I've invited illustration artists on Fiverr for a fantasy character concept art

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i asked my viewers what their dream miniature would be with the intention of making this dream into real paintable miniature what what this is amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hello there hey guys you're watching squidward miniatures i'm emil so today we've got a video that's pretty much kind of written by you as a viewer you see a few months back i posted on my instagram my patreon and my twitter and here on youtube community and what i did is i asked you guys what your dream miniature would be if you could choose anything but specially made for you what would that character be i got some really amazing replies and what we're gonna do is we're going to try to make these good ideas into something physical a real paintable miniature bust and how is this possible well you know we did a couple of fiverr videos before and fiverr was really happy with what i did so they decided to sponsor the last video so i pitched them this idea that i wanted to make a video for my viewers where they could decide what their dream character would be and then we go on fiverr to have illustrators make concept art for these designs and this is going to be a series so this is the first video and when you watch this video you can vote in the comment section which one was your favorite when that is done i will go on fiverr again and ask 3d sculptors to bring these character concept arts to life and i just wouldn't be able to afford to have all of these amazing artists do concept sketches and 3d sculpts so massive shout out to them for just funding the the video for me and i gotta be honest with you this is actually the second time i record this video because four i went on fiverr and i looked for artists and it turned out that half of those artists were just scams so no wonder that they make magic the gathering quality artwork for five dollars luckily i didn't pay any of them fiverr didn't pay any one of them but then i didn't give up i just scratched all of those artists that i had found before and then i sorted them by reviews and if they had reviews from before and voila all of a sudden i had a bunch of amazing artists let's go in and see what type of characters you guys want to have let's start with the obvious one my patrons i want to make sure that they get the first say in this there's a warcraft characters level 15 dwarf uh female characters uh this one is really good because actually there aren't i mean there are a lot of female busts but not a lot of the kind of you know warrior-esque type female busts so maybe something like a really strong warrior female would be epic let's save that one and yeah let's take the dwarf as well warcraft characters especially horde there's been a lot of requests of orcs so i guess we're going to cover that one later as well and a human leech yeah that's really good too ah here's another orc another orc yeah i think we're gonna make an orc okay let's uh let's check my twitter and see what people say there warcraft stuff so i'm using there's a lot of like orcs oh here badass a viking that one's cool and also i got a bunch of them on instagram as well and here we have let's see an orc in love a dwarf with elves you can't do that this one i like a dwarf so he played a dwarven fighter for two years in the innocent dragons and he was building an armor from white dragon scales and carries the rod of lordly might and has a spear this is gonna be really cool so let's keep this dwarf as well how many are we up to now it's like four yeah let's see if we can find some more let's go on youtube as well uh goliath barbarian in daniels and dragons dude was naked nakedly swinging a two-handed axe in one hand and blowing a horn in the other this one is hilarious a barred barbarian we could probably mix that in with the other barbarian request as well so an orc emperor yes oh here juan carlos diablo 3 demon hunter all the female demon hunters in diablo are amazing i'm a huge fan you know we can copy other ips we have like a lot of requests for special space marines and for special warcraft miniatures and things like that star wars figures wonder woman i can't do any of them because i would probably get sued uh demon hunter is kind of a generic thing so what we could do is to do like just a female warrior with like the bow or something that's a little bit more like on the dark elf side that could be really cool so we have orcs we have dwarves what more do we need and here's another one night elf female archers that one could probably fit in with the with the other one there are so many comments here so many good ones well we have a couple of them we have uh orcs we have a female warrior and we could do a couple of those different styles like the elf and maybe a paladin or something and then we have the leech or a necromancer we have a lot of those requested so human necromancer what else do we have another dwarf the one with the dragon scale i think that one will be really cool and then we have the the bard barbarian and then let's see if we can make like another because we had so many requests of like barbarian or like a male warrior viking type of guy so let's see if we can get like two different versions of that um so i'm super hyped about this let's see what artists we can find [Music] i haven't done the same mistake as i did the first time where i just looked for artists and pressed the coolest image because obviously not all of those could deliver on on the level that was promised so now that i've sorted them out i have found eight of them that i'm going to reach out to the first one is valoc and this guy makes some really cool character concept art 90 bucks for this one uh this is a really good price still for what he delivers 90 bucks for like an illustrator in sweden that is like two hours of work then we have pyrrole nogolongo and this guy has again really awesome concept arts this guy already wanted 50 bucks for four character sketches and then to make one of them like high detailed and do some shading on it like 50 bucks for this still like the prices here with some of these artists who are like up and coming are is incredible it's it's really cheap prices then we have stefan jura dj the prices he had on his side was like 50 bucks he asked for 50 bucks and then i asked this guy like what is the highest level you can do how much would that cost because 50 bucks felt again very cheap like all of these guys and we agreed that like 120 would be a good price to kind of uh do something for his highest level he had never done that before so this is going to be exciting to see it's kind of a gamble to spend more than he asked for to get an even higher level but i'm really excited about that and then we have a red rocker and this girl i think it is a girl has a really unique style i have no idea how well this is gonna go because this is more like a disney style illustration but i wonder if she could make this barred barbarian into something really awesome like something different than what normally like miniature busts have these like really beast buffy stuff maybe she can make something that's a bit more cartoony and maybe it translates well to miniatures let's see here we have william liberto he is the first one i reached out to 25 bucks for a character i have no idea if he's gonna be able to make something good in 25 dollars but uh he has some really cool artwork so let's see what he does with that and here we have a little bit of a gamble as well we have slabodinsky and i reached out to this guy and and he figured out who i was because he had been watching my channel he's a warhammer fan and this one is a bit more on the expensive side and once again thanks to fiverr i can make this video for you guys and he's usually just like a landscape illustrator and he does like fancy landscapes and and architecture and things like that usually he doesn't do characters but uh since he's a warhammer fan i'm a fan of his uh i asked him if he wanted to give it a shot and i have no idea if he's going to be able to nail it or not but i'm really looking forward to see what he can do so i paid 320 for this one and it's gonna do like two sketches and then make one of them in color i still think that's a really really reasonable price for probably the amount of hours he's gonna put in dc joshi 66 i wonder if it's the super mario joshie and this guy has some really cool artwork as well uh let's see what he can do we wanted 80 bucks for this and once again it's a really good price and for the last one this is the guy that i have most hopes for this guy wanted 280 dollars to do his highest level [Music] hey friends it's been about three weeks since uh i sent the request out to everyone all of these characters we have like the the elves the barbarian and the dwarfs and orcs and the female warriors and the leech of course don't forget the lich and i've received all of them back i came to this idea because i really want this to become sort of like a part of our community because this is going to be a series and we're going to 3d sculpt busts from the best ones of these later i would really like to like print these and make them available for sale so i've been looking up a bit about the cost of printing these and making like real busts out of it then we can paint maybe like a paint along in a video so if you're interested in that i've opened up a way to sign up to my an emailing list on my website squidmart.com and you can go there and just sign up on the mailing list and whenever i have something done for this project i don't know if it's gonna take half a year or whatever it's going to take but it would be super fun if you sign up and then yeah if i am able to make this into real sculpts that you can buy i will let you know in that email [Music] so the first one is a 25 guy william liberto this is what he came up with so i asked him to make a bust so that would be from like waist up or kneecap up depending on like if they wanted to include something else and william gave everything he even gave the legs and a little bit of an environment and i think he done a really cool job with like giving the character a face that has some personality to it i really think that's awesome there's not a lot of detail in here so i think it might be a bit hard to actually make some figure from this but i think he did a good job for 25 dollars i think this is amazing if you want like a dungeons and dragons character made into a character sketch 25 bucks that's probably worth it so i guess you can follow the link to the fire page in the description if you want to order something from him later so the second one we have is pironolongo and this one i actually got sent these four sketches earlier and i let my patrons decide which one they thought was the coolest i asked this guy to make the leech and i really feel like like he nailed the whole necromancer look i think all of these four are amazing and i would love to be painting any one of them but what the patrons decided was that we take this left guy here give him the pose of this one so and then i got this second sketch from him when he was like finishing up the sketch of it and he did a bit of extra adjustments this is what we got and for i don't know what did i pay 50 bucks for this this is an amazing character i think the anatomy is not a hundred percent but then again as like a rough sketch oh look at what i didn't see this before ah i just love this so if we can find a sculptor that can make this one like enhance this one and do the the anatomy even better i think this could be an amazing piece to paint um this one i'm really hyped about okay so the next one is red roca this is the disney style girl that had this really cool like cartoonish illustrations and she got commissioned to do the bard barbarian so i asked her to do like a loot and have the giant 200 axe on the back and yeah this is what we got freaking awesome i don't know there's just she has so much life to her characters and for 50 bucks to make this one that's awesome once again i'm not sure that this could translate well for uh an experienced sculptor so um if we do this one i would probably give it to someone that i believe has the skill to actually make like take this sketch and do a really good work into making it into like a full full-size thing this is amazing once again if you want to have this for your dnd character 50 bucks instead of buying these huge dragons or whatever to get like a visual representation for your character it's not unreasonable okay so walk he did this one for 90 bucks and walk i asked to make a dark elf archer or like a dark elf warrior some cool female warrior we had a bunch of those requests let's see what he's done with it and the first thing he sent me was these three character sketches and i really love all of these i think all of these could be incredibly fun to paint with like different armors and textures and things like that however there's something with the post on the first one i think with the right sculptor this could be an amazing piece so he just refined that one a little bit made it a bit longer so it's like a waist up bust a little bit further down it's like hip up and i think this one this could actually probably be one of my favorites i'm really i think yeah i'm gonna let you vote on whatever ones you want me to make but but please pick this one i i really want it so coming up we have dc yoshi the first thing that he sent me was these three sketches of a character you can probably guess what i commissioned him to do i asked him to make one of these strong female warriors this is more like a paladin and he just sent me some poses first and i thought am i really going to get that high level that he has on his page i'm not sure he told me to not worry this is just like super quick sketches just to show different poses and this is what he delivered his final job for 80 freaking dollars he did this amazing artwork it's not perfect but just like look at these armor parts this is just so unique and i feel like he really captured the whole thing that i asked for with like the strong pose flowing hair and then like the really cool cloak that she has and i think for painting with all the different textures we have like the fur we have hair we have skin tones we have the cloak we have metallics a lot of non-metallic metals that can be done i think this one i think i might have to switch which one is my favorite i think this one could be a favorite as well in terms of painting this would probably be incredibly fun to paint vote for this one as well write a comment down below if you like this one dc yoshi 80 bucks my god so coming up is stefan with his dwarf that i asked him to make this guy again he asked for 50 bucks first and i asked him like is that the highest level you can do and he said no like 120 bucks would probably give me a higher level and oh my freaking god oh my freaking cat this is oh my god like what what this is amazing oh my god look at this he even made like a squig he's like from from his holster instead of like pulling out the knife he has a squid down here this is a man look at the detail of this face just look at the detail of this face wow this is amazing stefan oh my god i can't believe he never did anything to this level before this is amazing he's got the the mace or whatever it was called i can remember the magic thing and on top of that he added the squid for squidmar this is amazing wow i'm so hyped for this i don't know like i really hope we can make busts from at least half of these really like prints so you guys can get them as well to paint anir banchaja 1987. well i don't know i probably slaughtered his name way too much you can tell me how it's pronounced but god damn so this guy i asked him to make one of the orcs and but i had this idea i kind of you know like orc warriors there are plenty of those that are really cool i really want to have like my my dream orc this idea to kind of make this orc warrior the orc warlord and then to have a tiny goblin or orc baby on the shoulder holding like a squid arm so let's just dive in and see what he has given us is this guy serious i mean sure this is like 280 bucks is a bit more expensive but what the hell this is like world-class artwork wow just the idea of this orc being like the warlord it's me and then having like my baby on the shoulder wow this is amazing look at this artwork seriously i i don't know like a lot of these characters i know this one was made for you guys to make your dream characters but seriously like a lot of these are characters that i would really love to paint and yeah this is gonna be exciting this one for sure i can't like if you don't vote this one to be made into a 3d sculpt then i will probably do it myself somehow because this one is amazing i don't even like look at all the details here just look at like the the gloves he has like same thing here like the amount of different textures to paint this would be so much fun to paint and having it from the like the kneecap and up this is amazing i i've said that word a lot but it is true this one is truly amazing look at the axe my god come on let's uh take a breather and then jump into our next one this is the last one actually and slobodinsky was the most expensive one the guy who i told you about was like a warhammer fan and yeah usually does only like landscape stuff so if it's not like a perfect character like don't be mean to anyone i want everyone to just keep positive in the comments because i feel like everything that i've been delivered here so far is way over what i could have asked and let's see what he does okay so i can show you this first this is what i've seen already he sent me these like two sketches and then asked me which one i wanted him to make into like a full-scale figure i asked him to make number one just because i feel like it's easier to get like different definitions to paint and things if we make sculptures from this later okay so this is the final one and this is the only guy who did like a full color artwork and let's see here i i feel like this character is really really cool like the detail is not as high as the previous one but would i want to paint this one if it was made perfectly heck yeah what i really like about this one is first like the cloak i think is really cool then combining like one free arm with like a fully armored arm on the other side that's incredible i really like the shield as well this is this is a really unique shield if i compare it to like anyone else in terms of weaponry this one is really unique in terms of the style it's not 100 perfect in terms of anatomy and like the shapes and everything but once again i think that this one could like if it's made by a sculptor who knows anatomy and just takes the ideas and the concepts from this and makes it into a really unique character this could be one of my favorites as well so in terms of my favorite ones from all of these i think i have like four favorites the the number one favorite would be probably the orc and then i really like both of the female warriors i think those are amazing but also like the the dwarf the super detailed dwarf was i don't know it's unfair to pick one uh because i liked all of them let me know in the comments which one was your favorite so guys uh this was quite a trick leave a comment in the description and tell me which one was your favorite i will count up all of these in a week and whichever one gets the most vote i will then make a sculpt from on fiverr as well i haven't gotten the budget yet from fiverr so i don't know if it's gonna be three or five or eight of them i have no idea and yeah as i mentioned in the beginning go to my website and sign up for the newsletter so if i end up making busts about these later that you guys can purchase as well i would just love for you to be able to get them if you want them of course and one last thing fiverr has been incredibly easy to work with for this video and what they decided to do is on top of helping me to be able to make these busts in the video they also made affiliate links so if you follow any of the fiverr links in the description and sign up fiverr gives a bit of a kickback to me whenever you order something from them so yeah i will also get a bit of money for myself so i can keep running this channel and yeah paying the rents and whatever buy candy i'm gonna buy so much can you have no idea how much candy i'm gonna buy follow the amazon links support me on patreon if you want to support this channel even more and a massive shout out to my top patreon supporters albie nostrom patrick d evan weston and russ prentice awesome guys have a great day bye [Music]
Channel: Squidmar Miniatures
Views: 143,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, miniature painting, painting warhammer, age of sigmar, squidmar, warhammer 40k, dungeons & dragons, d&d, how to paint warhammer, space marines, squidmar miniatures, emil nyström, airbrush, vallejo, citadel color, fiverr, fiverr illustrators, fiverr concept art, warhammer fiverr, miniature busts, artistic sketches, character concept art, fantasy illustration, fantasy character concept art, warhammer art, cheap vs expensive, dnd5e, dnd, fiverr dnd
Id: YS44sPz7Npc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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