Boardroom Chat: Angels: Our Hidden Help | Jesse & Cathy Duplantis

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i want to thank you for coming to my youtube channel hey don't forget to like this video subscribe and hit that notification bell we have all kinds of new content for you that will bless you every day like subscribe and hit that bell and guess what you will enjoy this video this is jessica plant said enjoy yourself today [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen thank you for tuning in to our boardroom chat i'm jesse the planet and i'm kathy duplantis and we're coming here right here from jesse duplantis ministries here in destrehan louisiana suburb of new orleans hallelujah not new orleans new orleans or naturally new orleans like louisiana yes that's it praise god well people give you a little update uh we just came through what probably the worst hurricane we've ever seen but we're doing good but we're doing good the lord's really helping us we are speeding up we i mean we don't know how to stand still around here we're always going forward we can't go back no we're going forward we touch you know all the buildings you know they're being uh you know some of the damage we're getting it all we have to wait on supplies and shorts and things like that but we have really had divine favor even with the supplies the contractors everybody we've had a lot of we didn't have to wait compared to other people man i mean you know to god be the glory for it the lord just gave us some divine favor actually i think something else happened what i want to talk today about the hidden help oh i like that you know what i'm doing i didn't know i'm not sure they didn't help i'ma learn this too there was a movie a couple of three years ago called the help somebody which i thought was a great movie and i was thinking about what the uh what i should talk about and i got to thinking about how many different things have happened to us that not that we better than anybody could we certainly not and god's no respecter person that proves it but we've just been able to be in the right place at the right time to do the right thing to receive the right things that we needed what you're doing this storm during the storm before the storm after the storm all these different things and it dawned on me we have some hidden help and i want to talk about that today we're going to talk we're going to tell some stories that i think you're going to enjoy and uh it's it's a blessing so call a friend tell me watch this boardroom chat because we're going to talk about their hidden help as well as our hidden help it's going to be good let's go to the book of hebrews chapter 13. paul i believe paul wrote the book of hebrews i know it says to the hebrews but it's so pauline in its understanding in in in its its text and in hebrews chapter 13 verse 1 says let brotherly love continue why be not forgetful excuse me be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares the hidden help that's good the angels of the lord see powerful beings yet they are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to us now i'd like you to read that in the amplified or passion or message however you uh whichever one you have today well it's the hidden help because i really believe there's no way we could have done what we've done so soon without hidden help somebody helping us doing some wonderful and glorious things right so would you read hebrews chapter 13 verse one which one is this this is amplified okay read that one it says let love verse 1 says let love for your fellow believers continue and be a fixed practice with you never let it fail do not forget or neglect or refuse to extend hospitality to strangers in the brotherhood being friendly cordial and gracious sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously for through it some have entertained angels without knowing it and not a miracle of god give me another is the message of passion i i want to i really want to put this in you because we do have a lot of hidden help now we have one angel that never leaves us oh yeah been with me from the day i was born i think he's asked for reassignment sometimes because i was crazy some of the stuff that he had to go through just to keep me safe and that's that guardian angel each one of us have one yes that's the hidden help and that so read the message bible says verse one stay on good terms with each other held together by love be ready with a meal or a bed when it's needed why some have extended hospitality to angels without even knowing it isn't that a blessing now i want to talk about that hidden hell let me look at the passion okay get that passion out there gloria does no matter what make room in your heart to love every believer and show hospitality to strangers for they may be angels from god showing up as your guests that's a blessing of the lord and i believe i have done that many times and i want to talk about some different experiences that i've had with angelic beings and things of that nature some people say i don't believe in that stuff well it doesn't make no difference it's still true anyhow because you know no one sometimes you're just not that good how can something just happen it just doesn't happen especially in accidents you know i've been down on three airplane crashes and i know the lord saved my and that angel that gordon angel i mean he was busy with me you know maybe you've often said maybe he might have wanted reassignment because yes you kept him pretty busy i kept him busy before you knew that one time i flipped the card three times in over in and they had to cut me out uh they called it the jaws of life jaws of life rip it apart because it was all being crushed in it couldn't you know yeah i couldn't and uh man i mean i was upside down and a hand grabbed me during the flipping doing the flipping and i i noticed it because this this this shoulder i mean was completely free and i thought what's holding me you know and what happened is the door actually bent and a piece of steel it busted from the door came and it stopped that close to my side it would pierce me if i move and i should have been thrown to the other side pierce you because that hand was holding you in place that should have been thrown because you don't have seat belts in those days it was a carver you don't know what a carver is it does not a corvette a carvair a little sporty kind of yeah it was it had the engine in the front okay no it's in the back in the back yeah and but it was just really it was a pretty little car but i should have been thrown they were just amazed and i hit the newspapers the next day uh a miracle he did not die wow and it was and that was an angel of the lord and the night before that my mother had a dream that she saw me and that the blood of jesus was coming over me like a tsunami and there was movement in that blood or whatever that was the angels of god see going before me of course i didn't believe any of that stuff then i was just a kid before the night before after the accident happened and she she told me that the night before and i thought she didn't lost her mind you know i called it the god stuff and things of that nature that that way but i tell you what hidden you have hidden help in in every fashion and form and the minister's spirit sent forth to minister to us and for us so think about that and you know a lot of people don't realize kathy that the spiritual world is so much bigger than the physical world right it doesn't have the limitation that we have in the physical world and uh but i mean it's amazing how the movement yet it is a place where there's war there was war in the spirit world yeah i mean war and i mean between satan's angels of satan's people who once was a a great angel a worship angel who fell and then began to fight god and god kicked him out of heaven jesus said i beheld him as lightning falling right great energy so i want to talk about these different things you know how many times that god has protected you when we all get to heaven we're going i think i'll call it here run back the videotape and show you exactly how many times that angel stop somebody from killing you or stop the accident from happening or whatever but and he said if you've entertained angels and i thought i like the word entertain because they're very curious about us see because we have the ability that they don't have you see in terms of this natural and and it's amazing how they they say they can believe god and they're going through all this trouble and all these different things of that nature they see the warfare or the warfare they see the demonic verses the principalities and powers of the air that are at work against god's kids yeah and it was just such a blessing but i'll never forget that time uh somebody hit me in the face remember that and uh i was mad i was just a baby christian had my pampers on you know and i was talking about the lord and so and i got slapped oh and it made me so mad because i thought god would not allow nobody to slap me you know especially since i was born again i was barely saved you know what i'm saying i was saved but i mean just a few months and i was so angry and i used to drink a lot before i was saved i decided i hadn't had it with god and everything and i was going down to curly's bar and get me a drink used to talk i got a drink that's my oldest brother used to talk and you start praying in the holy ghost well you left the house and i didn't know anything else to do but pray so i hid it in tongues and actually the spirit of god when i prayed in tongues i believe gave me wisdom and insight of what to do i actually started you pleading the blood of jesus i had heard that you could do that so figuratively i would like grab the blood of jesus and like they did in the book of uh exodus how they put the blood on the doorpost i put it over every door entrance into my house and i was just pleading the blood of jesus and crying out to him because i was you don't want to go back to that lifestyle lifestyle i remember how beautiful beautifully supernaturally delivered you were i mean you were a drunk before you got saved i mean god a devil a gangster but god supernaturally a chief of sinners i mean you didn't battle with you supernaturally i believe god totally delivered you from that and i don't want you to see you go back into it's such a beautiful deliverance i was instantly completely when i got born again i mean like it just so that was the area the enemy came to to pull you away from god so you know i i had my first two or three months were gloriously wonderful being saved and i was just talking about it i had the baby and boy i got hit and i was so mad and yet i hadn't really read much of the bible didn't know that they pulled jesus's beard out and spit in his face and i just couldn't handle that because before i saved i was going to make you an awful boom i would have popped you in a second back in those days and you know on the streets of new orleans because i i ran with gangsters i just did that and you do what you got to do that's how they said it was and when you kind of raised in that kind of way of thinking it becomes normal when really it's very abnormal so i got in my car and i went down to curly's and man i was so mad at god i can't believe i stood up for you and you let somebody hit me i said let me tell you something so man i pulled on i popped my car and i tried to open that door and the door wouldn't open that's because i was at home pleading the blood because for every door and that was one of the doors that that belonged to me yeah you sent some hidden help and didn't realize it yeah that angel of god was holding that door i mean i hit it with my shoulder i actually bruised my shoulder trying to open it down bam trying to get out this dumb car and all you had to you know you i couldn't open i mean i did everything i thought about busting the glass but i didn't want to have to replace the glass you know bam i kept you determined i was determined to go in there and get drunks they tell god and everybody else forget about all this junk but you couldn't go and all of a sudden i got i got uh convicted i didn't get to feeling bad i saw what i was doing i said how dumb i said if i cannot i remember saying this if i cannot handle one little lick well i'm about the weakest christian i guess anybody could ever i remember thinking weak puppy yeah yeah it's just a weak no comp puppet is what i call it you know and i said and i i repented right there in the car i said lord forgive me for just being a weak puppy just this how can i lord i just and and i had my hand like and the door opened up and i clicked i closed it and opened up click click click right and i said and that's when i came back home and boy when i went back to the uh to the house you will i get eyes of my biggest sauces did you did you go get did you go drink it i said no and uh i don't know if you remember saying this but you did i said i couldn't get out of that car i tried to open up that car and you said the angel of god was holding his hand on that door because i was praying i plead the blood i said you plead what i bleed the blood he was bloody boy i had blood all over you i was not gonna let you go back into that stuff i remember you left angry and i didn't know where you were going so i didn't know what to do but pray and that was the most powerful thing i could have done instead of getting into worry or fear or running after you i just committed it to the lord and it totally transformed that situation i remember you left one way and came back another whole way you came through the door as though nothing had happened with a bag of groceries i never go to groceries oh that's what i was gonna do anyway and i remember thinking how weak what you can't handle this you know and because before i mean you could hit me i mean when i wasn't saving i could handle anything i didn't care what what happened but i thought man that's just totally wrong and that angel of the lord and i believe that was my garden angel uh guardian guardian what did he call it sound like you said garden was close enough you know what i'm saying hallelujah i knew what you meant well he brought it he he let me buy groceries so i can't keep going and uh i couldn't it was amazing i didn't realize just how much help i needed right that's why i call them the hidden help and how many times you've talked to some people and you felt such a wonderful witness you didn't know who they were and you were probably talking to an angel of god now you are also understanding about satan the bible said he comes as an angel of light right because if you saw satan the way he really was you would reject him immediately you would you would have nothing to do with it right so he has that facade see but you still have those wonderful angels that are helping you there's different kind of classifications of angels literally in the bible and it's one of the most amazing studies you ought to do that will minister life chair that's why i call them the hit and help that was one of those stories i'll never forget that and i made up my mind that day no matter what what happened to me right that i would live for jesus nobody likes being persecuted and hit and hurt and all that kind of stuff but you know what i made up my mind that's not going to stop me from loving the lord of walking away from salvation and i think i have had angels to help me during those times oh definitely now that was one of my i got a lot i've i've talked and met with a lot of different angels and i'll never forget one time i was in a uh well central louisiana you could call it and i was preaching almost every day and i was ha i was only about maybe 35 years old i guess something like that and man i began to have chest pains i mean i was working myself crazy you know i thought my god man and i always used to uh in those days we didn't we you stayed in pastors homes or they had something called evangelistic quarters most of the time they were they were younger than 35 maybe 30 yeah 31 maybe yeah something like that anyway to make a long story short i would i was actually hurt and i was just exhausted so i was sitting and it was almost 12 o'clock at night and i never ever at and benny ripon's house i never pastor benny ripon that was in upper lucius no no not appaloosa uh oh it's right out of it's right out of alexandria on the other side of the river anyway to make a long story short i um i always like to put a scripture in my mind and i was sitting up in the bed and had my back leaning up against the bed uh you know the back of the bed you know with the headboard and and i i so i would read a scripture and all of a sudden i looked up he had to be eight foot nine foot was this physically i could see him like you see me and i went whoa and he had long blonde hair about the color of your hat and he looked at me and the dog started going crazy he had a bunch of them ducks and dogs i call them wiener dogs you know the weenie dog looking kind of thing but them dog and then dogs could see that angel they weren't right you could see it i mean and i could see it like you see me and i went oh it didn't scare me and he said this i have been sent of the lord to tell you to sleep now kathy the bible was well i get the bible went like this on my chest and my head went back on that uh on the headboard now this was 12 o'clock at night i remembered it and i slept 12 straight hour i woke up at 12 noon in the same exact position now and i thought my god man daylight i've and i felt so good rested fully rusted and so when i went we're not that they were kind of concerned about because i you know normally i was supposed to meet him for breakfast man i just sleep it come walking up there and uh he said brother jess i just apologized for my dog he had two a beautiful dog was really big nice dogs they were screaming and howling and just barking and i thought man i'm gonna kill them dogs that man's trying to sleep and i said you know what happened to me and i told my story i said your dogs saw that angel and that angel looked down and that all come in the and he patted him on the head and they just doing this kind of thing it's amazing that animals sometimes become very sensitive to spiritual things you know they notice things like that that was one of my close encounters of the god kind and that same angel when i went to heaven in 1988 is the one that escorted me that same angel escorted me now i don't believe he was my guardian guardian angel said a guard danger uh i don't think so and he escorted me into heaven where i met abraham and all the different and i went through that wonderful uh experience it was such a it was not a vision it was a physical trip i don't know how i got out of there some of you heard me talk about the heaven thing if you saw it a few months back how i got out of that hotel how i got out that ceiling i don't know i mean you know how paul said i don't know whether i was in my body or out of the body that i experienced physically but that angel was nice but he was a big boy and i mean when i say big i mean big that was one of my encounters with him and and and i in it and he entertained me i've been sent of the lord to tell you to sleep you see and you know i got the thing i said well i could have thought of that and as i was praying the lord said why didn't you i had to send a messenger to tell you right right now the spirit's willing but the flesh is weak the flesh cannot handle some things i mean you know you may think you can but you can't you know what i'm saying and and i've had so many experiences with that one time i was preaching can i tell you some of these stories in merouge louisiana not baton rouge murrow louisiana and i'll never forget this now that church probably sat 150 people beginning of my ministry and the pastor of the church didn't believe in falling out the spirit okay so he handed me the service and uh and so man i started ministering so i was behind the pulpit and i just felt set something behind me and i turned around and there was two angels standing and not in the choir loft it was that that's where the acquired little choir had maybe i don't know six seven people something like that but they were they already he had dismissed the choir and they looked at me and smiled and i went i quit preaching now this people could see that i said i went hey i just and they walk right past me like but as close as you are to me kathy and i and they started to walk in the crowd and there was a woman on the back pew i don't know her name she stood up and said i see them too wow and i went you see them too and they smiled and when they walked off the platform ba bam that's the second that's twice that's happened in my ministry the whole church fell out i'm talking trump he's sitting in a pew brother on the floor and the pastor he was on the first boom he got hit by the spirit of god and just went out under the power and this went right through they walked right through those pews to those people now why do you believe this or not i mean i'm reliving this it was one of the most amazing things i would say i could physically see this and out the church now it lasted about maybe but you didn't fall out no i didn't i was just oh it affected them the only people that were standing up was me and that woman woman in the back me in the front i said you see that she said yes did you see him go i said i did people knocked out the holy ghost a good 12 minutes i guess 10 or 12 minutes right and all of a sudden people begin to get up a little bit and things of that nature so i began to explain that and thank god i had a witness because you sound like some crazy idiot you know what i'm saying but they that was and they were smiling and i thought why were they smiling and the lord said they enjoyed your message oh wow that kind of blessed me so in in essence i was kind of entertaining them with the word of god i'll never forget that long as i ever lived well you know how often the angels would be in our services we may feel it and sense it in a different way but we haven't seen it physically i love that i mean it was just the most powerful thing but as i as i go sometime when i'm flowing in the gifts of spirit it gets so heavy on me i can physically see them moving in the crowds i mean physically and i hear god's voice physically now i ain't a big shot and sometimes he speaks to my spirit but a lot of times you'll see me when i'm moving you'll see me do this because he's talking to me i go what you know i can physically hit my ear it was one of the most amazing things and i and then that same thing happened over there in uh uh in when when i went to heaven yeah um and came back 1988 yeah and you gave the testimony not the testimony but you the church went to that yeah i walked up to the pastor gave me paul pastor paul gave me the poop at five minutes after seven i thought okay you know and i walked up and i had just come back from that great a trip that i had to have and i said i have been in the presence of god and the whole place and got knocked out bam angel's all there was 800 people there right hit the ground and now they lasted about 30 minutes so i didn't have nobody to talk to so i sat down on the platform waiting for people to get up that's a true story so help me god and i thought why did they fall down well these angels are so powerful and they carry the spirit of god with them on them right and i mean it was one of the most amazing things in my life i've had many many experiences with that and how god why you i don't know i'm no better than anybody else you know but i mean think about them angels that knock down that open up the prison for peter in there that's right that's right you know peter had a harder time getting in the church than he did getting out of jail because peter's at the door he ain't at the door he's in jail that's where they people and the angels literally knocked off the doors off the hinges yeah just popped them one angel in the bible knocked down 185 000 men right by some powerful boys have you ever had any angelic experiences i have but i haven't seen them physically with my eyes but i've known the presence of god was there and it you know it just it's just so wonderful i love it when that happens yeah it's just i i just always real you know people hear the things about people falling down and all that and a lot of people don't understand those terms and we call it slain in the spirit yeah that's kind of a strength you know it's so biblical you see it so often throughout the all of the scripture and sometimes when actually when moses encountered god in that burning bush the angel was there the bible talks about that was an angel in that manifestation of an angel and he had to remove the shoes you know what his name was what was it metatron well i don't know i know that to be a fact i've had the lord speak that i i need to know these guys i mean i need to know this stuff you see i want conversation i need god i mean i just need to know and moses was worse than me he said i have got to see your face he wanted to see his glory yeah he said i want a ceo and he said you can't see my face and live and he was willing to die i'll give it a shot i don't care i see what i'm saying because god is so phenomenal right and that overwhelming presence of god though is what i was thinking we call you know and sometimes when you get into god's presence you can't stand up your physical body is gets oh yeah you can bite the dust think about even when the people when the soldiers came to arrest jesus and he was in the garden and he had been praying all night and then he said who do you seek and he says they said jesus he says i am he and they all felt backwards the word says and the second time they did it as well right and they fell backwards a manifestation of the overwhelming presence of god right there in that point where those angels minister physical place on the earth yeah they had angels had been there ministering to him and listen people said well that was bible days okay let me help you uh hebrews 13 chapter 13 verse 8 jesus christ the same yesterday bible days today right where you are and forever and forever and tomorrow and whatever you can think of you know let me tell you about bible days bible days is every day right see the hidden helpers here well technically i've heard it jesus jesus there's an angel standing behind you right there every time you say the name of jesus they'll where well they're already here oh yes lord i get the goosebump when i think about that and when you understand you're not alone you never will be alone and i mean on those airplane crashes they were with me and helped me and i i you know when you especially when you what i call become a spiritual person not that you're better you just begin to really lord i i want to know you more i i want to get close man you begin to realize the activity that's going on around you including demons including other things as well you see what i'm saying and the bible said god angels went to jesus all the time and ministered unto him yeah in fact hebrews i was looking for that verse of scripture i want to be able to read it for them it's in hebrews chapter 1 and verse 14 and this is the amplified as well okay read it very familiar you just referred to it earlier it says are not the angels all ministering spirits servants sent out in the service of god for the assistance of those who are to inherit salvation isn't that something so god wants us to know that the angels are for our benefit they serve us we are sons of god but we serve but angels are servants unto mankind and on labor day weekend 1974 when you told me billy graham's on television you see you wasn't by yourself there was an angel there moving on me because i didn't want to see that stuff but i said okay right but he was helping you to help me to inherit salvation right there that's right and i got born again that night of the assistant in a bathroom in boston massachusetts let me see how it says reads the hidden help i love that they hit in hell he didn't help i'm gonna see how it says it in the passion translation for that rule what role then verse 14 of hebrews chapter 1 what role then do the angels have the angels are spirit messengers sent by god to serve those who are going to be saved so that's really what you just said that's exactly going to be said you were going to be saved but i didn't know it at the time in fact i remember spending lots of time on my knees praying for you and i would i would call in the angels in fact i would say these words i said lord i pray for laborers of the harvest to go forth in fact i found that in the scripture and and to bring you to this knowledge of jesus i want that man i want somebody to go in your path so that somebody was angels that you may have entertained unaware maybe it was just a voice speaking to you that you didn't recognize a prompting yes right that you didn't i feel that right now in the spirit some of you are standing there and there's angels in your house and you go whoa how you ever and so the time you're here walking they will take care of you i mean it's amazing they met they sent the minister for us through us and they move in all kinds of ways to help us now that's not just your guardian angel i'm not talking there's a bunch of them on assignment see uh god's messengers and what a blessing of the lord protection you know we all know about uh psalms 91. that verse that passages well the whole thing is wonderful about the protection of god but the bible tells us that he will give his angels charge over you yeah to keep you in all your ways yeah you know well even satan said that in luke four right they won't you catch yourself off because the angels will not let you dash your foot against the stone that's luke chapter four they were there they were there watching to help jesus in any event any time any place anywhere right and watch when jesus is coming back they're coming back with him oh hold stuff watch this they get so excited they started singing at jesus's birth the angels proclaimed his birth and there on the hillside just for those shepherds can sing but let me tell you what what a blessing of the lord you know who taught me i'm sure they were moving too you taught him to sing lucifer he was the praises how could he fall so bad think about that thank you but he did see and that infectious sin is what did it see but when you understand that today you're not by yourself you have some hidden help not only do me and cathy pray for you we pray for god to minister to you when i'm praying for people but there are angels there to to at the bid and call of god at your bidding call bam are there to do wonderful things because he's the same yesterday today and forever and let's just face it sometimes we we don't know what to do we're at the point of no return this is it man this is as far as i can go i can't go no more and yet god almighty will send someone to help you out i want to tell you another story i left crossfit arkansas i got some angel stories man across it arkansas now i had to get to monroe louisiana this one the the airline was called republic airlines and they flew from monroe to new orleans so i i left the church at crosstown arkansas i was preaching i think it was the assembly of god church and the pastor said brother jesse it is snowing so bad and it's cold be very you know how to drive in this kind of weather you know in south louisiana we really didn't i mean we slept on a raindrop much [Laughter] so i said well i'm going to try to make it so i took off and i and i want to tell you something it was like almost like a whiteout and it was cold i remember i had the heater on in that rental car at full blast and i was still kind of cold so man i'm going on and he told me he said be care and i never knew what this was be very careful of black ice you know what would that mean because it's fair to say what to look for i had no idea i didn't know that nobody answered so i'm going and i must have got out maybe i don't know 45 miles out of it and i mean i was driving pretty slow and i got on this long stretch looked like about two miles i mean nothing but woods and i hit some black ice and the car went sideways and when it went sideways it speeded up and then it turned and headed straight down this huge embankment and i said oh lord and i mean i could and i couldn't do i mean i had no control i mean you know this is it and i hit this tree but what happened this tree had so much snow on it the branches had been so i hit the branches the impact yeah and i wasn't doing wasn't going very fast maybe 30 30 by 35 miles an hour but when you slide you speed up see well it broke the branches there was so much snow it didn't actually it didn't it didn't hurt the car now i'm stuck i am down and i thought god god what i'm gonna do and it's cold and then the engine i thought man well i'm gonna let this engine keep running i'm gonna you know start this in it stop the engine and i said but i'm gonna get carbon monoxide and i'm sitting there buddy and coal is setting in i must have sat there for about five minutes so i got out the car climbed myself up the embankment nothing i looked down his way i looked the other way black as an ace of spades just black all of a sudden i saw a light and i thought a light and it kept coming toward me and then the light it was one light turned into two lights then i realized that's a vehicle now listen there's no curves there's no this is just straight this old guy had a pickup truck he stops and he's kind of elderly gentlemen look like me now he said hey young man looks like you need some help i said yes sir he said it's cold out here in it i said yes sir he said well i got a chain in the back of this truck i said i think i can get you out of there i said well i certainly think he said would you do me a favor get in the car and he said when i pull on it they said make sure your wheels are straight you know you know you know i said okay so i straightened it out you know and uh because the snow and the mud he pulls me out mm-hmm what was that man i thought god thank you jesus and look that he said well the car is not damaged you're not damaged you think you're going to be all right i said yes sir i said thank you and i'm talking to him like i'm talking to you i said man i said i'm trying to get to monroe louisiana i got to catch a flight and this was 2 30 in the morning no okay and because i had a long service i'd flown the holy ghost but you know and anyway he said now i'm going to give you some some good wisdom he said make sure your two wheels in the car stay on the snow side in other words drive two wheels on the shoulder where the snow is he said that'll give you traction he said remember if you're going to turn a curve like this and there's ice you're just going to slide down the curb and you're gonna start spinning again i said he said do what i say okay and it'll help you i said all right thank you sir he said you i said i'm from south louisiana i said you know we don't we don't have this kind of weather down there not like this anyway right he said will you have a good you have a good day and uh uh nice meeting you i said i says there in it can i pay you enough oh no this is what i do now at that time that didn't make no sense to me i know what that meant then he's ministering to spirit sentiment right watch this so i get in my car and i thought you know i put it in drive and i started to take off and i said wait a minute man i'm gonna give that guy i got to give him something now this is maybe 20 seconds 30 seconds at the most put the thing in talk i'll open up to it he was gone there's no way it's a good two-mile stretch straight as an arrow no way i would have seen these lights no no way he got away and i went good god and i remembered this scripture i just entertained an angel unaware and i drove i did exactly what he said i remember i started to get up i said the angels had to keep the two tires on the snow and i made it to monroe and i flew home and i i caught the republic airlines flight that was one of my where i entertained him but he helped me he said he helped you that's what i do what is an angel going to do for you today ministered to you oh the hidden help now let me tell you one way i made a mistake why you brought jesse i don't know i was very very busy i had to fly out that afternoon and i had to go downtown new orleans i've never forgotten this it hurts me when i think about it i don't say it was a sin but it hurt me i should have been more aware i'm a preacher of the gospel this happened maybe 12 years ago 15 years maybe that's a lot longer than that i think no it's 12 to 15 years because anyway so i uh so i parked at mr b's uh the uh place where you go into mr bees all right i parked there and i was gonna go i was going looking at something a piece of antique furniture something i had to do they asked me to come look at something so i started walking and this man came up to me all disheveled i mean look i never seen someone with no hope i looked at him in his eyes like that no hope long straggly hair like a a very dirty homeless person but no hope anything he said could you help me i'm hungry could you help me and i was being i said sir i said i ca i said listen i'll help you but just give me a minute here i got to run over to this thing now this is at the corner of royal street and what is that eberville of bienville one of okay we're all streets this way the corner i was very close to the corner no more than maybe 20 feet at the most okay where you turn to go on raw street and you can go into the open uh the front entrance of mr b's uh restaurant monthly on hotels across the street and i said listen i'll be back in a minute i said listen i just got to do this and i saw the sadness in his eyes so i said i'll be back i went i was in a hurry and i turned left to go to go to uh the french antique stores where i was going and it's right there you know what i'm saying you passed mr bees and you got the french antique store and i was maybe 10 feet past the cone i said all i had to do was give the guys some money i said help i was a top man i stopped i turned around there's no way this man could have got away impossibly five seconds seven seconds and when i turned to go back uh you see the eberville of bienville he's gone and the lord went i said oh god that was an angel there was an angel trying to teach me something but i was too busy it bothers me even till today i should have did he need help no i don't think he needed help but you see i had grown to the fullness of the statue of christ i'm growing in and not i should have recognized that i should have known that was an angel that and it was i i did not pass the test for lack of a better way to say it and i right there on the uh on on on the street i back my head god forgive me he said i already did thank you recognize things never be in a hurry too much of a hurry not to help someone and i've never forgotten that long as ever it touches me when i think about that and i wonder what would i have done or what that angel would have done if i'd said well you know his 20 go get you something to eat i believe he'd lit up like a light i never saw such hopelessness but you see it taught me something that i said i will never do that again as long as i ever live god forgive me and uh to me that's one of the most greatest angel experiences i've ever had in my life was that even though others helped me smiling great glory to god all kinds of great things but boy i missed it because i was just too much in a hurry not to help and i had made up my mind i had i'm going to help but let me just run over there for a minute and i'll be back you see what i'm saying because i told them not to park my car don't take it up leave it right there and they said okay they knew who i was they called me mr blevis yes i said i'll be back it won't take long and uh i miss god on that ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna be honest i have to be honest i miss the lord on that so now i am very very sensitive of the people that are around me and the diff because you know what i'm looking for that angel and i'll never forget that long as i ever lived i don't really remember i'd be able to think i came home and told you i think i was with you no i don't remember you being with me you might have been i didn't you might stay in the car or something i don't know i mean i was just so shocked at that that i did not take time maybe you've had an experience like that but he was gone there's no way he could have stepped into an alley because there is no other no way he could have crossed the street i'd have seen him no way there's no way like the guy on that road there's no way the truck could disappear the man could disappear there was no way it's impossible yeah but it literally happened you know i think it's wonderful to know that god has strategically positioned ministering spirits to help us throughout our day and we need to be spiritually aware of these things but at the same time people some people have gotten off track and they've spent too much time uh paying attention to the angels and giving them too much on effect there would be the first ones to say do not bow down to me right we worship the father only and not angels we don't seek after angels we just realize and have to be aware that they are in our midst even now amen in fact i believe the the early church really understood this they they they had the experience where they saw the angels i remember there was an instance where they were praying for peter was it peter to get out of jail yeah and so he the angel came and loosed the bonds from him and he was able to get out the doors off the handle he was able to get out and walk through town and went to the place where they were making had a prayer meeting for him and the girl together was named rhoda and so he's knocking on the door rota answers the door no that she went to say peter said the door and they they joined him no that's his angel so they had no they said oh he's in jail no they also said to her they felt you must that must be his angel you're thinking he couldn't get the church he'd let the angel in the house i mean sometimes we don't think rationally they were praying for peter to get out of jail so they were actually praying in doubt and unbelief they didn't believe it was going to happen but it just illustrates the fact that that when she said must be his angel they were they were they were spiritually aware of that we need to be spiritually aware recognize no matter what we encounter that god can send forth angels ministering spirits in fact they're called messengers and god sends these voices these things into our lives to help us when we seek him and put him first that's why paul said uh let brother the love continue angels react to love they really do because god is love that's what he is you know what i'm saying and you know if you read even there's so much of things about angels throughout the whole bible we're not doing an exhaustive study of that we're just talking about these experiences that you've had but even in the book of revelation the bible talks about how there was an angel over each of the churches which was an angel that god assigned to certain churches in the that was existing at that time and that's even happening today god's spirits are with us as we come together he says he's in our midst and not only is he in our midst he brings his angels with him amen i mean it's just such a blessing of the lord and that that the hidden help is here yeah then you have the holy spirit living inside you we're never alone never and never will be and then you use the power of attorney of the name of jesus enemy surrounds us to make us feel like we're alone that's why we cannot go by how we feel we must go by what we believe and we believe what god's word says so even when things are difficult and you feel stretched to the max realize that god wants to send ministering spirits to you to help you right where you are today i have to tell you one more this just happened during the hurricane eye to kathy i thought i didn't lost my ever-loving mind i got so angry that devil tried to destroy with 168 mile an hour gus 140 mile an hour sustained and we were in the house and i mean it literally sounded like it i mean that wind was blowing and i said i've had enough of this i'm going outside and you said well i said i'm going to meet that prince of darkness and kathy oh can you do that inside can you pray this prayers and i open up and i made sure ben i got in the the way my house is built it's kind of like this is the front it's it's front and it goes this way me on my knees i guess you can see that in that corner and when i did i was praying in tongues inside and it was an angel it was an angel of the lord why i said when i walked out that i said i met the prince and he said i will destroy you and i was talking out loud you will not destroy nothing i bind you in jesus name you want to dance with me you want to go to war i was mad i was angry you know and all that kind of stuff boy and he was just raging but it was black i mean covey out of the guy just told i just couldn't see all of a sudden i saw a light behind him and i said this oh guess who's coming and all of a sudden his darkness that was so dark began to fade i said guess who's coming excuse me ready to sneeze here guess who's coming i get excited about and watch this the darkness faded away and the light was there that angel of the lord was there to protect always now if i had to walk 20 not 20 feet probably 10 foot i i would have been killed because trees uh bricks uh shingles flying boy i mean just going crazy the spirit world waiting for us to say something so often that the angels that god sends to us they're like with their hands folded you've even explained this one time waiting for us to speak and say what god wants us to say and when we put god's word into practice those angels will go to work for us we don't have to call on them we call on the lord we seek him and then hence he sends ministering spirits to help us well they own missions you know they they their own job that's what it is you know and they said and they're innumerable so you got a lot of them so let me just say this before we close i want to talk about this it was uh you cannot exhaust this subject but the hidden help is always around you realize that the holy spirit is in you the name of jesus is in you the father's watching over you so you've got god the father god the son god the holy ghost the angels yeah good lord and that's what he starts off with let brotherly love continue which is when you're walking in the love of god it opens up all of the resources of heaven for you what i did not walk in brotherly love when i went to royal street that still bothers me well you know and you know god get busy you know where the lord just spoke to me you got to get over that jesse i know but i thought god i was just so stupid i mean because of my mind was on something so physical that my spirit and my spirit's far greater than my physical mind just irritated me and uh i think i'd have seen one of the most glorious scenes of my life if i'd have said here let me be a blessing to you or not can i you know that kind of thing it's just one i'll never forget as long as i ever lived so remember this today that wherever you go there's somebody in front of you there's somebody behind you that's the hidden help and you got the power source in you in you christ in you the hope of glory i hope you enjoyed it today i hope it ministered to you oh we didn't read a testimony well let's read it testimony we've got a couple of minutes let me do that y'all written in some so many places okay boardroom chat this one says louis says good evening from south africa abraham says watching from chennai india oh i love this and where they're writing from all over ireland south korea uh south africa again korea croatia canada zimbabwe and i want to read this one kelly says i have thoroughly enjoyed and been so blessed watching jdm over the past year i've been a part of the ministry for years but this past year as we moved during the pandemic we found ourselves seeking sunday services via online thanks to you and kcm's victory channel we have grown in so many ways here's one of my many testimonies over the past year i just accepted a job that allows me to me part-time work but i will be making more than i would have made accepting any full-time offers praise god it is the perfect solution for our family at this time a god solution thank you both for keeping it real jesus is lord i bet your angels helped to get that job oh you know ladies and gentlemen i hope our ministry is a blessing to you and i want to thank my partners you know because you know they never leave me forsake me neither they've been with me all these years i was talking about that the other night i was in big spring texas and i was talking about my first partner still partners with us 45 years ago became a pardon in me just ministered greatly never has missed that's amazing to me and uh so i want to thank all of you for helping us well building this set building i think all the other things are coming back yeah all the curtains are coming back clean praise god hallelujah and i thank you for giving to this ministry 100 of what you do it goes in the world evangelism lock stock and bear me and kathy been dead free since 1982 and we don't ask you to do something we don't do we're givers to this ministry greatly ourselves if you'd like to be a part be a partner you know you can go to and if you want to donate you can't if you don't please don't don't do if you don't want to don't just keep watching that's right you don't have to you know if you want to use paypal we just do all these things to help you uh use paypal or you can use a you can text to give or you can just send an old-fashioned check in the mail either way however you want to do it 100 goes into world evangelism we've asked the lord for every dollar given to our ministry give us a soul into the kingdom of god and i'm i am amazed at i was talking to one of my directors george he he calls himself jorge but they hate his name his name is george and that's the way i look at george spelled with the j yes george and just the comments and views and all our platforms it's from january 2020 to the end of september of 2021 27 million million i mean these are this i'm not lying i mean we have the physical evidence over 27 million 150 or 200 000 people well that's views but sometimes on those views it's a whole household i hope yeah so yeah so there's probably more than that other nations it could be a whole congregation and uh so i just thank people for helping us and you know what i don't doubt that angels may help you to do that too so you need a good job say lord send ahead and help though give me favor and watch god do a great miracle remember this let brotherly love continue that's right oh i got to read it be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware till next time jesse and cathy say it we'll see you soon god bless you bye-bye this media is copyrighted by jesse duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of any pictures or accounts without jesse duplantis ministries consent is strictly prohibited
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 116,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis, Boardroom, Angels, The Help
Id: I4af5WY2Guk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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