I Paid a Stranger $1000 to finish my Smoothie Commercial

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oh no that's not the 40 foley [Music] what you just saw there is a demonstration of a little technique known as recording fully capture a video clip with some sort of action and then later record some audio to be paired with that action put it together and congratulations you're well on your way to becoming a foley artist but what i want to know is can you really tell the difference between a cheap foley artist and an expensive foley artist that is what we're going to be putting to the test today the sponsor of today's video fiverr has accepted this challenge and they've provided us with the opportunity to go on their website and hire some foley artists to create some sound effects for my watermelon smoothie video i filmed a couple months back now i started off by crafting a message for unknowing contestants letting them know that i needed custom fully recordings and sound design for my video and apart from that they'll have full creative freedom now in order to ensure that these sellers are in fact recording original custom fully specifically for my video and not just recycling old sound effects they've pre-recorded i am additionally requesting that they also send me real video proof of them recording these sounds that way we know for sure they're not trying to pull a fast one on us and so without further ado let's meet our five unknowing contestants who have no idea that they are a part of this blind comparison challenge all right everybody coming in at 40 we have hired peter budai our friend peter here is going to make our video slash audio project alive which i can only assume is better than the alternative contestant number two coming in at eighty dollars is mark schwetto schwedo nice now at 200 our third contestant is wormhole sound apparently they've worked with brands like nickelodeon ford bulgari it sounds like they're the real deal alright now let's turn up the heat just a little bit and start dipping into some serious cash on these next two contestants our fourth contestant coming in at 400 we've got marco ivachi from italy it says here that he's graduated from an audio engineering school so safe to say he probably knows what he's doing and finally coming in at 1 000 we've got jonas audio jonas audio my guy jonas he's from berlin looks here like they've got a pretty serious studio i mean for a thousand bucks i would hope that you're working with something a little more than garageband on an ipod touch but now the moment we've all been waiting for let's go ahead and get straight in wait what sorry they did what with their mouth okay yeah oh yeah i'll let them know yeah all right everybody so it's officially time to watch these videos and start judging them i guess but there is a little bit of a twist we're going to be watching seller a b c d and e but we don't know how much we paid for each one our goal right now is to guess which seller and the respective price point goes with which video let's watch the first one here this is anonymous seller [Music] a [Music] whoa okay this is gonna be a lot harder than i thought so firstly that is not how i would have done the foley at all it was like very ambient almost spooky a lot of reverb now it's really cool i actually have the blender cup here that i used for that video there's these little ridges here right and when you roll it it's not just a smooth roll there's kind of like a like a t i love the attention to detail here how you can actually hear each little thud every time a ridge hits the table the bag grip is interesting because it doesn't really sound like plastic it sounds more like a zipper like a jacket zipper i have no idea how much that cost we're just gonna go in the middle because i have nothing to compare it to so far but my best guess for right now is that seller a is the 200 foley all right so this is anonymous seller b [Applause] i'll start off by saying that i definitely liked a more than b this was still really good now i'm wondering if a is actually the best one by no means is this bad i would say the main thing i don't love about it is that it's almost overedited okay i'd say the one thing i actually prefer about this one over the first one is that the bag rip actually sounds like a tear rather than a zipper which i think is a little bit more realistic but other than that i definitely prefer a so we're gonna say that this is the 80 one because that's ranked lower than the 200 and that's what we're gonna go with for now all right up next we've got anonymous seller c [Music] uh i'm officially confused this one is easily the best of the three we've listened to that has to be the thousand dollar seller because i'll be shocked if we hear something better than that all of the sounds are just so realistic listen to the cup hit the table the rip is perfect the watermelon flying out is perfect very tasteful very realistic very not intrusive i like this one a lot we're sticking with what i said this is the thousand dollar fully what on earth is this mouth noises what [Music] [Music] what you just heard is fully created by the mouth of kindo beets on fiverr and this is something that i have always wondered if it were possible uh anyway let's uh let's move on to seller what are we on now seller d okay i don't think that was as good that was really good ah now i wouldn't say that this was as good as seller c the one who i think was probably the thousand dollar foley but this it's right up there with it so i'm gonna i'm gonna have to say that this is probably the 400 foley i i think if my guesses are correct so far then that means that we haven't yet heard the forty dollar foley which means that this next one seller e would be the forty dollar foley so that's what we're going to find out right now oh no that's not the 40 foley this one has to be the thousand okay i need to listen to seller c one more time the one that i thought was the thousand dollar foley because now i'm wondering if this one seller e is actually the thousand dollar foley so i gotta go back and forth a little bit here and compare [Music] [Music] okay i cannot for the life of me tell which one is a thousand dollar one i have no idea i am fairly confident that either seller c or seller e is the thousand dollar foley which means the other three that i had ranked kind of in the middle i just need to take those and bump them down okay so i think i've got my final guesses dialed in we're just going to go in order from bottom to top so starting with the forty dollars my best guess is that that was b at eighty dollars i think that was a at two hundred dollars i think that was d four hundred c and 1000 e i'm feeling pretty good about that i honestly think that c and e could go either way but i'm pretty confident with the remaining three time to find out the seller a who i thought was the 80 foley was actually peter budai and his foley cost forty dollars he actually used the same cup are those beads boom literally just as i suspected he used a zipper for the bag i knew it for 40 bucks that was a lot better than i expected so job well done now moving along seller b who i thought was the forty dollar foley was actually wormhole sound who their fully cost two hundred dollars it was just a little bit over edited for my liking and the other ones were just a bit more realistic i like that they're having fun if they're trying out different objects this is what it's all about being creative it's supposed to be a good time i wouldn't want to hire someone who hates what they do so you know what extra points for wormhole sound on this one all right so moving along to seller c this is the one that i originally thought was the thousand dollar seller but i since changed to be the 400 seller but it turns out jonas audio it was the thousand dollar seller i knew i should have stuck to my original guess this is the problem i always second-guess myself yeah like already just getting into those fine little details just those little movements and whooshes there's that sharp sound of the blade on the blender cup okay interesting he's using a bag of ice cubes as the watermelon i just noticed something i'm not even sure what those little microphones are called i think they might be contact mics but i could be totally wrong he's essentially taking the audio from both of those mics and layering them together to get a more full sound which is really cool all right moving along to seller d it actually turns out that this was mark schwede the 80 foley that's awesome he's got such a simple setup he's got the same zoom h6 recorder that i use for my videos granted we don't know what mark's full studio looks like but based on that little video right there i mean he's using one little audio recorder with the built-in left and right input overall very impressive especially when you consider that we only paid 80 bucks for this one compared to a couple of the other ones which were much more expensive and finally as i suspected seller e was one of the top two most expensive foleys that we got marco ivachi his foley was actually four hundred dollars is i am so confused i've never seen that before is that actually sold as a product carrots already sliced up in a bag okay maybe not because in this second video that looks like the same packaging but there's no carrots in there i was really confused like if you're gonna buy carrots just buy a carrot don't get a bag of chopped carrots that's just kind of silly i'm not entirely sure what that contraption is but it works perfectly for those metal blades on the blender cup that's great all right so if we take a look at how i did these were all of my original guesses compared to what the actual sellers and their prices were and as you can see i didn't get a single one of these right i bet if you asked an audio expert who knows way more about sound than i do they would probably say oh yeah jonas audio definitely the best one but for me and my untrained ear i can't really distinguish the difference between the quality of jonas's foley and marcos thank you to fiverr for sponsoring this video if you would like to check out my curated store of all my favorite sellers on fiverr you can go to the link down in the description below if you'd like to save some money use the code daniel 10 at checkout and save 10 off your next purchase but that's it i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did then make sure you smash that like button and leave a comment don't forget to subscribe follow me on instagram daniel.shifer and as always i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 6,221,628
Rating: 4.9303408 out of 5
Keywords: i paid strangers to edit my commercial, paying strangers to edit photo, paying strangers to edit video, fiverr editors, fiverr video editing, video editing challenge, 25 dollar video editor, video editing, photoshop, paying strangers to photoshop, paid strangers to photoshop, paid strangers to edit video, I paid a stranger to edit my pizza commercial
Id: mqYp0qzoGuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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