The Horrifying Subnautica "Iceberg" Explained

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[Music] father was right we shouldn't have gone so deep subnautica one of the best games I've played in my entire life and for a guy who hates survival games that's saying a lot but what if I told you that a game about mysterious lost civilizations massive underwater monsters and exploring the deep blue sea was hiding even more horrifying unbelievable and crazy secrets foreign for those that don't know an iceberg is a look into the strangest and most disturbing theories in the worlds we love but my lists are a little different I don't just go down a pre-made picture and go over each and every idea but rather I have my own curated List full of my favorite lore theories and just cool facts I like from the game buckle up perhaps the most recognizable Creature from the entire series The peepers are those cute little fishes we see in the starting zones of the sonatica games near coral reefs their welcome addition to a world that is filled to the brim with creepy and disturbing monsters and serve as a playful escape from the horrors we find in deeper waters but these happy-go-lucky fish may actually be hiding a secret you see as any subnautica veterans know as you start to venture into deeper and less explored zones you begin to encounter leviathans or massive underwater monsters that will attack and Slaughter you at a moment's notice shortly after the initial release of subnautica however over rumors started to swirl that some players were encountering a different kind of Leviathan deep in the lava Zone none other than a massive and aggressive peeper many in the community have since tried to hunt down this ancient beast but to no avail and even after searching the game files there's no such a reference to the monster so it looks like the Peeper Leviathan is nothing more than a myth and April Fool's joke but there are some signs pointing to the idea that it may actually not be so far-fetched like some very old and early subnautica concept art that seems to depict paper-like creatures with a much more massive scope could it be one of our greatest sources of food in the games is actually hiding a massive secret one that would see us becoming the food instead potentially there was an idea to put it into the game at some point but it was cut out after all the Peepers in the series do play a huge role either way though to this day many are still out in the deepest Waters of subnautica searching for the great peeper leviathans and in fact there's even a host of mods available online today to the community that can make this dream come true one of the most vital fish in subnautica throughout each player's playthrough will be the renowned bladder fish it's an eerie yet somehow cute looking little guy that is often used for crafting resources like water bottles that can be used to stop us from dying from thirst ironic for a game based underwater what a lot of players don't know though is the horrifying and disturbing backstory behind how these guys were first made you see in Japan there's a term called omarashi Oromo that signifies a form of fetishization where participants wear a full adult diaper and find pleasure in emptying themselves of all demons one of the main subnautica art team developers had actually originated from one of these massive bladder Cults based in Wyoming and this is where the idea for the creature originally stems from the color of the fish actually represents one of the developers Fondest Memories of a horrendous night where I'm just messing with you guys while giant peeper Leviathan sounds like the scariest thing we could ever encounter in subnautica the real killer is actually something we don't see at all you see for those that weren't paying attention to any of the story in the subnautica games they actually center around an unknown and devastating virus called the Cara it's an extremely ancient and deadly disease that is said to have originally been discovered by an old and forgotten precursor race that shortly after finding it found their entire civilization crumbling and recorded deaths alone the precursors were said to have lost over 143 billion of their people and in order to combat this new foe they started to construct massive and advanced research facilities on Far Away planets to try and figure out a cure to the disease in subnautica we crash land on planet 4546b which happens to be one of those planets that the precursors originally assembled a facility on sadly though at some point during the development of a cure a massive Sea Dragon Leviathan attacked the bay which resulted in the contagion being released and the planet being put on full lockdown which is why the giant laser cannon shoots down your ship at the start of the game and this is also why the entire planet is starting to wither away and capitulate luckily though in that research facility a cure was in fact discovered called enzyme 42 which is produced by sea emperor leviathans of which no more healthy adults are on the planet and also why at the end of the game the player helps to hatch new baby sea Emperors to help but as to the origins of this mysterious and horrifying disease we still aren't sure some of the early Alpha scripts of subnautica actually had lore about how the precursors had developed the contagion themselves but these were later scrapped so it's hard to say how valid they are now and now with the ending of subnautica below zero where we actually get to travel with a precursor on their ship to one of their home planets it seems that subnautica's sequel might finally give us the answers we are craving where the theories get really crazy though is when we start to tie in natural selection too another game made by unknown worlds creators of subnautica that argue that the Kara aliens from natural selection are actually behind a secret unknown war or Mission with the precursors against the subnautica contagion but more on that later on this list and also a huge shout out to the last bacon who's a massive subnautica YouTuber who I learned a lot of the deeper lore from for this video make sure to check them out if you enjoy this too probably one of the coolest vehicles in all of subnautica the Cyclops is known for being massive and a power hog but also a captain's fantasy come to life one of the Lesser known and best features of the hulking brute though is how the Cyclops tends to greet the player whenever they enter there are a variety of lines ranging from Sirius to comical but regardless it never gets old being welcomed by a friendly voice after a long adventure deep underwater welcome aboard Captain old systems online but could this voice actually be hiding an insane secret you see some players noticed that there was a rare voice line that would sometimes play when entering the vehicle where the captain's voice would denounce you're the best captain on the planet I'm not even squidding you are the best captain on the planet I'm not even squid this quip seems funny at first but it makes us begin to wonder how the AI on board was able to make such a good dad joke could it be possible that this seemingly harmless AI on board the Cyclops is actually starting to gain sentience there's more validity to this Theory too as almost anything in subnautica that revolves around computers handled by Altera a trans-governmental organization that funded the Aurora's mission to construct a phase gate in the ariadne arm portion of the Galaxy that houses planet 4546b have strange happenings around them for example on some of the PDA entries on different fauna in the game some plants are described as annoying or pests that sounds less like a computer and more like a human being with Consciousness some in the community have even begun to speculate that on top of the research facilities for the Kara virus on planet 4546b there could potentially also be some successful AI research going on as well as we already know the planet was home to some of the best and brightest precursors in the universe if you ask almost any subnautica player what the scariest zone is almost everyone would say the void it's a giant never-ending Chasm of utter darkness and Terror that can be found by traveling to the edge of the map in game it's also here we can find massive ghost Leviathan so we'll hunt down and decimate anything they find over 8 000 meters below the sea and while these creatures are terrifying there may actually be even more demented monsters deeper in these Waters the gargantuan super leviathans they are rumored apex predator that is said to dwarf any and everything we have seen in the game so far and also May hold some secrets to the ancient history of this planet located in the bone fields of the Lost River in the first game is a colossus-class creature of which only the bones Remain the specimen is so large that even just its head is bigger than the sea truck itself and when measuring the full skeleton accounting for the fact that so much of it is hidden from the sand the entire Leviathan would measure around 1100 to 1300 meters long almost a mile this puts this monster well above the size of anything we have seen in any of the games and shows that there's a lot more hiding deep underwater than we thought in fact one of the craziest Revelations of this find is that a creature of this size would most certainly not be able to swim in the somewhat shallow Waters of the Lost River implying that at some point this area of the map must have been a completely different depth and biome this creature just on its own is over half the length of the entire map in subnautica itself so an area that it could actually call home must have been unlike anything we've encountered thus far on top of this if we date The Bone we find in game they can be traced back to well over 3 million years ago meaning this gargantuan super Leviathan has been a native to this planet for an unimaginable amount of time in terms of what these creatures would have been like and even what the planet was like so many years ago it's hard to say but judging from the fact that we can find very similar skeletons multiple times in the Lost River Zone but smaller it implies there must have been multiple of these species meaning larger creatures were more common at the time but this begs the question do these massive and horrific super leviathans still exist somewhere on planet 4546b and if they do could they be hiding in the most mysterious zone of all in subnautica deep within the void maybe in the next upcoming game we can finally find out foreign s already know that giant ship in the distance at the start of the first game is the crashed Aurora ship of which the player character was originally on board before being shot down the Aurora was initially coming into contact with the planet in order to build a phase gate for faster than light travel to the system but also there was a top secret secondary mission in order to figure out what had happened to a previously downed ship called the degassi a Mongolian vessel Altera had interest in but upon finding the planet the Aurora was shot down and only 25 of the 50 Escape pods on the port side were able to be fired before the crash landing and the actual game however only 10 of these pods including the one we starred in as the player can be found so this naturally starts to make us wonder what happened to the other 15 life pods that did in fact successfully deploy from the Aurora one possibility is that they simply were damaged beyond recognition during the crash landing because while they did successfully deploy per the Aurora computer logs that doesn't mean the massive amount of debris flying in the air after the cannon shot wouldn't have proved fatal for most life pods the fact that our pod is still in such good condition for example is a miracle in it of itself another idea is that some of the pods may have crash landed on some of the actual terrain of the planet above water and have been decimated by the impact this certainly could have been the case because While most of the planet is underwater there are also large pockets of land mass as we see in the sequel below zero but one of the most haunting and probably most likely theories is that these remaining 15 life pods actually landed in the hellish void Zone if this were the case the inhabitants would have been subject to a slow and painful descent tens of thousands of meters underwater where some would have been swallowed whole by ghost leviathans on their travel downward and The Unlucky few who made it to the bottom would have been met with the most unbelievable and crazy creatures and fauna in the entire universe likely doing everything they could to survive before meeting their end or simply dying instantly due to the high amounts of pressure at those steps the last Theory and potentially worst of all is the idea that the life pods were never meant to actually save anyone in the first place this postulation comes from the fact that our own life pod and all the others we find in game are very very sparse on resources anyone that was in fact trapped in these in space or PlanetSide would need to find other shelter and resources pretty much immediately or meet their certain Doom we already know that Altera is a very evil Corporation in the game in many ways so it begs the question could all Terror purposely have not put Survival equipment in each pod in order to save on costs after all it would be much cheaper to just compensate the families for their loss than to fund an entire new Expedition through multiple phase gates for rescue especially in a location where ships are known to go missing at the end of the day though we still don't know what happened to the missing Aurora life pods and if anything I'm hoping the next installment in the series will finally shed some light on this big mystery located deep inside the main Aquarium of the disease research facility on planet 4546b you may have stumbled upon the skeletal remains of an unknown creature based on the logs in the facility we know this fossil is over a thousand years old and was marked during testing as codename research specimen Theta on first glance the remains of this Majestic bee seem to somewhat resemble biters and Sand Sharks as all these animals have the same similar eye structure with two main eyes in the front of the skull followed by a second set just behind them and it seems this assumption is correct because in the logs we can find in the game it confirms this but for research specimen Theta the second pair of eyes is much smaller and because of this their actual purpose is unknown based on all this though it can be inferred that the biters sand sharks and Bone sharks that we see today in the world all likely stem from this ancient and mysterious research specimen Theta diving deeper into the logs we can see that this creature also mostly fed on plant life and and likely lived in environments more flush with fauna which has since largely died out presumably due to the car bacterium outbreak even though sometimes in the logs we do see that the Cara isn't affecting the fauna and on top of this the specimens large size once again implies that previously on the planet there were much larger animal and plant life that covered the Seas with entirely different biomes we haven't seen as so what actually happened to this fossil though it's hard to say it's likely that the creature died when the facility went into lockdown and testing was abandoned leaving him to starve alone in his cage without any friends or family in sight it's a harrowing thought for sure and shows just how dark the subnautica universe and lore can really be while most of the subnautica main story centers around the crash to Aurora ship the downed Mongolian Cruiser the degassi might be even more interesting of its original six crew members only three survived the crash Paul torgal and his son Bart torgal as well as the woman of the hour Margaret Mida a mercenary protecting the ship they were able to slowly build up a base of operations on a nearby Island as well as underwater but soon realized they had become infected with the Cara bacterium on the planet and didn't have long to live in order to help their odds of survival Margaret tractor Reaper Leviathan back to their base so Paul could study it for findings on the Cara but sadly another Reaper Leviathan had followed Margaret and ended up leveling the base in an attempt to save Paul and Bart Margaret fought the reaper Leviathan in her prawn suit as it carried her deep into the void never again to be seen that is until subnautica below zero released where we do actually meet Margaret Mida on Delta Island it's here we learned that the Leviathan carried Margaret for miles on in through the void and she only managed to narrowly kill the monster and then swim to the surface she used the corpse of the monster to make shelter in the middle of the ocean and survived for three weeks until she hit landfall in sector zero otherwise known as below zero this is why later in below zero we also are able to find her and speak speak to her the real mystery though comes from just what exactly Margaret saw in the void and more importantly how she survived with the Cara bacterium now for over a decade some theories postulate that Margaret simply is stronger than most people or has a natural immunity but for me that just doesn't make enough sense after all most people are dying within a week 10 years seems excessive a more likely scenario is that a peeper that had crossed a precursor event had some of the enzyme 42 serum on it that helped Margaret survive longer but in this form it would not have been a cure just an aid for some time so it still begs the question how is Margaret still alive and kicking almost a decade later well here comes the really interesting lore because in subnautica below zero the zone that a good portion of the map takes place on did not have any enzyme 42 treatment taking place for over a thousand years meaning any and everything should be dead and long gone but when we arrive that's most certainly not the case for example we can find a false lights but still live Leviathan that is heavily infected but not dead even after thousands of years the only issue with this though is if there is something in sector zero that is causing a cure for the car why didn't more precursors settle here and why is there no talk of a cure in the logs the final and potentially best theory is that consuming the reaper leviathan's flesh saved Margaret you see the only animals in subnautica that do not show signs of the Kara are a very small handful of the leviathans implying that some of them have somehow grown in immunity Maybe by consuming an entire Reaper Leviathan to stay alive Margaret also accidentally cured herself of the Cara my personal issue with this Theory though is if this were the case how is this not discovered by anyone else by this point sure the leviathans could be hard to study due to their aggression and size as we've already seen but surely by this point someone would have discovered this for me the best explanation is that something happened while Margaret was being carried around by the reaper Leviathan in the void and she came into contact with mysterious and Powerful something that cured her something that might be explored even deeper in the void in a future game one of the most valuable resources in all of subnautica is the scraps of metal we find everywhere on the ocean floor these scraps include schematics and upgrades to our ships and homes that allow us to build more Advanced Machinery that helps us reach the deepest points of the map the crazy thing about all this metal though is just how much of it there is almost everywhere you go on the map if you're searching for it you will find lots of metal and even other materials that obviously do not stem from the planet itself and it makes it abundantly clear that lots of people have been here before the question though is just how many people is that it's widely been assumed that most of this material stems from the craster worship and this is also why it's quite recognizable but could it be that lots of this material is actually from other crash ships over the last couple of thousand years after all the only ships we know that went down are the degasi and Aurora but there is no evidence to say that there couldn't have been many more like say the Mercury 2. one idea I have that I think would be really awesome awesome is that Altera Corporation could have been secretly sending dozens of other ships to the planet on top secret missions that no one knows about and all have been shot down so they keep on sending more and more people to the system telling them they are the first ones going there when really they are just another sacrifice for Altera to do more research on what's going on based on the ending of subnautica below zero where we get to go to a precursor Planet if this theory is correct we could find other humans there from other downshifts as well for those that don't know unknown world's two most well-known game series subnautica and natural selection actually share the same universe we know this because of multiple crossover references between the two series with the three most notable being the fact that they both take place within the ariadne arm of the Galaxy both have an Altera corporation that is building supplies and funding missions and most importantly both have a heavy focus on the Cara bacterium in natural selection though the car are actually in alien life form that has been taken over by the bacteria ethereum and has developed new razor-sharp Talons and weapons and is a massive threat to humanity and we see other similarities as well like the Hydra and natural selection seemingly being an evolved form of the tiger plant in subnautica along with many other similar fauna and the fact that so many of the aliens in natural selection seem to be Aquatic Life forms from a base so could it be that subnautica is actually a prequel to the events that happened here and what takes place on planet 4546b is the cause for the potential downfall of humanity and natural selection the implications of this are crazy too because it implies that Cara bacterium actually got off planet 4546b and somehow infected other species that then attack humanity and what better way would this have happened than the player character Riley from subnautica one you see when Riley shuts down the planetary defense system and escapes now curate of Kara it seems like a happy ending for everyone but what many players don't think about is now now that the planetary defense system is down other ships that travel to 4546b could become infected and still leave meaning they could spread the virus Elsewhere on top of this we know from some entries in the game's logs that a very small portion of the Cara bacterium is resistant to enzyme 42 meaning Riley could have potentially been the host that spread it everywhere or even if a small fish or animal that was able to sneak on board the ship with him this means that likely the cause for the all-out war against the Kara aliens in natural selection is the direct result of Riley's actions trying to escape the planet to save themselves likely dooming all of humanity in the process this Theory really puts into perspective just how selfish an act the ending of subnautica really is and potentially could lead to a future where only the precursors can save Humanity an interesting way to tie in all the series together for sure one of the more out there theories that's gained a lot of traction from the community in subnautica is the idea idea that the game actually takes place in the afterlife the idea for this stems from the fact that during the introduction sequence to the first game there's actually a moment where Riley the playable character is hit in the head by a detached panel from the crash ship and passes out sometime later Riley wakes up and this is where the real game begins as we escape from our life pod and Venture into the deep blue sea but what if none of this was actually real and instead that massive and heavy detached panel actually did in fact kill us it would perfectly explain this very alien planet with unlimited new types of fauna and Flora and would also lend Credence to these Fantastical alien Contraptions we find littered across the map as everything is nothing more than a dream or the afterlife in the player's head even crazier theories argue that because altera's computers most likely have a tree even crazier theories argue that because altera's computers have most likely achieved true General artificial intelligence when the player character dies the computers would have become extremely bored not having anyone to boss around and annoy so they would have used some of Riley's brain matter and cells along with the fauna in the local environment to construct a new Consciousness that we play as I swear I'm not high personally I don't buy into this one at all though as I think it's just an easy excuse to be able to retcon away anything if need be and also now that subnautica below zero has released and takes place on the same planet we can be pretty sure that everything we are experiencing isn't just a dream or the afterlife foreign phobia it gives the player or in other words an intense fear of large bodies of water it feels like everywhere we go in the game there are massive monsters creepy sounds are just an eerie never ending Abyss to get lost in what a lot of players don't know though is that potentially the most scary biome of all was actually cut from the game you see if we take a look at some of the earliest and least well-known subnautica concept art revealed by the team years later there's one small slide that mentions a single cell landscape with a couple of notes this unique biome would have as the name suggests consisted of just a single-celled organism of massive proportions lurking in the dark and taking over an entire Zone players in their ship would have to move around in complete darkness while the Tentacles from the aliens slowly tried to grab onto the ship and pull us into its Essence the music would have consisted of Haunting violin screech is and the low and ominous scream of trombones as a player leisurely descended into madness it's certainly one of the creepiest zones we have heard about in all of subnautica but also one I really wish was in the game as the atmosphere sounds unmatched as to whether or not the Zone will ever actually appear in the games it remains to be seen but it's yet another great idea for the eventual sequel we could see potentially one of the most tragic but less well-known stories in all of subnautica is that of the Soul transgov ship the Mercury 2. for those that don't know Seoul is one of the three colossal transgov organizations we know about in subnautica that hold extensive and massive swaths of space under their regime with the other two being Altera and the Mongolian independent states the solins though are a lot different than the other two trans governments as they are characterized by their willingness to free themselves from the worldly desires of endless growth and productivity instead are pursuing what would make Humanity best at all costs this is exactly what the Mercury 2's mission was and why it was in the ariadne arms section of the Galaxy the ship was originally rendezvousing with a Mongolian and Mining interest on a separate planet and convince them to implement a more harsh mining quota so essentially the crew of The Mercury 2 was an army of Monk socialists who voted for Bernie and one of their crew members was also an extremely talented and curious engineer named Elliot when attempting to leave the system the ship scanned planet 4546b and discovered ancient alien signatures unbeknownst to the crew being the precursors and Elliott was able to convince the captain of the ship Diana to stop and take a look at the chance they may find huge riches but as the ship entered the zone of 4546b the quarantine enforcement platform Cannon shot at them immediately but miraculously the crew was able to dodge the original shot from the cannon by deploying all flares at once and also dumping their molten hot water contained in the nuclear reactor core of the engine this large Heat Signature confused the quarantined enforcement platform and also showed that the precursor weapons work on heat signatures similar to human technology sadly though the ship on Landing needed to refuel and some of the engines were still damaged so while the crew started to work on repairing the ship Elliott was sent out to explore and eventually came across an alien SOS signal which probably is the same signal the player finds from the alien architect Allen in subnautica below zero oh soon after the show multiple crew of The Mercury 2 were slaughtered by some of the sharks in the area and even more horrifying a portion of the crew had begun to contract Cara and were dying and spreading it to others in a last-ditch effort to save the remaining crew the ship captain Diana initiated an all hands on deck evacuation skipping engine check procedures and abandoning All crew infected with Cara with only two weeks of supplies as expected though as soon as the ship was in the air the quarantine enforcement platform once again fired but this time with a direct hit which sent the ship flying into the ocean where we can find it in game today 30 to 100 years later the last recording we have of the incident was actually a log Diana made of their final moments I heard this sound of metal tearing and for a split second everything was tinged bright green and unbearably hot then I saw daylight and I was looking down at the ocean and ice the strongest wind I've ever felt roared in my ears ripping through the ship people went flying out the side of the Mercury so much screaming and chaos lucky I had just clipped into my seat thinker Stefanos came out of nowhere like a Malaika an angel I felt his rough calloused hand grasp mine with the journalist of urgency felt like time slowed he said I gotcha just follow me Allah I don't know how but he used an emergency tether to drag me to the nuclear reactor core the strongest bobcat in the ship we hit the water and everything went black he's sleeping I think he might have hit his head I'm exhausted the adrenaline has long since worn off and my body aches I think I might have fractured I'm gonna shut my eyes for a bit when I wake up I'll figure this out where this Theory gets really interesting though is the name of the actual ship you see in Roman mythology Mercury or Latin mercurius is the god of merchants but also the god of Thieves and tricksters could it be that the Mercury 2 always had a mission to explore planet 4546b after all their original Mission seems like almost a waste of resources they use to get through so many phase gates from the Andromeda galaxy the hail from this would imply that all major transgov organizations in game have an interest in the precursor technology and also would imply that a lot more people have an idea of what's going on on 4546b than meets the eye maybe some large and Powerful Shadow governments and entities have a massive interest and stake in the planet that we don't know about and the conspiracy of the precursors and their involvement with the Kara goes so much deeper than we could ever imagine I certainly hope so as it could be a great addition to a new game one of the aspects about subnautica that makes it so scary isn't just the leviathans and dark crevices they hide in but rather the fact that we have so little to actually fight back against them with as to why this is it actually all comes down to an in-game event called the massacre at obraxis Prime so we're relieved from the knife Remains The Only Exception the issue with this event though is we don't actually know what occurred here if we take altera's word for it it would seem that there was some sort of Uprising against a small Altera facility on an unknown planet called a braxus prime but as to the motives of the uprising and what actually happened we only have wild speculation to go off of Altera would have had to send in military personnel to quell the uprising citizens but because they were equipped with weapons in their life pods they were able to fight back and it resulted in countless bloody deaths another potential and insane theory is that the massacre at obraxas Prime is all made up we already know that Altera is an extremely corrupt and lying entity so it could be that the entire Massacre and deaths are all made up in order to make sure none of the Altera research facility have access to weapons and the off chance they ever do actually try to uprise and rebel but as to the real reason why we have no weapons in the game the answer actually stems from an event in our real life you see during the Sandy Hook shooting back in December of 2012 unknown worlds was on the verge of releasing natural selection 2 which was host to a lot of guns and shooting but because of how saddened lots of the team members were from the Sandy Hook event they actually decided that their next game was not going to include any weapons at all and this is the actual and real reason for the lack of underwater Firepower in subnautica subnautica's Lost River is host to some of the most ancient and interesting finds in the entire game series and are long-lost forgotten Leviathan class organism is no different because right outside the laboratory cache lies a massive and million year old fossil belonging to a species we have never seen in game before the monstrossi sits at just over the length of a sea truck and is sporting a massive set of teeth and spikes on its head along with three similarly shaped eye sockets on each side of its skull it almost is reminiscent of research specimen Theta in a lot of ways and actually might even be an or organism of the same species but much older while at first glance the fossil seems to be just the head of the Beast upon further inspection it becomes clear that the fossil is in fact the entire body with just a little bit hidden under the sand the most interesting part about this creature though is the implications of its body on its movement the body is sporting no fins or ways of movement we often see in other Aquatic animals and this is usually an indication that the animal actually moves on the Ocean Floors so is it possible that we are looking at a giant carnivorous sea slug that Combs the depths of the sea on this planet an even bigger question arises when we realize that this is the only instance of this type of skull we see in the entire Series where most others we find have multiple Renditions could this mean that this apex predator actually lives beneath the sand and inside rocks and Burrows around the environment stalking its prey we know there are similar sorts of animals that were cut from the game originally but at one point were planned to pop out of different rocks and surfaces to scare the player it certainly would make sense based on the shape of this creature and if it were true it would prove that we have only scratched the surface of what we can find in subnautica on our adventures so far while we have all grown to love the home planet of subnautica's 4546b with all its weird creatures and underground caves a lot of players in the community are still wondering what Earth and subnautica is actually like we know subnautica takes place far into the future with faster than light travel multiple new alien species discovered and massive organizations that span multiple star systems but in all of this there's basically no mention of Earth in any of the game's lore and considering we play as humans you would think our natural birthplace in the Stars would play a bigger role well the reason for its absence may be more sad than you thought if we take a look at the radiation suit description in game at the very end of the logs there's a tag phrase a necessary precaution in a post-mad world for those that don't know mad is actually an acronym for mutually assured destruction and was a big talking point during the Cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union when fears of nuclear winter and the end of Earth as we know it were high considering we find this phrase on the radiation suit specifically it seems quite likely that Earth and subnautica actually fell during an all-out nuclear war on top of this in the Cuttlefish PDA entry in game at one point it is noted that as observed in Earth's Dolphins before their Extinction this once again lends Credence to the idea that Earth has been obliterated but the most damning evidence of all actually comes from an Altera PDA entry we find in game as well during the expansion Altera supplied arms to all sides acquiring and housing a vast colonist Workforce and making the transition from manufacturer to corporate State altera's threat to cease trade was one of the turning points in the conflict bringing about the end of hostilities and signing of the charter based on this evidence it seems clear that the fate of Earth and subnautica is less and Stellar in fact I try to find more evidence of this based on the natural selection lore as well considering their take place in the same universe but I wasn't able to find anything so if any of you guys know anything about that Universe feel free to comment down below [Music] have you ever felt like you were being watched while playing subnautica it's a common fear many in the community have all become accustomed to after all the deeper you travel into the depths of the sea the more sense of horror grows leviathans lurk behind every corner and if you listen closely you can sometimes hear the faint sounds of what seemingly is scared screaming but what if their real concern wasn't a monster we already know exists but rather one that's been lurking in the shadows the entire time something more terrifying than a leviathan could ever be you see throughout the game the player receives many distress signals and messages from other life pods scattered throughout the planet but strangely every single time we actually arrive at their location they pinged for SOS everyone is missing or dead already if we go back and read the messages after discovering that no one else is alive suddenly a chilling realization starts to set in nine new biological subjects designated mode switch hunting analyzing sharing subject location with other agents subject 11783 destroyed switch mode Patrol new targets unaccounted for 1. these haunting SOS signals now become much more creepy when we have the context that the crews we originally thought were sending them were likely dead the whole time because you see when first receiving these signals it seems as if other life pod workers were scanning and found us asking us to come help but with the contacts that literally everyone is missing could it actually be that something much more unbelievable and Sinister is going on what if these messages weren't actually from your other crewmates but instead from some unknown and mysterious entity residing on planet 4546b this would perfectly explain the one unaccounted for Target mentioned in multiple distress signals that Target could either be you being watched and analyzed on the planet or your other crew members discovering that hidden entities in the shadows were watching them potentially this could be Allen from below zero searching for help on his precursor Voyage but I don't think so because if we reread the messages again we can see that specifically there's some sort of watching going on as we can see them switch modes between Patrol and hunting analyzing to me this sounds more like someone else or something else is on this planet with us and well aware of our presence could this mysterious entity be the one sending fake SOS signals from Life pods to lurus over to them for further study and if so what's the reason behind all of this could the things watching us be the precursors previously downed human Shipmates that are worried about Contracting Cara from us or a new alien or mechanical species we aren't yet aware of certainly there's something or someone watching us as we swim and travel around the world of subnautica and this realization only adds to the immense fear that this game can produce and shows that after all the scary monsters and sounds that subnautica has left us with the most horrifying thing of all was something hiding in the shadows the entire time and only briefly alluded to and the game's lore and logs probably my favorite aspect of subnautica is actually the environments stumbling into a new Zone full of Fantastical creatures and plant life never gets old especially when it's something we've never seen before from the Lost River to the lava zones and lakes to the grassy Plateau subnautica is filled to the brim with many great locations like this and while everyone that has played the games has a Zone they think is best there may actually be another hidden zone no one knows about in early 2022 a small correction was made to the subnautica wiki that mentioned a small area underneath the lava Zone there is an unidentified area below the inactive lava Zone accessed by a small hole or drop off it extends from 1300 to 1600 meters in depth and small holes and drop-offs extending down to about 1700 meters it looks like a completely Baron version of the safe shallows with no Flora or fauna this update quickly caught traction amongst a very small group of subnautica players on the subreddit and they began to look for this entrance to a brave new Zone sadly though no one was able to find anything that actually led to a new area but some players discovered that when looking at the interactive map more closely there seemed to be two holes in the inactive lava Zone that led to something other than the Lava Lakes in fact some players were able to even glitch through some of the game's terrain around these two conspicuous holes and discovered what looked like many unused assets and sounds potentially for a large biome that was cut from the game at some point we already know from developer interviews and discussions that there was a lot of cut content in the lava zones including lava sinkholes lava Bridges and collapsing spiers so could it be that there was a long lost forgotten Zone even deeper in the inactive lava Zone that's hiding more secrets to this game the origins of the precursors in subnautica still remain largely a mystery to this day it's assumed by many that the beings are nothing more than a long-lost civilization that used to rule the Stars after all the word precursor itself means a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind but wait that's just it if the precursors are the predecessors of something similar then what is that similar thing well based on everything we've seen in subnautica this far that something is most likely humans after all in game we know from visions that precursors have similar colored Vision to us and on top of this there are many ancient human weapons and artifacts and art we see inside of their structures in fact based on the small amount of precursor language we do see in game it seems to actually be heavily influenced by ancient Hindu texts the fact that our PDA can translate some of their words with what seems to be no struggle at all also further backs up this idea even more but if precursors actually are some sort of human beings then how did they even get here well this is where the theory gets really wild what if planet 4546b is actually Earth itself long after the nuclear winter that likely occurred as we discussed earlier on this list most of Humanity would have left the planet in search of other star systems and these humans would have become the ones we know and love today in subnautica being led by Massive transgov organizations like Altera and the Mongolian independent states what about the humans that stayed on Earth though and the ones that weren't lucky enough to leave could these be the actual original humans from Earth the precursors for Humanity as we know it today potentially these humans could have evolved down a different path and become the precursors themselves but that begs the question how would humans on a post-apocalyptic Earth become so much more advanced than humans that were able to get away well maybe it's because the precursors are actually those same Earth humans from the future that would also explain how Planet 4546b could be Earth as over countless years another Moon could have come into contact with the planet's orbit and that could have caused sea levels to rise dramatically hence why the world of subnautica is almost entirely covered in water potentially the precursors are nothing more than the original human race far into the future and they are trying to travel back in time to the original outbreak of the Kara to stop it and as part of that mission they are trying to send signals back to the other sect of humanity that originally left Earth in order to help stop the end of the universe as we know it maybe by taking the Altera PDA with us through the portal to the precursors at the end of subnautica below zero we are actually giving old Humanity a way to find the more advanced New Breed if we take this all into account that would mean that subnautica is actually an intense and deep science fiction epic about a hyper futuristic Humanity that must travel back in time to alert another sect of humanity that has evolved in their own way about the biggest danger the galaxy has ever seen in an attempt to lead the human race to Salvation or it's a game about cute little underwater fish don't ruin this for me the Carrara bacterium is the biggest threat we face in all of subnautica no questions asked but what if this seemingly deadly virus was actually the hero of the entire story and was our true salvation all along you see in ancient Greece Cara was actually a popular girl's name and also signified Purity and righteousness and on top of this an ancient puranic cultures which went on to heavily influenced modern Hindu culture which is used a lot in subnautica in different texts there was a famous story of a young woman named Cara who was a fierce fighter Cara was betrayed by her friends and family who were hell-bent on setting the world on a path to burn and crumble and in order to retaliate and save the purity of the world she donned her bow and set forth against them vanquishing them all along with an army of powerful Giants could it be that the Cara bacterium in subnautica is a reference to this because if it is that would heavily imply that the Kara virus is actually a Force for good against a world that is hell-bent on destroying itself we already know too that subnautica has lots of different themes of ecological disaster and the importance of caring for the environment so what if the reason for this is because Humanity far into the future via the help of trans governments is slowly bleeding the universe of its resources and killing it could it be that the Kara is actually a natural reaction from nature to fight back against these aggressors maybe the Kara and the trillions of lives it will take are actually the only way to save the galaxy in the long term it's certainly a theme we've seen a lot of other sci-fi as of late or maybe I'm just making up because we're at the end of tier four like And subscribe if you guys want to see more theories and lore about other games too make sure to check out my Iceberg series on this channel and comment below what other game series you want to see next or come say hi to me during one of my live streams I do every weekend I love talking with you guys about the videos and just really anything going on in life and as always thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: FranklyGaming
Views: 803,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: franklygaming, subnautica, subnautica iceberg, iceberg explained, iceberg, gaming iceberg, subnautica theory, subnautica theories, subnautica conspiracy, subnautica explained, subnautica lore, subnautica below zero iceberg, subnautica below zero theory, subnautica conspiracies, subnautica mysteries, game lore, gaming lore, gaming iceberg explained, subnautica iceberg explained, subnautica scary, subnautica scary creatures, subnautica below zero, subnautica gargantuan leviathan
Id: SMr8Sf99VaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 9sec (2829 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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