I only played with PRO Rocket League players for a MONTH… & here’s what happened

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[Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] open [Applause] hey gamer for most of us including myself being a rocket league pro is just a dream it's almost impossible to do as there's only a few dozen people on earth good enough to make a living winning rocket league tournaments and despite being near the top of the rock league player base pros are still far better than i am i am not good enough to be a rocket league pro yet i used to play soccer one thing i learned is by playing with and against more skilled players you can actually get a lot better so i had the idea what if i applied that philosophy to rocket league in the most extreme way possible what if i only played with rocket league pros for an entire month i normally don't even team with anyone i just solo queue and get teammates who do stuff like this thanks to you guys i've actually made connections with some pro players and one month ago i asked around and some pros were actually down for this video the reason i chose one month is because i feel like you need a good 30 days to get the full pro gamer experience but i had no idea what i was in for what effect would playing with pros have on me how would playing with pros impact my playstyle my positioning confidence game sense and even my mechanics and by the end of the month how would my rank change with rock league's matchmaking system my mmr could actually go down if i'm playing with a pro i'm likely to get matched against other pros and i'm not gonna lie by the end of the month i may not even improve at all and this could be one big waste of time or i could actually become a pro level player we'll have to wait and see but here's how my whole month went [Music] let's just get a few things out of the way the rules are i could play with current professionals but i can also play former pros or known players in the community that are well above 2000 mmr all three categories are better than i am so they can give a lot of insight on what it takes to play rocket league at the highest level every single clip in this video is with players who fit in one of those categories so if you're curious to know who i was playing with look at the top right to see my teammates in each clip to really track my progress we have to go back here so before july 1st some problems i knew i had coming into this was first of all my consistency is terrible if you watched videos on my channel before you know i struggle with those open nets and i'll randomly miss the ball more times than i like to admit and if you watch this video where i got to experience my first pro lobby i recently discovered another issue i have is my boost management especially playing against pros other than that i genuinely don't know what separates me from a pro like they're just better than me but there has to be a formula to get that good so throughout the video i'll be asking each pro i play with for one piece of advice that i should implement to take me to the next level on day one both my twos and threes rank were exactly 1900 mmr and i was really excited to get things starting up i'm playing with pros for an entire month and hopefully i get better i started off playing some 2v2 and i kind of popped off but the thing is i have been getting a lot better before this even started as 1900 mmr is the highest i've ever been then rizzo joined the party so he ran some threes and i was playing all right but high level threes was just not natural for me especially compared to something like 1v1 something just felt a little bit off about my rotation and positioning oh yeah then my internet went out which that kind of sucked so i was just testing the waters but before i got into any more high level 3v3 i wanted to see what high level 2s felt like i've seen the players at the top of the two's leaderboard play but i've never actually got to experience it for myself and boy will i tell you it is a lot different than i thought it would be like right open [Music] i just got hungry [Music] oh my god [Music] look at that we're getting that chemistry down finally [Music] so after playing high level 2b2 for a few days once you get around 2100 mmr lobbies the pace of the game actually slows down a ton the thing is though that everyone's mechanics are literally perfect up there so the game becomes less based around how fast you can play which is what i was used to and more based around choosing a smart mechanic to go for and executing on it a lot of what determines the winner of these high level 2v2 games is solo plays and 50 50. passing plays and flashy goals are quite rare because that requires you to fully commit to a play so if you don't score you're going to get counter-attacked instantly yeah yeah come on that's the thing about twos like you don't you over all in like that i got a score yeah basically hide level twos is really boring and if you want a spot in leaderboard you constantly have to play every ball very safely i finally started to get the hang of it and about halfway through the month i made a decent push from 1900 to 1942 mmr and here's some advice the pros gave me to get better at 2v2 lethamer said my awareness could use some work because at times i would get surprised by the opponent so he said i should rotate wider not only to get a better view of the field but also to cover more options jacob said i should speed up my first touches on defense because sometimes i would get possession of the ball but by playing it slow my opponents were able to get back so it takes some creativity but if i can play it faster while also keeping possession we could capitalize on more counter-attacks and finally arsenal said to get better at 2v2 quote unquote turn off brain play fast hit ball in net i'd like to personally thank arsenal for this fantastic let's get back to two years later but now let's talk about my 3v3 experience not gonna lie it started off really bad unlike two's high level threes is extremely fast paced and to be quite frank i could not keep up i'd score the occasional goal and make some good plays but for the most part i was too slow and i was out of position and for the love of god i could not find any boos by the middle of the month after playing almost every game against pros i went down from 1900 to 1868 mmr on july 15th though i played off stream so i could focus more and teamed with luke and lion blaze and our chemistry was immaculate something just clicked between s3 and i will admit i was getting carried a good bit but i was still playing better than ever and i finally started being in the right position we weren't even in comms we were just cruising we were vibing and around 3 am i got 2 000 mmr for the first time ever oh my god oh my god the big 2k i also got back in the 2v2 and a few days later i climbed from 1942 to 2001 mmr after playing with players like luke and sheree threes and twos you have to play way different it's like an on off switch i learned to be way more patient in 2v2 but a big takeaway i had for 3v3 is fake challenging is the key the main thing for threes is you have to be fast but faking challenges allows you not to over commit and get back quicker which is the key when it comes to maintaining a strong defense and not allowing the opponents to get through throughout this month i played with rizzo and sis in this thing called the field which psionic just came out with it's a ten thousand dollar a month three v three queue for grand champs only left so left left i'm up nobody's i was really starting to get the feel of pro level comms and this is probably the closest thing to what being a pro actually felt like as there was money on the line and we were playing against some really solid teams i'm zero man that's how we do it baby shoot shoot i gotta have something let's go let's go [Music] you're the best player in the world i'm sweating man cutting up swearing let's go let's go holy i probably played with ciz and rizzo the most so their advice was sometimes i need to space out a bit more when they're already making a play on the ball because that can cause the whole other side of the field to be open for the opponents to counter attack on and also i shouldn't be rushing as many plays on offense so sometimes it's better to get a hit that buys my team time to get boosts instead of just forcing a random shot or a quick play that advice kind of changed my entire mindset when it comes to playing threes this next part though is my favorite and where i feel like i improved the most so i really wanted to get a good session in talking with garrett and squishy because if you don't know i got to play a single best of one with him a while ago and that's actually what inspired me to make this entire video so i just messaged squishy and asked if he wanted to play and he was like yeah so we played with garrett for probably three hours straight one more close i'm just waiting back i'm out he's awkward let's go oh barge down peace out oh my god [Music] right up over three degrees let's go that's actually nice so recently uh thanks for mine i'm up good stuff that was good pass sitting across [Music] [Music] a big thing i learned playing with these two is rotation isn't really a thing at pro level just keep up your momentum and if the ball pops out near you it's your turn to go forget about normal rotation i already learned this philosophy throughout the month but doing it with them worked so well and i truly started to understand how pros move around the field and despite mainly playing pros i still ended the session over 2000 mmr in three after we finished playing for the night i sent squishy a replay and he was down to coach me i've literally dreamed of this for the past four years all right make me a pro all right try your hardest let's find the sheet up there almost really good so far nice i don't think you're playing bad so far why should i pick up some pads here while you're waiting because yeah i forgot to do much of the hair but that's still good hit actually i mean you haven't really done anything wrong so far well i do good to hear good to hear i guess that the double commit yeah but you somehow still recovered it yeah does it get the white middle good shot wow thank you thank you so what was the issue so far i don't know man i'm not a pro like should i just be a pro or what yeah just be a pro forehead you just wake up probably don't go for that you can't see anything you can't see anything in front of you so you're jumping for this blind not knowing if they're up you have to try to beat them by being way closer to the ball and you're not just traveling away from me right i should have checked the car cam if he's not there go for it probably car cam for for one second but even then most of the time the ball is going forward with speed like this there's always somebody up and they're always going to be so don't even go for it there again i think you're just forcing you're forcing plays with low boost and it's kind of making you get stuck on no boost the whole time and you should try to save a little bit more as well i feel like my my boost management here could i have done anything more uh yeah i think i think you're just heating up too far luke was already behind you i guess yeah yeah you can see both of us on your screen right and you see me push first of all luke's falling still so i would say probably go back to this this diamond in front of the net so instead of cheating up for that pad go back for patch yeah yeah i just think you're too low boosted to do anything a lot of this game yeah it looks like you're forcing too early i think a lot of plays that's the big thing all right patience again like do you realize how low your boost is this whole game and i i know i need to work on that for sure so you don't you don't have you're not in a good position because you're wasting your boost but they go together you just keep going with 12 and 12 and 12. but the biggest thing is when you're low boost you got to grab this this diamond way more don't waste when you're super sonic that's the big thing that you were doing the whole time let me just watch any pro like replay the best player in my opinion to watch is justin but he's like so perfectly in terms of managing his boost although i have gotten better at managing boosts squishy's inside made me think about it way differently everyone boosts you have matters and the best pros will not use any extra boost than they need to when moving around the field and i've already downloaded nrg's replays and i'm learning a ton i know this video has kind of been all over the place but that's how my month went only playing with pro players and i got all sorts of new insight and naturally learned so many new habits playing at a higher level i started the month at 1900 mmr in both twos and threes and finished the month at 1967 mmr and 2v2 and 2021 mmr and 3v3 and something that i didn't expect from this experiment is that i got way better at 1v1s this month because when i didn't have any pros to play with i forced myself to play a ton of 1v1 regarding twos and threes though i can already see some comments saying i basically just got carried for a month which is true to an extent but as the month progressed i definitely contributed more and more to each win and on august 1st the month was over so i solo queued all day and actually went up to 2070 mmr in 3v3 and stayed relatively the same in twos so i can definitely hold my own above 2000 mmr but as cool as it is being over 2k mmr i learned the rank really doesn't matter in fact i'm higher ranked than some of the pros i was playing with what mattered for me this month was pushing my limits as a player and i would say in one month i got at least six to seven months ahead in terms of skill and knowledge as a player and i would definitely say i'm still not pro level but i'm much closer than i ever have been and if i want to get any closer i need to do less ranked and more tournaments with a team so on that topic i'll be competing in rlcsx with a very stacked lineup so follow my twitter where i'll be announcing my team soon and also if we get 1 million subs before september i'll play with the best freestylers for an entire month so make sure to subscribe right now if you'd like to see that or if you enjoyed this video it really does help out the channel a lot but with that being said i'll see you guys in the next video peace with me if you ride with me you can slide with me if you feel like 550 on the you can get high with me that's a deal right ride with me if you ride with me you can slide with me if you feel like 550 on the fire stick
Channel: amustycow
Views: 2,442,876
Rating: 4.9601908 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, I only played with PRO Rocket League players for a MONTH… & here’s what happened, pro rocket league, rocket league pro, playing with pros for a month, i played with pros for a month, i only played with rocket league pros, rocket league pros for 1 month, squishy muffinz, rocket league esports, best pro rocket league, pro rocket league tips, RL pro
Id: iAyNx13BSm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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