Fiend Folio Greedier (Apollyon/Maggie) - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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[Music] let's jump back in crush that last run do another let's do it greedier greedier is not going to go well but we're going to try it anyways holy glasses also what if i got you fake beard or something else to put on for a stream one that goes around the ears maybe i had like uh oh this is gonna be interesting apollyon grittier on this with the suck so if we get a bad thing we could turn into stats um i had like a viking beard that was made out of yarn and the like the second time i put it on i had like a huge allergic reaction to it so i don't know if it's because i talked into it for so long that i kind of collected my mouth you know moisture let's call it mouth moisture um ladies line up for some mouth moisture uh but yeah no i uh a huge reaction to it and so it's just sitting there i'm not using it i'm not sure if there's like some easy way to wash it and you know what that actually is suckable ladies [ __ ] all right that's good for me and i'll go for that i'll go for that i just don't think this is going to go well oh it's i'm done i'm already out they stay i literally took damage to a red fly that was spawned inside of my eye socket i don't know and what what i didn't say moist it said moisture they're different red fly pog hang on i'll be back [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah you're gonna need this [Music] you guys pat the chair is that for jeff dodge is it and the dog will come can we do a path of doggo cam these guys are tough the range is crazy high and i just i can't do enough damage to them to kill them for like 17 uh 17 more waves because i can't kill him that fly spawned on top of me too what are you trying to do here cheat all right that down is a success failed successfully come on stop spawning things on top of me why do you hack how can she stop oh he mad he was mad jeff is a real mvp it was weird i had the car dealership i bought a car from as the same ah okay hi same chair as huts at the car dealership so hip wait does it say st jude on it red flag deserves a promotion to a pooter the grandpa nut sack where's my money run i need enough i have enough now to go get the thing that i want to get please give me a boss that's easy to just kite around while i kill the duke duke a kick ass duke we'll try so i'm gonna focus the duke i think that's the uh the right method here still gonna focus just getting [ __ ] into the corner well let's just focus on dying i think i'm gonna go ahead and die i've decided i decided after much consideration that my finances are not in order and i'm just gonna die this is insane like i said that it's just it's just a no it's a no bean fully on grittier mode it's not gonna be possible it's barely possible without grittier mode ingredient was the hardest thing that's ever existed true two months wi-fi goblin yi boy i don't want to be this guy again no thank you and now i'm gonna put a polygon in the thumbnail and people like it it's only like 12 minutes of applying or four minutes of apollyon it was really fiend ah you know who you are you little complainers um he can only have black hearts am i wrong for thinking that it's probably best to go for the chests and then use that to go into here instead yeah that was wrong it does dead [ __ ] wrong that was nice to know key for item chest chest [Music] does this guy normally start with uh 13 fire rate can we quit already oh i've got a stars card i don't even see the stars card there um okay wait we'll use that next floor which is fine i kind of i want to open up that chest i like the black hole i like the health and damage but once again it's the the damage is good but it's just a black heart of health the black hole might save my life the flush is probably pretty okay i could just kite enemies around wait till i'm about to take damage or be overwhelmed and then just uh pop that okay oh yeah that's just i i just i don't know what the game wants for me i'm i'm frustrated that was the the that was [ __ ] ally okay point of view you're bruce wayne's parents walking down this alley hmm it's like really fun it's like this like i said really this is like really fair and balanced when they when they spawn champions on top of you in a [ __ ] alley good oh that's what i want oh yeah i know great i'll have like you ever give more more please stop pressing the wrong buttons i don't want to be as angel no oh maggie my favorite really there's only one way to please me just give me isaac you son of a [ __ ] does maggie normally start with four hearts [Music] yeah she does start with the speed up what happened but azazel is a fun character to play wifi goblin thanks for the two months spongebob five bits we just we played as hazel too much half off key great uh is the black candle worth it here probably not you know would it would have been worth it you know what i'm just gonna go with that that route say screw it i don't even care we're gonna go into the curse room first we'll get our health back probably not but okay you need to give me some soul hearts to protect that eternal heart when i walk out [Music] fun i'm having a lot of fun you guys having fun it's just not worth taking it because i'm gonna lose it immediately maybe there's some magical way that i can come back with like some i don't know other [ __ ] folio like i said i think i think i put the number like four times harder than the original game i'd say it's not designed to be fair it's it's it's a more sneaky abortion birth is what it is it's a better designed abortion birth kaboom is right now we have uh repentance around the corner which is just gonna be ridiculously hard ollie boom boy ai doge 44 what's up stompy butts are they just the face are they just the butt science may never know [Music] i'm gonna feel like [ __ ] you guys ever stay up for too long and then you try to pound an energy drink or like coffee or something and it just goes straight to your stomach and your stomach turns and you're like i feel like i'm hungry but i'm also gonna vomit that's that's where we are that's where we're headed what if i just spent all my money on keys right now at least this room is like the best stuff i've ever seen at least just so good one side is a button the other face i'm sure flies say hi doge who doesn't have wings um actually it means a made up construct and not a bird well actually you can be an insect that have wings so that's what i get for reading chat the universe is spoken i'm just going to delete my chat program i already know what you guys are going to say anyways i'll let you speak solely in head pats and booms that'll be uh positive or negative could you send us a gift in stream legends only because you asked so nicely kill this boss all right what do i got to do here i open up this and then go to this then like this a little bit of that that's the long thing that should do it all right people are both happy and sad at the same time i'm not sure what to do with this information [Music] kind of neat that they can both happen at the same time though there's not like a queue for that five gifted subs may i doge appreciate that the naughty pop tart epidag cranberries are used hi taylor zeus what do you got hi dad am i switch broke so i had to restart isaac almost beat hush today but died right before he died you didn't know you aren't alone what's his or her name the dog coley don't ask i didn't name her friends till the end go all pill could be huge we can go for trinkets trinket plays are are massive the bone thing that gives me one boneheart what does it do bone marrow ai doge's boss not gonna lie wait what dog i'm dog sitting for my brother right now i just turned it off putting her back on little pupperchino pepper australian shepherd she's super chill she doesn't understand why i'm yelling at a computer but you know what most people don't that's a hyena oh [ __ ] e coli bro go for conjoined france one boneheart spawn three red heart pickups it's like there's got to be more to it right i'm going to buy keys and then call it a day go for soul heart i'm not going to spend my money on rerolling on a machine you just go to the next floor oh my god no none of that that actually kind of that mildly freaked me out a little bit a mild freakage what do you got there uh jetcocktarard49 how are you enjoying feinfolio so far i also love the cute pupperoni uh give her some pats for me hear that golden chests yeah not worth it i mean i have a fully charged item here but that's how i feel about it oh flush again oh good because like the last time i had it i was like i'm so happy to have this item i wish i get it again good probably better for me just keep the thing i've got is loving is what i got remember that because i could have both i really wanted to get the the backpack i'm not sure the backpack is necessarily worth it here i'm gonna try not to shoot that rainbow or the yeah the rainbow poop but uh harlequin baby kind of is harlequin baby's own like own thoughts wants and needs and harlequin baby needs to shoot it i just i'm not i'm oh okay oh got it i got it i got it um i i just kind of want to not play greedier mode anymore the if it's gonna be what was that like the seventh time that something is literally spawned on top of me i just think that that's just not how it should work i think that's how it should go that's a bunch of baloney if you ask me a bunch of sasquatch turds i'm gonna send centipedes at me i'm out i'm not coming back that's how i'm liking being folio so far is there a thing where they like don't spawn on you thought that was the thing am i doing negative damage am i healing them i think i picked the wrong i picked a medic i thought it was maggie i picked medic i'm healing the enemies they have more max health than they've ever had i think i'm buffing their damage too i don't even know i've got the rainbow poop when i'm uh really up [ __ ] creek here but maggie is no excuse for being so bad as she is she's got the same stats as isaac and we started with four hearts i think we'd be a a league above and there's also the the deals the devil on greedier mode they just literally just give you nothing isn't maggie slower no because she starts with the speed up pill the kids are back up to normal remember this is not maggie this is i might just go for the syringe and yolo it this is medic j dog eight months yes creator is fun and fair and balanced and cool thanks for being here for us dad thanks for stopping j-dog meet the medic yolo syringe like flush isn't it's not bad i guess given this how this all works 15 fire rate i don't want that the candle if we can get the candle of which we won't be able to get the candle now it's pretty special though near and dear to my heart can you feel the look tonight wait that's not love that's my dick in your eye socket it's not the best place for it you know it's probably better places you could put that namely away for me did i shoot my pooper did they shoot my poop i was gonna wait on that if i take damage now i'm literally going to throw my computer over hand over head it's going to huck it maybe even under him maybe i'll just grandma shoot it off my deck [Music] team is testing my patience and it's winning what the [ __ ] is wrong with maggie okay like what what is this i don't think it's ever taken me this long to fight anything ever hush i could kill hush faster than this there has to be some sort of weird damage scaling thing going on in the fiend folio and that by weird i mean not weird but like totally predictable and like every uh boss gets like 10 times the amount of health and the ability to spawn inside of your eye socket i would say at least 10 times the health it's just you dad that's tim just i'm just confused [Music] remember we had a rainbow poop remember when i had hopes and dreams eye sockets are the new thing huh [Music] oh let's fight two of them at the same time oh could i there's balls on balls balls all around your fiery corn out of here anybody work on uh being folio here again i legitimately want to know if there is something about uh maybe damage scaling or health scaling on the bosses raining balls because that could totally be a thing where they uh just get more health per floor did we get griddlehorn where's gridlorn hiding it's got gridlorn what do you get when you add a bad gamer and hard mode huts i wouldn't know wouldn't know i'm the best gamer there is why must they try to hurt me so much [Music] let's provide non-helix bring it on you dirty [ __ ] push them back into the fires maybe okay there's none of that there we go it's working it's working it's working right where i want them glad we bought those keys happy for it the game is just really nice to me i'm just let's i said it before i'll say it again it's like a nice warm hug and i'm gonna go for money here um i'm gonna i could bomb these guys for money i think i'm gonna bomb the this machine for money i can get keys and bombs and money out of it or a half a redheart probably okay we got our keys back i didn't get the money i wanted though i wanted to be able to uh buy the candle the candle would really turn things around [Music] spiders are almost money you know what we gold meat you know what [Music] cursed room i could go curse room if i really wanted to yolo it because we lost their soul hearts anyways uh-huh oh hey it right after i bought keys i just spent money on those hey cdm i don't want that as bad it's a kick to my [ __ ] what it is i'll stop complaining it's a good thing but it's actually negative if you really look at what happened there unless unless unless unless we get more internal chests in another angel room and things go my way [Music] or timing on that or timing supposivo really not my favorite thing but i just don't feel like we have a choice we can't we oh [ __ ] me [Music] oh a chance to swallow hell trinket oh good oh good let's just get more keys i mean at this point actually fine this could be okay watch battery but no because we don't get room drops so no watch battery actually would do nothing it can't increase the chance of a zero percent room drop to my knowledge so yeah so yeah great sure it's gonna be really hard for me to pass up a half off it's just health but it's half off uroburro swarm it's an absolute load of testicle pubes and i'm just not gonna go there tim is god i thought about getting i think we talked about it last time too like some sort of tim command and i was like really trying to get creative with all the new things that i'm learning about obs extensions and i thought like what if it'd be like a really cool thing to have like a counter and and the more that people spam tim in the chat i'm gonna just pop that i'm a little overwhelmed i like how the poop actually gets flushed they they do a little like circle swirl the more that that chat spams huts tim the larger tim gets oh i can move those poops got it because they were the enemies once they're loose poops more keys oh that's right because of the trinket drink it drink it play i can't read that i need to be charged up against what i need this just looks like balanced fair gameplay right that's good to me i mean that looks like normal looks like an easy day i agree with weak old meats might be a door you don't want to opens his weak old meets i've been playing isaac since the original game even pre-ordered rebirth but a few days ago i realized that wiggle worm gives you a tears up isn't that nice i like wiggle worm a lot lego worms wiggle warmers bro and then like uh like lazy worm can help with homing like there's little things that you should know about the uh the just worms manic monday has that song been like remade otherwise that's a pretty old shout out there wiggle bro i don't have a bomb so i can't like re-roll if i can buy a bomb i think i would to try to blow these guys up risk it because you can get steam sail you can fight a keeper or like a greed can pop out of them which can give you a steam sale just getting the nickel back would be the best band ph dizzo i might i don't know what that is i just kind of want to go for it though it's probably a pile of [ __ ] it probably just kills me instantly [Music] phd because of all those pills that we're definitely not gonna get king of all the fetuses that look like a brain to me not a fetus okay got it got it who should have me to try to live i think that's what they're trying to tell me right now i'm am i supposed to be able to do something about that with a brownie with the champion brownie that sounds yeah that sounds nice sounds like a nice little saturday oh hugs it's tuesday explosivo is actually going to save my life here on the bosses yep duck dive brownie's already down dude oh oh oh oh oh oh okay it's kind of like booger explosivo [Music] kinda like the bugs that was an amazing shot by that tapeworm it's a [ __ ] miracle shot empress what's up thirty-four barney's lp way harder than megastan risk reward everything is crawling ah oh what did i do oh why oh you can flush brownie should have flushed him huh [Music] the whole boss fight right down the tube makes sense to me i'm not sure i've ever tried that [Music] crawling in my skin that these wounds will never heal or these words will never heal here fear is how i fall confusing what is real wow something inside me that crawls beneath the surface lincoln park stream [Music] and seem to find myself again my walls are closing in copyright huts how about no on that deal with the devil [Music] yeah but no i'm not seeing everything crawling i'm wondering if like drops will crawl or something those aren't crawling what's crawling i don't see [ __ ] [Music] rip loogie board [Music] can you burn the luigi board seems like a pretty okay deal i'm gonna maybe go for the secret room and double bomb secret double bomb or go the key i've got enough 16 keys and i'm gonna get more [Music] all right now what we use the bombs to do this [Music] one key for this it turns that sucker up [Music] can i buy one from a witch or vegan [Music] a wega board crawling in my crawl this crawl will never crawl these poops will never heal let's let's hit the road i guess hit the road jack don't you come back no no no no no no no hit the road jig won't you go mcnull little hedges board hadji's double pepperoni board [Music] can you burn a double pepperoni pizza at 4 25. there's a tinted rock back there i don't know if i care though infestation in caffeine on the floor that i leave three trinkets behind it pretty good no why do you want to hurt me so badly what is in it for you game i'm just not following stonks sponge stomp me bob [Music] marsh speeds i kind of want to play that dude but not really oh you can get money from the the thing and get money from the the key block you know 15 cents for five bombs could totally be worth it but that's a lot of money [Music] but here i am going to spend what five cents just to reroll the damn thing ah ah ah we'll wait on it anyone know what the crown thing does turns everything into this worm worm mode bunk it can shoot it can shoot write that down right at least one more wave and i'm popping this sucker okay i should just pop it now one more wave one more wave ah i don't think i've ever taken i don't think i've ever taken more damage faster than that in my entire life and i don't think i ever will i think that is just peak damage right there and and here we are still dying here we are just set to die anyways it doesn't [ __ ] matter and nothing else matters good explosivo good stuff pretty good [Applause] all right seems really weird filling up mom's vagina with toilet water yeah it's like [ __ ] that is what he's doing who's out anyone this squad what's up holly that's cringe [Music] prove me wrong tell me that's not what's happening just lie to me and tell me everything is all right you know what maybe it would be worth it for me to play the demon beggar and just buy hearts you get like maybe like a 9 cent devil deal or we could just get stabbed in the eye socket again well that ended up working out i mean i didn't get anything that i really wanted there but it didn't take that long it was a quick guy stab you know if you're gonna stab me in the eye you might as well make it quick right am i right the non shooty gertie it's just the spawny gertie that one walked right into the bombs that were already blowing up on gertie so that's not even my fault let's go lux that's just not going to be good for my bombs it's going to take a while to kill skully boy here gonna take a while there strap in ready for the ride i don't think i can flush damage him right still three five damage well the game has really been working hard to make sure that i get what i need here 1.9 uh speed you know it's like it's hard to beat that everyone knows the faster you move the more you live [Music] thank goodness for x placebo yeah it's really doing most of the work here and the crowd control that it's got with it too is you know very underrated i'd say i was very not excited to see it because uh in in general i end up bombing myself but uh this is a an extra long room and there's a lot of room to gallop and now with our speed we can get out of the way but probably end up at this point in time with one nine just running into other enemies we got a [ __ ] pinball machine in here oh my god i don't even know how that that's just that's just outside of your code you can't pop up that close to the player it's illegal especially that close to the wall it's just not it's just gonna have to report you to the authorities in that one sorry just doing my job you're broke all runner skull x [Music] it's just not what it does just not when you're oh it i allows that we just found skull x neo it sees through the code it just breaks the code it's the chosen one [Music] it shows in worm and he's invisible it's just it's just like maybe we should just reset we could get back to this location faster on a reset than we could just going straight for it right now martial acres 15 months huts plays greed mode what did i miss we've been getting green mode uh a bunch last month i'd say you could do it a small you this is positivity what is this this is the bitsdale tickle his tail lutz it's tile as backsplash it just that that's that was illegal that was an illegal jump you can't jump that close and that quickly like i said that is uh your code doesn't allow that so i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to write you up again just gonna have to write you up again sorry uh i mean it's it's fine it might like add it to the counter but the game cheats it doesn't really count as a win not in here or in here i mean you had the best item shots yeah once again nothing i can do with the game cheats we had the best items all of them sick bro
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 10,151
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: Ch2TAenrxIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 37sec (2617 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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