I Paid 6 Animators On Fiverr To Animate My Youtube Intro...

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i paid six animators on fiverr to animate me a new intro here's what happened but first the current intro [Music] this video is sponsored by fiverr fiverr is an online marketplace where you can hire freelancers from all over the world to do your bidding so i hired six animators and motion designers at different price points to see how they would each tackle animating the exact same brief which is i need an animated intro for my new youtube channel i would like it to be a logo animation the channel is about design illustration and creativity this channel is mainly about animation and motion design but i'm going undercover i'd like it to feel fun but not childish the audience will be design professionals it should be four to eight seconds long and feature my logo prominently please use only the colors provided at least one in addition to black and white please go nuts and be as creative as you want with everything else delivery specs 24 frames per second 1920 by 1080 and delivered as a dot mp4 now a few of the freelancers recognize my channel from the logo and watch my videos so they're likely watching this now and i want them to know that i will not be holding back i will be brutal first one is forty dollars from uwaski there's actually thirty five dollars but i splashed out an extra five dollars to get the gif as a mp4 now these lower price points i'm really not expecting much maybe an hour of work at most for this price and i can see from their profile that they're an animation student in the philippines so their cost of living is probably quite a bit lower and they might be able to stretch the budget a bit further let's take a look at what they made i'm really impressed by this especially this section here where the bat goes through the bubble wand transforms into this face and then back to the logo and i've got all of these open in after effects so i can scrub through frame by frame and dissect things more closely now it's a bit janky in places yeah there's a couple of moments here the bubble wand changes in size a little bit between these few frames but the main thrust is really good forty dollars i'm impressed a couple of technical things though i did ask for this to be in 1920 by 1080 and they sent this at 2560 by 1440. it's the same aspect ratio but if i needed to include this in every edit i would have to scale it down every single time which isn't ideal you should always try to make things as easy as possible for your clients and the frame rate is not 24 frames per second it's 30.0073 which i've never seen before generally if a client does give you specifications it's it's probably for a reason also the resolution looks pretty low it's pretty clear that this has been upscaled at some point but again forty dollars i'm happy with this the next one is fifty dollars from banana shop and they've done over 1 000 of these sales so they're doing all right what do we get for fifty dollars all right that isn't bad at all i like that we've got some flapping upwards here is that a cape it must be a cape what else could that be well i'm not a fan of the cape design to be honest it doesn't read very clearly as a cape the flapping's pretty good and i like we've got a wink at the end here that's a very nice touch there's a point here where the ears seem to stick to the background and a few knit piggy details i'm going to get into in the background we've got this noise texture but that's not animated at all and it's only on the background it's not over the eyes or the cape or anything else and i noticed at the beginning it starts completely black and then this noise fades in so i don't really know how that happened and then the cape dissolves off but at the end the whole bat fades off without that noisy texture so it's not really consistent across the whole animation and i know they seem like really tiny tiny details and none of them or even together break the whole animation at all but those are just easy fixes that you could fix all of those in five minutes and then i'd have less to complain about love that wink though good work banana shop the next one is 75 from ark solutions [Music] all right i like this a lot the music is a bit too hardcore not all the freelancers offered sound design so i'm treating that as a bit of a bonus so let's suppose a thumbs up for that music and the eyes opening at the start it's very cinematic i kind of like that the flapping is really good we get a nice elongated flap here what i really like is you really feel the speed of the bat here it can be trickier than you think to get something to look like it's going fast when there's no background for context but here we've got these animated speed lines and the characters kind of shifting and moving up and down a little bit so you can kind of see it resisting against the wind the way the wings connect to the body is a little bit a little bit iffy you can see where the mask ends here and i'm really not in love with this transition to me it just feels really muddy because we've got black and white here black and white at the end but it just goes all gray here really there's so much going on we've got things fading in and out we've got mats and masks we've got this cell animated splash thing it's a lot i think one of those would have been fine even just cutting straight from this to the inverted look could have had more impact but i do love that at the end here it blinks that's a really good way to add production value to an otherwise static animation overall really good job you didn't use any of the colors that i specified in the brief though oh wait a minute i think i may have noticed something let me put a guide to the center here it's not it's not centered what about the other ones banana sharp you're just kind of moving so you can get away with that just usuki i am sorry you are way off too i did say go nuts in the brief though i'm going to take not centering these as an avant-garde creative choice just for my own sanity so please give this video a like to give me the strength to align these videos myself all right now we've got a hundred and twenty dollars from dionna to tanu and they've got a really particular loose hand-drawn style so i was really looking forward to this one here's what they came up with all right i like this one a lot everything past this 22nd frame i think is awesome i love that it has a butt that is excellent this flip is really smooth and i like how these shines come and rest at the end here that is some really good animation especially for the price but the start is just a little bit how you going especially i think it's it's really only three or four drawings here where we get this little flap going on it just doesn't read that smooth it's really jittery and it doesn't really like a long sort of deep flap here and especially when it's contrasted with this really smooth rollover of the bat which is not easy to do at all rotating your character in 3d space and making it look this smooth is is pretty tricky yeah but these first three frames here aren't doing it for me the rest is awesome not scented though all right the next one is a hundred and eighty dollars from at louder and they are a fiver pro pro services are offered by professionals we vetted for quality and service i think i'll be the judge of that uh one thing i really do like though is under the description for basic logo animation it says custom 2d minimalist and clean logo design that is a really good way to say this is the budget option it's so important to communicate with your client that when they don't have much of a budget they're not getting bad animation they're getting simpler animation so let's take a look at our 2d minimalist and clean logo design [Music] this this is great it's got a great pace i love the energy especially at this moment here where it just hangs a little bit in the air before this big burst of color that's such a nice touch they clearly really understand timing which is the most important thing in animation maybe other than design and of course labeling your layers the bat flapping is really nice too i'm not sure how they achieved that maybe with puppet pens i love i've got an extra little flap here whatever they've done it flows really nice now the only things i would change ah the open mouth at the beginning i just don't think it looks all that great looks a bit like an inflatable doll and then we've got this radial gradient on the bubble here which just fades out so there's no gradient and then it fades in during this color smash here and then fades out it doesn't need it just get rid of that otherwise everything else is great and best of all i think this one it's scented well done outlander now the last one is 520 dollars and that is from vitor gur so after their middle option and at 520 we're now in the range of a typical professional day rate and he's a fiver pro as well and what really struck me about this one is that he offers storyboards with every gig which is amazing obviously the cheaper price points there's not really much time to justify making the storyboards you just have to i suppose give your first idea but storyboards are really important anything you can do to communicate visually with your client in the pre-production phase whether that's mood boards storyboards animatics style frames as much as you can give them to communicate the idea the better it's gonna end up because you're gonna save a ton of time having less feedback you've got a plan for everyone on the team and everyone's expectations are set on what the end result should look like so vitor sent me these storyboards we start with that bat upside down sleeping it wakes up and tries to fly into these now rising bubbles it's leaving this colorful trail behind it it gets in the bubble at the end it pops and then he flies into one last bubble this all looked great to me so i approved these storyboards and then a couple of days later i got the animation let's take a look [Music] alright i really dig this a lot of it that is the bad animation i think is one of the best we've seen especially we have a few really good acting moments when he first wakes up he's really nice and then when the bubble bursts and he kind of has to flap and his face is upset that's really good that's a really nice touch and with all of that and what's going on with the bubbles we get a nice story that we haven't seen so much of with all the other animations that does bring its length up to 12 seconds though which is 50 longer than the four to eight seconds that i had in the brief and i think that's a bit too long for youtube intro my current intro is i think seven seconds and even that i think like we could trim that down a touch the zoom at the end is pretty nice and we've got some blinks in there vitor knows what he's doing now the only thing i don't like is this colored trail to get this to look perfect i think you would have to do this frame by frame and i get it frame by frame animation is hard and also very very very time consuming it is really hard to replicate that look convincingly and at that point you may as well be animating it frame by frame i really don't think there's any great substitute for the real thing that might just be my personal taste though but the most important thing about this animation is it's centered you know what ah it never really is completely static but i think we can all agree that's in the middle of the frame awesome work i love that that's become a pick or break issue well done vito so which one is the best for some context designing and animating my own intro took me between one to two weeks and i'd charge a client two to five thousand dollars for something similar so overall i'm stoked with these my favorites i'm pretty sure the two most expensive ones you can tell from the results and from their process that they're the most professional the 180 one from matt louder is my pick for the absolute best though i think the animation the execution is the best but also the best value as well but let's not forget the 40 one our first intro because i think that one's the most creative a lot of these followed a really similar formula we have our bat coming in flying around with a bit of color and then resting in the center understandably that's i suppose the most obvious route but with that first one being so different that impressed me let me know in the comments which one was your favorite and if you'd like to hire any of these freelancers or just check out their work i've left a link to their fiverr profile in the description below so you can check out their work there and i'll see you in the next video if you'd like to learn animation and motion design techniques i've got a playlist of some of the best tutorials on this channel for you to take a look at i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ben Marriott
Views: 3,718,524
Rating: 4.8033085 out of 5
Keywords: fiverr challenge, fiverr animated logo, fiverr motion graphics, logo animation challenge, Fiverr Graphic Designers, Hiring Fiverr Artists, Fiverr Logo Design, ben marriott intro, fiverr youtube intro, cheap vs expensive challenge, fiver animated intro, fiverr logo animation, fiverr, fiverr logo, fiverr design, fiverr experience, motion design, motion graphics, after effects, mograph, ben marriott, i hired fiverr, fiverr video, youtube intro animation, cheap vs expensive
Id: Rtc7YY3m7so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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