WHY WHY WHY - Afterbirth Greed Mode [40]

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what's going on everybody we are learning the keeper and we are getting slaughtered because it's a trickier than we first thought some people are saying that you can have up to three coins as health but you have to get a health up pale and yada yada yada yada yada mchugh devils Iwrestledabearonce we've a new loss in her hands yeah [ __ ] what's harder keeper is harder now that the lost has a holy mantle I feel like you're totally mantle has two HP per room and this guy just has to HP overall random if you claim drops in the room you can heal yourself but that's not very likely you know like a regular hard fight it's likely in this obviously but ok [ __ ] men takes even more focus than playing the loss does oh good shot dude I'm mad but I'm kind of mad but I'm not even mad but I'm kind of mad oh we're dead random donated one dollar I plan on grabbing the binding of isaac algebra dlc both to play and a record stream any advice for a new starter play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it and play it some more and around your 100th episode you'll start to realize that people will start finding you and you'll be good enough around that point in time that people will be interested in watching you more so yeah that's my tip just the tip play it until you're sick of it Oh which and another bomb this guy worth blowing up I could actually uh could get some good stuff out of him if he takes coins instead right cuz I could just get the coins laid out on the floor out here these items are garbage by the way probably blow up the donation machine oh yeah get the cars in the ground out here if we can survive hey you for the one dollar by the way Oh picking up the coins already I'm so hardwired to grab those coins leave them on the ground because that's what we use to fuel bats demon beggar tinted rocks they'll save your life because of the Flies for those who don't know the blue the soul hearts turn into three blue flies if only you could have soul hearts soul coins good news is with the damage upgrade we are one shotting people ouch not like this not like this not like this not not a cold monsters it's digital boxers you stupid-head digi pod okay let's do it why is lost so easy to unlock for after birth PJ's would be Opie then with the keeper because all the flies I wouldn't want to spend the money the Flies will be gone instantly especially if you're up against like a night all right if we mess this up we're screwed okay ah so let's not mess this up then invested okay the virus that means that poisoned enemies have a large chance to drop black hearts and that's good but we need like poison tears then I think it would be a good solution oh yeah that damage upgrade put us from 422 620 620 super blazed it the pin who's here put my fightin more gurgling it's okay cuz i miss that one boom [ __ ] anybody else yeah more big ones okay Oh a Polaroid the negative hora Babylon cannot be triggered by the keeper since he can't have half a heart of health an exception of this is after being revived by guppies collar which is presumably a bug okay thank you for that that's very helpful push this to where the bomb or the boss is going to spawn let double hot if it's double honton we're in trouble when it was hot that spawned with some ghosty ghosts yeah single hon thank God Oh as long as I have coins in the ground stop [ __ ] hitting me bro am I losing coins every time I take damage I hope not but it doesn't seem like I'm gaining that many coins here it's possible oh we want angel rooms so this is totally fine that doesn't count as a deal with the devil right oh okay yeah does not kind of the deal with the devil good poison bombs i can get black cards from that nothing i want to buy here but i got the bombs necessary to get to that thing so let's go for that then could be a secret room like up here maybe i don't know let's just let's just go for it could I bother you that penny yeah in the middle should have able come on game give me something to work with pjs no do I don't have enough money to buy stuff goodbye a key do you have enough money to buy stuff go so I'm going to go for it coins that fill up your coin containers don't add up to your coin total oh [ __ ] so when I'm losing health and grabbing coins i'm not actually picking up the coin this is good information no don't want that half off key though when you pick up coins for health account they will count for health not coins yes okay wafer I doubt that works with the coins because I can't have a half coin right that sucks should take the skinny odd to the fire rate increase I'm gonna say no for the damage down ooh ooh what does that I should know what that is I just haven't seen it in such a long time evil eye when firing tears gives you a chance to fire an eye across the screen with a very slow shot speed which will fire tears of its own in the same direction is isaac i say meat is going to be a little bit better here the damage upgrade them evil eye to 54 viewers it's awesome evil i would you think that meets better than evil i hear God pokes is evil i get the i do do speedruns absolutely not evil i why does everyone want me to take evil eye i don't think it's gonna be that good evil eye is coolio sending a work for me there's no way so when is it supposed to work okay so the key here is not taking damage because apparently not apparently I'm not gonna get that money then just counts as health shot speed upgrade I'll take that actually shot speeds not that bad speed upgrade worth maybe ? evil eye isn't as good with minus 2 luck I do have mine is to lock did I start with minus 2 luck that's garbage it's really bad i think i just saw one of the evil eyes and missed it miss the opportunity to use it what happens if Eva like collides with something hey sure but you started with minus 2 luck okay I didn't know that keeper starts is minus 2 luck unless it's random every time so many things to learn everybody definitely should not have taken an evil eye there yeah everyone's like it's so cool it's like the base look the boss a basic thing in the entire world everybody said take the eye damn it's bad there is okay I saw like two of them so far and none of them have worked great it disappears if it touches anything great awesome fried I just made it will just be your last run I'm not sure we'll see we'll see how things go probably reroll this I think I can the best thing here to buy is probably the card damn that's bad just save the money I guess we need damage upgrades we have a great damage multiplier so damaged upgrades would go very long way don't want to step in the button but I don't to pick up the coins either ain't no good much Jam you got man there we go oh dear get the sacks get the sacks there was a sack boy no no Sackboy 2020 its tax now it's no 2020 dog that's x-ray vision need some deaths touch I do but I can't take it anymore that's X ray Knight 2020 absolutely Oh what do i do bom bag could be worth it if i'm able to bomb a bunch of guys for their stuff ki hype about the bomb bag so the biggest mistake of my life yeah i think not his bombs are gonna allow me to buy or blow these guys up and if I blow three of them up and go three nickels or if I blow the Machine up that's a free reroll blow those machines up bombs could be really helpful shielded tears or Samson's chain but get me tinted rocks that could block tears but this also blocks tears um really I just ooh lost contact I guess without fire rights not very good but hopefully it'll get better but how it's gonna go to work see dude thanks for joining us when you did and that'd be cool x-ray glasses was also 2020 though it was a possible chance for two twenty20s in the pool alright so we've confirmed that coin go to help and not the coins angel rums please this is not an angel room nowhere is that a worthwhile deal with the devil to even think about taking careful huts apparently taking a bit Abaddon kills the keeper instantly good to know because I can't get the blackhearts back I suppose I can go into this room for a fee no I can't I would take one coin per way so that would be a waste [ __ ] dude this is difficult i don't like this at all and I don't get a bomb payout bomb bag piece of [ __ ] work with me man that's been a while sup dude juicy pineapples Hut's is struggling I mean it's not lay my fault right now I don't feel like yeah [ __ ] yo la plus damage yeah basically everyone everything went up including luck sounds good seven damage now ooh Deadshot ok so dead shot probably not that good with triple shot cuz I'm gonna miss all the time like all day errday but it's half off and there's nothing else that I really want to buy here wait a second it took away one of my coins it took away one of my coins you [ __ ] [ __ ] well Ripper oneĆ­s ok we'll never take that item then I didn't think I didn't know I honestly didn't know if it was gonna affect my health containers considering we don't have health containers turns out it does affect RL containers because this games a [ __ ] golden bomb no that's that's something we could work with that but we're gonna die anyway so it doesn't really matter that we have a golden bomb gold poison bomb though get some black hearts what a black arts turning to have soul hearts turning to wow ok haha if so hearts writing the Flies black parts turn into magic love just don't get black arts black hearts don't exist black hands aren't real you're a wizard Harry hi it's my home welcome to my home you [ __ ] off it's my home oddly enough though I do think that bomb bag is a worthwhile pick up if you have nothing else to buy just because of the fact he can bomb so many things it's a passive item right so oh you can come back from this huts just believe in the eyes of gods I don't believe I don't believe anymore tired of this [ __ ] check for the secret room I guess little Gertie's okay get a freaky get dead i I'm gonna miss so much though because of my triple shot this isn't good this is not good not getting what I need in this relationship better can bear can Oh might as well make the most of this golden bomb though it's trying to make me have hope well that doesn't really help hopes gone lost hope rip hope yeah add 24 that is it like as long as eight one of my triple shots i get the damage bonus that kind of seems like what it is oh [ __ ] teleportation shots oh [ __ ] homing shots I mean 20 mins whatever you know what I meant okay as long as I hit one of the triple shots looks like we keep our debt I damage bonus that's really good that's a really helpful actually boom [ __ ] as long as i can get my bombs on target I'll take the loss of the damage bonus there who buy breakfast jicaque I don't think it's gonna work oh my god it worked hahaha how am I supposed to know these things plus is depressed alright feel a little bit better now don't call me a [ __ ] okay it's you you like stop jerk meanie I don't know these things okay I picked up a health upgrade before I didn't do anything guess the difference now is that I actually needed one oh excuse you ski was you jerk on the tap them once at least you know show my meant business it's away whole thing thank God for shielded tears oh angel Rome's dream is real look I can't really work with that though kind of take these out with me god damn its Godhead was my only chance Godhead was it was only Godhead Burma GERD still of guppies collar if you could hit 50 50 50 chance yeah watch her streams in YouTube first time on Twitch super excited to finally see what maybe runs live yo it's pretty exciting dream is dead can't afford sent the oil can't afford key and then open up the golden chest but that's probably not gonna give you the cash necessary could be a big old waste of time so I think we just leave always go let me just cry yourself to sleep we damage upgrades you get a crawl space i guess it's possibly but not likely the dream is now no longer real seem pretty defensive when i call you a [ __ ] i don't even know what that means so I mean arrr matey so mad at you yeah this many bombs here is worth we have the bomb bag you bought that for a reason I'm gonna keep back bop bop bop ba gia stews or d6 tricky because the d6 would be a good space per item I don't know what's better we'll take that that's bad but I'll take it just don't know I think we need both of them rip stream why's everyone ripping it up over here d 696 is pretty good but I think I'll buy the other one first gotta remember that got shielded tears block those dicks block all the dicks get him get that oh I still didn't get them all those troll bombs did nothing for me still here get out of here red guy what was the [ __ ] off mites cheese oops walk through that guy oh don't stop it don't know right all right all rise by this first then we go for the oh that's good too though goodbye everything b6 is going to be worth it for more than just look this level though you go d6 so we can reroll mom's heels mom's stupid face excuse you okay somebody's gotta die here start a fight and do things at once there we go much better goodness oh yeah something's got to give the bodies hit the floor have you heard the parakeet singing that song it's a great video muy excelente three of them never give me three of them a few bro [ __ ] nightmare Oh what does a man supposed to do against such hate oh why why why why why why why [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what was I supposed to do against that no way nope can't nope sorry won't do it false you're wrong Wow
Channel: Hutts
Views: 19,207
Rating: 4.9161677 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, Lilith, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, epicac, brimstone, mom's heart, mom battle, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: P1tLHU_9Xhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2015
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