I Never Learned To Doubt, Part 1 | Jesse Duplantis

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hello ladies and gentlemen i'm jesse duplantis thank you for tuning in to the broadcast today i'm so excited about today's program this will be part one and then next week will be part two the title of the sermon is i never learn to doubt in fact it's my new book i'm so excited about this this book is a year late due to the covert we couldn't get anybody to print it and things of that nature because nobody was working but it's coming out praise god what a blessing it is it's it's a blessing of the lord from the moment i got saved in 1974 i decided that i was going to believe god a lifetime of doubting people was behind me i learned something see before i was saved i doubted a lot of people but when i got born again i got saturated with this book it's called the bible and so i could receive from god i want you to call a friend tell them to turn that television on and get and i mean this sincerely because this is going to help you doubt is a very terrible thing because it separates you from god from everybody you know if you doubt your wife there's a separation there if you doubt your children there's a separation that you don't want separation i'm telling you what i believe this is going to be the best book i ever wrote and i want you to get it my lord and i mean that sincerely i never learned to die but i wanted to preach it a little bit because i can barely touch it in these two weeks that we're gonna preach on it because it's got so much revelation in it so right now call a friend tell them to turn that television on this is part one of the sermon i never learn to doubt watch and learn i had many opportunities to doubt but how can i if i don't know how i've never learned a doubt this is the beginning here now in genesis chapter 3 it starts there when everything is perfect see doubt shows up when everything is perfect when everything is going wrong it doesn't make any difference it's an intruder doubt is an intruder and it starts with a question and he was just walking around the garden and saw that tree of the knowledge of good and evil and satan said hath god said he asked her did god say something you see what i'm saying it was the beginning of doubt she said well he said we could eat of all the trees but one we don't touch lest you die then doubt really shows itself and says you shall not surely die because god goes from uh uh i don't know what did you say to an actual manifestation of disobedience you commit sin once doubt has come inside of you you begin to act on it so if you've got your bibles john chapter 20. now watch this this doubt that started in the garden have you traveled centuries to get to a disciple of christ in saint john chapter 20 i'm reading out the old king james version i want to start reading with verse oh i guess um where do i start lord oh lord there's so much here i want to i want to go over let's start with verse 24 i'm gonna read a bit but thomas one of the twelve called didymus which means a twin was not with them when jesus came see their lotta disciples are not around when jesus shows up it's got to be instant in season and out of season the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the lord now he's been with these guys three years but he said unto them except i shall see in his hands the print of the nails now notice how strong doubt is and put my finger into the print of the now he says it now he wants to act on it and thrust my hand into his side now watch this i will not believe now he's infected totally the same thing that happened to thomas right there happened to eve when she ate of that tree she got infected and her husband got infected now this this is the first showing up of jesus and after eight days again his disciples were within now that's a week later and thomas with them this time then came jesus the doors being shut and stood in the midst and he said peace possession of adequate resource be under you some of you that are struggling financially you don't have peace so you think peace is you know just being nice and no no peace is possession of adequate resource whether it be spiritual physical or financial possess possession not confession i believe in confession but what you confess you must possess now once you understand that you'll you'll get out of doubt or if you're like me i've never had to unlearn things think about that the hardest thing to do is unlearn something once you start a habit it's hard to quit it or to break it he says possession of adequate resource be with you then saith he to thomas see jesus hears what you say reach hither thy finger and behold my hands notice how the word went red reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless see doubt sucks faith out of you but believing not just but believe believing which means there's no end to it faith and belief have no end to it that's why i say believe the unbelievable but it's unbelievable i'm going to deal with that in just a minute yeah but you believing time has nothing to do with believing but believing and thomas anson has said unto him notice this he says my lord oh he's changed now my lord and my god see a lot of people want jesus as savior but they don't want him as lord because that's pieces of doubt that are in them my lord then he says my god notice it gets personal when the doubt goes away jesus saith unto him thomas because thou has seen me thou has believed blessed are they well now i'm a shocking one i said blessed is jesse that have not seen and yet he believes y'all gonna have to excuse me i gotta do a little bless empowered to prosper is jesse now i know what you're thinking right now see doubt coming who do you think you are not you that'd be a good chapter not you not that i'm better than you are no i just believed so i read it correctly you can put your name in there if you like thomas because thou has seen me thou has believed blessed are they which have not seen and yet have believed noah says three things except i shall see in his hands number two and put my finger in number three and thrust my hand see it takes a lot to get to i will not believe it takes a lot of action on your part not to believe i will not believe he's very adamant about this knows it three things thomas he makes a requirement except i shall see his hands one two put my finger three i'm gonna thrust my hand in his side i will not believe god will not let you look at the bright side of things why doubt is very temperamental write that down doubt is very temperamental who do you think you are you think you can do this you think you can do that and when you say yes oh people that working doubt and living down are temperamental people don't shout me down when i'm preaching good you see this is what god is trying to get us away from why do we have church trouble why do people get mad at each other in church temperamental i don't like the way you said that it didn't make any difference the bible said you walk in love now you're sounding like brass and and a symbol back there's i've had many opportunities to dislike people but i don't but years ago when i was developing i never forget see i've learned to be very truthful which kind of freaks people out i walked up to a preacher one time and i'll never forget this he's how are you doing bro jesse i need to ask you a question and he said what's that i said how come i don't like you now you ain't got the guts to say that see cause you got doubt don't shout me down listen to me i said how come i don't like you because you see i love everybody i like people i'm a people person but there's something about you i just don't like and i don't know what it is so i'm asking you now if i'm wrong you tell me why don't i like you why i get scratchy when i get around you not that i'm better i just i wanted an answer because i wanted to like this guy he said because i'm in great sin see what i was picking up in my spirit and you have to learn to be spirit to understand what i'm talking about i was picking up his sin yet it wasn't revealed to me what it was i didn't even know what it was but my spirit would get me scratching when i get around that guy i said well then it's time to repent and he did and i tell you what i immediately began to like him because you see basho or the holy ghost come here god has separated me from sin amen i am not a forgiving sinner i am a new creature i like that statement if therefore you be in christ you're a new creature oh things have passed away behold the word behold means look all things become new so doubt will not let you look at the bright side of things because it's very temperamental it doesn't like to be questioned it will get flat in your face like satan did to eve in genesis 3 you shall not surely die because he doubt will produce a lie but it's not really against you it's against god why because the first thing god said light be he didn't say what the world says in the beginning god created every earth there was i form in darkness that's on the face of the deep the spirit of the lord god moved upon the water and god said light be god didn't come out and he said boy dark out here ain't it look how dark it is out here he didn't say that he said what he wanted not what he saw why no doubt in him light be not let there be light light be and light was then things started taking place so doubt will not let you look at the bright side of things doubt is very temperamental write this down the intensity of faith will sometimes make the light of the glorious gospel invisible you can tell see faith has such intensity of light that it makes this gospel it makes your healing invisible you don't see it yet why it produces this in your mind that it you want to study it's too good to be true so that's a blinded person believe the unbelievable how can you do it see the reason why you can't do that you're blind and the blind lead the blind they fall in the ditch see i'm trying to get you somewhere that's why i keep telling all you people here coming to church you're gonna get debt free i can see you blessed in the city blessed in the field bless going in bless going out because i'm not blinded by the intensity of faith because it is true but you see the intensity of faith will sometimes make the light of the gospel invisible and you'll say it's just too good to be true that's kind of an oxymoron it's too good to be true well if it's good why ain't true we've been so used to a mixture of bad and doubt that we don't like to taste of true hmm i never learned to die i was raised the catholic boy i knew two prayers hail mary our father i don't think i ever told the truth in confession because i was trying to get out with three hail marys and three of fathers anybody know what i'm talking about stand up you bunch of liars y'all know what i'm talking about you lied too how many of you went to midnight mass throw your hand up hold it up put it down how many went drunk stand up don't lie because midnight mass is celebrating christmas you've been drinking all the way yeah i never learned a doubt so since i didn't and i don't mean this to be derogatory against the catholic church because i'm going to make this anomaly that's going to freak everybody out i'm still catholic look at some of y'all what i didn't get excommunicated i didn't throw it out the church how many of y'all been raised catholic hold your hand up was you thrown out the church you still on the road you still want to get you one of the are you still on the road how many you've been throwing out of a baptist church don't lift your hand no no don't worry that's just a joke i'm sorry oh you see the intensity of faith will sometimes make the light of the gospel invisible why write this down the most blessed state to live in is to believe without physical proof that's the most blessed state to live in is to believe without physical truth proof why hebrews 11 verse 1 now faith is that's enough right there the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen so when i don't see something i have it because i'm living in a blessed state thank you i like that see that's a totally contrary to the natural mind it's contrary to people who doubt because they're temperamental they're looking for belief and it's been camouflaged as doubt and that's just too good to be true ladies and gentlemen you must guard and i use that word guard yourself from the idea of watch this that's just too good to be true you see sometimes people start out trying to believe then they give up they're blinded by the idea that what god said is that's too that can't be that's too good to be true you see they're blinded by that see that's what doubt does sometimes guilt and shame are linked to doubting god that makes it even worse and then you get that unworthy feeling oh and that's a terrible thing unworthiness was preached more than love when i was growing up let me talk about that for a minute but you've heard it all your life and i ain't worthy you ain't worthy but who do you think you are you know how can you believe for that how can you even get that you see that's doubt talking mixed up with religion and but it that's a concoction you don't want to taste you don't want to eat when i made jesus lord of my life something happened a flood light came inside of me whom the light came on that day i cut a new path in life one without doubt don't get mad at me for saying that i mean i have no doubt in my life when i got born again i said this bible can't lie because in the beginning was the word and the word was god and the word was with god and god says i'm not man that i can lie think about that man so i said well you know what if he says that i'm going to believe that no matter what i see what i hear what i taste what i smell or in other words my five senses listen doubt is dangerous to the plan that god has for you i want to believe god with you and we want to shut down any doubt you may be struggling with spiritually physically financially remember most times people pray about what they see you see and that changes it and informs your prayer when you ought to pray according to this bible oh lord according to this book that's what it's all about can i pray for you right now father in jesus name i come boldly through the throne of grace with these petitions and supplication with thanksgiving lord i say thank you in advance calling those things would be not as though they were i rebuke all doubt in people's lives spiritually physically financially lord i ask you to erase the past re erase that concoction of religion and doubt put together to make people think that unworthiness lord let that be gone and let people receive from who you are satan i get great pleasure in telling you get under these people's feet we bind you today in the name of jesus and we speak the word of god by faith into their lives in jesus name we pray amen and amen i went to preaching on that prayer then gloria because it's so true you know if we could just get rid of just erase the doubt do you know how wonderful it is let me tell you what it would be it would be living on earth as if you're living in heaven that's the fact that our father prayer think about our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done where on earth in earth however you want to say it as it is in heaven you know people get so angry at me sometimes because i'm a man full of joy why because i got more more faith in you no i don't think i have any more faith than anybody else but i might have a little more obedience but i have no doubt in my life it's a great thing this this sermon oh jesus i wish i could just keep you there for about nine hours so i could preach this thing i put it in my new book called i never learned to doubt now this is the whole story it will bless you i encourage you to order my book i never learned that that's a good title isn't it and i asked you to get a copy for your friend because your friend probably got some doubt in their life too i believe in fact i'm gonna just say it i believe it will change your life but jesse how do i get it just go to jdm.org for all the ordering information jdm.org you'll get it let me tell you something doubt is one of the biggest cancers that's ever been placed on the backs of christian people and sad to say it's come from the church well i know god said that but you're not worthy boy you're not this you're not that no you are what jesus says you are but i don't feel worth it well sometimes you don't feel married but you are sometimes you don't feel like going to work but you do sometimes you just don't feel like doing nothing you've got to get up and go do something you see you understand what i'm saying you're not moving you you overcome feeling feeling is an emotional thing it just flips and turns with every wave that comes its way but when you live by faith when you have no room for doubt inside of you oh jesus it's a great great way to live you know people say but then you smile all the time thank you for saying that i appreciate that and i've had some say you know when are you going to retire don't think so i doubt that i doubt that you know why god has given me so much energy for a man my age you know what i mean my lord and you know what it is it's because when i read the word of god it's so present tense for me when i read genesis 1 in the beginning god i go oh man he's about ready to create the earth in my mind oh this is just a wonderful thing are you getting this i hope you are because i'm going to tell you something it's a great way to live oh jesus without any doubt so when god tells me to do something unbelievable but impossible the next word he says it's doable now if you didn't get it all get the book i'm telling i'm not just trying to sell you the book listen to me it will change your life i'm telling you it will minister to you so do that right now and you'll be blessed hallelujah stay right there i'll be back in just a moment to speak another word to you i hope you're enjoying this i'm enjoying it and i promise you doubt will leave you watch did you know that doubt is a habit yes it is you aren't born about it you learn to doubt over time in my book i never learned to doubt you will learn something and what is that to go back in time and regain what was lost so that you can enjoy more peace more joy more favor and more blessing the wonder of faith is a pure thing it's a childlike thing and faith is the only thing that god responds to when you never learn to doubt life is so much better i never learned a doubt it's my new book get it today now what makes a person a great person is vision the only way that the physical guy is going to see it that you must see it with your spiritual life don't try to reconcile sense and faith see faith goes beyond the intellect jesse duplantis 2021 visionary conference throw away your clock gotta put the time on that thing and it'll come quicker than you think you are a winner going somewhere to win the 2021 visionary conference july 15th and 16th register online today i want to thank all my partners for the courteousness and the politeness of your faithful financial support you've never doubted me i've never doubted you both of us never doubted god this ministry is running like a gazelle you understand now listen to this in 45 years of full-time ministry 45 years we never have and never will have a financial deficit never had one why i never doubted you you never doubted me let me say it again both of us never doubted god your faithful financial support goes 100 in the world evangelism you trusted me i trusted you you said i will bless this man's ministry because i know that what he says is what he lives and i trust you my partner because what you say is what you live think about that 45 years and i don't mean to sound arrogant i have a global ministry it takes not million i wish it did take millions and millions of dollars a month to run this ministry but you know what it's the easiest thing in the world why i never doubted you you never doubted me we both never doubted god thank you for your faithful financial support what that's i just saw myself like you were holding me up like the hell moses hands up hey i want i got an offer for you for your may partnership you can get my message listen to the title how to be a devout dissolver of doubts that's the primary job of a believer to desire doubts you know faith matters in more places than just church faith matters in every area of your life this message is a great companion resource for my book i never learned a doubt it will help you dissolve those doubts that hold you back i'm telling you it'll work how do i get it right jesse go to jdm.org for all the ordering information isn't it wonderful that you can have websites and things of that nature let me say that again i never doubted you partner never you've never doubted me both of us never doubted god you know how many people have been saved are you ready for this since january 2020 to right now we've had over 17 million people contact us through views comments everything is that amazing that's not counting broadcast i think well maybe it is counting broadcast television too but i mean or maybe not i mean it's just so much of it i'm looking at because i see these i said are these figures correct yeah because i came kicking and screaming on social media i don't want to do that i have enough work to do but you know what i'm so glad i have thank you partners for blessing us as you sow you see today you believe with a hundred fold next week part two of i never learn to doubt see you later bye bye you see heaven is wonderful and i said what am i doing here he said you have an appointment heaven close encounters of the god-kind is celebrating 25 years of transforming lives order your copy today at jdm.org jesse duplantis ministries is reaching people and changing lives one soul at a time more than ever before online so like us on social media subscribe to our youtube channel and stay connected to all the exciting things happening at jesse duplantis ministries sometimes we need to be brought to the end of our wits oh god about to go i don't know what to do lord well if you quit doubting you get it that you may come to the beginning of your faith i've been there ladies and gentlemen i'll be at the point sometime i went i've done everything i know to do you
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 22,274
Rating: 4.9213371 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, TV Show, Doubt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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