How To Be A Devout Dissolver Of Doubt: The Primary Job Of The Believer | Jesse Duplantis

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen i'm just atlantis thank you for tuning into the broadcast today we have a sermon that everyone needs to hear because you are commissioned by god to dissolve doubts it's entitled how to be a devout dissolver of doubts that's the primary job of the believer you know daniel was a man of faith with something called a seeing power and when you believe god's word you have seeing power too that gives you the ability to dissolve doubt call a friend tell them to turn that television on because you can dissolve doubt around you and also dissolve doubt inside of you watch this you're going to be blessed take some notes because you're going to need them watch now doubt is amazing thing it's it's just as powerful as faith it works in the flesh faith works in the spirit how to be a devout dissolver of doubt or you could put an under title the primary job of the believer my primary job to you is to dissolve doubt in your mind to shut it down so you can receive the fullness of what god wants you to have spiritual physical and financial what stops you is doubt nothing else but doubt but if you learn to doubt your doubts you won't be a dollar normal because your doubts have been doubted because you've learned to doubt your doubts that again let me slow down if you learn to doubt your doubts you won't be a doubter no more when the devil puts it out in your mind doubt it since he used it you use it too so when you learn to doubt your doubts you won't be a doubter no more because you doubted your doubts so there's nothing he can use because all things are possible to them that believe so tyler discerns how to be a devout dissolver of doubts or the primary job of the believer and i'm reading out the king james version i want you to see this a man named belshazzar chapter five verse one belshas of the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords and drank wine before the thousand thousand while he tasted the wine commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which his father nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in jerusalem that the king and his princes his wives his concubines might drink thereon then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of god which is that jerusalem and the king and his princes his wives and his coccupies drank in them verse 5 in the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand rode up over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote then the king's countenance was changed verse 6 and his thoughts troubled him so that the joints of his loins were loosed and his knees smote one against another he got scared something happened like all of a sudden right now if you saw on this green wall here all of a sudden a hand appeared and began to write letters it shocked them now they're drinking out of holy vessels that belong and consecrated to god but he figured he's king this is nebuchadnezzar boy and he don't want to pay too much attention to daniel he don't even know who daniel is daniel is 92 years old at the time of this still ministering to god's people verse 7 the king cried allowed to bring in the astrologers of the chaldeans the suit says the king speaking said to the wise men of babylon watch this whosoever shall read this writing verse 7 and show me the interpretation thereof shall be clothed with scarlet and have a chain of gold about his neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom in other words he says i'm going to pay big bucks for someone to interpret this writing but they couldn't do it in verse 8 verse nine then was king thou shalt greatly trouble and his countenance was changed in him and his lords were astonished now the queen verse 10 by reason of the words of the king and his lord reading a little scripture here today came into the banquet house and the queen spake and said oh king live forever let not thy thoughts trouble thee nor let thy countess be changed there is a man oh glory i love that verse 11. there is a man in thy kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom like the wisdom of gods were found in him whom the king nebuchadnezzar thy father the king i say thy father made master of the magicians astrologers chaldeans and sue says verse 12 i want to read this interpretation for as much as an excellent spirit and knowledge and understanding notices he had an extra spirit of knowledge understanding interpreting of dreams showing of hard sentences and i love this statement and dissolving of doubts were found in him now the translation says dissolving of naughty problems he was a dissolver of doubts the queen remembered it now i want to go over to verse 16 and belshazza's talking i heard thee the doctors make interpretation and dissolve doubts now falcons read the writing make known to me the interpretation thereof thou shall be clothed with scarlet and have a chain of gold about thy neck and shall be the third rule in the kingdom then daniel verse 17 answered said before the king let thy gifts be to thyself why he's not a preacher's for sale there's no iniquity in this man this man is not twisted this man's not trying to get something from me he's trying to get something to you he's not for sale he is a dissolver of doubts which is his primary job look what it says at verse 17. then daniel answered says before the king let thy guest be to thyself and give thy rewards to another yet i will read the writing unto the king and make known to him the interpretation title of this sermon today is how to be a devout dissolver of doubts the primary job of the believer i'm gonna do a little teaching this morning if i can if i may now i want you to write this down this will help you taking notes doubts and questions are a common lot in life given to man by satan at the fall at the very fall if you go to genesis 3 you'll find that eve is looking at this beautiful tree and the devil speaks to her through a snake and says why don't you go ahead and eat that tree and she says no the lord told us not to eat of the tree because if we eat of the tree we shall die now watch this one translation said a dissolver of doubts another one says a dissolver of naughty problems the devil immediately says you shall not not die he's putting doubt in her mind that what god has said is true he is creating doubt when eve ought to be dissolving doubt he gives her a naughty problem listen to the point doubts and questions are a common lot in life given to man by satan at the fall and he said eve you will not die so what was he's problem write this down to be simply curious is to multiply doubt just because you care if you just get curious about something and not investigate something it will multiply it out if you're curious if you come to see somebody god heal somebody because you're just curious about it are you curious and saying well i'm going to drop a doll in this offering plate to see if it'll work all it's going to do is multiply it out to be simply curious is to multiply doubt now never go after the truth merely to find it but to practice it and live by it see that's why i'm a very strong man in the things that i believe because you see i have found truth truth works for me not only do i live it i practice it sometimes it's hard to practice it sometimes i don't want to practice it but i know what the truth says and the bible says the truth has set you free how many of you want to be free truth will do it every time not some of the time you see but you gotta understand the doubts and questions are a common lot in life given to man by satan at the fall but you see my primary job as a believer is to dissolve your adults that's why i do an offering teaching before i receive an offer not to get more money because i got money and i don't mean that arrogantly by by no means when i say that people write say give me some no why because i'm not your god now if god told me to do that i would that's not the issue but i'm not your god the minute you make someone else your source you got trouble on your hands you better keep god as your source because he's more than enough you see what i'm saying my job is to dissolve doubt when i was praying for sister hazel my desire is to dissolve what that doctor said not deny it just dissolve it so a new report will come and that's even scripture whose report shall you believe and to whom is the arm of the lord reveal or the strength of god or the power of god so to be simply curious is to multiply it out i'm not just simply curious about the god the scripture i look for truth david i'm a man i'm searching for truth if jesus is the way you can't get lost if he's the truth you cannot be deceived if he's the life the devil can't kill you oh lord so never go after the truth merely to find it but to practice it and live by it so i live by the truth you should i just simply live by the truth and that's my lot in life to live what god says but yet sometimes what god said goes against my mind do you understand that i mean a lot of things god says goes completely against my mind the lord says love your neighbor as yourself no i'm not talking about my physical neighborhood i know they've been living by me for 18 years i still don't know them i look i'm going they look at me go that's a crying change to be that little when they moved there we brought over some cookies that's the last time we saw them they ain't been back needed maybe the cookies were no good i don't know gloria we're trying to be nice welcome to the neighborhood it was a blessing and but i wish i could get to know them and but you know i can if i make that effort or they make that effort you got to make yourself do things because the world's busy you see what i'm saying so when you you never go after the truth ability to find it but to practice it and live by it see the spiritual person is the seeing person you become the interpreter of your life when you're a spiritual you interpret your life you just like daniel let a writing come on the wall and you don't have to try to find a suit sail or uh a sister charlotte or somebody like that to try to figure out what's going to happen to your future your future's already been wrote down all you got to do is receive it so when i tell people god will bless you my natural mind says lords of don't have them they're going to call you a liar they ain't got anything to do with me it's got to do with god's word and the conditions you meet to that word one time i was i was looking at this church and i wasn't going to receive an offer because they looked pretty bad you know what i'm saying i said lord they need help they i don't want to receive nothing and i'm going to help them and the law said just what you're doing i said i'm going to give them an offer and he said no you're not i said i'm not the lord i said look like they needed he said that's the problem they need it they they invited you here so you could bless them i said you mean they don't like me they just want some of my money he said yeah so i kind of handed around at this particular church i said uh why'd you why'd you invite me well brother jess i tell you such a blessing and you know we heard you hurt help churches the lord was right i said i certainly do i'm here and that's all i'm going to do is i'm here and the lord i wasn't going to receive an offer i said god damn got nothing and then he told me this statement it's always there it's always there and it was one of the biggest offerings ever received in that church for a guest speaker or for anybody the pastor liked to pass out he couldn't get over it i said see you sitting on money you don't even know you got you see you're always looking at someone else to meet the need instead of you preaching the word you see what i'm saying the spiritual person is the seeing person you become the interpreter of life daniel was the spiritual person of that time and he told the king look i don't care what you got they don't want you i ain't for sale i've come here to enter i'm going to dissolve all the doubts because all this suit says and this came we don't know what it is he said i'll dissolve that so the true way of dissolving doubts is to start write this down the true way of dissolving doubts is to start at the beginning to learn from the past is the wisdom of the present you see just don't never forget what happened to you never forget the past it's the wisdom of the present the true way of dissolving doubts is to start at the beginning to learn from the past is the wisdom of the present in other words i hadn't forgotten anything i've learned ladies if i rehearse it i put it in my mind me and kathy sometimes on a significant seat we stick the check on a refrigerator slap it when we go by in the name of jesus hundredfold and he go alright that don't work it works for us one time i never forget the first time i forgave ten thousand dollars like i passed out i was at a kenneth hagin meeting in 1984 i think it was 82 84 something like that make a long story short i was sitting next to a guy and some guy got they said there's several people here they're gonna give ten thousand dollars and i said to myself yo mama jack ain't gonna be me be somebody else ain't gonna be me too myself i was sending this man leaning over next to me said the lord just told me to give ten thousand dollars i said oh i heard it myself let me get away from this boy i'm here with the lord telling him and the lord said i'm telling you too jesse oh jesus you've got to be kidding me i said that's all i got he said that's all i asked for what was the lord trying to do to me dissolve my doubts the primary job of god or the primary job of a believer well praise god and he said if you come up here you can shake brother hagin's hand i said for ten thousand dollars i'm gonna rip his arm off i'm gonna rip his arm shake his hand i need to shake his hand now watch this it just really blew the socks off of me i went up there and shook his hand i'll never forget it let me have your hand i mean most people were like yes god bless you brother i went like this it's an honor and a pleasure bless god i just want to let you know praise god that ten thousand a lot of money i just thought i just let you know and the guy was trying to pull my hand and say no no that's a ten thousand dollar handshake i like it broke his arms i shook it for about three minutes you're going and you know what i did i didn't name the seed the check came back cancer we gave it throwed it into in a cancer check box whatever kept with it and it wound up in the attic years went by i lost that money wasn't brother hagin's fault mine finally i was out jogging on all my boulevard and the lord said if you catch the thief you've got to return it sevenfold i said the devil owe me seventy thousand dollars i said why that check he said in your attic i turned around and running back to the house as fast as i could i rocking kathy was in the kitchen which was a miracle god stole me so i knew it was a miracle day glory to god she said what i said where are old jackson cancer checks she said in the attic i said get out of the way woman after the attic going on me i'm throwing checks and all kinds of uh irs stuff you know what until i found that 10 check and i held it as high as i could in my attic and shout out i said deva if i catch you you gotta return it seven fold you owe me seventy thousand dollars ladies and gentlemen within four days i had seventy thousand dollars somebody shout somebody four days from the time i screamed that thing in the attic god honored us but you see i had forgot what i did say i forgot to past that's the point the true way of dissolving douses to start at the beginning to learn from the past is the wisdom of the present my job is not to ask you to believe but to make you believe by the evidence the blindest person of them all is he who has no use for his faith you ought to write that down the blindest person of them all is he who has no use for his faith i call the faith seeing power you can say oh yeah you can say something satan can't believe i've said that before let me say it again you can say something satan can't believe that's one of the most amazing statements the lord have allowed me to say in 1978 i was driving down 167 going to appaloosa's louisiana as i passed by the lafayette municipal airport at lafayette airport you might have seen it i didn't have enough money to fill up a toyota donna i told you it had a 10 gallon tank and gas then was like i don't know 55 52 cents 42 cents a gallon something i can't remember exactly what it was and the lord said look up i look i said i'm gonna give you a jet i thought praise god he said and you're going on worldwide television too i said glory to god and i went to shouting i told you i was doing this on the road lord jesus and i had just had enough i just didn't have any more sense when i got to church i said pastor you ain't going to believe what the lord said to me he said what i said the lord said you're going to give me a jet and i'm going on world war television and he laughed at me i was right he didn't believe it you ain't going to believe what the lord said to me he said jesse you ain't got enough money to fill up a toyota i said i don't care i heard the lord the lord's going to give me a jet and i'm going on world wide television he just laughed at me kind of hurt my face but i didn't show it you know i just went okay well you know what guess who else laughed at me the devil see you can say something satan can't believe he's not a faith devil he's a flesh devil do you understand what time he saw jesus he don't know who jesus is so he said turn the stone in the bread if you can do that you must be the man jesus said no he asked jesus do something he could see it's not a faith level he's a flesh devil the evidence of faith not seen you understand he can't work in that realm he can only work in a room of flesh if you crucify the flesh daily instead of sunday you don't fulfill the lust of the flesh do you understand you really have a hard time sinning because you're walking in the spirit not fulfilling the law the law of flesh the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus set you free from the law of sin and death so i said something satan can't believe you know what the devil said that stupid boy stupid kid he can't fill up a toyota he said hey you're gonna get a jet much less go on worldwide television so guess what ladies and gentlemen he didn't fight me i had no hindrance why could the devil didn't believe it all of a sudden i flew over devil's house in the jet i went on worldwide television you know what the devil said ah he's doing it but it's too late what are you saying i'm saying the blindest person of them all is he who has no use for his faith the seeing power you can say something satan can't believe that's a true story ladies and gentlemen the devil doesn't understand words of faith why like i said he's a flesh devil and not a faith devil think about that for a minute he can only tempt you in the flesh he can't tempt you in the spirit because he's spiritually dead the spiritual person is the seeing person what happens is you become like the prophet daniel you become the interpreter of your life think about that what you can interpret your life even before these things come to pass and you can be a dissolver of doubts inside of yourself as well as anyone around you how do you do that you must see farther into reasons and causes than other ways why are you believing what you believe in why are you standing on the word of god for something you see i knew a jet i know people think that's a luxury or adam and it probably is but to me it's simply a tool to preach the gospel because you know i got to be right back here to this desk and do these things that i'm doing now as well as going out and preach see there was a reason for that and then worldwide television jesus said go to the world preach the gospel to every creature every creature he didn't say some creatures well i ca how do i preach to every creature i got to have the ability to do that i have to have the tools to do it thank god through cameras satellites all these different things we're able to preach to the world but thank god for planes and trains automobiles motorcycles boats whatever you need to get that gospel out you go do it listen one day someone will need you do you understand that and you'll honor god just like daniel and speak faith and truth to them let me tell you you'll be the one to dissolve any doubt that could stop god's plan in their lives or in your life can i pray for you right now father in jesus name lord help people to understand what we're talking about here because everything we do there's a reason for it there's a cause for it because god you have a plan and that plan will be fulfilled father i ask you to bless people open their minds to understand what we're saying here so they can be a devout dissolver of doubt in their selves as well as anyone they come into contact with we thank you for it we believe you for it in jesus name we pray amen and amen now you think about daniel you know he he actually he was a captive yeah he was he one day i mean he was a prisoner at one time but he he rose to a prime minister why it don't make no difference how you get there it's what you do when you do get there see he didn't let that put him down he dissolved that down and says i am who god says i am and he became the top man in that particular country isn't that amazing and i love his reputation he can interpret dreams ah and he is a dissolver of doubts oh now that's a good reputation to have i hope you're enjoying this today and i want you to stay right there i'll be back in just a minute to show you some things are going on around here jesse the planters ministries got another word for you i'll be back in just a moment so watch this and be blessed now we've been to australia we've been to europe just preaching the gospel everywhere just just going all over preaching the gospel jesus [Music] and how can they hear lest they have a preacher [Music] not letting the world forget the words of god and the only way they're going to do that is with voices and people like me and you that's why i'm on television all the time that's why i'm trying to get as much television as i can not so many more people can see who i am but i am interested in building god's kingdom to such a degree that the world will see who he really is [Music] [Music] did you know that doubt is a habit yes it is you aren't born a doubter you learn to doubt over time in my book i never learned to doubt you will learn something and what is that to go back in time and regain what was lost so that you can enjoy more peace more joy more favor and more blessing the wonder of faith is a pure thing it's a childlike thing and faith is the only thing that god responds to when you never learn to doubt life is so much better i never learned a doubt it's my new book get it today i hope you enjoyed this message as much as i enjoyed preaching it because it's revelation knowledge in that and partners because of you i've been able to go to the whole world and preach this gospel i said it not too long ago you know what i've never had a financial deficit in 45 years of preaching why i trust you you trust me and both of us trust god i have no doubt in you you have no doubt in me and both of us have no doubt in god that's why we're able to do what we do and pardon i can't thank you enough also me and kathy pray for you every day and we and we don't just believe it we declare the hundred-fold return for you i know the bible says some 30 some 60 some hundred well i'm not into some 34. and i'm not in that some 64. my god if i can have the 104 i'm going to do that that's not greed that's just showing you the ability that god can give you if you'll just knock the doubt out and accept what god says this is a vitally important message i believe that the world needs to hear and also i made this message our may partner offer i'm going to tell you something you need to get it i mean it will bless you it means that i do the time constraints on television we can't play at all if you like to get it let me give you the title how to be a devout dissolver of doubts which is the primary job of the believer if you'd like to get it go to for all the ordering information for the auditing information it will bless you because i've never met a person that did not have doubt come around them whether it was in them around them or someone else and i mean that sincerely and it's a killer you shouldn't have anything to do with it god's word is true he says my word shall not return unto me void that's pretty strong how about you say that that you when you give your word it will not return unto you for but when people see that in you they'll believe you they'll stand with you why because they know that you're not a person that doubts thank you partners for being so courteous and kind we've got great projects going on right now we're actually believing god for 20 we got a 20 million actually 26 million dollar project right now i see god you know is there other things that are cheaper for god's sakes you know but you know to go to the world is very very expensive we believe god for a 20 million donor a 5 million donor and any other million donors but people say that's just that's so big i know well how about how about five dollars 10 it didn't make no difference what you put it all together it can become that so thank you for being a part of this ministry none of it goes to me 100 of it goes into world evangelism and that's a blessing to god we are totally completely debt free me and kathy are partners to this ministry just like you thank you for listening and thank you for hearing our heart and thank you for trusting me i trust you and both of us trust god till next week we love you we'll see you soon god bless you bye bye now what makes a person a great person is vision the only way there's a physical guy's going to see it that you must see it with your spiritual life don't try to reconcile sense and faith see faith goes beyond the intellect jesse duplantis 2021 visionary conference throw away your clock got to put the time on that thing and it'll come quicker than you think you are a winner going somewhere to win the 2021 visionary conference july 15th and 16th register online today you see heaven is wonderful and i said what am i doing it he said you have an appointment heaven close encounters of the god-kind is celebrating 25 years of transforming lives order your copy today at you can broadcast the wonderful works of god right where you are mark your calendars for kathy duplantis 2021 glorious conference join us october 1st and 2nd visit for more information you see the winds are contrary and impossible things happen when the winds are contrary because then you've got to really use your faith now using your faith is when you're keeping your eyes on jesus christ that's a very great gift to keep your eyes on him no matter what's going around don't deny what you see deny it's right to affect you [Music]
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 20,181
Rating: 4.9501557 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Dissolver of Doubt, TV Show
Id: saW08IKSEeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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