MAKE STUFF FLY! Creating a Product Commercial at Home!

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[Music] so the thing that frustrates me creatively about these high budget commercials that you see on tv is that they utilize these really expensive high-speed cameras and robots things that cost upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars my girlfriend got that stool from a thrift store for a couple bucks and uh here we are once again stealing from my girlfriend in a youtube video sorry this is a blue screen i got this on amazon can't remember exactly how much it is but it's nice and big which is really helpful in a lot of scenarios here on the other side it actually turns into a green screen which is nice and as you can see the reason we're using the blue side instead of the green side is because the product we're shooting has green on the label the plan is to remove the background in editing which is why we have different colors if they were the same color we would have issues with the product and we don't want that these right here these are called foam core i use them all the time in my work if we were to put a piece of black foam core up against our subject we would be creating a shadow on one side of it this gives us a more dark and moody look that's not what we're going for today today we want nice even lighting all the way around our product because it's a light summery drink so it only makes sense to have a nice bright and summery vibe these are very cheap i get them from the dollar store for just a couple of bucks as well as these clamps which also cost about a dollar each and we're simply going to clamp it to this stool to create some fill and notice how the subject is quite far away from our blue screen you don't want them sandwiched right up against each other if you have them too close together what you end up with is the blue or the green reflecting onto your product and you definitely don't want that so it's important to create that distance so the shot is set up the camera's rolling everything looks pretty good now we're just going to use this spray this is just a moisture mist you can use water and what this is going to do is give your subject a wet look which makes it look colder which is especially nice if you're filming a beverage okay we did it we got a shot that i think is gonna work out pretty well welcome to final cut pro x as you know this is where i edit most of my videos this is the shot we got as you can see it's very straightforward we slowly have the can rotating around and then it stops with our label facing the front the obvious first step is to key out our blue screen so we're going to start by going down to our effects tab and typing in here and we're simply going to drag the keyer effect onto our footage now of course the keyer only got rid of the blue background and we still have some other stuff in the shot we want to remove what i'll do is go back into our effects tab and i'm going to type in draw mask and we're going to bring the draw mask effect onto our footage i'm going to make sure our playhead is at the beginning of our clip and i'm going to start drawing around our can gonna go up here to punch in and we're just making a simple mask around the bottom of the can that looks pretty good we're gonna scroll down here and we're going to add keyframes to both the transforms and the control points for our draw mask and then we're going to take our playhead and move to the end of the clip on our last frame and we're going to make some adjustments and this looks pretty good i'm actually quite happy with that so we can move along to starting to create this flying can effect with our playhead at the beginning of the shot and our clip selected i'm going to go down to my transforms here and i'm going to make a keyframe on our scale and i'm going to scale down to 50 percent next i'll take my playhead and move it to the end of our clip and i'll increase the scale back up to 100 percent what this does is it creates the effect that the can is starting small and getting bigger as the clip goes on the next thing i want to do is add some rotation so i'm going to start our clip off with a rotation of about i'd say 40 degrees we're going to keyframe it and then we're going to go to our last keyframe on the scale which is also the last frame of our clip and we're going to bring this back to 0 degrees and this is what our shot looks like now in the previous socialite commercial that we did we had the advantage of using motion control devices what this did was it had the can actually moving through space that way as it got closer to the camera it was actually coming into focus this is one of the big things that really sells this effect of the can floating through the air now the little issue we have with our shot that we got today is that the can was stationary in one spot so it's in focus the entire time what we can do to fix this is we can go into our effects tab and we can add a directional blur we add the directional effect onto our clip we'll bring our playhead to the beginning of the clip we'll boost up the blur all the way to 70 and keyframe and then we'll scrub through and as the logo kind of comes around i think right here we can bring this back down to zero so that it's perfectly in focus now this little trick isn't going to be quite as good as the can actually moving through the shot coming into focus but it's pretty damn close and it does get the job done this is what we've got once we've added the blur and you can see that it starts blurry and as it gets closer to the camera we have a shot that's in focus in my generators here i'm going to pull in a custom generator and we're just going to create a blue solid so we're going to trim it down to size and we're going to change the color of our solid to blue effectively what we've just done is created another blue screen and i know that seems kind of silly because we just got rid of our blue screen but you'll see why very shortly i'll go ahead and highlight both of these clips and then i'll right click and hit new compound clip i'm just going to name it can and hit ok now those two clips have just been merged into this one compound clip while we're here i'm going to create a speed ramp so as this kind of comes around i'll stop there and hit shift b on my keyboard and i'll speed this up by four times i'm going to smooth this out as much as possible using these little handles here and then on our last frame i'm going to click over here and hit hold and i'm going to drag this out until it's exactly six seconds long so what we just did is we sped up the beginning of the clip so that the can flies in and then as it comes around it slows down and then it stops and holds on its final position for the remainder of the clip now like we did last time we're gonna key out the blue once again so back into our effects tab here we're going to type in here and we're going to drag our keyer onto the clip and that will automatically get rid of the blue nice and easy and now from here you can pretty much add whatever background you like you could use a black background this will give you a dark and moody sort of effect like i had in the socialite bold commercial or you could add a white background and this will give you a brighter more clean look in my mind the best possible thing we could put in the background of this shot is a beach with an ocean in sand palm trees but the thing is i haven't been to a beach in over a year and that my friends is where today's amazing sponsor storyblocks is going to come in clutch like they have many times before you need a quick establishing shot of the city skyline for one of your client projects storyblocks has a ton of jaw-dropping drone footage and time lapses for you to choose from storyblocks is an online subscription service and with a membership plan you get unlimited downloads of high quality stock footage motion backgrounds after effects templates and overlays so here we are on the storyblocks website and i'm simply going to type in beach and let's see what comes up and wouldn't you know it we have over 40 000 results for beach but to make things simple i actually quite like the very first result that's come up so i'm gonna download that and we're gonna download it in hdmov so here's our beach clip i think this is gonna look really good i'm gonna take this clip here and i'm gonna drag it underneath our can shot and i'm gonna cut this off at the end and already that's looking pretty cool but i still think we can make this a whole lot better first things first i want to blend in the can with our scene i want it to look cohesive like it was actually meant to be there i'll make sure that our can clip is selected and then up here in our keyer window i'm actually going to go down to light wrap i'm going to play around with the amount a little bit and i'm thinking somewhere around 40 is going to look pretty good so i'm just going to type in 40. now full disclosure i am not an expert when it comes to keying at all but generally what the light wrap does is it takes the surrounding exposure of the scene and applies it to your subject it helps to kind of blend the exposure of those pixels together where the background meets the foreground that way you're not ending up with a shot that looks totally out of place but rather it kind of blends in and looks more put together now this is looking pretty good but it's still quite a long ways away the next thing i'm going to do is color grade our clip and i'm going to do that using color finale pro you can use whatever you like to color grade your footage this is just the workflow that i'm used to i'm going to open my controls here and i'm going to make a color wheels layer i'm going to boost my highlights a little bit maybe bring down my shadows a touch boost the saturation fix our white balance and i think that looks pretty good that's actually starting to fit in very well with our background now the next thing i want to do is start adding some life to our background so i'm going to take our playhead and move it back to the beginning and making sure our background layer is selected i'm going to punch in our scale to about 130 percent and then i'm also going to reposition it downward to get rid of that dock i just want the sand and i think negative 250 looks pretty good i'm going to set a keyframe on our scale here at 130 percent and then i'm going to scrub along here and find the point where our can stops flying in and stays still and now i'm going to increase my scale to 140 percent now what we're getting is this effect where as the can is coming closer to the camera we also have the camera seemingly moving closer to the can now to take this a step further i'm going to go back to my effects tab here and type in directional once again this is that same directional blur that we originally applied to our can but now we're going to apply it to our background making sure that the playhead is at the beginning of our shot and the background layer is selected i'm gonna go up to our amount here for our directional blur and turn it down to zero and create a keyframe and i'm just gonna scrub ahead a little bit to right about here and i'm going to create another keyframe on a directional blur and this time we're going to boost it to about 14 now by doing this what ends up happening is as the can is getting closer to the camera it's coming into focus but also the background is now shifting out of focus that step definitely isn't totally necessary but i personally like the way it looks looking at the shot i feel like the background is a little bit too bright so what i want to do is make sure the background layer is selected and i'm going to hit command 6. this brings up our color window and making sure we're in the exposure tab i'm just going to pull down on the master exposure slider to darken up the shot just a tiny bit i think that definitely looks better and now i'm also kind of feeling like the can isn't fully integrated into the scene so what i want to do here is boost the scale of our can to 120 percent actually we could probably go up to even 140. i really want the can to fill the frame and have this sort of larger than life effect about it so i think 140 looks pretty good once we move this down a touch and now to take all of this just a little step further what i'm gonna do is actually duplicate our background layer by clicking on it hitting command c and then hitting command v i'm gonna drag this on top of our whole clip and i'm gonna find our draw mask tool in our effects window and drag it onto this layer that we just created and what i'm doing now is actually drawing our mask over these little bumps in the sand i think this will just add another bit of layer and dimension to the clip instead of making the can look super flat on top of the whole background the goal is that this way the bottom of the can will be hidden behind the sand just a little bit and that will make it look like it's more a part of the scene just gonna finish up our mask here and we're gonna feather this by about two percent and i think that looks pretty good let's play this back and see how it looks boom that looks pretty cool i actually like that a lot now things like this are actually extremely useful because you could run this as a six second pre-roll ad all you'd have to do is add some text maybe some sound effects and you get something like this now i don't know about you but i could fully see that running as a pre-roll ad before a youtube video and while it's not that complicated to pull off stuff like this can actually be very valuable to brands so if you're a freelancer videographer photographer and you're trying to figure out more ways you could make money without having to actually leave your house get a stock footage subscription from storyblocks and learn how to make objects fly because just like that in my home studio here in my dining room we've created something that actually has some value but that's it for today's tutorial i hope you guys found it helpful in some sort of way if you did then give it a like don't forget to subscribe follow me on instagram daniel.shifer and as always i will see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 1,232,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daniel schiffer commercial, daniel schiffer behind the scenes, daniel schiffer product video, product video tutorial, green screen tutorial, daniel schiffer b roll, daniel schiffer epic b roll, epic b roll
Id: d7RFPBVfU4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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