Editing YOUR Photos in Photoshop! | S1E5

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to this brand new episode of editing your photos the series in which i edit your photos today i have some pretty cool photos so um if you want to send yours for the next episode make sure to send them to bennysubmissions gmail.com then let's not waste any more time today our first picture was sent in by patrick and his message my buddy and i took some photos in madeira i wanted to photoshop a star wars fight out of them i figured you'd be the best at it i've been working with photoshop for 4 years and could really learn a thing or two from you just pick what fits best for the picture greetings from germany so i can see why star wars doesn't necessarily fit in with the alien theme but if you think about it in a galaxy far far away that technically does make any person from star wars an alien so yeah let's get started [Music] let's not waste any time and get straight into it here we have our beautiful picture so i'm gonna put it right about like that and then i'm gonna have to mask these guys out because because so this is gonna take a ton of time three two one yeah that's freaking beautiful so then i can put these guys anywhere i want because they're you know at this point i don't think i'm human um let's uh let's go and use this as the ground they're standing on something like that then first let's get rid of this person because we don't need it shift backspace and boom gone actually i'm gonna use quick selection because i really don't feel like putting in all that effort so then we can put these guys sort of on there because i feel like this will actually that fits it's almost too perfect and then this guy this just fits way too well something has to go wrong at some point then for the background i have this but i think it's gonna be a bit vague in the background because i have a pretty clear idea in my mind and it doesn't really involve a visible background but anyway i'm gonna try maybe flipped it's maybe better something like that should do it okay so let's see clearly the light is coming from the right so i gotta at least sort of replicate that on these two guys so i'm just gonna make his back a little brighter in the back of his pants then let's try to match the colors a tiny bit then down here it should be a bit darker since it's blocked by the sun and of course a shadow on the ground below him because that's what makes it look like he's actually standing on the ground there seems pretty good to me so then i gotta do the same thing to this other guy some more shadows now before i'm gonna do anything else i'm gonna get rid of these sticks because what the heck are these and i'll replace them with sabers there you go i'm gonna rotate it right about uh there then it's the same for this guy however this guy actually has all this stuff going on which it's a bit tricky but we can make it work i'll just copy this area there you go that works and then i have this which i'm gonna put right in his hand instead and i still think it's gonna look a bit weird but who cares there you go something like that i guess something like that isn't bad then i'm gonna do the same thing for this one so then it's time for the most epic thing the blades so i'm gonna try and make sort of an accurate shape it's hard to tell how long they should be but i'm just gonna first make them too long because i can always make them shorter make a new solid color make it white there you go freaking beautiful i feel like this should be about the right length i think and then i can just copy it rotate it and put it on the other one but so now who has which color does this guy look like a bad guy or him i feel like this should be the bad guy no offense by the way so then i just gonna make it nice and red and then of course a very nice red glow around it there you go pretty cool and this guy is getting a blue one and a blue glow so now what highlights of course just here and there kind of just reflecting the red light that does look nice and the same goes for the other guy except now it's blue i'm gonna try to make the ground look a bit more volcanic because i think that might look really cool in this case something like that maybe and a little red on the ground maybe that could look pretty nice does it how about some mist just all over the place very nice and a bit right here that does create a bit of atmosphere now that i say it like that what if i just add a whole bunch of like haze to the background creating atmosphere down here just all over the place to really make it nice and hazy that is actually pretty cool i'm also gonna add some haze right here see how nice that is also on this side and since this guy's saber is blue too i might as well just make this blue and then it is time for some more highlights because we did not have enough already i mean that's pretty cool what if i now make the background darker the lightsabers look better and more vibrant clearly because the darker the background the better they look then if i make these areas a little brighter that could actually look pretty cool yeah that is pretty cool then maybe some particles actually in this case even though it's a lot it still kind of looks nice then i might as well just copy this flip it and make it red you know let's just go and add a camera filter because i just really want to know what this is going to look like and maybe i get new ideas once i see that who knows i love the color mixer so much something like that should do it i think maybe something else comes to mind but if not i'm pretty sure this is it on to the next one so at the end i made two versions the normal one and one with red and i'm honestly i think i like the previous one better because i don't know some reason anyway thank you very much for sending in your picture i'll send this back to you when i get the chance our next photo for today is from tj i hope i pronounced that right this is tj from india i have been watching your videos and became a big fan the way you design is awesome i'm sending you some pictures you can edit in whatever way you want lots of love thank you that is a very cool picture but i'm not gonna include the motorbike because i honestly refuse to do any more motorbike photos you guys keep sending me these and so i'm sorry but i am gonna get rid of it now let's go and edit this photo so here we are once again in photoshop i already cut this guy out because that's incredibly boring to watch but for this one i think it would be really cool if we put him in some sort of really weird eerie forest like an alien forest so that's exactly what i'm gonna do so first of all i have this one right here i'm gonna hide this guy real quick then i've got this which also is extremely extremely nice this one which i can put behind those i guess first i want to smudge these together i'm just gonna go and remove some areas so this is the kind of thing i'm aiming for okay so this is a lot easier than i thought now this river is coming out of nowhere though but that doesn't matter because artistic freedom then i just gonna mask this one out then for the background i've got this and i think this might look pretty cool in the end there you go that's pretty cool then we've got our boy right there then let's put them in the grass and then let's add some shadows right about there actually maybe this should go more like so for the background i have this one which i think looks freaking beautiful and it even kind of already matches then to finish the top of the sky i have another sky which i can put right up there fade it out and there you go and then a little darker up here so i'd say that is pretty decent for a base so my idea is to put some sort of really big mushrooms in this landscape as if it's some sort of alien planet like i said earlier so for that i have this it is beautiful this can be like the trunk of the uh mushroom and then i will of course mask it out again i feel like this may actually work and then whoop awesome there and if i then remove this i'm pretty sure that looks amazing amazing might be a bit of a big word but no matter what i will make it work i think if i just add a little more green and yellow to it it might already look a little bit better and some shadows down here so then i'll make this look just a bit more natural because this is this is horrible something like that and then like you probably already guessed these right here are also going to be sort of the same thing so maybe if i just move this one right over here i may be able to give it that same sort of structure that works wow i like that a lot then i'm gonna put the top on there because clearly i mean it's not a mushroom right now freaking beautiful which i can put right on top it's gonna be a super unique thing i feel like it would look better if it's higher there you go that's cool just kind of guessing here what works best i would say that is not even that bad now of course this is absolutely hideous so let's make this just a lot darker some more contrast get rid of the red as well there you go and the inside should be super dark some shadows on here as well it's a bit rough but we are getting something here and i think later i might add some nice lighting stuff under there but i'm not sure yet i'm not gonna leave that for later and the top here can be a little brighter that is one massive as much room right there then i'm curious what happens if i just copy this whole thing to the other side this one should be a little lighter though yeah for now they should be pretty decent now i'm going to add a whole lot of mist or haze or whatever the heck you want to call it because i think that will make because i think that will really help sell this sort of environment the eerie vibe it has or it's supposed to have something like that however of course these two in the background should also have uh the top so i'm gonna do that really quick okay that was extremely easy there's a freaking wasp in my room shoe go away no it's gone now guys isn't this freaking epic now let's work on the foreground because it's been looking ugly for way too long now this is honestly unlike anything i've ever made it's pretty cool so for the color this is actually not even that bad i think there's just a bit too much contrast and some more haze on the foreground as well maybe even a darker one down here i would say that's pretty decent for now so if we add the subject back this is looking hideous but if i would just copy the same stuff right up here yeah that it's definitely better already now i'm just first gonna add some highlights because uh right now the lighting just isn't really doing it and of course this is all a bit bright but i will adjust that later and right here maybe a bit of glow in the sky just a tiny bit i love how hazy it is look at that it's like super soft in the background i think it's a wonderful idea to put some highlights or not really highlights but just lighter areas to help sell the kind of depth on the trunk as well just some highlights here and there not too much that is looking pretty decent okay i'm gonna try something the chance of failure is uh extremely high this better work okay we need a little more something like that should do it then one shall add some glow i am loving this for some reason it also really fits the rest of the theme like so now i just gotta do the same thing to this one yeah that's actually pretty nice so now what what else could i add how about we make this water blue i mean like artificially blue like this is not actually water blue something like that i think might look pretty cool and add some of this that's pretty cool like it's weird but it's pretty cool let's go and see what i can turn this into in camera raw honestly i'm really surprised by how this one turned out first of all it's daytime i don't do that a lot something like that yo look at that that instantly gives it this whole other vibe so i may or may not add some more stuff here and there to kind of finalize the final little things but i think it is pretty much finished so uh yeah and there you go very nice i'll make sure to send this back asap then the final one for today was sent in by akarsh once again i hope i pronounced that right hey benny i'm akash and i'm a big fan i'd love to see what you can do with this photo i'm curious too let's go ladies and gentlemen i am gonna make the final one for today starting with our beautiful picture there it is and obviously i'm gonna have to mask this one out again yes so i'm just gonna go all over the edge one last time today and then uh hopefully that will look magnificent freaking beautiful ladies and gentlemen delete that absolutely beautiful so then it is pretty obvious what this is gonna be uh there's only really one thing that this could possibly be ladies and gentlemen a ufo i'm gonna put it right about uh somewhere up there something like that and then so this one is gonna be really just simplistic and really simple there's not gonna be a lot but it's just gonna look very nice and cinematic so first just like the benji and frederick poster i'm gonna make this very nice and white just like so because this is where the light is gonna be coming from and it's all just too perfect to be true because as you can see the light is coming from above on him as well so i barely even have to do highlights and maybe like an outer glow something like that could look pretty cool and then now it's really just making another really nice bright glow again actually this is very similar to the poster i made and so incredibly original and then maybe some mist to give it some sort of atmosphere very nice very nice that is starting to look quite cool i think it would look a little more realistic if there's some some glow on top of him as well yep that is definitely better then the ufo can use some levels let's see what works something like that should probably do it and i can also erase the edge to make sure that it really like fades out into darkness you know what i mean that just looks super epic and super cool and super cinematic look at that i mean look at that if that ain't the most beautiful thing you have ever seen i keep seeing that don't i yo look some nice glows on these as well i mean look at that it's coming together so nicely should i increase the highlights i mean probably pretty nice and then here and there i'm just gonna make them a bit more visible now what else could i possibly add oh i know particles and then softly paint some of these guys back not that much benjamin just a little a little bit down here to give it even a more atmosphere i mean i'm wondering what would happen if i just add some random stuff like flying leaves and my gut tells me that that actually might look pretty nice so let's just go ahead and try then there should be a little darker though you know what it's fine it's fine if you zoom out far enough it looks nice then maybe a twig somewhere there and another one some highlights on those i'm actually starting to like this and so by the way right now it doesn't really have any color whatsoever i mean the only color there is is this little guy and his shirt but uh that's gonna come later when i'm gonna do the camera raw filter and stuff so don't worry it's gonna look very nice and cinematic and stuff but uh not yet oh hell yeah nice little highlight honestly i don't know like the idea is nice but i'm not sure if it really fits but uh other than that i'm not really sure what else to add so i'm just gonna go and add a camera raw filter that made me way too happy let's go to filter camera raw filter and hopefully this is where it gets pretty because so far there's barely any color i hope that i can bring in some down here see there you go that's where the color comes in see this is what i'm talking about instantly there's just a lot more warmth color and just good stuff i wouldn't really know what else to add or change so i'm just gonna say that this one is now finished so yeah back to the studio and there's the final thing thank you very much for sending your photo i'll make sure to send it back to you asap so these are the photos i did today if you want to send yours make sure to send it to bennysubmissions gmail.com do note that is not my business email that's another one so and also if you want to have an extra big chance of seeing your photo in these videos make sure it's in line with the theme of next month which is going to be revealed at the beginning of july then i guess that's it for today if you like this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall content feel very free to subscribe it would mean the world to me and also hit that bell then i hope i'll see you in my next video you
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 1,806,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, break down, spooky, october, halloween, editing your photos, editing photos, your photos, star wars, creepy, photo editing, your images, editing your images, audience engagement, edit show, send me your photos, I edit your photos, aliens, E.T., extra terrestrial
Id: CdxSzJnmUxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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