I Survived 500 Days Of Hardcore Minecraft, In an Ocean Only World.

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welcome to 500 days of hardcore minecraft in an ocean only world if you're new to this series and you should definitely go check out all the previous videos of this 100 day series but in this 100 days i want to build some new auto farms go on some adventures and do another giant underwater build and if for some reason you guys aren't subscribed because youtube's telling me a good majority of you guys aren't make sure to subscribe because we're flying up to one mil subs so you guys gotta join the community but for now guys here's 500 days of hardcore minecraft all right in day 401 getting a little bit of a late start to the day but i started it off by updating you guys on the podcast which did not spread like at all so it looks like i'm not even going to be able to get dooky grass in this world so i figured that if i sacrificed some chicken eggs then maybe then one day the lands will be rich enough to spread and also i figured that while i'm here i'm seeing a lot of people comment saying that i just gotta bone meal the dirt and then i'll get some grass but here let me let me show you real quick here let me just hear that it does it doesn't work i don't know a version of minecraft you guys are playing that it works but it doesn't work here afterwards i noticed that the mob grinder was getting pretty full so i went over there and cleaned it out but then i remembered that i trapped my wandering trader that sold me pods wait you got snacked on by a zombie well i guess i'm not getting any more ponzil so i got my boat back and noticed that the sun was going down day four and two i finally had enough of this mob grinder so i began working on a new platform in preparations for our new farm new new farm new mob farm but after finishing up with that i noticed that the potato farm needed a trim i like you cut g then of course i took those potatoes and turned them into cold hard emeralds day 403 back to preparing for this farm i was gonna need a lot of dispensers for this thing which means i was gonna need a lot of bows which also meant that i was gonna need a lot of string which i could get from my spider farm i pretty much just sat at the spider farm for most of the day just collecting string and using it to heal my tools so not much else to talk about here a404 we're back at home and i just realized that i have to name the captain llama i said that the most liked comment in 400 days would be able to pick the name and the most liked comment is paul gg by beppo but i think they might have uh commented something else i don't know it says that it's been edited i see you though but either way let's go name the wait where's my llama wait does the llama just despawn no matter what i gave it a temporary name and it still despawns well i guess the brown pearl just might be captainless forever i guess i could just name myself paul gg then now that that's out of the way i just spent the rest of the day just preparing for the new mob farm like getting some wood crafting up some dispensers getting some more redstone day 405 to 4 15. i realized i should probably go check on chickpea since it's been a while since we last seen him and i know how much you guys love to see him so i set off for mount chikpi after having a little chat with him i realized that the banished cartographer was still here then i remembered that he actually buys paper and since i don't have a cartographer at home i figured that maybe i could get him in the boat but he still seems to be hurt so i'm gonna let him have his time afterwards i returned home to begin construction on the new mob farm but what i didn't realize is that this was actually going to take about 10 days i built this farm in the past to specifically farm for gunpowder but for now i'll just have a farm for all the mobs it was really long and grueling process that took tons of cobblestone but once it was all done it was completely worth it day 416 it was time to chop down the old mob grinder because i realized that's actually hogging up some of the mobs so i grabbed some scaffolding i don't really know why i did that instead of using my elytra but either way i spent the entire day just chipping away at this giant beast but i forgot that i also made this a double decker double tap double decker cheeseburger after underestimating how thick this thing was i had to come back on day 417. so i continued to mow down this giant beast that is until on the way down to clear out my inventory i noticed that there was another traveling trader and since i don't let people live here rent free i went to go see what his trades were turned out that he was actually selling nautilus shells and slime coincidentally two things that i wanted to get in 400 days so i quickly started to do some trades so i could get some more emeralds so that then i could be able to buy all of what he has but apparently it's not very much so those trades were kind of pointless and because he hardly sold me anything i figured that i would just take his llama which will unlikely be the permanent captain of the brown pearl but regardless i held up my end of the bargain and gave him the name tag a 418. i got back to grinding the grinder as hard as i could and luckily after an entire day of grinding on the grinder the grinder was finally grinded thank you oh god day 419. now that i got rid of that old mob grinder i had a ton of mob trash that i had to go through and organize but most importantly i turned the rotten flesh into stonks afterwards i finished up the day by checking on the new bob grinder and it definitely seems like it's cranking away day 420 but since it is day 420 i gathered up all my gun powder so i can light it up all right so i can light up some tnt but to be able to make all that tnt i was going to need a lot of sand so i flew out to the only tiny islands i knew that was nearby and i robbed them of their sand day 421-423 i started off by trading with the tr never mind apparently chicken 125 thought it'd be funny to kill my traveling merchant and for that he's banished to mount chickpea then afterwards it was time to head into the nether where i was gonna spend the next two days mining for ancient debris with tnt honestly i just love mining with tnt you could just mindlessly dig a hole and put a giant row of tnt in it and then explode exploded and then with a little over two stacks of tnt i managed to get 27 ancient debris so honestly not too shabby i was also thinking about slowly hollowing out a giant cavern here just by mining with a bunch of tnt i think it'll look terrifying but also be really fun day 424 we're back at home and i'm smelting down my ancient debris and then crafting them all into netherride ingots and if you were wondering why i was mining ancient debris it's because i was going to make a new armory where the old mob grinder used to be but after building out the first layer i realized that i built it all out of stone brick which didn't really match the blackstone builds so down it goes day 425 to 426 i'm back at it with construction this time i got the right materials the entire time while building this i just kept experimenting with different designs and patterns and honestly i have to say that this is definitely my least favorite build i've ever made this thing just looks kind of like a tank well i guess that's kind of a good thing though since it's supposed to be an armory anyways i finished off the ugly beast and put some item frames inside and put my nether right armor in there looking back on it i don't know why i didn't just use armor stands on day 427 i started off the day by heading over to trader tower that is until i noticed a creeper inside the shake shack so i busted out the blicky and tried sniping him but one of my villagers got caught in the crossfire yeah he'll be fine he's gotta walk it off but now that that's taken care of i went to the top of trader tower to be able to build out like a little penthouse area because i figured it'd be a lot easier to breed villagers at the top of the penthouse to be able to then send them down to work so then i finished off the day by placing a rail system so that the villagers could get up to the new penthouse day 428 i spent the entire day moving everyone and dang does that rail card zoom but after zooming each and every single one of them up to the top of the penthouse i set up a bunch of beds and finish off the day by cleaning up all the rails day 429 to 430. been a little while since i've worked on the tato farms so i washed them all down into the hoppers and replanted them i definitely want to change this thing to be a fully automatic farmer because it just takes so much time just to replant every single one of these potatoes but afterwards of course i turned some of those potatoes into emeralds and i was gonna cook up the last of the potatoes because i'm running low on food but that's when i realized that i'm running out of coal so i figured i could go get some coal in the nether by slaying some wither skellies i know this isn't really the most effective way but i want to get some more skulls anyways so after arriving at the farmer i was running up and down the runway a little bit but that is until i started playing whack-a-mole with the magma slimes these guys were just haunting me until i realized that i was just wasting my time but after going up and down the runway a few times oh doorbell hi paul i'm you pizza person here is your pizza what's that it's only 27.4 percent of a pizza whoa that sounds so sad imagine that happening to you well guess what that's what you do to paul when only 27.4 subscribe you give paul 27.4 of a pizza every day until you sub to his channel please sub so paul can go back to eating whole pizzas again but after going up and down the runway a few times i realized i could also firework up and down it which was pretty fun because it made a cool running sound but no more playing around it was time to bust some cheeks but after a day and a half of farming i got two wither skulls yep just two that's right guys i got terrible luck so what but that's okay because i got more at home day 431 to 436. the mob farm was doing pretty well so well in fact that i decided to add a bunch more layers to this thing and make it insanely op and since i got all that cobblestone from tearing down the old mob farm it was a piece of cake so i built this thing all the way up to the clouds but because i'm a genius and after building all these different layers and putting a roof on it i realized that i didn't put any torches on each level so adding all the water to the dispensers was a pain because all the mobs but it did but otherwise it was all right because it was all worth it this thing's gonna start pumping out an insane amount of loot i mean look at this thing it's intimidating day 437 i realized i'm pretty much completely out of wood so i just spent the entire day just growing and chopping down oak trees honestly it was a pretty peaceful day just hanging out with my chickens day 438 i decided i wanted to finally go on another big adventure it's been a little while since i've done one but on the last big adventure that i went on it took forever to get home and i started running out of food and fireworks so i made sure i spent all of day 438 thoroughly prepping for this thing because i don't want anything bad to happen this time and of course i also fed my villagers because who knows if i'm ever even going to come back and they might just be starving while i'm gone dave 438 to 451 i started this adventure off by heading into the nether because the quickest way to get really far away is by flying on the roof of the nether so after popping a few fireworks it was time to build another portal and after going through it it put me in a mine shaft or so i thought i ran around in the caves i literally couldn't find any other part of the mine shaft other than what i spawned on so i went back and tore down the portal and started flying a little further away so i could be able to make a new one and this time it spawned me over the water and about 20 000 blocks away from home now this was a really long journey so i'll just try to summarize as best as i can for all the days that really mattered like on day 439 i found a giant island not too far away from the portal so i could definitely come back here and get some more sand later if i need it day 441 to 442. i decided to stop at sunken ships so that i'm able to get a bunch of luton as well as treasure maps which actually worked out because i started collecting things that i actually needed for my conduit and then obviously tons of gold iron and diamonds a 443 i found a full-sized boat sitting in a giant coral reef that's when i realized i should start chopping down all the wood of these ships since i don't have any saplings for dark oak or spruce and i'm never gonna see these ships again anyway so what does it matter day 446 i found another exposed stronghold this got me a bit confused because i thought this was the one i already found but it wasn't so i spent the day looting it day 447 i found a giant underwater portal i thought this thing was pretty neat and i spent a lot of time mining around in it trying to find a chest but spoilers there wasn't so that's disappointing disappointed hey 448 i was texting while flying and i almost flew right into an ocean monument so note itself guys don't don't text and fly later that day i found an underwater city where i fought off tons of drowns and that's when i had the realization i actually want to make an overpowered fishing rod he's fishing fish fishing rod because i was getting tons of fishing rods from all the drowns day 449 i was trying to get some buried treasure that was a little bit too close to an ocean monument so of course i got miners fatigue right but it was also coming towards the end of the day so i stopped at a tiny island to sleep day 450 i waited for a really long time actually for the miners fatigue to go away but i was determined to wait because the island that i stopped on had this like giant square shape in it i actually really wanted to dig inside to see what it was but it wasn't really anything special it just kind of turned into a cave so i flew around the island a bit because honestly it's looking kind of sus i'm not gonna lie but i continued on with my adventure and at the end of the day i actually found a massive island this thing definitely takes the cake for the tallest island i've found yet and not too long in a day 251 i found a floating nether portal a loot was pretty bad i'm not gonna lie but this thing kind of just looked really cool and afterwards i continued on with my adventure and i actually found an old nether portal so it's obvious that i've been here i just don't know how or where i came from and luckily i picked the right direction because i managed to find my stronghold and so that means not long after i actually made it home day 452 this is uh where the 500 day video kind of just takes a 180. while recording this my power went out which actually corrupted the file for this video so naturally the first thing i did was go to twitter to complain but then i also spent a couple hours to try to recover the file that got corrupted but i did it for you guys because i wasn't going to just show you a black screen and talk about what i did on those days so on day 452 i spent the day just trying to get an op fishing rod i kept enchanting a bunch of different fishing rods and then grindstoning some and combining others until finally i got the super fishing rod day 453 i flew over to my small vacation home and just spent the entire day fishing and the first thing i actually got with this op fishing rod was another fishing rod that actually has mending on it which works out perfectly because now i don't have to buy a mending book honestly it was just such a peaceful nice day day 454 to 455 i started off the day by upgrading my fishing rod by adding mending afterwards i went into the nether to fly up to the xp farmer because after enchanting all these fishing rods it made me lose a lot of levels so i just afk for the rest of the day getting all sorts of levels and then flying back up and then getting all sorts of levels and then afking some more i definitely tried to grab as much rotten flesh and gold as i can because the lag was getting a little op and besides then i could be able to turn it all into stonks anyways and on my way out i realized that my tools need a bit of that mending juice so i pretty much just afk for the rest of day 455 and while healing all my tools i actually noticed that my axe doesn't even have mending on it so on day 456 i started off the day by adding mending to my axe and i grabbed all the rotten flesh and a bunch of gold and then i went over to trader tower so i could get some of that cold hard emeralds but after these trades i've realized i definitely need to bring down some more villagers soon afterwards i decided to fly around and try to find some more underwater drowned cities since that seems like the fastest way to being able to get nautilus shells since i'm also gonna need those to be able to make a conduit later but i probably should have checked how much i was gonna need before coming out here but just in case i spent almost all of day 457 out here slaying drowns and hunting down treasures and we managed to get a handful of nautilus shells so we should be all right day 458 i spent the entire day breaking down the potato farm because i'm getting kind of tired of the setup and it needs to be better and on day 459 i started building up the new potato farm and i wanted to make it kind of like a giant glass bubble so i could be able to protect my villagers from the outside world last thing i want is them turning into zombies on me day 460. it's time to start moving over some villagers so that i'm able to breed them and turn them into farmers and hard workers so i set up this giant rail system heading from trader tower all the way to the potato farm and i sent off my first villager but then he started being difficult like always and just wanted to go take a job inside the house instead of being in the potato farm and wasting my time but then on day 461 i finished moving over my second villager and gave him a farming job and started feeding them potatoes so that hopefully they can have that baby juice flowing but afterwards i pretty much closed out the day by cleaning up all the rails and cobblestone mess a 462 doesn't really seem like the villagers are making babies so i decided to put them in the brown pearl and see if that'll help them with the baby making and afterwards i've realized that i haven't checked on the mob farm for a while and dang is this thing getting packed with all those materials i decided to go do some stocks we're trying to get rich because i'm going to be spending a lot of money later day 463 to 464. i spent the entire time chopping down trees literally just just growing trees and chopping them down but at least on day 464 i got this foolproof strategy of making it so that a tree could only grow to a certain height it was it was working out perfectly but i was going to need a ton of wood because i was going to start modifying the mob farm so that it only starts spitting out creepers because i want to try to get a lot of gunpowder for tnt for six start running out of breath for tnt for the 600 day video so on day 465 to 468 i spent the entire time adjusting the mob farm so that it'll only spawn those creepers and to do that basically all i had to do was put some trapdoors on the roof because creepers are just some short boys but this was an incredibly time consuming job considering the fact that i kept getting pushed around by water and it was really annoying but it's going to be worth in the long run and after spending all that time i only ended up making a halfway down the mob farm but i decided that might actually be for the best and i'm able to still get some rotten flesh for stocks a 469 checking on the potato farmers it looks like they actually got a kid that's grown up so i shoveled some more potatoes at them so they could get them juices flowing then i went to trader tower to go do some stunks but apparently two of my villagers transformed into zombies so looks like no stonks today and i decided to finish off the day by brewing up a bunch more potions of weakening because i'm starting to run low on those day 470. the farmers finally had another kid so i began setting up the auto farmers system make it so that the other two villagers are doing all the farming work and then they try throwing potatoes to their friend but then there's a hopper in between and it's just this whole thing but it works out perfectly because they walk right up and start throwing potatoes once their inventory is full day 471 while waiting for that last baby villager to grow so i could put the finishing touches on the potato farm i decided to build a chandelier so that there'll be plenty of light in here so that no mobs will spawn but afterwards i noticed that the baby villager had grown up and i needed to separate them so i could divide the room in half but like always villagers are just a struggle but luckily after enough pushing around i managed to get them separated so now the only place that they could throw potatoes is that the villagers that are behind the hoppers day 472 i started off the day by making a hoe and then of course i turned it into netherrite and then of course i decided to go enchant it and remember guys you can't put loyalty on a hoe but you can give fortune three and afterwards i went to the potato farm and got it all set up and loaded with potatoes so that the villagers can begin all their farming and then i went and got some starbucks and so i just kind of hung out with potato farmers anyways day 473 i started off by getting some of them cold hard emeralds afterwards i decided that next time i come here i'm gonna need to get better deals so i decided to dunk my villagers but then i realized i haven't cleaned out any of the auto farmers lately so i went to go clean out the iron farm and yep it's overflowing so i grabbed as much iron as i could and turned them all into blocks and then i expanded the chest of the iron farm to a double chest afterwards i cleaned out the sugar cane farm which is definitely gonna need an upgrade in the future because it doesn't seem like it's doing too much and then i checked on the bamboo farm and dang is that thing pumping bamboo grows fast day 474 to 476. i decided it was finally time to make that conduit but that's when i found out i actually still need just one more nautilus shell so i set off on an adventure to hopefully find another underwater city but after finding tons of drowns and i had no luck on day 474 so on day 475 i tried the treasure map strategy because that seemed to work before but i mindlessly just looted a bunch of chests and had no luck and honestly i just wanted to give up but finally on day 476 i managed to find one drowned holding a nautilus shell so after clapping his cheeks i realized i was super far away from home and i spent the entire day trying to find home and it just honestly took forever it was a long trip hey 477 now that i finally got everything to craft that conduit the only pieces that i was missing was prismarine blocks which i'm gonna have to get from an ocean monument and after arriving at one i quickly rushed to grab as many blocks as possible before getting minor's fatigue but it's still just so slow so i tried to craft up some doors and i got minor's fatigue nice and so while waiting for the miner's fatigue to go away i figured that i could do some stunks at trader's tower but i forgot that my villagers were still zombies so i just safely afk in the potato farm instead on day 478 now the miner's fatigue is gone it's time to make that conduit i decided to make it not too far away from my base but also close enough to my next giant underwater project while building around the conduit apparently i didn't have enough blocks which meant that i got to go back to the ocean monument but this time i was going to be prepared with doors already which definitely seemed to work because i actually got a ton of blocks before even getting minor's fatigue and on day 479 i started off by finishing up with that conduit and then i realized that i was gonna need a whole lot more prismarine blocks for my next big project so i flew back to the ocean monument but this time i got instant miners fatigue yep like literally right away so pretty much for the rest of the day i just did some stonks and afk hey 480 to 500 this this is gonna be a long one hold on buckle up boys and girls i'm heading back over to the ocean monument but this time like a pro i'm doing the old lower down the view distance strategy to prevent getting miners fatigue which it worked out perfectly i was able to mine freely and get all the blocks i was gonna need and afterwards i pretty much just spent the remainder of the 100 days building a giant fish tank now i'm sure i'm gonna get called dumb for building a fish tank in an ocean world because it is just a giant fish tank but let's be real here i mean this world is dumb so it's only suiting regardless i had to start off by building a giant circle and this circle took me forever because the fact that i didn't want to mess up even even though i did a couple times but afterwards then i had to get all my glass which luckily i was cooking up a lot of glass because i was gonna have to wall in the entire thing which just took a giant chunk of time afterwards i wanted to terraform the inside with sand so that i can make sure that there wasn't any gaps with the glass but also give the fish tank just some character but then i ran out of sand so i went into the nether and flew to the portal i made on the roof really far away so i could go to the giant island that we found earlier and i just shoveled all the sand i was ever gonna need and after finishing up with all that terraforming i had to get a bunch of pretty coral and pickles so that i could be able to light up the place so it's not so depressing in here and then the last thing i was gonna do was get a bunch of fish but i started with a puffer fish and it didn't seem like he wanted to live in my luxurious fish tank i tried to grab as many different colored fish as i could and then afterwards i made the best financial decision to spend a ton of emeralds on buying name tags but i somehow only ended up with 12. but regardless though first 12 people that joined my discord which is linked down below by the way and type their favorite color in the general chat i will name a fish after you i mean but please please don't spam that color alright but the sun is setting on the 500th day just in time for some b-roll [Music] [Music] i hope you guys enjoyed this 100 days because i had a ton of fun with it and if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you guys hit that like button and subscribe also comment down below if you want a 600 day video but for now guys i will see you in the next one
Channel: Not PaulGG
Views: 1,575,936
Rating: 4.939249 out of 5
Keywords: paul, paulgg, notpaulgg, not paulgg, not paulgg minecraft, minecraft, minecraft 100, i survived 100 days minecraft, i survived 100 days, 100 days of minecraft, 100 days minecraft, ocean only, minecraft ocean only world, minecraft but, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft
Id: XeFVGhZ2lo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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