2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: The Goodness of God (2:00 p.m.)

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how many of you will not respond to anything i ask all right open your bibles to psalm 31 and while you're turning there i want to read something to you that i received from the lord on december the 30th 2020 about 6 30 in the morning and it went like this do not fret and do not fear for i've got exciting things planned for the new year things not yet seen and things not yet heard just like you've seen written in my holy word they've been waiting to be revealed at just the right time and that time has come so get ready to shine and then on january the 1st at about 9 40 am said 2020 is now over and a new year has finally come so get ready for more and more rejoicing in 2021. the things that i have planned will surely bring you great joy blessing after blessing after blessing that's what i will deploy never have you witnessed such goodness that you shall soon see i'm pouring it out in abundance so you'll have greater victories amen lift your hands and say i receive that lord so as i said in the service earlier with brother copeland i have been preaching everywhere i have been this year on the goodness of god and what the lord said to me was tell the people everywhere you go to begin to expect an unprecedented outpouring of my goodness and let me just define the word unprecedented i've got several definitions here unmatched unparalleled greater than ever seen or experienced before let me read it again unmatched unparalleled greater than ever seen or experienced before now psalm 31 bears this out in verse 19. oh how great is thy goodness which thou has laid up for them that fear thee which thou has wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men now notice two positions there he's talking about goodness that's laid up and goodness that's already been wrought in other words goodness we've already experienced and goodness we've not yet experienced i like to say it this way the best is yet to come amen look at your neighbor and tell them the best is yet to come so once again the goodness that has already been wrought now i'm in my 52nd year of ministry i surrendered my life to the lord in 1969 and from that moment i don't know why i just became god's favorite child that's the way he's made me feel all these years i'm i say this with all honesty if god never did another thing for jerry savelle i could go to heaven and say god was good to me but i know god he's not done yet amen he's not done yet i've experienced the goodness of god almost every day of my life since i've been a christian one of the first things the lord taught me now i i will admit that it was brother copeland who came to shreveport louisiana in 1969 at the time i i was a young businessman owned an automotive business running from god but when i heard brother copeland that last night that he was there i couldn't run anymore and i didn't go forward in the service at at the end of the service at the invitation but when i got home that night i couldn't sleep i just could not sleep thinking about what i heard him preach and finally i got up at three o'clock in the morning february the 11th and uh went into my living room and i said god i've been running from you all my life i heard the call of god in 1957 watching oral roberts on television but that's not what i wanted to do i wanted to work on cars my dad raced automobiles my dad built hot rods my dad did paint and body work and my dad restored classic automobiles and i wanted to be just like him so my dad started teaching me all of that at the age of nine years old when i was nine years old and my dream was to take all that i learned from my dad take all that expertise and go in business for myself and by the time i was 21 years old that dream had been fulfilled i was in business for myself and doing exactly what i had dreamed about however i was not living god's dream for my life i knew god had called me to preach and i didn't want to because it was fouling up my plans so i never told a soul i never told my wife i never told anybody about that experience that i had in 1957 and i just i just thought well if i keep this quiet then nobody will know and then god will realize he made a mistake and find somebody who really wants to do that but i later found out god's callings are without repentance so i couldn't run you know joe lewis used to use his phrase on all his opponents you can run but you cannot hide and so anyway in 1969 when brother copeland came the last night he was there as i said i went home after the service stirred up in in my heart and under conviction that i was not doing what i knew god wanted me to do so at three o'clock in the morning i got out of bed went to my living room i said god i don't know why you still want me i've been running from you all these years but if you do here i am i surrender i'll do whatever you want me to do and i immediately received my salvation was immediately baptized in the holy spirit and began making preparation to shut my business down and began to prepare for full-time ministry and so it took a a few months to shut the business down and brother copeland came back a second time and it was just not a short time afterwards that first visit well this time now i'm i'm a hungry person i have moved from the back road to the front row and i could hardly wait for him to get there and as it turned out he had an accident in his automobile on the way over there he had a 69 pontiac bonneville he wiped out most of the left side of that car and so i agreed to repair it for him while he was there that week and so i didn't get to go the morning or the afternoon services working on his car but occasionally he would come by and just watch me work and i remember one day i got this grinder and i'm grinding down the quarter panel of this car and he's standing there you know with him piercing eyes looking down at me and i'd look up here once a while and think i wonder if i'm allowed to ask him questions you know i didn't know how to how to act around him you know and i didn't i didn't want to disrespect him in any way and so finally i put the grinder down i said do you mind if i ask you some questions he said not at all i said well since the last time you were here i've surrendered my life to the lord and i'm i'm i'm studying the word i got all the reel-to-reel tapes of that meeting that you did the last time i'm studying those and uh i said but i don't know anybody that i can talk to about how to live by faith you're the only man i know that talks about living by faith and so i asked him questions about it and he was very gracious he answered my questions and then he said now i've got to go prepare for the service tonight you'll be there and i said i will and so he left and i continued to work on his car until time to get ready for the service and went over there that night and uh you know heard heard the word like i'd never heard it before and stirred me up and i just could hardly wait for the next service i couldn't get enough you know when you've been running from god all your life and then you find out how good god is you can't get enough you know i didn't understand why everybody didn't feel that way i remember times when i'd be out in southern california preaching in in different cities every night and i'd hear brother hagin was going to be in riverside or somewhere and every church i'd go to i'd ask the pastor you're going to go to brother hagin's meeting this weekend no i've already heard him i thought well that makes you want to go again doesn't it i mean that was my attitude i'd already heard him too but i couldn't get enough and i knew when i got over there it was going to be mark 11 23 and 24. but i just never got tired of hearing it in fact to this day i listened to him preach nearly every day i got my ipod loaded with all of his messages particularly the ones i grew up on i i learned from back there in the early 70s and i still listen to him preach mark 11 23-24 and i never get tired of it and i couldn't understand why these preachers had this attitude i've already heard him well yes that's the reason i wanted to hear him again you know i was drawn to this and i couldn't get enough well one day i remember the lord had told me after i shut the business down he said i want you to spend the next three months in your guest bedroom no less than eight hours a day studying my word and he said if you give me the same dedication you gave that business then in three months i will make a preacher out of you but give me no less than eight hours a day and so uh my wife and i had two little girls at the time my oldest daughter was born in 68 the youngest daughter was born in 69. so i told carolyn i'm going in that guest bedroom at six o'clock every morning i'm not coming out until noon uh i'll have lunch with you and the family then i'm going back in there at 1 and i'm not coming out till 5 and then i'll have dinner with you and the family and do whatever you want me to do but please don't bother me from 6 00 a.m until noon and from 1 pm until 5 pm and i said i i committed to the lord to do this for three months and so she honored that and and of course in those early days since i didn't know anything about the bible i had those real-to-real tapes of kenneth copeland from that first meeting he came to shreveport and that's what i was listening to he was introducing me to the bible introducing me to the ministry of jesus introducing me to the to the uh the messages of the apostle paul uh and i i couldn't get enough i'd listen to those reel-to-reel tapes as soon as it was over with i'd rewind it and listen to it again and i did that day after day after day then one day after i'd been in that bedroom for about three weeks the lord said put the tapes down i want this to become your revelation and not kenneth copeland's revelation and he said now put the tapes down and i want to teach you something about walking in the favor of god well i never even heard that expression before how do you know there was such a thing how could anybody have favor with god and how could you walk in the favor of god now the favor of god is just a synonym for goodness of god it's it's the same same principle the goodness of god the favor of god but he said i want to teach you how to walk in my favor and he said so until i tell you differently you go to the word of god and you look up every place you can find that talks about favor well i'm surprised that it was even in the bible i didn't i'd never heard anybody mention the words favor of god certainly never heard anybody preach on the favor of god and it seemed like after i started this i could find the favor of god nearly on every page i mean it just became a pursuit and i just couldn't get enough and then one day after about i'd been in that bedroom eight hours a day for about two months and one day and i journaled everything the lord taught me he told me at the beginning journal write down everything i say to you i still do it to this day i've got all those journals for 52 years in my archives every once while i'll go back and look at something he said to me back there in those early days and and just see how it came to pass you know and so one day uh i'm i'm on the floor on my face just praying just just praying and the lord said write this down and i got my journal out he said there will come a day when your name will be known around the world for the favor of god that's on your life and ministry and at that point i'm going to hold you responsible for teaching others how to walk in it as you do i wrote it down i never told my wife i never told anybody at the church you know you don't go to church after you've been saved two months and tell people guess what my name will be known around the world for the favor of god of my life no you don't say that i just kept it to myself never even told my wife but man all of a sudden i started experiencing things that i i knew i could never make happen myself it had to be the favor of god and you know maybe six months later brother copeland came again and this time uh he had me to stand up about 15 minutes into his sermon he said jerry stand up i didn't have a clue what he's going to do he said the lord showed me in prayer today that you and i will be a team and we're going to spend the rest of our lives together preaching the word of god from one end of the world to the other and it'll be your responsibility to believe god for the perfect timing for the team to begin set out and then he kept preaching i leaned over to carolyn because i was still so young in the lord i said what did all that mean because she'd been filled with the holy ghost since she's eight years old i figured she knew a little bit more than i did and she said sounds like we're moving to fort worth i said why she said he said you're going to be a team a team and you'd preach together for the rest of your lives around the world i thought wow this is the man that brought the gospel to me like i'd never heard before and now god is telling me we're going to be a team i call that favor i said i call that favor amen this is not a coincidence and it wasn't something i made happen i'm just minding my own business just endeavoring to learn the word of god and and i could hardly wait for brother copeland to come as far as i knew i was going to remain in shreveport louisiana for the rest of my life but that word from the lord god was showing me the favor has already begun and i have considered it favor to be associated with kenneth copeland for 52 years amen the favor of god and we've not only preached together but we've gone on vacations together we're our families are are closely knit together uh you know uh i i never referred to brother copeland as as kenneth in a in a public setting uh i hear some preachers that meet him one time and start referring to him as ken or kenny i don't do that that's disrespectful as far as i'm concerned now when we're away from the pulpit it's ken and jer gloria calls me chair i call her glow but you never hear me refer to them that way when i'm preaching it's brother copeland and gloria why because it's respectful even though we're close and he treats me as his equal i will still and i've told my family and i've said it many times in sermons i've preached all over the world kenneth copeland's feet will be beautiful in the savelle household for as long as i live and after i go home either in the rapture or by way of the grave that's right if my family's still here i expect them to honor him just as much as i have i consider it to be the favor of god well it wasn't long after that you know i'm hearing brother copeland talk about kenneth hagin kenneth hagin said this kenneth hagin said that i learned this from kenneth hagin well not too far down the road i finally had the opportunity to meet kenneth hagin and it wasn't something i made happen i was telling keith earlier today brother hagin would come to fort worth and preach in bob nichols old church that used to be a post office there on berry street next door to granddad's office and and uh i had moved to fort worth by then was working with brother copeland and uh brother copeland would take us all to the meeting and uh he'd say to me uh i want to introduce you to brother hagin after the service so i'm standing there holding brother copeland's bible brother hagin and brother copeland be in conversation and then brother copeland said we'll see you tomorrow night and we'd walk out we'd get in the car and he'd say you know i forgot to introduce you to kenneth hagin he forgot every night [Laughter] he did the next time we were with kenneth hagin i've stood there like this with kenneth copeland's bible in my hand and they too engaged in deep conversation and brother copeland forgot to introduce me every time but you know it's better when god makes it happen amen see i remember when i when i got ready to move to fort worth i found a verse and it said a man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men and the lord said to me son if you would find out what your gift is cultivate it develop it and protect it you will never have to take advantage of people you'll never have to push yourself on anybody and uh i've arranged for you to to to be associated with great men so that was my scripture i wasn't going to make it happen to myself but one time brother copeland invited brother hagin to preach with brother copeland and myself in california this back before the believer's convention started and uh brother copeland said jerry you started off this morning and then uh brother hagin will follow you and then then i'll preach this afternoon and tonight i said okay so i started preaching that morning amen i never forget the sermon i preached it was called giving birth to a miracle later i wrote a little book about it and uh man i'm telling you miracles started happening people getting out of wheelchairs all kinds of miracles started happening and i looked in my watch because i'm very respectful for other people's time i don't like to get into other people's time and i looked at my watches about five minutes until brother hagin was to come so i just cut it off i said uh everybody sit down and let's welcome brother hagin now this i still hadn't met the man i'm preaching with him hadn't met him yet and so brother hagin comes up and uh he looks at me and he says boy i've been in this long enough to know when to preach and when not to the anointing's on you carry on i'll go sit down he gave me his service and then afterwards he said the lord told me that there's some young men like yourself coming up and he said he told me to give him a shot of penicillin spiritually and he said i want you to come preach at my bible school at rhema that's when i met him i met him and then after that it began a lifelong relationship i did many of his mini mini he always said faith seminars and i remember times when uh i'd be in tulsa preaching at either bob yandian's church or the church buddy harrison had at the time and i'd go up to the pulpit and i'd look and there'd be kenneth hagin and aretha sitting on the front row i thought wow kenneth hagin came to hear me i was overwhelmed you felt the same way in your kids that kenneth hagin is sitting in that service and came to hear me that's right and after i got through preaching he met me at the end of the platform or the the platform there when i was gonna step down and i said brother hagin uh i'm so honored that you would come and he's doing this yep yep uh i always get something out of what you preach we'll see you tomorrow night i said carolyn he's coming back tomorrow night i thought that was the favor of god the favor of god i remember when he was doing those holy ghost meetings those extended meetings and every time i got a chance i would go to him so many times i was off preaching somewhere else but if i had an opportunity i would plan to go be in one of those holy ghost meetings and and i never called in advance to say i was coming didn't ask anybody save me a seat i just showed up he didn't know i was coming they didn't know i was coming and i remember down in miami one time i came in the back door of the church and aretha stood up and was looking for somebody in the audience she saw me and she she did this and she wanted me to come up to the front and she moved over to the seat like keith is sitting and gave me the owl seat where she was sitting and brother hagin started preaching and he walked over by me put his hand on my shoulder and just rested on me kind of leaned on me like this and he preached for about 15 minutes then he walked over here a little bit you know and then he came back and he leaned on me for another 15 minutes and just just preaching up a storm and when he walked off aretha said you know why he does that don't you i said no i don't she said he's comfortable with you he likes you i thought that's the favor of god now what are the odds listen to this if you don't think the favor of god is on my life what are the odds that a young 10 year old boy in his grandmother's home in oklahoma city and somebody turns on her old black and white field code television set 1957 uh thanksgiving day and the first image that came on you remember a a black and white field called television said it didn't come on immediately it took a little while to get the picture there and when it came on the first image i saw was oral roberts preaching under the big tent and i'm standing there with a plate full of turkey and dressing with cousins on each side and i was captivated by what he was saying and i heard god say someday you'll preach like that someday you'll pray for people like that i thought it was one of my cousins when i turned to each of them they were gone i was standing there by myself that's when i heard the call of god now what are the odds of that same 10 year old boy years later in fact 1981 preaching with brother copeland in uh charlotte north carolina the old uh what is that a coliseum built in there yeah and uh brother copeland was usually always closed out the meetings on saturday nights i was just one of the guest speakers charles cavs norvel hayes myself gloria and we'd all preached all of our sermons that the times we were allotted so we went into the service that night and brother copeland walked up to the pulpit after he did his preliminaries he said open your bibles he didn't tell us where he just looked at his you know inquiring minds want to know he backed off a little bit looked around he tried again open your bibles and he just looked at his jerry get on up here you're going to close out the meeting tonight not sitting next to glory over here he said get on up here you're closing out the meeting tonight now i had learned prior to this working with brother copeland be instant in season and out however i didn't have a clue what i was going to preach and he said come on up here and so he had his associate get a chair and said it about this close to the pulpit and i walked by not having a clue what i was going to preach and he grabbed me by the coattail as i went back and said you tell us what god wants us to hear and you don't leave out a word you hear me boy yes sir and i thought i wish i knew what god wanted us to hear you know but when i laid my bible down i just laid my bible down like that and it's still not knowing and when i looked down it was open to daniel chapter 3 and it was the sermon that i heard oral roberts preach when i was 10 years old 1957 when i heard the call to preach the fourth man and i opened my mouth and i didn't even know i knew all this but that sermon was down in there and i heard myself saying exactly like oral roberts who is this fourth man i'll tell you who is neighbor and i went from genesis all the way to revelation just like oral roberts the power god hit that place i'm telling you we had a service that night brother copeland got up and george's wife terry was the tv producer at those in those days and he said terry i don't know what you got planned for my broadcast over the next few weeks but cancel it and get this message jerry just preached on as quick as you possibly can well it came out and back then it was just on sundays not weekly but sunday it came out a few weeks later little did i know that oral and evelyn roberts would be sitting in their living room watching kenneth copeland's believer's voice of victory that day that it came out and when oral roberts and evelyn roberts watch me preach oral robert sermon he told me later he said i turned to evelyn and he said it is time i get to know this young man i've been hearing a lot about him that he heard the call to god watching me preach in 1957 and it's time to develop a relationship with this young man so the next day i went to my office and i get a call and it's ruth rooks his secretary oh robert saw you preach on kenneth copeland's broadcast yesterday and he wants you in his office this morning can i tell him you'll be here well who tells oral roberts no i said yes ma'am so i got in the plane and flew to tulsa got to the oru campus i didn't even know where his office was and i mean i'd been on the campus before but i didn't know where his office was and so i asked a student can you take me to oral roberts oh we're not allowed to go there i said well i've been invited well you're on your own i'm not allowed to go there you know and so finally i found a brave one that took me you know to the building and uh told me what to do and when i when i got up there in ruth rook's office she got on the intercom and said uh jerry savelle is in my office so he walks out and when he walks out of his office he walks out like this and he says come here my brother i've been wanting to meet you for a long time i actually turned around to see who else came in there's nobody there but me and ruth he said i'm talking to you i said you talking to me you've been wanting to meet me for a long time i got the script out and i said that's my line you know i've been wanting to meet you for a long time he said come here i didn't know how close i was supposed to get to it so i just walked up a few steps said come here closer he said come here so i just walked up until he said stop and i'm standing right in front and he was tall i didn't realize he was as tall as he was i'd only seen him on tv tall big man and he just took me into his bosoms he started prophesying over me then he said now come to my office i thought okay there's where the lawyers are they're going to sue me for preaching old robert sermon i went in the office and there's nobody there he said sit down and i sat on the sofa and he sat down next to me and he said he told me the story he said i watched you preach my sermon yesterday on kenneth copeland's broadcast he said i told evelyn it's time for me to meet this young man and have a relationship with him and then he said to me i have never heard anybody preach that sermon any better than you did yesterday except myself and he said this is the beginning of a relationship and it remained until the day he went home to be with the lord i served on his board for over 20 years i thought the world of oral roberts he was i referred to him brother copeland's my spiritual father i always referred to brother oral as my spiritual grandfather and uh i miss him to this day but that began a relationship what are the odds of that little 10 year old boy watching him on tv and years later i wind up he traveled with me overseas he went to africa with me he's been in my house numerous times been in his home numerous times i have keith i have a notebook about this thick a three-ring binder notebook that you get at an office supply place and it is filled with hand-written letters moral roberts dear jerry and he'd have a word from the lord in there for me or he'd prophesy over me or he'd just tell me how much he loved me and every christmas he and evelyn would send me a handwritten letter with 200 in it and say take you your wife and the girls to dinner on me and evelyn i've never taken that money out of those envelopes it's still in there in my archives i don't know how much money i got in maybe i ought to go check sometime i told richard their son one time about it he said uh that didn't come from daddy daddy never had any money he got it out of mama's purse you know i said well it's it's still in my archives right now wouldn't dare spend it at once i'd go up there and just say oh robert's handled this maybe that same anointing that's on him like in bones brother copeland was talking about you know and and i just considered it the favor of god that's the way i have lived for 52 years the favor of god i i could tell you stories today that make your hair stand up on the back of your head and take a week to get it to lay down of the favor of god the goodness of god now my point is this i don't i could tell you many stories but my point is this i've already experienced the goodness of god the favor of god not once not occasionally constantly continually i expect it every day of my life and you should as well god's no respecter of person you've got just as much favor from god on your life as i do on mine the only difference between me and maybe some of you is i have revelation of it and i expect it some of you are still wondering about it some of you are saying well you know that's jerry savelle that's kenneth copeland but who am i you're a child of god aren't you then you have just as much favor on your life and you can expect it to manifest in your life just as much as i do but once again this is not just a sermon to me it's life i practice what i preach i get up every morning declaring the favor of god is going to manifest in my life some way today the goodness of god is going to manifest in my life some way today and i don't care if it's nothing more than getting a front row parking place at the mall and i didn't have to walk a mile and the lord taught me this he said every time you experience my favor stop right then i don't care where you are and say out loud that's the favor of god and he said the more you do that the more you're going to expect it and the more you expect it the more you're going to see it so i've done it in the middle of airports i've done it in the middle of convention centers i've done it in the middle of the mall in restaurants you know it's not uncommon you know carol and i go eat somewhere and the waiter comes back and says somebody bought your meal and they didn't want us to tell you who they were i just stand up and i just say that's the favor of god many times i get huh that's like a some land that i was able to buy for an absolute ridiculous price because of the favor of god i paid 80 000 for it 25 years ago and i just sold it for 1.5 million that's the favor of god and a realtor or a developer came by my office and said how did you get that land i've been trying to buy that land for years you're not a you're not a developer you you're not in real estate i said i got it by the favor of god he said no really who do you know i said god he got mad at me stormed out of my office and turned around and said whatever but then there was another guy that came and wanted to know the same thing he said i've been trying to buy that land for years how did you get it i said the favor of god he said well i never heard anything like that teach me and he came by my office every day when i was home for about an hour a day and man teaching him on the favor of god and he testified to me uh numerous months later how that his business had gone up in and increased tremendously since he learned how to believe for the favor of god amen now once again the favor of god and the goodness of god the kindness of god the benevolence of god they're all synonyms and here he says favor that has already been wrought look at it psalm 31 once again in other words our goodness that has already been wrought that's goodness that you've already experienced now let me ask you this how many of you in here can say that you too have experienced the goodness of god in your life over the years do you think that's all you're going to see that's not the god i serve and here he's revealing to us that there is goodness laid up that you haven't even experienced yet and coming into 2021 i heard the lord say and this is what i've been preaching tell the people get ready for an unprecedented outpouring of my goodness sounds like to me we're about to tap in what we haven't seen yet and we're going to do it big time hallelujah can you give the lord a good shout over hallelujah amen unprecedented unmatched unparalleled greater than ever seen or experienced before blessing after blessing after blessing now let me read this to you from another translation it says oh how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those that fear you which thou has treasured up and i wrote in my notes after reading that there is a treasury of god's goodness that i've never tapped into yet write that down in your notes there is a treasury of god's goodness that has not yet been tapped it's in reserve well god says it's laid up when can we expect to experience it well when the lord tells you to tell the people get ready for an unprecedented outpouring of the goodness of god then it sounds like to me ah the door is opening the floodgates are opening praise god and i've been experiencing that ever since god gave me that word back in january of this year unprecedented goodness amen anyway i realized also that god is going to use this as a great evangelistic tool how do you say that brother jerry why do you say that because the bible says in romans that the goodness of god worketh repentance when god when when people see when non-believers see the goodness of god on our lives and it's not happening to them like during this pandemic you know i mean as brother copeland said i mean it's been my finest year 52 years of ministry and i never had a finer year than i did last year and this year's already started off better amen but i don't i don't hear every preacher saying that i hear a lot of them saying that but not every preacher saying that not every believer is saying that there are a lot of a lot of christians that are worse than they were before the pandemic head but the bible says that goodness the goodness of god worketh repentance when you begin to experience unprecedented goodness in your life somebody's going to notice somebody's going to be looking on you know i've led a lot of people to the lord i never preached one sermon to they just watched my life and they want to know how you're doing this where are you getting this and i always say it's the favor of god it's the goodness of god do you want to know i've never had anybody turn me down when they came to me acknowledging that something's happening to you that's not happening to me no one's ever turned me down when i introduced them to jesus it was the goodness of god that attracted them amen because most people have not heard that about god i didn't hear that as a child all i heard when i was a kid god gonna get you god gonna get you he gonna get you well that really makes you wanna serve god he's gonna get you i thought he was mean i thought he was just sitting up there looking for an opportunity to bust my head because people said he'll make you sick he'll kill your kids he'll wreck your car because he loves you that's not love amen so i had a warped idea about god growing up now i could have i could have gone to the bible and found out the truth but i didn't not until 1969 and when i found out that god is a good god my goodness it changed my life changed my life and i remember some of my first earliest sermons preaching on the goodness of god in the favor of god man i did not get a warm welcome where i preached it particularly among pentecostals they didn't want god to be good brother roberts told me one time he said some of the greatest persecution i ever received is when i started saying something good is going to happen to you he said i'd get ugly letters how do you know oral roberts nothing good's ever happened to me when you think that people would want to hear some good news something good is going to happen to you boy he didn't know how prophetic that was and particularly in today something good look to never say something good is going to happen to you i wish you'd have said it with a little more enthusiasm and a smile on your face something good is going to happen to you amen now once again this translation said which thou has treasured up treasured up there is a treasury filled with the goodness of god that we have never tapped into yet but we are about to amen now let me read a story to you and i i want to read it i don't want to miss any word in it i read this years ago and it said many years ago and a lot longer than when i read it many years ago the ambassador of spain then the wealthiest country in europe once visited the courts of venice to arrange for a treaty one of the chief men of the palace led the ambassador to see the sights and later took him to see the treasury of venice where he saw huge coffers filled with heaps of gold and precious stones the ambassador asked for a staff and when it was given to him he thrust it down through the middle of all these precious stones and gold and the man who had taken him there said what are you doing why are you doing that he said i want to see if there's a bottom and he said oh yes there's a bottom and the ambassador then replied oh you should come to my country the treasures of my king alluding to the gold and silver mines which had belonged to spain at that time he said there is no bottom that's what god is saying there is no bottom to his goodness hallelujah you can't you can't tap into it and say well i guess that's all there is no there's more there's more look at your neighbors say there's so much more and you know what the apostle paul said i hath not seen ear hath not heard neither has entered into the heart of man the things that god has prepared other translations say arranged and still other translations say hath in reserve for those that love him anybody in here love god oh hallelujah there is a treasury that's got your name on it and it has no bottom hallelujah can you say amen you haven't experienced anything yet as much goodness as you've experienced and as much favor of you already experienced that is just a glimpse of what god has in store and it's not we're not talking about 20 years down the road we're talking about this year it has begun hallelujah get out in the middle of it praise god wake up every day and say this is another day for me to experience the favor of god the goodness of god like i've never experienced before you know it seems to me you've heard somebody talk about you can have what you say anybody ever heard that before amen well start talking it don't look at me with that tone of voice just start talking it amen now the goodness which has already been wrong i read this from a commentary it said the goodness which has already been wrought dwindles in comparison with the goodness which is in store i like that i'm going to read it again because i want to hear it the goodness which has already been wrought or what you've already experienced dwindles in comparison with the goodness which lies in store hallelujah once again you haven't seen anything yet the best is yet to come it's a treasury that cannot be exhausted amen and it's going to come to all those who expect it and all those who anticipate it and i happen to be in that number anybody else want to join me look at your neighbor and smile real big and say come on get in now i read another commentary that made this statement about that verse it said which thou has treasured up means it's there for an emergency such as when somebody treasures up food in the autumn for the wants of winter that treasury of goodness is there for an emergency well sin has anybody noticed we've been in an emergency race recently since march of this past year i like to say it this way god has got us covered amen look you never said don't worry about a thing amen don't worry about a thing i spent my basic training in fort dix new jersey i thought it was a foreign country they talked like that don't worry about a thing used guys get up get up you guys i thought what country are they from you know i remember preaching in a church in new york city and it had a lot of mafia members and the pastor because he was italian you know and and he sounded like rocky balboa i always i always loved going to his church because i thought i was in a rocky movie your brother jerry we're so glad you're here he said you know my son i've been trying to teach him the word he gets in trouble a lot and i told him if you don't stop getting in trouble i'm gonna break your legs then i'm gonna pray god will heal you and then about that time one of these ushers come up and said uh pastor they all sound alike pastor poster pasta uh sister jones uh the devil's been giving her a hard time this week she's in tears out in the out in the the church wants to know if you and brother jerry can come pray for he said well we're about to go to the platform uh bring her up afterwards he said in the meantime you want me to whack the devil for whack the devil he said yeah whack him until we get there you know [Laughter] i don't know why i got off on that i just want to hear myself tell it which thou has treasured up means it's there for an emergency such as when someone treasures up food in the autumn for the wants of winter god has stored up a large portion of his goodness for the needs of his people in an emergency hallelujah and it is accessible to them whenever they need it and it can never be exhausted hallelujah i like to call the goodness of god and the favor of god two of the greatest things i've ever learned about and knowing how to walk in it knowing how to how to uh position myself to experience it it has been a life-changing revelation and i'm still living by it to this day now go to psalm 119 psalm 119 and look at verse 68 thou art good and doest good now our good and does good the message translation says you are good and you're the source of good you are good and you're the source of good brother copeland talked about uh he was recently in miami preaching at jerry moore's church i was there sometime back and and was preaching there and uh i told the congregation that night i said the title of my sermon is not good english and i know better but i'm endeavoring to make a point and i'm a country boy and i think a lot of you in here were raised in the country as well so the title of my sermon is if it ain't good it ain't god amen if it ain't good it ain't god god is good and he is the source of good. all good gifts come down from above that's the reason i know that cajun food is from god i can't get enough of it italian food is from god it's good amen i was a there's a place down in new orleans that it's my favorite restaurant i've been going there even before i met jesse and every time we go down and spend some time with jess and kathy they know to take me to mr b's mr bees god is that some of the greatest cajun food you ever had and they have a gumbo that they call gumbo yaya anybody say it gumbo yaya anybody admit to mr bees did you have the gumbo yaya you have the gumbo yaya okay do you have the gumbo yaya yeah well you got if you want to go eat cajun food go with jesse because he orders everything you got to try this you got to try this got to try this but the gumbo yaya i could i could eat a five gallon barrel full of it and i called jesse every once when i say jesse i had an experience with god last night i woke up praying in tongues what what what did he say to you i said i kept saying gumbo yeah gumbo i said i'll be there tomorrow every good and perfect gift comes from above that's reason i know my wife came from above she's a good and perfect gift amen we've been married 54 years and she's one of the best things ever happened to me if i could sing like kenneth copeland i'd sing to carolyn like he sings to gloria i wish i could do that someday i'm going to when nobody else is in the auditorium [Laughter] okay you are good and you are the source of good by nature i'm reading some things from my notes by nature god longs to bring us joy and blessing and good health and prosperity and protection no matter what is happening in our world around us can i say that again by nature because god is good he longs to bring us joy and blessing and good health and prosperity and protection no matter what is happening in our world around us nathan chapter 1 verse 7 from the amplified bible it says the lord is good a strength and a stronghold in the day of trouble the message translation says god is good he's a hiding place in tough times he recognizes and welcomes anyone looking for help no matter how desperate they are that's the goodness of god can you say amen amen now i want to close it today with this i could preach on the goodness of god all day long but i'm not going to keep you that long i want you to open your bible to the book of ezra the book of ezra looking for my special notes on this ezra chapter 1. see anybody found it we don't spend much time in ezra do we i have a little uh kind of an outline at the top of my bible with a little bit of history here and i highlighted a couple of things and it says regarding the book of ezra god fulfills his promise to return his people to the land of promise after 70 years of exile ezra is to rebuild the spiritual condition of the people they've been in exile for 70 years and his job is to is to uh stir them up and get them excited about the things of god again and then also to rebuild the temple and it says in ezra chapter 1 beginning in verse 2 thus saith cyrus king of persia the lord god of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has charged me to build him a house in jerusalem which is in judea who is there among you of all his people his god be with him and let him go up to jerusalem which is in judah and build the house of the lord god of israel he is the god which is in jerusalem and whosoever remaineth in any place where he so journalist let the men of his place help him with the silver with the gold with the goods and with the beasts besides the freewill offerings for the house of god that is in jerusalem now look at verse six and all they that were about them strengthened their hands and vessels uh with vessels of silver and gold and goods and beasts and with precious things beside all that was willfully offered okay now go to chapter 2 and look at verse 69 they gave after their ability unto the treasure of the work thereof one thousand grams of gold 5 000 pounds of silver and 100 priest garments and then there's a very interesting statement in chapter 3 and verse 6 the latter part of that verse now they've they've done all this giving all this to rebuild the temple and they've done it willfully and then it says in verse 6 the latter part of that verse but the foundation of the temple of the lord was not yet laid they're giving all this and they have nothing to see yet you could say they're giving in faith the foundation hadn't even been laid and then it says in verse 7 they gave money also unto the masons and to the carpenters and so forth and then verse 10 and when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the lord they set the priest in their apparel with trumpets and the levites and so forth and they continue to praise god but i want to point out that they were expecting something good and in faith they were sowing toward it before they could ever see a foundation laid they did all this before they could see anything i learned a long time ago not just to honor god with my substance you know when he has blessed me but when i'm believing god for something to happen to so in advance like they did and i learned this reading this they sowed in advance before they ever saw the foundation laid you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 22,711
Rating: 4.8807945 out of 5
Keywords: 2021, 2021 branson virtual victory campaign, best, bottom, expect, faith, favor, goodness, greater, jerry savelle, repentance, revelation, thankful, treasury, unmatched, unprecedented, word
Id: npM_KxHwfLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 55sec (3835 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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