I Paid 5 Designers To Design THE SAME Logo... 💸 (So Clean)

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i have paid four of my subscribers to design a logo from the same brief these guys are all from different experience levels and they follow the channel and they're subscribed so if you want to take part make sure you subscribe down below this video is brought to you by squarespace now here is the brief that we gave them which is very short and sweet procast is the company name a podcast streaming service for professional based podcast experts sharing their interesting stories experiences and information as well as mini lectures teaching about their chosen profession in a podcast format it's aimed at college and university students as well as young professionals wanting to learn more about their field of interest so this is a very niche sort of logo design it's one that you have to be very careful of you don't want to be two months we want to hit that nail on the head so it's very difficult to do with this logo and the challenge was set like this the challenge was they had to work for three hours on this logo and no more than three hours we paid them for the three hours of that logo and this is a fake company so we're not paying them to spend hours and hours and hours designing something for cheap no way so the first guy called logan crane he's an experienced amateur designer who designed for three hours a 75 logo for pro cast let's see what he did so we've got a presentation just here so i like your presentation format it's a bit dark there's not much contrast with this but let's keep going procrastinate identity brief so here's the logo first impressions of the design of this logo is it is not got much contrast and it's very dark as well i don't know why it's so dark i guess the idea of being pro means that you'd use like a black or gray background i don't understand the a but i can get it it's an icon with inside the logo it's very clean but to me the icon just kind of doesn't fit too well but for three hours it's not bad at all the concept procas service that was created to elevate and inform the upcoming generations of professionals ah i'm starting to see the concept of this elevation was the primary inspiration for this logo with competitors like youtube apple google podcast and spotify pro crash should have its own identity but should still be clean and easily identifiable when used on a mobile icon so i totally get this now it's elevating this is the way that you've gone around to pitching me this idea and in logo design it's super important to pitch the idea and the concept which you have done here the breakdown continued pro cast i prefer this one here i would have preferred this icon here not to be so pointy because it goes up way past where it should be but i like the idea of it the colors as well they're very muted red they don't really work very well people are going to skip past this on the app icon when looking through the store i like this choice of topography as well you've done good the colors again pro crimson there i like the presentation of this it's just the too muted too dull i would like it to be a bit more poppy i can't believe i just said that i prefer it to be brighter the business card's very nice i like all this stuff you've done a good job for three hours you've not done bad here is pro cast inside here which is your process i don't have the font for this but let me see what i can do to like maybe make this a tiny bit better [Music] specifically this would look better because the a is still identifiable obviously it's just a very quick rendition of mine it needs to be a bit thicker but it's not pointing up as much across the ascender line there but overall really good job logan for three hours and 75 dollars you've done good here keeping it very simple and sharing it with me the process behind it and also your pitch was very good as well it helped me understand the idea behind elevating with the podcast next is henry james he's an experienced designer and i found him on twitter he was 150 for the three hours he had the same brief the same exact time frame let's see what he did so this is henry's logo here and let's first impressions of this there's a lot going on there is indeed it's more like an illustration i'm not too sure if he designed this himself like but if he did good on him there's a lot of anchor points in there and i totally understand where he's actually coming from here this one is not really logo it's more of an illustration and it's very americanized with the old style microphone now obviously this being a podcasting logo it has to fit on an app icon and this would certainly not fit on an app icon at all um but what i will say is again it's very bold i like the typeface that you use down here it matches together but i think there's a disconnect between the brief and what we've been given obviously we didn't expect to tell them that it's going to be on an app but these sort of things you've got to assume because podcasting things like you know when people listen to podcasts they do it on their phones nowadays they don't really always do it on their computers so having a logo that is functional within an app icon as well as a fave con as well as a website very important this one here is very graphic in nature not in a nasty way or in you know in the horror sort of way it's just a lot going on and when we scale this down it becomes even harder to see because it's all clumped together so when we're doing this on like you know if we put this in the corner of our podcasting splash screen with an image behind it you're not gonna see that logo at all and that's because it's all clumped together and it's made to be viewed at around this size from where it is to me but again i love the microphone i don't know whether you did that if you designed that yourself that is unreal but the only things i would really change is kind of like you know it's it's more of an illustration it's more of a magazine logo reminds me of like you know the pc magazines that you get like in the stores um because they can have bigger logos because they fill the whole screen or the whole page front cover and as well as that there's nothing really shouting pro at me either if i was to find a podcasting app and saw this logo and brand with it i would automatically assume and i'm pretty certain that 90 of the population will automatically assume that this was something from the 90s or the early 2000s again i like the composition it's just very blocky for me not modern enough before i go into the next one i just want to thank the sponsor of this video the thing that makes this happen squarespace if you're like me you're a designer you need to get your portfolio out online for clients to see you then you need a website for your portfolio squarespace is the best and the most efficient way of getting your portfolio online with thousands of completely customizable templates to make your website truly your own with the ability to sell products like online products there i sell all my digital resources on squarespace from my procreate brushes which you can find down below in the description to fonts and everything else i also have my portfolio on squarespace so clients can see it right now we're actually updating the portfolio so it's going to be all brand new and look all different and also the best part about it is the fact that they can contact you through squarespace and it's super affordable and super easy to set up if you don't believe me go ahead and try it yourself you can actually create your own website to customize it before you even pay for it and you get the coupon code down below in the description for 20 off what's not to like the next designer is james kay who is an experienced designer and he charges 100 for three hours of his time again the same brief same everything let's see what he's done he has sent me a pdf cool so here's the brief i like the fact that you guys are presenting these with the brief in there as to make sure the client knows exactly there isn't any weird expectations of creating something out of thin air word mapping so i like this word mapping is huge now when you design a logo having connections between words and concepts is a really good way of showing the client that you actually thought about it it's like taking what's in your brain and putting it onto paper so we've got podcast professional microphone experts experience students youth teach coach foundation streaming like it oh here we go so logo variation so i don't know what the logo looks like yet i would like to see the actual logo design is this it is this i don't know so i like these these are really cool these match the brief exactly okay now i understand so here is the choice of logo pro cast what i like about this is that it's modern it's friendly it's bubbly the only thing that's ticking me a little bit here is the r i don't like that little bit there and i'll explain that in a few minutes but for real the three hours that you've put in here you've got a few different concepts i like the idea of the casting you know it's like a wi-fi band it's kind of similar to spotify but it's different enough you've got the gradient in there which works nicely maybe a different color for the gradient not too sure yet but i like you've got the p in there with the cast out of it you know it's like beaming out i like everything fits well the typography is the perfect thickness to the actual icon which makes a lot of sense logo application i like this you're showing it on top of stuff like microphones podcasting yep very nice okay you've got some like posters there that's good big shout out to chris does put that in there pro cast i like the mock-ups here they look really nice there you go and here's his email designed by with love i believe you've also got a video for us so here is your process which is something that i wanted to have a look at yeah again i like to see this it's really important sometimes for me to be able to see his thoughts and the way that he's done this he's using the shape builder tool here to create different components and he's changing these components around i like that we're just going to skip along a little bit i can see it was around here that you got the idea that you liked yeah and this is where you hit the nail on the head here so you've done what i've done you've replicated you've duplicated everything and then towards it you've created this one here changing the ideas around fitting it perfectly with the negative this is what i talk about this is negative space proper negative space the same distance between the thicknesses as the positives great job how is this 11 minutes did you done super well you've even done all that as well dude this is unreal man i love this aspect of loads of work going on here it's very messy which is just like me it works super well little tip if you're sending a vector file to me or to any client for that matter make sure you always outline the text because you get this you can't see the font so just outline it like that so you don't have to have them install the font i love the process i love all the little ideas that you did here you've basically copied and pasted them all so we can see the exact process going on here loads of artboards loads of work you've done such a good job and for three hours i would have loved to see what would happen if i gave you like a day an entire day to do something because this is incredible you hit the nail on the head james well done and last but certainly not least we have david pruitt he's a designer i've known for a long time and he's an expert designer based in the us and he charges 300 for the three hours and it is super worth it in my opinion we're gonna check out this this is his presentation piece that he's given to us so here we've got different ideas and this is for three hours worth work it's pretty cool and he's gone for a more vintage vibe here what i do love is this one at the top this vintage vibe i love it my approach to this project was to pair a vintage looking microphone with a modern sunset typeface to achieve a vintage feel while bringing a modern spin to the design there is essentially three logo concepts with various alternative concepts and colors for you to look at i like that some people give one concept a few people give three it's fine it's the type i like the thai face of these actually it's quite fun and it reminds me of vintage nature i get that and i like how you've gone full vintage on this what i do like is the first one here and this one i like the badge approach that you've gone here so instead of going for like a ridiculously modern feel you've gone for the badge approach but these ones down here i also like these are proper badges so it's between i don't mind the middle one but if it's going to be between this and this uh functionality it's got to be this one on the right it's a lot more legible and scalable the only thing i would say to do is the border around it the square border the rounded rectangle make that a bit thicker because it needs to sort of match with the typeface a little bit more so let's open up the vector file he's got them all very neatly done here i like them yeah this is definitely the one that i would have chosen it's very nice very good to use it works when it's small works when it's big this one is my second favorite up here simply because it's a badge and i love vintage badges and i think it can work it's not as modern as what i would have expected but seeing how me and you are kind of like we love the vintage stuff it makes a lot more sense this one here though is the most modern one that fits really well i like this design here because that can be fit on a lot of stuff this illustration because i know you do a lot of illustration as well as logos and stuff works super well pro cast i like it simply the fun nature of it whilst remaining professional as well works really nice the composition here works super well i would never have thought of this that's really outside of the box and you sent all the files as well you literally went to town on this and sent everything dude all these different files different colors and everything i like the choices that you've got here dude well there you have it this is obviously my favorite one out of your lot david it's amazing it just works super well it's given me a totally new perspective on what pro cast could be you've gone for like that american vibe on the podcast you haven't gone too modern which is nice it's not 1990s it's very modern but with the wink back at the past i'll leave the links to all the designers and where you can find them down below and just a word of warning these are not the normal prices they charge these guys we just asked them for fun to design something for three hours and we've compensated them with a bit of money these guys charge a lot more for real design work and it takes a lot longer than three hours to come up with a logo design that works for a real company because remember this is fake if you did enjoy this video please remember to press that red subscribe button down below it's completely free we're doing these videos about every month now and if you want to take part in the challenge make sure you follow me on all social media platforms including youtube twitter instagram facebook all those places where you can hear the announcement thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video see you soon goodbye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Will Paterson
Views: 365,461
Rating: 4.896131 out of 5
Keywords: design, vlog, graphic, art, photoshop, illustrator, adobe, fiverr tutorial, fiverr challenge, fiverr logo design, fiverr logo, will paterson logo, is fiverr legit, how to design a logo, fiverr tips and tricks, fiverr tips, lets make art, make money online, minimal logo, gfx, fiverr graphic design, will patterson, will paterson logo design, fiverr gig marketing, design a logo, fiverr gigs, fiverr video, icon design, logo redesign ygr
Id: v8kSiZL2WZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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