100 Days but it's a RANDOM Layer Chunk

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today I'm surviving 100 days on a single chunk made of 100 random layers every day unlocks a new layer of material that can be anything from dirt to Diamonds and even netherrite block well to send this chunk day by day until we reach the final floor made of end portal frames and try to beat the Ender Dragon if you want to play this mod yourself just subscribe and watch to the end day one starts now and we're in got some farm animals and two villagers now with ever great Minecraft series comes the first thing that is wood it's also kind of cool is this time we get Spruce I am personally a spruce tree lover we'll leave these to drop saplings and we're just gonna essentially clear this entire area that's gonna give us 10 seeds we can use that to get another chicken oh that's gonna be two more Spruce saplings Gabe is being kind to start out because we could actually just go ahead place that like so we're gonna get a big tree which is like a lot of wood you can also make a crafting table pick ax shovel and sword now we should probably get these guys safe like I really just don't want to see these guys fall off the map wait that's netherrite block that's just tragic we're gonna have to break it without being able to harvest it please just go in the hole okay there's one you are our most valuable asset we need to protect you well you know second most behind this sheet of netherrite block duh take that oh okay well seeing as we have all this wood I think we should spend the rest of the night just chopping it down right that's a lot of wood let's just put some slabs down to make sure we don't lose any saplings wow that's very sad a regular sapling produced more than a big one oh I spoke too soon oh yes I'm gonna go ahead and do something unprecedented for the one chunk series first I'm gonna ask that you subscribe to the channel and second we're just gonna make a nice cozy layer around our chunk I actually like that quite a bit let's get another chicken let's take a peek here that is uh definitely netherrite we gotta do this eventually I'll see you in like a minute all right that's one probably gonna need to do at least three right there's two and it's uh only almost night time imma just let it keep rolling and we'll get our fourth one in so that only took the better half of a day but we've got some eggs we can not hatch and a tree that we can in fact cut that's big now we officially have one piece of food oh we could also start a farm these six wheat seeds in here and I'm pretty sure this next day is Boom block and guess while we wait we can break another one of these blocks all right that's gonna be day three and we have it is in fact bone block wow that is actually huge right because we can do this that's wheat also seeds for more chickens I might just do another round of that we can get two bread and then we can breed these guys so much is happening I actually got an idea for an early build in mind and it's going to need a lot of wood [Music] that was a real big guy but look at all that log there we go that makes four I know I could do this in the center but I just don't want to lose all my grass to podzel prefer to just kind of keep it tucked away in the corner let's get some more wheat I think we had an accident over here no worries we could fix it now we can get another baby cow I think we should try to grow this nice I just want to go ridiculously hard on wood to start things out because I mean what else are we gonna do that is more than enough wood that I think we have earned ourselves perhaps a little bit of a midnight snack right so with all that I think we can get started on our first projects I need lots of stairs and slabs as well I'm not sure if this next block is oh it's snow yeah probably not useful that's fine though because believe it or not we still have everything we need to make a mob grinder I know what you're thinking you've seen me do them in the past and you need water we're actually gonna try something different this time we're gonna go ahead and build oat from the chunk this is gonna function similarly to other mob Grinders it's gonna Force lots of mobs to spawn to kill them and we can get their material like looking down there's iron and diamonds somewhere in this but I don't think it's anywhere soon so we gotta improvise we're gonna build somewhat of a weirder looking tunnel due to the way this mechanism is gonna act on the mobs AI it's actually important that we do use stairs but this aspect is literally just a tunnel we walk through here there's gonna be a bunch of mobs and we basically just kill them right like this now for the more complicated part this is basically just gonna be an area that the mobs are gonna wanna walk towards actually a little nervous about mob spawning here tonight I'm actually gonna go ahead and break this one piece of netherrite block and maybe this way yeah we can get some light up here and also make a track up door and we should still get light cool next we're going to make an even bigger platform on this side we want to totally fill this in so next up we're gonna actually make a wall of stairs there we go basically by putting these here it'll stop spiders from spawning so the next step is putting a roof on this just ensures that the light level is low enough so that mobs will always spawn we fill that in and I hope this works is pretty simple mobs but not spiders spawn in here they don't really like this area because it's all weird there's trap doors so their AI essentially targets a block to walk towards they see this they say oh yeah that's cool let's walk to this specific block right here so then what we do is we trick them we take more trap doors we set one there and there and we put that down they won't see that they can't walk over it they'll walk through and fall down I know it's pretty lit up in here but I think it should still work here's hoping it's not a huge failure at the very least it looks alright so day five is gonna be glowstone so I'm pretty sure yeah and we can just like put one of these into the ground cool I think it works that's a slow process but this is gonna allow us to get a ton of things we get otherwise like Redstone okay that is such a relief that it actually works very cool now I'm just gonna spend the night getting wheat chopping trees chopping bigger trees and chopping baddies now you also might be wondering what it actually is I'm even after it's mostly zombie drops zombies could drop potatoes carrots and even iron so it could be super useful also we have a new block today oh that is cobbled deep slate that's actually so funny and my head always thinking we have to get stoned in order to get Cobble I was about to say something but that oh my god that actually works oh you know what we should kill the spider the spider is gonna drop string and with enough string we can make a bed uh yeah I should probably be slabbing this over but hey check out this now that's a big damage wow all these zombies spawning in for what it's worth there's less than a one percent chance to get iron but it doesn't mean we're not gonna at least try oh some big trees but this is the big tree I'm looking for going from wood to Stone is a big upgrade so at this point I think we're just gonna keep it up we'll keep grinding materials and uh see what happens what gosh I feel bad about this but I'm not sure if I really need you suppose I don't have beds yet you know there is actually a use case for this guy dude I can't believe that that just happened we're gonna let this guy out and he can go in the boat we've actually got a witch in here potion of health is very nice and I guess we'll finish the night with some good old wood chopping back to slash wait that was so fast I didn't even see it thank you so much zombies oh that's that's my bad um yeah he had to he had to go all right new day we have gravel oh followed by cobweb which I feel like I'm definitely gonna get stuck in but maybe if we just break things nicely yes we've got two flint two flint is a Fletching table if we could get one more piece of iron I have a crazy idea the Fletching table would be used on our first villager in that case we use sticks to get emeralds and then with another piece of iron we get a toolsmith and then we get tools all right new objective kill zombies shut up dude I feel like I'm hacking right now that's insane maybe the odds are one percent I don't know so smithic table we're looking for this guy to sell us at ax and pickaxe there it is now as for this guy he saw him a stick we can lock this guy in and now we have access to stone tools I mean we already do have access to stone tools but this is a pretty finite resource now with all that set we've got a lot to do still but these animals are starting to really annoy me so with this uh we're just gonna take all the chickens over here look at the cows over here as well now I'm not really sure what to do with this pig even this guy uh we need like a potato or a carrot or something so maybe if I head over here we'll get a potato or a carrot or something oh my God another iron that's incredible now the other thing I realized okay I had no idea is you could add two bows together in your crafting recipe to take the durability up like how long have I had a Minecraft channel for all right we'll finish our fence Creator chickens up read our cows up oh no I think the pig died I'm so sorry buddy it rains for the deceased we can turn our planks into sticks oh look at that level up oh my God we got a good bow didn't even need those strategies but the really exciting thing is we could talk to this guy we could get a few axes you know what I'm saying a few pickaxes if we can get this guy through this level up we will get access to iron tools now on this next day we have access to cobweb yeah nice oh and our pig is alive 12 strings gonna make three white wool and ladies and gentlemen look at that we have a bed now with that I think we should probably go ahead and just start clearing this area out [Music] but it's the start of a pretty good clearing the big deal though is we now have tons of wool for four beds now I'm not gonna sleep just yet but we do currently have insomnia which means Phantoms can spawn not sure why they haven't been yet but it's just not a risk I really want to take I gotta keep up with my tree harvesting duties and we should be able to catch the rest of the night fantastic so more wood means more sticks just more emeralds and more emeralds there's more axes same for picks oh my God we're filling up fast I just realized we have two villagers and a lot of beds so that's gonna be three bread for this guy three bread for this guy go ahead you can do it go say hi all right well if you're not gonna I'm gonna sell them sticks and honestly I don't even need any more picks or axes it's a great spot to be in I'll leave them to it we'll get back to grinding in traditional one chunk style I think I will go ahead and start clearing this my God it's also day nine which means we can start getting gold except no we can't actually actually mine gold can we well we are going to want to break it to get down to the next layer also prismarine next is even more tragic we got a baby so that's gonna be the interior of this done whoa whoa whoa these guys are getting through I gotta do something about this oh that's good that's really good I need something like that that should be fine we have two full layers finished you know what we could do this one but I think it's best we just hold off we can just start making chests now we should probably address the Iron Golem in the room this dude can one shot us but if we just use our bow from up here we can take Aim on this man and uh well if we had a cauldron we could try to catch rain but that's not gonna happen so we'll just leave that there for now and actually while it is raining out I think we'll go ahead and get some more bread okay yeah that is a lot of Wheat and that'll be another villager I honestly think we should get started with an iron farm like now instead of having it on the Chunk we are gonna build out really far we're gonna do the iron farm way out here and for now just to conserve wood I won't have slabs going down the sides so this is gonna put us 64 blocks away from the chunk that's gonna make it so Iron Golems only spawn here now that took a lot of wood so I figured we'd restock now let's get back to finishing up this concept so beds will be here and composters go here right so I know this looks a little ridiculous and trust me it it is but it's gonna work basically just gonna box them in now we just need a zombie and we're gonna have to wait till tomorrow night no it is day 12 and we have not checked the Chunk in a while so gold was day nine prismarine day 10 melon day 12. and what is this stripped dark oak wood okay well melon is food and I like food quite a bit next day is gonna be ice if we can melt it we can get water I don't know if we can melt it so while we wait for night I'm just gonna do some more grindy stuff I'm just gonna try my best to start organizing stuff cool so that's gonna be things pretty well sorted no I just need a zombie we're gonna have to collectively kill everything in here now let this guy out patch that back up oh there we go am I almost dead yes but oh I don't even have bread oh [Music] no okay that's good but ah you're very low on health I just want to let that guy out patch that up all right buddy very careful yes cover this over and they're not gonna spawn a Golem yet because there's only two of them you need three for whatever reason they didn't make a villager yesterday problem so maybe now yes oh what the biome over here is Desert that's really funny we've never run into that before right so once this guy grows up we should be great so now we just got to build the platform for the Iron Golems to spawn on I definitely shouldn't make it with wood because it's gonna involve lava so basically what we've got is terrified villagers we'll have a little collection tray with a hopper here and then the top area is where the Golem spawns speaking of Golems this guy's stuck here and I could use some iron thank you for your donation so it'll give us 11 iron in total and considering how sick I am of almost dying or make it a chest plate boom you can also sell off some more sticks come on buddy do me good let's go bro the silk touch I know what we gotta do tonight [Music] and and another and with a quick sleep and with a few more trades that'll be enough for one iron pick big things happening on this chunk speaking of big things we already have a Golem yeah I should be able to stand here and take him out excellent so we're just gonna replace a few of these blocks we've now got Widespread Panic and right on cue another Golem spawns oh wait that actually might be perfect I'm curious now as to yeah now can this guy move okay he seems stuck so in order to get an automatic iron farm we need lava and water at the very least though we could spawn them pretty quickly and get iron manually he's stuck that is incredible it's just scary because he will one shot us but actually just as I say we're one shot he can build the rest of her iron armor and that will be a nice two shot more importantly though we're now less susceptible to mobs now for an even better development we can cook up Spruce log to get charcoal and make torches and I'm pretty sure this is gonna melt the ice and it would seem like it's not that's because it's packed ice sad but in other news wait oh no I can't oh my God we have emerald ore I can't break it I guess we'll just have to make another iron pick and there we go probably an easy top five and things you love to see it's very sad that the pack dice isn't gonna melt for us anyway though We're not gonna let that get in the way of our wheat production which at this point we're basically just using to get more cows suppose we should do chickens while we're here because you know what I would like a bit of good food so we'll let that cook oh that is gonna be a potato that is actually really significant so we can get these planted up and now we can finally control these pigs and we can breed them nice and it's like oh we got another Iron Golem over here we're making the best with what we can right now so I think now as we continue to acquire more iron we gotta think about water I do say lava not too soon but I'm not seeing any water in the chunk so I'm gonna try something I've never done before we're actually gonna make a cauldron and we're gonna actually make lots of them we're gonna make a little spot for this and the idea is that it actually has a chance to fill up whenever it rains so if we have like five to ten of these set up we should be able to get a block of water on the next rain so another kill will give us eight ingots that'll be one more cauldron so one more kill is gonna put us to 21. three cauldrons and hopefully decent odds we'll get a water source block soon now we're looking at shroom lights for day 15. purple concrete powder okay uh after that we have lapis which will eventually be useful but as expected with random blocks comes not a ton of useful stuff I think I'm gonna go ahead and spend the day clearing the ceiling dude we've got the most funky looking ceiling it matches the floor I kind of love this as a design I think I could even afford to use some of this deep slate I'm gonna do it oh yeah I feel like a 1970s interior designer and I'm gonna spend the rest of the night harvesting crops I'm gonna use the wheat to breed More Cows and the potatoes for more pigs oh and look at that we've got a Golem spawning on this side now so this is now technically a village it's really sad I want to make a castle for these guys to live in and that's actually perfect so we're gonna use this guy's armor for another cauldron we'll take out this dude as well you can actually make two more so nothing yet sadly but I think with better odds comes better results by the way I should mention it's not just water that we need we want to make a cobblestone generator and to do that what we need is lava so lapis is our day 17 item but I'm willing to bet we could pick this up do you see that right there that's that spicy spicy stuff we're looking for still no water but once we get some we can make a cobblestone generator and then we'll have all the blocks we need now check out these absolute madman Snipes necessary no cool yes okay so that's nine cauldrons game what more do you want from me oh my God they're already back I actually just can't keep up wait we have lava now we can start the first part of our iron farm lava goes here now we're gonna try something a little different since we don't have water and I'm gonna try ice so normally how it works is we have water from each Corner flowing into the center they get stuck in here and then they're forced to die in the lava um actually that was kind of stupid anyway we don't have water yet but I'm wondering if ice is gonna give the same effect like perhaps they'll walk onto here and then I don't know slide into this other thing we gotta do is slap this entire area now we're just getting no spawns I'm gonna go ahead and make an iron ax I'm gonna chop this tree read out in record time and that just seems like nothing's gonna spawn here oh well I'll take the free Iron I think we'll just try setting this up a layer lower so I think that's a huge step up can't actually make a hopper and let's see what happens oh it goes there yeah I mean it doesn't not work oh look at that the iron even went in right so let's see what happens now we do have a spawn oh no not quite huh let's check this out in the Moment of Truth one water this is gonna take a little bit now I have an inquiry okay so if I use my glass bottle and scoop this up oh I can't until it's full okay wow yeah it is gonna be a little bit till we get water but you know what they say cows are instant now we can finally get leather and we finally have some frames just so extra spicy hot now I might actually get back to the stick grind you can buy another pick and really our goal is just to get this guy leveled up because then we'll get diamond duels and diamond tools means never right tools let's make that our priority now more sticks is an easy way to get emeralds so is pushing Golems into fire also it seems to be actually working so this guy will do our for emeralds and then let's just say this guy were to suspiciously die in an aero accident that would level up this guy and then we have a diamond ax I mean that's sick I was just really hoping for the pick yeah I don't know man there's just something about these Golems having tragic Fates pretty weird huh like who put this ice here it's so dangerous a few more trades is looking close I think we just need to do a bit more grinding tonight I think I could probably do two trees in the speed it used to take me to do one want to see me chop down a tree you wanna see me do it again now ready for something even cooler I'm gonna spawn four chickens at once maybe one at 256 chance now we've got enough iron to upgrade this guy again we should have enough sticks to get a lot of emeralds and the ladies and gentlemen there it is the diamond pick are you ready oh remember how long this took to mine before blog of netherrite before ancient debris and netherite this could turn into nine ingots can pop in our pick and ax for now I think it's safe to say you've never seen this combination of gear before now I'm sure you're thinking Patrick why don't you make a tool Smith why don't you make an armorer and it's very simple I can't in order to do that we're gonna need Stone to turn into smooth Stone and if we want to take a peek at what's up next it's Netherrack actually we have two Netherrack and diorite okay sponges up next also not useful brain's already gone uh let's take a peek nice don't you worry guys we'll get there while I'm here the idea with the Hoppers is they go into there and pass through to this one but we actually make one more and then they'll go straight to the chest oh my God I think I have an idea okay this could be huge I think there's a way to make this automatic we need iron trap doors and we're gonna build something really weird so we gotta get this covered in trap doors the idea is that we're gonna have a zombie up here and the iron globe's gonna see it and be like hey I want to kill you and then it's gonna walk here into the lava so putting a boat in will make sure the zombie doesn't die unless we put trap doors on top of it and the zombies should be down to fall in so we'll wait till night time and hope for the best hey that one spawned right in it oh my God oh my God guys I think I'm really dumb if I just slap this and made it so that they can only spawn on the ice wouldn't that do it I don't think I have enough non-flammable slabs because it's just diorite and I want to save that so then maybe the key is to actually make this area smaller will that make it better I have no idea next spawn is okay fair enough it might be slightly better odds but I still think we're gonna need the zombie right so night time is upon us today's new block was sponge followed by just planks okay now we need to get our zombie as well take two follow me Lads now I gotta time this really well you go in the fire these guys are gonna come on up and hopefully one just wants to fall right on in beautiful it's like that and then I think we just pop it over should be a safe zombie that the Golem can still see so in theory this should be oh no oh oh tragic absolutely tragic well I really thought the sun wouldn't poke through that anyway I'm not giving up just yet I've got one last idea it's the most simple and it's very probably going to work so if we slap like this stuff I don't think the Lava will catch it and then all we have to do is just replace the glass with actual areas that can spawn fill out the areas that are closer to the lava with actual slabs and that might actually be enough because theoretically can only spawn in this little section but it might not be enough for it to spawn at all yes let's go more chests more Hoppers wait can they spawn on Hoppers let's leave two and now we'll see where it spawns oh okay so it can still spawn in that little corner and will the drops go into The Hoppers dang that's really tough let's try one more Hopper all right so it seems like this is a no at the very least we can leave it like this and we will get spawns here so we're gonna try one more thing gonna do just slabs set our boat down we'll just try something basic like this now we just need to get them in this hole come on buddy don't you want to fall in yes you do that should be patched in I'm not really sure if we're gonna get a spawn here there we go now was that just luck or did it actually see there's zombies up there and try to get underneath it okay so as expected he's not going for the zombie what if we do this he did walk into it Zombie's not burning okay let's see what this guy does oh oh my God I think we have made a waterless iron farm okay so actual last thing Hoppers go here we remove the slabs so he spawns on the edges sees the zombie oh huh he's not interested so now this would just be random on his move pattern the important thing is well it may be slow hello it does technically work thank you now getting back to the main chunk well that's not very good fortunately not a terrible fix there we go the mob's falling and we slice them in the feet oh my God a carrot why don't we acquire ourselves some carrots I mean they're not bad they can also be used to breed pigs also while we're here I should probably grab more leather check out this mountainous steaks we got cooking up don't worry they're veggie steaks only the rest of this iron will get four more cauldrons at this point I'm just not really sure what to expect with this let's see what this Farm's been doing what do we think the under over is for more than one Iron Golem killed I'm guessing zero okay one in other news we've got two more spots here oh it's bookshelves here I was thinking this was just planks books egg cake what an absolutely ridiculous looking world now I'm just taking a sec to think about this book we can make a bookshelf we can make a lectern we could get a librarian but what do I need from a librarian perhaps looting for that mending of course what I don't want mending we get mending and I mean I can't say no because I'm sure if I don't take it I'll never get it again final take your stupid mending all right we'll try again with this guy hey that was really quick maybe tonight we can work for an anvil and as we wait for Golems to spawn I'm just gonna safetify this a little bit we haven't had any close calls yet and I'd like to keep it that way there's the Golem and in the fire he goes and we just continually repeat that process and as the sun rises these will be the last ironing it's we need I just gotta grab a little more wood first now we can lock this deal in Go free My Pal ladies and gentlemen one Anvil and alluding two iron sword as a whole though I feel like we're getting a lot more stuff give me what I need oh sugar we can use sugar to turn these guys into zombie villagers and back for better deals it's probably a strategy you've seen before but it is a classic the end of the day we just gotta be excited for new stuff I guess we can throw mending on this as well and I'm just gonna need to spend some time turning trees into emeralds purpose of those trades is because we want another toolsmith a leather worker I don't think so buddy okay I was really worried that this dude had assigned himself to one of the two that had water nah but a year becoming a tool Smith so yeah we'll do quick level UPS a few more trades should do it for iron tools we've got a shovel which we've never had before super cheap too so it's a very easy upgrade guess we could just buy like 8 million stone axes now with a quick restock and a fat iron sail please give me something I don't have it's another ax and it's actually a worse ax yeah that's tough sometimes it do be like that one more sale will do it we're looking for a horror shovel it's an upbreaking pickaxe absolutely tragic but you know what if we don't try we'll never get the tools we're looking for anyway maybe things are looking better down here so we gotta break a few kicks to get through to this next layer that's kind of exciting I've actually missed a few days 24. oh that's mushroom 25. it looks like stone brick is 26. so that's two things we want very much if I break it the cake is gone okay right so we've got a bit of work to do that's gonna be some more villagers in like a day for now though we can head on back down glass this is gonna be very grindy but I think I finally found a floor I want to start working on I just feel like there hasn't been anything worth our time but I really want these stone bricks this is actually turning into an interesting looking room foreign look at that I know it's got some short ceilings but I am a big fan of this room we also got a really good amount of stone brick which is something I've been wanting for a hot minute these villagers they deserve better we're gonna make a little castle for our villagers and in doing so we're gonna need a lot more stone brick which we can't get until we get water which is gonna take a while but hey it's fine what impeccable timing all right that's not a bad start now let's take a quick cauldron check nice oh no no no at least it's progress now with the new day comes a new floor next up is amethyst I'm not sure about this but we might be able to turn our yellow stained glass into tinted but I'm pretty sure you need shards for that not blocks all right buddy I'm looking for a big fat Fortune three but honestly there is a lot of stuff we could get that'll help us out damn efficiency four we might want to hold on to that one damn the big efficiency five but this guy's so much cheaper I think I gotta take four sadly that's gonna be it for the night you know I mean I say that as if I'm not getting an efficiency for netherite pick in other news this has produced 18 ingots all on its own it's not great but it's not nothing anyway another day means another block yeah okay block of amethyst oh more emeralds next that'll be great once we get Fortune the real question is what's up with this glass there is still a small chance we can do something if I were to let's say uh oh the signs are in the way I just fear he's gonna start burning can we still get another oh no no no I need that hey there we go and now today is the day we're gonna get Fortune you there why don't you just uh come on over here step on into my Mansion hey there it is have we got any books it would seem no but that's all right because I know where the bookstore is and Fortune three this man is truly the biggest homie you guys realize how big of a day this is right no yes we do have gold I I would like to think about it but there are more important things like deep slate emeralds one break nine one one wait wait wait does Fortune not work on D okay that's pretty good so yeah we're just gonna go ahead and clear this entire floor before I go any further I actually I have a weird question can you smelt deep slate emerald ore but what is it that you get one Emerald wow that's lame yeah it seems as though Fortune is the best option you have definitely never seen a YouTube video with this visual a shroom light floor log ceiling an ice Emerald wall the real thing we're excited about is look at these huge gains absolute massive profits okay day 30 Emerald and then it's Diamond after that maybe we'll wait till 31 to do both of those and in the meantime we tackle iron does Fortune work on iron yes it does you can't silk touch cake you know what guys I I'm sorry about this cake but it's gonna be okay because you know we can get a villager and he will sell us cake and we can remake A cake floor I know tragic but it's important now let's get fortuning you looking at this right now I got one two one two four five five three quarters we just became op that is an absurd amount of iron gonna have to make two more furnaces we'll have to start filling these up with lava and the crazy thing is we're still not even done because yeah that's right day 30 and 31. we officially have Diamond let's get mine and shall we I think we'll just go at it like a nice easy one by two just think of the fact that we now have 55 diamonds when in 31 days we have been just rocking the iron armor this is perhaps the most satisfying thing I have ever seen in MineCraft nothing like a little Fortune three to get the odds up netherite pick to make it go fast I mean like the two most satisfying ore oh I actually think I want to leave it it's just too cool actually I think I can afford one iron pick probably best we do at least a little bit of silk touching here it's not like we're gonna need more diamonds so I think these can make for a very nice decorative flock nothing crazy but it's like I don't know we've got two sides in here and my be able to do something a little different on this floor all right so we've definitely got a reason to celebrate now so what have we got here like almost a full drawer of diamonds more than a full row of emeralds that's for iron well that's also quite a lot but there's obviously one thing above all that you have been waiting for we can now make a shovel a diamond sword oh I don't know what's that a helmet boots leggings a diamond chest plate one block of netherrites do I need it no not really I can't netherite this yet we've got all these books here No One's Gonna read them if they're up there that's gonna be 15 bookshelves just put them in the corner oh I'm wrong I forgot I was thinking we could make an enchanting table we don't have water we're so close I think we're just gonna have to get more Librarians you there take that bread the plan for now is we can rock this diamond gear and then this guy will become a librarian and give us protection gosh I might just need like a giant Library I guess for now though we could get some more mending books probably should give our netherrite pick mending and I don't know like should I put it on my diamond gear there's something that just feels weird about doing mending first at least it looks nice yeah there's our guy let's get you suited up with something nice so that's Protection One I would just use way too many levels so we're definitely trying for like protection three or higher yeah I think I think we can go with that well it's not like we're gonna run out of emeralds anytime soon so yeah we'll just do it it's not like perfect but this armor is Gonna Keep Us Alive for like 90 of anything we're gonna face in this world I do think it's more costly to add enchantments to Nether Ikea so we might just wait a bit look at that it's a baby zombie villager oh my God that dude is like stuck up in there okay if we could get a witch we could actually save him because something I just learned is witches can throw potions of weakness and if it hit the Villager then you just need to give it a golden apple they actually have the boat right here there he is right so if he pops out and go on the boat cool so I think it should be safe in there if we happen to come across the witch we can try to pull some Shenanigans but you should also not forget to take our Peak down here day 32 being smooth quartz block oh I know what that is 8 33. hey that means oh my God I am never gonna have to bone meal wheat seeds again and actually speaking of which I do think I want to set up a library for our villagers we're gonna take a lot of these bits and these guys are going down this floor I guess I think this will be just good so we'll definitely carve this part of the ceiling out oh man I'm kind of liking the melon ceiling gosh I think that might be a brand new sentence this is the weirdest floor I've ever seen and I don't really know if I like it I think we might have to do something about this melon ceiling it's gonna take a little bit longer but I think this is what we want right this just looks better it feels better also do appreciate it because that's quite a bit more wood and perhaps one day these melons will be of use Honestly though if we've got the bread and we've got the beds we may as well keep growing our Librarians now our dude still lives this is gonna be kind of tricky but not impossible we can pretty much just kill everything off and witches heal so it won't die um nope that's really bad that's really bad why you gotta do that to me through the power of editing there we go just gotta be a little more careful but that did actually get me thinking this should actually be quite simple we can just put our chest there Hopper there and now that we kill stuff I'm not gonna be picking it up because it's just gonna go into the chest now the other thing we need to do in anticipation of this witch we'll actually cook up some gold and we've already got an apple which we can then make golden and now we're prepared for a witch to spawn now why don't we take another Peak down here more bookshelves really I thought we had programmed it so it would only be one of every block but it appears there has been an error no worries that's fine I actually didn't really want to break this up so that that's kind of perfect so I think today we're gonna do a little bit of tidying up on this floor down here and I'm thinking about going after these bookshelves now we don't have silk touch on our ax but we do have it on the pickaxe and while it is gonna take a while I think it might be worthwhile to actually break this with a silk touch item so that's gonna give us something that looks like this with the most important thing to come out of that being books start things off in here I would like to make a major book wall it just looks great the Wall's still not so much we can also take these lecterns maybe that could look something like this actually it's kind of cool as the sun goes down and these guys start going to bed we can maybe start to get a better idea of how this should look we can make slabs I think that's just gonna look a little more cohesive with the bookshelves right like that's kind of cool and then we just need to get these last two sorted out I'm gonna actually add stairs into the mix I don't know it looks pretty complete to me so place that all down we'll acquire a little more netherite block that's gonna finish our main set of stairs and take us all the way down to our Librarians the problem is they don't all just take the ones that they go into the bed with fortunately though it's not unfixable okay we have one two three four and five now we can start working on this guy yeah I'll take your Unbreaking three all right so that is everyone locked away and they don't even need beds string is slightly still a rare commodity so I'd rather not be putting them into these guys if they don't really need it especially when we do need beds up here I'm also gonna grab some more leather I'm thinking we could actually set up some item frames for these guys Fortune could have an emerald we could have efficiency a pick looting will just give our actual looting sword protection's gonna want armor I don't know what to put for mending and I'm breaking's gonna be a shovel because shuffles break fast it might not make the most sense but I can understand the logic in my own brain and that is what's important I like it next we can add on breaking into our mix actually no I think we can do a bit more we can get some more efficiency stuff going finally put it on the shovel and with a little more leveling the last thing we'll make today is finally our perfect netherrite pickaxe efficiency 5 fortune 3 mending and Unbreaking three and then if I hold my pickaxe when I do stick trades we can easily get this leveled up it's certainly better actually I suppose if you time these attacks properly you can kind of funnel the EXP into the pick actually pickaxe kills do the trick you know what I think that's enough for now if you want to check this out that is higher so again it's incredibly low odds but I'm pretty sure if it were to fill one more level we would actually have access to water I mean the more we have the better the odds right yeah he's stuck okay for our first time I require a shield beautiful that'll be one more I swear I've tried this before oh my God I am so dumb I could have just oh you know what I could have had one way earlier but we've just gained enough for two right because we've had two I think added in it wasn't as hard as I thought none of us are Minecraft pros there's always more to learn and I made a slight error reminded that before tonight though we only had a total of five you need six for two things of water to give you unlimited water so I'm just trying to say I'm only kind of dumb and not totally wow guys this is a big deal because finally after 38 days we have access to infinite water my God new recipe unlocked so you know now everything's great right because it's like oh boom look at that like what we're out here talking access to obsidian yeah no big deal that's done like oh what was it we wanted what's that an enchanting table I gotta say though I'm honestly so proud of what we've done for our armor and items considering we haven't had one of these I actually might just hold off and not use it to fit gear and that's not even all we can do with water like uh yeah you ever heard this thing called Cobblestone it's pretty crazy thing you know uh it can be used for lots of stuff but biggest thing that would be making a cobblestone generator ah you can do it very lazily which would just be to pour water like that but we want something a little more efficient before we get to it however let's do the thing that's a really big deal oh that's right ladies and gentlemen finally if we just want to scooch this guy this way finish this out yeah I think that's gonna work and then maybe we just break that yeah I just need two more buckets of water that should be it just gotta wake these guys up oh yeah and then I gotta put that back yeah let's go so the amount of effort this iron farm has taken it is finally paying off away for another one oh that is absolutely massive infinite access to iron we can now get many more emeralds and that actually doesn't have to be our only the iron farm because that's far enough away we could start another one here if we want but that's for some time in the future our next priority is gonna be that cobblestone generator now for this build I think I actually want to grab some glass it's basically just gonna help us see through to look at the flow of lava and water we've got a system that looks something like this so next we fill this in with water I also need lava it's gonna go on top all right and I think that's basically the system I mean it works but kind of getting flooded out perhaps if we put a sign right there beautiful it's not perfect yet I actually know how we can improve this a little bit right so instead if we just have one piece in the middle I think it makes it slightly better I don't know perhaps it's not necessary I mean really you could just see we're getting like these front few and that's just because I don't have a good enough pick if we have like a haste 2 Beacon with efficiency five that would be crazy but for now that's pretty good right like 56 Stone we should have enough for a castle in no time and we can let that run overnight oh actually no we can't because we need more pickaxes we could grab on breaking and that's pretty good cool so yeah I'll just let this pickaxe go till it breaks [Music] well it we have started punching rocks and that's gonna give us a lot of stone Excellence but before we go doing anything with the stone I'm gonna check with where we're at right because that's day 31 this is Day 36 37 red wool is gonna be 38. okay Hopper's on 39. tough on day 40. which takes us to day 41 and that's gonna be blocks of copper so we've kind of let this get away from us but it really hasn't been anything too useful other than the Hoppers and I mean certainly nothing of of absolute magnitude we'll be back so anyway with that why don't we grab the stone and uh I don't know get to work on something first thing we can do is make slabs and go from this boom fill that in just like so this kind of makes me miss that circular feel to it is that going to be castly enough let's try another layer that might be okay yeah I'll feel pretty good about this I think we'll do one more layer I think that is a very good start inside it feels incredibly Grand while not even being that big I think we need to add like a bit of space to it almost like a bit of Dimension maybe we could even do stone stairs not quite it might just have to be that one layer of stair beneath it yeah I want it's all right added a few more layers we'll start breaking these beds we'll move the villagers in I think for now Simply Having them in here is enough but I am out of rock so we're back to the Cobblestone and that'll be just under four more Stacks let's continue shall we and with that finishing trim I think that's gonna be good we also did a ceiling it's nothing crazy but with the light levels it actually looks kind of cool now we are waiting for our villagers to grow up as we expand this area so while I was getting that done I thought I'd put some Quartz in here and it would seem as though that was a bad idea look it only gives you one piece oh my God that is tragic so instead what we're gonna do is lay this back down and we'll break it with our Fortune pick to get more that's my bad I thought it acted like nether gold all right beautiful that's gonna be quite a bit of quartz I wanted to get Quartz because I just want to start making these floors look better what why haven't you spawned until today it's been 45 days man it's great to see you got some Cactus for me sugarcane the bucket of tropical fish dude I could have used that like 20 days ago well that's still very exciting all right let's table the courts for now and I think we should start a growing room certainly not gonna be in this mess they can't go here either because this room just looks too cool we could do this floor I'm gonna go ahead and acquire a lot of coal you know I gotta be honest this doesn't really look like a room for growing sugar cane so why don't we just try up here instead boom look at that easy I know something we can do with sugar cane we can finally get paper we can get a cartography table I've been needing a reliable source of emeralds so if perhaps this kind gentleman right here were to take the trade of cartography we could grab a bunch of emerald worlds and level this man up also just in case anyone was wondering what our Island looks like that is weird anyway this guy will buy glass paints so that means the next step of this is getting glass from these villagers This Guy's super close to level up so I'll buy some more protection Next Level he's gonna need lanterns which would actually go really nice through here and with that level up we get absolutely disappointed because he doesn't sell his glass oh is there anyone else we need something from I'm breaking he's got easy trades break the books you can lay out some of these bookshelves just sell this guy books and he is also gonna go ahead and break my heart but surely our Unbreaking guy there's no way this guy could ever disappoint us right please be kind to me sir sell me glass let's go all right now this gets easy so we make class panes and now we just sell these paints to this guy and we basically get unlimited everything I mean not quite still got a bit to do but it's a great start we also seem to have found our way into some really awesome enchantments I'm gonna finally get protection four now I think I've also forgot a very important way we can get more emeralds we have this iron farm that is not actually making very much iron we're gonna buy more glass from this guy and not only can we leverage that into emeralds but we can turn right back around with those deals and buy a name tag don't think about it no we just name him now it should be working perfectly I'm still not seeing Golems though maybe this guy is the problem because this little settlement over here should be more than enough space for two separate iron Farms or you know Golems to be working I'm so genuinely confused it worked for like a day what if this guy goes down then still nothing oh okay well that would imply that because there's a Golem all the way over here we're not getting ones here right see now that it's night time these guys aren't going to be spawning them because they're not scared in that case I think I've got some slabbing to do we'll see if this works right so it would seem as though they've stopped spawning once more I believe we found the culprit how about now I dare you to spawn a Golem got everything completely slapped okay you know what that's fair how about now all I wanted was a cool looking Castle things have been very complicated I have Golems yes okay selling this iron off use it it's a bite glass and turning that glass right back into emeralds now the what oh my God I missed two spots now let's see you guys try to spot a Golem it's just it's impossible okay I I've done everything except the roof I haven't done the roof I think it's okay yes so with that actually working I now have cause to finally make a bit of a highway I mean it's gonna be a very short Highway we've got this packed ice we may as well use it for something so now I just need to replace all these slops with packed ice my fear is that the Golem will start spawning if this area isn't slapped but I almost recall them not being able to spawn on Ice we'll see and seek for a grand total of like eight seconds it seems like it's still gonna work oh yeah I know it's lazy but I've been getting very tired of that whoa oh okay that's sick anyway what I was trying to say is I'm getting very tired of having to walk back and forth here so now I get to save myself a grand total of like three seconds and we get all the iron we need now I'm wondering if it would also be more wise to take their cartographers and put them with the Librarians oh boy I sure do hate moving villagers I'm gonna take you further and further away finally you're coming down with the Librarians we'll move these guys in in a similar fashion yeah we just need a little more sugar cane I think for now three's gonna do it yes beautiful basically at this point it seems like we're just going even with this guy and if we really want to get cracked I think we're gonna have to do some things unspeakable acts one might even say we have day 44 dried kelp blocks light blue concrete 46 is iron 47 and stone brick 48. oh is that mud day 49 it would seem as though our Emerald problem is is about to be solved oh God you gotta love the layered chunk oh okay and there's our there's our water number blocks do I really want to use these Emerald blocks for my own personal gain I mean well yeah of course I do but I don't think we want to use all of it at the very least we can level this guy up and I'm gonna put the rest of this stuff away now I'm wondering if maybe we should just start some sort of generic farm and I mean really come on if you guys think I've got to do this with iron tools you're crazy oh no it's gonna be another ride hoe for us honestly it looks so cool unenchanted I think I just want to leave it like this also it's not like having an efficiency five hole really matters so we need to make dirt we can use gravel to make coarse dirt and once laid you simply need to till it once and you get regular dirt now we have 48 dirt put our gravel in again and now you just gotta till it out once more easy break and just like that we now have over 80 stacks of dirt so I actually want to start a relatively diverse Farm in here just cause I feel like we never really make farms and they do look cool so we're gonna start with a double and if we wow that's a fast melon Buster anyway the point of this is to get melon seeds because this section's gonna be melts next up we're gonna have a less exciting crop carrots next up it's gonna be pumpkin pies uh no sorry that's really stupid uh it's gonna be potatoes after that it's gonna be wheat I'm actually just a little bit low on dirt but I mean with these tools fortunately it is just such an easy fix and to get that extra efficiency we can hoe it as it lay we can start our sugar cane we may as well grab this stuff too the one thing you're probably just aware of as I am is we got some hay in the way like that is so much wheat cool I think that's an all right firm and actually I have another row of course dirt we may as well make use of it I don't know what's gonna go here but it'll probably be sugar cane oh it's day 51 why don't we head on down so we've got ice followed by Soul Sand you see this is something we can very much use we could actually use Soul Sand to make an elevator and I know through the power of editing it's not something you guys have to see but I spend a lot of time walking up and down these stairs so I feel like this corner would be the best spot to put one it's just definitely the most out of the way I feel like making it part of the chunk would be cooler it's not going to be that hard to move the stairs around it it's Soul said an upper it down oh Soul Sand isn't up that's huge going up is way more important than going down so we basically just want to make a really big hole oh I guess this is currently our lowest floor uh what can I dig down to though oh my God I totally forgot how much stuff there is I'm gonna try to dig my way out so I'm pretty sure staircase is just gonna be yeah let's not forget these Emerald blocks I guess for now we can just start it right here actually I suppose it's already just sitting right there for us yeah cool water goes there part of this we're also going to need signs well actually just a ridiculous amount of buckets oh my God very grateful I put water down here anyway how this is working is uh what signs go like that and then we have to place individual water blocks in every single one of these and so I guess the rest of this is pretty simple right I just need signs you filling in with water oh my God actually this would be really cool if we kind of kept the consistency now that's gonna take us to our cobblestone generator here we go more progress that takes us to the staircase where now things are gonna get a touch tricky but to do what I want to do I'm gonna need some more Oak so we have been long overdue and adding a second staircase but it's still gonna get a little tricky once we get to here we're just gonna have to go around this and put in some filler blocks for now but it's basically gotta be like this right and then those go there so that is working perfectly these stairs on the other hand it's a little sketch I won't lie yeah that's all right just have to redo this entire thing now it's not the most elegant solution but it's only adding a total of like oh that looks like three okay three layers yeah I mean this isn't gonna be ideal but I think when you consider the value that something like come on man this brings I think it's worth it so that feels pretty good for this section now though it's a little tricky but from here things are really gonna open up so this shouldn't be too bad now I've got a full inventory so I'm gonna go ahead and take my elevator back on up to our uh they're on the floor but you can see how that's eventually going to be quite helpful not to mention this staircase is incredible now we've already done day 51. 52 is green concrete and then 53 is honey gold now let's get on back I might just go ahead and take my elevator up and we can drop our many many blocks off and now finally that is gonna do it and this is a bit of a side note but seeing as I have all these Hoppers we may as well put them to use nothing crazy but just a small little cooking system so coal goes in the side and then you put your raw materials up top and it would seem as though our next day is kind of trash I think now that we've got like a solid staircase you know things are kind of organized we really should start thinking about just making it look better actually quite curious what this would look like if it was just logs I don't know it's got like an organic feel to it kind of like we all followed out a tree or something gosh am I just gonna have to do the whole thing now and I mean it's like we gotta start somewhere right so that's gonna finish the trim and if I'm being honest I I still I still love it you know something to do with the watermelon it just feels a little off like I love the look of this big log it's really just this top and bottom part of the wall that looks bad to me I don't know would replacing it all with long be mad but kind of give you a more organic feel to the whole room and I honestly think that might kind of fit the vibe seeing is you've got shroom lamps and watermelon yeah it definitely is starting to feel like more cohesive even maybe just like pulling these in a bit so this floor has certainly been tamed I guess we might want to look at this right the issue is that I don't really have a lot of deep slate brick left like if we could fill this in all the way that would actually look pretty good problem is don't think we can now I suppose there's a little bit of finagling we could do back here almost there is still a chance we could break all of this right it's not doing anything for us sorry there buddy but you really served us no use that's gonna be 32 in a bit so that is gonna do it with ease once again it just feels a little more consistent head on down we got a tree growing out of the floor okay it's like a tree floor we got books we got Librarians it's not bad now for the scary part which is this section filled with lava it really just looks quite awful I really like the idea of just keeping this like tree concept going maybe it makes more sense to do more oh you know from here that looks really cool all right so ladies and gentlemen how about that it's certainly not perfect there's a lot more to do but I I just I feel like it keeps the concept of the chunk while being a little more cohesive now what do we think about this that is good I think we could probably sell that iron off and before we get back to sorting out things making stuff look better let's see what these next set of days have for us so 55 oh that's just packed mud oh cause the water hit it it turned from pink concrete powder into pink concrete what's more we're not really getting anything crazy but it is nice to see some more decorative blocks now the real question is what's up here look cobblestone generator that's great okay I love it it's fantastic we really do need one but man this room is in rough shape cake how do you fix that we've also got an entire floor that's just covered in lava so we've chosen to ignore it part of me for now just kind of wants to brush over it until it gets more of a purpose but then it's like okay next Area Wide what do we do with this like is it salvageable like we could theoretically take out this purple floor actually yeah let's see what that would look like there's a chance I could get down with a glass floor oh actually I kind of like this right so we have taken out a bit of the glass we can definitely buy more is it is it Dandy yeah okay is yellow stained glass so ignoring this for now we can move on we have this is it really worth keeping the wall here I kind of don't think so we'll use a silk touch pick in case we want it back we could just replace this whole layer see what I'm saying here except Iran wait really how could I possibly run out we took out an entire floor of this stuff there they are did I really need that many diamonds no there that's better now as to what this floor is gonna be I don't know right next floor down we have our crops I guess we could think about starting to clear more stuff out do like one two three four of a floor the only thing is that wool is a nuisance to break so check this out uh I'm breaking three and gosh I almost want to say if yeah oh look at that okay yeah this is kind of cool so you break it and it goes into The Hoppers and then you break it I don't know why I find such Amusement in this but it's kind of cool honestly nothing brings me more joy than this pair of cracks cheers cool so that's the first two done next we just got a tackle copper and tough beautiful so this isn't a full idea for this floor but I'm actually wondering if I want to add in a second storage because like we're gonna get to the point where you know we're mining out all this stuff down here and it's a hassle to bring it up but it's also a hassle to bring it back down if we ever want to make any changes so by no means am I calling this another storage floor but I think just something like that for the rest of the remaining blocks is going to be real nice I did an oopsie relatively under control now I was just doing grindy stuff what can I say I wasn't recording and then I accidentally broke a piece of wood and this is where we end up okay but there's the witch I'm looking for yes so we finally got our witch I don't know if I place that there no more mobs will come down now my big question is how do we get the witch to hit this guy here and I just break that is he just gonna toss a potion at me okay if we're gonna do this maybe we should grab some milk uh I think if I'm gonna do this properly I gotta angle this a little bit better right here nope that is that is poison good for a weakness potion you got any of those no no uh that is that is poison oh God I'm gonna die I'm actually gonna die oh my god oh apparently it's just a 25 chance so I feel like this Witch is gonna kill itself before it does anything to me but we'll we'll see we'll go ahead and Patch this back on up we'll buy two name tags named paw and name hag tag and this guy so now that this guy's named we can let him out and I'm pretty sure there's a way to get this dude to come over here right wait what it seems as though we have had a small error not really sure what happened risking my life far too much for something I don't actually need still though it's like I always say right leave no zombie child behind come on dude yes because I have a golden apple I'm not like being worried and now I wonder will this work oh oh that's weakness wait but it didn't hit him oh come on well I guess we just gotta sit here and wait until he throws a weakness it hits this guy yep just some super thrilling gameplay tonight doesn't really seem to be working you're a coward just like your old oh I take it back thank you so much farewell and goodbye all right welcome back there pal oh dude this feels nice yo we saved a child I am a hero I don't really care what you want to do with your life I'm gonna let you choose do you want to join the librarian Clan or will you go to the castle oh it looks as though he has found his clan and actually now that I say I didn't care I I want him to be a cartographer and actually while we wait for that guy to go up I could use some emeralds our iron farm is actually working and we do have a few dudes in here who will buy iron actually now that we have stone we can make a blast furnace I just need a little Cobble Stone becomes smooth Stone and that is the blast furnace we'll go with a grindstone as well these guys are practically begging for jobs so it's the least I can do next these guys are easy level ups and they will also now buy iron from us we'll do the same for our armorer what's us uh actually very much behind from where we started but it's good now because we can trade lots of iron for emeralds now I've got a very small curiosity regarding Masons it's kind of curious what we can get from one of these guys right like he will buy Stone but it's not a very good trade and that's chiseled stone bricks which we can also get and by Granite which is actually something we don't have access to light blue terracotta okay not bad that actually does give me an idea my thought process is that if he'll sell us polished granites we could probably get another one to sell us polished diorite unfortunately that is going to take a bit more time I think for now then I just gotta do a bit of grinding and try to acquire some more emeralds oh my God we have a free villager I didn't even realize he'd taken the job but I hadn't locked him in yet hey it worked you see this is an exciting development because we're gonna be able to make a really cool floor I'm actually not really sure where I want to do that while we're down here though we really better get back to this it's a little Redstone 57 58 that's 59. is this copper as well yeah okay copper for 60. and then uh terracotta for 60 31 okay I've actually got what I believe to be a very clever idea can never keep track of where I am we can label it that's day 50 40. Emerald was day 30 but diamonds were 31. sponge that was 20. prismarine definitely 10. lastly we have oxidized copper as day 60. and I'm not gonna pretend to know what these frog lights are but I do think they're cool perfect and look at that sun's coming up that is gonna be calcite okay nothing super useful while I'm down here though I've kind of got a bit of inspiration for this room first we can add in the obligatory signage this room is just giving me like massive factory sort of construction Vibes and I'm actually thinking I want to replace all this wool I like it more already sure we'll find something that fits the vibe I'm not fighting anything that fits the vibe maybe we're just gonna have to find something that fits the vibe what screams Factory polish diet right yeah there we go now it just feels nice and gray and desolate and factory-like now we just need to set up a Contraption in here so I'm wondering if the best play here would actually be to do a melon farm it's something we've done quite a few times in the past so I don't want to beat a living horse but I do think it's gonna help with more villager stuff for it we need quartz and it seems as though haven't really left a lot of Courts available I suppose there's still a little bit we can snack the main ingredients are wood Redstone nether quartz and iron gold is for these powered rails which actually 30 should be good oh and lastly we need a lot of cobblestone so I think I have everything I definitely don't have everything but we'll go as we see fit and make changes as we need and I'm gonna try to do this without any YouTube guides or tutorials I have not even started and I'm already forgetting something rails I am very much winging this but it's also not the first time I've ever done it and so that's gonna make up our rail system basically this is just a really big weird fancy collection system we'll have our chest right there because we have eight million Hoppers we can do kind of a cool little system and just Place those over like so let's say there's a bit of melon in there it should come around and uh yeah we got melon in here next up I don't think I have enough dirt not quite we are getting dangerously low on gravel but fortunately gravel means nothing to me all right we did it I am very sadly coming to a realization that we need one more layer now I suppose if we wanted to get really fancy with it we could do slabs and we could just replace all this yeah so that should give us enough Headroom to make this work so I I'm big I'm hoping this is enough but I don't think it is right but we're gonna go ahead and start Hoenn grab some bone meal cool so that gives us a good idea of where we can go and where we can't might make sense to just go ahead and take out this layer I also need to add glowstone that way things will stay bright underneath and with that all done we can get to Bone mealing so the next part is the complicated thing it's where we add the Pistons and The Observers pumpkin grows there this smashes it it's all good oh no I can't place it from here well I'm uh not saying that there can never be a farm up here but for now hey wow but yeah we're just gonna have to remove all of this which is sad because I actually really like the idea of a farm right above our farm but not at the cost of this actually working with that pesky you know manual Farm out of the way I can move on to the big Tech well that's it we got it look at that just gotta put redstone on all the observers show the viewers that yeah the melon Masher so that's pretty good I need just a bit more Cobble a little more quartz wood I think and more Redstone that is our last placement I definitely did not expect this to take that long I thought it should be working now look at that yeah and there's our melons and lots of stuff I dropped also I somehow ended up with more dirt than I started with oh that's why right I totally forgot we had a farm going on down here I actually thought that was a pretty cool concept so why don't we bring it back I can just do half slabs and then dirt the best part is I did leave a little bit of water so this is easy we'll fill in most of this with sugar cane and then the last row can be potatoes you ready oh so satisfying yeah we have acquired a decent amount of crops and I'm just wondering if we could get like any sort of trades for this we're Farmers gonna be like yeah kinda also just out of curiosity I've never purchased and consumed a suspicious stew will it auto kill me I don't think so but let's see blindness okay interesting what about the other one is it always the same buying this okay so they're always the same I didn't actually know that I suppose that could be useful if you got a suspicious stew that was actually good but if we're gonna get any sort of good deal I think we gotta talk to these guys right this is the dude with the deals you can get him leveled up by glass and see now we've actually got a trade that returns us more emeralds than what we paid for well hi there light blue dye oh brown mushrooms we don't have any brown mushrooms a tropical fish sure why don't we make a little aquarium there's something about this floor that gives me aquarium Vibes beautiful so for this last part I actually need silk touch and I've recently been told of a better way to do this listen there was a comment on my video that you can do this and move the enchantments onto it's not working have I been trolled by a four-year-old am I just bad at the game I don't know but hear this all you four year olds out there I can just get another diamond pick I can unenchant dentist and just continue enchantments until we get silk touch and so now we don't have to constantly be buying more iron silk touch picks you can go ahead and add in our fish that's amazing so we'll cover it over yeah I think that's perfect now as the days have been going by one thing I've been noticing quite a bit is just how much I love walking from here down through this like cozy little tunnel I don't want the entire Island to be logged like this but I actually really enjoy it so I just want to try removing one of these Corners let's just see what we can do around here basically just want to do the entire visible part of this corner I'm gonna do all log yeah I think that'll look okay we just need more wood I wonder if it needs a little more blending all right so we're here we're walking down what do we think what do we think ah it's kind of lacking something it almost needs something to kind of break it up I don't think Spruce is quite it because nothing else is Spruce Oak and then we could actually just fill all this in and yeah maybe we just need a bit of window I think it's okay certainly better than it was I also like how we're keeping a lot of the chunk it looks weird but I also like it I'm struggling man this this one section has been a huge struggle I think I gotta come back to it again anyway let's head on back down 6162 63 is oh block a call that's pretty hype 64 is sand looks like we have more glass for 65. oh tinted glass six is I think a new block yeah Moss 67 68 wait I definitely don't need more diamonds we should definitely be silk touching 69 is brown concrete powder it's sad to say but day 69 is not nice still though I better mark it I'm just gonna drop this stuff off in here and check out our melon production 64 128 142. let's get another Farmer on the go a man who will buy my melons I'll restock and that will be all of them now I've got another sort of inquiry we've got 1.19 I mean I usually play on these weird worlds so I don't really get to experience all the new stuff can you phone yes you can bone meal this little uh Moss carpets there's a way to like get something else or something yeah so that's like a little baby tree right and if you bone meal it I think it it just acts as a big tree whoa azalea leaves okay so they are different I'm just curious to see whether this will actually drop saplings yeah God I love these little bushes I'm just gonna get a bunch of this blooming Azalea thinking about making some windows and adding these I'm gonna take the leftover stone bricks and make stairs which will then provide uh maybe just a little more texture all right so let's see what that looks like uh it's not enough okay final design you ready boom I like it quite a bit we've got windows on each wall add a little more light now the next thing we should probably do is get these guys organized just something I've been putting off for a while first off we're gonna need yet again more Stone my thought process process for this build is kinda gonna follow what we've already got going on It's tricky because like we want to keep slabs but at the same time if we have a Golem spawned we should be okay now I think at this point in our Minecraft career we've come along with a pretty good system for this so like if it's not broken why fix it I don't understand what these villagers are doing right now like what they're all going for this one bed all right we've got two guys in bed we have all of our iron sails over here that's gonna be sadly all we can get tonight and I guess I could just spend the rest of the day getting everything else ready actually we don't really need need beds to get these guys in here finally these guys are going to bed things should be a little easier now just try to think what else I need we will take a butcher raw chicken that is actually something I can do man now that I look at it 14 is gonna be a lot of chickens oh man I can't do this not a monster so I'm here with like uh 40 chicken breasts so as far as villagers go we've pretty much got everything we need clerics are good but we need to go to the nether for that and since this is a no nether run that's out of the picture cool thing though is we've actually got 15 now so it's the perfect amount to fill this area up I haven't checked this in forever but we actually have full water anyway that's gonna free up a little bit of space on our main area which is something I have been thinking about like what we want to do to the top but we're gonna hold off on that till the end of the video in the meantime let's see what we've got down here so Day 70 is looking like red sand 72 is uh it's like a deep sleep it's Stone deep slate tiles and then we've got Crimson planks day 74 orange stained glass all this has got me thinking though maybe we should start clearing out another floor I think I want to do one two three and four because I really want this tile I'm just gonna go ham with a shovel don't even care about edges we're just gonna do the whole thing this looks really cool part of me wants to just leave it and it's just this weird floor and then we can continue on and break this from beneath all right so that's gonna be the floor done and I actually really like this glass with like something kind of similarly colored underneath it I don't know it just has to be questioning like should we just take out this floor I'll try it with the silk touch pick just so that we don't lose all this efficiency four Diamond picks or a little you know beneath me I'm not a peasant we'll grab mending efficiency four and I'm gonna introduce this diamond pick to my friends called netherrite we'll call this one silk cool I don't want to use up all my deep slate but that actually looks kind of neat okay how about that feels Grand I feel like the worst part of it is that we have a diamond ceiling like it's a flex but it's a little tacky we've also got another day here with oh terracotta followed up next by iron blocks not bad I have been spending my evening with this lovely librarian villager our gear is good but I do want to finish it out and we're just not really getting anything that useful I think what we should do instead is just kind of work on what we've got like we can add I'm breaking to our Diamond gear we can finish up our protection and with this last setup on breaking that's gonna give us complete armor right The Mending protection for Unbreaking on everything to me this is perfect like yeah you can add all the side stuff but this is like the necessary complete and so with that I do want to introduce you guys to my little friend here the name's netherrite you may have heard of him before on the right shovel oh gee I don't know a whole bunch of armor despite having access to netherright block on day two it still took us 75 more days but now we've got everything besides the sword and I really just feel like there hasn't been a huge need for a good sword this game so I don't know we might never even worry about it although we still do have this guy okay well that was fast man can I really say no to Smite five that's just so easy I buy it and then I put it on the sword I'm never out of netherrite okay there we go officially nine pieces done oh what the hell I gotta finish the hoe If we're being honest with ourselves the only thing you really need on a hoe is Fortune three and I guess mending that basically gives you everything you need oh yeah we can rack up some more deals here cause who would we be if we weren't gonna max out this I'm talking more trades I'm talking efficiency four but that's not even enough 20 enchantment costs yeah you know what actually that's enough listen you guys are just hating on my nether right hoe because it's better than yours just a little something I thought I'd do tonight is get these guys a bit more reorganized I tried having them all loosen open but it's just really hard to access the trades when they're three blocks away so we've just brought this in by one we're gonna take a quick nap because now we are day 78 and we've got a whole new area to explore up next we've got big old 76 the iron blocks 77 white terracotta okay and on day 78 we've got obsidian not bad but once again not overly useful although I shouldn't really say that because like that's a lot of Iron Man maybe we should just mine this out right I'm Gonna Leave the double sort of floor here so this will be the floor we're gonna take out just like this actually yeah with an efficiency five pick I thought this was going to be quite a bit slower but I mean like look how fast that mines it's like probably faster than stone with an iron pick we've got just so much iron what do we do with the 156 blocks of iron I am running out of space for iron and it just kind of kind of wrong to sell it all off I know I said I wasn't gonna do it but I also challenged a lot of people's hoes so yeah boom this is the ultimate hoe but anyway that also has me thinking maybe we should Harvest this Emerald not sure if it's necessary but it should be pretty easy with all this mud as for all this ice I guess if we just silk touch it right that's the play yeah that's super easy but then it's like we obviously don't want Soul Sand beneath that concrete sure this is really good you know we've been really doing a good job of keeping these floors cleared getting all the resources we want from it all dump all the side stuff into a chest down here we will take a peek at what's after 79 they might not be shulker boxes but I don't know what else they would be that's actually quite exciting and while we're on the case of really rare blocks I think it's finally time we tackle the netherite so it's been like five minutes and we're hardly making it and it's a good start but at the same time I don't know if I'm ready to finish it anyway that's like a stack and three quarters I would say we're looking at about 50 to 100 hours of work here and I'm complaining because it took five minutes something I have been thinking about is taking these guys and bringing them into the chunk a lot of free and I'm just gonna install a very very simple system here so we'll grab all the chickens we're just gonna try our best to lure these guys on down next up it's time for the cows and fortunately we actually haven't bred a lot of pigs so this won't be an issue yeah so I never made any promises about you know not building off the sides in this chunk but I love the aesthetic of it so much so I'm kind of starting to think that maybe we want to start pulling everything back in like it's been awesome to have the space but now that our chunk is getting a little bit deeper a little bit more open I think it might be possible and while we're at it uh this is pretty busted up and I'm not sure if we have a use for it anymore there's just nothing we really need from a mob grinder at this point so I'm just gonna do some chopping and uh we'll see what we think this looks like what do you think about this certainly makes it feel like we're back to a single chunk I actually like this so much and the question that now needs to be asked is do we cut the iron farm I don't need iron and we could still just make an iron farm over here again the reason we did it was to save space and I feel pretty good for space so I think I want to do this oh this is just going to be a pretty basic dismantling lots of things being ferried back yeah and then I guess it's just a whole lot of tearing apart and then there's these poor villagers who have done nothing for their entire life but live in fear the easy thing to do would be just I just made a mistake anyway this video is now sponsored by netherright protection gear I think I'm gonna be merciful and let these guys live out their days in peace and happiness the only thing is I still need to get them back to the island this is not exactly the safest space to be they've made it excellent now all that's left to do is remove this so with all that said we've now just got this single Island and again like I am really fine with just leaving this one Castle here we could also probably install an iron farm it's pretty simple just gonna need slabs basically it's just a big platform right and you have Golems spawn up there and and then it's the normal thing just gonna have to slap this up once more next we get the whole lava system set up and honestly it is really hard to say whether this is gonna work because we've also got uh a dude right here all right so morning let's take a peek at whether this is gonna spawn anything at all and so yeah as expected nothing that's okay though cause we still can remove this guy that's a quick easy kill and now we can figure out whether this group of villagers is actually like related to to this group nothing is happening no Golems are spawning and that's fine we don't need iron we've got the system in there it's compact we could make it work if we really want it I can't find my ax or my pickaxe did I possibly actually like lose them I am very confused I think I might have dropped them anyway it's fine it's not like we had to actually work super hard for that like just take a second and watch how fast we can get another one of these gotta pick up another ax take it to the Anvil throw someone breaking on that bad boy there it is that's basically a perfect ax now the right's free and that took three minutes okay now you guys want to bear with me all this for one more sec I feel bad that this isn't amounting to anything so got some zombies the idea is to get these guys down in here that's probably fine I have a name tag oh yeah everyone's scared now so look there we go it works now we have a conclusion to this little storyline but speaking of exciting story lines the time we get down here it's gonna be day 84. 80 is our purple shelter box wow that is so exciting oh my God drip Stone 82 83 yeah the wither skeleton skull you know that almost just makes this worse because I had long made my peace with the fact that we were not going to the nether in this video we were not getting Wither Skeleton skulls and we were not fighting a Wither oh man it's like now I have to we'll grab a few day 84. also for a second I thought these were beacons but those are definitely sea lanterns so I think if we're gonna be fighting any Withers we're gonna need obsidian this is gonna take forever so that's a lot of obsidian four Stacks I still don't know how we're gonna do this now obviously obsidian is not gonna be enough on its own so we're gonna spend a bit of time with the cobblestone generator hoping this is enough Cobble I think with the Wither it does so much like Auto breaking of even these blocks that quantity is gonna be better than quality that's not a bad start but I think we need more I pray this is enough so next up we need to find a place that we're comfortable getting absolutely devastated if I'm being honest I kind of feel like it's this stretch of block that's just got like nothing really that useful in it so I think what we're going to want to do then is just scavenge all the rest of this emerald block so it's not gone yeah I think this is a good starting point I'm going to do a bit of a top layer of obsidian next I'm gonna make a cobblestone wall now one wall is not gonna really do a whole lot double Walling this maybe even triple Walling is gonna be the play two is good but I think I'm gonna feel better if we do a third so that's gonna be a one two three layer wall we have obsidian up top we don't want it to get to our actual stuff because of that what we're gonna do is now start adding layers of cobblestone like this so that's great but still not enough we need more Cobble hopefully this is finally enough we're actually mining down a little bit just so that we can continue to get further away from all our actual stuff I don't know if you actually lose movement on honey I certainly don't feel like I am anyway next we insert another layer of ceiling this is basically just like a little Shield to to absorb the explosion I think we may as well though just I don't know we'll put up some more obsidian it's gonna instantly break on the explosion but that's fine I think if anything it's more just visual support lastly though we still do need to get our inventory in order the biggest thing I need to mention is we don't have a brewing stand so we can't really get super op for this so we're gonna want multiple buckets of milk so that we can prevent withering we're also gonna need golden apples wait a second we do have all this gold to get apples we'll just buy them from our farmer that'll give us 18. last thing we need is a good bow to do that we're gonna need some levels oh my God so I just upgraded this guy no glass no glass no glass no glass let's see this dude okay finally our second guy to sell us glass now once you've got this sort of thing going on you're not necessarily getting a lot of emeralds from the trades but all the trades do yield a XP perfect that'll be a third guy to Solace class and then it's basically just a back and forth you can sell more iron we can even do the melons this has been the one cool thing about this video is we've just had so many different sources of both XP and emeralds just overall very solid villager trades just call me the art of the deal ladies and gentlemen because that is level 30. and ladies and gentlemen there we have one power four bow ready for wither killing this is gonna be super tough sure we've got the Smite five we've got the power but we don't have any potions just well one instant health potion that that's it I may however have one more trick up my sleeve what does your suspicious stew do jump boost that is not helpful we've only got one shot at this so maybe we'll just keep trying this time we're buying bread and it's always with the apples okay suspicious stew number one also jump boosts suspicious to number two weakness oh what a shot in the face there is one that gives regeneration but you need oxy daisies and I don't know if we can get those all right show me white flowers okay that's what we need wait we might not even be able to make it though because you need red and brown mushrooms which we don't have there's gotta be a way we can do this number two not very good but that is regeneration Oh by six got a shield we've got perfect armor we've got all the tools we should also grab golden carrots because they give the best saturation we're coming up on day 88 I think day 88 is a fine day to kill a Wither we're just gonna make a small tunnel like we've done in the past and then we'll be free to just stand in this hallway and fire off at it right so we're probably going to be spamming golden apples milk is gonna be huge I think we want multiple milks in here if this is the end of our world I'm sorry guys boom pop an apple oh that was more of an explosion than I was hoping for but we're putting down some pretty good damage now can we start hitting it yep okay okay okay oh baby it's all in the prep I mean this is devastated but that wasn't bad at all over prepare over deliver now I hate to say it but that went so well I kind of want to do three more first though we obviously want to take advantage of a Beacon's effect for this next fight oh I've been thinking about this for a while guys and this is gonna be quite cool I've actually decided on a bit more of a purpose for this floor here this is gonna be the level where we're actually gonna put four separate beacons so we're gonna start with Emerald here oh that's beautiful Extra Strength would be good oh actually we can do extra strength and regeneration and that'll be super useful so the goal is to have one there one there one there and one there and you know obviously all of different colors now if we're gonna do this again we gotta fill in this hole that went really well because we prepped it really well and I think if we get overconfident it's just gonna go extremely poorly that should be enough and not just enough for this one but hopefully all of them it's most important the ceiling stays intact and it did so I'm happy we used a lot of Cobble to fill this in WoW but anyway here we go he is on us but Smite is a beautiful thing and I don't think this is too bad actually nice that was even better and a celebratory milk so once again we'll fill it in well I suppose there's no sense in wasting time number oh he broke it he broke it he broke it I like this one number three busted up my obsidian ceiling very rude very rude last but not least all right let's make this a nice clean easy fight you know what smite's a beautiful thing I'm just gonna leave this like this because uh well I don't really care so that'll be three more beacons we're gonna grab diamonds which actually now that I think about it I haven't seen diamond block yet and actually on that note we definitely don't have enough for a diamond Beacon iron is not a problem block of netherrite soon won't be a problem actually I know exactly what we're gonna do that looks like diamond block way down there but for now we can fill in our iron but man there is just something so satisfying about a single resource Beacon so for the second one what we're gonna actually do is get haste two this is going to allow us to mine stuff faster so we'll buy a pair of diamond boots next we disenchant it's Frost Walkers what what we're looking for and I'm I'm not not finding it it's actually quite sad we had a librarian selling frostwalker and I was like no frostwalker sucks who wants frostwalker I'm the one who wants Frost Walker anyway we can get back to that while we're up here we do now have the big dog haste two which actually it's still quite slow but it's a lot faster than it was we're gonna collect all this netherite so that is gonna be all the interior nether right that gives us three stacks another right and that's enough once more we can head back on down this is something I have never achieved in Minecraft and honestly like I'm never going to do this legitimately it feels like almost wrong to be doing this in you know kind of a modded World boom wow we are standing on hundreds of hours of work and like what is it gonna do for us resistance too wow in all seriousness a very good time with that we've got the iron the emerald the netherite I really want to fill this last corner with a diamond sure Gold's cool but I I think we could do a lot better let's actually start heading on down we got 88 it's a little bit late but uh you know the ancient degrees appreciated with 89 and then day 90 is looking like oh more shulker boxes but day 91 is Diamond after the power of editing we are now on day 91 which gives us access to diamond blocks there's no one on Earth that needs this many shulker boxes look at this tragedy this is too funny on the other hand uh we have a lot of diamond blocks which I would call a very big win and now all that's left of our Beacon Arc is to get these diamond blocks down sure netherrite may be a flex but visually nothing beats the diamond Beacon we'll even chip in a diamond on this one and what do we want we're just gonna go speed two dude we're just so fast now I have one more thought process with all of this ridiculous gear we have kind of just wondering how much more we have and what we could do with it so right now I'm going for a super Beacon which just seems kind of dumb but we're gonna try our best what's a super Peak and you ask well it's very extra and it's not real but you know seeing as we have all this stuff why not embrace our inner eight-year-old and just go ham with the crazy blocks we've got iron then Diamond getting more emeralds is always easy so if we have 24 more that's 52 oh it's almost like going kind of rainbow so for this next one we can grab gold okay and that is a pretty rainbow looking Beacon to me so we just finished the top with netherite dang that's pretty cool all right lost wither I mean at this point we've got a lot of upgrades so this should theoretically be the easiest right we're gonna take the least amount of damage and we're gonna deal the most got the strength going off here oh my goodness get this man out of here that is our final Beacon an absolute Flex because why not right we have everything but jump boost and jump boost is definitely the least useful especially on a single chunk so yeah we'll put this one up here the thing with having them down below is that beacons go up and in infinite amount but only down below themselves 50 blocks so we won't have jump boost down at the bottom but that's probably the one you don't really need anyway still though I don't know if I want this to be it for our chunk the beacon is kind of cool but part of me feels like we should make a structure would it be sick if we moved the castle to our chunk but man would this take a lot of time to tear down I will say though I feel like that kinda has been the theme of this video we've put up a whole bunch of stuff to make our game easier and we've slowly been pulling everything back in it's crazy to think like we put so much time into this but I know it's gonna be awesome here we go slabs are still a little bit slow to break but having haste is gonna make this insanely better satisfying to tear stuff that you've built apart that's gonna be enough I want to leave like this bottom section so that our villagers just don't all Escape how he did this is it's basically Knight across you've got three sort of connecting pieces and then nine again now I'm thinking it might just this makes sense to remove the dirt I think it's just gonna look really bad if there's a grass floor so we'll silk touch a bit of this just so that we still have dirt blocks and the rest is gonna go down incredibly easy it's actually insane because like it's even tearing through the grass so next we want to add slabs as we're installing this floor I do want to keep dirt on the outside cool so that is pretty much floor installed next just gonna take this up a few blocks now at this point I know what you're thinking there is a gigantic beacon in the way you're right I should probably move this gigantic Beacon oh no there's a hole I was like how did all these animals get up whatever don't care we'll deal with it later anyway it was really cool it will once again be cool but sadly it's gotta go so with this pesky Beacon destroyed we can now start bringing villagers in I don't know maybe we should keep up just like taking this apart we're basically just mirroring this so it can't be that hard right everyone gets to break free four guys though because it really is out of the frying pan and Into the Fire uh as we're just gonna do the exact same thing so look at that we've got them all lined up perfectly on the ceiling so they can't get out anyway I think that's gonna be all we can get tonight but it's a good start now we're really just recreating the rest of this there are a lot of slabs in this design and and slabs are really slow to break and it's fine it's just uh taking longer than expected because you know I had to do the double slabbing and uh it's it's a lot anyway apart from the floor this is pretty much done we can just continue getting these guys set in ladies and gentlemen look how easy that was okay so with everyone pretty much taken care of um we're just gonna take a quick sec this is a nightmare not really sure what the best way to go about doing this is we're gonna start with the cow house yeah they're all in our library enough some secure fortunately animals are not near as bad as villagers so this isn't too too awful still though cows are certainly not without their annoyances now it's time for the Pigs we're quite low on pigs is this all we have don't know what happened I guess that means you guys are finally free well yeah we'll finish this with six pigs that's crazy man I didn't even realize but there's like so many just random villagers down here yeah there's just like a lot of cleanup we need to be doing we have five farmers who would have thought and then how about this we could just have these four guys that don't have jobs chilling in the middle for now yeah now they're not going to be like leaving going down here getting in the way of everything okay now I think we're good all animals are back in their place except for that cow who it's just funny so it's gonna stay there we've got our villagers chilling up top and Librarians and cartographers down here Peace at Last now day 97 we should probably go see what's at the bottom there are still a lot of things we have not checked out oh my God okay so that was 90 that was 91. 92 King like yellow terracotta after that it's Clay 95 terracotta followed by m Stone oh wait n Stone I probably said something at the start of this video but we are gonna be fighting maybe an Ender Dragon so that makes 97. like look at that we are there but I kind of forgot about the Ender Dragon we need to finish this castle and and then move on to that right so let's get back to tearing this apart even with efficiency five haste two is just kind of slow anyway slowly but surely chipping away wow it feels weird to see it Go and we're gonna have to leave this really valuable chest there yeah yeah okay it's pretty much done so that is our second like floor now we just need to install a roof except it's obviously gonna be a little bit different this time there's a roof cool okay nice did this roof perfectly so we have an 11 by 11 or nine by nine seven by seven five by five and finally the 3X3 to give ourselves a super unnecessary and actually quite over the top single vegan there it is once again the jump boost oh I can't even see it there we oh yeah what a flex this whole chunk just looks incredible now I'm gonna pull back this walkway but I don't think I'm gonna break it entirely this doorway is just awfully close to falling off the map and losing our game feeling good I think we deserve a nap we're gonna head on down and figure out a very important piece of information is the end portal already lit cause if not I don't have anything to actually go as promised we have one end portal and it is activated let's go I guess that would have been pretty rude of the map maker to you know add an end portal frame and then not let me go to the nether now all that's left is to prepare for this fight we've got amazing gear uh a little Smite sword is actually not very good I think we could improve seeing as we have a full day to prepare we may as well take it because I don't really want to die on day 99 golden apples that's Grace golden carrots also good so since we don't have access to potions in this fight it is kind of dangerous one of the easiest ways to die in that fight no matter how good you are no matter how much armor you have is basically just getting booped up into the air by the Ender Dragon so we're gonna kind of combat that basically we're going to actually put this gold to use I think three probably more than enough probably Overkill a sword from this guy okay wow we're getting some really rough options here oh sharpness two okay fine the very least we can turn it into netherite but then the beacon should make up for any loss and strength we see are we ready before we go I should also mention if you want to play this world yourself please just subscribe to support the channel but there will be a link to download this over on my Twitter at the Smith plays so just go over there and check it out let's do this oh my God that was so scary look I'm sorry for the heart attack but I had to get your attention now let's go get us an Ender Dragon there it is so you're the Ender Dragon right now you see Steve coming out with 8 million diamond blocks fully Enchanted netherrite gear what do you do go layer number two a little netherite down in there while we're waiting for that to dissipate oh that is it what really let's take all the precautions we need and there we go three beacons boom one two three four oh I I went one too high I am so stupid I am panicking because I'm in an ender dragon fight trying to set up a beacon right now no no no no no no no my bacon that's so rude it's okay guys we've got two beacons resistance two we're gonna do strength and regen now as long as we don't sit too close to that the beacon should be fine let's go ham on these one two that's three four so that's five and six seven That's good I've kind of lost track of numbers but that one's done and I think that's it yeah it's not healing that's it oh Big Shots doesn't want to come down but it's fine I could do this all day oh my God this isn't gonna last long so we gotta get some big hits in here we go oh my God fully devastated just like those Enderman you know how we're gonna finish this one with payback you come in here you enslave an entire Dimension and I I could get past that you know but you had to take it that one step further you went ahead and you broke one of my beacons come on down here we're going to avenge our Beacon ladies and gentlemen not stay a hundred thanks for watching and please subscribe
Channel: NiftySmith
Views: 9,812,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft lets play, minecraft but, thesmithplays, nifty, smith, niftysmith, let's play, gameplay, funny moments, vanilla minecraft, new lets play, lets play series, new minecraft world, funny gaming, tsp, smithplays, playthrough, minecraft survival new, new, 100 days, 100 days random chunk, 100 days one chunk, one block
Id: UViXvS6b2tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 43sec (6403 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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