let's go oh my goodness okay so it'd be prawn suit modules depth okay PL another plastial Ingot and three nickel no I gotta find nickel this sucks dude what am I gonna do well I think the only thing I can do is uh unbuild all this stuff then put the extra suit on the Cyclops and bring all the resources back with me to build this where I needed to go I only actually needed to come up here for the exo suit building anyway so let's do that and uh I'll be right back poor guy all right so we're well on our way you guys enjoyed this part because like I try to include some of this in in the cut by the time the video is done you know just in case you guys want to see it but you know I can't be too sure be sure to uh let me know down below if you would like to see all or most of my Adventures even if they're Misadventures you guys can tell me wait did I go the right way what the hell what kind of structures and why is it mountainous okay this is not the right way is it is there a third blood kelp oh Jesus Christ okay that's what you get okay I think I found the opening where did the ghost Leviathan go I'm pretty sure it was over here yes so we're right in the Lost River perfect perfect how deep are we oh yeah exosuit starts out at 900. Golden it's like the most beautiful piece of Machinery I've ever seen in my life all right we're heading down back towards the uh The Cove tree there might be a nickel down there though might be like a safe safe way to get it but I'll try here this is where I'll try to get some nickel prawn suits let's go disco oh my goodness this is awesome I like the uh I like the uh the music that's playing it's really nice okay maybe there isn't any nickel down here I could have sworn there what oh bones bones and Bones everywhere silver that would be nice could have used that earlier there is a ghosty over here I think way back fine here but uh what the hell is all the nickel that's actually kind of what I want to know was this not always underneath here I'm gonna go to The Cove tree all right so we're just shy of being able to go down here at the exo suit but there's the urine at night I'm pretty sure I have very fond memories of picking up you're in a night nickel all this stuff shut up I will not die okay it's impossible nickel okay okay oh see girl I remember I remember I think we're okay let me get a health Kid in Me and uh let's move on let's go back to our base we can set up the moon pool and get everything going well my computer just crashed which is a great thing it's always a good thing when that happens uh so what you've missed so far is uh I got a bunch of titanium off the walls of these things which is super scary I might need some more I built the moon pool and I got some uh reinforcement holes or reinforcement plates whatever the hell they're called to make sure it doesn't you know explode uh right now I'm making a plastic or wait titanium Ingot I think I need a plastic Ingot let's hope and pray it's a place deal Ingot because I'm not sure I might need a lithium come on uh wow I actually don't have a lithium that's so cool I'm so happy about that ah well looks like I'm back out oh excuse me could you not do that all right lithium lithium lithium lithium lithium lithium I actually went all the way up here too man it was fun it was like my first time ever being up there he's pretty scary what is that okay why is a random copper ore just falling did you teleport that to me see there's like raw titanium and copper just laying all over this this biome I never knew that [Music] I wonder how much how much heat is up here like is this could I generate more heat by putting the thermal reactor up there oh oh right right the skull I need to I need to scan that oh wait it's okay I already I already did that's kind of creepy see I ended up using all the lithium to make those reinforcement plates but now I need them and I can't find them anywhere lithium lithium Where Art Thou lithium please show me your goods as the old saying goes I think more than ever lithium has become extremely rare mainly because I'm looking for it it tends it tends to work in that manner and oh look that would be convenient oh it's LED anyway not lithium uh I'm pretty far away from my home I'm just I just realized that too but the question you're asking yourself is EGP why are you so bad at this game lithium diamond add some heat man hello wait you got cooked once again my intuition tells me keep looking dude don't give up because the second you give up it's gonna be right there and you're gonna miss it and spend too much time going up I'm talking way too much I'm just gonna deconstruct the reinforcement it's totally fine I just can't build anything else on this base yay 1.4 almost dead I didn't I actually didn't even verify if that's what I need a plastic linget it probably is what I need the crappy thing is that uh once I make this I then have to take it and get more resources and have it uh turned into the second version I'm pretty sure I need the second or third to continue got that how do I change this uh two lit two more lithium ah did I did I seriously not have any lithium stored away I feel like I might be oh there's one right there look at that oh you might have lithium yes come on come on come on come on come on yes all right we're done I think I can walk around in the prawn now I don't know what the next step is but hopefully it's not stupid resource if I need more lithium I'm just going to shoot myself in the head that's that's uh a reasonable reaction and I think it's just does not stack all right now is that it is it only the second one bam 1700. damn okay I think that's as deep as it goes we did it fellas we got the ultimate the ultimate horse the ultimate prawn just oh there's a guy in there what's up dude is that me is that supposed to be me but we got it we could we could name this thing by the way we should go do that oh no I'm stuck this is not good oh yeah 1700 let's go all right I'm gonna dock this thing now okay so yeah that's the first one we can't do anything else all right cool so I need a drill arm a lithium titanium and Diamond okay I can do that I definitely need the grappling arm that's going to be tough all of these need freaking lithium I wouldn't want to name you uh the IG uh prawny base of it's going to be a blue deep blue uh no you know what it's gonna be red hell yeah white name uh interior can be uh purple the stripe can be Gordon ah it's the ugliest color scheme I've ever seen in my life but the IG prawny is finally here oh but this is awesome now I've officially I officially have a working base that has a purpose all right so to get the drill arm which I'm going to want because I can then use that to get these giant resources or deposits really to die I have the diamond I just need to go find some more titanium and the other one uh maybe the jump jet I can do that if I get some more titanium and another lithium grappling arm too would be nice but uh ooh the thermal reactor might be good well let's go get some titanium and if I can find another lithium that would be pretty cool aha technology titanium which would all be on these things trying to make sure that the SEMA dragon is not near me buddy oh a lot of lava uh oh wait a second aren't there things in this whoa dude it's too hot man I can't do it uh doesn't look like there's anything in here actually it's gonna be some good resources but I guess not where are the sea dragons dude I don't even hear them in the distance anymore did they die aha another lithium dude this is good there's a lot of shale outcrops here well I'm feeling safe oh crap oh boy this was really stupid of me I think I'll make it I think I'll barely Miss as long as I don't get hit by lava if I get Oh no I got it it's all good it's all good oh okay well that was a fun trip uh I got zero titanium and I'm gonna go up this one I'm gonna go up this long schlong huh oh two of them one and two so I need like ten whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay he snuck up on me the bastard all right I think I got a plenty all right common modules no I don't need that what am I missing here drill arm oh the Ford diamond right four diamond and then uh nickel and crystalline sulfur okay got all my stuff I probably should have picked up some batteries because I'm all out of juice and I'm super slow and it pisses me off all right drill arm that one's mine oh I needed three oh wait no crystalline sulfur that was the wrong thing crap here we go okay we got both now super what do I need for the thermal two kyanite wiring kit and the poly and a line what is that again gold and the hydrochloric acid which is deep shrooms and salt deposits I could make that but I think I'm fine I'm gonna take one of my uh or I guess two of the ion power cells out of here and put them in here take that power cell out take that power cell out access upgrades you take a dead fun in that fun okay we are ready I'm gonna get uh get a few Med kits with me uh I'll put the rest of these resources away uh I should probably eat something this is decomposing right can I drop that I don't need this burnt ass fish ion power cell and ion Power Cell all right let me save just in case I lose anything and let's get in the Pro on yes oh that jump jet that jet where's my drill this is my drill oh look at this quartz oh it picks it up automatically dude that's amazing holy crap I could just get two drills I shouldn't be wasting in all this though let's not get all that oh is that magnetite I'll take the magnetite I'm pretty sure I need that for something else all right man we got the best the best machine in the world he's about to go take it a little deeper we gotta find that hole though first we gotta find that place there's some kyanite deposits which I'm not very like I don't really need them I don't think I need them wait a second I just got an amazing idea hold on Let's uh let's get let's give you a little brush huh how's that how's that going huh how does it feel you know I haven't actually had a problem with you in these playthroughs so I'm Gonna Leave You Alone hey buddy you want to fight or something you want to go oh no wait oh my goodness I thought you blew it up scaring the hell out of me well I didn't actually know this happened that they changed it to where it automatically comes into your inventory you don't have to pick them up that was one of my least favorite things was having to drill it stop pick it up drill it stop pick it up I'm trying to find this giant pit it's basically what I'm looking for oh where are the dragons at I should probably scan one right did they all disappear what is going on I'm actually kind of sad I miss my buddies oh oh there's the pit oh wait what is that are you titanium I'm definitely gonna need some titanium oh I'm out of storage no I'll take all this on my person holy crap I have a lot of stuff geez hey hey I don't have a better oh what under massive energy signature Center of this chamber that doesn't sound good yeah if I had two drills this would be amazing holy crap all right so that's all gone oh I hear you I hear you where are you come here oh geez oh my God that's actually really creepy to see him close it'd be great if you could die oh thanks thanks for dying all righty let's go up to the tippy top real quick tip at the top oh Jesus Christ I thought it was underneath no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no my dude please back up oh my God we gotta go oh he's gonna hit me oh he hit the warper dude that was awesome I'm going down the pit I'm going down the pool dude oh holy crap we just got chased into the pit by the Sea Dragon all right excuse me no I don't think so I I don't think so yup okay there's the other one and this my good friends is the next part for us I'm at 51 no I gotta heal myself oh no are you come here back up okay I gotta heal this heal it heal it quickly it's too much too much heat for me dude oh crap hello that scared the hell out of me well thanks if you want to help me help me here please we're good okay back up wait did I kill it dude did you see it lean back dude I think I killed it I'm not even Joe oh no I didn't it's still alive hi no all right wow what where'd you go this is kyanite hell yeah give me some kyanite dude oh there you go back up should I get him nope he's still alive okay I know he's almost dead though but yeah look at this oh boy so this is our next destination I just realized my health is at 59. I should probably heal myself without getting into a fight with these guys all right baby come on don't you die out on me I spent a lot of time and valuable resources to get you here with me dude you are desperate stop it all right I'm out of here bye I see you oh yeah and there's also a dragon up here so I don't know how I'm gonna get up I guess there's probably a good amount of Ledges that looks like a good ledge Yes okay so this does this hurt my exo suit walking on the lava does not hurt the exosuit it's only 61 degrees Celsius right here I mean I know that's pretty hot but this is freaking lava we're talking about that should be way hotter than that oh wait I was looking at the wrong thing I thought it I thought I had 97 health no I don't man I got 47 now it was totally hurting me thank goodness the dragon is not here has decided to take a break and go elsewhere whoa whoa whoa good sir I hear you where are you where are you where are you oh Jesus Christ hello he came out of the freaking wall dude you are awfully close I'm gonna get hit did I get oh it's only 10. it's only ten but hey I'm at the lava Castle thank you for the travels good sir expedited travel make your way over to the expedited Amtrak of the sea we get you to the places you need to be as quickly as possible he's still stalking me look at him the fact that he gets to go through walls is a bit unfair I'm just gonna say it right now hey buddy uh well what an exciting episode right at the beginning I wonder what else is in store for us I wonder if I can fabricate a Reaper spawning down here that'd be pretty cool right they'll never know at all that it would fake but it's gonna be so entertaining and gonna make this video so watchable I'm just gonna do it I really hope I remember to cut this out of the video okay hello Mr Pro boater Pro about her uh I think I need blue key the blue key for those who know where we're going I think that's what I need interestingly enough uh I I didn't put any of the the items I have in my base I just I'm keeping it on my mobile base this is just growing stuff I don't know what else I would need okay Mr key where did I put you is it right here uh yeah oh holy crap I had a lot of stuff all right let's put all these beautiful things away I have like no room for anything holy crap yeah I have I have no titanium either that's kind of funny I'm ready Freddy if you're ready uh let's save oh I can't save in the middle of an animation you guys are smart hello good sir let's head back down wait you know what would be if I made another drill art anti-dock hello oh is the power messing up again God freaking dang it dude wow boy that's annoying I don't want to have to do that every time I load up this game man okay I really just wanted to see what it was to build another one of those things again hold reinforcement might not be a bad idea I should make two of those or something prawn suit drill lithium titanium and Diamond okay so I need a bunch of those right isn't it essentially yeah okay so let me grab a bunch I don't have any titanium oh wait unless I stored some down here did I I think I might have moved anything I I did have down here crap yep I'm boned not to worry I can gather more somewhere oh titanium we got some oh and lithium yes all right we might be able to make something ah titanium beautiful ah lithium I'm so happy right now we got enough uh okay so I can do the drill arm with five of my titanium which would basically be everything I have that's great no no I didn't mean to us I need one more diamond and three titanium okay well I got the freaking thing anyway because I'm an idiot okay so we could have another one which could be storage which would be a good idea so let's see how much that is I just need titanium and another diamond yeah because this this grappling arm is just gonna be ugh I don't want to deal with it four titanium and a diamond okay let's go look for some titanium sorry for the delay guys but I want to make sure I'm prepped you know I don't want to drag this out too long oh look titanium oh okay yep always dude oh look another one please hurry up so I can get out of here number three getting closer to the castle don't know where the dragons are roaming up up up yes got it oh hello right we got this startage and uh wait what how many freaking titanium did you take for oh you know what I'm dumb I didn't I didn't calculate that right God dang it awesome we got two of them why'd you tell me that I can't have two of the same one in there that'd be amazing yes okay good cool cool we got it let's save one more time and let's move on oh concentrated I mean I don't know what else it would be oh wait no I need to dump off some stuff man I gotta make I gotta I gotta seriously I will mess you up do you not understand this do you see my big two arms man do you see these all right I gotta throw this thing out that's annoying and then I gotta I forgot to put the other upgrade in here bam get a lot of power also I forgot to eat some stuff ah there we go okay now let's save now let's save get a medical kit and get our booties down here all right I'm gonna fight this lava lizard let's go what do you got you should be dead relatively quickly I can chase after you boy I got him I think I got him that was quick oh boy what a trip what a joke what a trip it is good sir what are you what are you are you silver silver yes oh dude look how fast I'm getting these oh oh my heart can't take it titanium's right there this is nothing just a rock got gold more silver kyanite oh my goodness whoa that looks hella dangerous did you just spawn out of there what is this world man all right where is my hole the holiest of holies where are you at yep there's my good pal the dead Reaper he seems to be having not a good time on the account that he's dead Oh I thought I saw tentacles maybe I didn't are you gone because I'm just dropping down he's gone excellent oh there he was whoa that's lava that's lava uh-oh music's kicking in it knows I'm coming hey it's that same uh jeez dude it's that same audio track that played in the blood kelp that was like way too loud maybe it triggered because I was near the lava Zone like above there or something all right oh yeah forgot about these things dude I actually have not looked at these up close in a while let's go ahead and do it oh wait can I scan these isn't there supposed to be a dragon in here too oh I hear you where are you aha yes I can scan it Sonic deterrent what what does that mean uh goodness hey buddy no hey I'm trying to read something I'm gonna die I'm gonna die stay behind good sir stay behind get away get away be scared of me I own you oh smell the instructors are emitting High wavelengths highways which should be designed to deter indigenous platforms are approaching the larger facility oh this guy has no problem with it though hi come on blah blah that was easy come back buddy I gotta I gotta kill you you're like the gatekeeper except you're evil and I have to end you in order to get in why don't we just call that a rule now the last time that I fought this guy I had a grappling arm this time it's just me flying around with two drills though should do some heavy damage heavy oh dude this guy's sneaking up on me hi there what are you doing you don't want to fight oh come on stop clipping through the wall that is not even not even fair hello what in the where did you go dude come on man to me it looks like you bitched [ __ ] I count that as a win hey where did you come from all right well I guess I'm going towards the tower towards the building I guess well we lost a friend I was really really trying to make a friend here I have a hard time doing that apparently oh boy no that's exactly what I wanted to have where's my freaking thing dude don't do that it's gonna die it's gonna die you're gonna kill it all right we're at 82. seems pretty safe stable boom awesome okay we are here now can I scan this giant thing it's too bad you can't put a scanner on one of these arms or it doesn't have something already built in pretty cool and that would be a big nope can't scan it all right I guess my dragon's not interested hey Weez in boys what oh I forgot this is the cutest thing ever look at that this guy sits down for me all right blue tablet let's go and we are in people we are in tune oh hey foreign sorry about that ah welcome to the primary containment facility warning vaccine development program terminated Emperor a catching project terminated life specimens terminated evacuate immediately no right away we're gonna get some of this some of this good stuff so we got to make ourselves some ion batteries it's very important all we got was three under that just three whoa [Laughter] oh that's so good all right well you hurry up with that man I got to uh I gotta scan some stuff look at all this Earth blade an ancient earthblade dating back to the 13th century uh blood samples on the blade match the DNA of seven separate heads of state from the period this evidence supports the theory that the aliens are an ancient space-born civilization engaged in the surepitus surreptitious study I've never heard that word before of less developed species AKA humans look at that horse look at that horse what a beautiful depiction of that horse okay some of these things look like they've changed maybe rudimentary tablet it looks like something from Halo this device shares many similarities with the tablets used uh to access the alien facilities although its structure is rather less complex it may have served a similar purpose granting security access and storing relevant data and was thus kept here as a form of Legacy support Okay cool so it's like you know PS2 for mice and keyboard holographic projector this device contains Network apparatus and holographic projection unit it was likely used as a Communications relay capturing and projecting the image of the user to a remote location there do not appear to be any other devices and that's kind of like from Star Wars right I haven't even watched Star Wars and I know about that alien statue uh this apparently was um another planet or something sorry I'm taking too many shots here I apologize this artifact is unpowered suggesting it served a ceremonial rather than practical purpose the pyramid resembles Vines spiraling upwards toward the warm blue stone mounted above it it may represent a plant that's where it was planet found on the alien's home a plant found on the alien's Homeworld a building of religious import or even the gravitational pull for home solar system cute carving hundred thousand years old and made from unrecognized natural fiber grown to unknown Planet blah blah blah I think we've read this before aliens visited Earth prior to the 4th Century BC and influenced the development of ancient Chinese philosophy hence the yin and yang I gotcha okay the concept of Yin and Yang is universal since yin and yang describes the fundamental interdependency of seemingly opposite forces it may be a necessary existential understanding in some form in all sufficiently developed civilizations the tapering of two circles Union into opposed and infinite infinite simile infinite simile small points that's another word I've never heard before the finite is one logical way to represent this understanding and may have been developed independently by species other than humans no you think I need I need some more energy you got to get ourselves some more energy unlimited energy are you kidding me all right time to scan some more stuff uh translation device this device stores linguistic data from over 1 000 different languages the core of the device may allow alien texts to be read and translated uh analysis of the onboard data reveals a number of ancient Earth languages and the terms live appears many times in the device's data its import is unclear its importance is unclear I'm assuming the device seems to be configured to translate into the designer's language it will not work the other way around chbc live what is that some kind of joke right probably empty case there we go this is of importance Nanobots can show some form of advanced nanobot inside the seemingly empty case these Bots are substantially smaller than any developed within the Federation and it is not possible to ascertain their exact function it would however be unwise to release them unless I wanted to Jesus dude that scared the freaking crap out of me I'm gonna you know what where are you I was gonna throw you into it but now I just have to beat beat the case open you your friend did this to me and now you gonna die oh come on what is that stop it oh I I actually got scared for a second looked like it cracked all right enough of that garbage unusual box organic matter particulator this device contains a highly unstable radioactive isotope likely isotope excuse me likely to destroy all organisms exposed to it while leaving physical structures intact although it would function perfectly well as a weapon it was more likely used to sterilize spaces for later inhabitation really without instructions it would be unwise to interact with it okay great tracking implants uh this construct is emitting A high bandwidth signal consistent with alien Transmissions intercepted elsewhere DNA on the exterior indicates it was once implanted inside one of the life forms indigenous to 4546b its size suggested the subject was a leviathan-class organism Beyond tracking and broadcasting its location the implant may have also recorded biological data on the subject however this data cannot be retrieved who for though this is a pretty big tracking device an alien object how descriptive alien building block uh this rock-like object features organic as well as mechanical parts and there is some genetic and technological Crossover with the design of the self-warping constructs encountered elsewhere it appears to serve no purpose in its current state and it and is awaiting some kind of activation sequence materials such as this may have been a fundamental building block of the aliens technology or even of the aliens themselves Nito all right we're gonna gather some more real quick there we go okay now I gotta go up here and there's a few other rooms I want to explore before we go into the big door which apparently I need a key for no dude come on another blue I have to make the blue one well it looks like we gotta go back fellas oh Jesus Christ dude what the hell was that is it the lights stop it what are you enzyme 42 project data oh yeah according to translated data logs an indigenous Leviathan species was found to produce a unique substance referred to as enzyme 42 which inhibited the symptoms of the Quran bacterial infection in other indigenous organisms the specimen was captured and contained in a purpose-built habitat for further study the alien researchers went to Great Lengths to provide for the lifeforms environmental needs including the Imports of interdependent flora and fauna via on-site warp gate however its Health quickly deteriorated when quarantine was imposed all warp gates and force fields were sealed all attempts to develop the enzyme into a vaccine had been unsuccessful so they just done screwed up this entire planet and left it this way hello I need my flashlight hang on a second this is not cool oh I don't even have it on me well aren't I just great oh it's so sad preserved fetus I thought I said perverse fetus but maybe that's just me see Emperor fetus fetus oh it's got the picture and everything are you kidding see Emperor fetus the found preserved in a display case it was likely a child of the adult specimen contained within the facility physiology superficial damage to the specimen indicates it was artificially removed from its egg casing stunted tissue development suggests the organism expired during the removal process tissue samples have been taken from the digestive tract analysis it appears the aliens were attempting to formulate a cure for the bacterium from enzymes produced in the specimens digestive system without a young healthy specimen those efforts were in vain oh and they just left you here huh I mean will you remain preserved like forever see Emperor egg casing shell composition the shell casing is formed from thick layers of carbon composite suggesting an extensive gestation period this Leviathan species may give birth just once per Century perhaps just once in their lifetimes uh shell casing incisions precise incisions uh suggest a laser-based tool is used to cut open the egg casing and forcibly remove the fetus inside prior to full gestation this could cause some controversy I guess analysis time pressure to develop a bacterial vaccine may have driven the alien researchers to cut open this egg and remove the fetus for study it is also possible that removed from its parent and natural habitat some vital condition for the infant to hatch naturally was not met no I mean once you introduce other things that's no longer natural that's like a given awesome there was a dead baby in the room I was very happy to see that that just brightened my day that just buttered my croissant so hard now I can't remember when which rooms are the special ones I'm dying but oh God why why middle ones please be the middle ones I think it is yes here we go appears to be a biological archive storing more than 40 indigenous egg specimens in different states of development wow what a room what a room where's the Cuttlefish dude that's what I want to see terminal Leviathan research data what a creepy picture super Leviathan research data specimen size categorizes have been adjusted upward to accommodate this species what a terrifying statement alien research data indicates that despite its size the species feeds entirely on microorganisms it filters from the water which themselves depend on a complicated ecosystem of plants and animal life uh reproduction large ovary-like organs are carried into the creature's middle section suggesting that like other species on this planet it produces eggs however internal Scar Tissue indicates uh probable infertility oh enzyme 42 the emperor manufactures enzyme 40 2 within its stomach cavity to break down its food and will occasionally expel it into the surrounding Waters the substance was found to neutralize the effects of the bacterium and its presence in the ecosystem today would explain how life on the planet survived the outbreak it would remain to be explained by what mechanism the enzyme is being delivered comparative analysis of size and metabolic rates indicates the specimen captured by the researchers was approximately sixteen hundred years old extensive internal and external Scar Tissue suggests it had lived well in excess of the peak life spanford species assessments while a healthy Emperor specimen may not a specimen specimen May uh have held some potential as a cure it is unlikely any research subjects survive quarantine procedures now that's kind of interesting like of all the planets right with like 43 billion individuals dying from the Quran 43 billion I think was the number it might even be bigger than that why on the planet that we happen to I mean I guess that's why we're playing as this guy because it's a special case like hey there was actually people that landed on the planet that had the cure for it and no one else did because these precursors have been all over the place looking I don't know kind of interesting right seems to neutralize the effect of something that has killed 43 billion oh you know what I didn't bring any water with me I gotta go back to the thing anyway hey drop that drop that right now that is not sanitary bro okay whatever where is the keto cuttlefish not here whoa okay so I have one of a kind One of a Kind creatures excellent so I'm gonna go to the other side here I know there's something over here and then we gotta go back because I gotta make another blue key I should probably make some ion batteries and then I need to get some food and water I should have probably taken some with me I have a freaking water filtration system running for that purpose aha this I forgot I was trying to remember what was in there here we go ventilation control water flowing to and from the primary containment facility is being automatically controlled independently of other safeguards data on the water composition has been recorded inflow water is being drawn from different biomes around the surface of the planet the water temperature is considerably lower than the volcanic environment outside the facility while microorganism and nutrients counts are substantially higher outflow oxygen deprived water is being flooded from the system and recycled back into the surface Ute wait I could scan this oh yes ah peepers entering the containment facility oh the pipes draw water into the containment facility are filled with uh peepers arriving from the surface the fish show no signs of distress the specimens scanned have uh all consumed High quantities of seeds in organic matter from the surface some specimens are beginning to show signs of infection they have they show no signs of distress as they they don't care what they're doing they're happy regardless enzyme host peepers leaving the containment facility the outflow pipes are filled with papers traveling back towards the surface specimens show no symptoms of infection all specimens scanned are carrying enzyme 42 which data suggests inhibits the bacterium specimens stomach cavities and otherwise empty suggesting they may have purged the contents before entering the pipes if peepers have evolved to distribute the enzyme via the pipe Network this may explain part of the mechanism by which life on 4546b has survived since the bacterial outbreak so cool man all right I gotta jump down I don't want to get hurt so I'm gonna go down here I'm already getting pretty slow oh it was in here dude what was in these things um more pipes more containment this is cool half this stuff wasn't even filled in the last time I saw it ha bye peeper see you soon pretty pretty awesome all right let's get back up dude we gotta go we gotta go bad we gotta get back to the base I may not make it though that's quite a distance and I got two dragons in the way oh gotta get this sorry hopefully I don't die oh no no room give me nope stop it yes got it okay we gotta go it's a race against the clock let's save hopefully the dragon's not out here and we are gone hey I saw my boat now if only a creature could Propel me that'd be awesome oh there you are you sneaky devil all right let's can I get you to hit me backwards that would be so cool man stop it stop it okay as long as we're on as long as we have an understanding all right ow oh okay I'm already dying this is not good it's not good I got Health kiss with me but I'm not sure that's gonna help I could drink this lava what are you doing drink the lava oh wait no I have a better idea all right just stay right here buddy I gotta go find some small fish come here you come here come here if it just possibly burn you though I don't think so yes come here uh uh yes three water I'm not dying anymore oh nine yo yo where are these eye eyes at come here buddy wait wait where are you oh the dragon followed me do you know about myself please don't hurt me I need a health kit Hell kit no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I just need a freaking aye aye oh my god I didn't even see him dude he was blending in with everything Jesus Christ go away dude oh he went he went far away okay just go just go he's going in the wall again he's gone he's no longer an issue oh boy dude that was so scary I I couldn't see him he Blended in with everything that was so stupid take immediately no I'm very much aware thank you I'm very much aware of what I need to do okay I'm not gonna make this jump I gotta find somewhere to land no come back land on that dang it oh it's done I'm so dead all right there was a ledge up here hi buddy you're right in my way get right on my way leave me alone leave me oh oh boy leave me alone dude this guy is crazy this guy is freaking nuts man I absolutely hate it dude look how fast he's moving yeah okay we're gonna make it we're gonna make a no problem right I'm only at 96 battery are you kidding me that is insane man that is absolutely insane all right we made it sure as hell made it back okay got a few things to make first of all I gotta eat my heart out right now okay let those grow got another health kit I will take since I used one and let's figure out what we need to do to make a few ion batteries gold and silver I have tons of those I think all right that's four ion batteries let's put them in there and that's the Builder uh might as well do the scanner and the propulsion Cannon I think we just need two more right so the welder and laser cutters we just need two more but let's quickly make the uh blue one what is it orange blue blue tablet okay it's a two kyanite which I'm pretty sure I have in here somewhere there we go all right now we could just use the rest to make some ion batteries and that's it ion battery and oh didn't mean to do that ion battery cool what do I need to make the propulsion or the repulsion Cannon because that's kind of that's actually better then the the propulsion I have now computer chip and two magnetite okay so what do I need for computer chip again gold copper wire and table Coral sample I don't think I have any table Coral sample nope I do not have any table Coral samples so I can't make crap ah there's the flashlight cool I need to make one more ion battery and we're good I think we're good to go all right we are going to head straight down actually it's repair let's repair my dude first let's get him to a hundred we're gonna have to pass by another dragon or two all right so we're down here I wonder if both of them are now here because there was one right above here and then there was the one back here that followed me all the way basically out oh okay he's reset his position hello don't do it don't oh whoa he's gonna hit me stop it oh my God please don't eat me please don't all right you know what he chomped in my face I gotta go dude he's coming he's coming let me in let me in oh holy Lord that was ridiculous I hear you dude you need to calm down did you glitch in here did you freaking glitch in here you better get out finally gonna meet our friend it's been a long time coming are you ready for this Mr prawny you ready for this I think I'm ready for this I may not be can we walk yeah we can walk in here so you guys watching you ready this is all the people who haven't seen it just yet if there are any pretty exciting stuff all right three two one are you here to play others came here once they built these walls they played alone they bored me no they're gone and instead we have you we are curious whether you swim with the current or fight against it as they did [Music] I feel like there were some new lines in there holy crap that was awesome well I'm falling help me I don't want to go down just yet I gotta scope this out it's playing some scary music detecting unusually passive behavioral patterns in nearby Predators yeah the emperor is a loving lady she makes everyone feel at home look at that gargantuan thing this thing is bigger than any other Leviathan that we know about well not that we know about but you know that we have seen or encountered on the planet so far well hello hi there let us scan some whoa whoa buddy environment scans indicate ended up with a rare ply form s depends on the organic detriters produced by the ecosystem around it makes sense all right so I know some of you guys are kind of like done with the Redundant information or the information that's been told a billion times so in this particular case if you would like to read this go ahead and pause it read it and continue and the same goes for this one the incubator basically these are the sea Emperor eggs here you go some more information now the issue is that uh the precursor is obviously made this right these eggs are Jesus these eggs are sitting here and they tried to hatch them so that way they can get the enzyme for the you know as a cure for the Quran but unfortunately they can't do it they has to be under certain conditions so I need an ion Cube to activate the incubator and she is looking at me oh so Heavenly with those beautiful Blinky blue eyes I'd do anything for you boo you understand that so uh we gotta get some ion cubes I'm gonna need more than one I do know this I believe there's one in a cave down here and then I know I think there's one up here it might have to be one single one or a whole thing that we can chop up so let's go get that real quick oh hello now I know you're friendly do you have a keen interest in my mechanical parts I can show you what they do ah yes there is one awesome okay let's go activate this incubator talk to our lady wait what what the hell well I guess this kind of makes sense I don't remember ever seeing this up here the aquarium pipe access point so this says an access point to the alien piping system transporting water to and from the containment facility peepers are using the pipe Network to travel to and from the surface remember in the the pipes that we scanned in the last episode they showed the peepers moving about so basically unintentionally the precursors have made a way for the enzyme to spread locally at the end of these pipes this is mainly just to get fresh water or constant flow of water with the microorganisms that the sea Emperor feeds on in here so it can survive yeah and in a sense like the emperor won't live unless it's in its own habitat with a complete ecosystem it can't just be you know a synthetic environment it has to be full and uh the peepers I guess either being directed by the Emperor telepathically or by their own Goodwill are carrying the enzyme 42 that's in the air you can actually see the emperor spreading it around the peepers get a hold of it and collect it and then go up the pipes it's kind of awesome oh my God there's pipes there too what okay these I think I might have recalled that one being up there but these for certain I do not remember look at all of this dude it is beautiful this is crazy look at all these beavers wait can I actually end of are you kidding me anyway that's I saw I don't want to mess that up that's an awesome system you have going over there let's activate this thing hey girl look your baby's about to be alive yeah to play outside this place we have been here so long others built a passage to reach the world outside I asked them for this freedom but they could not hear me if you help us try in vain to take my God Lonnie Manila your voice is amazing I don't know what I would do without it aquarium Arch uh scans indicate this Arch was left inactive when the facility was abandoned it likely served as an access point to the surface of the planet it is much too small for the emperor to pass through but would accommodate smaller life forms hint hint nudge nudge hello uh also you know what's really interesting is that if for those who remember the previous dialogue and when the emperor in the aquarium was kind of like first being developed the emperor spoke with words that kind of caused confusion like how the precursors could hear her telepathy but either couldn't understand it or they chose not to listen but now she says they could not hear which I guess maybe it means like well they can't hear you're not listening to me like you know you're not understanding what I'm saying or you're choosing not to understand or just ignore me or it just means that they actually couldn't hear which would be interesting considering how advanced they were as a species but anyway you know they didn't realize that what they were doing was bad and that she was saying uh-uh you ain't you ain't taking my babies but she's willing to help see if I give her the baby's Freedom which is the exact opposite of what the precursors were going to do she's willing to give us the Cure it's almost like what prevented them the precursors from securing this planet and potentially the rest of the universe was their willingness to not hear or their inability the emperor said nah you're not trying to help me I'm not going to help you and then I will keep this planet somewhat functioning while you guys suck because it's been a thousand years since you guys started this and I've kept all these species alive this entire time with my with my poop that the peepers carry around it's an awesome system it's an awesome cycle and what that does mean is I need to activate this warp gate so I need to go get myself a quick thingamabob uh which I want to see can I actually leap up here oh hello please don't hit me I'm in the middle of a record-breaking jump here oh come on oh we made it dude it's like perfect height how did they know and up we go all right give me the goods give me the green excellent thank you so much uh you get to work and do your thing and uh I'll get to work and do my thing oh yeah I forgot it's like her throne you see the impressions of where her tentacles lay that's crazy shows what she does in her spare time she's a very productive woman all right grab the ion Cube let's activate this bad boy here you go my green friend the passage you've opened up at first they must feel the time is right and break free of their shelves this is what the others could not force it be do you mean I give this willingly because I'm a nice person hatching enzymes let's go an organic substance derived from plants found in the emperor's natural breeding grounds designed to trigger a hatching response what is this the emperor's life cycle uh available biological data has been used to synthesize the effects of the alien bacterium on the sea Emperor's natural life cycle this creature likely lived and moved in small herds around the planet's ocean trenches coming to the surface to feed off the huge volumes of microorganisms in the shallower waters family size would be strictly limited by available food supply offspring would likely split off at a young age to form their own herds elsewhere hmm yeah so as we understand it again we are on a two kilometer by two kilometer volcanic crater that has basically reached the surface but the rest is a dead zone there's other places that we know of like the Arctic which we'll learn about I guess more in the future but for the most part It's The Dead Zone which is consists of either microscopic organisms or Leviathan class like ghost leviathans and there would be have been Emperors that's their ore virgin they would have been traveling in herds the vast oceans all right well we got to get this hatching enzymes thing which uh if I recall correctly the sea Crown seed is in this aquarium which I believe the C Crown is the rarest plant in the game and the other things can be accessed via the four teleporters from this prison that go to the different biomes that they are in like the ghost weed is in obviously the uh blood kelp or Lost River area I can't remember which one it is but the bulb Bush obviously in the bulb Zone speak of the devil right here this plant consists primarily of a large bladder-like sac containing a huge variety of bacterial species which may enable it to break down complex compounds it draws from the root system shares large sections of genetic code with the membrane tree environmental scans indicate this plant is rare to the point of Extinction well fantastic uh I almost didn't grab one give me that actually I'll take two so I can plant one and have the rarest plant on the in the planet in my bank are you still looking oh you're looking at my exo suit does that mean I can come up to your face does that mean we can finally kiss and consummate our marriage girl you so big Jesus girl you are beautiful don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise we gotta go up there so one two three go oh yeah we made it perfect jump okay nope come on oh wow I'm gonna die look at my water teleporter number one where will you take me oh did I get enough green I don't know if I got enough green I can always get it on the way back I did not get enough but that's fine hello Mr Mr teleporter if you can take this green thing and turn it into your green goop and teleport my particles and atoms to another location that would be great yeah teleport I'm gonna die hurry up please always take your time it's fine there we go okay uh we might be on the mountain where the hell are we oh Jesus Christ I thought that was a ghosty hello back up yo are we in the twisty Bridges biome oh this is the all the mushrooms okay I was right excellente well before we do that I gotta get some water all right give me this yes okay hello peeper someone something okay what the hell are we is there a shortage of fish I see schools of fish but I can't interact with them come on paper paper come here yes come here no no stop running don't you understand why are you helping the emperor but you won't help me what what the hell okay I'm confident that there isn't a uh Reaper anywhere around here but I swear that's what I just heard all right back to the gringoot green goop all right let me get some more green we'll go into the next one which will lead we don't know wherever it takes us it's like the Magic School Bus the teacher knows but we don't know where the hell we're going because that an even accurate reference I don't even think uh I'm pretty sure they all know where they're going that's that was stupid well hello there again Mr teleport oh I didn't get it out crap yay teleporter this is so fun okay we might actually be in the mountain biome maybe and underwater great oh the bulb stuff it's right here though that's all I needed wait I'm pretty sure there's two though right yeah the ice stock I feel like that's something here as well so we got three yeah I can take a quick look see what we can find oh Jesus nope I don't think so wait are you chasing me where are you stop it I was wrong okay I'm not going in got a bulb stuff that's fine moving on to the next one all right which one eeny meeny miny this one Mr Green Man show me the things that I desperately need all right this is very clear where we are okay no question about it I can't get off the tree properly I suck oh come on all right what am I looking for uh ghost weed seed seed of the ghost weed the weed seed of the ghost variety yeah uh we might have to fight a ghost yep he's right there what a bastard spy needle too huh leave it alone run into it go ahead go ahead you're gonna die get away no the ghost weed seeds in the blood kelp not the Lost River so that's going to be up here right I think that's what I meant in my own head like I knew that I knew I had to go this direction I just didn't think that it was a different biome giant kelp of the blood the blood the kelp uh dude I didn't know there was a hole right up there what the hell why don't I know about these things I think that's ghost weed give me the ghost weed ow that uh really hurt actually thank you what does this say grows exclusive in deep Waters where it's pale pigmentation is visible to the newest wavelengths wait what the fewest wavelengths excuse me oh son of a [ __ ] okay good run run [Music] okay yo that spinal is dead yo he killed it my my Rinky Dink machine here cannot stand up to that ghost of python not happening I know it's like the baby of the like the seriously the smallest one possible but no not testing it oh dude as many times as I've gone through a teleporter crazy man oh come on Susie look I'm really busy I don't have time to drink water all right last one giveth to me this can't be right this can't be what is the last one we need I stock yeah that's gotta be in the sparse Reef wait whoa oh all right ah you guys are beautiful we are in the uh that's it dude we freaking got it now do I have to go to I have to go to a fabricator for this oh dude that sucks what in the hell is that oh the tiger plants yo are they hurting me oh they're not able to hurt me because of my suit my suit's too powerful to get poked with that okay I guess I gotta go back in here and then all the way back to a fabricator well we got all the pieces though the hatching enzymes are ours you know what's funny too is that it's not like the emperor placed those uh Flora outside of the teleporters it's like the precursors built these teleporters to be able to access other biomes and bring in resources to keep the aquarium as an ecosystem and keep the emperor alive how funny is it that all four of them containing ingredients for the hatching enzyme which is something that they were looking for okay so this is going to be a fun experience I have to okay chill out I have to go all the way back where did oh there you are okay so you're right in my way perfect I'd have been waiting for the golden opportunity to punch you on the face with my drillies are you ready son Jesus Christ hey buddy don't do it Jesus calm down buddy calm down come on there's no need for the violence good sir I'm not doing anything to you I swear to God if he is behind me I'm going to literally [ __ ] okay now can I make it back before I uh die of thirst possible posible oh no oh no not good where is it oh it's over there okay gone if I start dying with dehydration Jesus dude it was so loud in my ears funny enough I said that please get off my tail please get off my tail okay all right I think he gave up good I know you're super scary we all get it we are all terrified of you you have asserted your dominance leave me be you have all these other things you can Feast upon none of which consists of human therefore you have lived your entire life without having to eat humans to survive why are you doing it now all right home is right here man home is right here we are it's the home stretch like literally uh do I have enough oh okay I'm gonna die come on yeah there we go very very good all right I am back up to full health we are back home let's make this quickly hatching enzymes and honestly I think that's all I needed from up here so let's go back down all right gonna make our way quickly back to the prince to the prison why does that happen that bug never happened until 1.0 anyway I'll see you guys there well I've managed to sneak right by the uh Sea Dragon we are in the clear Mama I'm home hey girly I'm back and I sure as hell got something for you I brought a gift are you ready I'm ready let me move let me move this guy you're gonna get in the way let's meet your children Jesus foreign [Music] my young are swimming for the shallows I thank you their freedom is my end what will it be like I wonder to go to sleep and never wake up perhaps next we need I will be an ocean current carrying Seas to a new land or a creature so small it sees the gaps between the grains of sand farewell friend farewell to you too it's just so beautiful the I wish I had face came on right now the Goosebumps from that I don't know if you guys remember but the only other time I've heard that is when I was uh touching these things which we'll see in just a second and I heard it echoing the background and I'm just like whoa oh that is beautiful I'm sorry I couldn't save you but I'm sure you'll be happy you'll be very happy so this this right here concentrated enzyme 42. I can't scan it all right foreign [Music] there we go we didn't get to see it actually because uh my gloves were on but we got cured we are no longer infected soaps can't compete Vital Signs normal no remaining sign of bacterial infection awesome thank you so much and thank you little guys now we could finally do what we've been waiting to do for a very long time get the hell off of this planet oh we actually didn't read the baby thing did we see Emperor juvenile the juvenile Emperor specimen it is producing a highly potent form of enzyme 42 which should be capable of fully curing individuals of the alien bacterium this species hatches relatively fully formed and independent perhaps reflecting the fact they must fend for themselves when they are first born away from their parents this specimen is healthy and exhibiting signs of a positive attitude to life fantastic you did a good job also we do know she is uh she's not going to be with us much longer anyway let's continue on hey more enzyme through the gates how come the peepers aren't going anywhere what the hell babies look at those babies Reaper no I don't think so [ __ ] you stay down there these are my babies they're spitting out all kinds of the Cure dude look I can't scan it I wish I could oh you guys are so happy oh he's so cute shut up you're ruining the moments with my babies you know how that one PDA said that uh life forms need like genetic material from another not necessarily like you know semen and such to fertilize these eggs were already fertilized but I introduced my hand and they hatched these are my babies I am daddy IG Papa I don't feel like they're safe I might have to fight this Reaper I'm just kidding I can't kidding me I can fight that stupid Reaper all right let's go up here we are back at the uh quarantine enforcement platform the QEP ore also known as the gun this is the thing that shot down the Aurora the degassi and now the Sunbeam wait I could break into this dude I can get this gun I'm telling you I wonder if I can poke through this one up here will it just blow up will we die will it detonate it was a bomb right or was it not a bomb was it just something that contained a lot of power nothing I actually have no idea why I'm still in my exosuit should probably just get out of that well here we go time to turn you off you son of a [ __ ] foreign well that was scary as hell all the lights go off and you hear the gun roar like it's alive or something can you imagine like maybe we'll never know but imagine like in their world it actually is alive like machines can live in the same sense that they can can you imagine that dude that would just that's nutty all right well we deactivated it we needed to because we got to get off this planet and as long as this thing was active nothing we could do holy crap it's dark dude I have no idea how close that thing is why are you still hunting me I'm clean I promise you it's like a probation officer oh boy one of the worst sites in this game My Girl my poor girl I'm so sorry can I put you out of your misery no I'm not uh terrible well the next step is for us to figure out how the hell we're gonna get off of this planet now that we're free to do so with the gun being deactivated we gotta go find out how to do that now I don't remember if it actually was sent to me but I'm gonna check real quick yes it was sent to us we'll listen to it again maybe your only Communications window can't send a rescue ship all the way out there so Aurora you're just gonna have to meet us halfway we've uploaded blueprints to the ships uh yeah give me a second Black Box data shows the high security turbo in the Captain's Course is still functional Becky's leaving like in five minutes all right tell Becky I'll just take the the regular right yeah she'll know what I mean the coach should be she does it just tell her the regular dude okay regular she's like what's the regular I have to come all the way back up here the coach should be two six seven nine the regular is just a ham and cheese okay we just play ham and cheese okay laughs so I know I've heard that before obviously but I can't remember if I've actually gotten that in this playthrough apparently I did I must not have paid attention or maybe I did mention it I don't remember either way that was neeb's gaming believe it or not if you didn't already know that and uh so yeah two way was it two six seven two six seven nine is the code we gotta go back to the Aurora and go to the Captain's Quarters so we're on our way there now quick pit stop I gotta get some water in me so give me some boba trees around here right yeah all righty we are full of seeds let's move on that's right you go limp you don't deserve to be erect uh now this is a straight shot to the Aurora oh my God I just made the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life get away holy crap I was literally mid-sentence trying to say well it's a straight shot but likely we're gonna run into a Reaper beforehand oh I'm so dead oh I'm so dead regain your jump okay we're gone well hello there people we made it safely oh Jesus hello why would you still be attacking me why I'm not infected anymore you idiot uh uh no no where have I gone okay bulb Zone okay I think the Aurora is over here oh Jesus Christ please please stop doing that it's kind of a [ __ ] I think it's this way yeah uh that's over there uh uh let me get on top of this Reef back if I can dang it I just missed it hello goodbye I think I got him is he dead that's actually really what okay I'm uh I'm quite damaged I need to fix these three repair thank you thank you thank you come on come on come on come on come on please please please please please please please okay I hear two Reapers it's a beautiful sound but something about it just makes me hey is this the Aurora we're getting up close to it right uh okay I don't see it I'm just gonna go in going no no no no uh yeah okay he got loose wait he's been loose remember all right he doesn't see me I actually have not had to fight a Reaper at all uh since I started playing oh son of a he sees me doesn't he back up you were no match you are no match I'm dead I'm dead God back up dude he wasn't attacking me I am so lucky he wasn't attacking me he attacked the freaking stalker dude that was nuts okay what do I do now uh because my Exo Suit is kind of stuck see if I can get through this yes yes yes okay stand here where's the top hello no leave me alone please you should be dead could definitely be dead holy crap isn't it supposed to be darker down here all right I think it's up here let's go whoa whoa this is not at all or I'm supposed to be is there another entrance though because I could do that I don't think so all right we gotta go up a little bit further wait where the hell oh it's up there oh I see oh come on I fell through that seriously ah ah okay here we go stay away please back up top back up top yes okay yeah we're good now I dare these stupid little spider [ __ ] to attack me because you was gonna die a horrible death guarantee you that sniped now can I fit through here I think so yay oh I gotta make sure we come back out this entrance let's go oh that was painful prawn Bay okay here we go I like how that's still hot prawn Bay then up to the living quarters Captain Captain where's your room please Captain anybody Captain cabin one uh ah Captain Quarters okay two six seven nine yes open that door oh girl all right let's get the data terminal wait last recorded Transmissions wait what and then the blueprints uh there's no range transmission today eight Towers opening last recorded Transmissions this is an emergency distress call Aurora is on condition course with Planet four five four six B sending all available environmental data please respond with rescue solution out this is Altera HQ attached to this message and you should find the blueprints for an escape ship that we calculate will be capable of breaking orbit and getting you back to the nearest Phase game now it's designed to use materials you can find and sit you but it's gonna need one hell of a power source everyone long range Communications really offline oh that's so awesome okay so vehicles uh Neptune Escape rocket here we go beautiful thing beautiful thing this blueprint set was developed at Altera headquarters specifically to get you all four five four six B and back to the nearest phase gate it takes into account local gravity astronomical data and available resources and is piloted by AI it may be adapted to employ whatever power source is available but it will require a lot of it it consists of five independently constructable elements launch platform uh the Gantry stage 1 stage 2 and stage 3 which is the cockpit features one person life support short-range Communications adaptable power supply orbital shielding and onboard Time Capsule a warning onboard AI will not launch if local threats are detected like the gun the use of alien materials to power the craft may increase its range in unpredictable ways that's nuts which means we could just like basically spin around and come crashing back down to the planet connected water I thank you very much very important stuff to have on me so now we have the blueprints build a rocket well it's gonna take a lot just to launch platform first everything else is taking care on that on that thing itself Aurora miniature very nice I can't get out of here got a poster and abandoned PDA data download Captain's Log loading program uh Craig McGill simulator uh Captain hot dog Hollister boreal9 normal you're exploring a quiet alien Backwater when the ship you arrived here in implodes uh it must be the arachnid kidney poachers quick what will you do search across site Farm alien plants is what we do that's just what Craig McGill would do after forging for some hours you have collected a number of potentially farmable food stuffs which you will use to stain yourself with star wall eggs nice that would be the whales right I don't know what I'm talking about while the Star Wars eggs are nutritious the life cycle of these vast space fearing creatures is much too slow to sustain a farm and besides their mother is extremely angry with you except your fate Craig McGill shows there is no reasoning with a mother scorned you are not so much torn apart as swallowed whole and disintegrated the atoms that you thought were you are gradually redistributed in service of the Star Wars continued survival would you like to continue no that is cool I want to play this game that sounds super fun but why are they playing text-based games in the future like this why all right well we got it though what do we need to build that ah two titanium wow that's really easy to build that is extremely easy to build so I'm gonna head back to my EXO suits and then we're gonna kind of take a step back real quick because there's something I haven't done yet as part of this game they give you a pet they hint at having a pet in fact I have two of them sitting in eggs currently in a locker back home which means that I need to hatch them because as you may know or may not know we get to interact with those pets and us uh using this rocket to leave might make them upset and I for one am all for disappointing my pets alright I'm back and we oh well no come on jump jump stop it stop it stop it oh my God I'm dead I'm dead don't fall through please don't fall through oh my God as I was saying I will see you guys back when I get to our base we gotta go back down to the lava super quick though at the mountains there are the uh oh I can't talk there's a teleporter and get me right back there there's also a teleport in the bulb Zone that might be actually that might be closer all right I made my jump and I'm gonna land on the reef back pretty hard [Music] jump to the next one look at this I don't even have to touch the ground this is actually kind of amazing this is so awesome all right anyway yeah I'll see you guys back when I get to my Cyclops all right we're back in the primary containment facility I'm gonna gather a bunch of these because I know eventually I'm gonna need a whole lot thank you let me check this all right I got plenty of room no problem look at the Roaring minutes here dude it's so cute give me the power good Lord come on how long does it take thank you good God all right that's enough for me have fun rebuilding for another freaking hour oh no all right Dragon I'm no longer afraid I don't even care you want to kill me go ahead so there you are what up my good friend how are you doing all right so he's probably gonna look at me and smile yep there's that cute smile oh and attack fantastic 20 Fireballs dude that's way too many how would you produce that I might have gotten hit I get hit no I didn't I'm perfect what's up dude whatever dude you're not scary at all stop it no come on every time it's pointless dude it's freaking pointless he's right he's right underneath me isn't he he does not like me it's like he's chasing me away from his Zone like he has a a patrol zone or where he's set up he just doesn't want anybody there holy crap oh Perfect Titanium I actually need that oh pick these up there we go great dude I think we actually have enough to build that room now that's literally all we needed all right so we need our Builder do we have that yes we do Builder and let's see we gotta build the aquarium right so six eight titanium and five glass I have enough quartz to make glass five of them I think yep and five perfect one two three four five six seven eight yeah well no I gotta build a hatch too how much is a hatch quartz and two more titanium okay let me get that quartz all right so it is as simple as building a multi-purpose room right above here going inside oh crap two things wrong here I totally forgot that we don't have uh anymore I don't have any lithium so that sucks also uh my whole base is gonna be destroyed all right power transmitter it is oh wait no you can do it why why would I need to make one that's silly yes okay finally I can build two of them now whoa calm down Jesus what the hell oh it's growing dude that's crazy looking oh crap crap come on come on come on there we go there you go baby use that up not gonna fix you two God's so dumb oh crap no wait what how did I get 21 seconds of oxygen from that oh my God you've got to be kidding me hold on hold on a second yep it gives me oxygen I'm just leaving oh my goodness that is amazing devs if you're watching you should probably fix that I should have died right there I should definitely have I definitely should have died there we go okay where's my alien containment there you are Builder up we got work to do yay now we have an aquarium we're gonna put our little friends in there whoa do you see my speed what is this did I get a power glide what the hell that is not normal and now it's back to normal dang it I should have left it me and my conscience all right little guys come with me in fact the Reginald can come too y'all can make some babies all right you guys hatch and you guys make babies how about that oh you do cuties look at this he's so cute I can't wait to have him just so I could say goodbye to them in like the next hour so we're gonna wait for them to hatch in the meantime to make this little waiting process a little more interesting to really have nothing else to do except for collection resources which I probably should prioritize but I'm not going to anyway we are going to scan this track because everyone's been telling me to do this if I haven't done it before to do that we should probably build the stasis rifle it's important that we do that and I already have an idea how to do it what stopped me before was because we didn't have a table Coral sample to be able to make a computer chip instead I'm just going to get rid of the fabricator the medical kit fabricator since we already have a ton of that bam computer chip oh and then we need uh to make an ion battery for it two magnetite and something else I can't remember what it was what are you let's make that ion battery first oh a battery yeah that would make sense do I have batteries in here I do give me battery and that's our stasis rifle whoo so exciting I love how it's in game and it's the first time I've made it I haven't needed it at all what we're going to do is switched out the ion battery and I'm going to gather some resources that I don't necessarily need right now uh and by resources I mean things that I can fling out of my propulsion Canon because I have learned I have learned that apparently oh that apparently uh the Sea Dragon is not damaged At All by your knife so you have to shoot things at it which is always great all right inventory is full I think we're good to go oh hey look my colors are default that's weird okay this is a good spot to drop the exo suit hello oh yeah that's right the sea dragons a wall warper oh boy if that's not fun whoa here's the den look at the din okay buddy come here we're about to fight you understand this fight bring that face over here all right he's not gonna do it I gotta load a silver ore I guess a silver ore hit him dude okay he's way too fast all right this fight is epic cue the epic music dang it stop moving [Music] hey buddy uh no not the Aurora miniature what's wrong with you no not the award no stop it stop too close too close give me the poster back give me the poster all right seats did I get my poster okay I got my poster back I should have put that stuff away I didn't realize I could accidentally wow I'm gonna die dude holy crap all right man you ready for this bird that didn't work stop it what how is he is he is he doing that on purpose like is that programmed dude get your ass back over here and get to my face like he's big and tough like and then he just runs away whenever I pull out my guns come on man hello oh there you are hey buddy yes yes yes right in the face I'm gonna hit you right in the face wait what okay it's not hurting them at all that's great what is happening how come these spores do they not hurt okay it has to be something like gold that sucks fiber mesh okay well this is gonna take forever I brought the wrong ammunition oh well we have these guys come here oh okay I could just grab them and then load them in oh that's good yes let's go around collect oh hello hello oh he escaped he's escaping through the walls yeah give me all those oh wait I could do this yeah I'm gonna fling some urine tonight at him all right we got 11 pieces of ammunition give me all that you're going down dude I'm gonna fling all kinds of crap at you if you would just come out of your hiding spot all right so I found a different one because the other one kind of ran away or got stuck in the wall all right are you ready for this man because now you're gonna die see your brother [ __ ] up and now you got to pay the price all right ow oh that felt so good oh just take it all dude oh oh I didn't I didn't do it oh no no no come back I let him go now he's gonna run away too God oh back up hey the Cuttlefish has been born the Cuttlefish has been born dude how many freaking hits can you take oh I'm gonna die actually if this could hit that would be amazing hit him oh yes it got him hell yeah keep throwing this fish at him I have no idea is this actually like it looks like it's hurting him clearly oh I could just keep repeating this oh I got him yes killed with your own baby how does it feel oh that's really dark actually I love it oh it's ooh it's eyeballs all right it doesn't have pupils that's cool man you were so wow I I'm so glad I can scan it right now I forgot to do it again there we go Victory let's get back to base actually let me read this thing first and then we'll get back to base I'd see Dragon Leviathan a colossal Leviathan with reptilian features seen stalking the very heart of the volcanic crater which underpins life in this area the scan specimen measures 112 meters in length heat proof tissue tissue analysis reveals the specimen consists of one-third inanimate materials focused around the chest area consumption and retention of mineral substances may explain the life forms ability to withstand extremes of temperatures it even appears to be able to consume molten materials and expel them at its adversaries forearms evolutionarily distinct forearms are used for both propulsion and offensive purposes findings suggests evolutionary Divergence from the species on the planet tens of millions of years ago the Sea Dragon is likely one of the oldest species on the planet as the largest carnivorous species encountered on 4546b almost everything is potentially prey with few substantial Targets in the volcanic cave systems the Sea Dragon likely Ventures out into cooler Waters to hunt other smaller leviathans cornering them and forcing them deeper where they are ultimately boiled alive poor Reapers the sea dragon's size and the restrictions of the cave systems they inhabit suggest their population numbers are extremely low perhaps in the single digits while it is not unusual for larger predators to sustain lower populations it is possible the sea dragon's food sources have diminished over time this species may be nearing Extinction stream heat avoid in all circumstances okay so essentially if I kill all of them which I know of three if that's all of them uh then we win all right I'm heading back to base to check out our cuttlefishes cool fish hey we're getting Reginald's too hey you know guy oh we can pick them up oh my God I could put them in the Time Capsule okay one of them's going in the Time Capsule because I feel like once I release them I can't pick them back up so yeah one is going in a time capsule the other is coming with me well actually the other one's gonna be basically be stranded on this planet well technically they're both right the time capital's gonna go back down oh my goodness all right release hi what's up little guy look I made a cracker disappear I made a cracker appear too where the hell did I get that Cracker and you were the cutest thing ever look I know you like me all right buddy come here you're gonna come with me we gotta go deep hey girl I could hit you but I'm not going to wait we don't have to go deep what am I talking about we gotta go up up I say oh we gotta go up to the mobile vehicle Bay to start making the Neptune Escape rocket maybe I shouldn't have let you out down here will you follow me all the way back up whoa what happened to my posters that's fine I'll just take them dude that sounded like the Cuttlefish did I just run over my cuttlefish all right I'm gonna head up to the top no Adventures here we're gonna go straight to the rocket I'll see you there okay I got the mobile vehicle Bay and we're gonna drive our seamoth cyclops out into deeper water I know we're probably gonna need a lot more items but it's fine as long as we begin here all right this should be deep enough I'm not gonna go all the way back there that's not that's not safe for my guy but we're gonna put it next to these Reef backs that's for sure climbing up Neptune Escape rocket uh so we need two titanium ingots a computer chip and four lead okay go get some titanium oh hey cutie fish I forgot you were following me I can't believe you made it up here that Reaper sounds really close I may have picked a bad spot if I'm gonna collect a bunch of these in case I need another because I'm probably gonna need them all right I'm ready to make this thing all right so it's a copper wire and computer chip yay okay okay let's have a little bit yes I don't have to move it's deep enough oh shh dude he's right there he's a flyer whoa whoa Jesus that was loud oh man this is so cool okay let's get to it what do we need copper wire plus steel ingots and a lubricants I might have an extra I can't I don't remember but let's grab I had that extra copper wire yes lubricant I think I had in here yes does not look like I have a plastille I don't have any lithium either so this ought to be good all right lithium and titanium Let's Get Lucky oh yeah there is that extra biome over here right that might have lithium oh yeah we're getting some good uh scrap metal over here hey that's mine all right you can have it cute fish cuttlefish you sure you want to be over here what's your name what's your name huh your name's gonna be cracky because you also could be a kraken haha all right I'm likely not gonna [ __ ] okay okay you came out of nowhere my good sir oh God I'm gonna I'm so dead everything about this smells like death oh there's green grasses greener on the other side oh green table Coral sample did the reaper give up dude that was close God they have aluminum oxide here or Whoopi excuse me they might have lithium still have Goosebumps from that freaking Reaper ah the green Coral that looks so cool I don't think I've ever seen that now I'm starting to think that there are not what in the hell oh crap that was not the sandshaw oh it was you I forgot the emperor we're gonna live we're gonna live it's fine we had nine we have three seconds technically we have ten we're good oh got it Shale out crops raw lithium okay oh hey it's you you are doing some weird movements I don't like it hello my friend how are you doing all right come here buddy wait you're not scannable huh yes another lithium dude I'm getting so lucky all right I'm gonna use this for now unless I run across another one hey hand game nah it's not gonna be like that let's just go back all right construct there we go okay the boosters another plastic ingot oh Aero gel crap I knew it I gotta go back I gotta go back down to the freaking bio man to my base this it sucks I got the nickel I definitely can get the wiring kit no problem I just need another freaking plastic oh my God I think it's probably best if I take I'm a dude oh I found a time capsule let's go please have something amazing in it what all right back up Time Capsule yes Time Capsule Green from the mushroom Forest hello Survivor Jerry Renner here former Alterra jander and hopefully present Altera Superstar upon my return If you're receiving this time capsule you fall into the same drastic circumstances that once befell me now listen you're probably starving cold and being eyed down by the not so friendly group of Leviathan next door but you know what you're gonna make it I have little to no technical experience and here I am flying rockets and breaking hearts couple of gifts here for you including a friend to keep you safe and sane a devishly rare plants and a tooth from a particularly nasty stalker Named Dave we don't talk anymore anyways keep your chin up when rescue doesn't come you've got to make your own that's true Are you seriously back off oh no I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I was just I was just a swinging oh I got an egg I got a little brother for you I don't need that or that but thanks man dying of thirst I don't have anything to drink ah sometimes I question my decisions man all right now that I got my stuff back up I got myself some water what's down here probably nothing I need right oh I'm getting lucky oh wow there's lithium all over this oh wait you know what if I could find that teleporter I can go back to the prison and quickly get access to uh what I need ah yes all right let's find the teleporter I'm smart wait is this it yes ah what a perfect perfect time saving plan all right just give me all the gel sacks uh I'm gonna make this trip all the way back uh I need rubies I'll just make quite a few air gels oh I had a ton holy crap all right so we got that uh do I have any room but these first one maybe yes now let me go into your storage take out oh yeah oh yeah oh so good all right that's a plastic Ingot what else did we need uh two air gels a wiring kit and three nickel ore okay I'm pretty sure I have the nickel okay there's three please don't require any more come on all right that's the wiring kits and three air gels I don't care Give me the give me it okay we got it ah this is gonna suck I don't want to go get more nickel I know I'm gonna need kyanite hopefully I have enough of that oh and then the freaking uh ion Crystal matrices which I don't have enough of oh yeah oh yeah oh the fuel Reserve okay another Plastering gets two ion power cells which I can just recycle crystalline sulfur crap and then for kyanite okay okay let's just make the uh titanium Ingot first and then the next place deal very good okay we don't have to go back kyanite is four where did I keep the kyanite oh got five of those as well so we're good and then two ion power cells I'll just take it from here so now we only have one thing left and I'm pretty sure that's going to require the ion crystals which means we have to go back anyway good God building this thing legitimately is crazy all I did before was do it in uh creative so it was rather easy next part Neptune I love the steady Rumble when you're on top of this it's nice it's calming yes okay oh wait we don't need any more fuel okay Cyclops Shield generator taking that ride off another plastic Ingot an enamel glass which I have and a computer chip which I could just because I don't need my Cyclops or anything anymore oh I know for real I had an enamel glass what is going on dude I swear I had one I mean I have a stalker tooth so I mean I really don't and let's just make one that's fine enameled glass cool I already had stalker teeth otherwise I'd think the Time Capsule person okay computer chip I can just deconstruct the modification station right deconstruct okay Cyclops Shield generator and then we just need the titanium all right I'm gonna be ballsy as hell wait never mind I don't have to be ain't trying to get myself killed right before I leave okay we don't have to we're good we're good there's one lithium no I needed two Chris games oh I'm angry gotta go get a lithium ah yes oh I I'm pretty sure that's the last part I don't know we need any other items to make this happen so I'm just gonna get one and go and hopefully I'm not wrong okay is that everything that is indeed everything uh all right so I need to get my cute fish on me let's all say goodbye to the pro boater goodbye Pro boater it was nice having you around but it's time for us to leave all right Neptune one rocket online so I made a decision the last time that we showed off the ending the rocket launch and it was kind of I would say ruined because I was reacting to it it was my live reaction and I didn't talk much but I did and it kind of broke the mood sometimes and some of you guys complained about it so what I decided to do is say my goodbye here and my thanks here and then I will go up in the Gantry and launch the rocket and see the ending without any commentary I'll even put out the time capsule in front of you guys and you guys can watch and enjoy just sit back turn up the volume and and have some fun so on that note thank you guys so much for watching and joining me in this season it was hella fun I very much appreciate your support in all of these years for the game and for the series now obviously subnautica's not over uh not for the game or even for the channel so stay tuned for some more content on it but anyway thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed the video so far hit the like button subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the next one enjoy thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] pressurizing hydraulics Communications systems array active ly our unit online [Music] foreign systems online [Music] primary computer systems active all systems are go for liftoff foreign [Music] foreign [Music] capsule ready to launch on your command captain long chin ten nine eight seven six five four two one Time Capsule jettison [Music] caution approaching orbital debris field foreign performing gravity turn maneuver confirmed destination coordinates merist Interstellar phase gate packaging ion and three two one [Music] what is a wave without the ocean a beginning without an end they are different but they go together now you go Among the Stars and I fall among the Sun we are different but we go together [Music]
Channel: IGP
Views: 651,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica supercut, subnautica, supercut, subnautica gameplay supercut, subnautica igp, subnautica gameplay, subnautica playthrough, subnautica full game, subnautica full playthrough, subnautica igp every episode, subnautica playthrough igp, igp subnautica playlist, igp subnautica full playthrough, subnautica full release, subnautica full release playthrough, subnautica new
Id: 1cn-rgSMnqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 415min 34sec (24934 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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