Every Item is BUDDY IN A BOX

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what is up everybody my name is hugs and welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance today's challenge is something that you guys have been asking for for a very long time isn't that like every single challenge that you've ever done never in your entire life no maybe i'm just saying like we asked for a lot of stuff and i just think you should do like a lot more videos and i think that you put like 17 videos out every day i am trying my best you guys to put out as much content as i can okay i just like it i just think that like the more i just want to watch you all the time my editor is also working his buns off to get these episodes out to you guys i'm saying like i'm bored all the time and i want to watch even though i think you suck at the game it's just like still like i want something to do so like i'm gonna avoid my family amount of time and effort and energy put into recording and editing i mean the amount of editing is like crazy bit has gone on way too long i mean could we just get to the freaking video all right let's play kane and every item is buddy in a box have i done this one already i don't think so all rooms everywhere there's some like really really good buddies in a box so i honestly think that this is going to go well but we all know that that means literally nothing my gut feeling says this is going to be super easy look at that we already got two and they are different buddies that's what i wanted to see that is a lemon or a vagina face why not both with ant-man i'm not noticing any status effects on this which is surprising given the colors looks like they're both piercing i think the ant-man is piercing look at that telescopic lens let's just say that like maybe the trick that i have is overpowered and we'll just drop it for the telescope lens because actually planetariums are just another bunny in a box if you really think about it and i'm gonna go back because i want i want my paper clip i was like maybe it's unfair enough why did i slip in my my tin boy so i'm talking about me that's tim maybe it's unfair to have this trinket i'm hot look at me maybe i should make this more fair and then i'm like nope arms at the right time look at that look at it look at it are you looking at it let's go baby the buddies in a box do a lot of damage did i see a homing shot somewhere in there i feel like i did am i crazy but you know what am i seeing that right was i seeing maybe an aya belial shot through one of these buddies i don't even know man you think it would be easy for me to pay attention to what's going on but it's just not this room by the way is a giant middle finger to any player ever this room is insane to be on the first floor nonetheless oh my god you're gonna pair of clotties with eye blobs you're kidding me jesus duke of flies yeah that's definitely i a belial shot it's coming from ant-man uh yeah hutz chat here don't you know that that's not ant-man but that's praying mantis man god this guy's so cringe he doesn't know anything plenty of box number three oh i forgot about conjoined this guy's got uh anti-grav bananas better green that's pretty good you know three bombs we could maybe find the secret room and get even more [Music] that was definitely where the secret room was why would the game lie to me i feel like i should take some of our favorite bertrand toast face ooh guy anyways i feel like i should take some of our favorite challenges and do like an entire post-it note of them this is nuts okay so it looks like one guy's got shielded sticky bombs toast face with split shot there's a lot going on there oh buddy with topknot has a green shot that who knows what it does and bertrand look at bertrand's moves look at him go don't really need keys so i guess we could just start ripping them hey hey it's pac-man it's got anti-grav again all right see look at this we're already just rolling out of control fifth buddy who are you um hello more green shot paul face why the long face i got him are we noticing status effects applying no not really it seems almost illegal to have like a colored tier that doesn't apply a status effect that's nice probably gonna go angel room on this one i mean probably it doesn't make sense to pay health for the exact same money we could get for free unless i had so much health that i could get multiple buddies right because you can only get one for angelum unless you fight the angel statue in which case you get two so i'm just gonna shut up angel is clearly better here let's go into the shop and buy an extra buddy so you can room two never mind come on along with us everybody let's go i got two extra ones another oval buddy he's doing deep is it random effects oh we got caved in head buddy though he's got shocky tooth i also have harry potter they're a buddy in a box harry i'm a what i don't know why they were both on sale but i'm i'm not going to complain about it look at my train oh followers wow and we got a health upgrade on that floor which is amazing considering we can't get any normal items eternal hearts are going to be worth their weight and goal oh look at that stuff so nails coming out we have possibly an abyss tear look at that heart boy right next to the sad bunny oh we got earth chan he's got a little moon angry buddy's not pleased by the fact that he's covered up by the moon there's cyclops bro we have dressed up in a tiny suit bro looks like a little pikachu first room absolute trash yeah that's definitely a highlight shot these guys are overpowered a lot of them are at least double grab somebody does have abyss tears oh my god it's like a aoe abyss here what these guys are so overpowered oh god i'm sweating i want all that stuff in there but worth two soul hearts this is just like how are we gonna lose we're gonna lose because they jump over spikes number nine number nine number nine sword okay um uh well i could probably use the golden bomb to get the rest of the stuff out of that one spot something like this maybe maybe not got that at least oh no miracle to get that shot to deflect out those chests look at these hands the holy light shots the hands the shocks oh hello pretty genius you're gonna be overwhelmed by my sheer power look at that angel ah who's up pointy ear brethren speed up getting stats health up getting stats puberty getting pubes on my face the fourth floor we've got yar pirate pirate with the x on his head treasure lies here buddy next to him next to the lady with the blue hair and a puppy and spikes mcgee and jesus no that's a roman guy that's not a spike crown that's a vine or leaves or something next to uh oh i don't know yoshi next to playstation circle button next to bob and harry harry's back you're a bro harry i'm a what i got grabby hands again what's that bright green shot coming out that is a mysterious liquid shot mysterious liquid nails whoa grabby nails they explode into a giant pile of goo more number 11. oh guy nice health upgrade i can use this machine too without giving up my eternal heart this is nice pay out the body in a box oh yes what was it bald guy with pink teeth i just spread out my entire team over the length of this room we should have the whole thing covered look at that wow another half off buddy i'm not sure why they're all half off i don't know whoa it's flaming mario it's me and i'm on fire insert obligatory this is my job comment strength question mark that makes enemies take double damage what you got ma look at that get down look at all the crabby hands we got a range room perfect and timid guy a timid guy hey how's it feel to join the crew hey well set let's go into the uh angel room here and grab another buy in a box um this for another buddy in a box look at the grabbies you can't escape uh square face where did corgi come from come on corgo next floor look at how lucky we've gotten with health upgrades and that's two eternal hearts and then one health uphill we actually have yoshi this time somebody with midas touch as well got a couple of teeth in there i've got the flowing sides we've got angry bill half man adventure time dude ooh buddy teacup guy guy with the red thing coming out of his chin and glasses baby gluttony yoshi spider face no i don't know what that guy is next guy looks like he's high school dude next guy's jason teddy bear bro there's an invisible guy in there you see that whoa swole buddy he's got buns my god this is pornographic and then uh the void dude maybe another ooh guy the game is obviously a fan of woo king a woman ooh a vacation ooh ology okay good one that was a good hit it's got to line herself up so we can just pepper in some shots there we go play in a box number something or other it is another red guy more half off buddy i don't know why why are they half off large face and dude that ate toxic sewage welcome he'll fit in this family soul of eden activates d6 and d20 yeah it doesn't really matter i don't think adversary get him fellas if i can't like concentrate the firepower of all my buddies that's when things start to fall apart so that'll be important moving on question mark guy okay what's the team have we got the ah guy who's getting his throat checked by the doctor there's squished rope buddy there's lemon that has some sort of gouge in it coconut buddy vagina face lemon harry potter bodyless head penguin corgo susan your pirate brenda bagon head guy pac-man ghost coconut body number two super slick demon guy bro that has upside down tiny mountains instead of legs guy icicle bro that looks like he stepped on a lego overly happy dude and tiny tim let's go don't walk right through that face i think maybe the way to do it is to try to bring people to my zone when i walk into a room try to get them to come into my super concentrated area where i blast them look at the absolute madness we're firing out when we can line everybody up it's hot you know what that's not squished rope buddy that's roadkill buddy those are tire tracks you can see because the rope doesn't go behind them last shop we have stupid greed balls of steel wow i'll do it even just for one buddy nobody left behind well didn't get him i leave him behind bye i didn't get any more red health what do you want from me i'm gonna bomb them for angel chance and go write to me right to me stompy mom we should be able to get her oh yeah right into the concentrated blast how did she get me twice though you didn't though i'll take this buddy our health is doing good but uh we can get set back pretty easily here let's hope we recover all that red health i'm struggling to pull my guys out they're so concentrated at the door there's so many of them oh nice there's too many to name all of them let's just pick some favorites out how about hot dog guy risquerine space suit dude commander alien there's a little uh bite in the mouth oh yup needles gotta love the needles you guys once you get like a number of tear effects or a number of followers repentance is just like it's literally impossible to see things like needles coming out of the ground that's why a lot of times i actually opt to not take familiars even if brother bobby might give me a little bit of extra dps i won't take him because it's overwhelming as hell and repens punishes you up the ass when you can't see like what's happening right now i'm taking way too much damage we have literally five more hits in us that's it no six oh tinted rock can i get the all these rocks and the tinted rock no i can't sweet iron fan that's nice bulky they're stuck in those rocks come on guys get out yep yep i i just don't know what's going on i physically cannot see what's happening there we go done in a devil room oh that's good all right i'll take both of them i need the firepower we picked up a health upgrade those were unused red heart containers don't judge me another health upgrade all right what do we got 404 buddy succubus fish boy look at that giant flat whale dude angry happy sheba it's a sheba not a cargo you got chubby ghost dude look at him somebody's got tears that are sucking people up somebody's got tears that make black hearts yeah buddy strange attractor tears is the word i was looking for there and maybe serpent's kiss are those black hearts i'm not sure strength card go double damage right yeah buddy give myself the polaroid and go up as long as we can keep lining them up you guys as long as they walk right into the blast this is a breeze all right what do we got in here we've got a king a presence but a happy judas viking dude froggo onesie boy music note gym bile face phil wario and when we get spread out like this becomes a lot more complicated actually land hits on any specific target oh good yep walk into him that's good come on we're cutting me off box go isaac focus your fire focus your fire yeah this is working out great yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah done wonderful four more to add on did you see what that item was going to be before i turn into bunny box dad's key my chest dad's key luck is through the roof my eternal heart locked too has been through the roof pog isaac is in there okay yeah sure hot dog buddy knife head sans somebody's got strange attractor tears again and honestly i'm okay with that because it's sucking them into the stream of fire because i fell into a burning stream of fire look at this went down down down and the flames were getting higher all right spread out spread out everyone surround them surround him nice freaking shot oh my god stop taking damage huh we're throwing right now good shot we gotta almost be there gotta almost be there look at this freaking map just sit still and shoot forward let them get grabbed into it stop trying to be hero huts finally made it let's go loading them up he's getting absolutely annihilated and unlike isaac he sits on the ground he's just gonna sit there and take it it's already over it's already over just give up dude and bean on you guys awesome stuff like i said i think that was a relatively easy challenge it was pretty overpowered i ended up taking stupid damage here and there but i still had control over the entire thing the entire time there could have been probably a couple rooms in there that could have destroyed me but we luckily did not run into those so let me know your thoughts on this challenge how does it rank to all the other challenges also who was your favorite buddy once again thank you for watching and i will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] either the game is obviously a fan of king a woman the study of spongebob last time i felt like um because you really get in trouble when he starts ping pong or not ping ponging but uh i guess pong was the reference i was going for not table tennis you know what i mean
Channel: Hutts
Views: 222,540
Rating: 4.9593849 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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