I Paid 5 Strangers On Fiverr To Retouch The Same Photo

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i paid strangers on fiverr to retouch my professional photography i sent them this photo and told them send me your best retouch i chose editors with prices ranging from five dollars all the way up to two hundred dollars we got a good variety here i'm so excited to see what each retoucher is going to give us and also i've never seen the retouches before so we're going to react to these and look at them for the very first time they were delivered this morning they're fresh i don't know why i think i'm talking about donuts yeah i'm always thinking about food i also want to mention the model in this photo my friend sophia please check her out i'm going to have her link in the description thank you sophia for letting me use your picture first one is 7.25 for this process i would usually go back and forth with the retoucher give them instructions on what i would want retouched make refinements and adjustments for this video again just for fun just to see what they come up with so we're not doing any of that again i'm not holding them accountable like if they didn't do something that i wanted because i didn't i didn't even tell them why i wanted i just said to give me the best retouch thanks again for your order did i order from him before i'm over here like okay let's open this up okay wow so zooming in here you guys know the first thing i got to do is just zoom in real close and i know this isn't full res i'm going to open it full resin just a second but upon first glance it doesn't look like anything was changed as far as the colors go or the background you want to know what was done you gotta do before and after you just got to okay so that's before that's after wow okay that surprised me okay now that i'm seeing the before and after i can definitely tell that a lot of refinements were made and i and i really appreciate it wow he even fixed this little area here like a piece of her hair and he cleaned up sophia's hair over here he got rid of the lines on her neck oh and he even fixed this area here you guys notice that there we forgot to tuck that in sometimes it happens he also added a bit of peach tone a peach tone he added peach tones to the to the to her skin it seems like just a little bit he also cleaned up the lines under here i like the fact that he was looking at these small refinements so we're zooming in real close skin retouch i mean it's not bad for five dollars he cleaned cleaned up the skin it looks like there is a bit of blurriness you know you lose some of that detail in the skin like especially here and especially right there in the neck you can tell that gaussian blur was present in that classroom that was the skin before that was the skin after honestly very solid work five dollars it's not bad it's not bad [Music] the next one the total price was 23 dollars so let's see i feel like this is christmas morning i'm just opening opening up all these gifts today here you go i've attached both the original and retouched photo for you very concise straight to the point let's see okay wait what is this oh this is the original i was like did that scare me for a second i was like wait did he did he literally just send me back my picture okay so he's doing the before and after for us i like that okay thank you i mean image looks a lot brighter but i don't know that he did that much to be honest with you this is before and this is after i mean he got rid of her moles right there i personally would have kept those i know some photographers who get rid of them some keep them i personally like don't retouch them out i don't know not a lot was done he did look he did clean up the flyaways up here you know if i were him i would have removed this area right there because it kind of sticks out now i feel like it's an okay retouch overall like i'm not wowed by it i think it's just okay he cut out he could have done a little bit more maybe he could have retouched in like a pigeon right there or like a donut and i don't even know i'm just hungry i am a little disappointed i was kind of expecting a little even just throw in like a tone curve on here photo filter anything hue saturation even bump up the vibrance a little i feel like the five dollar retoucher gave us a little bit more he did way more anyways thank you to the 20 retoucher let's go on to 50 shall we next one up is 52.50 oh my god i said first of all let me tell you i love your videos not only because of the content you bring but also because of your personality thank you so you are so sweet thank you diana she gave me so many options wow okay let's take a look at them she always does a good job wow even with the watermark it's looking good i'm about to post it with the watermark on my portfolio so this is before this is after wow she got rid of all of the vans she's on my favorites forever let's zoom in to that skin retouch that skin [ __ ] beautiful skin retouch beautiful she fixed up the hair as well do you guys see that hair line right there look at see these little flyaways removed all of them fixed up the background she even cleaned up the dress i mean that dress i it was it was pretty wrinkled like i it was my fault totally my fault it looks a lot better with without the vans i'll tell you that probably should have shot this without the pants she got rid of all these fans these guys don't have a car they got to take an uber now she made it look so seamless she blended it in really nicely so this is before the top part of her dress and this is after i could never i have a hard time just retouching the face and the neck now to read touch clothes i don't know about that look at that she got rid of that entire thing what incredible work you are so talented diana thank you so much this is so good you changed changed my life though with this retouch now we're moving on to a hundred and five dollars i don't even know what to i gotta drink some water before we look at this jesse your image is on do i just gotta say the thumbnail is looking fire oh my god so good your image is done i'm sending the photo in two formats jpeg for personal use tiff for printing commercial use in case you need any additional fixes i'm here they are the sweetest i swear i love them i love you guys is that weird to say this looks better than anything i've ever retouched in my life just the preview the low res preview right here it's interesting because some retouchers send you different versions some send you one version everybody's different okay what oh my god i don't even i don't even know what this i don't even know what to say other than wow that's that is crazy that is so crazy where do i begin here okay the background let's start at the background we have a plan we're focused okay so the background cleaned up completely it looks so natural i don't know how this was done you literally added a whole new landscape it's like you went there yourself and then built you you like planted a tree right there and then the tree sprouted and that's and i actually took the picture there that's what it looks like hair has been cleaned up the neck was pushed in as well the the dress was also cleaned up so well wrinkles and the zipper is gone and the little um the little string thing i don't even know what it's called but that's also gone that was removed i gotta do a zoom in we gotta see wow this is just really great the bronze shiny glowy glossy look so great and the hair was done so well it looks very neat here's a zoom in on the face before and here's a zoom in after the toning was done perfectly for this it has that warmth to the photo but it still looks very natural and it fits the the photo that i took in my opinion me as a retoucher i don't like change the neck or face or anything like that some photographers request that and some retouchers do that i would have just told her like hey don't make any of those modifications thank you so much i really appreciate you are super talented you're incredible i love it these are these videos are so fun to do because you get to see a different artist's perspective of your photo let's take a look at the most expensive retouch priced at dollars and 225.75 cents you guys know i'm claiming that on my taxes this year i'm writing that i'm writing it off can i do that i can do that i think the price for the retouch was 185 but i paid extra to have one day delivery thank you so much for letting me retouch this beautiful portrait it's so cute you're welcome thank you for retouching it i created a couple of different versions with different contrast tone i prefer the first so that's before that's after wow i can definitely see all the little things that she did this is more of a subtle retouch in my opinion but i still think it's really great you know she did clean up things like the top of the dress the little string thing i don't even know what it's called but she also got rid of that zipper's still there i'm not even mad that the zipper is still there because i was shocked that they the other retouchers even removed it in the first place so here's a zoom in on this retouch looks really clean by the way the model sofia is so amazing you guys need to check her out on instagram it's a very solid retouch really clean i think she did a great job focusing on those small details she even sent me her she even sent me her own before and after she is so sweet i don't even know what to say that was a rollercoaster of emotions also i'm going to be doing another video like this but instead of knowing the prices i'm actually going to be guessing to see which retouch i think is which price point i think it's gonna be a lot of fun you guys actually requested this you left me comments you're like can you do another video but just guessing which one you think is five dollars and which one you think is a hundred dollars so i was like yeah let's do it so check out that one it'll be up hopefully soon and i would love to thank the retouchers yet again for working on my image always appreciate you guys and thank you guys so much for watching and supporting me i'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Jessica Kobeissi
Views: 1,075,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography tips photography tricks portrait tutorial tutorial editing, portrait tutorial, portrait editing, skin retouching, portrait retouching, professional skin retouching, professional photography tutorial, photoshop tutorial, photoshop editing tutorial, outdoor photography tutorial, fashion photography, beginner photography, photography tricks, photography tips, photography techniques, photography retouching tutorial
Id: skzFhzLvP9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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