I NEED AN ADULT - Isaac Afterbirth [58]

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hey what's going on everybody I'm here on stream and we're gonna do a keeper hard mode gonna try to get to mega stan is my goal pay to play that sounds I think exact opposite of what I needed alright so let's get back in the mindset of playing the keeper we need to leave coins in the grounds for when we need health it's like leaving red hearts behind this guy could definitely hurt me it's kind of nice that like champions don't do any extra damage but then again everything does a full heart of damage essentially oh great so keeper has two coins as health he can get health upgrades if he does give a health away so if there's a health upgrade on a room and to deal with the devil I actually go into the deal with the devil first see if I can give that away and then come back out let's see here hearts are turning to flies that includes soul hearts and black hearts they it's half red heart whole heart soul heart black heart one two four flies so she beds chudan son don't forget to use my Wooden Nickel absolutely can you make a butt Hut video game fellas big enough like PewDiePie I could do legend of the butts but I'm not new making nearly enough money that like high or a team of people and artists and stuff or nor do I have the time to do that on my own so I wouldn't get your hopes up I'm gonna start taking some of this money since there's so much of it on the ground we are potentially going for a hush flight as well if we can manage so speed is kind of a thing yeah it's first floor we can open that up devil cards gonna give me a little bit of a damage boost eternal hearts are five flies okay I miss that one the eternal heart is sad because senpai didn't notice it who's your favorite character and Lord of the Rings hopefully Gollum I would say the fish that the Gollum smashed against the rock and then bit into the catfish the bull head alright what are we doing here I'm trying to get my head on straight here 420 blaze it damage which is pretty cool but I was gonna say something or do something Oh boss rush we don't need to do boss rush apparently even though I think that might have been an error and if we might have to do boss rush and that that mean that's probably an error on the part of the card it's lying to me what I should really do is go into the next room before I use the Wooden Nickel and see if I can drop the coin in the room with enemies in it just gonna give myself a little bit of a chance to pick up some health and recover it if I lose a bunch in a specific room health upgrade okay so that's basically meaningless for me I'll backtrack for one of the pennies stream is so laggy it's like silky smooth in my end if you go into the settings you can change the quality and go to source and if your Internet's good enough you'll see what I'm seeing it's it's good it's like real good or ate a little bit of a health backup I just said I was gonna use my Wooden Nickel in the next room and then I just totally not I'm so trained like with like got these head and stuff to use it in the current room I'll take one of these screw you game I'm taking one of those pennies see now if I got hit I'd have a chance to grab that penny as health boom boom City all right gotta be careful tractor beam would be like really good if I could line up my three tears into one like a mega blast that'd be amazing tractor beam probably and the top things ooh swallowed penny when I get damaged I get a penny back already so really good chance that I could keep it going unless I got hit consecutively like boom boom dead that's when we would be in trouble now the old boom boom dead pig goes a song uh hits from 2006 called boom boom dead by the Black Eyed Peas gotta get that boom boom Dada gotta get that boom boom dead gotta get that key first sucks gotta got that deep video pit up yeah that's the gist of the song by the way blast in the face I was gonna walk up there and blast somebody [ __ ] blasted me instead Touche mr. jangle mr. [ __ ] that's [ __ ] you [ __ ] smell lock on the slippery shits here my favorite grunge band the slippery shits really good music most notably their top hit I forgot to wipe [ __ ] stop hitting me in the face I saw like honey for the windmill swallowed pennies my BAE oh that deflection milk would you just die already come on dude give me some synth oil would you would you could you Oh blast it again need to watch out for that whistle attack he flings those things outlet with reckless abandon Oh evil upgrade with a black heart that's not going to do anything for me did give me the flies though for the black heart for a fly for one black heart good stuff need to complete boss rush with both keeper and Lois to get their unlocks the tracker says it's done because of the save in pork Ledger's thank you give a further Hershey squirts to the butt piss as long as I'm not throwing up out of my butt that's some things get ugly alright so we're obviously hoping for small rock and not hoping for a small rock we're not hoping for the other thing that did that thing at the one place of that one guy not the soul arts because of soul hearts just random flies flies are okay but they're probably not worth the bombs that we're spending on it these bombs are good stuff but small rock would be a big help nope could look for crawl spaces but keepers kind of a thing like I said so becoming to hurry it up if I found an arcade I feel like I could break that now with swallowed penny right cuz if you got two coins for every one coin we heard ourselves with that's a net gain of one coin we could play that forever popcorn buddy okay sup bro what's happening down range upgrade okay shop yeah we could go check it out since we have a golden key I guess you buy a half off key I'll do it love this guy up didn't get a nickel rip nickel double Carter's book of Belial charge yes that's correct sqm Anderson sitting on a toilet thanks for the update really helpful have you ever played Borderlands yeah it's a good game I like the first one I didn't I couldn't get into the other ones I don't know I just I tried just played the first one so much and then the second one was like yeah it's you know it's still kind of cool all right we need shop refresh and an arcade with IV bag so I can break everything all right you need to [ __ ] off though dude we got two flies to the end of that that means that was a red heart hole how do you seem to make every run work willpower actually though it's all about dodging that's what this game is all about it's not about your luck it's about your dodging if you can figure out the dodging and you can get good at it you're gonna do really well well it also takes you know certain knowledge like there's some items going I'm like I'm not gonna take that because I will die right and if you don't know what the items are you're gonna take it and you're gonna die so there's a lot of things that go with it but most notably I would say just learning how to dodge all right [ __ ] me happens you know popcorn buddy can die I did not know that I was hoping that this was the library yes please and popcorn buddy die triple shot dr. fetus you know it gives me a little bit more accuracy in my shots golden bottom is pretty cool to tip links just subscribed thank you so much donation had subscription today you're on fire it's good day it's a great day we're gonna hotspot Hut I'm gonna take your order to the Winx thank you dude I really appreciate that alright so I feel like we have a pretty decent chance to make something of this we use Mike Wooden Nickel by the way say that man Here I am taking damage and about to die riff deal with the devil by the way that's why I keep her sucks do the devil chants has never been lower 2 of Spades is good though let's pick up let's just well let's keep it let's keep the 2 of Spades cuz getting tons of keys is something that I would really like to do swallowed penny I wouldn't give that up for the world and yeah let's leave if you posted a nude online do you think it would break the internets probably not what do you mean I post news all the time does it know that I work for porn this awesome calm of course it's my first job bye sorry bro free free cents okay I kind of take me a long time to get there but epic fetus would be a massive boost here flies because it's plus 40 damage well I think it goes off my damage stat which is only 420 still I can afford this Oh Steven yes please damage upgrade plus we got some tears upgrades and some infested alright I should have used my two of spades yeah but you know I think I'm gonna eventually at some point I'm gonna have a lot of keys like see I'm already back up now you twelve yeah you know what actually let's take the emergency contact with us just use the two of spades twelve is fine 12 is okay bum friend he's gonna eat yeah yeah uh-huh right right game I'm nice use regular bombs here that we roll this I'm totally fine with that Book of Secrets we could use that once it'll tell us something about the map I don't want to bomb it three times because it could skip through items and it would be something that probably give me flies if I take damage but I don't know if that's really worth black-bean get the [ __ ] away that's gonna give me a tears upgrade but I'm not sure if that actually helps me do anything it probably makes the bombs come down faster there's a lot going on in chat so I'm gonna take a little break here now please don't don't jokingly put on porn links or any kind of joke links because my mods don't know it's a joke and they're not gonna click on it to risk you know getting any kind of like viruses or something so refrain from making those jokes no synergy with epic foetus reroll again dunce hat makes epic foetus shoot twice in quick succession oh my god give me something like that's decent that's okay I guess we don't have a choice take an odd leaf so now if we get some sort of orbital or something that does damage without us having to do anything we can just kind of sit there and cheese a hush fight which is a viable option oh [ __ ] dude we're gonna take them both I want them both that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take sack head and I'm gonna take chaos because chaos could do some like cool stuff for us so that's kind of what you need to do there sack head is is Bey sack head is like take me now I didn't mean to put by that [ __ ] bomb he dick High Priestess that's the basically the same thing is the [ __ ] of the thing right but that one place is that one guy that the thing Emperor card could help me speed things up a little bit so maybe that's worth two of clubs sick the emperor card the sack dream yeah feeling good I'm looking good to look at my face it's chaotic so with chaos it jumbles up all the the item pulls so we can find deals of the devil from just regular rooms did I know I was gonna say that I think I deal with the devil I did not take a deal with the devil I just haven't earned one yet and it doesn't seem like I'm going to at this rate so don't get your hopes up folks I find this is gonna give me flies for card I can go into here and full card it up something that's that fire doesn't even shoot at me holy [ __ ] that was actually pretty close world card okay full card out and there should be a penny waiting for me since I took damage on that room to go in yep that's what I expected curse room I could play curse from Intel time stopped right maybe I should do that maybe I should play the curse room because every time I step on the thing I'm gonna have a coin back and it's gonna want me to do it indefinitely well try it I know that we need to kind of you just pick it up here but I kind of want to just do something crazy here yeah look at this this is totally gonna work every time I step on it I get a coin back I get the health back I just don't want to teleport me to the dark room feel blessed okay so we needed the angel room chance right because we want to go mega Satan there we go sick I don't have I ain't got no health bro I ain't got no health at all but I think we need to do this I think we need to try I almost blew myself up but right there we did it we got it we're good health is back Oh baby good things are good good things are good good things are really good that's not good that's not good that's not good for me good things were good until I killed myself okay if we can just like knock this out of the park right now you're gonna give me what I want key piece well I didn't give me key piece rip okay okay I think I think we stop now at this point in time I think yeah I think we just we just don't anymore ouch and and I just think we needed to hurry it up look like a little bit here Emperor cards fine with me death card could be pretty okay hoggle Oz is not doing it for me think Emperor card for the speed so we can like hurry up through the womb that was pretty cool like I said I think it was the appropriate time to stop cuz I if it teleported me to the dark room all of our dreams wouldn't be real anymore and it's all about dreams being being real that's kind of what I live for you know the stain you like the dead the suck fail guppy item that's pretty good but I think we got to keep our wooden I don't know though because the Wooden Nickel is not really doing much when we have 66 cents we have the swallowed penny which is really what it we're banking on and the sack head so I think we take Guppies head here I think we need the the offensive damage we need the help here zero to 100 real [ __ ] quick well you know we're finding new ways to bust everything I don't know what's happening oh I need an adult I need an adult I need an adult I need no [ __ ] it up mm pretty sure that's the fastest enemy in the entire game pretty sure that's the fastest enemy in the entire game pretty sure pretty sure my twitch chat also froze up again so I'm pretty sure my twitch chat can't handle slow mode wow that was seeing that enemy alone is rip like your rip you're done you it's over with that enemy that is garbage o8 orange is the new black just shut up and they died well thank you guys for watching sorry that was awesome and then just completely sucked that one enemy if I just didn't go into that room it didn't need to do that I should have just used my card or something it just panicked I didn't know what to do I tried to loop back around for that coin but yeah okay thanks for watching everybody I'll see you guys the next episode sad face
Channel: Hutts
Views: 15,552
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, Lilith, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, epicac, brimstone, mom's heart, mom battle, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: aOB4qCYiLM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2015
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