200 Days of Raft - The Movie

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I've got my dodgy hook and my chunky raft and it's time to free this post-apocalyptic Water World from tyranny I'll also be building a rather gorgeous raft and murdering several generations of sharks welcome to 200 days of raft the movie on day one I found myself adrift looking like this very handsome indeed I had a tiny raft a plastic hook and an infinite trash cluttered sea so I got to collecting give me leaves what as you can see I was an absolute beast at reeling in rubbish oh there's a shark get out of here bro Charlene the shark was circling ominously which I didn't appreciate but I ignored her for now and collected plastic planks and big old Palm leaves and even better were the barrels all potato beat nice I then figured out how to open my inventory and crafting menu I can make a whole bunch of useful stuff in here and the first thing on the agenda to craft was the building Hammer which lets me expand my raft adding some more foundations which cost two planks and two plastic each oh he's coming for me he's coming for me I don't know why I was calling poor charlena he she's clearly a beautiful woman shark but either way I scrambled to craft a weapon ah I did manage to make a spear for next time Charlene decided to eat my delicious raft there was a little island here but I was too scared to risk swimming to it so I drifted on by but it was nice to know there is land in this game it's not going to be all blue this is Big Boy Big Boy crate oh I've got a thirst and hunger bar down here so it seemed wise to work out a plan for water and so I made a purifier and a cup fill with sea water Place cup and see what a nice another Island was coming up ahead and I was determined to visit this one so I made myself a paddle oh scare the crap out of me I tried to repair the damage to this Foundation but couldn't figure out how so I gave up and paddled over to the island I made this throwable anchor attached it to the raft and chucked it in the water to make sure my rafts didn't abandon me and then made a realization oh I'm supposed to place planks there with planks of fuel my purifier was now actually purifying so that was good and I made myself a simple Grill and whacked a potato on to cook as well my first cup of fresh water was ready in short order so I gave it a slurp which quenched some thirst I made myself a stone ax ate my first cooked potato and jumped into the water I spotted these rocks under the water and it seemed they were collectible oh [Music] gosh oh gosh okay I can't do this right now and so I bail I don't know why I didn't swim literally two meters to the land there but clearly Charlene had me pooping my pants I then made a small crop plot in which I planted some veggies and watered them with some purified water as day two dawned I realized I'd somehow fished up two blueprints one for an antenna and one for a receiver I made a research table and popped it down here and expanded out the raft some more so that Charlene doesn't eat my new table this allows you to research specific materials and once you've researched each particular material to craft a specific item that item becomes available to craft I learned how to make a few things including a bigger crop plot I investigated my decorative crafting options and saw I could make a calendar my calendar wall yeah let's go this is very handy as without it I would have 100 lost track of what day it was and ended up doing like 142 days accidentally I eventually thought to research Nails as well which are made from scrap and this unlocked a very juicy crafting recipe the simple collection net this combines planks rope and nails to make a net that automatically catches the floaty trash from absolutely beautiful and as you can see it was well into the night of day two before I paddled my way to a nearby Island I was determined to actually visit this one instead of quivering in fear I found some watermelons flowers of various colors palm tree and mango tree which I chopped down and some pineapples except my bags were really full so I think I may have missed some stuff I ended up just making a pile of crap here on the raft to create space in my bags this seagull started going absolutely ballistic on my crops this game's stressful man I just feel like I'm on the edge of my chair trying to maintain like a million things at once I was so stressed in fact that I completely forgot to try and scavenge underwater at the island it's all good because there's always another Island on the horizon in the meantime I scrounged together the plastic to make a couple of storage boxes which solved my inventory overflow woes and then I ate a watermelon it takes two Chomps to eat and it quenches a fair bit of thirst and a bit of hunger too I made a few more collection naps and spread them out around the place and I opened up some of these decoration packages I found in barrels I learned how to make a shelf fireplace firewood rack and pile of books I'd worked out that I could craft shark bait so I was hoping to use some to Vanquish Charlene it required some fishies to make though so I crafted a fishing rod and got to fishing as day four dawned I caught the last fish I needed I chucked an extra fish on to fry and made my Shark Bait I checked it in the water and Charlene was intrigued as she came in to grab the bait I poked her with my Spear and she swam off come on Shelly come on come get it get it you idiot and eventually the plan paid off did I get him I got him he's flying why is he flying oh he's floating he's flying I got a shark kid yes hey get away seagull stole my Beats I don't know why I was calling charlena him again but it doesn't matter because she's dead and I stole her meat and her head now what I should have done at this point was Head Underwater and grab stuff while there were no sharks about what I did instead was chase this weird dodo turkey around trying to stab it but he was quite elusive so I gave up and chopped down a few palm trees instead I got some coconuts for my troubles I then headed into the coral reef and was immediately assaulted by a self-destructing puffer fish it did a Kamikaze fart on me once that Pleasant Aroma dissipated I used my plastic hook to collect scrap sand clay and stone I obviously had to keep coming up for breath but it wasn't too deep so I didn't have too much trouble I grabbed some seaweed too and when I couldn't see much more to scavenge I headed back to land right into pumba's Loving Arms oh my gosh what the heck I tried to fight the big fella but I was having serious trouble so I took refuge in the water what are you gonna do now bro oh there's a lot I honestly had no idea where that attack came from so I swam away and decided to regroup at my raft but this turned out to be a pretty bad idea I'm dead please don't kill me Charlene's cousin Charmaine the shark had found me and she was out for vengeance but somehow I survived oh I made it I dumped all of my stuff and made a medium crop plot in which I planted some watermelon seeds I also put some of that shark meat on to cook I researched clay and seaweed and learned how to make clay balls I then crafted wet brick from sand and clay and placed it on the deck to dry I also made a scarecrow to protect my crops from seagulls as they pilfered my Beats while I was away on the island I made another storage container and then ate my cooked shark meat which went a huge way to setting my Hunger I then made a break for the island while Charmaine wasn't looking and this time had left there was another huge area to explore and Charmaine was still circling my raft like an idiot so I was free to scavenge away I collected a bunch more goodies before attempting to come onto the island from this far side I made my way up the hill a bit and I thought I'd escape the warthog where or was that a bird what was that I then saw a light over behind a rock intrigued I wandered over hello what I stumbled upon an island with a trading post which took trash cubes and trade coins in exchange for all sorts of cool stuff there were three tiers two of which I needed to unlock and I could sell these fancy fish in exchange for reputation and trade coins I had no idea how to get trash cubes and this gave me late game Vibes and yet I'd stumbled onto it on day five all right well this is sick I had no idea wait did I just get glass Metal Ingot hinge let's go I wandered further up the island and the puzzle of the mysterious attacker was finally solved you oh you're trying to drop stuff on me he's dropping rocks on me as day6 dawned it was back into the water where I spotted something tantalizing copper I don't have a bag space I ate four pineapples to make some room in my bag which I actually think is quite impressive especially while floating in the ocean and I came away with a few copper ore for my troubles I continued my sweep of the ocean floor and before long my hook broke on my way back to my raft I stumbled upon a curious fire it seems someone dropped a whole bunch of goodies all the way down here almost too deep for me to reach safely I vowed to return with a hook and headed off to my raft to make one but first it was time to go on a researching Rampage with all the loot I'd found Advanced purifier hinge all advanced Grill metal fishing rod shovel large crop metal ax scrapbook metal spear net launcher she is stationary anchor storage smelter I made a few more wet bricks and put them down to dry and made myself a scrapbook which was the newly researched improved version of the plastic hook and on my run back I realized there was more of a story to this game than I thought oh what the heck just realized I got a journal a world is gone but its stories remain gather as many as you can with Pete's sake watch out for sharks them stories sure sound interesting but for now it was time to dive I had to dive five or six times to collect all the loot down here and I may have almost drowned go go go go go go I came away with the juicy haul most notably 18 metal ore and 12 copper back on the raft I picked up my five dry bricks and it was back to what I do best drifting like a lonely nerd on the endless blue I kept up my chores of farming cooking and purifying I wondered where the heck my scarecrow would disappeared to and then made myself a chest and filled it up with all my craft materials I extended my raft out some more put two more bricks down to dry and checked out this little island it just had fruit flowers and trees I researched some of these flower types and I have no idea what I unlocked in fact I have no idea what these flowers do at all but they sure are colorful as day 8 Dawn I crafted myself a simple bed I wasn't a fan of exploring in the dark especially underwater so I figured I might sleep through some nights in future I also picked up my two dry bricks crafted my first smelter and chucked in a bunch of planks and a metal ore and set that to smelt away it was then time to plunder the underwater part of this island but Charmaine wasn't having it I think she was still salty about that time I killed her cousin Charlene so I collected my freshly smelted metal bar and made myself a metal Spear and metal fishing rod and got to fishing I wanted to use a shark bait technique again so I needed to catch the appropriate fish to craft herrings and or palm trees except my mistake was I had made a higher tier fishing rod I kept catching fancy fish like salmon and catfish and about 300 of every fish out there except for the two crappy fish I needed I even caught an old shoe which I planted a potato in this chicken fella who to be fair is absolutely glorious and this bottle candle light thinger I eventually gave up and slipped into the water hoping to sneak by a Charmaine it worked for a while but I was sniffed out eventually so I returned to the raft for more fishing and I immediately caught the palm tree I needed but then when I went to craft the shark bait I didn't have enough rope anyway so I tried my luck again and this time I stood my ground and I guess since I'd been chipping away at Charmaine every time she tried to eat my raft he was quite low health so I managed to kill her with free rain in the water I cleaned up what was left to grab I found a giant clam which was new and also more metal ore and copper it was lovely until oh oh Cheryl's here now that's right charmaine's adopted daughter Cheryl the shark had arrived to avenge her mother I researched the giant clam which lets me build a bird's nest and then removed my anchor and returned to the endless drift I smelted some copper and researched the copper bar which unlocked the battery recipe which was intriguing by the beginning of day 10 I'd after my chest count to three and I enjoyed getting my storage situation a little more organized I moved my existing collectors to make things a bit neater and I made the raft a bit less randomly shaped admittedly it did have a collection appendage sticking out but other than that it was actually a square for once while I was working on these Renovations I spotted a manta ray very spicy and I soon drifted into another Island so I chucked and anchored down but didn't explore the island just yet because I had a bunch of stuff I was working on I worked down some more wet bricks to dry as well as some lanterns for lighting and at this point I realized I hadn't researched the antenna and receiver recipes that became available when I found those blueprints ages ago so I had a look at the research table to try and figure out what I was missing turned out it was Vine goo and so I looked through my chest and had the idea to try and smelt some seaweed and sure enough it led me turns out it literally tells you this on the tool tip but I was too much of a goose to read that while that was smelting I collected some fruit and flowers from the island Vine goo okay this is what I needed all along Empty Bottle glorious circuit board yes sweetness flippers cooking pot I kept smelting seaweed for more vinegar and made myself some shark bait with which to Vanquish Cheryl hadouken I'm inside the shark give me that shark mate I got perhaps halfway through collecting all the stuff down here went out of nowhere Cheryl's great auntie Charlotte the shark tried to eat me this time I hid amongst the rocks and fought her toe to Finn I was beginning to realize that if I timed my attacks and movements I could fight a shark underwater without even taking damage and after they lunged at me I could get heaps of pot shots in yeah and so I kept on Scavenging I found a random crate which was nice and soon enough my second hook of this Expedition broke on me and as I was recuperating on the raft Charlotte's dad Shane the shark started devouring my bait so I stabbed him a couple of times but my spear broke I didn't have the planks needed to make another one so I decided to head out except my Fleming raft was stuck so I had to paddle like a goose on the loose to get myself free it was a struggle but finally at the dawn of day 12 I got myself back into drift mode please like the video if you agree that there's no better mode than drift mode and subscribe if I missed this Barrel I extended the raft a bit put another copper bar onto smelt and enjoyed the fruits of my collection Nance I think we can make Circa board now research antenna sprinkler receiver juicer whoa beautiful I wonder if I can do anything with those if I like set up anchor here if I could fight them or something I began smelting sand to make glass and I made a second smelter with some bricks I'd left out to try to speed up production I used the glass to make an advanced purifier include some space to place it down here this fit five cups of seawater at once I made a grill too food and water concerns just got way way easier which felt amazing I collected my first batch of fried fish and they were much better to eat than cooked potatoes or beets I drifted close to this dilapidated raft so I quickly dropped an anchor and swam over to check it out there was a crate up top in which I found the recipe for vegetable soup and let me tell you never underestimate vegetable soup this recipe ended up being the greatest later in the run on my return to the raft Shane bit my butt a couple of times but I made it back we're putting us soup a soup recipe can go up here next to the calendar by the way it may be hard to tell but my raft was actually weirdly askewed which I think happened when I got stuck in that Island earlier this means that my collectors were awkwardly positioned at an angle to the trash and I wasn't collecting very efficiently and this was annoying the crap out of me so I made myself a sale and tried to use it to rotate my raft but all I did was push the raft in various directions without rotating it well at least I finally had a sale probably should have had one of these ages ago anyway I gave up and made my first water bottle from Vine goo and plastic this fits five cups worth of water I put one of the salmon I caught earlier on to cook that's a big honken salmon I made a streamer which shows me which way the wind is blowing and I made an antenna and put it here it doesn't do anything without a receiver though so I made one of those I had a quick Munch of my freshly cooked salmon and found it had three bites worth in it very nice and then this happened that's a whale should I stop it I placed a simple battery to power the receiver turned it on and it simply said it requires higher altitude and so on day 14 I spent about 10 years trying to get the Flaming antenna and receiver combo to work and in the process I learned a lot about all the options I had available using my building Hammer I made some poles some raised platforms some flooring stairs and ladders I eventually figured out that it was a receiver that needed to be up higher and the antenna seemed to be at an okay height up here but needed to be a bit further away from the receiver oh and I needed two more of them this techie business is complicated I managed to position the antenna acceptably far away but I wasn't exactly impressed with the structure I'd built oh look at this mess look at this mess it's a disgrace I made two more antennas and lined them up too close to up goodness sake what if you're removed is that still too close okay you could hear the mild frustration in my voice there clearly I wasn't a big fan of antennas at this point in my life it's fine though because I drifted into a little island so I gave myself a break and went for an explore it was a typical Island flowers fruit and trees kind of deal I admired my raft from above it's kind of janky and once the land was picked bare I headed underwater I somehow escaped Shane's notice so I had free Reign Over the delicious oceans Bounty by this point I decided I couldn't be bothered collecting Stone as I didn't seem to need much but everything else got slapped by my hook Shane was too dumb to eat me while I was in the water but he was happy to eat my raft which was a big mistake five sharks down Shane's dead I wonder who's coming next spoiler alert Shane's long-lost brother Sheridan came next I headed back into the water with my fresh hook and man this was a juicy underwater area my resource chest was looking nice and full so I kept those smelters working overtime got back to trying to figure out how to get the receiver working firstly I gave my one functional antenna its own little Tower platform I then enlarged the receiver's platform so it actually fit properly and made another antenna tower hoping that three foundations away was enough is that acceptable yes let's go Turtle can I stab you I put up my final antenna tower the same distance away on the other side and it was the moment of truth let's go I ended up heading to the nearest Green Dot about 900 meters away I was pretty sure the radar Works orientated to the direction the receiver is facing and so by that logic I turned the sail in the direction of the Green Dot I don't know what the green thing means I don't know why that one's blue maybe I should be going to the blue one because there's two green ones maybe the blue ones more important I don't know I built another row of Foundations to protect my antenna towers and I also figured out that if I destroy a damaged Foundation block with an ax I Salvage half the materials it cost to make in the first place which isn't too bad it would have been better if I just figured out how to repair properly but that can wait until like day 60 because I'm a bit slow can I make like a reusable anchor at this point stationary anchor holy crap it's huge I slapped this big boy anchor down here and added some more foundations protect it from Sheridan and then I gazed longingly at the island the green God had led me to and this is where I realized there was no longer moving towards the island my raft was sitting still for some reason I have to paddle the remaining distance I think it's working it was working but my paddle broke and somehow I didn't have the materials to make another one and then using my Elite powers of deduction I worked out why I was stuck it's because I'm going like directly against the wind is that why oh and so I tried zigzagging across the wind hoping I could slowly Edge my way closer it didn't work a weight anchor and drifted away for a bit so I could gather resources and then I made a second sale am I getting closer no I'm just staying still I'm getting further away well of course you're getting further away you idiot sales catch the wind they don't magically Fight Against the Wind anyway I gave up and decided to head for the blue dot instead why am I a woman you may remember that on day one I was well and truly of the male persuasion but now I was looking slightly different I'm not sure what the heck happened there I think something weird happened with my steam sinking either way uh why not I fished as I went in an effort to keep up my stock of food I also fished up this little cat he likes to wave that night Sheridan tried to eat my raft for the last time rest in peace fella we're close we're closing in we're moving so slow though once again I was fighting the wind I was beginning to wonder if I simply do not know how to Raft I tried the zigzagging technique again all right with zigging and zagging now and of course it didn't work so I whipped out the paddles oh oh I actually found it I actually found it there it is my rather questionable paddling technique was actually working I had arrived at what resembled an oil rig with big old satellite dishes on top and two and a half paddles later I finally made it to my first story location in raft and so I began exploring there was a bunch of plastic and scrap I could pick up so that was nice and there were also some strange spray painted messages caught a shark named him Bruce I got you Bruce and I found this note January it's been weeks just me and Owl here now stuck on this platform basically a bunch of widows with bird code names were experiencing strife and someone named Sparrow stole the boat so Alan cuckoo were stranded during the club and Crimea River birdies I've been stranded to see for 19 days now I performed some extraordinary parkour and found myself a crate with some juicy loot I then found a headlight blueprint this sounds convenient for late night diving and I found another note owls radio notes 22nd of December this dress call received 2nd of February gunshots in the distance 6th of March another distress call varuna points missing child this radio tower was getting all kinds of distress calls from all over the place and finally I was at the top oh what the heck this was neither cocoon nor owl so I was confused but I guess I just unlocked a new playable character and she promptly turned into a beam of Light which was alarming anyway I then grabbed the recycler blueprint this is how you get trash cubes nice nice maybe the Trading Post isn't such a late game thing after all there was also a photo of Utopia question mark question mark and coordinates to a new location I opened up my journal and all my radio tower notes were recorded neatly and I now had a new tab for visagatan which I guess is where I'm supposed to go next I returned to my raft stashed my Loot and hit up the research table I was able to learn how to make a recycler immediately but I had to research a battery before I could learn the headlight recipe I immediately made a recycler and started filling it with Palm leaves and it was taking a lot I put in about 80 and it still wasn't full so I decided I'd come back to it later hit up the receiver to punch in my new coordinates up until this point I had no idea what this weird thing with the numbers was but obviously this is where I put in 4819 my new destination it was about two kilometers away but first I decided to scavenge under the radio tower there wasn't much there but I did get into a battle with Sheridan's private investigator Sherlock the shark you dared Sherlock soon enough I was back to Drifting and I made myself a headlight and some flippers my first equippable items I was particularly excited about the flippers because fast swimming sounds very handy day 21 dawned as they set off towards the blue dot I expanded my raft out a bit and Consolidated all the collection Nets into one long line and I made even more collection Nets and lengthened the line as wide as I could I spread them out on every second spot as I figured this gave the best coverage for now but the goal was to eventually have every spot full of collection Nets spanning the entire width of the trash zone so I never missed any Trash Sherlock's old partner Watson the shark bothered me a bit but I poked him away and before long just as I was about to explain how proud I was in my collection line now I feel like I'm pretty much wait what the heck is this that's a cruise ship I got my inventory sorted and headed out to investigate mechanical part it looked like I had immediately found an item that was going to come in handy on the ship as it went into my journal as a sort of story item type deal I climbed up the front of the ship to find it was looking rather deserted I claimed the creative goodies had a peek through this window looking kind of creepy in there not gonna lie and then spotted another mechanical part on the other side of the boat so I grabbed that quickly door is locked from the other side can I climb up there I can doors locked from the other side I headed down to the lower deck and made my way into this tossed-up bar area I found some bullets plus the first note of the boat as I've suspected the crew was completely incompetent of course the food shortage will need to be handled tonight we're discussing which staff members are most suitable for termination well that is one way of handling a food shortage I found my third and fourth mechanical part and then a sneaky entrance at the back of the yacht I made my way into the bowels of the ship and it was rather dark so I whacked my headlight on I grabbed a crowbar from this engine room and also turned on this switch and I have no idea what that did but the Crowbar helped me to open this door so that was good oh oh okay they're not that hard Romy disgusting raw meat but raw meat any more of you weirdos in here this bunk room had some vegetable soup which I ate and it was quite nourishing and a locker that said requires bolt cutters I was getting serious escape room puzzle solving kind of Vibes and honestly that wasn't something I expected to come across in this game but it was pretty fun so far next I found a door that required a blue key and a bathroom where I found a red key I used the red key to get into this room where I found another mechanical part a bolt cutter and a car jack requires electrical wires lighter gas tank bullet am I gonna make a bomb or something that's giving me bomb Vibes I was very excited at the prospect of potentially blowing something up so I rushed back to the locker room and cracked it open with my newly acquired bolt cutters this rewarded me with the blue key and a note from oloff whining about no one obeying him I was getting the vibe that Olaf was something of a villain the blue key unlocked her way upstairs so I munched some watermelons and headed up I found a creepy bar area with a pool table some creepy but admittedly pretty fancy bedrooms some hilarious graffiti on this painting and this disturbing recording you were brought to keep the engines running that is watching that's one of those damn rats what what are you doing to it get out do your job he was uh experimenting on a rat uh we finally found something interesting here four digit code oh I continued my systematic exploration of the ship and headed upstairs my headlight ran out of battery but I powered on and hoped I wouldn't poop my pants I found a door that needed a key card and the four digit code for that safe back downstairs oh and a note that can be summed up by this slime I will create true soldiers loyal soldiers yeah old mate Olaf wants to mutate and train animals to be his soldiers that guy is uh lunatic I opened the safe and found some electrical wires and another recording the crew are planning a mutiny Captain it is time to act they're just trying to stay alive are you mad yes Captain he is mad he is quite mad indeed next it was upstairs where I found a key card which I used to access this office containing the green key and the Green Key got me through this door upstairs this was like the penthouse of the ship oh there's lighter okay nice you coward sounds like that was a recording of the moment the yacht crashed into these rocks anyway it was night time now and I had to head back into the Bowser the ship to make my bomb so I did what any Brave man would do I returned to my rafter made a new headline all right we have made a bomb I climbed my way to the top of the stairs and blew up the final door oh that was exciting I found a toolbox with four hinges in it which was most excellent a blueprint for a steering wheel and Esky with some Choice Beverages and another blueprint for an engine those were some very exciting Blueprints and finally I found a note with the coordinates to Balboa Island my next destination as I Departed the yacht I half expected Olaf to come out of nowhere and try to fight me but no such violence occurred and to sum up my experience on the ship I said that was pretty cool somewhat creepy I punched in the new coordinates and they were literally in the opposite directions to the wind so I decided it was time to drift for a while my theory was the blue dot would probably despawn if I got far enough away from it and hopefully it would appear at a more convenient location if not I'm gonna have to go back like 85 billion kilometers once I get an engine speaking of which I can learn steering wheel and engine immediately nice I didn't look into these spicy new recipes right away though I'd done two story locations in the space of five days so I wanted to take it easy for a while I worked on the line of gnats I managed to fill in most of the gaps by the end of that day which used up like 200 Palm leaves definitely worth it though day 25 was much the same with some serious drifting going on reveling in the glory of my unbroken line of collection nets all the rubbish belongs to me I built my raft out even more and did chores much like yesterday by the way I'd made a second bottle to use as my seawater refill container by this point which was definitely much more efficient than doing it one cup at a time and before long I'd expanded the raft out a huge amount pretty much doubling its size I would not have been able to afford this even a few days ago but now that I was drifting with so many collection Nets I was collecting plenty of plastic and planks I made a chest for my food and as you can see my food stores were pretty impressive thanks to my diligent farming and cooking and then with a nice big open space available I began construction of a hut that I was planning to use for production but I was interrupted as I drifted directly into this big old Island I made myself a net launcher which I can use to catch animals apparently and a bow along with a bunch of stone arrows the net launcher warned me no ammo but I couldn't figure out how to make ammo for it so I gave up for now Watson also tried to eat my raft so he suffered the same fate as his old friend Sherlock and then with the Seas now temporarily free of sharks I went for a dive you know the drill I collected all them underwater goodies for so long that another shark appeared get it absolutely destroyed Cheryl I've already had a Cheryl I don't remember we have of course already had a Cheryl that was Shark number three what I was thinking when I misspoke there was that this dead fishy is actually Cheryl's favorite pop singer Cher the shark anyway I continued collecting underwater for so long another shark attacked me you want some do you I'm drowning I'm more risk of drowning the name of you I'm cutting you up from the inside you don't even deserve a name there's my excuse for not naming you because I've literally run out of names with the benefit of time to think up a name it's clear that this shark was Cher's dog's best friend Shaggy the shark what is this guy doing I got him explosive goo wait can I oh my gosh I didn't realize I could actually put it on my head ah beautiful the tool tip for explosive Goose that it can be dried in a smelter so I did precisely that and while scrolling through the research table I realized the water bottle could be researched so I made one and unlocked the oxygen bottle and binoculars recipes for some reason I didn't make either of them though but I really should have made the oxygen bottle it's incredibly useful as I found out like 30 days later because I'm an idiot anyway once the explosive goo was turned to powder I researched that too unlocking the net canister recipe that answered the question of how to get ammo for the net launcher since this was a big island I was pretty sure it had a trading post on it so I finished filling up the recycler and gave it a battery and it got to work crushing and then it was finally time to hit up the island proper there was a warthog got extremely confused by water so I cheesed the fight big time by chilling in the shallows check out my new look I explored the lower part of the island collecting as I went and also found a little cave with mounds of dirt that appeared to require a shovel so I headed back to the raft and crafted one and then dug up some dirt I then climbed to the top of the island and got some Loot and I also got into an epic battle with this bird idiot that dropped like 300 rocks on me I had serious trouble hitting it with my bow I think I managed like three hits total and after wasting literally 40 arrows I retreated to my raft Alberto was too strong for me my trash Cube done oh three trash cubes okay that's nice I had put about 100 bits of trash in so it seems like 25 or 30 trash ended up as one Cube which seems like a pretty good ratio to me I also researched dirt grass plot add water get grass feed animals interesting I then hit up the trading post and bought 12 simple bait with my three trash cubes this will allow me to catch fancy fish to sell in exchange for trading coins and reputation I then stole a crate of loot from my bird Nemesis LED back to my raft and got back into drift mode and while kicking off some chores I used my bait to catch some fancy fish by the way the Green Dot in front of me is the island I was just at so I surmised green dots were islands with Traders present except on this radar it looks like it's in front of my raft when in fact it's behind me where I left it so I decided to remove my receiver so that it was actually facing the same way my raft was because I kept getting confused and when I did I found that the blue dot had reset and was now probably reachable if I angled my sail correctly now any experienced raft players out there probably know how stupid it was of me to think this but either way my stupidity will be revealed in a couple of days you'll see I decided to start off at this little island I killed Shaggy's girlfriend Sean of the shark and then pilfered the underwater it's day 31 and I'm drifting towards a blue dot look at the state of my materials chests replete with resources you love to see it I then continued working on my build over on this side of the raft and decided to put my crop plots up here on the right of the platform and my cooking stuff here tucked between the two staircases and this is about when I realized I'm quite stupid oh wait what is this isn't that the radio tower you're joking right why is this wrong why did this reset I swear I put in 9495 you silly silly Wally oh I guess this gives me more time to work on my raft dot dot dot looking at the footage I'm pretty sure the receiver reset the original radio tower coordinates when I moved it a couple of days ago and of course I didn't notice but if you thought that was the end of my stupidity just you wait I then worked on expanding my cooking setup a bit okay we're making a juicer a cooking pot turns out these are pretty huge so I put the cooking pot down first and put up the recipes I compiled so far to cook you simply put the four ingredients onto their spot and off you go I added some half walls to the side and placed down my purifier with fenced off access to the Sea so I can easily grab salt water opposite that I placed my juicer I didn't have any strawberries needed for the soul juicer recipe I had though so I wasn't able to give it a whirl just yet the finished soup in the cook pot required a clay Bowl to collect so I made a bunch and scooped it out from this point on veggie soup became my go-to food for the rest of these 100 days I know notice my Nets were letting trash slip through and upon investigation realized they all had 10 things in them which must be the limit so I made three more chests and placed them here as a temporary material dump I made a second purifier and placed it here and I ate the first of my homemade veggie soup we love to see that that's good and I investigated my lighting options and discovered I can make these lanterns can I oh yeah let's go on day 33 I got my bearings again and saw the blue dot really was stubborn about remaining two kilometers behind me at all times I began to wonder if I was going to be forced to make an engine before I could progress I mean that would make sense but for now I wanted to keep building I placed these walls with Windows all the way around and some doors I then made a few more small crop plots and lined them up inside and I gave it a palm leaf roof check out my Hut building thingo looking pretty good pretty serious beaten potato operation here I made one of the large crop plots and apparently it would have fit right in the middle but that would have been kind of silly so I placed it over here temporarily and planted a tree and then realized that drifted right next to a Green Dot Island so I decided to check it out I had one goal in mind to kill a puffer fish and I found one right under my raft this time I was equipped with my bows that he couldn't get close to me and blow himself up I turned the explosive goo into powder and made myself a net canister and I was ready to head up the island let's sell these fish let's try to find any dirt I can because I want dirt let's try and catch an animal if I can I focused on those objectives and resisted collecting everything I saw which honestly required a lot of restraint I have a deep impulse to collect everything I did fight and kill this warthog though and this time without exploiting his aversion to water I guess my better judgment I also went toe-to-toe with one of these bird idiots again but by this point I guess my aim had improved as I managed to hit it about 10 times and finally let's go so many feathers I also spotted one of those dodo dinguses as well as a llama but I left them both to prance about while I checked out the Trading Post I sold my 12 fish earning 12 trade coins and 120 reputation getting me almost halfway to tier 2 and then it was time to catch the llama [Music] all right I'm carrying a llama change animal name oh okay I think you deserve to be called Dingus I gotta say it's kind of hard to see where you're going when you're carrying a dingus but I managed to get back to the bra especially impressive was my ability to swim while using both hands to embrace a llama I popped Dingus down and it seems she's tame now so I left her to chill and researched the feather I unlocked metal arrows the paintbrush and the hammock I also grabbed a bunch of my excess Palm leaves and chucked them into the recycler as I must do something about my extreme lack of trash cubes as Day 36 dawned I made Dingus a little temporary spot over here and made some shears with which I collected my first piece of wool I researched it and unlocked recipes for a full set of liver armor but what I was really excited about was the backpack recipe extra inventory space sounds absolutely delicious I then headed into the ocean hoping to find another puffer fish so I can net the bird idiot too and I don't know if the same one from yesterday respawned or what but I found one immediately which was very handy hey the Llama got out I destroyed the stairs to ensure Dingus pulls off no further escapades and then headed back to the island in search of dirt because if I'm gonna attend animals I'll need some dirt plots to grow grass for their feed oh this looks promising I found eight clumps of dirt some cave mushrooms and two crates of loot a most glorious cave I made four dirt plots which I placed in water so Dingus will have some food and hopefully in turn produce more wool for me I grabbed my trash cubes I got four that time I've refilled the recycler and then headed out to scavenge underwater for a bit and I had an epic battle with Sean the shark come to avenge his wife Shauna I collected a bunch including the remains of another puffer fish and then wandered onto the island to hit up the Trade Post again spicy Pine Berry I think I'm gonna need chili for that though let's have a look all right any strawberries and chili I don't have either of those things that was a questionable purchase I decided I should just gun towards reputation so that I can get to the higher tiers and so I bought 12 more bait with my three remaining trash cubes I then netted this headless chicken I decided to name it Alfred which upon reflection is a questionable name because this thing produces eggs so it stands to reason it's female but with a head like that Alfred suits I reckon I waited around for more trash cubes and was pleased to Shear my second piece of wool off Dingus and also collected my first egg from Alfred I eventually made the long walk back to the Trading Post with five trash cubes hand when I got there I found I could only spend two of them on bait as the trader only had five in stock I'd hope to buy even more bait but at least I now had 20 total so that'll be 200 reputation enough to get me to tier 2 at the next Green Dot Island I come across I then finally got around to making myself an engine and a steering wheel I first placed the engine which confused me greatly but I eventually worked out you need three tiles worth of space for the big spinny wheel you could insert planks as fuel you could change the direction the engine pushed and you could activate and deactivate at will I turned it on and then whacked the steering wheel down and attempted to direct my raft towards the dreaded blue dot it was very cool to be able to turn my raft at will but you may notice my engine was facing the wrong way also it didn't seem to be turning very fast I corrected my engine's positioning so that it actually pointed at the front of my raft but the engine was still sluggish I made a second engine and then noticed something one equals 100 foundations I think I have way too many foundations by my Elite calculations I had about 500 foundations I actually had about half that so if I just made one more engine I would have been fine to get moving but for some reason my maths was out of this world horrible and I got overwhelmed I lost confidence and I didn't want to have to use all my metal ingots on engines and so I handled my problems the mature way I gave up and continued drifting for a bit after some time chugging away at chores I decided it would be smart to turn my raft so that the collection Nets were at the front rather than the back so I used my steering wheel to turn 180 degrees now this meant that my receiver and steering wheel were now pointing the wrong way so I of course turned them around and you may recall what happened last time I moved the receiver yeah the coordinates reset again and therefore the receiver locked onto a different Blue Dot it's in front of me now how did that happen in my defense I didn't actually know what had reset my receiver the first time but it really should have been obvious oh man part of me wants to edit this nonsense out but I gotta be real you guys need to know the degree to which I am a goose on the loose I had a brief interlude from the engine Shenanigans to enjoy the fruit of Alfred's wool I'd been collecting oh let's go that's a lot that's 10 more slots that's beautiful I drifted into this island so I made a quick stop to die for seaweed metal ore and copper and while in the water I killed Shazam the shark Sean the shark's favorite superhero I decided I wanted more smelting so I made some wet bricks and placed them to try and once they were dry I made three more smelters and placed almost melters on the other side of the Hut I also put a little wall up to split the production and farm areas up and then I realized I think we're going bang on yes we will we will definitely hang on I'll cut that clip there because the strange words uttered next are not fit for Mortal years suffice it to say I was suitably annoyed at my stupidity now that I had the correct coordinates in my receiver again I spent all of day 41 moving a bunch of crap around to make room for a bunch of engines and on day 42 I made two more engines and when I say I placed three of them down I didn't really have any more room so I decided to fire up the three I had and see how it went I filled them with 20 planks each end one two three oh I think three's enough my days as a drifting idiot were finally over I aimed myself with the blue dot the correct Blue Dot and from here on out I had control over my raft's destiny while sifting through the tons of trash my collection Nets had picked up I noted I had heaps of decorative care packages I began unwrapping them and immediately got an achievement I think that means I've learned every decorative recipe pretty sweet I had some time to kill so I made a paint Mill I was confused as to why I couldn't place it anywhere and then I worked out this thing's got to dip into the water in order to spin so I whacked it over here for now and Chuck some yellow flowers in which I imagine will turn into yellow paint I then looked through my decorative options a little and decided to make some trophy boards I put a puffer fish head on this medium trophy board and a shark head on this big trophy board actually this is so ugly I hate it we'll leave the shark there though and then the moment we've all been waiting for we actually made it I can't believe it The Saga of like the last six or seven days has been such fails eventually we got there and then the moment that no one asked for oi he just destroyed my engine yeah so apparently if a foundation your engine is sitting on gets destroyed the entire engine dematerializes I don't know why I didn't have extra foundations protecting the engine but I won't be making that mistake again luckily I had an extra engine from earlier so I was able to place that down and with that my engines were able to pull up at the sheer Cliff face of Balboa Island after quickly murdering Sherwood the shark Shazam the shark's Butler I swam along this Gap in The Cliff face and found myself on a beach watch out for bears that sounds kind of scary oh I haven't had these berries before wild berries this island was huge so I was basically immediately lost but I did find a signpost so that was handy Ranger Station relay Station 2 relay station 4 release station six uh I'm gonna check down this way first down this way there were bees I immediately record The Sweep net crafting recipe I hadn't made one yet as I didn't know what it was for but I had a feeling I'd be able to catch these bees is that a bear yep this bear is angry dude he was pretty easy to be honest oh he's given lots of leather let's go I spotted a pine tree I could cut down hadn't seen one of those before and then I decided to head in the direction of the ranger station I killed another bear I like the Bears they're not that hard and they give me lots of leather Henry's stuff keep out who's Henry I forged on despite the great mystery surrounding Henry and soon found myself doing nuclear waste parkour and then I was at my destination I climbed up relay Station 2 first I found a note from Bruno who was anxious that he and his sister might have been abandoned I'd say you're on to something Bruno this island is not in great shape also was it you or Henry who made the nuclear waste obstacle course I also flicked this switch and now one out of three relay stations were active next I headed to the ranger station requires one light bulb one Bruno's Hammer oh because raw food and honey to create biofuel cool it then got dark and I got extremely lost I stumbled onto a beach with like 20 stones on it I fought a bear under Moonlight and I heard a dinging noise oh huh that's got an achievement is that all there is the point of that there was no point to that I do love a haunted bike in the woods though I found this random tub and placed five wild berries in it oh I think I made a mistake come on oh I'm dead for some reason Mama Bear decided I wasn't worth finishing off I guess while berries are simply too delicious to resist and so somehow I survived I guess that's why they say don't poke the beer anyway I then proceeded to poke the bear there were like 300 000 trees in the way up here so I went all the way around and started shooting at her through this gap between tree and rock it didn't work I must have hit her like 25 times but she didn't die either she has tons of health and I gave up too quickly or her health was recently each time she ran back to the berries either way I eventually gave up on those Shenanigans and snuck into her cave I found a blueprint for a machete a toolbox with a machete in it some dirt and some mushrooms I then headed back to my raft except I went to the wrong Beach and then stubbornly decided to swim back so I was swimming for about eight years I crafted my sweep net plus some more weapons and then did something unheard of I slept through the night I did this purely to avoid Darkness because I was genuinely lost last night check out the vibe on my raft during day 46's Sunrise picturesque I headed back out and killed Sherman the shark sure would the shark's chef and then headed towards bees Winnie the Pooh had respawned though and he didn't appreciate me stealing his honey my bequest is well underway then it was off to turn on the other two relay Towers Bobby's maze no trespassing Bruno's soul I have no idea what Bobby's maze was all about it didn't look like a maze to me but whatever I powered on and found myself at a drawbridge raised on the other side of a giant drop can I shoot an arrow with this thing oh that actually worked fortunately I narrowly avoided becoming a human pancake drawbridge victim and I crossed over and found myself a top relay station 4. oh the kids are fighting oh ostrich would have known how to make them stop please I just want to talk sis Miranda is screaming outside I hope her and Henry make up soon I was getting the vibe Bruno was slightly off his noodle perhaps he has like imaginary friends either way two out of three relay Towers were now active and I found Bruno's Hammer as well as a fuel pipe blueprint and a map of the island this map looks lovely but I'm gonna be honest it didn't help me my strategy remained to wander until I found the stuff my wandering led me to bees and these bees actually did damage to me which was very rude oh there's a cave here oh this is what I need the machete for I found some more dirt love me some dirt and on the other side of the cave relay station six oh they're hiding something new space for two of them on the boat I've decided I leave the triplets in charge of the remaining relay stations Bobby will take care of the Bears yeah Bruno is definitely off his noodle anyway I found Bruno's wrench and then Johnny who the heck are you Johnny is the kind of bloke as it turns into a giant beam of Golden Light I found a blueprint for a fuel tank and that sounds like everything I need to get a proper fuel set up for my engines and I turned on the final relay Tower oh that was all three and I got a new note Caravan Town eight nine seven three I had unfinished business on the island though it's a random note Bruno's gotten weirder and weirder man he would leave us behind we can't have a third father has to make a decision I know it won't be me so I will be spared not enough both for all of us I am sorry Errol all right there's my light bulb Restless we must be punished if we are to rest the voice actor for Bruno's had a field day with these weird voices a radioactive parkour back to the ranger station and screwed the light bulb in restoring the head to this imaginary creature and placed the tools on the wall revealing this postcard from Bruno and his sister some lovely Easter egg type fires to round out a lovely trip to Bear Island Day 48 and we're back to drifting baby I researched a bee and unlocked the recipe for a beehive and I researched honeycomb which unlocked the recipe for honey and improved Health cells I made a beehive which required 15 of the beezide court and I placed it down in here and figured the bees would probably benefit from some flowers nearby so I planted some and then decided it was time to upgrade my raft it's possible to make all of your raft components solid which is a more expensive sturdier and fancier looking upgrade I managed to upgrade the front part of my raft before running out of plastic completely looks like this will be a more expensive upgrade project than I anticipated I realized the Hut was made of planks only though so I was able to upgrade it fully very fancy I checked on my beehive and it looks like those are some bees it seemed to be working but I decided to hit up the old Google to be sure it turns out for beehives to produce optimally you need at least 12 flowers within a one block radius so I moved four small crop plots over and made a glorious Discovery they hang on walls I hung all four up and filled them with flowers and hopefully that does the trick I then arrived at the Green Dot Island I'd been motoring towards and it was smaller than I expected it looked like a new island variety a ducked underwater first but there wasn't too much to scavenge I did Kill Shea the shark Sherman the shark's niece's best friend and also a puffer fish for some of that explosive goo on the island itself I found some bees and there were Caravans which Put Me In Mind of Caravan Town my next story location oh what are you oh you look ugly the Abominable Pig didn't give me too much trouble but these zip lines did I don't have a zipline tool wait a minute does that mean I can't get up there that is exactly what it means so no Trading Post for me today I did however find myself my first goat I put Billy in with Dingus and Albert made myself a bucket and collected my first bucket of milk I pointed the raft in the direction of the next Green Dot because I've still got business with the island Trading Post and then decided to put a simple smoothie into blend my first time using the juicer some honeycomb was ready three honeycomb to be precise so it was working properly which was great news when the Smoothie was ready I made glass to put it in but didn't drink it just yet as I wasn't thirsty I then arrived at the island and opted to hit up the underwater Zone first as I felt I was due a Top-Up of materials I killed Shea the shark's best friend shade the shark that's Shay with an E different spelling to the other Shea it's confusing I know there's like so many sharks it's hard to keep track I found one of these Fallen crate situations these are always good for tons of resources but it was quite annoying managing my breath for such a deep dive so I finally made my first oxygen bottle and man I wish I made one sooner this at least doubled my breath capacity I killed a couple of puffer fish and collected till the sun came up then it was time to hit up the Island trailer I can sell all of these oh I need 3 000 reputation now holy crap after some diligent recycling over the past couple of weeks I had 26 trash queues so I used 10 of them buying all the T1 and T2 bait I could I then bought the advanced small and medium crop plot blueprints hopefully they're bigger and fancier and I bought a juniper not really sure why and finally I bought a foundation counter this will tell me exactly how many foundations my raft has making engine management much easier I grabbed the recipes for the crop plot and tried to research Juniper too but got nothing my guess is this is for some cook pot recipe I don't have yet I also made a little table for the foundation counter and gave it Prada place under idiot heading to another Green Island because why not and hopefully I'll pick up heaps of trash on the way because that's kind of all I need at the moment I feel like I just needed trash I just need to trash it up I made it to another Green Island in short order and it had the same Vibe as that ziplining Island from before this one had no zip lines though and I don't know why I came to be honest since I had no more trash cubes anyway but at least I got some bees and enjoyed the opportunity to skewer this hideous pig or should I say the the opportunity to nearly die to this hideous pig this time as I headed back to Sea I decided to drift with the wind and spend some time just collecting that sweet sweet trash I kept on Recycling and upgrading foundations as the trash came in and also made another beehive I made a few Advanced small crop plots moved my old crop place next to The Beehive then placed my fancy new plots on this wall I made four Advanced medium crop plots too they fit four crops instead of two which is glorious and I got to farming with my new and improved setup I'd been making veggie soup non-stop so this increase in beet and potato production was handy I kept compacting trash of course and one thing I haven't mentioned is that I have to change battery every 8 or so cubes so I was building quite the stock of dead batteries the raft was also very close to being fully upgraded to solid materials look how shiny the upgraded deck is all right buy a fuel refiner let's go it was about time I figured out what the deal with biofuel was I filled it with a bunch of raw veggies and meat and then made a bunch of Honey out of honeycomb and glass the refiner took two jars of Honey drip away disgusting goo I then ripped up the entire farm setup because I made three more small plots and they didn't fit on my wall I ended up discovering the wall hanging trick works for chests too so I got everything back into place nicely let's check in on this I feel is it still going it's still going looks like one full load makes two biofuel not bad placed by a fuel I see I see I'm not gonna do that yet we'll set up a situation with the tank and all that business I made a tank and a few fuel pipes and then played around getting a feel for how the pipes work looks like I'll be able to make a nice little setup with this that's in the future though as I want to expand the raft some more and create a proper engine room while defending my raft I killed Shea the shark's favorite actor shy of the shark and then experimented with a sprinkler these are kind of chunky so I realized it wasn't really going to be practical for my current farm setup and packed it away for now by day 57 the entire raft was upgraded to solid wood so I decided it was time to think about expanding the raft some more the problem is it was gonna cost and I was still low on plastic it was time for a better storage solution though so I made a little wall here and lined it with chests and this whole side of the wall was exclusively dedicated as a dump spot for goodies selected from the sea I added some flowers which I thought was a nice touch and I had the middle rise to a little Peak where I placed the calendar on one side and the foundation counter on the other I then began placing chests on the opposite side these will be for more specific storage needs like decorative items dead batteries and blueprints which I don't really need but it feels wrong throwing them away I happen to drift right by a trading post Island so I dropped anchor and swam over as it accumulated another 30 trash Cube so I figured I might as well spend them I had a vicious battle with a demon Pig grab some Honeycombs and then bought 20 of both tier one and tier 2 bait as well as the advanced large crop plot blueprint and 60 plastic that is how desperate I was for plastic though to be honest it's a pretty good deal as each trashcup was made of 20 to 30 Palm leaves as day 59 arrived I returned to the island with my Nets gotta get them bees and gotta get them dodo idiots try the shark's arch nemesis Shamu the shark attempted to eat dodo idiot which was inconceivably rude of behavior I then continued working on the organization of my storage I ended up removing the window from this wall in my production Hut so I could move the chest to fit four vertically and I I filled out the other side of this storage area with chests chests Galore I decided I better replace this wall too for the sake of symmetry and then got to expanding the raft some more look at this chew through my material I made some good progress though now that I had a bit of space over here I played around with a new farm animal area since the spot my animals are in now is literally blocking a door I came up with a plan to surround the entire enclosure with trees so I designed with that in mind and I spent ages deciding how big it would be I also couldn't decide which fencing I liked so I tried a bunch of things but ended up going with this kind of looks too fancy for an animal area but whatever I moved all my animals over and to be honest they're kind of too far away now I don't know it's a work in progress we'll get there eventually I had drifted directly into an island so I pillaged all of its resources I also killed shame where are the shark Shamu's favorite cleaning products that was Shark number 19 murdered according to my notes by the way that may be incorrect but I can't be bothered counting again so yeah that was 19 sharks in the cemetery take that great white shark population and on day 62 I gave up my Drifters ways alright so I am bailing on trying to expand the raft because it's just like too slow low I will eventually like my plan remains unchanged but I feel like I want to get to the next story Island I want to progress a bit I want to see what new stuff I unlock there making the holes for the engine Wheels to go in actually brought the foundation count back below 400 so I was good to go with four engines and towards the blue dot I embarked on the way a new project took my fancy the overhaul of the cooking area I don't use the grills anymore so I put those away and I made some more cooking pots instead I moved some storage here and began placing even more storage up here on the wall on day 63 I put the cooking area revamp on pause because I realized I needed to make a turn oh and it's like right there there it was indeed Caravan town as I pulled up an extremely territorial Screech I started dropping rocks on me while attempting to take him down I suffered some Friendly Fire oh yeah someone's shooting at me oh that was my own error never mind there we go what's going on with those arrows and it was time to explore the island Caravan town was aptly named as they were indeed hundreds of Caravans I explored pretty much all of them Scavenging for loot there's a stranger in town called Olaf something but Olaf sport was just filled with cages were big rats so all of the insane visited this island that is a worry the second note I found was from the same kid and it told of an experiment to dive real deep using this bicycle-powered breathing apparatus thing and so of course it was time to dive my oxygen bottle had broken so I was low on breath but I found this container with an air pocket as I followed the pipe down I killed a couple of puffer fish and collected a few resources before deciding I'd best return later with a fresh oxygen mask before trying to go any deeper I wandered up The Cliff face a little further found this area reminiscent of those Green Dot Islands I'd found before one explosive powder this was yet another experiment of dettos this kit is clearly quite the scientist and of course I can't wait to blow this weird rocket up as day 64 adorned I caught my second goat and returned to the raft for a restock I grabbed a headlight and oxygen mask and headed back to continue diving after even more puffer fish as well as some Choice goodies I made my way to this shipping container I was about three times deeper than I'd ever been and I was duly rewarded a blueprint for a metal detector a zipline part and the infirmary key I then set off the rocket and as you can see it was a hugely successful launch I could see something had landed on the little island over here so I went to check it out I found a Major Tom a glorious find as well as a recipe for fireworks and a second zipline part all right let's put um Major Tom get out of here I learned the recipe for fireworks and a metal detector and crafted myself one of the latter in hopes I might find myself some treasure on Caravan Island I headed over to this part of the island which was as yet unexplored I found a battery charger part on the docks and man did I have a lot of deserted Caravans to loot I found another note of ghettos this one was about some experiment attempting to stop the ocean from rising which sound a little ambitious but I respect the hustle and then I noticed these pipes everywhere what the heck is going on clearly I need to do something with these but I couldn't work it out so I left them for now and continued my methodical Ascent of the Caravan Cliff face oh here we go another battery charger part that those Adventure General Journal passes we have to go ma is getting sicker and I heard that strange man Olaf shouting orders that are hinted at a sickness sweeping the island likely brought on by Olaf doing his weird experiments on the pigs I Came Upon what felt like something of a town square and as I parkled about I found my third battery charger part I crossed this bridge over to the highest and most Central structure on the island there was a note from crazy Olaf urging everyone to attack the quote unquote Elites in their luxury city called tangaroa sounds like something Olaf would do for sure there was also a rather Eerie hallway this looks like hooks of the Dead little Monument kind of thing goes I need a third zipline part and so I was off exploring again I wandered around for a while when I stumbled upon this well and there's something there that will float up if I can fill the world up okay okay I mean I knew I'd probably have to come back to that pipe but I almost forgot about it ah I didn't see this before somehow I'd missed the extremely obvious water pump it was just a matter of lining up the pipes which was a bit finicky but I got there eventually there we go yep there's my third zipline part on my way back to craft the zip line I found heaps of Caravans I hadn't yet looted and I also remembered to use my metal detector and found this buried safe oh Titanium Ore and neighbor's dog is it a painting so it turns out finding treasure is quite rewarding my first Titanium Ore and yes a neighbor's dog painting I used the three pieces to make myself the zipline tool and also receive the blueprints for both zip lines and the zipline tool itself I'm gonna go over here first let's go there were some bees here and a number of pigs that I began shooting arrows at as the sun rose in the distance but before exploring this area any further I decided to go empty my bags as I was sick of juggling inventory spots it was a good haul of stuff by the way 10 biofuel at least the neighbor's dog artwork here so that I can admire every time I go for a water refill I put my three Titanium Ore onto smelt and then I headed back up this area was the infirmary the key for which I got at the bottom of the ocean earlier I grabbed a bunch of healing cells that were littered around and found them as chest key it's the pigs for wicks they've acted an attic it all started when all of the worldstrom arrived classic oloff always up to funny business with animals all right down we go to The Miz little spot let's go it's a good look with the oxygen bottle as well I can now research battery charger yes I have about 500 dead batteries so that is a win mayor's chest key engine controls all right that's officially done with Caravan town and make this our next destination tangaro I wrapped up my visit to Caravan town with the treasure hunt I managed to find another buried safe this one gave me three more Titanium Ore and two biofuel I returned to the raft and picked up three titanium bars I researched one and learned the recipes for the advanced collection net which apparently holds more trash before getting full as well as the battery charger and the engine controls bring on the titanium Tech and once my other three titanium all were done smelting I had enough bars to make a battery charger it fit two batteries at once and so I put some biofuel in and it began chugging away and throughout the day that one buyer fuel was actually good for two sets of batteries fully charging four batteries total not bad not bad I drifted directly into a Green Dot Island on day 69 so after killing Shamrock the shark Shamwell the shark's mistress I gave it a look-see I wasn't interested in anything beyond the trading post and maybe some cheese measure so I made it quick I was back up to 30 trash tubes so I bought 20 more T1 and tier 2 bait as well as 60 plastic I also found some treasure over here it was a suitcase this time which is worse than a safe I guess as it only had two Titanium Ore in it I found a second treasure spot and somehow dug directly into this big old rock and got myself suitcase number two I caught this llama all right come on buddy buddy that's your name that makes two llamas two goats and two chickens I feel like I don't really need any more and so with that catch it was Animal Farm complete I now had a whopping 120 fancy bait total 60 T1 and 60 tier two and I wasn't relicing the prospect but it was definitely about time I got to fishing and so I did for two days straight on the night of day 69 I fished for the entirety of Day 70 I fished fishing fishing with the flippers and my man hit my bottle fishing fishing creepy fishing and deep into the night of day 71 I kept on fishing I burned through all that bait and caught myself 120 fish to sell next time I hit up a Green Dot and that was definitely too much fishing for my lacking on the plus side my dump chests were almost full I had over three chests full of planks and I racked up more than a chest worth of plastic too I picked up where I left off with my cooking area revamp and made a fourth cook pot to finish off this cook pot line up I also put down a second juicer it's looking good wouldn't you say Major Tom I headed out towards another Green Dot and on the way there I tore down this makeshift Flour Mill and made a more permanent setup over here I filled my bags with 35 trash cubes and 120 fancy fish and then headed to the island where I found the tier 2 fish give a whopping 100 reputation each so just like that I unlocked access to tier three what can we get I think I just go for all of these I was only getting very few Titanium Ore from the odd treasure fire so buying a bunch made sense I also bought blueprints for a canteen and detail plank as well as the remaining cooking and juicing recipes available I made myself a canteen and discovered it can fit double the water compared to a water bottle this was a very satisfying upgrade and great news for my hydration on day 73 I figured I must be close to having the materials I need to perform my raft expansion so I filled my bag with planks and plastic and gave it a crack I made use of triangle foundations to bring the back of the raft to a point I then randomly remembered I could now make a detail plank so I made some and investigated let's go to heaven with this I can just go anywhere with this now yeah so detail planes are pretty wacky I carried on with the raft expansion and ran out of plastic when I was just two rows away from completion I killed some time doing chores and let my collection Nets do their thing and then kept on working do we call that the back of the boat I think we do I think that's it I then crafted the engine controls this controls all the engines at once and also the advanced anchor okay so I don't have an advanced anchor so I can't use this yet what does this work that works I've grabbed my engines and made myself a seventh engine because I've got over 600 foundations now and got to work I took my time figuring out how to fit all seven back here and ended up going with two right at the back and then a line of five The Edge engines felt a little close to the gnawing jaws of whatever shark was currently haunting me so I made these little protective areas and as you can see I left some space for fuel piping so that was the next thing to do I had drifted into another Trading Post Island though so I had a quick sojourn first a bird idiot was dropping rocks on my head so I hid inside the Trading Post big strats and bought the diving helmet because I was curious to see if it was purely cosmetic or if it would actually increase my breath I also bought as much Titanium Ore as I could and then tested out my new helmet turns out it is indeed purely cosmetic which is what I expected but it was still kind of disappointing but at least I had the opportunity to kill Shamrock the shark's son sham Pebble nice nice biofuel I then began work on my fuel setup I placed a fuel tank here and threaded the fuel pipes connecting all the engines to the one fuel system next up it was time to figure out a setup for my new captains area because you know this tedious monstrosity just has to go I wanted something centered just in front of the engines in a feat of engineering genius I built the ladder straight into a giant piece of wood for ease of access before realizing I don't even want it in the middle anyway I put two angled ladders on either side instead I placed the receiver in the Middle with the steering wheel and engine controls on either side and then spent what felt an eternity trying to figure out a solution for antenna placement I ended up putting one either side and one behind and then I realized I'd blocked off my ladders again so I ripped them down I put the antenna problem on pause for a second to make a wall partitioning the engine area for now it's just a facade but I might turn it into an actual building at some point I then realized I drifted into yet another Trading Post Island the game just really wants me to spend my trash cubes I found some crappy treasure and then bought an advanced scarecrow which apparently actually works unlike my other scarecrow that I made on like day three that one just mysteriously disappeared presumed dead I then decided I was due for another underwater collecting session champebble the shark's mum sham Boulder the shark wasn't a fan of that idea though so I killed her and guess what because cause I saved and quit at the end of day 78 when I opened up the world on day 79 another shark had appeared sharing the shark I think his name was anyway I won't argue I go through tons of shark meat making biofuel I was constantly using metal for tools copper for electronics sand for glass clay for clay bowls seaweed for Vine goo and scraps for about 300 different things so this underwater Scavenging session was definitely a good idea Sherry's twin Sherry the shark bothered me before long honestly sharks Galore recently I don't know what the heck's going on but again I won't argue upon attempting to disembark I realized my raft was well and truly wedged so I had to fire up the engines too three four five so if it's five biofuel five biofuel feeding into seven engines yeah that math didn't add up so I filled up the tank again and I think I discovered a weird bug because all the engines filled up but they kept on chugging pathetically now I'm just kidding there were no bugs I'm just an idiot I uh forgot to lift up the anchor I am definitely not the cleverest baboon in the zoo I placed another fuel tank though and then decided to move my sail and streamer up to the command center I'm not gonna lie this setup makes me feel like a real Captain it was finally time to get back to figuring out these flaming antennas on day 80. I built a structure over to the left thinking maybe I could chuck the antennas over there and I know what you're thinking that's a terrible idea I agree it didn't work I tried multiple variations and it was a circus antennas too close to each other antenna too far away from the receiver antenna has mild depression and doesn't want to come into work today I eventually gave up on that plan so I now had the frame of some random building I put one antenna on either side and the third one behind on a platform above the engines the ones on either side didn't look structurally and it bothered me until I remembered our most ingenious invention the detail plank I did some of these ones and at least looks like it won't fall over now and that's good enough for me my chests were getting kind of full so I began a second storage war I also destroyed the final remnants of my starter raft see you later hideous Towers I moved the anchor below the captain's Purge and destroyed idiot's random wall and gave him pride of place over here and I set up Pumbaa over here on the opposite side oh and here's a paint update we love a good paint update I then moved the trash compactor in here and now the deck was finally clear of random clutter first things first let's move the animals again they are indeed too far away I made the new enclosure 18 foundations in size because I had a plan I made a bunch more dirt plots and chucked these down too but I didn't have quite enough to fill up the area I Googled Sprinklers and found out they wore a nine tiles in a three by three area hence the shape of this animal area I moved all the animals over and gave it a whirl yep yeah it works I then began relocating my crop farm setup I also had to rip down some of the random structure I built for no reason earlier I popped old mate Advanced scarecrow down [Music] and made four more medium crop plots to fill up this area next up was the small crop lot area and these can of course hang off walls so I can fit heaps in here I ended up with a setup like this and then I drifted into another Green Dot Island I bought a wardrobe which allowed me to change into this outfit and a small and long drawbridge just to see what all the fuss is about these were pretty cool but I had no specific use for them just yet so they went into storage I also got the pirate hat next to be ripped up and relocated was my beehive setup I made 14 small crop plots and sadly decided to rip down the remains of this monstrosity including these levitating bits and then began working on the new setup for the hives this included destroying this wall which accidentally destroyed two crop plots that were attached to it that was a little bit stupid but we press on I made the wall bigger made two more beehives and put 12 flowers above them here I'd hoped this would be enough to make all four hives produce at Max but no Bingo Plan B looked like this a much more convoluted setup I didn't get the positioning perfect the first time but I eventually got it right and it actually looks kind of cool as you can see there's room for a 50 beehive once I find some more bees to craft one some seagulls bothered my flowers though so I was deeply disappointed in my Advanced scarecrow's efforts to inspire him to hire Heights I moved him over a little bit hopefully all my crops and flowers were being range with him centered a bit better next in the firing line was an expansion of my production capabilities I made four biofuel refiners and four recyclers I think I may have made too many but oh gosh so much trash so much trash this is the only way to keep my chest from overflowing to be fair so the problem is I have to put all the trash in one piece at a time so that's like 500 presses of the E key to fill all of these up which is kind of outrageous now this this business it's gonna require a lot of honey I mean I might as well use up my heads right all them heads convert to biofuel in a one-to-one ratio so not bad not bad I checked up on my beehives the flowers seem to be unbothered by birdies good job scarecrow and each Hive was producing three honeycomb beautiful now that I was using batteries for the four sprinklers outside these five recyclers the receiver and the juices I made two more battery chargers to keep all them batteries zappy and here's me planting like 70 potatoes and beets in a way all these improvements to my raft just increase the amount of chores I have to do but I was very happy I'd come a long way since my days as a nerd drifting on a two by two raft with nothing but a hook somehow I'd actually done all the revamping I wanted to do so I figured it was finally time to head out in search of tongaroa I whacked in the coordinates fired up the engines and off I went as I was compacting trash a favorite pastime of mine I spotted this strange sight out the window oh there's a golf ball so this is tangaroa It's like a dome City I was not expecting that I was expecting like another island or something this place looked huge so I anticipated a long stretch off the raft so I made some Choice beverages to keep me hydrated just in case my canteen wasn't enough I had it off and had a celebratory tangaroo murder of Shari the shark Shari and Sherry's older brother and then swam around and found this loading dock entrance I made my way down finding a couple of Olaf's famous crazy Rats on the way and found myself in the cafeteria I found a note from Reuben talking about a fleet of rafts chasing tongaroa that must have been the Caravan Town people whipped into a frenzy by Olaf why did all the drama in this world always come back to Crazy Olaf I found two generator parts and then made my way to the storage area where I found a third generator part I climbed up the crane controls and placed the generator parts in here which powered up the crane and from there it was a fairly simple puzzle see the tape on top of some of the containers that indicates where missing walls are so basically I just needed to make a line of tape all the way to the door once through I found the water pipe blue different and another note detailing the demise of tongaroa they ran out of fuel and the Rabid Rafters were upon them um I guess I just go up this way okay maybe not I managed to avoid drowning and found the water level had risen high enough so that I could reach the broken ladder to the plantation area how convenient I then found my way to the zappy zappy waterlogged Plantation strawberries let's go I found a note from the plantation guy whinging about how they're all running out of food but more importantly I found bananas straws and bananas a great day indeed from there it was a matter of hopping between stuff to avoid getting electrocuted while I collected tape with which I fixed the door I jumped around found another door I needed three tape to fix and then as I listened to Reuben explained that war had broken out in tongaroa and he was cooking up a plan to escape I emerged into Brilliance the interior of a golf ball this was a land full of Butler Bots that tried to electrocute me and bougie apartment buildings to explore and loot the butler Bots drop these key cards and that's how I gained access to most of the buildings in my Adventures I found tons of tape which I'll need back downstairs and also a bunch of vending machine coins most of the apartments had weirdly taped up rooms which I accessed with my machete these invariably had a safe with some juicy loot like biofuel or Titanium Ore can I open this thank you well that is very convenient that is literally going onto my raft in fact it will be foolish of me not to make the most of this opportunity I now had gloriously easy access to my raft for dumping stuff and restocking which made the rest of my time at tangaroa that much more convenient this futuristic yet post-apocalyptic nightmare of a city was really cool I kept exploring and came to realize there were plenty of opportunities for parkour some apartments that weren't accessible by elevator are accessed by zipline and Elite jumping skills speaking of elite jumping skills I had a doozy while attempting to scale aircon units and I felt like eight stories and somehow took less than half my health in damage I guess that's my enormous thighs coming in clutch I knew I needed to get into this big old Tower in the middle and I could see a zipline going to it from one of the apartment buildings so I had some sense of my objective and by the evening of day 90 I had done my Loop of all the streets with apartment buildings so it was time to check out the center of the city I found another note from Reuben indicating he teamed up with detto the scientific whiz kid from Caravan town I also found where to spend all those vending machine coins I'd been collecting I bought a whole dang piano for eight coins and some tangaroa stock paintings and Tango roll plants foreign piano in this game and it actually works after indulging in some Mozart level piano Brilliance I headed back into the belly of tangaroa to make use of the bounty of tape I'd been collecting I used three to fix one door found some more bananas and strawberries happy days and then three more to fix the elevated door electric purifier oh so I think that's all of the downstairs unlocked and now I've got this elevator I don't know which Tower this is this Tower was the scene of someone's birthday I did some more parkour and ziplined over to this building which had a multi-level bar restaurant type Vibe and there were tons of vending machine coins in here which was juicy I climbed a few flights of stairs and finally I was ziplining to the middle building we're heading off the big blue ladder the big blue ladder oh crap I fell down off the big blue letter I headed up in elevator and discovered the large storage blueprint as well as this note oh I see this is the code I headed down to street level used some more coins to buy the rest of the paintings from this vending machine and then went and found all of the buildings hinted at by the beautiful drawings in the note I found it was a simple matter of figuring out the street number of each building and thereby figuring out the code four eight one three what the heck is going on whoa what just launched better not have hit my raft I ran around like a confused Goose for a bit and then I should not have gone on the Dome just then I made a grave mistake it was worth it for this view though I then slid on my butt all the way into the water unfortunately the enormous golf ball wasn't too slippery so somehow I didn't end up dead I went off in search of whatever had just launched and saw this floating in the water turns out the entire Bridge of the ship had ejected I climbed in and found a token Aussie character named Elaine she was a massive Bogan and she turned into a golden beam of light good stuff Bogan lady varuna oh there's our next location varuna point and what a tank let's go baby there was a safe of goodies too and a note from Captain Tully acknowledging his part in the Doom of tangaroa as an unsustainable experiment and ultimately a failure that's what you get for trying to hang on to your luxury lifestyle in a water apocalypse I guess and just like that I was done with tangaroa bye golf ball see you later with what remained of day 92 I resumed drifting and got on top of my neglected chores and as always it was a good feeling to be back on the raft all right what a pipe nice large storage very nice what a tank nice electric purifier nice the large storage was indeed large but it only fit double what a chest fits despite being like 300 times the size I was not a fan so I didn't bother using it the electric purifier on the other hand was quite Majestic it vacuumed seawater up on its own and worked away purifying and it fit 15 cups of water three times more than the advanced purifiers I ended up making two one to replace the old purifying setup and one over here near the Farms I made a water tank too and with this I could set up an automatic water feed to the sprinklers if I wanted using pipes I decided not to because I have to change the sprinklers batteries anyway so while I'm doing that I might as well fill up with water too and save the mess of a fat water tank in 300 pipes as Day 94 dawned I had over 100 trash tubes that is a lot and here began a stretch of time where all chores were left undone as I focused on a new project building a home I toyed with a few ideas but ended up going with a simple height straight onto the deck I made myself a feathery paintbrush and played around with paint for the first time and as you can see all the painting I did it was hideous So eventually I just turned the whole thing back to default colors but before I did that I began decorating some fancy Tonga roll paintings on the wall some Choice Lighting some plants out the front I built this thingy on the roof I don't know what you'd call that but it made the building look less boring I guess the white roof still looks hideous though but don't worry I got rid of that eventually my Elite shelf decorating skills were on display and I placed the lovely fireplace as well as these motivational quotes with hilarious raft puns Seize the Day live laugh sail raft sweet raft I fixed the stinky roof and then gave some texture to the outside walls with some shelving another hilarious motivational quote and some string lights it's not bad it's a nice little interior there's literally no bed in here though so it's not really my house is it yeah so after all that I didn't even leave space for a bed which I guess is appropriate since I never sleep anyway also it's in kind of a random spot but I think it'll feel more natural once I've got a bunch of trees up around the farm area and once I develop more of a distinct path that leads to it if that makes sense I made some lighting which I sprinkled around the place and then remembered I have banana and strawberry seeds so I planted all the straws in small plots and one banana tree in my lonesome large plot I drifted into a little island so I figured I might as well quickly Head Underwater for a cheeky dip with my hook but it was kind of slim pickings which was a bit sad I did at least kill shimazole the shark sorry the shark's great great great great great great grandmother I then randomly remembered bird nests or a thing in this game so I made eight of them for some reason eight is way too many but whatever and I figured they'd want to Nest up high so I made this ridiculous Tower and put some bird nests on top of it it worked the seagulls were nasty I then tried to cover the tower in palm leaf walls but I could only reach halfway up so yeah it kind of looked a bit janky but whatever I now had seagulls nesting which actually makes no sense because those idiot seagulls try to eat my crops so I don't know why I'm giving them a home I set out for a Green Dot and did a bunch of chores on the way all right let's have a look up in these birds nests to these seagulls lay eggs or something oh I can't reach that's a sad development after actually finishing the ladder of my weird two-tone Tower I discovered the seagulls leave behind feathers so I guess that's a cheeky way of getting feathers without having to murder screeches I then tried to fix the tower by building some scaffolding so I could reach the top half but it proved difficult so I gave up and headed onto the island Once I arrived I bought 20 of each tears bait a surfboard and 15 scrap I also bought a Viking horn and tic-tac-toe board before entirely running out of trading coins I put the surfboard up here clearly one of my many shark enemies had taken a bite out of it which was Hardcore and I put the Viking horn here and I put the tic-tac-toe board over here and only let me Place three x's and three O's though so I couldn't really defeat myself so I guess it's the draw I then expanded the front of the raft out a little I didn't really have anything particular in mind for this space but I wouldn't mind expanding forward a bit come to think of it I'd also like to build vertically some more as well literally day 99 and I haven't built a single zip line on my raft because it's just such a flat raft and on day 100 I decided I'd better fish up some of them fancy fish except like two seconds later I arrived at another Green Dot Island this island had two safe treasure spots which was pretty lucky and the second safe had an EDM cassette which was particularly interesting I'd noticed back on tangaroa you can buy a radio Boombox looking thing so maybe you can play the cassette using that I sold a few fish I managed to catch bought 20 more of each bait as well as a compass and some more Titanium Ore it's day 101 and the endless drift continues I whacked some beats on to cook into veggie soup and continued fishing up them fancy sea creatures and suddenly I stumbled upon a strange sight what is this in the sky have I just stumbled into the story Island accidentally I wasn't planning on continuing the story just yet but who am I to argue with the power of drift I did not aim my it's just literally downwind so just like that varuna point here we go I made ready my inventory grabbing tools and supplies and whatnot and before long it was obvious I'd arrived at a half submerged fully abandoned construction site I fluffed around doing some chores and then made the questionable decision to disembark at just as night fell there's some serious underwater business going is going on very interesting just about to deal with you my friend my friend here was shamozo shimazole the shark's pet cow and he gave me some trouble because I hadn't played wrath for over a month at this point so I was a bit Rusty when it came to stabbing sharks in the eyeball I even had to use some health sounds but I got there eventually I've got these bubble spots here that give me breaths so that's positive these jellyfish look zappy zappy are these ones zappy zappy no these ones are friendly how far down can I go this was indeed a huge underwater area and quite pretty with all the colors I began poking around collecting what I could and sussing out areas of Interest I found a g what does g mean keep getting those tremors goodness me those Tremors were a constant as I explored and I had a feeling they foreshadowed something monstrous I can go so far down there's another G what do the G's mean oh mother load key I eventually headed back to the first crack in this building where I spotted yet another strange G and found myself a construction helmet and as day 102 dawned I finally noticed the Gap directly above blocked by some oscillating zappy zap jellyfish I timed my entry and in I went Point has all too many holes in it it makes it easier to move unnoticed today hey Nick the hammer yesterday I took some dried meat from the foam and stash I want to grab something even better tonight so this construction site is haunted by the aptly named Grabber who likes to grab maybe that's what the G stands for and back in this room I saw something really scary what are you the anglerfish was indeed a nightmare fuel but it was pretty easy to defeat yeah boy I continued exploring and in this room with angelfish number two I found my first story item for varuna point I Spotlight to pass I found a bunch of goodies lying around too and then my second Spotlight part I then spotted this Elevator Shaft through which I swam to the floor above I found Spotlight part number three and a second note this one was the Grabber boasting about how good he is at grabbing what a legend I scoured the level and once satisfied I picked it clean I headed back to the raft where I emptied my bags put some seaweed onto gooafai and trash on to compact I waited around for several batches of Vine goo to be ready and with these I crafted flippers and oxygen bottles since this area was entirely underwater at least so far I was gonna need plenty of these and what I'd been wearing had already broken once I had two of each on me I headed back out straight into the jaws of Shakira shamoozle's favorite pop star I broke said Jaws immediately this four Spotlight part I've only got three okay I need to find two more Spotlight Parts like the video if you agree that I am a mathematical genius and he began my long-suffering search for the remaining Spotlight part I tried deeper with no luck although I did see some pretty blue jellies I retraced my steps or should I say I retraced my swim Strokes hoping to find something I'd missed and no luck could it be in here what the heck is that oh there's spikes that room was indeed very spiky but it lacked Spotlight Parts which was rude I managed to find some goodies I'd missed so that was something but by the time day 104 dawned I was going slightly insane get out of the way jellyfish and then back in the first building I discovered an entire above water area that I completely missed oh hello hello I think I figured it out all right all right all right so now I can turn this on and I think it'll make the jellyfish move yeah get out of my way zappy zappy idiots all right can I go this way doors locked from the other side I'm making progress baby let's go this area felt like it was well and truly the grabber's domain Assuming he's the bloke that put up all the spikes what's with the spiky spikies man ow another note from the Grabber told of the workers abandoning the construction site as the water Rose heading out in search of the fabled Utopia as long as I live no one will claim my treasure no one will reach my Nest no one will reach your nest I'm gonna reach your nest your spiky spiky traps can't stop me mate also you left a bunch of G's that I can follow the Grabbers booby traps became more elaborate this first tripwire got me ah you cheeky bugger but I navigated my way past the next few with some Choice jumping I parkour through this nonsense climbed these ramps parkour threw some more nonsense that is a big old that's terrifying except it's only in the middle so I'm good and finally progress I grabbed this Advanced headlight blueprint and the motherload key it would be broad these days if the motherlode wasn't on the Forefront of my mind the water stole it from me now there's trouble in the way risky to deal with but it might be worth it ah it's just one shock how hot could it be I don't know why I was having so much trouble climbing those crates but either way the Grabbers warning is ominous a shark of some kind is protecting the motherload I exited by that spiky spiky room I found earlier and headed straight down to the motherlode door I killed a couple of anglerfish on my way down before finding myself at another crosswalk Crossing back over to the other building this looks like the motherlood oh oh my gosh oh my what the hell I'm running my kid you see how big that thing was I need to breathe yeah so that's a big shock now I know what was causing all those Tremors it was Fathead McGee dunking his Noggin on the walls I tried to get into a fight with the big fella and I think it went pretty well ow I didn't do much damage to me somehow he just broke open that wall I think oh he's back I discovered these areas with air pockets around the edge of the room so I noodled around trying to figure out how I was supposed to fight the demon shark playing cat and mouse with the biggest shark I've ever seen in my life all right run run run run run I eventually noticed a pile of barrels in the middle of the room and when I headed to investigate I ended up in a game of run around the pole with the shark eventually he charged straight into the pole shattering the concrete keep in mind this is of course all happening underwater so my breath was constantly running out I grabbed one of the barrels what am I doing okay I think I've sort of figured out what I'm trying to do all right let's just get him to break the poles come on Big Boy break the pole he missed what are you doing mate as he broke each pole I chucked these explosive barrels in the wreckages I'm so slow the problem was all my flippers and oxygen bottles were now broken so I was rather Slow and Low on breath for getting to run into the okay does that mean I'm free oh my gosh there's more explosive stuff so I had placed barrels into all four pillars but I only needed to do one it's fine we made it one level up either way I wish my flippers didn't break this is so hard without flippers this next level was the same deal except it took two headbutts to make the pole vulnerable here he is here he is ah there we go all right looks like there's one more pole the pole to handle poles and this level was hard my relatively short breath timer and my extremely slow swimming were deadly this is so stressful what are they doing to me oh gosh I just got heated I managed to get the big buffer to charge the pole once and then I swam all the way over here to get my breath back come on yes yes all right we did some more damage maybe one more hit and a third time just need the barrel just need the barrel I got whacked across the room a few times attempting to get a barrel up there but I eventually did but the shark was just not cooperating where is he there is oh he missed me and he missed the pole try again come on come on I'm running out of breath I'm running out of breath dude please hello [Music] please this guy I'm literally gonna die oh my gosh no ah lose two-thirds of inventory are you serious World saved waiting for Rescue uh okay so yeah I died my first death in this world I lost a bunch of goodies as well as durability to all my tools which is a bummer but I can always replace them so no big deal the problem was I had an extreme lack of seaweed I didn't have enough to craft replacement flippers and oxygen bottles and there was no way I was heading back to that boss fight without them and so I had to leave on a quest for seaweed I patched up the perimeter of my raft and did some chores as I drifted and before long I arrived at a Green Dot Island this island had a very crappy underwater area though devoid of delicious seaweed so I was disappointed I did at least get to murder Shama Lama Ding Dong The Shark Shakira's pet budgie so that was some consolation and I collected everything underwater regardless because it is still useful even if it isn't seaweed I also dug dirt found treasure poked the bear found trash treasure and sold a bunch of fancy fish to the Trading Post I bought a bunch more bait Titanium Ore and scrap an air horn some chili a fishing hat and some sunnies yeah yeah yeah let's go and one can go here I don't know why [Music] that's uh that's a good find I approve what a most excellent air horn I put a spicy Pine Berry beverage in the juicer to mix as this gives a swim speed buff that I reckon would be handy fighting the big boy shark I then acted on some advice from a commenter who told me that wool fills up recycling machines very quickly two wool equals one trash Cube this was wonderful news before long I pulled up at a small island and this one had an okay underwater area but it only netted me nine seaweed I needed like 40 so that was a slow start I forged onward to yet another Green Dot Island where I got farted on you got me snuck up on me I'm gonna die oh there's a lot of seaweed I collected three till day 108 and you can tell that I recorded this around Christmas time [Music] I ran around to the other side of the island where I had another near-fight encounter and collected the daylight hours away I also hit up the Trading Post where I bought yet more bait spoiler alert I bought way too much bait as well as titanium all this island served me up a juicy Hall of seaweed and so it was time to return to varuna point I kept busy on the way there's always work to be done on the raft and after a four day Hiatus in search of seaweed I returned to the abandoned construction site I just realized I'm pretty sure I can get up there with the scaffolding how did I not realize I can get up there this story area wasn't entirely underwater after all I found one of Olaf's rats up here as well as another note from the Grabber hinting that Bruno the crazy guy from bear Island had visited varuna Point briefly and honestly grabba and Bruno sounds like a glorious crossover I climbed all the way up the scaffolding and then up the crane ladder and discovered I needed a crane key I also found a blueprint for the electric grill and another note from the Grabber this one detailing that Ruby and detto had visited varuna point two I'm pretty sure all these characters are trying to get to Utopia so maybe I'll see them all there one day for now though there was nothing else for me up here so I ziplined down and I returned to fight the big chonker alright I'm gonna drink this am I swimming faster yeah I am I'm swimming pretty fast so I'm feeling good all right he's here he's here come on mate come on come on what are you doing stop goofing around is he dead no he's dead I can't believe how close I was I had one more thing to do he's giving me a lot of shark meat that's biofuel for days rhino shark trophy let's go so after four days of seaweed obsessed gallivanting across the entire ocean it turned out I only needed one more hit and the big buffer killed over oh well I'll take it I swam up and threw to the grabber's headquarters wind turbine Green Key yeah nice nice wind turbine charges batteries with wind power oh nice nice all right we did it now how do I get out of here I swam out through the giant hole in the wall the rhino shark created and then saying this Banger of a song up we go climb into the cream climb into the green we go go go go when the yellow tube ladder thing that was one of my worst songs ever here we go oh okay yeah I just made a big hole let's go to the hole down this absolute mess and made my way to this room where I found a blueprint for advanced batteries very juicy as well as coordinates to my next destination we know where we're going next we're going to Temperance we did it it took us two attempts over like 10 days but we did it I then placed my rhino shark trophy oh yeah I grabbed some metal and fortified the foundations as this means sharks can't chew on them and this will ensure that no jealous sharks destroy my trophy and I was very pleased to have this big boy showing off my battle prowess right at the front of the raft absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful subscribe if you're grateful I resisted using the rhino shark as a punchline for a your mum joke anyway now that I had your mum strung up in all her glory on the front of my raft it was back to Drifting I researched my new recipes at the research table and added another beehive to the setup oh FB hives five b hives five b hives I drifted right next to an island and since I've got a lot of adventuring ahead I decided to hit up the underwater area metal copper seaweed clay sand scrap all of these are invaluable resources for about 100 different things so it's a no-brainer while out I'm a sheddied shampoo the shark Shama Lama Ding Dong's favorite beauty product after a successful swimmer was back to Drifting and it was time to finally finish up the engine room on advice from some commenters I now knew horizontal supports could be used as a basis to place vertical levels of flooring meaning I didn't need to put pillars up everywhere this was wonderful news and it unlocked plenty of options for building vertically for the rest of the run for now it meant I could put a roof on the engine room which would also function as 4 boring for another level of the raft basically you've just got to space out the horizontal supports every two blocks and then you'll be able to place all the flooring you need they cost nails though so they churn through the scrap all this solid flooring costs heaps of planks too so I ran completely dry which put a pause on the project another day another Island and I actually chopped down the trees on this one which shows just how desperate I was for planks do you move them I also killed Shu the shark shampoo the shark's favorite item of clothing I hovered up the ocean floor's Bounty and then returned to Drifting I found another stack of wool to recycle and I also recycled my lever because I had lots so I figured why not I then grabbed a big stack of metal bars and began fortifying the back of the raft a decent plank stockpile had replenished so I got back to work completing the engine room I made these antenna platforms a little less hideous which included removing the detail planks and using support beams instead and I repositioned the sail here I also got some more flooring down collected a glorious Bounty of extra planks from The Collection Nets and placed down most of the walls before running out of planks yet again fortunately there's plenty to keep me occupied staying on top of the rafts organization and before long I had another round of net collection to keep me going so I got a lot more done but once again I ran dry of planckage on day 114 I drifted into a trading post Island so I pillaged it for all it was worth and as well as the usual Titanium Ore and scrap purchase I grabbed some metal ore too as I needed heaps to finish fortifying the raft I made some more dirt plots with which I filled this Gap in the animal farm and continued fortifying The raft's Edge I like this as my front I think I want to change this a little bit previously I'd extended out the entire front of the raft but with the addition of old mate rhino shark dangling in the middle I decided I wanted to switch it up and finalizing the perimeter was crucial as my intention was to fortify everywhere so I needed to make up my mind I ended up with this design which I think looks much better if only because it's more intentional I then finally finished up the engine room except this random spot was giving me trouble it wouldn't let me place a foundation for some reason why can't I put a piece here it makes no sense while trying to sort it out I got distracted by another Island on my swim over I fought Chardonnay the shark shoe the shark's favorite beverage I spent all night collecting underwater and on day 116 I availed myself of the Island's finest Timber I placed 20 more Foundation armor and then solved the puzzle of the stubborn missing piece and with that the engine room was finally complete I also placed some stairs on either side which took a little bit of finagling but I got there eventually and I think the Symmetry is golden I thought if I had a little more with some freshly smelted metal and then considered placing railings around the edge up here but ultimately decided against it as it felt unnecessary I've finally investigated the new recipes I'd unlocked after varuna point I made myself a wind turbine and this big boy charges four batteries at once making use of renewable wind energy how very sustainable I wanted to make some Advanced batteries too but I needed copper bars and I was fresh out I had 49 copper order smelts but I was too busy smelting metal so I could finish fortifying the foundations one two three fully fortified let's go and now it doesn't matter how many generations of sharks you throw at me my raft is officially inedible I drifted upon another Island so I had yet another relaxing time collecting materials with a short break to murder shambles the shark Chardonnay the shark's General state of being once back on the raft it was chores as usual including making use of goat's milk for biofuel and I decided my smelting operation was simply too slow so I crafted a bunch of wet bricks and placed them on the deck to dry I made another wind turbine kept the trashcube machines chugging along and once the bricks were dry I made some space by getting rid of these outdated battery chargers built some more smelters and chucked them down I also had my inaugural usage of this wind turbine to recharge the trash compactor batteries I drifted into yet another Island so you know what that means also rest in peace shimmy the shark shambles favorite dance move I also dried 20 more bricks and made two more smelters bringing my smelter count up to 10. I then killed Mr schneibly the shark shimmy the shark's favorite character from Jack Black's classic movie School of Rock and I collected goodies from yet another little island my next drift victim was this big Trading Post Island where I grabbed some dirt made some Choice purchases and dug up some crappy treasure and I don't know what came over me but for some reason I chose knots to gather the underwater materials from this island outrageous I know and on day 120 I made a discovery yes the ropes definitely fill it up much faster this is an improved strategy oh they fill it up way faster twice as fast as Palm leaves to be precise since ropes take two Palm leaves to craft I'd previously been getting rid of my Palm leaves one at a time which meant 120 presses of the e-buttoned per trash compactor so this was an improvement I also chucked in a bunch of plastic As I had relatively few uses for it at this point I then began work completing the border of trees around the animal farm except I made a mistake oh no no no no no no no no no I accidentally made large crop plots rather than Advanced large crop plots which was a massive waste of nails and nails are at a premium I consoled Myself by picking bear this underwater Zone and killing Shirley the shark Mr schnebly's granddaughter and later after Shelby the shark Shirley's favorite peaky Blinder stabbed and then sliced sliced I then made some of the correct large crop plots and got to work cool all right so I'll just do a random array of trees so five there so I need five more and then I can probably fit one two probably fit five there as well I think I need ten more fortunately I had a fair bit of scrap stockpiled so I turned a bunch of it into Nails as each of these costs 12. I placed down five more on the opposite side I drifted into another Island so I collected some materials and then made myself an electric grill how many potatoes can I cook it once with this thing steal the battery from here six at once there's no beating the veggie soup though so pointless pointless indeed so I put this Grill in a chest since I'd rather just use the cooking pots I placed three more tree plots at the back of the animal farm and I think it looks quite nice certainly livens up the place having a bunch of trees around one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh look at that big boy battery let's go those 10 Advanced batteries cost me 40 titanium ingots pretty expensive but definitely worth it as they hold three times the charge of the smaller simple batteries I tagged along with the chores and on the night of day 122 I spruced up the Cottages entrance a little I placed a fence as well as some grass plots which I think was quite an inspired design choice if I may say so myself I also made a third wind turbine and placed it in the center here completing my battery charging setup I placed some lanterns and fought cheaper the shark namesake of a Hindu deity that Arthur Shelby the shark has never heard of before wiping my big metal hook on some underwater goodies I was fresh out of trading coins by this point so I decided it was time to fish up some fancy fish Tom for some fishing next to my best friend Fathead checking my running technique laughs you've got to get those knees High when you're wearing flippers lift the knee lift the knee I spent the rest of the day fishing and that night hit up a Green Dot Island where I collected a bunch of stuff before selling all the fish and making the usual Titanium Ore and scrap purchases it's about time we hit up another destination Temperance let's go to Temperance three three two four so I pointed myself at the Blue Dot about two kilometers away and whacked on the engine making sure to fill my tanks with biofuel on the way there I cooked a bunch of veggie soup to restock my food supply and I also decided this big stupid towel was big and stupid so I tore it down which was actually kind of nice because I got a bunch of materials back all right well that's gone now R.I.P hideous Tower I continued cooking up soup and I also made some Choice beverages as hydration is indeed a worthy concern oh oh what is that that looks Frosty we can see in the peripheral there's a laser beam shooting at the sky that is definitely snow like ice ice shelf well we made it to Temperance it's snowing I equipped myself appropriately and headed out to Frosty town this place looks huge it's so cool so Frosty I aggressively joint an electrical cable from this Tower thing and made my way over to this abandoned weird Igloo Village where I joined some more electrical cables hold up [Music] let's go before taking the snowmobile for a proper spin I investigated The Village some more I found I could attach the electrical cables to these power pole thingos so I began connecting them oh okay I need more cables I've run out I've used four so I need to go Salvage more from somewhere vending machine token that's from tangaroa what so I don't think there's anything to do in this town except connect the electrical stuff I did discover this nearby bunker though which had weird green radioactive goopy stuff so I couldn't enter without taking damage I need some kind of uh protective gear to go down there I headed out in search of more electrical cables oh oh oh baby that's a polar bear holy crap oh he did a lot of damage to me I collected electrical cables from three more towers and then stumbled upon this Observatory note already lost Miranda I will not lose you too Henry two of us have followed the signal oh it's from my sister there's no doubt oh my gosh will be dangerous I can't believe I didn't fall in I think I was supposed to fall in my reflexes are too razor sharp and that was Bruno Bruno made it here the Bruno is a crazy guy from um Balboa Island the bear Island door is locked from the other side I mean I think I have to go in the hole anyway I headed down and found I had to swim in this icy water Infested by anglerfish but once through I climbed this giant ladder up to the ground floor of the observatory where I found a bunch of Loot and another note it was a rather cryptic Post-It note with a picture of a scrapbook I headed upstairs and found another Post-It note and right up top I found yet another Post-It note a keypad locked safe and the controls to the telescope Oh Henry the boat is ready to go detto is ready with the air horn and Reuben can at least walk Reuben as well is staying behind its Bitter Sweet ETO says there's a place with lots of people as crazy Bruno ended up with detto and Reuben and they're all on their way to try to find the people they're missing beautiful to behold and clearly Bruno's mind is repairing a bit he's no longer hearing voices from Henry but it's nice to meet you Henry you have a nice square head and I found a fourth Post-It note number one is like a weird one of the dodo bird singers number two is a puffer fish number three is this scrapbook number four is the raft what does this mean that was indeed the question I noticed these constellation posters had numbers written on them but I couldn't grasp what they represented I played around with the telescope admiring the Galaxy and its raft theme constellations and I knew I needed to get the code for the keypad from all of these Clues but it took me a while to piece it together oh hang on think I figured it out eight one two three four five six seven eight uh okay so the number relates to how many stars are in the constellation all right for the puffer fish one two three four five six seven eight nine I think that's the raft that's four one two three four five six for the hook the weird dodo five one two three four five counting the number of stars corresponding to each Post-It note got me the four digit code I needed there we go all right Celine key some more of any machine tokens Advanced stationary anchor oh sick that's the anchor that you can control using the engine control so that's gonna be very handy to upgrade the raft I decided to hold off investigating the Skyward beams of light and instead return to the village with the six electrical cables I gathered I connected a bunch more power poles but something wasn't adding up I've connected all the cables I think it's so what oh I need to connect it to here as well I totally missed this note that will showed me and Henry some abandoned igloos the boy got them open by fiddling with some cables the big Igloo is still shut though I stole the last Cable in the line and used it to connect everything to the generator and some of the village came alive does that mean I can get in to these places oh I can it's a gym I looted all the igloos collecting a good range of materials and some vending machine coins too but I was just one electrical cable short of powering up the big Igloo so I headed off to find one I had a vicious battle with another polar bear yeah kind of Epic in the snow I found another radioactive bunker and I found a couple more towers with polar bears for me to brawl ugh notice me and electrical cables for me to yoink polar bear polar bear pull the pole pull a pole about this to this all right we're into the big igloo okay oh you can buy it you can use the tokens here how many vending machine coins do I have 14 again all right let's get me one of those penguin things give me one of those mugs I then realized my bags were extremely full so I resisted buying anything else just yet I wandered upstairs and found the advance to biofuel refiner blueprint as well as a bunch more loot I then decided to dump a bunch of stuff to make space in my bags and I bought one of everything from the vending machines some rugs paintings and plants and off I went to dump my bag load at the raft oh gosh laughs it did it just disappear damn it I guess I'm running to find my raft and it was definitely one of those I can't for the life of me remember where I parked my raft situations but I found it eventually I placed some of the decorative items here just to check them out and then placed the Dome Sweet Dome welcome mat down in front of the cottage and a bunch of the plants are right on the grass here I placed a couple of the paintings too I dumped restocked and headed back out after the devastating dematerialization of my previous snowmobile I had to find myself another which I used to make this sick jump yeah let's go there was some loot up here but nothing too exciting I headed up to the nuclear power plant why is one blow torch where on Earth I'm almost certain I didn't miss anything at the observatory but I maybe missed something at the igloo oh yeah okay there's a blowtorch it's just sitting on the table right where that blueprint was all right now let's try that again all right let's blow torch this a levitating blowtorch goodness gracious me I used the Celine key and in I went while slurping on a tropical Bevy it definitely had the appearance of something nuclear gone wrong down here insert control rods I was sent to Celine alongside two colleagues one novel which I discovered was a more baby investors Sparrow was from all the way back at the radio tower the very first story location evidently she made it all the way here to work on the power source I donned a glorious hazmat suit and headed down into the radioactive depths there were three terminals with symbols for specific elements written next to them and conveniently there were posters up showing the atomic numbers you may be disappointed to find out I don't have the periodic table memorized so these posters were a godsend I had a 25 second window in which to punch in all the codes and the door unlocked down the hallway I found my first control rod look at this man oh there's like giant bugs in there what is this Fallout I chucked on another hazmat suit and climbed down to an area where I had to endlessly turn this valve while being assaulted by mutant bugs and once I got the door open and I found control rod number two the final stretch before control Road number three was a series of laser plus mirror puzzles that I used to open doors this first one was pretty simple but the next one was a bit more elaborate it was ultimately pretty straightforward though as I rotated these mirrors until the door gave way I grabbed the final control rod and another note Sparrow explained that the power source being developed here was meant to power the floating cities like tangaroa but they needed more people to help develop a working reactor she wondered if the people at the mysterious Utopia might be able to help but she'd heard worrying news one Olof wilkestrom had descended upon the place bad news indeed as we all know Olaf is an evil Goose on the loose all the control rods were in place but they got stuck somehow so I had to head down into the belly of the reactor to sort it out there were a few easily dispatched bugs and then it was just a matter of lowering all three control rods into place in Indigo number three is this gonna fix the Meltdown it did yeah I did nice I'm pretty sure I just solved the energy crisis you're welcome I wandered down this Frosty hallway and found the final room of this story location okay Utopia electric smelter yes don't have to use infinite planks to fuel my smelting anymore looks like it fits three things at once as well so good nice nice nice oh what the heck old mate was in cryo sleep or something another playable character the golden beam of land here he goes here he goes and with that I was done and I had the coordinates for Utopia where I'm hoping I'll finally catch up to Olaf so I can slap him silly I paid a visit to those two bunkers I'd found earlier and they were now radiation free they had a bunch of loot for me including some Titanium Ore which is always the juicy find this thing goes vertical that's glorious [Music] I dematerialized a second snowmobile and returned to my raft after a successful Expedition at the frosty Isle of temperance electric smelter let's go Advanced biofuel sweet Advanced stationary anchor beautiful I made myself an advanced stationary anchor which I placed down now this drops the anchor beautiful very convenient I also made an advanced biofuel refiner and this can connect straight into the fueling system via pipes it holds a lot more honey and raw foods too so my guess is it produces five or six biofuel containers worth and since it pumps the fuel directly into the engines it obviously saves me the trouble of manually inserting fuel although I do have tons of biofuel laying around if I need it and I made a second one finalizing my fuel setup I also crafted 40 wet bricks as I need 10 dry bricks per smelter bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks bricks Brooks they were ready to go on day 130 so I made myself four electric smeltics by the way all of these higher tier items cost a fair few titanium ingots for example these smelters cost six each I knew I wanted the smelters in this area up here I just wasn't exactly sure how to arrange them so I spent ages trying to make it feel right I eventually ended up with a setup like this I placed a couple of storage chests crafted for advanced batteries and transferred all my smeltable materials up to this new production area three at a time let's go just like that my concurrent smelting capacity went up from 10 to 12 and I no longer had to burn infinite planks for smelting just renewable wind energy harnessed into batteries you are welcome Mother Nature I then decided to turn it into an enclosed room as random smelters on the deck wasn't great for the vibe I had all the walls out by the time day 131 rolled around but before I got onto the roof I swam over to this Frosty Green Dot Island it featured some polar bears some treasure some Loot and of course A Trading Post I did a round of chores before settling on an idea for the smelting room's roof I figured some ventilation was in order so I placed a bunch of support poles and ended up with a design that looks like this I kept the raft machine ticking along while I dreamed up a plan for how to continue building vertically I decided I wanted to avoid walls as much as possible and instead try my best to make the design fairly open with visibility out to sea as a priority I placed a bunch of support poles outlining the structure I had in mind both up here opposite the smelting room and also down next to the cottage I'm thinking like like a dining kind of area here and then just kind of build it up and I don't know we'll see what happens I needed an enormous amount of scrap to make all the nails for these posts and I needed even more for the horizontal supports so when I saw this big island you better believe I went scrap hunting and every other material hunting too but scrap was definitely high on the list I hit up the land first where I made a few purchases dug up some goodies and caught myself another llama flop neck flop Nick ow run run flopnik we're under attack flop neck is llama number three I had originally planned to just stick with two of each animal but now that I knew how good wool was as a trash compactor insert I was Keen to get a bunch more llamas I spent the night collecting underwater where I also macheted Shayla the shark shiva's most loyal worshiper I emerged on day 134 with a decent Hall of materials I filled my bag with planks and nails and continued working on the new build I made a ladder here placed all the necessary horizontal supports and placed down flooring to create an entirely new elevated level it looked a little something like this I placed some ladders to connect the three staggered levels and then place the support beams and flooring over this area we didn't run out of nails good news good news it felt great to have some genuine verticality appear on my previously very flat raft by the way and this really goes without saying I also did lots of chores including continuing to make biofuel on these old-school biofuel refiners for some reason as a celebration of verticality I made a little zipline setup I cleaned up this underwater Zone and this is a pretty juicy haul for just a little Island not bad not bad also look at how my smelting chests are coming along I made 20 plants using clay and Palm leaves and use these to populate the entrance way to my Cottage I strongly believe more plants is always a top tier design strategy I then filled my bags with a bunch more decorative stuff and tried my best to turn this area here into a grand piano feature this included Major Tom perched on the table I added a rug here and I think this looks like a pretty decent place to chill out I then began work on a bathroom area up here because it's about time I pooped and cleaned myself now that it's been 137 days just poop while admiring the open ocean let's go I love that I then bounced down to this area and began work on a dining setup and I put a flag up here as you can see I was moving around a lot working on these areas and that's because I had no idea what I was doing I was just trying out random things as inspiration struck hoping that at some point it had all come together I built up some walls around the bathroom because privacy is important all right so here's the deal you got privacy ship side but then you got ocean views yeah you can see out the window while you're pooping no problem no problem I continue decorating including an attempt to make a funny sign poop and wipe pooping pooping I made a little Shelf with some Choice toilet time reading material and then added a roof in the roofing process I made some adjustments including moving the window and removing the Epic pooping sign because I realized how stupid it was I also placed down a hammock on which I unintentionally slept through the night I wasn't too fussed though because it is important to get those eight hours with that glorious project complete for now at least I said I mean it's something I then experimented with some red paint and actually managed to achieve some good results oh kind of cool oh you can do all patterns and stuff [Music] I didn't know I could do that let's go I spent some time relaxing with some friendly raft chores and exploitation of a tiny Island's resources and then some more chores and the exploitation of a different tiny Island's natural resources I also demolished shama the shark shayla's big toe that was most relaxing of all and here's another smelting chest update as you can see my horde of materials grows nicely I then placed a bunch of lanterns new light there two more at the back of this farm animal farm a bunch of light up here two up here one here and then three over here I might take out this middle one I think it's Overkill I had tons of plastic piling up so I trash cubed a bunch and then crafted more storage chests which I placed along here this space was allocated as a dump for ocean floaties since the first wall of Chess was beginning to overflow yet another Island met the fury of my scrapbook and I even collected all the flowers from this one because why not I then placed a couple of decorative palm trees down as I figured these would go well to fill space and add some natural Vibrance another Trading Post Island was on the horizon so I fished up some fancy fish to sell when I got there once there I caught llama number four Shaggy up next little look how small flop neck is compared to the other three good for you flopnik back on the island I tracked down some treasure while Pumba gave me a hard time you gonna get me ow never mind you can I collected dirt climbed about 400 kilometers up this Giant mountain made some Choice deals and then returned to dump the hall I'd gotten from the land before jumping into the sea as day 143 dawned get macheted you Dingus that was Shadow the shark the one who followed shama everywhere I admired the unconvincing positioning of my anchor and then collected the day away and then something upsetting happened I can't kill it fast enough it's so frustrating how do you kill those you must have to just kill him with am I dead what whatever [Music] I lost my bottle since when does it just kill you it doesn't what actually happened was I let myself drown without realizing at all though I must give full credit to that fart for distracting me from my need to breathe as you can tell I was only mildly frustrated it's no big deal but that's why you should never underestimate an underwater fart the worst part was the loss of my canteen because I had no leather to make a new one so I grabbed my water bottle and went out to murder some animals I got revenge on Pumbaa and he provided three leather and then I had a wild goose chase after this goat so I guess it was more of a while to go chase you yes he doesn't drop anything oh I just oh my gosh look at this poor innocent goat I just murdered it for no reason well that's awkward so I wasn't able to make that new canteen just yet I jumped back into the water this time with a bow and some arrows in case I came across any more prodigious farters I spent the whole night down there and managed to get some petty Revenge by shooting this puffer fish in the face a few times rather than drift I decided to actually head straight for a Green Dot for once and on the way there I replaced a bunch of tools that had been decimated by the unfortunate incident with the flatulent fish I refilled the biofuel refiners in the engine room too once on the island I found some Vault treasure with a painting in it very nice and after hitting up the training post I found llama number five this is a fancy looking llama is he fancy looking he looks a bit different I feel like the two-tone is different two-tone the Llama the Llama herd grows I put the painting of the Potter flowers up here most excellent and then hunted down a warthog for leather but killing just a warthog felt a bit off so I killed sharvin the shark Shadow's accountant I then drank this spicy beverage that increases swim speed and this helped me Zoom around the underwater area and by my counter the buff lasted 10 minutes there was also one of these deep divy bits with heaps of goodies which is always a bonus when I emerged I pointed the raft at another Green Dot Island this is not a frosty Island Frosty Frosty one if they have llamas on the frosty Frosty Islands there were no Llamas on the frosty Island just angry bears and a lively Marketplace I made a bunch of shears because I was collecting lots of wool from My Five llamas and I then decided it was time to double my honeycomb production I crafted five more hives and a bunch of advanced small crop plots and made a carbon copy of my existing Hive setup which is finicky business getting all the placements just right but I got there eventually it's good because it feels in the area a bit like otherwise the area was pretty sparse it's nice to have something functional chill in there I also placed three purely decorative flower pots on this side which I think was a tasteful touch even the greatest designers should aspire to I crafted a bunch more decorative items and rejigged this space a little one big change was replacing the lanterns that were here with these string lights I also set the table and put a big candle thing in the middle I put a little cupboard with a sunflower on top over here some string lights over the kitchen area and a sitting area next to the warthog pumba's hangout Corner you'll love to see it I added a couple of plants to this area and then transformed this wall turning it into a trophy display doofus Zippy zap and Boris I then made a most excellent discovery [Music] that's kind of cool I didn't realize I could do this just randomly hang a bunch of dinos okay what do we do with this information though the answer to that question is put a bunch of danglies over here I also realized I could stick pot plants straight onto walls so that was good news too I made some more large crop plots and placed a couple in this dead space here and two more up near the Poop Shoot as well while I was admiring the work I'd done judging up the place I was struck with another idea it's not great privacy you're chilling in the tub would you be satisfied with that privacy with a giant gap between your curtain to be honest who cares I did some chores placed another tree up here next to the piano area got cooking some veggie soup because I was running quite low and then fished for a bit as I approached this Trading Post Island once I got there I found something unexpected cheeky piece what I had no idea I could find these but I am a big fan yeah why not that's pretty cool and then I had some trouble catching this llama mainly because I randomly picked up a black flower while carrying it which made me drop it and of course it pranced away so I had to catch it again you can be called elusive because you gave me a headache I then drank another swim speed beverage and headed underwater this session went through the night and into day 152 and it was a pretty juicy haul over 60 scrap and almost 100 seaweed it is time to hit up Utopia 63496 three four [Music] and all right straight ahead apparently Utopia they said it wasn't real there it is two and a half K's away on the way there I did a couple of chores and then found inspiration to build a little bar slash chillout Zone up here I went for a leafy Vibe and set up some of these tall tables with stalls and while I was working on the interior I spotted our destination that's Utopia I guess it doesn't look like it's in the best shape it's a raft there I think we made it as I drifted nearer I continued playing around with the design it's like a like a raft kind of City built on the remnants of some really tall skyscrapers I held off for getting my investigation of the mysterious Utopia because I had a room to finish designing I got it looking like this and then I decided to make the ceiling a real dangly Heaven I guess that's a Vibe if we come if we walk in like this not bad you can hang out in here all right yeah that looks kind of cool all right I better go investigate this island man and so I got my bags organized and headed over there was a big water tank and it looked like there was something in there for me so I just needed to raise the water level somehow oh lots of dirt we love dirt hmm okay never mind not a lot to do but look how cool this this settlement was I Came Upon This spinny thing and this seemed like it was part of the puzzle to get the water into the tank in fact there were three of these spread out around the farm area there were also some free shovels which is always a bonus and I found a water pump but it required electricity I mean I've got batteries on my boat do you want me to bring batteries so this is the electricity is coming from over there looks like the big motor okay let us check up another shovel semi shovels all right we got a note if I had even more power just imagine all the experiments I could run but now that lunatic Olaf appeared his cages are already unloaded and now he's promising to help everyone with his army Olaf rootstrom ruined Caravan Tower I will never forgive him I hope Han and Ruben listen to me he's not to be trusted so it seems like all of our favorites made it to Utopia but so did the stinky Olaf that is clearly bad news one Harpoon one carbon dioxide canister who am I shooting harpoons at probably at that giant red X I also needed a code of some sort to access detto's room down here so I had some work to do I began systematically exploring the rest of the boardwalks I found a door to one of the skyscrapers that required two entrance Keys some vending machine tokens and this thoroughly chained building that required a master key the list of things I had to find certainly grew pretty long pretty quickly I headed over to this area and discovered these crates that I could pick up and move around what the how do I drop this crate what is this ah it's got me these hyenas are no doubt a creation of our good friend Olaf they didn't really do much damage to me it's kind of terrifying finding them in the dark though it's like a hyena playing Fetch with a bottle I checked out the generator looking thing oh and it needed an electrical cable I found my first cable tucked around here but I couldn't find where to connect it obviously the crates were a part of the puzzle so I piled them up to gain access to the roof of one of the buildings okay and we made it up here is that good it was indeed good as I found another electrical cable as well as a power pole to connect the cables to there were also two zip lines to neighboring buildings but for some reason I didn't have my zipline tool equipped my guess is it broke when I got farted on earlier so as day 155 dawned I headed back to the raft to craft a new one when I returned I ziplined across here tiptoed across this pole and connected to the first cable no no no four hits weak Stop Dancing Stop Dancing I found some more cables and connected a second across here a third across here collected a couple more cables and finished up connecting the power we're electrified it's gonna start pumping yeah it's pumping water it's pumping water this spinny puzzle was straightforward in concept obviously you've got to line up the pipes but I'll be honest I was just rotating them willy-nilly and hoping oh I did it I I did it completely accidentally all right that one's done let's go it's going it's gone all right we follow it we follow it along it's undulating and then we're up to this one it was the same again for spinny puzzle number two oh we did it how I don't okay that one was also mostly accidental and I repeat yet again for puzzle number three ah that worked just keep spinning until it works okay it's filling up now inside the tank was a carbon dioxide canister but I still lacked a harpoon I also was yet to find any of the keys or codes I needed for the various locked doors and I had no idea what I was missing so I wandered around all night like a goose on the loose trying to figure out where I had gone wrong oh what how did I not see this before entrance key do not trust all of the extreme when he arrived here we took his word in good faith he exploited us at every turn now all of us these centers are locked up which is everyone by my count to anyone reading this all of should be up in the marketplace beware of his rabbit beasts please take the master key from him set us free set Utopia free don't just Olaf it's not rocket science come on guys so now I had one entrance key at least but I still suffered from a distinct lack of Harpoon I continued wandering around and finally I took a better look at the map on dedo's house oh hang on yeah so as you can see there are three red circles which I totally missed when I looked at this map earlier those circles indicated where the parts of dedo's code were buried so I dug those up and finally accessed dedo's Shack there were a bunch of materials and a most exciting blueprint big oh big backpack nice I also found the Harpoon at long last but I'm going straight to make a big backpack except I needed 10 wool and while I was able to collect six from my llamas I still needed four more so my dreams of a bigger backpack were delayed I took the opportunity to empty my bags and then return learned to shoot a harpoon let's go [Music] all right nice there's my other entrance key I took another zip line down right to the entrance here we go we're in I headed up the elevator and found myself on precarious platforms hugging the side of the skyscrapers with Nets strung up to catch me should I step a foot wrong I found a pulley system thingo that said requires cogwheel but it seemed the only option I had was to parkour through this mile-high obstacle course ah huh what am I doing it was a bunch of jumping crouching falling and failing but I got there eventually you may notice the sun rose so that gives you an indication of how long it took me at the end I found a hammer and an elevator that required a cog wheel and headed back to the start and used the hammer to break through this padlock go on Whack It Whack It with a hammer I will only see this once leave on your raft leave Utopia to me it's all off or else the forward Scouts end with you Olaf you cheeky bugger actually came face to face with Olaf after all this time following in the wake of olof's Evil Shenanigans I had finally caught up with the weird bloke there was a funky scale pulley system puzzle here and it was just a matter of getting the right amount of weight on there so the cogs stopped at the right level on the other side basically I just added and removed these weights until the maths added up I grabbed the cogs and headed through to the next area look around the filthy Rafters turned luxury apartments into a scrap yard relieving them of the responsibility was the only decent thing I could do for them I can't believe how I'm grateful all of you are all of your and lunatic I don't know if you know but you are you are crazy it was more of the same except there were more levels to work with so the maths was a little more complicated but before long I was moving forward with my cogs simple mathematics I headed down and found I'd reconnected with the parkour area except now I had the cogs I needed to repair the elevator put the Cog on here send that back and now I've got to do that I gotta do the parkour again I'm so bad at the parkour parkour parkour parkour I did it pretty quickly this time clearly I am a parkour Prodigy and I chucked the Cog into the elevator and headed up check out The View it's actually pretty sick I then stacked a bunch of crates in what was very obviously the wrong spot I have no idea what I was thinking but I worked it out eventually oh what am I doing this is where I'm supposed to go you had your chance to leave but you just won't listen so fine have it your way welcome to Utopia what the heck he strong bums at me that's not only that's rude Behavior I did my best to avoid Olaf's fireworks as I stacked up crates all the while enduring his sledging as he bombarded me I'm coming for you die die Olaf electric zipline tool Warehouse key well that was an exciting battle Olaf is crazy and if we've mentioned that before we can ride it up or down Ziplocs that's cool that's very cool I headed out and made my way around how cool this is man it's a it's a wonderful design for the last Zone I opened up the warehouse door and dropped this ladder which connects to the starting area for ease of access later and I headed through to chase down big bad Olaf I was forced to drop down into this hyena-infested area while all off healed some nonsense at me I killed the three hyenas but I had the strange feeling I was being watched look at these creepy eyeballs man how many monsters do you have in there the bombs at me again more hyenas were released and I foolishly allowed myself to be distracted by them but eventually I realized that they weren't going to stop coming so I just needed to focus on stacking crates but apparently I am an absolute Goose when it comes to stacking crates in the correct spot because for some reason I stacked them here rather than at the obviously signed posted location I was supposed to how do I oh I should have been going over there I'm so stupid man it was quite stressful avoiding bombs and running away from hyenas so that is my excuse I've bounced back and forth like a silly willy while constantly haranged by the hyenas but I got there eventually one more don't do it ah that's terrify stop stop I'm getting chain grabbed all right all right I think I'm good let's just get some health back I headed up these stairs through this walkway and Came Upon a rather disturbing Arena what is I don't have the HP for this look at this radioactive bear I decided I better head back to the raft and restock before taking on the radioactive beast and this provided an opportunity to collect some more wool and craft myself the beak backpack oh an extra row let's go I crafted some extra weaponry and made the long climb all the way back up come on then oh my true warrior a Survivor you see the weak are singled out the strong remain you've forwarded Scouts were the same you build yourself up from nothing you keep going until you counter something wrong Alpha in position it's gracious me I kited the alpha and shot arrows at him and it worked okay except for that one time he ate my face periodically Olaf threw food to the big fella which caused him to become invulnerable for a bit and prompted special attacks like this one where he chucked stinky rocks at me the fight raged on and the floor became increasingly acidic and eventually I ran out of arrows and switched to my machete I was forced to use some healing cells too hey we did it that was intense yeah boy all right Olaf your next mate kind of machete with your name on it I rode the elevator up to the top level and it was time to give Olaf a sternly worded reprimand [Music] thank you for the master key and titanium tools oh oh let's go all right well see ya Olaf um hang tight got him I headed back down and made my way to make use of the master key it's gonna free all my friends I think ah a cinematic when the ocean itself broke civilization the survivors were left with nothing true yet they proceed forward Scouts from the wreckage defied our flooded world and brought back hope Now Utopia stands free once again thanks to their actions thank you with this final chance we can begin the slow and difficult road to recovery from today on we are all forward Scouts ready to discover the next step for Humanity inspirational oh Epic epic glorious [Music] nice nice nice nice nice you did it we did it so at last everyone was free and for my part I had free reign to burgle fruit from the marketplace so that was nice yeah give it to me give me them fruits I can't believe we ended up like that listening to Olaf was a mistake to say the least I need to get better at meeting people agreed Larry yes Olaf did seem a bit maniacal well I stole only a fruit so I guess we're even there was a vending machine that sold what appeared to be food danglies so I bought a bunch as I'd found heaps of vending machine tokens in my journey through Utopia I chatted to many of the NPCs and they all basically just admitted they were stupid to trust Olof which is a fair assessment of events there were two more vending machines with decorative denglies and plants so I bought a bunch of those as well and then ran into my old friends For the First Time In the Flesh Bruno no way I also found a caged Olaf hi Olaf I am happy thanks for asking no one ever listens to me maybe they'll listen after this yeah I didn't I feel you it's all a fellow doesn't seem like the nicest type Bruno I made space in my bags and bought a few more decorative goodies ensuring that I bought a few of each item available and then bounced between detto and Bruno listening to their voicelands which seemed to never run out eventually I got bored of that and decided to leave all the Utopia gooses to their piece piece that I earned for them battling a rabid radioactive monster you're welcome you silly nerds and with that I had completed the story of raft honestly that was a pretty epic finale and it seems there is hope this settlement can work towards a prosperous future especially if they can avoid trusting any future olafs but I still had 41 days until the 200 day Mark so that meant plenty of time to tie up loose ends and of course to make my raft as glorious as possible the first thing I did was figure out a way to make use of my food danglings and the obvious way to achieve that was to build a structure over my kitchen area that's cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice nice I then went to town placing the hanging decorations my Approach was to evenly space them but placed them in no particular order all right we got danglies everywhere now can't go wrong with danglies there's no denying it the danglies are top tier I added a couple of lanterns too I decided it would be fitting to honor the Fallen hyenas in Alpha with some trophies and Olaf's mum gotcha and Olaf's got Prada plays out here I've run around placing plants everywhere enhancing some of the existing areas and I hung up some of the glowy bottle things too I also decorated the anchor area with some dangling decorations which I think worked well to add a little spice I did likewise above the piano hang out soon and I also added more danglies to the ceiling of the bar area after that decorative Rampage I returned to some more menial chores such as crafting a bunch of shears and looking after my animals this is me collecting honeycomb and running the length of my deck just so you can get a sense for the vibe on the raft as the sun rose on day 162. honestly I was proud of it already I made some more plants and stuck them here on the wall of the crop farm and then tended to my animals Again by this point I rarely bothered putting anything in the recyclers besides wool so I was doing my best to Shear the Llamas on the regular I added some of the glowy bottles to the Hanging Garden type deal in here and here's an update on my smelting chests I added an extra one to accommodate overflowing resources very nice I admired my raft for a bit and then decided it was time to fire up the engines I think we jet towards tangaroa now because I have unfinish business there big juicy golf ball here I come on the way there I set up a new Animal Farm area because I had Ambitions to catch more llamas this included crafting a bunch more grass plots and a couple of sprinklers I made a couple more advanced large crop plots and planted more palm trees and then I arrived at tongaroa firstly I bought a radio from the vending machine and I was hoping that vending machine tokens would have respawned so I could collect them and buy some more decorative stuff secondly I had Intel from a comment that suggested there was a secret room to be found in one of the elevators is it this lift or is it a different lift it was a different lift yeah hmm this is this soundtrack of my life if I can get more strawberries nice I think it's this elevator I swear someone said oh there it is minus eight minus nine minus ten all right we're 20 levels below here there was a bunch of good loot down here the most exciting of which was the elevator cassette nothing too mind-blowing but a nice little hidden bonus vending machine tokens and all other items had indeed respawned so I've ran around collecting for a while I bought as many tangaroa plants as I could because I love plants back on the raft I placed the radio down here next to the hammock and inserted the EDM cassette I found ages ago and I placed a bunch of the plants around the place most notably these hanging pots all right next loose end Balboa Island I got a bear to kill this Trading Post Island was on the way so I stopped there first collecting some bees treasure and choice purchases I also collected underwater for a little bit one of the purchases I made on this island was a fridge and I tried putting it in here as I figured it'd make sense to have easy access to beverages when hanging out up here but the fridge was too big and ugly so I got rid of it soon enough I arrived at Balboa Island the goal was to take down the terrifying Mama Bear because the last time I shot like 40 arrows at her and I had no luck there were two problems though I didn't really have an improved plan as to how I was going to defeat her and I got extremely lost I came here to fight mama bear but the true enemy is my sense of direction there she is finally found her as I said I really didn't have a plan so I just started shooting oh oh um yeah so about that considering that took me like five hours to find it and I'm not gonna be able to find her again and then I'm just gonna die I can't I can't be bothered I'm bailing from trying to kill Mama Bear you can live I don't care I don't care anymore let's go to a Green Island instead and there you have it folks definitive proof I am indeed a god tier gamer I then began work on a structure Atop The smelting room and I didn't really know what this was gonna be I just wanted more verticality it was indeed vertical as it became the highest point on the raft I made a zip line over to it and this was actually the only way to access up here without doing parkour on top of the sail and I crafted some large crop plots and lined them up on the smelting room's roof in the middle tier I placed tons of plants and buy tons of plants I mean tons of plants and up the top two nests for seagulls which meant this random Tower did actually have a function as these nests will yield me some feathers I also placed a zip line down from the top and I think this definitely wins the award for the most random addition to my raft but it looks pretty good so why not I continued chipping away at all the necessary chores and I also made tweaks and additions to Raft design whenever inspiration struck I used up most of my exclusive powder to make a bunch of net canister's falama capturing and then randomly remembered I had some new researchers to unlock the only tool I made for now was a titanium hook and I would have made the electric zipline tool but I was dead out of scrap as I'd used it all up making nails for the random Nest Tower I just built I was also low on Trading Post coins so I fished up some special fish before heading onto the island I'd arrived at Fusion Vision Vision Vision unfortunately none of my treasure hunting was possible on this island as I had already been here somehow I navigated Back to the Island I'd visited before the successful game a moment on Balboa Island I did at least sell the fancy fish articord I also tested out my titanium hook and he collected stuff quickly and seemed to be quite durable I drifted day 168 away getting in the raft Zone where it's just relaxing to stay on top of jobs around the raft I also began making an enormous amount of veggie soup because I figured why not make an enormous amount of veggie soup this was to the extent that I actually used my crop farm for the first time in like 100 days as I harvested and replanted a bunch of beets and potatoes I arrived at an island on which I caught my seventh llama got a dingus so you can be dungus this prompted me to move over all my llamas to make shearing simpler I then spent a night and a day collecting underwater while benefiting from a swim speed buff I added a few more chests to my storage area my storage walls are complete and that's 32 chests total about half of which were already full of decorative items old batteries and useful trash from the sea got a few veggie soups flying around now not too bad not bad I had another sojourn to a big island where I did the usual and was lucky to find llama number eight flippenstein weapon flippenstein flippenstein depending on your pronunciation distinguished pluribenstein Stein man my wrath looks glorious my am I designed genius I hit up another big island featuring some vertical rock face treasure digging there was no llama on this island which was caused for considerable outrage and also this warthog chased me into a cave I was zooming from Green Dot to Green Dot at this point so the engines were going pretty much constantly which meant I was refilling the advanced refiners pretty regularly fortunately I had plenty of raw food and animal heads to use and no shortage of Honey either I crafted a huge amount of rope collected my rather large buildup of titanium ingots and finally upgraded my collection Nets so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven thirteen forty fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighty nineteen twenty oh dude these are expensive I removed the old raggedy Nets and pop down these shiny new ones they look really nice they look crispy and they match the improved flooring how many more do I need one two three four five six seven eight nine more before making the remaining Nets I decided to stop and look for treasure at this little island and I was very glad that I did what the heck this safe is ridiculous it's got a toy robot a rock cassette EDM I've already got EDM but still a real self-portrait a remnant of a mysterious Collective let's listen to The Rock Gazette collection is looking decent you know and what's this real self-portrait that's like handsome Squidward I feel like he should go here I then finished up with the collection now it's fully upgraded line of Nets looking Schmick schmicked these improved Nets hold 15 items maximum instead of 10 which is a handy little upgrade meaning I won't have to empty them quite so often I was swimming in plastic so I decided to recycle about two chests worth and then I put up my screecher trophies bird idiot and bigger bird idiot hidden away in the engine room where no one ever has to see the ugly hideous stupid heads I also spruced up the outside wall of my old production Hub with you guessed it plants and I finally remembered to craft an electric zipline tool and it was predictably fun boink nice and on day 175 I discussed the merits of experimenting with paint the other thing I could try I could do some painting I don't know what I would paint I kind of liked the raw Brown Vibe with green as kind of like the secondary color which is very natural vibe from all the plants and leaves and then little accent colors you know the red on the flag I don't know I like that Vibe so I don't know if I really want to paint I caught Wiggles the llama and then availed myself of the Island's resources oh and here's a smelting chest update and when visiting this little island after what felt like a long drought of shark murder I killed shushu shushu the shark sharven's dad I decided I didn't like the Stacked small crop plots because even though it was efficient it was annoying so I spaced them out without any stacking and locked off my crop farm setup while at it I harvested and replanted titanium sword yeah I had an uneventful visit to this island where I weirdly chose not to try out my new sword and on day 177 I played around with paint for ages and long story short I decided I hate it and don't want to use it except on the odd piece of furniture I also placed some logs in here very loggy and on day 178 I created perhaps the greatest installment yet all the playable characters Bruce or any number of relatives of Bruce at the island oh my God that's actually my character I think his name is ruhi having a fish these are the four craftable paintings and I'm sure you agree my little Art Gallery is quite glorious to celebrate I killed shake it shake it the shark's wife uh we're looking at the titanium sword that was a quick turn he got chopped up pretty fast the first victim of my titanium sword let's go see what we can find on this island I found a treasure white flowers a warthog that died in four strokes of my titanium blade vertical trash treasure and a llama no one rhymes with llama Obama the Llama I did nothing but chores on day 179 and full disclosure this is when I began sleeping through the night just to speed things along a bit and to be fair you can't argue with some z's on a hammock strung Under the Stars another one of these doofuses oh why I decided I might as well catch this Island's Goat as there was space in the goat slash dodo enclosure so why not OnStar let's dance let's dance well you die fast when I've got this big old sword this particular dancer was named Shaq son of shake it shake it and shishu I killed him on the way to catching this dodo chicken weirdo peanut peanut is your name all right now I think it's time we head back to Bear Island Mama Bear Must Die to prepare myself for the travails ahead some titanium arrows oh yeah 18 titanium arrows a couple of bows helmet body armor Greaves all right we got the armor oh yeah we look ready I also decided I wanted the catfish meal that increases run speed except I had a zero catfish so I got to fishing oh what the what is this why is there a flag on this island yo that's a shipwreck I've never seen this before is this like a rare this must be super rare I've never seen this before whoa what the heck man oh now you psycho [Music] oh no Captain my Captain there's a radio in here since hat as well can you get that anywhere else I don't think you can and they put up a flag that says help well I don't think he got any help mate I'm too little too late for me I'm sorry it's just a normal small island otherwise can I dig oh yes I just dug out of this plastic box it's another Tiki piece nice so yeah that was an eventful Island very juicy I Googled it while writing this script and that island has a two percent chance to appear I placed my second Tiki piece atop the first I already perched over here and then continued trying to catch a catfish and let me tell you this was a saga I'm not catching any catfish it's very frustrating give me catfish give me catfish I've got like this many fish I haven't caught a single salmon or catfish so none of the big fish give me catfish I want to get catfished all right now I got the fishing hat on you have to give me catfish because I am wearing my fishing hat there's one Catfish One catfish there we go two that'll do me I cooked up the Run speed buff food and when they were ready I headed out it did indeed make me run faster which was wonderful news I somehow found Mama Bear pretty quick this time and let me tell you I really shouldn't have bothered with all my in-game preparation because none of it could beat what I learned on the raft Wiki you can actually cheese this entire fight these are titanium arrows She's Taken like I don't know how many a lot there's no way I would have been able to kill oh I did it there's no way I would have been able to kill her without cheese hahaha she took like 40 hours [Laughter] that's one way to get it done it's just as well I made those catfish meals the Run speed really did come in clutch I ran around looking for treasure for a bit and managed to find my third Tiki piece and when I returned to the raft I found a spot to put up my mama bear trophy oh it's big mama Big Mama I then decided I better increase my Animal Farm space in order to accommodate the swelling population of llamas when placing the grass down I realized there was no reason I couldn't have grass underneath the sprinklers so I added some and the double decker animal area turned out better than I'd hoped I made sure to add lighting and then did the big animal swap a Rooney yet again this will be double decker llama town maybe we can try and get a bunch more before the 200 days is up we got goats and chicken dodo idiots at this island I decided to purchase the remaining hats I hadn't acquired yet the chef hat sailor's hat and silly goofy mustache glasses thing which isn't really a hat but whatever and I caught a llama you shall be the first llama to live up the top if I can climb the ladder therefore you shall be top bunk Bandit oh that doesn't fit um up high guy I had an epic battle with two warthogs and I caught a goat you can be foreign Ty painting while on the island see why you don't want to poo you've got a kraken lurking up behind you on day 187 I hit up another big island where I caught a Dodo idiot and called it butthead I found another Tiki piece and caught yet another llama and called it twitch not after the streaming platform but after the regular movements of this Fella's ears and on day 188 I decided to raise my bridge at present it was quite low and therefore its visibility wasn't great especially now that my raft was no longer vertically challenged and so I figured go big or go home it's so tall man uh I think we do it I think we roll with it of course this freed up heaps of space on this lower area and it meant I could get rid of this random thing oh since there was no longer an aerial on it it also inspired me to tweak the piano area a bit adding in this wall so it was more distinctly partitioned I replaced all the captain's Essentials up at this lofty height and as you can see this new perch had a wonderful view I set up one aerial on either side with discrete platforms and expanded the main platform back a bit to make broom for the third aerial and a sail kind of like a spaceship I connected a zip line up there and destroyed the ladder so the only way to access the bridge was via an electric zipline tool it really did look like a wacky spaceship on stilts and at this stage I couldn't work out if that was a good thing or a bad thing one thing I knew for sure though was that all three zip lines descending to the same spot randomly above the storage chests was not a great setup and so using this little bit of space at the front of the raft I built a zipline Hub of sorts I connected my three zipline locations to their own separate pole and this was a much more intuitive and easy to use setup for getting around the raft I also capitalized on the new structure by adding a little chill out spot in front of it it is a bit more of an ordeal to get to my controls I guess so much easier to steer and know where I'm going you had a real feel like sense of the ship's movement I tended to some neglected chores and then made the most of this Trading Post Island and when I returned I performed some Elite acrobatics what a maneuver [Music] and I set sail for Utopia because I figured it deserved one last visit and I also wanted to buy more danglies from the vending machines I added three plants to this little wall and decided to use this space to place down three staggered trees yeah no it's it's tasteful I think it works means it's not too busy up here it's it's it's simple I also thought it would be cool to have a couch and fridge here laughs but once again the fridge's big ugliness was too powerful to ignore so I removed it I don't know what else to do with this area do I need to do anything else it's just like a it's kind of like a power move just to have a couch there for surveying your kingdom I decided I didn't like how uniform the palm trees were next to the art gallery so I chopped some of them down and replaced them with other trees and I'd arrived at Utopia so I headed out in search of vending machine tokens and managed to find about 18 before stealing more fruit and fish from their Market I used the tokens to buy a bunch more decorative items too I returned to the raft and got back to Drifting I placed a bunch of plants one on either side of the couch and some surrounding the newly planted trees and I again work on this structure part way up the stilts I started with a Cross Beam featuring symmetrical danglies then added this palm leaf Roofing and finally a platform I placed some lighting and a whole bunch of plants on the platform and I think it looks quite nice yeah I think that really improves because it's less like two giant long sticks now I also added some hanging decorations to the Double Decker Farm area I continued sprinkling decorations all over the place plants danglies and lighting and I decided the plants either side of the couch were too symmetrical so I replaced one I even added a plant to the cottage lit up at night it looks pretty good to me I I visited another big island and this one yielded yet another Tiki piece check out that Tiki Tower and on day 198 I finally fixed out what was most definitely the least impressive section of the raft this dining area was just a little underwhelming so I added this little wall with a fireplace set up some hanging decorations and a little cupboard and I think it brought the additional structure to the area that was previously lacking I also played around with the rug under the table and different color options with paint but in the end I gave up on the rug and restored the chairs to their default color I still felt like the area wasn't quite right but it was certainly much improved so I left it at that I feel like there's one more thing I can do this roof was simply too bare and that would not do so I added some foliage a palm tree centerpiece and a bunch of plants because why not and on the evening on day 200 I did the rounds just to bask in the completion of this raft and this series there's almost too much to list from the Animal Farms to the crop farms to the production areas the kitchen and its danglies to the sitting and chill out areas the hammock and the bathroom the cottage and the dining area the seagull Tower and copious plants complete with an ask gallery and of course plenty to see all the way up here on the bridge time to do some jumpy jumpies 200 days of raft let's go baby and just like that 200 days of raft were completed go watch me defile the dead and create a zombie slave Army in the hilarious movie 300 days of graveyard
Channel: Floydson
Views: 1,167,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floydson, aussie, raft, floydson raft 100 days, i played 100 days of raft, i played 200 days of raft, floydson raft, 200 days of raft the movie, 200 days of raft, raft full playthrough
Id: 4r5nzLZdQhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 18sec (9858 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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