Chat Said Not To Take Fire Mind...

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ladies and gentlemen the streak is zero but the pogs are high forgotten's only got the beast and uber mom in his eye you want to play along at home phys ed zed silly ted lasso 63 xylophone the goal here is to never go to blue format only for item picking that's it if we do this it's just for items that's it you're watching in spanish class thomas did you say pace picanti ben venito pays picanti you know if you don't fight him he disappears and leaves you a free item not worth it we'll make it worth it using him as an active is bad is that bad meaning bad or bad meaning good i don't know if you really care about pace picanti i i sleep in a bed of pace picanti when i go to bed i wake up with a mouthful of pacemakanti [Music] do i think do i care about pace for conti we take this do we die we don't we don't die we don't die we take it all we take some more and we don't die [Music] okay that works [Music] dude this guy's good man you know what this guy is that shot was one thousand percent lock wrong button you know what this guy is if i gave you these statistics in this one loss record you'd say this guy's good man very good all right let's press press picanti we gotta buy some why in chat if you see paste picante salsa at your local haberdashery i haven't seen it in a long time i guess i haven't been looking either you know what i think i was at the grocery store with my wife and i took a picture she's like what are you taking a picture of and i was like nothing wouldn't have been that long ago let me see nope that's all i got for you pace is in kroger in northern indiana we should do a pace picante taste test see if it still holds up i mean i think as long as you're not comparing it to artisan salsa which i'm not artisan salsa guy i think it's all right pace is in cleveland how about super secret room would be nice right here [Music] how's it go play where are we at we are on flooded caves too b1 and c1 we should play this let's pop this here take that i think we're in good shape [Music] this is an awario song [Music] but this is not the wario ost [Music] this is not this is this is donkey kong stolen balor we get some k kona spam in the chat okay kona 20 chances are you kidding me are you kidding me dude don't talk to me about math just don't there's no way what are the odds of that 20 20 20 chance for exploding tears simon belmont sword [Music] oof no they can explode in your face and ruin your awesome shirt we'll take that chance we'll take that chance no no that's not a whelp that's not a whelp that's not a wealth chat welp is you can't win the run we can win this run it's not is that a whelp right there secret room [Music] have we taken any exploding damage to the face yet no we just take a little bit of no just spider damage chad there's no welp on this one [Music] we have not taken any exploding damage yet [Music] [Music] looks like we're throwing little basketballs um crawl space don't talk to me about isaac ever again hey it's dan if you're enjoying the video hit the like button it helps out a ton thank you dan are you gonna hold are you gonna stop holding it down yes yes we will [Music] gumball room we got ourselves a gumball yes we'll take plus two 24. what's going on with this we're big i don't get it it's a really good item that's what they want you to think all right let's go let's go fight the boss and fool out when the samwell minkus is going on right now you peace be lost did we lose the eternal he did lose the eternal pump pretty good d pretty good d palm just breathe for a second take the d take the fully style is zero what do you mean welcome brand new subscription if we're undialed we go right down that hole but we're very dialed all right dude we gotta win we gotta win it's gone just get over wrap it over the beat [Music] how can you have spent our savings [Music] it's got new contacts with a fresh beat [Music] it's not as minkus it sounds like an eminem song now [Music] he's self-destructive and disturbed just like his father look at who he has to look up to and you're drunk again aren't you shut up shut up you just keep pushing me like this i'm leaving good we will be fine without you abandon us let's abandon yourself you need to repent you need to confess your sins and become saved let his light inside you cleanse your insane you are taking this too far did you hear how you sound pray with me ready for your salvation [Music] where are you going wait we need you your son needs you i'm doing more harm than good i just can't do this i'm sorry please please don't leave us [Music] i'm sorry isaac yo nereva happy birthday with some hpd spam and chat queen of hearts for dogmaticity hope you have a great one it's your b day can we get if we get him a crawl space for the a b-day crawl space happy birthday don't ever talk to me about crawl spaces and birthday gifts ever again quint are you kidding me back to back during shovel night why can't we pick that up we're max hearted we're going up come on baby little dogma juice give us a little dogma juice [Music] we're full baby we're full we got the full juice and the full squeeze it's all you can ask for ladies and gentlemen the dogma fight she told you about little juice little squeeze this is the you versus the dog of fight music she told you about welcome brand new subscriber it's a mama luigi here we go here we go [Music] hey blades [Music] this is this is how we lose these hey blades [Music] we need this one [Music] stop with the base give me that hang in here hey all right here we go [Music] new peace [Music] [Music] you're we come on now tell me [Music] here we go we take it we use it can we use it is it still down there everyone just swam and no one knows gotta be careful here man clean it small baby little juice little squeezies thank you can we please get some dang spam in the chat wait how do we beat this if we're stuck in the mud how do we beat if we're stuck in the mud please come on baby little juice little squeeze come on baby ladies and gentlemen hey [Music] forgotten streak of one almost done ladies and gentlemen pace picante we took forgotten to the beast and forgot about the beast that's a high quality run want to catch up on the dane geesling show because you can't catch it live on twitch then go to dan geesingplays there you'll find every single one of our live shows caught up in an easily digestible episode for your viewing pleasure episodes are up within a couple days of the show so you're never too far behind if you want to catch up and watch live that's dan geesingplays to watch anything you might have missed on twitch
Channel: Dan Gheesling
Views: 8,592
Rating: 4.9839144 out of 5
Keywords: the binding of isaac, repentance, tboi, afterbirth, rebirth, isaac, isac, roguelike, forgotten, character, run, twitch, Dan Gheesling
Id: us8gFRhkqF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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