Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore ARK Survival Evolved [Aberration Edition]

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I am going to try to survive 100 days in hardcore Ark survival evolved but this time we're doing it on aberration this map is a fan favorite for its unique alien atmosphere really good progression system and crazy creatures not to mention the fact that this place is extremely dangerous so this is going to be an insane challenge so guys go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you enjoyed this video and let's go okay quick survey of the area is definitely needed because Raptors will be the death of me I think we're good though I can only really see parasaurs and an Equus of course alright sweet we gotta move from here though there's no berries all right we got a bus ride here we're probably gonna need to head down that Hill which is gonna be really terrifying because again Raptors there's other really bad things here as well like basilisks and honestly if I run into one of those we're gonna die and have to restart I don't really see anything terrifying oh my God are we actually getting a good spawn here on aberration I have no idea but it definitely seems like it come on give me some wood just a little bit there we go uh oh crap I didn't grab any stone there we go sweet all right we got a pick and let me level up wait because we're probably gonna need that moving back to safety we have our pick here somewhere and oh my god look day one Tech an attack armor I'm not even gonna make that joke this time so many people thought that was real Tech Armor on the island I have no idea why all right we're gonna need some more thatch and wood so we need to go back over to these trees I think we're safe it definitely seems like we are this is not a map that you want to just run around on at the very start you got to be very very cautious okay we got a hatchet let's put a cool skin onto that and boom we got another level wait and let's go for that and then some clothes get some more wood and we'll start working on some Spears but we're probably also gonna need some more fiber and I already need water there's no proper water source in this area so I had to settle for some special mushrooms okay we got a bunch of Spears coming and some clothes as well we'll just focus on trying to grab some more uh berries and mushrooms here as we go I think I'll use a shadow main chibi this time and I'm gonna name you Shadow all right now we gotta start killing some things so we got some bulb dogs over here maybe I'll kill one of them if we can find a low level that one's level 10 what level is this one also ten you know what I could probably almost instantly get it no never mind it's gonna take quite a few feeds I think they take the Aquatic ones okay well they're all like level 10 so I'm just gonna kill one of them sorry little guy I need the hide that really didn't give me very much did it okay great oh we can get chitin from killing these things right these little charge bugs although I can't reach him now creature tracker there's my bulb dog uh we gotta keep an eye on him um this one here is Ulta level 10 I think yeah perfect we actually got a good amount that time I think I accidentally hit it with the spear last time so we didn't really get very much um what do I need to make now we can probably learn some more cloth go ahead and get that stuff crafted up okay I'm moving too far in this direction we need to focus on being over here although I'm gonna quickly hit up these gems right here which will give me some Crystal for an easy Spyglass at the very start landed actually gives me some Crystal hey there we go nice I think I only need one but I'm gonna just hit it a couple more times not the right level to actually get myself a spyglass so we got to keep working on that um maybe we can start killing some more things around here that I think I saw a lystra over there that could be some good XP gotta go for this little guy though oh he's dropping oh he's already starving no way let me give you another one yeah he's probably you know what it's probably not worth taming him anymore he's just gonna keep dropping maybe I can go for some foundations and just start trying to uh oh crap you can't build in here I just realized yeah that sucks I'm gonna have to leave this whole area before I even Place anything okay I'm fairly certain yeah you cannot build in this area at all I'm gonna have to leave and I'm probably gonna have to go in that direction way over there through that hole got a little bulb dog here level 35 is not bad okay and we're gonna need some food I can't cook food here though at least I don't think I can mean if I'm not able to place foundations would I be able to place a campfire I don't think so no crap okay here we go nice I'm gonna call you light bulb look at him he's so happy oh I can't turn you down I need to get you all right well we're level eight now so that means I should have access to the Spyglass uh no that was level seven oof all right I think I might just hold on to my Ingram point so I have enough points for the Bola and then also the bow and the arrows oh we got another earthquake happening any cool items gonna drop down for me what do we have over here some wood got some Crystal Gems gotta keep my eyes peeled for a little box that would mean that it's dropped me like an actual weapon or something and there we go nice okay I'm gonna call this one Bulbasaur I'm sorry light bulb you're just I I don't want to play with you anymore also we do need to make a tribe name and which we name it we're gonna name it night shift all right so we need to do a little bit more leveling and then we need to get the hell out of here because the source of water is not really cutting it right now I can't keep eating berries all the time just realized I should have enabled all my skins before joining this because now we only have just a couple to play with Okay so this meat is going to spoil soon let's go ahead and split all that add that onto a stack and then split all of that so the timers are all really low nice probably didn't even need to put the Bola on him but I don't want to have to chase him around into danger because you know he would run into something big okay 70 High not bad not bad uh what can I do with that I should probably learn the mortar right now we can see if we can get one of those crafted over here so I can use all my stone one of those actually two we'll just hang on to a second one just for the moment I need some more thatch let me go ahead and make some of these all right we're gonna go grab some more Crystal and then make some more glow sticks just to free up some space and then we should be able to get moving out of here all right we're gonna make our way all the way over to there maybe just hug the wall here so I only have like downhill to look at it's a rock in the middle doesn't make any sense can I keep this bowler ready just in case a raptor starts running at me this Diplo might be an issue because they can SWAT you really really far they don't do damage but they can inflict uh fall damage by hitting you off like a hill we have a tech parasaur over there which I really want to go kill because if I kill that thing I would get some oil and some other good stuff I don't know if I can really risk going all the way over there though all right I don't really trust this area ahead so we're just gonna go ahead and Chuck that and just have a little extra luck is that a basilisk that I see oh yeah that's terrifying we need to move towards the center now because if I'm over here I'm gonna get trapped I'm gonna get killed 100 alright so we can probably actually go for this guy now maybe oh now he's moving up there oh my dude make it make a decision and stick to it Legos are not aggressive so we should be okay what do we have what is that okay Paris or okay yeah yeah all right let's keep running he's not going for me but still it's still terrifying oh my God is that another one up ahead oh yeah it is level 20. oh man no this is super bad right now I need that thing to like go into the ground or do something because like I can't I can't pass that thing okay running up for the center here out of water not really something I can fix right now but it's fine I got some stemberries to keep me awake if I need to I don't see any raptors attacking things like they would be attacking the parasaurs and maybe the trikes as well so I think we're okay we could probably stop for like a second let me just grab any amount of berries we can just to fill up on water oh no no no no he's not coming this way is he no no we gotta just keep running I gotta just run away from the thing it's coming for me I don't know if we'll be able to get around all the metal stuff back there but I'm running into danger here that I should probably not be just running blindly I don't know if it's still coming I'm too afraid to even go back we gotta just keep moving man there's water up ahead we're gonna drop down to it oh an explore node how I have not run into any Raptor so far is beyond me I don't I don't understand that at all I should have already run into like 20 of them I'm so glad but still it keeps me just on my toes because I'm so afraid of them hang on a second let me go ahead and just get this thing ready just so oh I can oh yes okay I was about to say we can probably go ahead and just cook something but I actually don't have any fuel Beyond one piece of thatch and that is not going to be enough water are you no I Gotta Go a different way now I can't I can't pass that thing are you kidding me ah that sucks I cannot I cannot go near that thing it will kill me I can't outrun it right now and I definitely can't fight it too high a level all right we gotta go for a detour so let's go up this way and then go to the left um I think we can drop out to where the water is oh I just realized my other bulb dog's gone oof I guess he just got left behind at some point maybe the Basilisk ate him actually that might have been what happened although I didn't see it pop up yet gotta go down and then around I think oh right over there I think that's the exit I think it might be it doesn't really look like there's anything down here which is great I'm very happy about that there we go nice okay we've probably got yeah five levels look at that okay the water's down this way there's like no creatures around what the hell's happening all right can I jump into the water though that's the question Phil yeah no I totally would have died if I had to try to jump there because I would have hit the cliff or something Tinto Berry okay yeah totally should have that I'm just gonna see if I can tame the two of them maybe Higa bud what do you need medjuberry okay nice okay well pretty handy at least we can use you to go ahead and get some berries more efficiently now look at this all we needed was a freaking Moss chops oh yeah that is easy water or mushroom boom nice I don't even know what I'm looking at right now we got the Moss chops we've got my shadow main chibi coming out of my chest like a chest burster and we've got this little Bulldog on my shoulder and then I'm in the mix there somewhere so this little Island right here will be my home for the foreseeable future mainly because it's like safe there's water all around it so the creatures can't easily get to me and um yeah we got some metal and stuff here as well so perfect spot that I always build in too hard to find another good spot like this it doesn't exist this is the best area now that I had some sort of safety I could finally focus on actually upgrading my tools so I made a refining Forge harvested just a little bit of the metal from these nodes and then use that to make a Smithy and then make a pick and then harvest the rest of the metal I also made a bunch of narcotic using all that meat that I had after that I started cooking up some food and then made myself a hatchet as well the levels are rolling in at this point so I was already able to make myself a crossbow and then I made some crank arrows because I spotted a stego across the water that I wanted to tame my plan was to knock this stego out on my Island so I needed to lead it over first come on I have no stamina no don't hit me I'm just gonna knock him out I'm so hungry as well I don't want to jinx it but we have a good rhythm going on right now okay he's torpo running that's good we need to lead him back on to Lando unfortunately the stego did not want to run where I wanted him to go and he ended up knocking out inside of this little cave hey he's down amazing I was gathering some mushrooms and then I got a little high oh no unfortunately I forgot which mushrooms you're supposed to eat when you're hallucinating is it the brown ones I think it might be the brown ones I have no idea was it the brown ones oh my God that really hurt me I was able to make myself a water jar and then I upgraded my armor to hide I went to cross the water so I could collect enough material so I could make myself a raft oh we got a Max Level somewhere all right I kind of want to know what this max level is it could be a fish which is a really dumb okay it's a Dar bear okay here's the thing we could actually get that because we can use honey for dire bearers as kind of essentially their kibble so yeah we can actually get that thing we just need to gear up a little bit before I do it I finally had enough material so I made that raft and now we have an easy way across the water I decided to name this Moss chops numbskull there we go that name suits you I started hunting down more trilobites that were coming out of the water onto my little island a great source of chitin and pretty much the only source of oil I have access to at this point I wanted to cry after stego saddle but I needed more hide so I had to go over and kill something and I picked this Turtle this was the wrong thing to mess with though because it ended up killing numbskull I quickly Avenged numbskull using my other Moss chops though oh what happened to you what what did he do to you say your tongue ah buddy I'm so sorry can't let this hide go to waste on the bright side we did have enough hide now to make that saddle I finally went over to the Stagger to feed it so we can start taming but it will take a long time to fully tame up then I started grinding out to make a little trap for the star bear let me just have a clean shot to my trap and boom here it comes oh it's terrifying probably try to get this place down I think I'll let it get in fully uh it's distracted by the Trap that's fine oh that hurt me way too much I know it's a Max Level and all but like holy crap dude I should have used ramps oh my God this was a mistake oh no I'm gonna need to heal I'm just gonna have to back away for the moment I can't I can't go near that thing I think it did 127 to me I think that's what it said something like that it was a crazy amount of damage though oh that could have been the end of us right there if I did not level enough Health oh that's so stupid why did I do that I spent a little bit of time healing and then I attempted this again with a ramp like a smart person and he's in perfect before attempting to knock this thing out I wanted to make sure that we had everything in place so I started grinding out for some more arrows then it was time to head back over to my stuff so I had to cross the spooky Dark Water and that's when I knew I could hear something no this situation was bad but luckily I had the quick thinking to drop all my gear and hop back onto the master chops for safety it was only a matter of time before they Dismount me again and when that happened I decided to just swim for the shore because I figured that would be the fastest option to get away oh my my God that's terrifying oh my Moss chops no please don't eat my base you don't need to eat that base it's not tasty why are you trying to eat my base buddy okay rip Moss chops there's no way I can oh my God he's actually done it he's done it guys look at that all right uh I have no idea how we're supposed to kill these things I ha uh he's eating my whole freaking face you turd burglar look at you ah okay stop stop come on no okay we gotta I gotta move I gotta move oh oh man okay um is my stego saddle in there I have no idea where it is uh okay raft time we're just okay rip Moss chops no there's no way Abandoned Ship there's freaking two sarcos in there why why are you in there it's my stego saddle on here oh crap it's back there and I had to drop all my gear oh this is awful there's only one thing I could do right now and that is try to go back and grab my gear is that my gear I think I see it okay perfect oh they're still eating my base that's okay let me just grab anything useful there we go the stego's all teamed up anyway so uh yeah we just need to go over and get that sorted I'm so gutted that we lost the Moss chops he didn't even get a name I was gonna name him pork chop I feel like that's the first time I've ever seen Sarco spawn in this Lake Area I had no idea that could happen so I saddled up my stego and brought it on over to the sarcos to avenge my Moss chops and base did they eat my whole base no I can see still see it okay where did they go there they are in the water I don't see them anymore it is far too dark for these Shenanigans like why would they choose night time to attack me it's just not fair yeah they almost broke all my stuff cool I managed to easily dispatch with one of the sarcos using my stego but I couldn't find the other one after a little bit of searching I managed to find and kill the other Sarco and then I named my stego bane of sarcos and I will not be letting you go to waste after those battles my stego was pretty hurt so I Stood Beside the z-plant for a little bit and healed it up I decided that it would be a better idea if I moved all of my crafting stations directly onto the raft that way these metal nodes around this little island would actually respawn and just in general we can get away with our base instead of having to leave it behind I was definitely in need of some better weapons to protect myself so I went ahead and crafted a long neck and then some bullets but we gotta wait before we can make a scope because they're super expensive then it was finally time to try and knock out the starry bear lucky for me a roll rat wandered into the Trap so I was able to kill it and then get the die bear to eat the body to heal itself a little bit oh there we go perfect that's exactly what I needed this is kind of necessary to be able to tame it with a crossbow because you just deal way too much damage and not enough torpor after pumping in many arrows and nervously watching this thing getting bloodier and bloodier it finally passed out oh there we go we got it down all right how much health do you have left no wait okay I could have done three more shots and it would have been on one and a half Health left that's insane at this point I started to reconsider my plan of actually grabbing honey to try and tame this thing you see if I was to try and grab honey out of a beehive I would get attacked by bees which is terrible so instead we're gonna feed this thing mutton when it's starved down enough because there's literally no risk in killing sheep all right well I'm super happy that we actually managed to get this driver down I feel like we need to do a celebratory parasaur killing for this and goodbye hello there oh what oh my god dude that was so close I looked away for a second and then I looked back and there's a freaking Sarco there I didn't have bane of sarcos to protect me this time but luckily I had my new long neck okay we got it sweet oh my god dude that was scary okay well I guess celebratory parasaur killings are supposed to be a thing of the past uh the ark does not like me doing that all right well level 45 now well I will be once I leveled that one point in and you are really close to being able to be fed so I think I'll head over now star Bearer oh wow that's expensive lots and lots of cementing paste needed okay probably not equipped to make that right now let's make as much of this stuff as we can though uh how much chitin do I have in here oh I've got a bunch oh yeah the trilobites yes and I have a bunch of stone as well I've just been grinding for that we actually probably can't afford that after all uh we actually can probably craft that right now yep we can perfect I don't know if I'm just blind right now or if the office have just completely disappeared oh I hear an office somewhere oh there it is look right there okay perfect we gotta move the stego first uh let's go for you now oh wow that didn't kill you really okay I should get them we use a pickaxe to get what we need okay I will come back and hit the rest of that after I just want to get over here real quick let me feed you perfect okay let me go hit the rest of that office oh okay never mind then there's all these bugs uh I guess we'll come back with the dire bear and there we go nice all right here's your saddle buddy we're gonna need a name for you you are a lady bear I don't know why but Bongo came to mind it's not a very feminine name but yeah it works Bongo the bear and boom then it was time to run around on this bear killing absolutely everything in my sight by doing this I'm not only leveling the bear but I'm also going to be leveling up my character we have got three levels into that and what do we have to unlock now I guess fabricator we can get that can't use grappling hooks on this map so those are useless if I want to I can get myself a ravager yeah for the moment that is probably what I should be doing a fabricator I had pretty much everything on hand to make that fabricator I started taming up a high level Moss chops that was chilling right beside me for a second feed it wanted some honey so I had to go off and look for one of the beehives we'd seen before this is when I realized that all the beehives I've seen so far are no longer where they were I don't know where that Hive that was over here went I mean I could have sworn it was like right around here somewhere so I had to abandon that Moss chops and not tame it gonna try and spoil just pretty much all of this meat if I can just have like tons and tons that we can use for a while one three five dodic okay I pulled apart the Trap that I made for my bear and then used those pieces to trap this new dode but I couldn't tame it immediately because it was actually slightly hurt and I felt like I might not be able to knock it out before it falls up I'm gonna see if I can kill this spino and then try to kill the carcinos and if we kill that carcinos we can get organic polymer and then make a ghillie suit because the hide armor is a little bit too hot get back here you coward oh you can't fit through there can you oh that's amazing maybe I'll just kill him with the dire bear then if I can get the range on him hey got him all right give me all that organic polymer hell yeah that is a full ghillie suit if I've ever seen one so I made myself a full set of Gilly armor and then I crafted up two canteens with the rest of the polymer I went on a little gathering binge and then I made myself a full set of flak armor just in case I needed it after a little while I checked back in on that dodic and it looked like it was healed enough to at least be able to knock it out but I also hit the right level to actually make some track darts so I went ahead and did that but I didn't need them in The Taming process and I managed to get it knocked out and it should knock out hey there we go need to grab you some berries before leaving ielt to place down some spike fences to keep it safe all right that works I can get in and out without poking myself or maybe not my Bear's got a lot of carry weight so it makes collecting things like metal a lot less painful I decided to go out exploring and see if I could find any more good creatures to tame I'll never get over this animation oh hello okay that was rude no oh I one shot him oh I barely just spotted that thing at the last minute this was not worth my death God damn it I dropped back to my base so I can make myself a Glide suit and a zipline motor then I put it onto some flak armor and put the motor pants away I wasn't lying at the very start when I said this map is super dangerous I mean even in certain areas there's spores in the air that just want to kill you oh crap uh I didn't realize uh oh crap hey God we need mushrooms we need the brown ones I think oh my God it's awful no okay uh note yourself don't go up and around that way um yeah I should have known red gems okay we gotta take them boom Oh that's a one four five okay I won't kill it to tame a roll rat I need honey so we needed to find a new beehive but luckily we have the baroness so that means we can take the honey without getting attacked oh crap no no no no no no oh run oh my God uh that is terrifying what level is that thing anyway it's a level 35. yeah cannot face one of those until I have a gas mask or something I am really struggling to find this freaking honey man like I I just can't find any beehives at all 145 ravager oh I need to tame that as well well I don't have any trap stuff on me and I definitely would prefer to have a trap for that thing maybe what I could do is I could just go ahead and make a little trap here instead of heading back because I feel like I'm not gonna be able to keep track of where this thing is let me get working on that okay we gotta time this well and oh crap uh it's bouncing me around man I can't even get out crap crap crap oh we're good we're good oh my God ah I forgot how much they bounce you around that is horrifying everything's just blood through my eyes oh that really hurt also you are hardly even in there I know you are but that is still terrifying to look at all right well we got enough darts here I would say and we have some arrows if we need to but uh yeah let's try and get this thing knocked out without getting bit all the time hey got you out nice all right now we just need to find a sheep to get some mutton and then we can feed that thing but for the moment let's get it onto the creature tracker alright well I already found an office and it's really close to the ravager so I think I'm gonna continue to look for some honey now gonna let that ravager starve up for a little while I found a little supply drop but I can't get up to it with my dire bear so I had to use my climbing picks to get up this Cliff I was taking a major risk so I was really hoping for some good reward oh wow that was worth it why does Arc hate me wow I did a little bit of climbing with these things and it's already almost broken hey the dodex about to tame oh wait what apparently it is tamed uh what 100 that okay are you tamed or not my real concern right now is whether or not these beehives actually are around the place and are they invisible because it definitely feels like they might be hey dodex tamed sweet might leave him there though because he's actually a pretty easy way of getting back to my base here otherwise I might actually get lost all right here you go Mr ravager the ravager is all tamed up what should we name you I'm just gonna name you Fang cause that's all that comes to mind when I look at your stupid face I made my way back over to the dodic and then freed it and gave it a name and we're gonna name you Pebble I made up some Saddles from my ravager and my dodec and then I took the dodic out for a little spin this little guy made getting Stones super easy and I could use that stone to make up a bunch of cementing paste I was getting very close to being able to make up a gas collector so I went around collecting up a bunch of Crystal because that's one of the things that I needed ah no not again at least I have some mushrooms on me this time there we go eventually I had enough stuff and I made up that gas collector and went over to the nearby vein to place it down I checked back a couple minutes later and we already had a little bit in it well this is risky oh totally worth it nice another 145 really okay ah damn I really need to find some freaking honey man are these beehives invisible or something I have no idea what's going on oh a level 130 spino okay what about you uh poopy oh red gems um taking those thank you very much dude that's another 145 freaking roll rat are you I am not going to stop until I find some honey we need to tame a roller at it we'll make getting wood so much easier and there's so many 145s needs to happen so where the hell are the beehives man is that what I think it is no way there's three freaking basilisks in the ground together over here are you kidding me I wonder what levels they are I don't know if a basilos could be very useful in our grand goal here on this map but could be kind of useful to know at least oh look there's another one over here as well they're just absolutely everywhere hello oh okay well if that was the high level we could totally tame it but yeah the Basilisk I think probably would have knocked it out maybe that or a scorpion but I don't see any scorpions oh hello little guy look at you ah you're still alive okay I'm Gonna Leave You there though because I can't really bring you with me oh it's so mean there was no scary Carno at the end of the tunnel this time but there was some ravagers at the start I'm glad that they weren't here earlier because they totally would have ruined me with the help of this wild stego I was able to take down another carcinos this is good because I've got actually been saving up to try and make some cryopods and we're definitely gonna need the polymer now all I needed to do was find a Loot drop that I could access so I can start crafting them and the Quest for honey continues perfect that's exactly what I was looking for using that drop I was able to craft up 10 cryopods which definitely will come in handy I searched high and low all over the fertile Lake area but I could not find a beehive once again I gave up my search for honey because at this stage I was honestly convinced that it didn't exist anymore this really sucks because having a roll rat would make things a lot easier so I manually collected up a bunch of wood like a beach Bob and then filled up 10 campfires with a stack each So eventually we'll have a bunch of charcoal that we can then turn into gunpowder I decided that I should definitely get that level 130 spino down the river so I went around collecting up a bunch of wood manually before I realized how much of an idiot I've been this whole time even though I can't find honey to get myself a roll rat I have a stego and stegos can Harvest wood fairly efficiently the only issue they have is that they're very slow at moving around and I kind of need to bear with me at all times as for the reason why we needed all this wood well I wanted to make up some Behemoth Gates so I can easily trap the spino and then tame it when it's trapped but these gates are very expensive for the early game so it took me a long while before I had enough materials to make exactly what I needed oh no you don't oh wow uh that is a purple drop I think I need to go grab that I'm not sure if this is out yet I can already see we're getting attacked by piranha I'm glad that I waited holy crap and there's a manta in there okay yeah there's a couple all right let's go for it please be something good okay or no sour blueprint not the most amazing thing but it's something after lots of gathering I finally had all the gate pieces that I needed so I fixed up my weapons and went on over to see if I could find the spino the spino I was looking for was down the hill but I decided that I wanted to clear out some of these other spinos which may have been a mistake because honestly they were doing a lot of damage to me and plus there's carcinos and karkinos are terrifying after I killed all those spinos I was in need of some healing so I went over to a z-plant for a little bit although this carcinos didn't get the message that the battle was over so I had to quickly dispatch of him and continue my healing oh hello you're new oh you're also really high level oh that's scary I'm not sure if I can take that thing down that is such a high level the 130 spino was still here so I had to clear out some trees and then I built my trap right up against the cliff all we got to do now is just lead them in I shot him with my crossbow to lead him over and then we had to actually endure some damage because he wasn't in the Trap far enough for me to be able to place the gate behind him eventually I managed to get that place but then Next Step was actually getting out of the Trap before he eats my butt oh my God let me out really hurts the next thing we need to do is put this grumpy spino down for a nap and what better way than shooting trunk arrows at him hey there we go my plan was to tame up this thing with some mutton so we're gonna need to let it starve out for a long while and then we can come back and feed it while also keeping an eye on that torpor it won't be long before I'm gonna need a radiation suit to travel around this map so I went ahead and learned up all the engrams and now we just need to collect up some more materials to make them mainly blue gems so I had to go all the way over to the edge between this biome and the bioluminescent area to find some this area is very scary because there's a lot of terrifying creatures around that could easily pull me off my Mount and kill me like this megalosaur that's chasing me oh crap he's catching up no oh okay I think I gotta fight him he might grab me though oh oh that hurts come on okay there we go I crafted up a couple pieces of Hazard suit but we're definitely gonna need more Crystal honestly getting an Anki at this point would be a really good idea I went around collecting more Crystal off of some green gem deposits nearby in total I'm probably gonna need around two or three full suits of Hazard armor to go down to the radiation Zone to event actually grab some rock Drake eggs so we're gonna need heaps of Crystal ooh free egg although maybe not so free because we gotta fight this dude I paid the spino a little visit so we could feed it some narcotic to keep it down we're definitely gonna be able to feed it the mutton pretty soon to get it all tamed up oh what the hell another egg okay I guess we gotta fight this one too the spider was starved down enough and ready to be fed so I had to look for an office these things are actually really common on this map so it didn't really take me too long to find one then I brought all the mutton down to the spino FED it and then we had it all teamed up hey gotcha I don't know if I want to name it so we're just gonna leave it like that for the moment unfortunately its stats kind of suck I'm gonna need to make use of the spino anyway because I really want to take down that high level Alpha carcinose it's way too close to my base and I really don't feel comfortable having it around so after making a saddle I ran around and just killed a couple creatures just to gather a few levels and then I took on this carcinos oh yeah look at this I'm keeping him at a distance he can't even hit me oh this is amazing oh crap well now he's hitting me the spino could probably take just a couple more hits so I gotta I just gotta move from running oh ah damn it dude this freaking Alpha crocodos is gonna be the death of me I ran over to a nearby Z plan to get some healing going and then I did some thinking I came up with a plan to First find an Explorer note and then run around and use that Explorer now to get a bunch of levels it worked out in the end and we managed to pump in a bunch of levels into melee then it was time for round two for mabu I've come to bargain well I'm gonna kill this thing today it's gonna happen my idea is that we're just gonna keep backing away as it's coming towards me and hopefully I won't get hit at all oh except when there's rocks behind me okay no we're good although that stego just got hit great okay no look now we're teaming up with the stego interesting oh he's so close to death okay I'm just gonna let my stamina come back and then I'm gonna chase him down oh no he's coming back heard what I was about to say Bro you've got cyan all over you how are you not dead yes we got you okay I want to see how much help this thing Had No Loot really over a hundred thousand help though okay great you only got 10 levels how many did I get two okay it's good enough it's it's fine I'm running out of blue gems again so I made my way over to the edge of the bioluminescent area to grab some more and see if I could find a high level Anki I didn't manage to find a good Anki but I did find some dung beetles and I teamed up a low level one and gave it a very mature name oh my God pieces oh dude this stuff never gets old oh my God I started exploring this biome just a little bit but then I realized I'm gonna definitely need a hazard suit if I'm gonna go any further because there's special spores in the air which would probably just kill me at this point uh whoa okay there's an alpha something around here probably oh yeah look at that another carcinos yeah I know I could kill it a lot easier but I don't think I want to try although maybe I could crossbow it that might actually be an option yeah this actually might work out oh you turd these freaking arthros man there we go got him the carcinos had dislodged itself so I decided to just abandon it plus I'm naked and it's really not a good idea to be naked in this biome I was out and about killing some stuff and checking levels on other things and then I found this oh that's amazing okay um I want to tame that I definitely want to tame that the only way I'm gonna easily be able to tame that crab is by heading back to base and collecting some stuff to make a trap I crafted up everything that I'm gonna need and then headed back over feel like across the water over there would probably be the best spot for this trap we need flat terrain to actually build it what the what just happened there like bounced me forward that thing immediately just dismounted me that's not even fair after locating a good spot to make this trap I got to work I always like to use this specific design for carconus traps and it's made by Captain fat dog then it was time to lead this lovely lady over to the Trap oh that that just does not sound right unfortunately I think the terrain is a little bit buggy for her so she actually did not get trapped on the first try it took several more tries but eventually I got it into the Trap and it wasn't getting back out all right we just gotta aim for the shell one two three one more I think oh hey there we go nice oh why did I get blasted off of that oh it was an earthquake I think all right well we got it down look at that hell yeah oh my god dude yeah that thing was so hard to get into that trap bikes around this thing yeah we're gonna need to protect it so I whipped out my stego and got to work on those spikes after a little while we finally had it all done and this thing was completely safe obviously at this stage we don't have any exceptional Kibbles so we have to opt for using spoiled meat instead I stayed around the area for a little bit to break some rocks around my trap and then I went back to my base to try and make a saddle but I needed some more blue gems so I had to go all the way back over collect up some more blue gems go all the way back to my base and then finally make up that saddle by the time I got back over to the carconos it was actually almost tame so I decided to just stay in this area because I actually want to maybe base up in this spot it's a nice Central spot when you think about it so it makes sense to live here instead of way over where I live so I started using my stego to collect up some wood while waiting for this carcinos to tame up and then he was finally ready oh man this is gonna make things so much easier oh yes you can even pick up the stego I named her Mrs Krabs and then we got to work using the dodic there's this really nice thing that you can do where you can pretty much pick up a dotic or an Anki and then just walk around and auto Harvest like this it's really cool and we got a ton of stone the stego doesn't Auto Harvest but we can still jump around and get it to the trees faster I felt like the stego wasn't that efficient of getting thatched so I manually collected a bunch and then we finally had enough to craft one gate this is gonna take a long time I built a couple more gates and I decided to go back to my old spot to grab some more items oh are you kidding me yes a beehive they exist how long have I been looking for another one why haven't they been here is it because I lived in this area uh well we can get 15 honey off that using the bear but I think I need to find a roll rat first I don't know if any of the high levels are still around here oh there we go there's a 145 perfect okay um I guess we're starting up this team then although I gotta look under decks and just see how many it's going to take oh crap are you kidding no It's Gonna Take 17. Ah okay I think I need to find another beehive then also I don't even know how quick the honey even spoils we gotta figure that part out too all right found some more so I guess let's start harvesting there we go we got 15. and it's Gonna Last a ton of time okay we should be able to do this all right there we go we have 30 in total now to tame a roll rat all you gotta do is follow it around and wait for it to start burrowing as soon as it does that you gotta drop a piece of Honey down onto the ground where the hole is and then at that point it's gonna come up and eat it do this enough times and you'll have yourself a tamed up roll rat here we go this is the last feed and boom hey gotcha man I think we got a hundred percent on that thing it didn't even drop down a bit all right perfect uh I don't know if I can make a saddle for you just yet but let me go see I named it Viagra because this thing's gonna give me a steady source of wood uh okay I might have the rest of that metal here somewhere yeah we do oh my God these things have some of the craziest look at the Saddles like look at this all right made of voyage oh oh yeah you gotta hold it down right yeah there we go oh I missed this they're so fun to use he can even jump on them look at all of that wood yeah you definitely earned that name I used a bunch of the wood that I collected to fill up 10 campfires and then I lit them all at once we'll come back later and collect all that charcoal I wanted to start moving all my items over to the new area but I didn't want to make a ton of trips so I just made a bunch of stuff that I could make using the materials and then I brought over one massive haul once I got all my stuff to the new location I had to go out collecting materials so I could finish off my walls I took a break from granting materials to go out of my crab and see if I could find a high level Anki oh well that's just terrifying dude please tell me these Yankees aren't good levels okay we're good oh that is so scary yeah I cannot face that oh that's a 135 Barry Oh I need to grab that all right we just gotta hop down and see if we can kill all these guys all right we're leaving oh I grabbed the wrong one no uh yeah that's it let me grab you and let me leave oh I don't want to fight all these guys okay just on the off chance that something messed up yeah we got it we're good the great thing about having a carcinos is you can hold the creatures in the claws while you knock them out hey gotcha goodbye monkey wow I just launched that dude into freaking orbit I only realized after knocking out the Barry that we have a bit of an issue they only really eat fish meat because they're peskivores or kibble which I don't have so I can either absolutely demolish this taming Effectiveness by using fish or I could just wait and let it wake up and then tame it later I think I'll go with the second option I made up some crop plots so we could eventually have a greenhouse going but for that I would definitely need to tame myself an Anki we got a bunch of massive trees around here so I learned the Ingram to make myself a tree platform and then started grinding out materials to make it I also continued to work on my wall because I was really worried about things wandering into my area I finally had everything I needed to craft up that tree platform but unfortunately ah are you kidding these are real trees I figured I'd be able to place this because I'd already tested in single player to see if if Cliff platforms could be placed on these trees and that was a no-go kinda wish I tested this one too so I had to settle for making a base on the ground like a loser the Baryonyx was really close to waking up so when it did I took it out of the base using my crab then I went out in search of more essential tames oh okay well that's a 140 spino I can't get distracted anymore I really need to find a Nike what on Earth am I looking at right here with no more ankies in sight I had to go further and further into this biome oh that'll do let me check you first though oh yeah no I don't want you oh yeah I am unfortunately very deep into this biome though it's gonna take a long time to get back I was pretty close to the water so I decided to just take a peek and see if there was any good frogs oh oh what where did you go oh there it is I think did I get it I think this is the right one oh yeah look at this two for one baby ankiana frog at the same time all right we need to get across at home I got both of these creatures safely back to base and then started to knock them out oh dude stop all right one down one to go oh there we go the Yankee would take a long time to tame up because we have to use berries but the Frog was very quick because we could use mutton the Frog tamed up and I named it slippy like the one that I had on the island unfortunately I can't make a saddle for it because I have no more engram points to unlock it we're gonna need to level a couple times to be able to use some of these new creatures and then also make some new stuff so I went out exploring to see if I could find some explore notes to stack and then that would give me a bunch of XP what the hell that guy looks so crazy looking eventually I was able to unlock those two Saddles and then I crafted them then we took the frog out for a spin the one thing that I forgot about frogs in this map is that they do not do increased damage to these little glow bugs but you can get some ending Pace from them it's just really hard to kill them because it takes several hits not like normal bugs where you do like four times the damage or something I spent a little while trying to do this but it didn't really get a huge amount of cementing pace so it wasn't really worth my time I started building my little workshop while I waited for the Anki to tame up I added some storage to the base as well and then that Anki finally teamed up I named him fulcrum which is like an OG name I've been using for ankies then it was time to take this thing out for Spin and collect all of the crystals so I can finally finish up my Greenhouse unfortunately Yankees only Auto swing at metal node so I can't just run around holding it in the crab's claw all the time it takes a lot of Crystal to build a full Greenhouse so I was doing this for a long time I pretty much ran through all of my semantic Pace trying to make these Greenhouse pieces and other stuff so I had to actually go out and collect more kite huh okay fair enough oh hello nice and you're not in the terrifying Blue Zone sweet oh hello thank you very much I came back with a metric butt ton of chitin so it was really easy to finish off my Greenhouse now then it was time to release my dung beetle into his new home so he could get him to work making me some fertilizer next up I needed to irrigate these crop plots so we had to do a massive pipe chain all the way over to the river and then finally my crops started growing I set my sights and going after that level 140 spino before it disappeared luckily it was still along here and we went ahead and trapped it the same way we got the first one and then I knocked it out just gotta let it starve for a long while and then we can feed it it was around this time that I started to notice a pattern with this River every single time I'd find and kill some low levels within a few minutes there would always be some new spinos there I figure if we keep doing this eventually it's gonna give me a high level once again I took Mrs Krabs out on a little scouting Mission Into the Blue Zone to see if I could find some good Megalosaurus to tame while I killed every single low level I saw I couldn't find any good ones and then I had to go back to the spino to give it some more narcotic to keep it down after that I went back to killing some more spinos on the river and then I started stocking up on some more spoiled meat by splitting a bunch of stacks yeah that's probably enough spot meat the spino had starve down enough to be fed so I grabbed him a snack hey there we go ah oh no no no no kill it oh my dude where the hell did you come from I'm only piecing this together while editing but I threw a Sarco when I came over here with the mutton and I think that might be the same one well at least the health and this one's slightly better I had a bunch of mutton left over so I finally made myself an industrial Grill and then had a little barbecue at this point we do have a mate boosted set of spinos but it didn't really want to breed them together because the male's Health really sucked oh my hello it's like a freaking shark just circling my base damn I'm glad that I saw that before I opened up the gate oh that could have been so bad and you're a terrible level and what about you also pretty bad huh okay well clearly I'm doing something wrong here because every other crop plot besides these two is on 300 it's okay it's just half of my carrots and half of my citronell great I ventured out into the Blue Zone once more and this time we actually found something good oh okay hello unfortunately you can't pick up Megalosaurus with the carcino so we're gonna have to come back here with a little trap and some tranks which is exactly what I did okay well this is super risky but let's go for it oh that thing almost got me huh so I guess I placed both of them without even knowing all right that makes it a little bit easier because then he's just stuck right here the thing looks so menacing looking it really just wants to chew my face off hey there we go nice that is definitely gonna come in handy at this point all right well now we just need to find more of them uh stop dude what the hell that's not fair okay there we go I can kill this basilisk because I'm pretty sure I needed scales if I want to do the final boss it's only level 15 so it shouldn't take too long to kill but oh there we go nice huh that's good that's good to see hey there we go now we're talking wait what gender is that one male and a female perfect I need some gate door thingies because I only have the gate frames they're not that expensive I'll just make a couple and we've got some obsidian here as well actually I'm gonna go ahead and harvest some of this I'm just a little bit nervous that this thing's gonna manage to squeeze out of there somehow I probably should have broken that rock oh hey there we go I was about to check it all right we'll just do that and that should mostly cover it up okay yeah you're about halfway starved you're gonna take a long time maybe I'll just look for some more there used to be a tree there and the roll rat was in the tree and now he's just in the air I'm gonna wait for him to start burrowing oh there we go What on earth oh I gotta dude that is the best can I even hit him oh I can't even get him I came back to my base so I can make up some dies to finally become syntax I also made up some white dye that we can add to these glow sticks and that's going to make them a whole lot brighter I spent some time clearing out the river to see if I could get some more high level spinos is that ottery gonna attack the spider oh my God that's amazing he died so quick but he had the courage to at least try I've killed dozens of spinos when is this game gonna throw me a high level one the Megalosaurus would starved down enough so I grabbed a novice and headed on over no he stole the office [Laughter] you dick he literally just ripped it out of my claws oh hey there we go the health looks kind of low for megalosaur I think and the melee is okay much better health than the first one and higher melee as well but it's a female that would be so much better if it was a male oh good though we could probably breed them anyway all right well I guess I'll look for some more oh there we go 140. sweet um all right let's get this thing trapped while I was in the middle of knocking this thing out I saw some arthros nearby so I sent my crab in to go kill them buddy do you not know how to kill things really all right now kill the other I'll help a little okay I somehow missed nice oh well hello sweet um let me get down here oh yes freaking 150 definitely helps by killing pretty much all the low levels that you come across oh crap now he's on to me no are we good I think we're good yeah he doesn't want to attack a carcinos by default he just wanted the corpses all right buddy Sun's getting real low there we go oh wait so this one here is a male I think that other one was a female okay so this male could be better than the last male I got potentially I decided to clear out the river once more and then we actually found something good 145 yes my efforts of this River are actually paying off I trapped it and knocked it out and now we have three things taming up at once after some time had passed the two Megalosaurus ready to be fed that one's got some pretty good melee actually okay we gotta go get the other one first uh not so great stats in that female damn so all three of these Megalosaurus that I have on me have the exact same Health it's all six eight eight eight which is kind of weird but uh yeah so the male actually has some pretty good melee so we're probably gonna go with that for the the moment at least until I potentially could find something better but I don't know if that's actually gonna happen and we really need to get to the breeding process for these Megalosaurus so I can actually get down and get myself some rock Drake eggs before it's too late looks like that high level spino that was here probably despawned or something it really wasn't a good place to try and tame it though so I'm not too mad about it you must have phased your way right out of that Greenhouse when I was coming by the dung Beetle's a lot of effort I'm not really getting a huge amount of fertilizer from it so I decided to build a toilet all right well cool I guess we gotta drink toilet water now sweet I decided to breed the Megalosaurus while I was waiting to need to poop there's a weird little exploit that you could do with the toilet where you could just continuously blast ass and keep collecting fertilizer and keep getting that little boost oh I got distracted no uh okay they're fine they'll be okay we need to get them some food I had no idea they just immediately hatch up over there as well you look like the perfect snack for my baby Megalosaurus huh this one's got a melee mutation and it's a male okay new breeding mail I guess this one's also a male okay these things won't be able to breed for a long time all right please have some good stats yeah that doesn't look great ah man I find it kind of hilarious that my baby megalosaur over there has better stats in health and melee than this fully grown spino so silly oh hey a novice I'm gonna go ahead and put you into my base to keep you nice and safe for later consumption just make yourself at home little guy you'll be okay for now and then it was time to blast more ass I went all the way back to my old base location to pick up the last of my useful items including all that charcoal and then I got back to my base dropped off all that stuff and then went on another spino killing Rampage I made it back to my base just in time for these two megalosaurs to get their first imprint and they both wanted walks my crab was really hurt from all those spinos so I had to take it to a nearby plant for healing these plants really make me feel uncomfortable I don't like that also what the hell is happening with the shadow Mane I've got like 40 minutes to go out and do some stuff before I have to be back at the base for the next imprint so I figured I might go out and look for some more Megalosaurus to tame that's when I spotted another spino on this exact same area although this is only a level 10 and it's Alpha boosted I couldn't see that Alpha karkinos anywhere so it must be the Basilisk oh buddy you're not gonna make me actually hop off my Mountain so you come out of your hole are you just for a Split Second does that work no what about now come on bro get out of there ah what if I kill something beside you would that work hey oh my what the hell was that a second ago and Sophie got in my great battle with the spicy danger noodle all right we gotta get away for the moment I am way too hurt to continue this fight but I will be back I retreated to a z-plant to heal fully and then went back in after hitting this thing countless times it finally died oh hey there we go damn it I accidentally harvested it all right well we got the Fang anyway anything else really that's it all right well that took a long time to kill but yeah I mean it was probably worth it hey on level uh wait what level do you need to be for the for the chemistry bench let's go with that I think it's 82. damn it I was gonna need a good amount of metal going forward so I took the Yankee out and came back with a pretty decent first haul then it was time for the Megalosaurus to get their second imprint and one wanted Azul Barry the other wanted to cuddle while waiting around with these megalosaurs I was grinding out literally anything I could for XP to get more levels eventually I leveled up and then I could unlock the chemistry bench the greatest part about the chemistry benches it does everything the mortar and pestle can do much faster but it also gives you 50 extra materials on top so stockpiling things like gunpowder is going to be amazing and to fight Rockwell at the very end of this we're gonna need a lot of shotgun shells so that was really helpful at this stage I was honestly running out of anger points every single time I had to unlock something so I collected everything I would need to make up a mind wipe tonic and then cook that up this is gonna free up a ton of engram points which we're still gonna have to use for other stuff that we already had unlocked but at least it helps me out where I don't have to keep things like the freaking tree platform anymore this also allowed me to prep some scuba tanks from one of the caves that we're gonna have to do speaking of that cave we're gonna need a Baryonyx so I needed to make myself some jerky so I could eventually make some kibble the two megalosaurs are ready for their last imprint one of them wanted something I didn't have so I had to do the crowdpod trick on it but luckily it wanted to cuddle after now that they were fully imprinted I can finally leave my base for an extended period of time so I went out and about looking for more creatures to tame and I managed to find another megalosaur ooh hello and you're a female yes hey gotcha I collected up some more metal with the Yankee and then headed back to base but on my way back I found something else that I could tame I am taming you so I brought the shine horn all the way back to my base and started taming it up with its favorite food at the plant species Z seeds welcome to the family wear goat although you're kind of missing your skin because I forgot to turn on that setting the one setting that I really should have turned on before starting this whole thing was actually this one right here it basically would have meant that I would have spawned with all of my skins instead of just some of them so I honestly felt like it was fair for me to give myself this skin because that was an honest mistake and it changes nothing besides just make my guy look really cool now that my two imprinted megalosaurs were fully grown up I needed to take them out leveling oh man that is a crazy good amount of damage to start off with lucky for me spinosaurs actually give a good amount of XP and there's tons of them around this River so after a little while of leveling I decided to bring them back to the base so I could go tame up the other megalosaur what are you guys all doing up there what the hell get down oh my God I love this game I brought a bunch of mud over to that 140 and tamed it up uh yeah okay that's a female with some pretty good melee health is slightly lower than all the other ones though but that's okay once I got back to my base I bred it with the melee mutation male and then stored the egg for later until we have more makes more sense to raise several babies than just one at a time at this stage I wanted to try and prep everything to head on down and grab myself some rock Drake eggs so first thing on the list is definitely making up some medical Brews which is super awkward if you don't have an industrial cooker and you have to use a bunch of cooking pots like this I spent absolutely ages doing this but eventually we had like 80 of them then I went around leveling up my female megalosaur with a high health so we could benefit from mate boost down below I had to shamelessly go back to using Bulbasaur for this because my new shine horn just wasn't leveled up enough to be able to keep up the charge capacity down below I also brought the second and third spinos that I tamed together I had all my gear prepped and then it was time to head off I always like to go a very specific way because it's a full pathway that leads you right down to some rock Drake's to start this journey we needed to go to the crystal line Lake which is the purple Crystal area in the Blue Zone from there we just need to go around the lake and then follow this massive track of metal things if we just keep following it it will eventually lead us to a pathway where we're just going to be able to continuously walk down without getting lost this is all part of the radiation zone so my suit is slowly ticking away and dying and that's what those little damage numbers are from my suit could eventually break so I had a bunch of spares in my inventory I tricked out one of my Megalosaurus when we were close enough so I could run down the cryo stick in this timer and hopefully drop another route when we're down below I put my crap away when we got close enough because that would not be able to survive down here with these Rock Drake's all right we just gotta take this slow and then we should be okay I started picking off the Drake's one by one as they came upon them so I could eventually get around to the back of this area where we might be able to find an egg or two I think I see a nest up there looks like there's one yeah oh I gotta get you out of there first and sweet okay how's my suit doing pretty good I'm fairly certain this is the only one with a nest I used my climbing picks to climb all the way up to the nest hitting me it's only level 20. all right we should grab it anyway the second I grabbed this egg all the nearby Rock Drake's will come for me a little bit of damage but we're good oh I can hear them oh you can't get up here can you oh yeah there you are I was finally able to throw out another Megalosaurus so now we're gonna have mate boost oh my God I'm doing so much damage now with that mate boost I gotta move the egg into your inventory so I don't have to hold it for ages but that's gonna trigger all the rock Drake's oh this one's a high level 185 okay oh there's oh my God they're everywhere oh you see this is what I worry about look at this there's so many of them oh they're made boosting each other now as well oh crap okay we're down to the last one here oh that was 180. oh my God there's more oh they just keep no okay we got a nest right there we got two nests over here oh crap we gotta drop down there we go nice let's take care of you buddy oh 170. I really hope we got an egg from something like that no nest in there don't think I see any we have oh we have three nests here we have we have one right ahead of us right here right there and then we have that one and that one those are the two that I saw I think or maybe I saw this one on this one I'm not sure we've got three nests here though so that's a really good sign we need to probably just pull out another megalosaur and then do the egg triggering and that's gonna bring all the rock Drake's to me and then we're gonna take care of them and then hopefully try to grab some eggs and not get attacked that time oh that one's doing a lot of damage with the mate boost oh crap there's so many all right I'm gonna go for this one and we'll just take a look I think first all right oh that's a freaking 180. nice uh do I even go for the others at this point I mean I don't know how many Rock Drake's would still have respawned feel like you know what I'm gonna just grab it we'll uh we'll deal with this like we'll do this like three times times if we need to I think we killed them all I don't hear any you see that I just had a mini heart attack yeah that's a bug that can happen with some things in arc when it kind of glitches you a little bit it teleported me probably to the center of the map okay level 80 egg um oh my God that was so scary of Goosebumps now uh all right we're gonna grab that we're gonna try to grab this one I don't know what that says we're just gonna grab it I think it said 180 as well what do we get 160. okay I'm gonna get the hell out of here now could probably try and see if I can steal some more with the carcinos but honestly we've got a high level already I don't want to take any risks at this point you know that was a lot easier than I thought it would be I honest why am I floating way above the saddle I honestly thought this looks so ridiculous I honestly thought that we uh we might have had a harder time there but the mega Source can handle it man they they are they are boss oh I'm really hurting from this holy crap this one right here I think might be a super super high level oh it's still doing 91 okay that's insane do die die die oh 175. no wonder and so my long journey back to my base began I stopped for some red gems on my way home because we're gonna need a bunch of these for a rock Drake saddle I made it home safe and sound and then I got to work trying to hatch up my rock Drake eggs for this we would need an absolute ton of air conditioners because I think it takes like 16. it can vary though based on the actual temperature of the area that you're in ah finally they're actually incubating took 25 air conditioners somewhere between 20 and 25 I just built the last five together oh the rock Drake's are hatching oh crap they're hatching inside the air conditioners all right let me let me grab you out your little guy and you as well man I'm so glad that we got some good levels out of these two male and female yes they actually are oh that's dope yeah that's that's definitely gonna that's a breeding pair Perfect all right let's get the rest of these things hatched up so we got the Megalosaurus should hatch in like a second boom bino sweet I figured that we just go ahead and hatch a bunch of things all at once because it makes more sense so yeah let me get these dudes over here as well Rock Drake's don't actually eat meat so we have to feed them nameless Venom and to get that the best way is to just go into the Blue Zone and then just turn off your life pad eventually a bunch of nameless will come out of the ground and then I like to wait till I have a good amount of them and then turn back on my light pad and then start slaughtering them we got like seven nameless Venom from this which will be good for the moment cuddle for you what that 50 percent okay and a cuddle for you nice I have no idea why they got imprinted by 50 maybe I messed something up actually you know what I don't think I messed anything up I think that they're just kind of like this while waiting to do the next imprint on my creatures I decided to go out looking for some more Megalosaurus hopefully females I cut a streak of good luck and managed to find a 150 female not long after that I also managed to find a 130 which is not a super super great level but it's good enough we just need females at this point after getting back to base I really wanted to work on trying to get myself a refining Forge which is very expensive to make so I made a couple more normal forges and then went out collecting some more metal to fill them all up and hopefully I would have this done very soon eventually the two new females were ready to tame up and the 150 actually had some really good melee but kind of crappy Health the 130 on the other hand had the exact same bad health and also even worse melee but at the end of the day they're females so that's gonna make them valuable anyway I formed up just a little bit more nameless Venom and then I went back to base and fed my rock Drake's I also brought up those females with my best male and then started incubating the eggs ah two more males you kidding come on when is this game gonna give me some females like this is getting ridiculous uh yeah we're probably gonna need to tame up some more females these all have really high timers these two are the lowest though I mean 23 hours 22 hours 40 hours that is 29 hours and then this is was that 41 hours yeah yeah okay so basically in 41 days these will have all been bred one more time ah man yeah the fact that we're just getting no female babies is just a real real shame we might have to go tame some more honestly I still really needed a Baryonyx of the water cave and unfortunately that other one that we found completely disappeared so I had to go out looking after a little while I managed to find something good oh hello okay nice all right we need to make sure we actually got the right one yeah that's it I brought it all the way back to my base and then knocked it out and then I got working on trying to make up some kibble for it I only had enough eggs to make four regular kibble but we can also use Superior kibble for the same effect for that though I needed some sap so I had to place down some sap Taps and this time I definitely remember to open them the female spino I was Raising fully grew up so I bred it with my other spino and then hatched up that egg and that also happened to be a female after a little while I climbed back up the tree to see if we had any and we had a bunch so I made up all that kibble and then tamed up that Baryonyx I had enough metal smelter to be able to make that Forge all I needed was some polymer so I went out to kill some karkinos to collect some organic polymer and that's when I found a 135 male spino I decided not to tame it in the end because it's a male one at this point I should really be focusing my efforts and resources into getting myself more females once I had enough polymer I went back to base and crafted up the forge not only is the forge gonna smelt my metal quicker it's also gonna make getting charcoal really easy my rock drags were finally grown up so I bred them together to get an egg then I took a trip to the surface evaporation which is where you can get all the best loot during the daytime this place is all on fire but at night time we can come here there are rapers out here which makes it very dangerous so I didn't really want to have to fight them this is probably one I should mention that aberration has almost kind of like a seasonal day cycle the first one has long days and short nights the second one has short days and long nights and then the third one's 50 50. the unfortunate part is we just went into the 50 50 season which means we're gonna have to wait another six days before we get back around to the long night one which is the best time to go out to the surface but we can at least try and grab some loot tonight most of the drops can be pretty hit or miss when it comes to the loot what I'm really looking for out here are Saddles from my Megalosaurus spinos and rock Drake's and then maybe also some Hazard armor blueprints oh yeah there we go oh crap I think I gotta fight this one nope that is not worth a blue drop all right grabbing it not worth it that was not worth it at all yeah not a super great haul for the first night lots of useless stuff at least I got the shotgun though that could come in handy just need to craft one not too expensive as well nice and went down to level megalosaur and then I found this and it's a female I brought back enough polymer to make up that shotgun then I trapped and knocked out that spinal right outside my gate how the hell did you lay an egg it's just you okay I'll take it after a little while the spinal was all tamed up and I brought it with my best male while waiting for the next Emperor to some of my creatures I went out looking for some berries unfortunately I didn't find any this time the spino I was Raising fully grew up so I went ahead and bred it with my best mail wow I just noticed that Pike on the ground in editing that must have been a draw from the earthquake I didn't even notice it we had two spino eggs to hatch but I wanted to hold on to them until we had more things to hatch now that I was free from the responsibility of having to imprint more creatures I decided to go out and look for some more baryonyxes and I wouldn't come back until I found some good ones I searched all over the place but eventually found a 140 male my overconfidence with this jump may have been my downfall but it actually led to a fruitful outcome whoa ah crap um I don't know if I have enough kibble to be able to get this one as well but I guess I could try turns out I did have enough kibble to tame up the two of them because the 135 would take one less I made up all the kibble I could and then fed them then I went ahead and bred the mail with the two females I now have after that I decided to go down to the Rock Drake trench again I wanted to see if we could get a couple more good eggs before we get into another session of raising things and I can't leave my face anymore I checked a bunch of nests and then eventually found this oh 180 egg let me just check some of the other ones before we actually grab it they were all crap all right here we go boom and let's leave try and avoid fighting pretty much all these dudes I checked every single Nest I could find and I couldn't find any more good eggs so I went back up and then started hatching up all of my eggs oh I got twins hell yeah male male male damn it the two baby spinos were male and female and then the two baryonyxes were both female that is terrifying nothing's just outside of my freaking base I had spent way too much time stuck in the base doing things so I decided to go out in the river and start leveling one of my spinos once my two baryonyxes were fully grown and imprinted I decided to breed them with my other male just to have some more eggs then I started leveling the better of these two Baryonyx after that I headed up to the surface because we were back onto the ideal day night cycle I went to my favorite surface area which is right beside the fertile Lake this one's definitely the best because it's a lot smaller which means less traveling around but you still get the same amount of drops anyway ooh okay that's actually pretty good we left with some pretty decent Loot and I went back to my base and made up that new carcino saddle then I went back up to the surface as soon as I could to get a full night of drops Rock Drake saddle blueprint hell yeah yeah pretty good haul from tonight I just wish I didn't waste time on making that other saddle and of course I went back up the next evening as well that is actually a pretty good haul especially the shotgun all right well we're back to 50 50 day and night so there's not much point of coming back up here I guess I'll do some other stuff so I went out and started leveling the Barry a little more alright so we're on day 51 which puts us at the middle part of the challenge so I thought we might do a little bit of a check-in just to kind of talk about what we've done so far and what we still have to get done but just in general man like what the hell I got so much stuff done and even just like the first 40 days we had like the majority of this stuff right here it's kind of crazy honestly but uh yeah so so far for the final boss fight we have 20 creatures I can bring in so far we have five megalosaurs all ready to go pretty much I guess I could probably try and get some more levels into them we have four spinos ready to go as well and then over here I have my five female megalosaurs that should be able to breed at some point um pretty soon hopefully let's see I think the one on the end had the highest timer and it's probably still around 24 hours uh 28 hours that's even worse so in around 28 days I should be able to have that and all these other ones bred up and I'll hatch all those eggs probably at the same time and try and raise them all up so at minimum we're gonna have 10 megalosaurs but we could get twins or triplets who knows so I'm not gonna hold out for that but we're gonna have most likely 10 megalosaurs going in all imprinted uh we're gonna have the rock Drake we're gonna have my shoulder pet and then we're gonna have at maximum eight spinos going in because currently we have four imprinted spinos and a bunch of females that are like ready to breed you're already ready to breed uh actually that's the new one I haven't read it yet you have 10 hours I think another one had uh 13 basically 14 hours there so yeah we should be able to pull a bunch of eggs out of these spinos here and um and use those for the boss fight as well but yeah man just in general like I'm so surprised with how much stuff we have done so far but we still need all three artifacts we still need to get some more good surface drops like really good Saddles and stuff like that but um yeah we got plenty of time to at least attempt to get those surface drops I am kind of angling towards maybe fighting beta Rockwell but we'll see we'll see if we can actually manage to do that uh could happen who knows but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say it right now until we actually get to the very end and then I I know whether or not we'll be able to do it but um I don't know man I'm feeling pretty confident we've done so much so far and yeah like I guarantee the first half of this video is like freaking hour and a half or something it's got to be an insane amount of footage that is actually gonna make it into the Final Cut but uh yeah anyway that is just a little bit of a check-in and I'm gonna keep working away here probably do the case pretty soon as well to be honest but uh yeah man so crazy it was about time that we go after some artifacts so I decided to start off with the cave that we were living near at the start this one could be pretty dangerous because there's a lot of raptors around and they can still pull me off my Mount and I really should have used my battery because the megalosaur can't jump across these gaps we can shoot and kill some creatures from over here though it just meant that I had to wait around a little bit for the crowd sickness to go away so I could throw it back out on the other side oh crap I think I gotta put him away again at this part I feel like I do oh no I think we fit okay that's good seriously dude like what on Earth just happened there it just Dismounts me all right we got a yellow drop over there I definitely need to get that before we leave this artifact really doesn't take very long to get you artifact of the depths sweet there's a little bit more to the cave but I didn't really feel like going around exploring because there's a lot of raptors in here a yellow drop must have just straight up disappeared but it's so annoying like God I didn't know I needed to grab it immediately this is about as far as you can go buddy but thank you for the help all right well I got the artifact I guess that's good but it kind of sucks that I didn't get any loot I continued my River Rampages in an attempt to level up the rest of my spinos and then we finally got back to the day night cycle that I can go out to the surface on here is my haul from the first night here was my haul from the second night this was the third night's haul oh hang on okay we gotta check that out in a second uh let me get up there no way yes oh that's gonna be so good 94 armor almost 95 that is yeah that is a really good find wow the first time I come to a different area during this night time and we find something this good like maybe I'd be making a mistake I have no idea and then here was the last haul I made up some vaults so I could expand my storage and then I got to work and trying to collect up a bunch of materials to eventually make up a bunch of these Saddles definitely gonna need a lot of hide though because I only had around ten thousand two of my female megalosaurs were finally ready to breed again so I went ahead and bred them and then also bred to my spinos hey a female finally two females amazing okay I could probably breed these two if they've got some good stats uh yeah this one here got the good melee and the decent health and this one got the lower melee and the decent Health okay not bad Hue male spinos though that's okay I didn't really need a huge amount of them anyway I pretty much spent the next few days just imprinting them and raising them up by this stage the spinos are already fully grown up so I took one out for some leveling oh hello level 20 not bad should be able to manage it with this spino I would say nice all right 12 levels uh not bad not bad then I hunted down and dropped to make up some more cryopods I made 20 new cryopods in total just so we had enough to store a bunch of creatures around the base and then also just all of my boss creatures my two new female megalosaurs were fully grown up so I bred them with my best male then I took one of them out for some leveling and I managed to find an Explorer note beside my face that I somehow missed until now he's holding me under water he's like freaking waterboarding me that is not fair oh go away I hate those things seriously you're like chilling out right beside my base that does not make me feel good at all oh wait what my freaking gates open dude get out of here oh crap I think this guy can actually pull me off of this thing so I don't really want to go after it with this my gate is wide open did I honestly leave it open are you kidding oh no no no don't don't don't he can break stone so I don't really want him attacking my base okay buddy let's uh let's lead you away come here come on all right here you go that roll rat right there saved my whole base legit like if that thing like I guess it would have run out of the water after it so I don't really know but anyway I mean like I'm just gonna I'm gonna credit that roll rat with saving my base oh man yeah that could have been really really bad like it would have just wandered straight in and what do I even have in there I see spinos oh my God wait all my Gathering creatures are like to the right as we walk in that gate so yeah it probably would have tried to murderize some of them and I have them all in passive like an idiot but at the same time I I when I when I get attacked by something or whatever I didn't really want everything shuffling around so it made sense but yeah hey gotcha oh my god dude that really could have been so bad I'm not even like I'm not even able to fully process how bad that actually would have been uh oh wow just a claw as as usual all right back at it again with some more surface drops for the next few nights and this was my all from that night big haul from tonight man this area is definitely got more drops and we got a really good Spinosaurus saddle too another night with just tons and tons of Loot and a lot of it's crap I did get this Megalosaurus saddle though pretty incredible haul from tonight actually we did get a Megalosaurus saddle blueprint it's not super amazing but it is something and then I got a bunch of uh Hazard stuff as well honestly like this stuff mostly comes from the drops with the Rings and I seem to get a lot of those tonight so yeah really good luck I mean that's good considering the last two nights have been kind of trash flippy had finally gained up enough passive levels to be able to one shot all these glow bugs once I was done with the glow bug Massacre I went back to base and started prepping for the water cave this cave is located in the crystalline Lake all right I'm really hoping there's not a carconos down here because that's definitely happened to me before all right gotta wait a little bit so I can put you away and take you back out on the other side although I guess I could take a little peek it looks okay God this cave is gorgeous like look at that so beautiful looking alright so I'm pretty sure the way we're supposed to go is like right down here so we could probably Glide that and then pull out the battery when we get down there and and we just got to wait a minute until that cryasticness goes away let's uh let's do a big loop here let's go back down and let me just try and like land off into the corner there we go we're good there's gonna be eels in here there's gonna be jellyfish in here there can be sarcos in here I think that there can be potentially a crab in here like we gotta go through this little water tunnel and then go all the way around and then get out on the other side this is the hardest part of the cave it truly is I think what I need to do for now is just uh focus on killing anything that I can see so I can see we've got some eels here oh that was so close oh buddy all right let me use the Barry on you and we can stun eels and stuff like that and some other creatures but I think we can also find Barry's in here as well in fact I think I might see one what is that yeah that's a that's a Max Level Barry just chilling it's a good thing that he's on this side because I can literally shoot him get him to come out of the water and then kill him otherwise we might get stunned if I went in I do have something because there's a lot of things that can Dismount me in here I did bring a stego but I don't know if that's a good idea to try and swim through there on the back of a stucco I will say this isn't as bad as a theme for me sometimes I've had times where there's like legit like just so many bad things like right here at least if I have some space to be able to actually shoot them and and kill them from then we should be okay yeah this is just like one of the water parts that's super dangerous there's another super dangerous part just up ahead yeah look we got a carcinos right there are you kidding me that's not fair oh my god dude I mean I could probably avoid him a bunch of salmon uh angler fish another carcinos when we go through and it's the level 130. um okay we might be able to avoid them let's just keep swimming through we're just gonna go right through here uh okay I'm gonna have to just go through as soon as I saw this my whole journey flashed before my eyes and then I decided to just keep moving come on get out of the water before that Barry gets me we're good we are good it really scared me for a second I was very tempted to turn around but yeah I just kind of Frozen fear oh my God that was terrifying I think I want to go ahead and check out one of my megalosaurs and we'll just have him start dealing with some of these guys so you go ahead and kill that crocodos no no go deal with the carciness okay never mind yeah yeah okay there you go he's bringing the Seeker to the carcinos oh that's a Barry oh he got me kill dude I did not know that was a Barry kill him kill what are you doing buddy what were you waiting for what were you attacking before you decided to help me wow that could have been bad how are we doing okay we're still doing good I had no idea that was a Barry right there I was aiming for the freaking jellyfish all right come on megalosaur let's do this I guess I'll just kill these dudes because they're just gonna come after me anyway oh wait what oh there's a carcinos up there I didn't even see that can't get a whistle in on it oh Mike what the hell is that thing doing up there okay yeah we'll just uh we'll just have him following for backup I mean I could probably rush through here but I don't want to end up with another situation where there's like a Barry on the other side all right you just uh you go oh I see yeah I see you go up there kill that Barry for me oh this is amazing who knew megalosaurs are great underwater creatures look at that thing it's just chilling up there like they put them there specifically to kill you in this exact way you think you're at the artifact but no surprise Barry yeah this cave is like the one that I worry about the most usually because I mean water caves are tricky especially when they're close quarters like this I mean there's got to be one of the hardest caves to do in Arc considering all the creatures that can knock you off and stun you in every single way but there we go artifact of the Shadows one more to go oh and you are following me out of here as well so I gotta climb up and try to get back to where I was before and there we go nice light pet just keeps running out of charge I think I'm just gonna power through this area okay no carconos I think that's good I gotta swim all the way up there uh oh what is that oh is that a Barry chilling at the surface of the water where I'm supposed to be coming out no okay let's uh let's just swim over here oh crap I'm drowning gotta get up and gotta get out all right we are no longer drowning uh let me go over here gotta wait a little bit before I can use my rock Drake to get back home but yeah we should be fine um let me get my bearings I think yeah this direction I've read one of my megalosaurs and one of my spinos and then I hatched those eggs up alongside the other two megalosaur eggs we already had then I pretty much spent a couple days just raising them up and then it was time to go out to the surface again here was the first night's haul this was the second night's haul this was the third night haul and then this was the last night's haul I had to grab the last artifact which is in the k located in the Red Zone I always really struggled to find the entrance of this one though all right what do we got uh so many creatures over there um some up on the ledge I don't think there's gonna be an issue for us definitely need to get these guys to fall off though let's just uh shoot at that megalosaur all right we got the Megalosaurus coming let's hit the arthro I can probably just jump right past everything here and just avoid them all in fact I could probably just go invisible and avoid absolutely everything I think it's like up there or something I'm not really sure uh okay let's just become uninvisible and let me just climb the wall a little bit see we got that let's do that and cancel and then latch onto there that was very laggy because we're loading in so much of this cave I think this is the area uh we got a bunch of things here I think we'll be oh this is where the artifact is okay yeah we gotta fight these guys yeah it's kind of crazy how quickly you can get through this cave if you have a rock Drake to be honest I probably wouldn't even come in here if I didn't have one because you'd have to like climbing pick all over the place forever there we go the art of effect of the what is this one called The Stalker yeah there we go artifact of the stalker sweet now we just need to get the hell out of here I could probably just Glide most of the way though we're a little bit high up but oh my God they're not even aggroating what is happening well that was really easy I think the hardest part about that cave was actually finding the entrance like that took me forever I just I can never find that one at this point I had 17 of the 18 creatures I would need along with a megalosaur and a spino egg I managed to get twins out of the megalosaur egg and they both had the high stats as well so I plan to probably just raise up the two of them and then just substitute out one of my bad megalosaurs I crafted an industrial cooker and then started making some more medical Brews and then I also made up some Shadow steak saute this stuff basically reduces recoil to nothing and it makes it really easy to use the shotgun on Rockwell's tentacles I was out at the surface drops again and I got exactly what I was looking for oh my that is exactly what I needed yes yes okay I'm leaving I'm done here yeah I'm not even gonna bother staying out here anymore like we're done we don't need to come back up to the surface now oh that's an alpha Reaper King right there wait wait let me just how much time do we have we don't have that much time I just want to see it so cool all right I'm not fighting that thing no way yeah that's uh that's pretty good and it's actually not even that expensive I mean the polymer biggest thing there but we can mostly use organic polymer we're probably gonna have to use a little bit of normal polymer though I used a mind wipe and then pumped all my points into crafting skill come on give me a good one oh 39 I will take that I mean I feel like we could have probably gotten a little bit closer to 50 but 39 is good 303 damage that is pretty amazing then I crafted up a bunch of Megalosaurus Saddles okay not a bad haul of saddles here I do have some just straight up Saddles that are better than some of these but yeah they're still gonna be pretty useful oh crap I just realized I'm not gonna be able to craft this inside of here I don't have enough slots no oh that sucks damn it dude yeah I'm so used to playing with S Plus I keep forgetting there's only like 75 slots inside of a Smithy I'm not gonna have a replicator either so that's not gonna be a thing wait I'm pretty sure oh yeah no no okay we're gonna make that one 81 armor down from 94. it's a major downgrade but that is actually a lot cheaper I probably should have been going for these ones anyway all right well we got six of those Saddles and actually some of them here are really good A lot of them around the 40 mark yeah those are those are pretty good it's a real shame about this one but these ones should definitely do the job I mean they're already really good that is the benefit of having high armor on a lower tier blueprint if this was ascended or even Mastercraft it'd probably be like twice the actual cost to make the same armor amount it's so weird alright last but not least we gotta do this rock Drake one all right 88 armor on this let's see what we can get that up to 106. not amazing but still pretty good I will definitely take take that so here's all the Saddles together that is currently 16 we need 19 saddles in total but I'm pretty sure I have a couple good megalosaur ones I know this one has a really good one on it so yeah we'll uh we'll fill up those last three slots with the uh with the ones that we just have the final thing I needed for the boss trippy was two pheromone glands from a Reaper Queen which of course means we're gonna need to kill a Reaper Queen so I went to the Red Zone in search of them and I managed to find two together all right oh crap two at a time probably not a good idea we'll try it though oh my God one of you guys gonna die jeez you're so bloody just pass away give up just go to the light I guess they don't like light actually never mind go to the darkness okay got one nice wait did I did I get it I don't think I did I can see a bag on the ground though it's probably in there hey gotcha oh I got five from that one nice okay I guess we can leave now because I got what I needed all right so it is currently day 93 and um I figured that we'd do a little bit of a check in here just to kind of figure out everything that we have done everything that we need to do and I have to tell you we are fairly set to fight Rockwell um the only thing I still need for the tribute is nameless Venom and I think I need 12 maybe I can't remember something like that I I will have to get that within two hours of entering that Arena so we'll probably do that like right beforehand I'm gonna need a bunch of that anyway to heal up the rock Drake because it heals 100 Health per nameless Venom so I want to maybe try and get like 50 if I can and then we're gonna have enough to to heal them up by like an absolute crap ton if we need to but uh everything else I mean like I just kind of need more armor so I don't know if I want to go out to the surface to try and get more surface drops or maybe just craft some more I'll probably go for this one to be honest this one's slightly cheaper than the other one but it has better durability slightly less armor but not not by far uh then we also have this blueprint right here which I don't know I'm gonna have to see if that's even possible to craft it looks like it might end up being possible but I'm gonna have to mostly go for regular polymer uh rather than organic polymer which is basically free with all the crabs around so I don't know maybe I'll just go for the Lesser chess piece and just make up like three of them instead of just two yeah we'll go we'll probably go for this one I mean like it seems like a waste to go for this one being so expensive it's going to take a lot to actually get that so I'll probably just go for this one instead um and then I guess what else do we have in terms of armor Let's see we have I'm gonna need another helmet of course we're gonna need two chess pieces maybe three potentially and then I guess I could probably probably just bring like an extra pair of armor anyway so we've got this we've got this let's just bring those as well we might as well just do that I mean like three pairs of armor seems like a lot I'll just wear the best pair at the start and then um yeah I guess I'll try to make up two more helmets three chess pieces and I need a pair of gloves so let's see what are we gonna do for that um oh that is that's good but that would be actually you know what that's not that expensive that really is is quite decent I mean it only costs 50 normal polymer and everything else I mean Crystal one of the harder things to get there but it's pretty much all around me so it just takes a couple minutes to actually grab um yeah I'll probably I'll probably make up one pair of these two pair of these and then three of these uh and then yeah we should be good man we uh we've done good I will tell you like you could probably get this done today but it's only day 93. I'm gonna wait until day 100 to go into that Arena so I'm trying to get a good angle here but it's taking a long time I'm gonna wait till day 100 because I don't want to potentially die in there and have another situation like on the island where I technically died before day 100 the title needs to be somewhat accurate so yeah anyway um in terms of creatures though we have all these dudes here we have the rock Drake we have the shine horn on my shoulder and uh yeah we're fairly set to go I just I just need to craft up these things I suppose so we're getting down to the end of things here folks uh we're on day 98 and I'm setting up everything for the boss fight unfortunately there's no easier way for me to get all my creatures centered around the platform up that little Hill right there so I pretty much have to be chucking them out of cryopods and unfortunately the Megalosaurus wouldn't wake up fast enough so I can't check them all out at once I'll probably do that with the spinos though but I'm also down here to collect up a bunch of nameless Venom we're gonna need 12 for the tribute to actually enter the ball Serena but beyond that I'm just gonna bring as much as we can possibly get because the more nameless Venom the better that means I'm going to be able to heal up my rock Drake by a ton it gets like 100 Health per nameless Venom so if I went in with like 100 nameless Venom I'd be able to heal him up by 10 000 Health at some point if I needed it so yeah we'll we'll see we'll see how much we get we have lots and lots of time until day 100 which is when we're of course gonna start the boss fight so uh yeah there we go we finally got some extra ones man I it was it took me a little while there to get some extra it was just like not giving me anymore I had like 17 for like five minutes so yeah um yeah we're pretty much setting everything up here I also should probably mention it's been a few days since the last uh clip there on what day was that 93 I think um I actually had to take a couple days break because I wanted to wait for the update where Rockwell will be updated and he's gonna start talking and everything basically they they announced this update for the boss fight so I was like okay I'll wait for that to be out so yeah the rest rest of this video has been edited and I can tell you right now like this video's been absolutely crazy I was pretty much dead on with the first half being like around an hour or so super crazy but um yeah lots and lots of stuff was done in the first half I'm really happy with the progress so I'm just really hoping that we can actually manage to defeat beta Rockwell with the stuff that we've managed to get so far in this Challenge and um and hopefully try to ascend we'll see though but uh yeah so I'm gonna you my work down here we just gotta wait for some more nameless to start spawning after a little while they just kind of stopped spawning in areas so you have to move around a little bit okay so it's day 99 and we have a lot of nameless Venom in here I'm not exactly sure how much but I guess we'll find out in just a second let me just sort out my armor situation here so I gotta get rid of all this stuff and then I gotta swap my set of armor that I have on with the best set that I have here so let's do that real quick and there we go and now we're gonna drop this set on the ground as well and then I'm gonna take all of that and then I'm gonna transfer in all of this meat there you go uh okay cool so I'm just gonna sort out my inventory here um I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of that folder we don't need that anymore and yeah I'm gonna sort out all this stuff okay let's see so we gotta do this really quick because I obviously want to limit the amount of time that this stuff is in my inventory because that's gonna start spoiling at four times the rate so here we go let's do that we have 136 not bad boom sweet Okay so so yeah I just need 12 of this of course to uh to do the tribute but we got a little bit of time before it's actually midnight and then we roll into day 100 but yeah all these dudes are ready to go um at this point there's really nothing else I need to do let's just go gamma three to make it a little bit brighter I'm just probably gonna just chill here and uh and just you know contemplate everything oh my God all right I guess uh I'll go ahead and just heal you up a little bit there you go buddy it's really crazy like you know so much preparation put into a video like this you know it's it's a big thing to try and just do 100 hours of gameplay and then turn that into like a video that's probably around an hour and a half long um honestly like I'm really happy with this so far and I'm really hoping that we actually can Ascend here because it would really suck if I didn't so yeah we uh we just gotta wait till midnight now and then we can get down to it and it is officially day 100 yes I did it I made it here I can end the video now if I really wanted to but I guess we'll do this Rockwell fight here we go oh okay okay so um for this fight the the main thing that we just need to try and do is just keep moving uh I gotta keep filling up my dude here with the nameless Venom to heal him so he's uh so he's all healed up in the stamina's gonna regen I'm just worried about that spinal right there I feel like he'll be okay he should teleport right most of his body is within this bubble but we'll see oh man all right oh I'm I'm so nervous man oh all right we can do this I know we can here we are there we go let's do that and there is Rockwell Let's Go Gamma three oh wow okay we're already uh gambled up apparently wow it seems super dark right now all right let me whistle them in there we go oh dude that's awesome so yeah he does have his voice lines I did another video where I basically had that stuff being featured heavily so if you want uh you can probably hear it a little bit better than that we're gonna focus on trying to get this done though um okay so that took five shots to destroy okay yeah this is why having a really good shotgun is necessary you don't want to have to spend several mags on the same tentacle wow okay oh and I didn't even do this Shadow stake definitely recommended in here because uh of course that's gonna make it so you're gonna pretty much just be super accurate with the shots there we go let's go ahead and shoot that one a little bit uh we got these balls behind us here um I do need to shoot those occasionally all right we gotta get over here get ready for my dudes to start attacking I'm not sure if they're already attacking they might not be healthy a little bit more we also got to shoot the balls there we go nice are they attacking get in there come on there you go perfect okay oh crap that's a lot of balls um we're good all right one more tentacle to go and then he should go down a little bit that should bring him down to like a quarter I believe all right here we go and boom Oh wait seriously you're not dead yet all right sometimes I I don't know why sometimes it seems to take an extra one it's weird maybe some of the pellets are aren't actually hitting it's kind of annoying how I keep having to whistle them in like this though all right let me get over here yeah I think nameless will start spawning now which shouldn't mean much of an issue the Reapers of the real issue in here so yeah let me uh also just heal up my guy a little bit so he's already down by like almost 3K so let's just there we go and then just do a couple more here I don't want to overdo it there we go nice all right we also gotta watch out for him electrifying the arena here crap oh do that okay we're good we're good that could have been really bad I did not expect him to do that okay yeah so uh if you get stuck in that it Dismounts you and that would have been super bad that probably would have been maybe not the worst thing right now but if there was Reapers around and that happened then that is like basically death uh come on there we go nice oh okay we uh we got three more oh look at that that is so crazy man oh we got the balls coming up against me here um all right let's see uh okay it's just one I'm good oh that's a lot of nameless though yeah that freaking attack like he he just immediately starts doing it it's so terrifying oh yeah oh yeah we got Reapers all right let me uh let me just try and move away from them I don't really want to try and have to deal with them I'm not gonna try and kill them I'm just gonna let them be here you know we'll just try and avoid them all right oh crap there's so many of them I can't really oh okay my the balls broke my pants no all right it happens guys sometimes you know living this life it's a blessing and a curse uh okay oh he's electrifying again dude stop doing that one attack all right yeah he's on like a sliver one last round and then we got you down buddy oh my God look at this Megalosaurus just being mauled by the nameless oh my god dude oh that's not that's not okay oh I lost my helmet we're okay um we'll be fine all right that's dead nice oh look at this freaking megalus workout I wasn't even doing he's just running point for me it's just like he's got mistakes go okay here we go come on let's do it everybody in oh they're not they're not gonna bother are they no I gotta do it it's up to me now they're all just preoccupied with everything else come on Rockwell come on let me do it yes oh there we go guys Ascension baby oh yeah well if you have enjoyed this 100 day adventure go ahead do me a favor hit the like button it costs you nothing it helps me greatly and uh we'll do Extinction I gotta figure out what we're how we're gonna do that because there's a lot to do but it can be done and it will be done at some point in 2023. thank you guys for watching and uh enjoy the Ascension thank you foreign the sweet Embrace of death the aberration way as well [Music]
Channel: Syntac
Views: 2,592,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, ark survival, ark survival evolved, syntac ark, ark letsplay, dinosaur, dinosaurs, dino, ark 100 days, Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore ARK Survival Evolved, ark hardcore, ark 100 days survival, I survived 100 days, ark episode 1, ark ep 1, minecraft 100 days, 100 days of ark, 100 days in ark survival, ark 100 days challenge, ark 100 days aberration, ark 100 days in space, surviving 100 days on aberration, ark hundred days, ark aberration, ark 100, 100 days, 100, days, in
Id: 0xSKt2L5Z8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 34sec (5734 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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