Minecraft Survivor VS 3 Hitmen...

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know it wasn’t nearly as intense as the last hitman or manhunt, but imo it was a nice medium! :) Its pretty nice to see a (somewhat) slower paced video with a lot of funny interactions, and kind of reminds me of the β€œMinecraft but...” days

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 112 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pandadawnito πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like how half of it was just the boys messing around with each other while invincibilty is on and then they turn into mortal enemies and each other's worst nightmares after invincibility is disabled.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HentaiDeliveryMan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It was pretty fun! At the beginning I was confused: it wasn't as nerve-wracking as manhunts or the previous hitmen video. Also, Dream was very bold this time. Usually he tries to get away asap. There were also what felt like less of those terrifying close calls: guys didn't go to the nether, meaning there were no last-second clutches, dangling over the edge by the pits of bubbling lava. But it's pretty much perfect for a middle ground between the scary manhunts and fun Minecraft-buts. I loved that there was much more laughter. And the horse bit! And the way how a bunch of goofing around dudes turn into mortal enemies =). And the obsidian suffocation - that was hilarious! I'm a bit sad I didn't see the death message πŸ˜‚. Advice: maybe include the nether next time?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/i-dial πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was pretty fun, and the break periods were pretty interesting. I think the breaks were too long and it would be better to have 5 minute grace periods followed by 15 minute pvp periods.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_Starfighter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun video.

Very satisfied personally.

Not as competitive as a manhunt or as chill as the "minecraft but..." videos but a fun mixture of elements in between those two.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aiti209 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Horse go brrrrrrrr

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Adam-Johnson- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DJ_Dubble-A πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It didn't feel nearly as close as it should have in my opinion.

The hunters didn't feel very coordinated and it felt as though Dream was purposely having to disadvantage himself throughout to facilitate conflict or close(r) calls.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SalimShaedi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
this video three of my friends try and hunt me down and kill me in minecraft for twenty thousand dollars if i survive for 100 minutes i win if they kill me they win and every 10 minutes there is an invincibility period can they hunt me down and kill me before the time is up we're about to find out this is minecraft hitman also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up enjoying this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind also also before we get into the video if you're watching this and you want to have a chance to play against me in a minecraft manhunt video this is your chance i just released a new limited time manhunt t-shirt on my store and if you buy it you have a random chance of getting to play with me in a manhunt video the shirt's only available for the next week so make sure you get it if you want a chance if you don't have minecraft or a way to play with me we'll get it sorted for you if you win so click the link at the top of the description and enjoy the video oh what you gonna do you're gonna do dream don't know where we're at oh we're moving bibbidi i'm glowing too okay i forgot it's so much harder to get away when you're glowing you guys can just find me wherever i go there's nowhere to run dream you're a shiny a shiny potato wait how's he going getting so much ground ah you guys are right behind me how am i not how [Music] george uh did you see oh oh no wait that's not one okay um come on just stay on him george are you catching up i'm coming up he's right over here oh my goodness go to a black right here blacksmith quickly get him i'm right oh my gosh what's happened wait wait wait wait i'm not bad i stole some obsidian from him i stole some obsidian oh it's food i'm gonna get swords careful careful oh no george careful i'm grabbing the food i'm getting the food can't get food he's after me oh that was a good one sap now that didn't seem like it worked very well for you i don't think it did here oh no what i'm gonna get you sap nap you're not gonna get me you're literally running away from you george is coming towards you guys yes no guys here come here come here i have weapons oh my god he's got the whole dish he's got all the food from the village all the food's gone i'm getting the wheat are you here stamina get the wheat the tape is gone he's right here thingy oh i'm coming get him get him oh oh oh oh i took so much damage what's happening oh come on come here stop dab don't go george i'm vote i'm getting bad stuff i add a bunch of wheat make food if you need to dip do it to make food okay oh sap nap [Music] any food we can i didn't even find your food did you pick that up he's still chasing me oh my gosh come here come here from me how did you have nothing oh he stopped yeah i'm trying what am i gonna do i can't do anything do you have a spare weapon he's coming no no no no no run run i don't have anyone it's okay just run i'm gonna go back and get the weave oh i say i don't see any um oh my gosh oh you're so annoying here just keep him over there i'm going to check the buildings here's the downside of the building i'm on ring around the road you're so annoyed you can see where i'm going you can see where i'm going you're you are annoying i got some food good news is he doesn't know where i'm at so give him away give him away stop now i am i am yes what oh my goodness i found one perfect oh don't don't engage him i need a weapon george six months what are you doing damage no way i'm dead i'm dead i thought i didn't i want him to you explain how explain how i was running in a straight line explain explain i was running in a strange line how does he catch me i don't get it meet up on this is messed up oh oh let's go let's go let's go to him we're actually we're actually invincible for 10 minutes we can't take any damage wait really no i don't think so wait no damage no i don't think so dream take that i gave you i give you bread sap nap go in the get us stuff i'm in a harass dream i'm going to follow him and i can't do anything to you but you can though you can keep stopping from progressing you can stop them from progressing [Music] oh crowd there's a temple oh there's a temple here guys he's going for it he's going for it i'm going to jump down on it i'm going to jump down it if he goes down crud god no he's made it he made it hold up i'm trying ah blow it oh i don't have any flint what did we just step oh wait i can take stuff i can't take stuff from here nope nope nope nope nope no you don't no you don't take it nope what are you gonna do now oh look at that oh you don't have anything oh and guess what i'm also gonna take the t oh we took the tnt his tower oh my god he's another tower you muffin head stop blocking me i hate this i just need to get as much stuff as i can i don't know what i need oh my god no food for you no i already have i already have plenty of food oh yeah okay that's why you're killing sheep is it getting extra food exposed dream in 4k i'm getting extra food let me expose me in 4k i can't do anything oh oh oh i think i'll take that food oh you're so annoying get out of my way oh no no no not for you i got it oh what oh there's a mesa oh that's cool actually are these idiots getting iron i don't understand it's almost like jazz that's like trolling you and me and george are like mining and stuff that's true actually either of you have an apple no why do you need an apple to ride horses do you need an apple to tame them or can you tame them with that one i swear is he joking i'm pretty sure you oh yeah i think you can tame them without an apple how do you eat an apple and a dog bone and a skeppy muffin as well [Laughter] dream dream is chilling right here he's looking at me you don't have a saddle there's no way you have a saddle oh no i mean i maybe i joined it from that uh what's your oh look at that oh look at that i've been lying you know what i'm gonna kill no no don't kill my no guys we can't help you we're so far away i'm trying to kill my horse how do they kill over time oh great okay he just no does he have a he has a saddle too guys he has a saddle what do you want us to do about that bad don't worry we're going to be so op and he's going to have nothing we're going to kill him yeah no i know good news is his horse is really slow so annoying his horse is so slow you're so annoying there's weak dream i think i'm gonna go in the water guys he's going across the water yeah i'm doing that he's getting another horse i can see him from way over here he's like getting it you shouldn't be way over here you should be right next to him no no i'm watching him he's like trying to get a faster horse don't watch him stop him preventing him from doing everything oh look at that stream i made it over here [Music] i'm stealing my eye he's his horse was slow so he's trying to get another one because oh he's not going to go let's go let's go he's on come on george come over here come over here i'm just gonna follow him just follow him don't die to him yeah i'm gonna follow him for a bit keep track of him that's what i'm doing i gotta be careful though because if he gets a horse i hope he gets a slow one oh he got another one is it faster than mine we're gonna see let's go george come on all right one second bad you have a shield i don't i don't oh my gosh he got the fastest horses possible wait how did he get a saddle his he had one his horse is literally the fact it's so fast wait how are we gonna catch him i don't know he's gone i can't see him wait he's gonna he might just lose if he's gonna have to get off the horses eventually wait stop killing these ones running we need to kill these you know what oh no you don't oh no oh no okay no don't get my horse i already named it please bad guys help oh my god all right george we gotta dang it all right we're coming home i lost all my bread i lost my emeralds i'm flipping done pebbles okay pebbles the horse okay go wait he's this way somehow we're going the wrong way we've been running the wrong direction no no it's just because i'm i'm just running around and my horse is fast as f boy i think i'll just sit here i'll wait i'll sort my inventory a little bit i'll give you permission to kill his whole son okay thank you george i wouldn't have done it without your permission [Music] haven't you ever seen like dogs that horse is a real problem [Music] you are so annoying [Music] okay okay and he's so quick he's so quick [Music] oh my god how is how are you so quick dream all i have is bread look stop i can't hurt you all i have is bread i i he's going to he's going to take a quick breeding break with another horse stop dude let me show you the bread i can't kill your horse let me let me show your horse bread ring around [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you saw me there didn't you know what [Music] you guys could get bows and arrows i'm going to follow him again this is actually so easy i love that the mobs aren't hurting me come on do you see him oh my oh my god come on come [Applause] oh my god oh my goodness please see his horse i'm right next to him is the horse dead no no no i'm trying to get him towards the water i can't believe a horse is this fast you actually got the optimal horse come on this is so messed up this is so messed up oh he's on pp's on i know i'm about to die dude he's just making giant loops around us this is not okay i'm going to try and like go around the side but i can mean them oh my god i forget where he's going was he here yes oh my god in the village wait how did you get take aim just now because i haven't tried oh my god i can't go go go [Music] you got the horse we hit it it's not dead yet he's running i thought you got it no no no no we're trying where are you dream oh my god he just healed it oh my god are you kidding me this horse is invincible it's a god horse wait where are you we're just following him okay if you stay on him i'm gonna try and cut him off okay he's just so stupid oh you can't do anything that's why yes no what what did you get it come on george oh my gosh i'm trying i'm here i'm here no what oh my gosh what are you doing there oh my god oh my god ow that hurts i don't have a shield [Music] here i'm cutting him off you guys stay on the right i'm gonna try and cut him off oh watch out the water wait he's gotta [Laughter] [Music] this stupid water let's go okay i'm right here oh my god no joking okay oh dream jason [Music] oh thank you for the bridge wait what if we get some other horse i don't know why i see him we literally can't let him get one i nearly picked up the saddle i don't know why i was my imagery must be in total i missed that oh my god i don't have any arrows do you have anything i do i have to [Music] i'm going for something crazy are right i don't know if this will work what are you doing oh oh please please please no oh my god he placed a block he placed a block stop it's a block wait i have fences i have like the most random assortment of blocks be careful be careful do you have any spare iron that match you have more why was there water there oh there's donkey there that's good that don't kill the donkey hey do you see a horse just kill it oh he's watercolors we mean don't kill the horse we just was chasing for like 25 minutes on a horse i know but he's not going to like stop and get it if we pass by it that's true oh we're so close yeah just stay on camera as long as we stay this close well i have an error okay it keeps getting worse it's going to do the water right now yeah oh he's going back he's turning around here snapped after getting the boat no no wait oh go go george coming we're here i didn't [Music] i'm right here i'm right here [Music] get as much as you can then just survive just like run away but like no no no no no no no i'm running back wait oh my goodness he's roasting your stuff he's roasting yourself i have like nothing good nothing good i'm gonna try and say come here bad i can no no no no no guys get over here where are you i'm coming [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god i literally have iron pants and iron helmet and iron axe and that's give an extra line in the pants that's fine that's fine it's better than nothing you guys go get stuff i'm gonna follow him again all right we need to get stuff george come on oh sweet there's plenty of stuff in the water he couldn't burn it oh my goodness oh my goodness battle with the iron going like this no no no no no no what nope no you don't no you don't nope nope nope nope dibs tibs nope i'm getting it i'm getting it all dope dibs dibs i'm literally getting it all look at that how are you going to mind can't believe it oh there's even one piece of iron that's left in there wait where'd i get this oh i think this is yours it's mine now it's even harder look at that hey hey hey no no no no literally you can't kill what what guys guys what what i dropped what you didn't take any damage i can't see anything he put lava on me and they put water yeah are you serious i literally i can't i can't how did you let him take him like a fish oh my god they just seriously get trapped in obsidian yes how did he get stuck he put down lava and then he put water and now i'm like i it's like on my i understand how it happened but like how did you let it happen give me food for days you only have 30 minutes left to kill me oh my god you almost got it oh yeah you almost got it all right i don't know oh my let us kill it win without the horse all right listen if i will fight you i will leave my horse farther away and i will come fight you but you cannot run and kill my horse then all right fine you guys are gonna you guys are gonna you guys are unhonorable you guys are not gonna we'll leave the horse alone yeah just hide your horse hide it somewhere the horse is gone the horse is gone stand up oh my god you're so dumb you're running straight you're so unhonorable you're so cute you're so you have no honor you don't even you just ignore me and run straight for the horse you guys are unhonorable that's for you i'm going on the top of this mountain and i'm just going to go down and up it every time that you guys get close okay literally that would not be nice this is so dumb i was so close i was so close i could hear you like holding your breath and then spamming space bar oh great now he's on top of another mountain again i hate this so much all right no horses in the future stop this okay that that is ridiculous okay you're being ridiculous right now oh yeah oh i've got a shield now kill his horse please kill his horse i'm on the same side as you ah he was our skeletors oh oh please target it target it no you you're so dumb just get right that way kill the horse i don't know i mean you're supposed to be killing me so i need oh i need backup i'm coming i'm on my way i'm on my way too wait he's on a horse oh you're on the horse you got some food for me right that's how easy it is to kill a horse guys oh i got my fire back up nice water oh i hit him he's in the water like a fish literally in the water like a fish you guys are so stupid all right maybe i'll fight now fight me right now he's doing so much damage careful careful george i'm here do you guys have food for me oh my god are you joking no i got i got stuff i got i gotta go i'm running i'm running how is he doing someone's damage to me dad i have this stuff and you're going for all of that blue pile okay i'm coming over i'm coming over here muffin what am i gonna do i can't get near him punch him away from me how about that for starters kill me are you done i have everything ah i did my best i'm actually just disappointed like how did i die so quickly oh my god oh my god now we just stay on him don't drop anything he'll pick it up don't drop anything oh wait it doesn't hurt yeah don't drop anything though it might just surprise like 20 more seconds i don't understand how did you kill me so quickly ah that's so frustrating throw me something back here yeah here i'm gonna mine insane i can just tower like food i need food you can't even shoot me off like good luck oh yeah watch this yeah it's a two-way street we can go up there and chill together okay oh sam that's actually a great idea i see you guys i see you guys yeah dream i think you forgot about something before i can swim in the lava oh my god i can't do anything this makes it so easy like 10 minutes 10 minutes is nothing i'm going to kill all of you you have half armor bad's like i don't know that's bad what happened to me the one who kills your dream it's gonna be me do you see a cave anywhere this is my inventory i put an eye helmet an iron axe a wooden pickaxe there's a stone pickaxe so get yourself some iron all right come on george take this take this you can have some iron pick accents give me some more give me some give me give me no no no give me the iron all right make sure you get a shield make a shield stay back okay okay yeah that way we can stay on him you go get iron you want some more george jason more you need some more you need some more you need to wear stuff yeah give me more i'll tell you i can't believe we're working out you could have like you could hear you can have um what can you not need george all right i know i just i'm thinking oh my goodness or you can have this what do you want what do you want he's meaning you i'll give you another piece of iron give george your chestplate how about that yeah yeah on you hand that over that's like balls come back i'll give you my chest foot no i have not dreamed sleeping i'm just going to bother jordan i'll follow him i'll make sure nothing happens to goggy i can mine straight down because there's no oh are we stuck together now oh why hello you guys are so annoying actually what do you know don't let him mind just a little bit we can screw them out in this at the end of the time oh he's very resourceful unless i block one breaking i'm floating i broke that brick his water oh oh break the water you're in a bit of a sticky situation frustrating this game is cracked i already have enough iron for everything hurry george keep him in here bad the little michael i'll try and fill the thing no what i'm killing him i can't make any of my stuff into stuff oh oh he's done he's so done what guys no what good here climb con climb uh do you have a peck no do you no are you serious i have this no i have one i have a snowflake okay go go go guys i need i need what i dream i'll look at him [Music] oh my goodness he's going up we totally got bad i'm sorry move here jump [Music] oh my god he's here he's here guys i need to smoke my iron get him with me i'm blocking him what the hell is here wait what what can we do i'm getting him pretty good to be honest you're so annoying george yours just like tower that creeper was a paid creeper it was a paid associate [Music] uh can we like trap him try and trap him stop [Music] this is fine just keep him here run run george run keep him in there keep him in here bad keep him in here oh guys [Music] george you need to box yourself like he's literally getting every single piece of club george make a boat sail away and then do the stuff you need i got it i got it [Music] come on george come here come here i need to get it get in the boat get get ride in my boat get my butt george getting back george get in the boat i'll sail away with us go go go go go go go go go go go run run get out run away this is [Laughter] yes come here come here come here over the river over the river george he got them come over here no he didn't get him didn't get nothing george go to the river i have another uh boat are you george why would you come back here he eats more cobblestone and he's being an idiot george you muffin oh my god you're such an idiot we need to box him in we need to just trap stop oh my goodness george get something get something i'm getting stuff i'm getting stuff oh my goodness oh my goodness what should i do what should i do george i don't know i don't know he's trying to come up he's gonna come up he's gonna come up he's running i'm running i'm running i'm gonna keep him down there i'm running hurry get up oh he laid himself on fire oh no no no no [Music] i'm running where are you are you getting the goods no you don't no you no i get out of my mouth [Music] guys he's in my boat i'm going to keep him in here he's in the boat with you we only have 10 minutes to kill him we only have 10 minutes let's take 10 minutes it's already been like a minute and a half probably did i just keep swimming or should i come to you guys i know just keep swimming swimming swimming swimming swimming i'm healing up dream i'm going to make you dizzy your disney dream i'm like you know what i'm going to go over this someone get over here please [Music] so nice and satisfying and relaxing we see you stepping out here here here i'm dropping bread for you pick it up no stamina look out i'm comboing him oh my god you're dead i'm right here [Music] healing i'm beating him up okay this good this guy's sugar cane you're here back up here back of a deal back out that net back up back up no no no don't go up oh my goodness we had him low we had to have wait wait no bye bye oh what george do you have stuff i have i don't want to risk guy i'm not up where are you i'm running back from our bed you're sure look for me watch for me okay okay i need to eat okay okay i'm eating i'm good i'm good swap out pop out sold i just destroyed him i'm going to follow him oh we got him we got him food stream sam get up in now i'm running i'm running i have a surprise georgie here where are you i broke your shield i broke your shirt oh my gosh we got him oh my goodness no no no i have my shield wait guys where are you guys oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh my goodness i'm going back he's going back for it no no no no no no no no you don't no no he got it oh [Music] okay i got some of it i got some of the stuff i literally got some of it he didn't burn everything because he's following me now but i have flint and steel so i should be able to meme him but get over here get over here attacker run what should i do run you can't run i don't know i'm running i know that's the thing how much time do we have you might stop the 1v1 i'm running towards you daddy might have to just start fighting you might have to fight him we don't know which time he's left okay any second gotta see you i'm here get over here bad me and you let's take [Music] him [Music] oh [Music] pick that up watch [Applause] please oh [Music] [Music] he's coming up go up caught we're going we're going yeah let's go
Channel: Dream
Views: 29,820,574
Rating: 4.9190807 out of 5
Keywords: Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, minecraft, dream, Minecraft hitmen, Minecraft Survivalist vs 3 hitmen, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, Speedrunner vs someone trying to stop them, Beating Minecraft but my friend tries to stop me, Minecraft but water rises every minute, minecraft but lava rises every minute, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft 1.14, beating minecraft, rematch, finale, finale rematch, grand finale, grand
Id: cT7wOSOZVoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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