Can I Sell This iPHONE COMMERCIAL For $1,000?

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Watched this as it popped up on my youtube feed, and it really brought home the excitement and emotions of starting out alone in this industry. The unassured nature of income or a stable future, creative hurdles, equipment and materials shortfalls, coupled with the pressure to succeed and avoid mistakes. This kid, at the start of his journey reminded me of how I felt when I started in this industry, and he wants to create a whole company! Good on him and I thought I would share this here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/setokin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I personally love this video! It really gives me hope in my chances despite how uncertain the world of cinematography is. FYI I may be slightly biased, I’m friend with Ryan, the guy who made this video, but this video and his other videos are nothing short of amazing!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheKaidesuyo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can I ask where are you located?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/soulmagic123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
so i cold emailed this company that does like millions of sales a year and within five minutes they responded to me damn i could tell you it sucks but you don't know that it really sucks until it happens to you you're like i feel like trash like i just sold myself out okay let me back up for a minute so a couple of months ago i officially decided to drop out of school it's been something that i wanted to do for a while and now with all classes going online i really didn't see any point in staying and so before the semester started i handed in my letter of resignation for the first time in my life i was no longer in school no longer confined by homework classes and through projects but what was i supposed to do now i had no plan no job waiting for me and my parents were furious well ever since i was in high school i've had this dream of building an entertainment company a space where people can share valuable stories and influence lives it was a big goal maybe too ambitious for anyone to see so after i dropped out i didn't say anything instead i spent weeks applying for jobs that i had little interest in the work was tedious and far from what i wanted to do so eventually i said [ __ ] it i didn't drop out of school just to continue playing it safe it was going to be difficult but i promised myself that whatever it took i was going to build this business so this is my first task see to start a production company you need some gear and all i have to make my videos right now is an iphone 11 and an eight-year-old gopro so the goal for the next month is to try to make a thousand dollars shooting short commercials with my phone in hopes that i can upgrade my gear okay so before i actually like begin this whole journey i feel like i need to get some advice from people that are already in the industry uh because i mean i have no clue if my goal or my plans are even going to work so i'm going to call up a good friend of mine oh let's see let's get him in what's going on yo meet kevin a youtuber entertainer and established freelance videographer i figured if anyone would give me advice on how to get started it would be him okay all right update me yeah man um nuts it's a lot to take in and you're definitely gonna have to keep like pounding in the ideas into it because yeah yeah that's just crazy yeah i don't know but i guess what i'm asking is like is it possible that i can at least make like a couple hundred dollars from shooting videos on my phone i think so dude i'm telling you like if you just started making like a whole bunch of different stuff with your phone and never told anyone like i on your videos do you get people to be like oh my god this guy is not even using a real camera i get like there's probably no one that misses on your videos no no no see i think obviously there is especially with bigger businesses that are looking for that i just want it to look great for television or internet i want to be 8k obviously you're gonna get that but if you can have a good balance between story and audio sounds um music that goes into play you could definitely do with just the phone that's insane kevin was giving me new hope maybe my crazy idea was possible after all now all i had to do was learn everything else wait so how long were your cold emails i would say medium length maybe one really good paragraph just because when you get into these entrepreneurs they do not have time when i was doing it a lot i actually cut up like a sizzle reel because sizzle reel is like you know maybe a minute and a half so i found out that if you use a television as a backdrop it actually looks pretty cool so this is the setup it's not too pretty but it works okay so then how long did it take you to find work i probably message like a hundred people in one day i would probably only get maybe six responses back and actually do work for like two but but the thing is you hit one person who sees your value and that person could be worth the 99 that you the other 99 people you know what i mean yeah to whom it may concern the reason for my reaching out is that i'm in love with your company's youthful approach to spreading a message of healthy living i'm a filmmaker who knows how to actualize your message through visual storytelling i've attached a quick video to show you the type of work you will get from me all the best ryan a [Music] [Music] okay so it's been two weeks and i'm finally sending out the first email i'm kind of nervous okay three two one okay sent it i sent it i sent it i sent it right i was ready for what i knew would be a long process a process of long hours cold emailing day and night for maybe weeks before i'd finally find a company that would invest in me so i continued researching crafting emails and getting ready to send more out and then something happened barely 30 minutes after sending my first email i got a response [Music] and then another one later that night oh my gosh what just happened what just happened this is my first day i was stunned taken aback by how simple and quick it was to get a company's attention i quickly replied to both one of them responded to me immediately and we set up a time to meet as i sat back to reflect on this strange week an overwhelming feeling of excitement and responsibility washed over me like i just took my first steps someone actually wants to pay me to make something for them that's i don't know that's that's crazy uh you know this this looks like my production company okay so the plan for the next week is to just really dive deep into understanding these two companies i want to make sure that i'm providing as much value as i possibly can i have a meeting with one of them this sunday so that's going to be really exciting i'm kind of nervous for it i just finished the call with the guys at the company and they are interested they sent in their shoes which is really cool this is a really good start but i have a lot to learn so i spent the last two weeks trying to start up a project with this one company and a couple hours ago i emailed him and he read it like right away he read it right away and he has not responded i don't think that is good news i don't think that is good news but i also i am super confused because this man sent me a pair of 135 shoes i mean to them is probably nothing but i feel like that's a sign of commitment or at least the sign of commitment to get to that point where we reach some sort of mutual agreement that we're not fit for each other obviously i'm sure he's a busy guy right he's running a startup company it's he's a busy dude but i'm confused man i'm confused like what do i do now i spent the last two weeks i have all this material all these ideas for company that just ghosted me i wasted so i spent so much time i wasted so much damn time man it's really disappointing i guess all of a sudden it looked like my excitement would have to be put on hold everything that i thought was so clear had suddenly thrown me for a loop into this hazy fog [Music] i mean i was still trying to stay encouraged i was doing my research brainstorming all day and practicing how i would pitch my commercial ideas but the truth was the more i worked the more this mission felt farther and farther away from reality and i was ready to move on [Music] but then nearly a week after we were supposed to meet for a second time i got a response without hesitation i replied i knew i couldn't lose this chance so i offered him something that i thought he couldn't refuse hey tony here's the video proposal on the creative pitch i'm also going to make a quick product video for you guys free of charge thank you for the shoes they're amazing okay so how do we make a shoe look cool for a 30 second video that's the big question i mean there's not really much i can do with the freaking shoe in a box [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] um hello um i think today is just time for me to move on if they respond to me great if they don't respond to me still i got i learned a ton from that experience i'm gonna keep trying so yeah i'll see you later after sending out that final email i took the weekend off something that i hadn't done since i decided to drop out of school and start this whole project i mean i was exhausted but more than that i just wanted to reflect on what i'd done because on the surface it felt like i moved to nowhere you know i made no money and i had nothing significant to show for the month just a pair of 30 second videos that i shot on my phone but past the obvious goals that i tried to accomplish i'd like to think that i actually learned a lot i learned about pricing my videos and how to speak to clients i learned that you could make some pretty cool stuff with just your phone and some home appliances and most importantly i learned that this goal of building a production company is going to take a lot longer than i thought going into this i was so excited to dive straight into making money and doing what i love to do i thought if i just prepare hard enough i could predict every step but the truth is no matter how many books you can read how many gary vaynerchuk instagram posts you watch nothing will prepare you for the actual experience our society loves to look at successful people and tell the simple story of how they came to be but after just spending a month doing what they've done for a lifetime i realized all the little minute details that go into everyday routines the small things that take a long time to learn and the mysteries of understanding a business on your own i realize that no matter how hard you try to predict your future things will always take a different turn and i hope that this channel the the future videos that i'm going to make i hope they will be a testament to this statement at the time of this recording i still haven't gotten a response and i really don't expect to anytime soon or maybe even ever so i'm going to move on and take these learned lessons into the next month let's see what happens [Music] you
Channel: Ryan Ng Films
Views: 1,383,754
Rating: 4.9210486 out of 5
Keywords: Making product video with phone, making commercial using phone, product videography with iphone, making epic commercials at home, Making Commercial with iPhone, Making Money with Videos, Product Commercials Using Phone, Mobile videography, Cinematic Smartphone video, Cinematic Product Videos, Cinematic iPhone Video, CINEMATIC iPHONE COMMERCIAL, $1000 commercial, Ryan Ng, Ryan Ng Films, Shot on iPhone, selling commercials, Selling iPHONE COMMERCIAL, Ryan Ng Experience
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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