Lost D6 is So Fun

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the body of isaac repentance dead god save pile when i sat down today i didn't have anything specific in mind so i figured i'm just gonna do something that i'm craving to do lost run more specifically lost with d6 i now have dead god so every single achievement in the game is completed i would of course [Music] this goddamn mod every god damn time restart anyways now is a good time oh restart anyways now is a good time to think about the kind of mods and stuff that we're gonna do from here on out there a lot of mods that i just didn't want to touch didn't want to deal with because i wanted to get all the achievements some of you guys have made suggestions so far and i am very open to suggestions i haven't been involved in the modding community very much so i don't know what's out there maybe there will be like a reddit post about this or you guys could always leave it in the comments section you know whatever whenever wherever you can tweet me that's a good way to reach me if you have some really awesome ideas or something that i need to check out you know what i like freeze the baby a lot freezer baby's super cool no need to re-roll them no need to send them into the abyss look at that look at that hard counter to green flies god it's so good yes for devil deals it costs coins instead of hurts that's actually actively bad for me because it's free if it just costs hearts do you realize that right game i thought about doing uh streaks for example a lost d6 streak i think that'd be a lot of fun but repentance is so difficult and i think it would be a streak where we are forced to go the normal path and like never alt ever like ever like why would i do that what kind of insanity would have to befall me in order for me to try to streak lost or anything streaking eating streaks for example on the all floors would be ridiculously stupid this is great high school baby you're the best how do we uh streak with repentance i i don't know i want an orbital better than a health upgrade i'll give you that i want to go regular secret room or top secret room off secret i know it's there had to be what do you got yeah good to see you too i should definitely never ever go all path i haven't done the all path in a while i kind of miss it that's dross never mind i take everything back get me the hell out of here oh oh yep i died that's insane that's not that's just not a thing that couldn't be that it can't be done prove to myself that all path should never ever be attempted ever bright uppy piece i could re-roll it get something that actually helps me right now but i kind of like the idea of a first floor gut piece talks about streaking the loss literally loses the first like 75 runs that's just yeah it's a good setup for a streaking i think afterbirth plus was like i don't know five times harder than after birth i would say that repentance is probably like 50 times harder than after birth plus legitimately that sounds like a ridiculous stupid number that i just said to just like have a shock and off act no no no no i'm serious i'm dead flipping serious this guy's trying to blame me you trying to play me right now guppy's eye by the way is a is a new item where we can see payouts like for example that fire we know that we're gonna get a red heart from it and that's gonna be really really good as the lost character because we're going to be able to use that we got this we're going to win at least one run here i love the lost the game wants to take away everything that i like everything that i love it wants me to feel embarrassed it wants me to feel stupid alone scared wait no that was the election hemoptysis double tapping a fire button is a sneeze oh uh well yeah i kind of like the idea of a sneeze like the spiders that got close to me i could sneeze them away maybe a little bit too risky though i like the idea that it's a new thing let's try it [Music] look at that look at that i'm gonna be like get away from me or i could just miss all together it's coven simulator sneeze on as many people as you can bob's rotten ed that's re-rollable and i'm gonna do so i guess i could look for a secret room it bounced off the wall which is super cool then i'm gonna re-roll it then i'm gonna take slowing shot and then i'm gonna kill this guy and then i'm gonna get that little charge the pip then i'm a pip oh sneeze sneeze ah when in doubt sneeze out see did i not warn you of the effectiveness of the sneeze it means i think the enemies take a lot of damage when they bounce into stuff so if i can just sneak up on him and just fire him into the rocks just saying just saying it's xl floor so we got to teleport to the deal with the devil on an xl floor oh that hurts we would have gotten that a or that devil room anyways it was not free well technically it was free but you know what i mean odd mushroom i'm good with the damage out 519 damage pretty good i sneezed that boy's head right off same to you oh keeper sack you guys think keeper's sack stacks on itself that would be super interesting right like if you had three keeper sacks and you buy one item it gives you three stat boosts that would be a really cool thing to do in every item is keeper sack and play as ultra greedier or sorry play as tainted keeper is what i meant to say you guys have been watching me for so long you know what i'm trying to say without me even having to say it stop pretending it's embarrassing all of us look at the sneeze power umbilical cord i hate it i'm going to take it and well we'll take that blind rage increased i-frames which is probably one of the worst updates to this specific character the fact that i can lose my holy mantle and then die within like point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero i pick up a golden heart idea of the day it pays out immediately i pick up a soul heart it gives me a 10 second shield i pick up an eternal heart it gives me a second holy mantle charge for the floor somebody else brought up a really really good idea on stream though never named talking about you what if you could flavor your holy mantle charge so like let's say it turned into like a gold holy mantle so the next time i lost my holy mantle and i got hit that's when the gold heart would pay out or if i pick up a black heart the next time i lose my holy mantle it also does black heart damage to the room also a very excellent idea that would be amazing and i don't think that would be an overpowered buff block upgrade i think we can do better point speed upgrade our speed was pretty shite steve bring us steve wow little steve really grabs on oh my goodness the shot speed on that boy oh why did i walk back into it what you don't need to die like this okie dokie you'd already been in here we're gonna let keeper sack go that hurts it really hurts all right steve come on it's nice to be able to come into the challenge rooms and know what you're getting could maybe use a key but it's a little risky right now it sneezed on son amnesia nice try me sucka sneezing back cursed rooms am i going to continue to risk it horse pill it's a classic story another classic story pale as old as time classic story another pill oh you got rocked uh oh bombino this is trouble tough boss and i don't even have all the attack patterns memorized wow wow wow wow how am i supposed to see what i'm supposed to dodge here he's farting at me that boy just farted at me get him get him get him get him get him get him get him get him get him get him get him no deal with the devil at 72 percent chance wonderful hot cards could be glorious let's do it spawns one end from the current pool turns one red heart container or two soul hearts into a broken heart that's good that's really good it's free for me ace of clubs and two of diamonds pop the two of diamonds take the ace of clubs and pop it immediately we'll save that lover's question mark card for the next deal the devil golden bomb friend finder spawns a random friendly monster that mimics isaac's movement and attack it is pretty good but it's an active item and i like my active item oink three dollar bill probably gonna get me killed yolo didn't have another charge i don't know what you want from me ah this is the double luck penny shop room this is great two pennies two luck upgrades i'm gonna bought a battery to reroll my item room and not take three dollar bill more money more luck too seven cents for a kia bomb and a penny that's a pretty good deal oh it's a charged penny let's reroll this guy blue candle it is saucy jar jar a sauce no that's trash if we can find a secret room that has a re-roll machine that would be a great place to use this lover's card as well health upgrade re-rollable more re-rollable deal with the devil though probably the most re-rollable get to the boss 30 dollar bill dunce cap thanks sneeze him out nice laz rags okay bedroom lemon party and a range down insecticide shot that's very good persetoid parasitoid chance to shoot a sack out of my face based on luck i think and if the sack collides with an enemy then it spawns a flyer spider i'm gonna spend this re-roll because i have faith i'm gonna get it back in here oink box that's bad we'll come back oh oh sneeze it out sneeze it out cops got great fight oh he spawned an enemy in me i hate that he just blew up i don't even know why we got here load of turd chad charge at me i dare you a sneeze in your general direction oh my god good shot though perfection i think i gotta go with the perfection here so we uh shoot more insecticide saving the re-roll for the deal of the devil was looking for guppy was looking for guppy oh he'd be doing a little dance though he's excited what is he excited about judas's shadow yeah tier four look at him look at him go look at him dance i'm not gonna take it though new item that's a shovel you need to stop dancing dude these are trash free roll my equals power that's pretty good you know i'm tempted to go guppy here aya belial is also just like really good nine nice we be dying and i need uh some respawns that would be great one key just to get this out of the uh the pool probably worth pick up the box fight this guy another luck penny that's not bad the tears up white speckle tears up look at all my spiders oh my insecticide with perfection is perfection this is wonderful three dollar bill holy light with perfection oh spooky boy you scared the out of me well done spooky boy well done what else was there i think we had a laz rags it might be best not to touch last rags now that we have nine lives i don't want to be lazarus if it procked last rags before the nine lives that'd be bad i would be a heckin angie give you three more tries cool if we can get guppy we would be a fly and spider creating machine brain job that's speed down stars removes your oldest passive and spawns two random items in the current room's item pool oh mama oldest passive would be guppy's eyeball i wonder if i could still get guppy if i used a stars card i bet you we would still be guppy if i removed it i don't know man i want to try it for science like i said i feel like the answer is yes little chad you're not worth having i don't want conjoined goodbye thank depp's one let's get it we're pretty strong now with monaco's power 14 luck insecticide we also still be sneezing mom's box oh that gives us another 11 luck that's hilarious look at me doing a dance i'll be doing a dance because of the d6 you just dropped that you idiot you can stop dancing you're embarrassing everybody right now i don't believe i need that much luck so i'm gonna just stick with my dc it's the d6 you guys it's the d6 what else you got for me dumpy bud this is so trash but i can't say no to dumpy ah god damn it acid baby i don't hate acid baby just don't love them acid baby with an unidentified pill i mean uh with a golden pill rather now you're speaking my language all right i'll do it stars card question mark in a secret room with a re-roll machine that is quite tempting so good i'm gonna take the sausage and i'm gonna go for a rock bottom maybe a death certificate maybe an r key no uh no turn on d6 no one up what up still no clear roon let me get up and get a room for it now just pretty good okay that's eye of greed that's trash thanks for playing skipped over evil charm which is a plus two luck up no longer take damage from poison toxic gas burn effects and become immune to fear and confusion okay i didn't know that was the thing with evil charm still have my d6 and a charged beggar what do you got that's epic fetus would you stop dancing god dang it epic fetus is a secret room pool thing what the heck i'm pissing away my money and my damage because my equals power we'll get it back this could potentially be more important way more important what else you got cursed eye it just gets better um bob's curse no maybe we should reroll this room nah i don't know i got a judgment card judge that's the wrong judgment you jerk i was going to say there's another freaking item that i could i could have algised him i guess i guess i could have algizzed shoot oh well whatever oh my firemind with the luck oh my god scare the toot right out of pop daddy me too pee diddy reroll go lost contact yeah ooh potential potential oh god oh god potential to die he's out oh i got nine lives we're fine stapler kill the boss go back to the bob's curse in the cursed room and re-roll it get guppy profit prepare to die via golden pill go i'm dying i'm dying i'm the one dying keep going just keep using it just keep using it just keep going 362 fire rate is that better or worse than we had before it seems to be better my speed looks a little better my range is totally fine shot speed's hurting a little bit did i lose my perfection in doing so how did i lose my perfection there oh my god i can't believe he didn't even notice that he lost the perfection when he died dawn seems pretty obvious what is he stupid is he paying attention at all stupid oh you know what we died remember when we died that's yeah we lost perspective when we died oh well okay he realized um should i go back and remove that comment that super ragey comment that i made it has three upvotes i'm gonna leave it i almost have max fire rate though so like that's you know there's not really anything to complain about here i mean besides losing perfection obviously what do you got guppy bam removing a guppy piece did remove my ability to get guppy write that down go to the lovers card question mark wiki right now one more guppy piece go oh my god that's what i'm talking about zero punishment here runs looking good depths two let's go grundle here's a rotten tomato chance to mark enemies marked enemies are attacked by other enemies so like charming but not charming oh are we shooting 100 mark it's seven luck yeah we are midnight snack i'm feeling confident i'm gonna remove the midnight snack from the boss pool look at this glorious rotten tomato maxes out 100 rotten tomato shot at 4.01 luck that's gonna be great for crowd control mom what do you got i'm gonna paint the mom red like polaroid because it's my favorite look at that trash re-roll that trash i guess spirit of the night uh it doesn't give us anything grants three broken hearts point two five damage i don't know heartbreak's not gonna work it did give me damage great down to the womb let's do it rotten tomato ghosts i don't know what to say guys it's smooth sailing from here oh this could be spicy berserk an active item i'm not getting rid of my d6 guppy's hairball does block shots or re-roll this one instead ghost baby there we go you trash i'm not taking you with me acid baby is just a reusable death card changed my mind capped out or fire right that's very good watch battery more batteries appear that sounds actually really spicy i'm at 52 keys probably not gonna need more mom's heart battle it's just too spicy send it made to the isaac fights let's wipe it up screwed mate you're done how many flies i have i don't even care that you just hit me you're screwed i'm out big money no whammies what do you got dark bum stop dancing it's not good for you you idiot what do you got that's pretty good i think i'm gonna get uh conjoined though probably worth it oh that's pretty good you should be dancing for those ones you did big dumb why aren't you dancing for that huh enjoying does give us a damage down but we're still sitting here at 10 45 damage is pretty good with the shielded tiers it's just a bigger array of wall of blocking we'll be painting more people there's potential with the d1 we can d1 chests and get more chests you can't really break batteries anymore my knowledge with the d1 or anything like that you could double that we had to hurt ourselves multiple times but maybe it's worth it that's what i'm doubling i've decided i've i up forum recharge do you think it's worth it to just go for charges on the d1 to get more super chests it might be at least one more charge on this sucker huh bing bada boom what do you got fellas jockey milk not looking at the other one uh let's go deadeye chalky reroll the rest oh yeah apple with our luck yes max is out 100 at 14 luck we're halfway there whoa firemind whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bot fly yeah glorious bastard we have a very good defensive build right now dry baby bot fly guppy's hairball shielded tears all of these things are almost as powerful as sci-fly by itself dead spider baby gains a spider familiar that applies a random status effect to enemies it comes in contact with so it's like we have a little mod buddy spider up there how is this the first time i've ever really noticed this contrary to popular belief this transformation does not generate friendly spiders on hit confusingly that effect is given by the item with the same name you gotta love how this game is so big and there's so many items that stuff like that can actually happen um that's good tractor beam we no longer are affected by the splitting shot of uh conjoined now it is actually a damage upgrade almond cold headless boobs let's not forget too though that when we hit an enemy and my tears split the split shot actually follows the same path so there is a ton more damage that we were pumping out right now you're in trouble you're screwed wow void well i did get that reroll hang on wait wait wait wait wait wait um candy hearts whatever stigmata yep delirium has lost is a horrible idea but we got this al j's rune's gonna be very helpful probably on this battle dreaded blue baby again chopped liver what else you got no delirium nah teleport out alabaster box that makes no sense next consolation prize plus speed all right we're ready let's go how quickly can we defeat this beast that you got nothing you got nothing look at all the red hearts spawning what that's about oh my god he actually died damn that was awesome this turned out to be a really fun lost run thank you guys so much for watching let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below don't forget to tell me about your favorite mods hit the like button if you enjoyed yourself and i will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] get it special death for you can i throw this tinted rock at you [Music] no you're having too much fun
Channel: Hutts
Views: 412,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: FmJy7xE0gtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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