It took over 200 HOURS to find this rare animal | theHunter: Call of the Wild

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243 yup that'll definitely take him out all right here we go [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to call the wild we're back in Emerald Coast here and look where we are we are way up at the top now a few days ago I was just messing around trying to unlock some outposts and I may have come across a diamond potential fallow Dairy he's massive so what we're going to do today is we're gonna go up to the top and walk ourselves all the way across hit the sanctuary and all the way over and hopefully bag ourselves our very first diamond follow deer but in order to do that we got to get out of here first uh let me just jump off that maybe I should get another four-wheeler I know we'll be fine we can go on foot I'm not seeing too much around me right now but I'm hoping that's gonna change soon oh what was that yup there we go oh he's nervous all right that's the guy I want to take out do I use my bow and arrow I don't know I want to use my malmer I want to see if I can get a heart shot well actually I could get a neck shot I'm gonna get a neck shot on one of these guys eventually as soon as he stops I'm gonna see if I get a next shot here we go I'm hoping that was a vital it wasn't so I'm gonna see if I can save it and that should be a nice long there we have it right there all right so I'm gonna go ahead and guess that that was no organs hit on the first one I don't know how I'm missing these shots here I've been trying to get a neck shot for so long non-vital organent yeah we kind of ruined him but that's okay you want a little bit risky there oh they're kind of slowing down oh oh he's dead but they're kind of slowing down there's one for her there's another one right there and there we go three for three we're gonna have Bullseye every single one of them all right let's see here how bad was this because it definitely wasn't good but oh are you there's no way that wasn't a neck come on that was that definitely hit the neck but either way look at this one again it just doesn't penetrate deep enough to go through kind of [ __ ] but we'll take it first kill of the day fleeing traveling they're a little bit confused oh yeah she's going down 50 75 they're not gonna die from that so I'm gonna just gonna I'm just gonna leave them alone with a bunch of ass shots in them they'll be fine and more Banting this is a lot oh shoot oh that's a nice one he's actually the same as that level three interesting do I take you know what I'm gonna see if I can get a get a sneaky little vital on him not sure if that was going to be a vital but it could have been so let's go check oh we got more there level 3 127 almost I have seen so many level threes be a little bit better than the level fours and I just I don't get it I'm sorry what I'm sorry what oh Pablo holy [ __ ] dude it's gonna be a good day today all right what was this for no way a melanistic band thing that's gonna be my first melanistic ever we gotta track this guy down where the hell is he that's definitely not that's a really good level four though I'm gonna see if I can get a vital there we go that definitely should be a vital okay so we at least got a vital on him oh yeah he's dropping where the [ __ ] is that melanistic we gotta find him so this guy was a gold 126 yeah we haven't seen anything near a 137 yet so it's not too bad messing up these shots but either damn they have big lungs I don't know how I was missing before all right here's that other guy that we shot and he's absolutely not the melanistic he's just a black yeah so if that's what the black looks like oh man the melanistic must be beautiful but we oh we got him with a liver shot there we go pretty good all right Pablo where the [ __ ] is this melanistic hold up [ __ ] bentang fleeing but where oh you know what we should probably run then because if that was him I don't want him to get too far away oh that's him right there holy [ __ ] he's beautiful okay how are we gonna do this oh no way I gotta see if I can get a little bit closer to him we're gonna run him down switch over my arrows here and see maybe just maybe we can take him out with a bow and arrow you know what [ __ ] it I'm switching over to my uh to my gun oh where is it oh bad hit I may have saved it there I don't know it doesn't matter though we just gotta kill him I just want to get myself a melanistic I don't care how bad it is all right let's see he's still running so I don't think it was a great shot but it doesn't matter to me it doesn't matter one bit wait a second oh it was a vital nice okay and he's down holy crap that's my first melanistic we have to save this before something happens to my game oh my God look at him pitch black all right we gotta grab this guy right now beautiful gold beautiful mountain yep we messed it up there but we just barely managed to save it time to Taxidermy 100 taxidermint he is safe I I can't believe how [ __ ] good he is he is so good looking okay all right we gotta keep moving I gotta keep this going here we gotta go over and see if we can get that diamond fallow if it is a diamond so time to keep going I taxidermied him right all right so I actually had to go check to make sure I taxidermined him I was way too anxious so we gotta run back down to the mangroves there and then it's time to keep hunting and we have so so much ground to cover oh my God it's gonna be a long video oh what was that oh fallow deer oh no no sign of him but it is cool to see that we do have fallow deer on this era you know what [ __ ] it I'm gonna go run after him take a look at the Morgana curve back down to the mangroves but but I just want to make sure I don't have a second level five on my map somewhere oh what was that warning call follow deer I've got no idea where he is but he must be pretty damn close Palm traveling calm traveling where the hell is the mail where's that buck he's with them right oh God what is she doing what was she doing oh she's doing it too she's attentive she kind of knows I'm oh there we go there we go all right can I take him out yep I think that was a heart shot nice look out Pablo oh I missed her Mr again don't worry about it so I'm using the Argus on my gun right now and it's super good if you want to look like way over in there but when they're up close you can't see [ __ ] and this guy was silver but Oh I thought I got him with a a heart shop man these boats are so slow there we go we got a fallow down for today I'm feeling a little bit warmed up and now I know they're Anatomy a little bit better oh there it is right there where did it go oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God holy I I have never been that scared before I have never been that [ __ ] scared oh my God I I need to I need to stop for a second I think I I almost [ __ ] up my computer I got so I've never been that [ __ ] scared oh God please don't come back again oh man I wonder what that one was that attacked me I wonder what level he was I was just waiting to see if I could see him pop back up again this one was a bronze okay Jesus Christ [Music] yeah I'm not getting near the water anymore that was that's too much for me guys I I can't handle that I don't think I've screamed that hard before I live in an apartment complex and people are probably thinking I just got [ __ ] murdered yeah that makes me really not want to play anymore I'm going to be honest guys I'm still so shaken up from playing that death in the water game that oh my God I am just tense I need to get a massage or something after this I am just tight right now oh wow he's nice oh he's really nice what was that 159 I wonder if that's potential [ __ ] oh my God what is that what level is it that's huge okay it's a six never mind just uh just a level six I don't really care okay let's see is he gonna calm down yeah he's calm traveling that's the 126 [Music] and that's the 117. all right we're gonna take this guy out right here see if I get a heart shot that could have been a hard shot I'm not seeing him oh I hope that was a heart shot so actually I just finished the challenge with AC and I was a heart shot challenge that's gonna be coming out on Saturday I hope but man I could not hit some of my shots in the beginning there but look at this I think that was a heart shot right yes it was God damn it I wish I could have started off with that but yeah I feel a little bit better with heart shots after recording that video so I'm gonna see if I can get a few more today all right God there's so many pissed off Crocs I don't want to be here now it's not fun anymore [ __ ] off all right load the shotgun up here I'm gonna see if I can go for a brain shot come on where is she is that warniko Quail that's fine oh there we go I don't that that's not gonna kill her but oh [ __ ] die Jesus all right this was a gray I'm just gonna hurry up and get out of here oh no no no no no no no no no no no what was that Manny called red fox all right I'm gonna see if I could call him in with my Predator Jackrabbit caller [Music] because I still need to get myself a diamond Fox [Music] although I don't think it's gonna happen okay so he was somewhere up in here I'm not sure if he's hungry or horny oh wow that is the worst that is the worst male Fox I've ever seen absolutely awful but he is gonna come in come on buddy get a little bit closer oh I love the color oh what a [ __ ] shot what a [ __ ] shot I had to take it there guys I'm sorry but that was that was something special that's probably one of the coolest shots I've ever taken if that was a neck shot and that counted as a vital it did count as a vital holy [ __ ] no way all right what's he gonna what's he gonna look like in the thing uh yes somehow that's how it was right there that is how I shot him what a shot that's [ __ ] stupid but he's still a silver um not bad enough to be a bronze that's [ __ ] hilarious I love that all right this episode is going real well so far I'm I am loving this man there's gonna be so many shorts coming out of this video you guys are gonna have to watch them for like three weeks there's gonna be like at least three or four oh at least three or four sandbar again I've never seen anything better than a level three Sandbar I think all right I'm gonna I'm gonna leave him I might regret that but for now I'm gonna leave him you know what I'm not seeing anything I can't resist I gotta take him out so he's a class six how am I gonna do this I'm hoping that was the next shot oh my God if it was I am just on fire today with the shots because that was a crazy crazy angle oh warning call Piggies where are you is it Angry there's they're not gonna get aggressive are they oh no it's horny now it changed it up it's mine [Applause] all right we'll see if that works because if so we're gonna get ourselves to pick today we might accidentally do an all species challenge honestly I'm not sure where he is so I might try to get up a little bit higher and see if I can spot down into that Valley oh there he is stupid little pig come here so actually you know what I'm gonna take him out with my molomer no way that was a heart shot but I think it was at least a vital where the hell is he all right let's see how crazy of a shot was this one oh hog dear morning call you know what can I climb up on this oh level four oh what was that that's a javian rusa oh no did I I killed it I don't know if it was good or not and I don't know what its trophy score was all I know is it was a level four that could have been really [ __ ] dumb or one of the best shots I've ever made alright this guy is completely fine holy [ __ ] what a shot man I am just I'm getting really good guys what about you buddy and it was a heart shot what is going on what is going on today this is insane 999 oh cool and this guy died on the spot but but it could have been a brain shot it could have been a neck and a head shot which would have ruined him completely I could have botched him I don't know we will see oh there he is right there I mean it looks pretty good but I don't know okay he's completely fine and diamond is diamonds 148 that other guy went up to 159. oh oh I know what we're going back to absolutely nowhere we're going back to you know I'm gonna run back this way and I'm gonna see if I can spot that guy if not I'll reset the time about an hour earlier two hours earlier and we'll see if we can grab them we are not moving the way I thought we were going to we are just decimating this place okay he should have been somewhere up in this area the last time I saw him there we go right there that's him oh he's holy [ __ ] he's really good oh whoa whoa whoa there's a sandbar actually what were Sandbar 166 yeah I think so I must have came back at the perfect time because everything's coming back in now you know I think if I tuck it right there behind that front leg that should hit lung you know what maybe even right on the shoulder there all right here we go that should be a long and he's dead on the spot and I'm hoping I got it in there but I don't know maybe we killed two right there did we it's very pink holy [ __ ] it is so pink all right buddy are you gonna be a diamond I mean I don't think you're gonna be a diamond ah he's a gold yup he was so far above the estimate but he went very bottom of his that sucks he's right at the bottom of his estimate I don't think he could go much lower wait two tone that that kind of sounds weird two-tone alright so he is saved so let me know if two-tone is rare it probably isn't but if it is we got ourselves a very very good day going on right now oh warning call hog dear have we gotten one today I think we have are you by yourself though don't worry about it girl I'll take care of it I am it is you know it's kind of hard being this good nah I'm just [ __ ] with you guys I'm not that cocky I actually I I should be a lot better at this game I with the amount of hours I put into this I should be able to hit those shots all right I'm just gonna Scout make sure I heard a gator or a Croc and I don't like it but I'm just gonna Scout make sure nothing's attacking nothing's running and boom right in the neck okay I love neck shots now this is so much fun We Are Gonna Be Rich oh we're almost to 100K oh okay hold on warning call for a Croc you know what I'm gonna run at it and see if I can spot him you never know when another nine might pop up because I haven't even seen any eights today so there's got to be something good around in here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh there we go and it's dead right God it's still going let's see is it a female if it's a female I'm not worried about tracking it down yeah just a female what is she at 50 75 we'll just keep moving oh look at that area right over in there I do kind of want to cross to the other side and check it out you know what I'm gonna do it I'm gonna see if I can cross right here and make it to the other side what is that we got some sandbar but they are so far away that's cool that we spotted them I normally uh don't spot stuff way way in the distance just moving naturally love that though I wish they'd move around a bit more the one thing I don't like about this game is it feels very stationary at times like these these animals just kind of wait patiently for you to get up to them I wish it was a little bit more dynamic all right I've reset the time it's about 10 30 so I believe the fallow deer are gonna start drinking um I'm not sure if there's gonna be any at this Lake but I'm gonna take a look really quick oh man this would be so much fun to go fishing here oh God this would be amazing but what is the sanctuary all about here so it looks like there's some there's multiple things here what's this I hope I can't spook the animals in here because I'm running I like this this is actually really cool but I wish you could put some of your own animals in here so like you could uh instead of killing the animals you could Taxidermy them or not tax oh my God no you can't tax return them when they're alive I wish you could tranquilize them and put them inside of here you know it would still be kind of [ __ ] up for them but it would be kind of cool oh look how calm they are too no way look at him so are great ones normally spawned inside of here is it normal Jesus Christ can you eat any quieter holy [ __ ] girl yeah there's a five medium oh wait that's the Red Deer never mind every time I see one but damn I have never seen a great one before that is so cool kind of disappointed with the Red Deer so that does make me think that maybe those things are on my map but it could just be random what's in here and it doesn't actually mean anything but once again you guys will have to let me know oh they're building a new thing here all right so I've been recording for a long time now so I think I'm just gonna need to bite the bullet and teleport over in here oh here we go mating call Red Deer there's already some stuff down in here so I'm just hoping that that uh that fallow deer is gonna be here I saw him somewhere over on this side I think so I'm gonna move really slow put on some set Eliminator and I really don't want to Spook this thing hey oh sorry bud I need to come down in here so I don't care if you're drinking or eating but you're not who I want to kill so don't worry about it okay and it was a level damn that's a cool looking level seven but I can't shoot I can't make any noise what time is it 10 52 they should be drinking by now that's him holy [ __ ] that's him I'm gonna let him I'm gonna lay down he's alarm traveling Pablo you gotta lay down too she's calm traveling my God I didn't realize they were just coming in you guys are late you guys are very very late he's giving me a warning call how does he know I'm here I'm laid down I put on scent spray Pablo's laid down I think he's just being fussy I think he'll be fine I don't think he's gonna run I don't want to shoot him when he's moving should I call him in oh no she did Count oh she's drinking that's his need Zone it's so close it is so close foreign stop moving guys oh God he's just gonna there we go it doesn't get much better than that my 243 is a little bit more accurate let me just double check 243 yep that'll definitely take him out all right here we go that should have been a long I re oh yep 25 to 50 he's gonna go down I'm sorry guys I couldn't bring myself to do it I had to just take him out that would be my first diamond follow deer I was way too nervous from that angle if he was maybe if he was front facing me I would have done it but I just I could not risk that but compared to that uh that great one we just saw he was nothing okay there's that level four and did we get him with a vital we did all right there we go it definitely wasn't a heart but time to go get him oh was that from him we really need to get the better uh better calling thing because I can't tell where they're calling from all right buddy are you gonna be my first diamond follow deer let's see oh he's massive and he's the diamond 256. now he's not he's not too far over but whoa he's so he's so cool all right Taxidermy make sure he's safe he's 100 safe now damn oh you know what I could have gone for a heart there it would have been I think I could have done it just a little bit lower and I actually would have got the heart on him but I'm just glad I got him time to go to our lodge all right here we go we've got ourselves a beautiful Diamond level follow deer and look at this melanistic fan Tang oh he's so cool looking my first melanous thing ever so I'd like to give a big thank you to all my channel members you guys the best oh my God he's so big and if you liked today's video don't forget to drop a like and if you want to see more videos like this one in the future don't forget to subscribe thanks guys my name is Rooster and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Rooster
Views: 340,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hunter call of the wild, call of the wild, thehunter call of the wild, hunter call of the wild, the hunter, cotw, great one, rare, trophy lodge, hunting, kill compilation, dlc, new map, new dlc, rooster, rooster gaming, thehunter call of the wild guide, hunt, game, gaming, albino, diamond, update, tips, challenge, survival, australia, dangerous hunt, emerald coast, fallow deer, australia call of the wild, crocodile, emerald coast cotw, emerald coast australia, crocs, melanistic, banteng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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