Echo Chamber is Still BUSTED

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance today i wanted to revisit one of the challenges that we've done prior echo chamber but i'm gonna change it up so it's not as overpowered let's start as eden okay eden's starting with what is that mercurius speed up doors remain open when entering a new room huh well it looked dope and the razor blade we're gonna have a normal run but we're just going to have started with echo chamber and i think this is going to be great might be super overpowered it might be just a normal run you don't know what does razer blade do again gives me damage up and only for the room but i can use razer blade to use my red oh look out for that use my red hearts instead of my soul hearts to get in and out of cursed rooms so we can you know we can fudge with it a little bit earthrow that's pretty good it looks like i should have flight i have wings or wing things wing dings depression yep did i say more i just picked up a perthro i don't even think about that the full card thank god i didn't use it any teleport card basically ruins the idea of an echo chamber run in a perth row i feel like it'd be oh oh that's my face it'd be really interesting to use a perthro and therefore like any time that i use any other card or pill it could also perthro i'd have to keep that in mind eff extra large depression [Music] sounds about right depression is pretty okay when they walk over the creep sometimes it does that beam all right so actually enemies touching the cloud of a chance to be smotened damage equal to your tear damage plus 20. gonna activate on the stone boys that would be really interesting to do every item is depression and then do the friendship necklace and it's like you basically want to just get up there and touch them with the clouds and try to zap them i wonder if that'd be a good challenge baby plum what do you got pretty good nice shot dude and we're done what you got health upgrade i could do better all right we started down the perth row trail not too much going on the first floor you know what let's go alt path curse of the blind that's not what i wanted to see don't have any soul arts to protect me oh let's deal with the devil i probably want to go angel but maybe if i get another health upgrade here i'll consider the deal with the devil probably not going to earn it though i mean this is all path no soul hearts okay that's yeah great i want more soul hearts ah damn it another boss immediately sounds pretty good you know anything that lays damaging creep i think is underrated i think is underrated there are a lot of enemies that follow you i mean just spiders for example they get completely neutered by this it's so good and slowing creep as well first of the blind deal with the devil though i didn't really consider that i'm going to skip it hurtle it that's right that's right that's right right up in there oh yeah get my stuff all over you there tim what are you watching there you damn kid oh grandma that's it's nothing i swear it sounds completely inappropriate this is hot scramble wait hold on damn kids stupid i gotta take this damn laptop away from you just meat well that's pretty good more enemies that follow me thanks depression i don't know what you got double unknown we take the uh the unknown one that was already unknown book of the dead yep yep that's gonna be a winner let's still use a razor blade though to do that cheatsy thing on this purse of the thing stuff genius absolutely wonderful oh worth look at the dead gives you an all stats upgrade am i missing something what is the stats increase coming from [Music] what is that okie dokes i'm fine with it first of the unknown in this floor oh oh oh oh oh oh oh shut up all of you everyone delete that comment stop it hey eden starts with a random trinket i failed to even check on that because of everything else that was going on we obviously have the vibrant bulb i would say minimum 10 of you guys already typed up and sent a comment about how i never pay attention and how dumb i am i'm telling you erase it you're going to look like a jackass nice pills and cards this is why we did every item is uh booster pack i just you know it just got too wacky it got too wacky not leaf and i want it simply don't want it in her eye there we go there's some excitement oh okay hello we just gets some what the hell are you we get some cards and pills here that's what i'm talking about tower that is just so amazingly good that we have that am i gonna use it am i gonna do that i'd rather use the tower card as a per throw if anything especially if you got an angel room but i don't have a bomb maybe we should do flip side first i guess i have the tower but i wanted to use the tower as a perthro to re-roll the key piece bony buddy stay with me here i need your help don't get too far in there dude dude mama tay all right wormwood i'm glad that we didn't do this as the ghost wormwood's probably the one that could definitely kill me bony buddy i'm serious about playing safe here boney you got eaten you got eight oh man you ate my best friend we got an angel room and a fire rate upgrade what do you get prayer card re-rollable looks like we're going tower get the health upgrade then re-roll it you just spawned your own child into fire you're an idiot you're dumb you're stupid absolute grab the prayer card get the eternal heart now tower per throw sensor i'm happy with the sensor since it's pretty good and the guardian angels you know it's fine i'm surprised it doesn't make my bone shards go faster don't have any bombs i don't really feel like going back onto the flip side so we're not going mine look at how much sensor neuters these leeches just all enemies in general look at that speed down he's trying to charge at me you can hear it can't even do it it's super confused my sensor is good but he had that bff who had an extra large sensor hill gotta do it drowzee's so good oh i forgot about all the other stuff but there's literally one rule in the challenge and you forgot it you're so dumb what the how did you get your laptop back damn it tim get back here oh gotta go oh man look at this i got the damaging creep plus the sensor i'm just gonna drag them all the way through it oh god it's good screw echo chamber who even cares about that anymore hey i got my bony three bony buddies bony family play-doh cookie that sounds like fun oh ice oh yeah lodestone would i go for a lodestone shop first school bag sack hill oh no just lost my angel chance this machine too gives a bunch of pills and cards i think at this point in time taking pills and cards is gonna do more damage than it does good fistula i like how plato cookie makes every one of the triple shot out of my face a different thing stapler very good happy about it another pill tears down not good i wonder if i get phd if that would change that to a tears up that was a large frozen turd my whole family just got wiped vin diesel would be pissed hey the found soul finally the little buddy that flies around with me he shoots my shots if it takes any damage it will die not spawn till next floor it's inside of my body though how could it die it flies at slightly different speed than i do okay that's the problem plus it flies nails we're just getting good stuff oh card drop moon card can't do teleportation you know be a really interesting challenge found soul every time found soul dies take a shot we could also do a challenge with found soul like every time the found soul dies i uh reduce my speed by like point two or something every time found soul dies i lose an item pound soul also drops bombs oh yeah i'm mercurious right i walk into this room and i see this dude that spawns all those tiny little spiders i really want my book of the dead charge so i can just leave come back when my thing's going gonna be fully charged genius wham look at that look at oh my god look at my posse extended family vin diesel's happy again bobbers card i like it let's use that as a perthro another health upgrade i like how perth throat was like the only thing that was worth anything all the other cards and pills are just ways to use for a throw oh my did you see the slurry of bones there's a bonado coming your way okay nobody touch these guys careful mask of infamy booty boys go destroy seek the heart and kill it oh they're so good anybody that thinks book of the dead isn't totally worth it is just wrong what is this going to give me i think it's going to give me fire right since my fire rate's at 172 what do you got fire rate gladly accept thank debs 2 mom fight coming up did the bony's just what happened here's the plan lost buddy you stick on that one now i'm gonna bomb this one bones would you stop dying [Music] oh my god wait a minute my little lost buddy has bone fragments around him that's great look at him he's gonna be untouchable and remote detonator oh very interesting that we can hold the remote detonator though and still have the bombs freeze in place there's a bunch of bombs like this blammo the golden bomb we should bomb every single skull and try to find as many cards as possible i know that we have a tears down but i think what i'm gonna do is just use it whenever i feel like using it for per throws or for damage ups and we'll just deal with the tears downs i'm not gonna let it stop me from living my life maybe we'll get a tears up pill and it'll balance itself out yo oh my flippin flippity flaps and the troll bombs from the tower card they don't explode until i let them that's super good okay okay good good good good good good good good things are good huge improvements huge improvements look at the dead protecting my lost buddy i still just can't get over how awesome that is especially if we stand together oh my goodness it's a bone fortress up and a steam sale for a day taps two doesn't really matter that much but let me be happy there we go arun tayera probably use the yara as a perthro i'm gonna donate money to get an angel room it stopped at nine it stopped at nine it stopped at nine um gg burkino yeah let's just use it and the mom fight gulp thanks to the fool's gold as long as i don't get slapped or stomped on i should be able to keep my little lost fountain buddy alive oh my god that was close get her get it get it get it get it devil rum what you doing there devil boy use this for sure i'm feeling spicy let's go down negative and the devil room contains access to future devil rooms i'm dancing we'll send we'll send he doesn't i'm all the void as well oh god the foul buddy is good foul body is good person to blind on womb one it's gonna take an explosion or contact damage or a laser that's gonna get my found buddy killed okay i gotta go for it don't be missing no please eternal d6 the remote detonator stops it from having my tower card kill me turtle d6 sounds super cool though ah i gotta go for it what do you got wavy cap now i'm gonna use my yara as a perth row right now i feel like i could save yara for better get a different card or a pill but no if i yeah duh every single carter pill after this is going to be a yard stupid head what do you got you know i gotta dodge all this crap which crown hey that's gonna be spicy every item will cycle between five different items it'd be really cool if i could get a dead gauze right now i don't know why i i thought that uh i mean the eternal v6 is gonna be like a super cool play when like we have you know quote unquote unlimited per throws available oh soul of a zazel excellent one an excellent find now let's just skip that room thank you mercurius skip this stupid room as well bye another pill shot speed up great oh good shot good shot i really wanted my health for all the red chests we're gonna get on the flippin dark room here oh i can't see what anything is anyways gosh darn it we're just gonna blindly take something two one two one two one probably just take one of the ones oh i just skipped it would i use cards and pills in this room in order to duplicate the amount of keys and soul hearts probably yes wait soul of zazel i apparently murdered my buddy not what i wanted to do but uh hopefully i'll be able to use that oh we could use that room to farm bone chunks oh god that's spicy i want flight didn't i suck down a flight card and there's perma homing in there is it worth it jumping over the spikes once for perma homing how am i going to time that though i don't think i can time that there we go another horp well we already have one horse so two horps is not gonna change much all right hold hold one more relaxed pill that we just used cash in on this bounty very nice we are flying shoot if i would have used that in the other room to get flight to get the homing though it would have activated all those bombs it would have blown up the machine and rerolled anything everything anyways i say we try to go for it right when i see the coin i'm gonna run for it i got it oh my god what else might be worth going for over there 120 sounds great but maybe not what if i could send a bomb and try to get like a flight or something out of that i didn't cool i'm fight i mean it lives i'm missing the foul buddy damage for sure i got it though kill the devil what do you have bunches of stuff since i'm liking the idea of abaddon i'm liking the idea of going for guppy i'm liking ocular rift it's probably like one of the most overpowered things i've ever seen i said we take ocular right now and we go for guppy in the dark room got it wait that's not what i wanted that's not the one totally mistimed that well now i might as well go for nine lives why did my brain suddenly think that abaddon was ocular rift dumb see i told you it was dumb i know from the start i'm not saying it's super dumb all the time i just like every comment that he's the dumbest he's this joel joel is tough our found buddy's back at it though oh endless nameless a chance to get the card repeal back after you use it sorry foul bud satan mother void still just phenomenal especially with homing you can't do anything you can't even touch me over there dude you're getting clobbered i am going to need some sort of card and or pill make more copies of the red chests on the next floor so we're going to maybe explore a little bit here you could bomb these skulls there we go there we go there we go justice question mark that's the four golden chests oh my god that's so good wheel of fortune wheel of fortune used to give you items on the chest in dark room doesn't do that anymore it's a shame we'll take our justice question mark gonna be wacky we're not gonna have enough keys first of all all right use that you think we really need to keep going i think that we'll get guppy well remember we have to spend health and all of this stuff we do have nine lives i feel like maybe we should send it right now i don't know i want to i want to be more powerful going dark room here let's say six rooms if i don't get it in six rooms i'm calling it and there it is wait a second we have a golden key you go for more i'm gonna take what i got in this and just be happy with it for now what do we got cricket's head this is gonna be exhausting with glitched crown by the way d6 a soft that for the eternal frank's power good empty vessel is pretty good eden's blessing swim oh i didn't know anybody i didn't want to walk into that i didn't think i was that close oh no nothing to do but keep going compound fracture pretty tasty sci-fly that's what i'm talking about hungry tears soy hungry that sounds game breakingly delicious look at that oh i accidentally grabbed that but that's phenomenal for nine soy milk damage at 11 fire rate how about quad shot we already have triple shot i don't think we can get the tears down from it let's go quad i want to go just crazy amount of tears here no fire right down but a bunch more tears tiny planet i'm honestly considering tiny planet here especially with the hungry tears there we go what does it look like now see the tears collide into themselves kind of does the hungry tier work for us pop i kind of already have pop don't we with hungry now we have even more oh yeah yup this is how you break the game well there's a guppy piece in there i'm not sure if i'm interested or not i think i only have one guppy piece so i might just forgo the guppage few baby i guess we got sinus infection got it some really cool stuff out here i kind of want to see what else we can get pec 5 is good i'm gonna go flat stone or pop a fly that sounds great too bouncy nope apparently i suck at this now jacob's ladder i'm missing all of them now what's wrong with me magic mush something else that i need need need here let's just keep going let's keep going see what this does this should be insane it should be absolutely insane oh god what am i doing where am i yeah it is can't confirm more chests to look at contagion maybe as whatever just oh i took tech what the that's not what i wanted at all screw it just start grabbing stuff just go oh i got a pill generator oh it's a tears down though this is wacky tech x or 20 20. pick x okay wow continuum yup yup yup just blindly start taking stuff just blindly start taking stuff i've been recording for way too long there's a libra in there i got it i know plus five damage though now we breakfasted what a mess wow we just gotta find the boss there it is fight for kidney stones to be active and go that was dope awesome we did it you guys that was great i was a little worried in the beginning because we weren't getting very many cards and pills but echo chamber really took off there at the end it was definitely the perthro and the yara that we had in there and we lucked out last floor the golden key oh that was good let me know what you guys thought about this challenge do you want me to do more echo chamber start runs so like i said leave your thoughts in the comment section down below leave a like if you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next episode see you guys [Music] how about all those pills and cards we're getting that keeper is frightening i yeared the soul of azazel turning a fan on cause i'm literally sweating uh it makes me really uncomfortable when you get frustrated during a run it's really uncomfortable when like you express feelings and emotions and like it makes me i don't know i try so hard to choke down my own emotions it's hard to do that when you're like expressing them also there's a tinted rock ouch yeah there we go
Channel: Hutts
Views: 153,314
Rating: 4.9689732 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: N4URrjIii34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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