I Spent $1000 on FIVER & Got Sent MY OWN MINECRAFT BUILD!

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I paid $7 for a picture of my own micropayments yo guys what is that my name is Joe Kraft and as you all know I just love getting carried away building in Minecraft right well not today because today we're gonna let other people get carried away for us at least that was the plan because little did I know what I was getting myself into now the reason I'm making this video is because as you may know one of my subscribers got scammed two hundred and fifty dollars on Fiverr I just felt really bad for him so I transformed his entire Minecraft world for free in one of my last videos but I just really wanted to find out if Fiverr is really worth spending your money on and the answer is yes and no because there are some genuine people on the site but there are also a ton of scammers so guys if you're ready let's get straight into it oh and by the way all my intro is not getting faster it's the same as it's always been trust me so anyway there I was scrolling through Fiverr looking to buy my first Minecraft world so I thought why not start with something cheap and then gradually make her way to the more expensive bills so I found this first gig I will build you anything you want in terraria Oh minecraft his name is d s vulcan with 3 5 star reviews ok so i was gonna go for basic but let's go for the 10-hour build just to be on the safe side now he did say anything so I sent him this random message all I want is a house in the shape of a meatball size large he actually got back to me a few days later which I did find quite funny he said hi I had a lot of fun working on this build the experience was get this new and exciting I don't know what's exciting about building a meatball house but he's just gonna love this guy's enthusiasm and he did a pretty decent job I mean can you just imagine spending 10 hours building a bunch of meatballs obviously there's no way for me to actually know if he spent 10 hours building this and if we take a closer look you can see he's actually put the house inside the meatball which wasn't quite what I was hoping for but it's not like I gave him much info anyway so I did drop a five-star review and by the way this is not the only meatball house I ordered I actually ordered five meatball houses because people just kept canceling the orders I guess it's just not a fan of the old-fashioned meatball house but one other person did eventually come through his name is cosmos cosmos coats this also had a 15 dollar price tag unfortunately I gave him a five-star review after just looking at the images he sent me which was a terrible choice because the schematic didn't actually work which is a real shame because the photos he sent me actually look really good the meatball itself has windows a much more interesting interior and this just looks a lot more like what I envisioned I did ask him several times for the world file but it's now been a few days and still no sign of him sending me anything so okay so let's go for a more serious build this guy says he will build any Minecraft world with custom terrain now it does have over 28 five-star reviews which is pretty insane so let's go for the standard package at $35 hey I'm not worried about the details just build me any minecraft map with pine trees and mountains how large would you like the map to be well of course as large as you can manage and let's also go for this guy with I will build a professional minecraft server spawn okay let's go for the basic package at $40 now it has been two days and this guy build a life Oh actually got back to me with the landscape which is crazy fast considering his estimated delivery and let's just say I was surprised to find a very high quality map I mean this guy is definitely getting a five-star review this map looks insanely well-made and I just love how he's made the snow looks so perfect across the top of these mountains I actually opened the project on world painter and the map is over 4,000 blocks wide so after paying fees and definitely giving him a tip the total summed up to be around $60 okay so now Treatise has responded with his professional minecraft server spawn but I have to be honest here there are some very good features to this build but there are also a few things I really can't get myself to like the dwarf statues they look really cool the actual building with Goro craft tagged across the top also looks quite nice and even some of the ships built around the front of the project but then then there's this for some reason a massive volcanic eruption smack in the middle of this project I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of this I mean there's like what 2 bazillion cob webs scattered across the top of the sky I'm actually curious to find out how long it would take to get through this in survival mode you know what justjust forget that idea because apparently no recording software on this planet seems to cope with the sheer explosion of spider webs on this minecraft world I've also noticed the trees have unfortunately died on us for some reason and oh what's that oh it's just mostly web okay okay don't get me wrong I think this is a pretty decent looking build it's obviously put a lot of work and effort into this and for that I think I'm going to go for a full star rating for this one but now guys this is where things get really out of hand we're gonna go on a mission to the far reaches of the fiber website to find people with absolutely zero reviews and simply because I literally have no idea what else to call this I mean I found this one guy his name is Rab Rab ko7 and guess what this is actually my minecraft house I even have a tutorial on this exact build on my channel but it does get worse after some investigating I found this guy advertising my first ever survival map I even found my wizard mage tower and even this guy advertising my desert castle thing honestly I did not expect to come across so many of my bills on Fiverr and I'm not even the only youtuber with this issue because I also found this portal which I definitely recognized from Trixie blocks now I actually spoke to Trixie blocks myself and he 100% confirmed that this is in fact his creation and definitely not him selling minecraft worlds on Fiverr honestly I just found this entire situation quite funny I guess I'm not that mad about it because at the end of the day they're not really making any sales so let's buy them no seriously I know this is a really bad idea but now I'm just curious to find out what this is going to lead to so I told Rab ko7 to build me a medieval house and I told ordinary gamer to build me a medieval Tower now Rab ku7 was the first to win this race with get this a two hour delivery and guess what he sent me a picture yes you heard me right a picture of my own build and that's because apparently he doesn't know how to send the Minecraft world file so in the end I paid $7 for a picture of my own my crap is yes one star review and if you think that's bad well now it just gets weird because apparently he got back to me with a five star review good work with him help me what help me like what is this guy held captive I'm so confused so anyway ordinary gamer did also get back to me three days later thankfully everything actually went well I mean apart from the fact he's advertising my build of course but besides that the tower he sent me is actually not that bad I mean the roof could use a bit of work and there's also stuff like this which really triggers my OCD but besides that everything seems to be just fine and by the way guys please don't go hating on any of these people this was all just for a bit of fun the interior is also surprisingly quite nice but honestly I have no idea what to rate this build so I think I'm gonna let you guys decide by placing your votes in the top right corner wait are you Tara Croft guys are onto us now I don't know about you guys but I am desperate to see some epic quality bills so I think it's time for the slightly wrong I will build a pixel art portrait ultra quality builds $15 I will build you anything in minecraft premium minecraft build $50 I will build you a spawn high pack legendary $40 I will professionally build you anything average and awesome 55 colors okay guys as you can tell from this list I've got a little carried away as usual but somebody orders finally came through so I think it's time we go check them out so first up we have peeper peeper rat eh I probably butchered that name right now but he sent me a pixel art poetry of my very own facebook profile picture dude this is absolutely insane I really don't know how he's done this the details are just impeccable the microphone the Hat I mean everything is just 100% accurate he's even sent me a video of him building this all for just $15 in fact I'm gonna hang this right up inside my giant minecraft house perfect so after giving him a five-star review ether SK which I believe is a team of builders has just responded with their Minecraft projects now these guys were actually extremely nice super friendly unfortunately though I don't have shaders on this version of Minecraft which is a real shame because I really wanted to show off the incredible job they've done on this server spawn we have everything from dragons to hot-air balloons and I just love the way they built this castle it looks so clean so well built these guys are definitely getting a five-star review and after a nice tip this builds summed up to be exactly $54 I guess if you're not a good builder but still know how to run a server this job could always be an option next up we have I Rock sir who's just sent in his minecraft build and I think I've been saving some of the best projects for last because he's just sent in this incredible Cathedral this has to be one of the most detailed projects we've got so far of course this was one of the more expensive bills totaling up to be around $80 but I can definitely see he's put a ton of work and effort into this build [Music] I mean we have angel statues across the front some incredible detailing along with some stained glass windows he's even built the entire interior so again it seems like this is also getting a five-star review now I was going to end this video here but bread Vienna has literally just replied and sent in what looks to be a full-size dragon I had to show you guys this because dude this is insane [Music] you know what guys I don't think Fiverr is really as bad as I thought it was I think you just have to be really careful who you buy from or you might just end up with a picture of your very own Minecraft build but besides that this guy is definitely getting a five star review now if you guys want to get your hands on some very cheap minecraft worlds be sure to check out my website you can get your hands on all my minecraft worlds together with a USB Drive and all future projects for just about the same price as a meatball house and by the way guys I still have tons of Minecraft worlds to show you because obviously I spent over a grand on this video so if you want to see a part two please let me know in the comments below but for now I hope you guys enjoyed and consider subscribing thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Jeracraft
Views: 3,781,597
Rating: 4.9447722 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Jeracraft, Fiver, Minecraft Builds, $1000, Buying Minecraft Worlds, Scammers, Epic Minecraft Builds, Dragons, Kingdoms of Greymane, Medieval House, Minecraft Fantasy Builds, Fiver Website, Minecraft 1.16, Version, Downloads, Minecraft worlds, Paid, Money, Minecraft Jeracraft, Pixel Art, Minecraft House, Scammed on Fiver, $250, Epic Cathedral, Trending, New, Viral, Top Builds, Minecraft Best Creations, Top 10, Dragon Build, Trending Minecraft, Funny, I spent, Waste of Money, Jera
Id: qZ4mlpIU9Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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