I paid PRO casters to commentate a BRONZE ONLY 1v1 tournament πŸ˜‚

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hey gamer when we all start playing rocket league we suck let's be honest it's a really hard game to learn and especially since rock league just went free to play there's a large influx of bronze and silver players but today i wanted to give them a special opportunity so i set up a bronze and silver only tournament but got professional rlcs casters to commentate in the pro scene casters are really important to make the games even more entertaining so i got my two favorite casters james by oh my gosh and deseret oh my goodness they have a lot of experience casting pro players but this would be something they are not used to at all i want to give a big shout out to both of them for making this video possible so after watching the video make sure to check out all their social media links in the description of the video but for these broads and silver only games it'll be a 1v1 tournament and each match will be a best of three between the matches i'll be the analysts talking about how each match went but i gave these casters specific instructions to hype the bronzes up and cast them as if they were pros and here's how it all went i heard a rumor that we were going to see the assassin ace x competing today i didn't think it was true because yes i know this his his schedule from what i understood was booked solid with celebrity appearances i just can't believe that we are going to be blessed with seeing him play down on this and he's already winning one to nothing and yeah you know i think assassination's got it it looks like he's getting all right he is opening up with a statement james and i've never seen a play like this before the speed of this game it's hard to comprehend and i'm barely comprehending the moments but he's playing with him you know he that was he could have scored that if he wanted we we know he's the mustang take the shot i'll fly by it he gave him an open net and now he took it away he says mine it's open your net's open but i'm gonna keep this a two goal game just because i want to make it look good on you when we see this on wikipedia later what is the strategic benefit that that is assassin brings it all the way down field there's another one oh that one difficult play kinder with the breakaway what a shot from wow look at the power and precision from this strike if he can extend this lead a lot of touches and oh man the dribbling was too much kendra with great speed does recover throws it into reverse one of the most efficient ways to move in rocket league oh time running out a two goal deficit assassin lives up to the hype and gets the win now we've got game two of the series assassin close it out here starting things off with a little bit of control i like the fake challenge there into the shot will he finish this when he will oh the dirty dangles from kinder to start this one off [Music] crossbar now look at that from downtown assassin ace stares down the defender and launches it bang it was shocking to see him go down but on the very next kickoff and now a strong shot can't stop let's take a look at the clock to see how fast this one was moving i mean look at that so quick and it's so calculated to respond can't kind of respond off the goal line he says not today it's still a one goal game as he puts a shot and it'll go in what a transition play it's like watching a professional surgeon at the operating table every stroke so perfect so precise he's about to pronounce the time of death for kinder look at this dribbling this display of control you could see how well he was keeping that ball on his head now the fake a huge fake basement i think he made him leave the lobby james they done did it to him that's it let's go over to our resident expert a musty cow to talk about what we just witnessed wow i i think i just witnessed a murder it was an assassination yeah an assassination as as many would say it was just crazy to watch crazy performance from assassination we saw the fake there at the end and did you see that dribble play now you're certainly going to save that clip and use it uh when you're applying for any esports organization it's your tournament musty you know these players like the back of your hand you know which one is going to be the best content i think we should stick with the sass in here very good player and i heard uh etv you know no mercy twitch streamer he's very good so it's going to be quite the competition i heard that if in order to to stream rocket league on twitch you have to be one of the best players they don't let you you apply to stream rocket league and unless you are good you just can't you know that they are going to be a serious competitor mercy oh the fake shot trying to force that challenge from an assassinate then he's trying to play it off his own wall but he has to be careful because assassinates oh playing it close to the goal line breakaway opportunity it's going gonna be tough though no pop angle and it's just off nowhere she had no room for error that ball was moving so quickly the gap to shoot it was so low even now oh just not enough time to react somehow no mercy gets his mind around the ball i thought this one was unscorable too they wrap around the ball and get a piece of it something else and now it's assassinated and this one was a huge mistake you don't see competitors make this type of mistake too often unfortunate for no mercy is that gonna do it nope double fake oh he almost tried it james but no mercy got back in time too many fakes in a row and it loses its appeal no mercy dribbling left dribbling right off the post in reverse and can't put it in roll it up the wall get the mid boost mercy go for the hit and now the shot on target no mercy can't get back in time assassin ace the challenge what's he gonna do oh clock ticking down no room for error the ball hits the ground and assassinates will take game one this could be a good bounce but it was so hard off the back wall the shot is it on target a scorcher and it finds the back of the net assassin ace with the first goal of the game barely 20 seconds in look at the speed on that oh that's a demo though and oh my i don't know if assassinates can have that mitchell oh my god but no mercy we'll have another shot right inside the center of the net he's got to get this one under control assassinates beat him it's rolling high up the wall and that play on the goal line off the pole you have to stay so close on the ball at this level and now the breakaway from assassin he'll tie it up no mercy has to recover that's a big kickoff unreal and now can they hit it yes they can ace not giving up i like that no mercy trying to get control of the ball gets stuck dribble and a huge shot from no mercy we're all tied up yet again assassin and wait for that bounce no mercy that one off the crossbar and out and close so fast the pace the speed the shot it's good and assassinate is to close this series out that's the type of composure you expect from a top competitor assassin ace 2 0 in this series over no mercy we got to throw this one to musty musty how do you feel about assassination this run is incredible yeah you know no mercy very tough opponent i thought he was going to clutch the overtime but unfortunately assassin still assassinating his opponents but uh overall a very good game and you know i'm going to keep an eye on assassin you know see if how far he makes it in this tournament assassin racking up the body so we're in the quarterfinals here mustin kell versus kakashi two players that are scouted by many a pro team so if you had to make a prediction here musty you see mustang cow who who may or ma may not be related to you distant relative going up against kakashi where are you putting your money i mean it's going to be a very close series like i said both these players are very well known throughout the globe both players verify it on twitter so you know they're legit but i'm gonna have to go with mustang cow here he is uh my second cousin actually so let's get into the series and that's once removed i looked on ancestry.com to verify that before today how do you give this uh that's a great question i think it's uh has something to do with which model hitbox you use is this an x devil that is the s devil that is the x devil it's the venom by the way yeah that's not the x-devil he's silly kakashi rocking the good old-fashioned octane shot saved from mustin cow he's now on the dribble he's gotta do it he's gonna go all the way wow what a way for mustang to equalize and look at uh this precision and and the patience and the dribble pushing that ball in that's called the bulldozer the mustang cow hot on the trail opening perhaps for kakashi the hard show musting cow can't make get back in time and kakashi will take the lead mustang cow i mean when you have a name like that in a competition you have to live up to that name so there is undeniable pressure on mustang cal living in a shadow of a great competitor why was he removed how does that work oh no a misstep a misstep from mustang cow was getting ready to take this up the wall and perhaps go for a musty flip double tap off the ceiling and accidentally put it into his own net and he might be twice removed if he can't win this series a stupendous performance really so far um that is a big dribble player off the post gonna drive past it too awkward to deal with wow pass off the backboard to themselves muscle the touch control oh control that one mustang will tie it up there it is again the mustang jump look at this touch wow right to him wow we'll have to see what kakashi has to say dribble play perhaps this one so close to being saved but kakashi you could see this play developing and what a shot that was i mean a laser use that with a good degree of success we tried to get him with the mustang jump there almost worked out it's it's needed a boost might be a chance clock ticking has to keep this one up willie it's still in the air again i'm narrowly missing almost the zero second play wow on real all right busting cow the my game the my game i can't believe it what another bulldozer play with a hint of mind game just stay behind that ball force the defender to make a move kakashi he was thinking will mustin go left will he go right what's the game plan here and before he knew it he ran out of real estate and the goal was hot on his heels ball drove into his own net but guess what he'll pick it back up off the kickoff oh musty cow tried the mustang jump but the shot from kakashi look at the angle here that he takes uh he bends it like beckham there you look at the arc on that ball you saw the early channels the blind game oh look at that that's the power of the mustang jump again the dozer from mustang there was no doubt from the beginning of that play that that ball was destined for the back of the net haven't seen muslims how with the lead yet on that little touch passes to himself kakashi scrambling to get back what a save but the touch from mustangs there it is underneath it was probably going for a changeup oh but mustang fakes him out of his britches kakashi see you later musting is he's the king right now look at that thing bye bye total oh mustang sent kakachi to the store a world-class competitor and mustang cow as he gets control of the ball again the flip it's destined it finds its way musting is battering kakashi down musting on the side wall waiting for his opportunity to swing in and get the save oh look at that he turned his car into a wall we see another goal musting says no way my defense too strong and now will we see another dozer play he's pushing it he's pushing it over the edge musting cow with a three goal lead you cannot stop musty cow when he has you playing in the palm of his hands like this the dozer he's pushing it through what can't he do i honestly i'm excited to see every play come out but kakashi he's getting scrappy every goal is important a minute 22 left two goal deficit kakashi refuses to bow down well you know a lot of clips being taken here and sometimes that's hard to deal with but kakashi stays kickoff strat wow that is a next level kickoff strat we've seen kakashi go for this time and time again without it working but the determination to keep going for the he just didn't go for the kickoff he refused to go for it he can't let mustang get behind it otherwise that dozer is going to come out and once the dozer starts it doesn't stop kakashi knows that he's got a thin window to work with [Music] wow mustang though with the fake musty jump turd get into the shot look at the height on that mustang jump the vertical get the get the yard stick out we might need ten of them to measure the apex of that jump series tied one one a piece and now you know i need to hear from musty on on just what we can expect and his reactions from what we've seen so far yeah overall i'd have to say great performance from both kakashi and mustang cal both pulling off uh you know mustang cow can pull off the bulldozer kakashi with his signature fake kickoff strut dazz we heard it from musty the the kickoff strats from kakashi up against the dozer from mustang cow this is a battle of heavyweights it always ends up in a goal and we've seen it time and time again oh my look at the simple touch it just it's like the jordan follow through from musting right here he hits it and stops just watches it he knew that was the perfect shot what is this oh it's a it's a standoff kakashi will go for the shot mustang was mid-jump kakashi's kickoff strats proved to be dominant yet again and then mustang can regain the dozer oh no what did we just witness it took everything kakashi had dazzer and he literally had to die that's the only way you're surviving is by dying that's deep kakashi struggling a bit you could tell that defense from the dozer took it out of him a bit wobbly will we see the dozer set up again lays his life down but we saw him get concussed last time develop a counter for his dozer oh and there's the shot it's rolling it's in mustin cow from downtown able to snipe it he's brought out the dozer it's been stopped multiple times by kakashi throwing his body on the line but the dozer comes back out you can't run from it eventually it will stomp right over you dozer does it again proved to be that death blow but now we see kakashi get a double himself we're in the final minute kakashi mustang is learning if you know picks up a goal off the kickoff mustang has been honestly working in the lab setting up those dozers i mean there are training packs dedicated to the dozer to just push the ball down the field that is immaculate but kakashi makes things interesting 10 seconds left on the clock and with how good kakashi's been on the kickoffs maybe we will see a miracle concedes the ground kakashi shots off target and mustang will take the series two to one musty maybe you can tell us you've competed at the highest levels of rocket league when you put your heart and soul into a matchup like that how do you even get your mind back into a position where you keep competing that's one of the hardest things about tournaments you know the fact that they go on so long you know you're just putting your heart and soul into these games it's it's almost impossible but we're gonna see if mustang cal can pull it out here and if you can see the bracket here assassin x actually got beat by that's real everything that happened before you just gotta let it go those are here because if you do it too early it could lead to some disaster that's looking like it's going in and max gets the first goal of the game musting he's going to drop it off the kickoff but wait a second mustang has learned from kakashi that's a great kickoff able to pick it back up quickly gathering the latest strategies making a few of his own perhaps and a huge challenge but again the most silver of silver's pure silver 100 percent but still can't keep out musting for too long oh this could be the chance he's trying to activate the dozer can he get behind it oh he's bringing it out guns that's gonna be the lead for mustang and max oh the flank is almost top right but max it's off target final few seconds here just trying to get in front of max the dozer the dozer the dozer from mustang cow you knew it was gonna come out that's the finisher this car is a finisher car that was beautiful all my days of being a professional rocket league caster very rarely have i witnessed a mechanic come into existence before my very eyes but that dozer that's going to stick with me and as and i think you know maybe we'll even be able to to introduce that to the professional scene at the end of game one in the finals it became very apparent that max was probably on a smurf account so we decided to end the tournament there and give mustin cal the win he deserves honestly mustang cow might have been a smurf as well i'm honestly not too sure but this video is awful fun anyway and this is definitely one of my favorite videos i've made so i hope you guys enjoyed it and again big shout out to the casters make sure to follow them using the links below and don't forget to use creator code musty in the item shop it greatly supports my channel and allows me to keep making these videos and make sure to subscribe to the channel if you're new and enjoyed this video and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 1,577,372
Rating: 4.9575748 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, bronze only tourney, rocket league bronze, bronze rocket league, bronze only tournament, bronze rocket league tournament, silver only rocket league tournament, I paid PRO casters to commentate a BRONZE ONLY 1v1 tournament πŸ˜‚
Id: BBaflhfuKIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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