I Moved...

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hi well well well moving houses bonner are you trying to make content out of your mundane daily life why yes i am viewer we're putting our video ideas enough about my problems let's talk about my problems now i'm sure if you're watching this you might have some vague interest about the mundane life in japan and moving in japan there are plenty of videos about moving in japan but none of them are as sarcastic and as whiny as myself so this video is going to be documenting the whole process this is the beginning i guess sort of right now and then i'll show you the old place and then i'll show you the new police and i'll talk to you guys all about the difficulties that i've had along the way obviously moving has never been fun for anyone i'm pretty sure that cavemen didn't enjoy moving you might have a few questions about the whole process and about my motive to wanting to move what's wrong with my current place i'll just give you a quick rundown first of all this office is quite small it looks a little bigger on camera but you might notice when i'm doing like the tea drinking videos or the drinking videos in general abusing my body videos as i like to call them the table barely fits in this room and there's barely any room for cameras or lighting so i want a little bit of a bigger office just so i can make videos a little bit easier and currently i live really really really far away from the center of tokyo and i thought no big deal i'm an introvert i'm going to stay in my i'm not intro that's a lie i thought no big deal i'm going to be staying in my room all the time anyway turned out i wasn't doing that i go into tokyo a lot so now i need to find somewhere there's a little bit closer even though it's a bit more expensive i it should be fine now as i said i've been house hunting for over a month at this point and i've had you guessed it no luck i've heard every rejection in the book at this point if you're like me and you're from a western country getting an apartment to rent or a flat as we call it in the uk is actually not that bad it's pretty painless i mean actually relatively speaking you know you you go to the website whatever you whatever website you use ziploc i don't care you go there you email the person you ask to go see it if you like it you say i'll take it you fill out a bunch of paperwork none of it is too intrusive all of it makes sense yeah it's not a fun process it's not an easy process but it's not that difficult but as a foreign japan there are a lot more hurdles to jump through and i don't know if foreigners in the uk have to deal with stuff like this but i thought that i would explain some of them to you and hear some of the reasonable reasons as to why you might get rejected from an apartment and the bizarre just weird i have been rejected for the following reasons i want two bedrooms one to sleep in one to work in working is not allowed in the apartment all right seems a bit odd we're given that everyone is teller working nowadays all right i get it i have been asked multiple times why a single man would need more than two rooms and a living room they are baffled by the fact that i would want more than one room who cares why i need two rooms it's none of your business but this is the kind of stuff that you will be asked the owner of the house will want to know everything and in japan that's kind of a reasonable thing to ask apparently i still don't feel too comfortable with it but if that's how it is here that's how it is here right i don't really get to judge i have been rejected because my nationality and i quote was not one of the good ones fair enough i read british youtube i don't really know what that means i don't know what the good nationalities are but that kind of sucks also when the owner of the house rents out the house to an agency one of the questions that they'll ask the owner of the house is do you want foreigners and it's a simple yes or no and if that guy says no no way are you getting that house absolutely zero chance but the reason that i got compelled to make this video uh which today is that i did actually find an apartment that i quite liked um and i was filling out an application form and i thought some of the things that they requested me uh was quite odd when you're a foreigner in japan are there two ways that you can apply for an apartment you can apply as an individual which means you is the person or you can apply uh through the company which means that the company will be renting it out and that you just pay the company which is normally what a lot of foreigners do because it's a lot safer and a lot easier and you'll get rejected less because they see you as more of a risk as an individual risk being that you won't pay that you might disappear which is kind of baffling anyway because you have to pay a one month rent or sometimes two to a guarantor company and their whole job is to guarantee uh that if you run away that they'll pay the rent so getting uh rejected for not paying the rent uh seems odd because you always have to sign a deal with a guarantor company anyway which is going to bail you out if you don't so surely the person renting out the house is always covered i don't know oh maybe i'm the dumb one here anyway let's talk about that application form you might have to fill out so on this application form they might ask you a few questions regardless if you're applying as an individual or a company uh they'll still want to know stuff about your company which makes sense they want to make sure that you're actually employed it totally makes sense it's just some of the questions are kind of weird some of the strange things that i i think are quite odd that they wanted to know about my company uh was the number of employees uh the capital that they had uh the annual turnover which frankly i don't even know my own annual turnover let alone a company's annual turnover which i i believe they're not disclosed to tell me whether the company is renting their building or owns the building it just seems like a lot of odd questions but anyway that's where i'm at right now i found some places i like but i think that someone else already applied for them which means normally you know even if i apply myself i probably won't get it because it's normally first come first served it does seem that at least in my case that it's gonna be a little tough i started looking for houses a lot earlier than i need to i need to move out by october and it's currently june right now but i didn't want to have to rush near the end of the month as this kind of stuff can take a long time and i didn't want to be there in september scrambling to get a house and then settling for something i didn't really like so that's why i'm looking now and also in japan at least under my contract uh if i leave early i don't have to pay anything i only have to pay for the month that i'm leaving so i can just move into a house stay one month even though i have a two-year contract and just be like yeah no i'm good i don't want any more and leave two months in and not have to pay anything extra i think that's because of all the key money system and the thing in japan called key money where you pay one to two months rent up front just not for anything just for free you you pay it and i think that key money that whole nonsense of probably paying two months rent at sometimes which is insane covers you maybe leaving early or something there's also a thing in japan that i i didn't experience in the uk called the renewal fee uh if you stay in the same building uh after your contract expires so let's say your contract's one year and you're like oh i want another year normally in the uk it was just a matter of just continuing paying rent they might up the rent they might not up the rent but you don't normally pay a big fee just for continuing the contract but in japan you do the main reason i want to move out as well is because if i'm going to pay a renewal fee for this apartment which is fine i i i quite like it why not just find somewhere better right if i have to pay money to stay here anyway so i mean yeah that's that's why i'm moving as well you know moving is stressful enough as is and i feel that when you're a foreigner in japan um due to how you know thor they are in japan with things in general uh it just makes it a lot more complicated and really really stressful uh on top of doing things i'm just trying to get by man i'll see you guys in a few weeks hopefully when i found a new place i'm praying i'm praying fingers crossed fingers crossed we find something good that i like who knows hopefully i'll update you guys soon anyway back to future me hi guys it's been a while huh it's currently the 16th of june uh and i looked at more houses today i liked some of them i hated some of them yeah it's just a tedious thing of having to go a place you look at a room and be like it's a room so i actually found somewhere that i like today which was good because i really don't like things i'm gonna try apply for it and we're gonna see how that goes hoping i get it i don't know i'm really exhausted i saw houses today and obviously i saw houses when i last made this video and every single day i'm having to email them be like yeah that's a house that i want to look at let's look at it oh no i don't like that house i don't want don't don't look at that one that one sucks that's poopy and then i feel bad because she brought them to me and i'm like oh i don't like this i know this is her job but but still i i hate being like this is do it again but anyway hopefully we found the place and now we can start the beautiful process known as paperwork yay i'll see you guys soon in like a week when i'm done dying of paperwork bye it is currently june 30th of june nearly july nearly my birthday month yay great news i failed twice ah i'm somewhat of a rejection expert myself um so we're trying one more time and i think if that doesn't work then we're gonna have to go to a different apartment not really sure why it's not like i'm trying to rent a penthouse or a suite in the middle of new york so a little odd as to why we're getting rejected so much you know how it is it's japan you just kind of accept this stuff happens here and then nothing's ever good enough i joke but i'm deadly serious joking is my way of dealing with getting rejected opponent i pray that we we hear something good back this week when you get used to a system that is uh not very friendly towards you you kind of just get used to it after a while i guess kind of describing systematic racism of jesus christ watch this vlog never come out cause i just never get a place bye hi it is the 19th of july and the things have been very hectic for me ah but great news we got approved yes i don't have anything to explode or celebrate with i wouldn't normally have a moon can you add in a like a special effect like you're gonna add in something stupid i signed the contract a few days ago and now just have to do all the moving things you know there's nothing real special about this part of the moving process in japan it's pretty normal you have to cancel all the stuff you have for your current place you have to then go and get it started for the new place and uh it's generally not fun and then i have to awkwardly go and cancel my gym membership uh which i don't really know how to do yet i'm going to figure that one out this is good this is good i'm moving in like 10 days but yeah this is fine this is fine i guess i should give the official house tour of my current place uh because i've never done that welcome to the house tour there's probably going to be a little theme to this maybe you can figure it out anyway let's start with my front door unfortunately today i don't have a cameraman to help me so this is all gonna be me this is my front door area the coca-cola flip-flops that i won in that one crane game video and i still use these all the goddamn time now you're thinking connor uh why don't you put the shoes in the shoe drawer that would make too much sense so i don't do that this is just where i keep my masks my cute little masks and my keys and stuff and hats and whatever anything that goes out often and doesn't need to be kept in any specific place just kind of goes here and now my bathroom hello it's very dirty don't judge that yeah i mean this is just the bathroom kind of basic uh it's a bathroom what do you want it's a bathroom over here we have the laundry machine now note this is not the super cheap one that i got for free on craigslist uh the one that had cockroaches i got a new one and right here this is where i just hang up my towels and stuff whatever you get it all right let me show you the bath check this out all right whoa that's a nice bath huh it's a brown bat i don't know who wants a brown bat that seems kind of psychotic but uh oh well this is the best part right so you can choose the temperature you want you flip this down and then you can tell it to have the best temperature preset it'll be 41 degrees if i fill it you can just have it fill up on its own by pressing this button it'll start spitting out water turn that off don't waste water but you can also set a timer by doing this button no not this one wait's in the other room okay never mind this is my toilet this is where i poop it's got a bidet isn't that amazing check this out bidet and it's squirts my butt that's kind of all i need really wait here's the kitchen one right so saying you can set the bath timer so i can set it for eight and then by eight o'clock it'll be filled isn't that nuts men discovers technology that makes me very happy this is my kitchen it's small this is where i don't cook i i haven't cooked in a while by a while i mean a few months as you can see uh this is like a filter for like the cooking stuffs that goes up it's very dirty right now because i haven't actually cleaned anything this is my thermal pot i used to use a kettle but then when i'm streaming i just want the water to come out instantly and i want it to be boiling so this just keeps it boiling all the time it's it's a kitchen i i don't use any of this you know i mean i occasionally i clean but clearly i haven't this is my fridge that doesn't have cockroaches in it isn't it amazing this time i got a fridge with no cockroaches so when i got my old fridge uh it had cockroaches in if you didn't know um because i got it from somebody on craigslist we got not much going on in this fridge it's uh this kind of it i noticed that when pewdiepie did a house tour video he said everyone had wine fridges i actually have a wine fridge too it's so convenient you can put like drinks in here and it keeps them at like room temperature it's so good not room temperature what am i all about bruh bruh this is my pull-up bar where i don't do any pull-ups it's like a stylish kind of thing this is the one machine that matters most in my life it's my nespresso machine i use it 20 times a day now i do have a nice tray for all my pods down here that comes out like this i'm actually just too lazy and i haven't had time to fill it up but by time i mean i'm just i'm just lazy i'm so lazy oh boy please give me the espresso so that's my kitchen i don't really use it much um i should be using it more but i don't this is my living room it's a mess right now it was much more of a mess before i started filming this i've actually have another room here which i've never used at all so okay a little story about when i moved here right this looks like a torture room doesn't it jesus christ look at this how depressing is this it's such a tiny room and it's also a weird shape like look at this what am i supposed to do here like put a pentagram on the ground like what this is this is such an awkward room chair i could maybe put a desk there but for what purpose i'm not going to use it i'd rather not waste it than by a desk you know when i moved to japan i couldn't get a place that would accept me because i was a foreigner and i didn't live in japan at the time this was actually the only one that accepted me and the problem with it is that it has too many rooms that i was never ever going to use i had no choice i just wanted a place that accepted me and this was the only one so there we are this is the cheapest dining table set i found on amazon i don't know where all the chairs are gone this is my old desk chair that i don't use anymore this is a bunch of the crane game prices that i won and this is my couch this was a game with the cheapest corner couch on amazon had to offer i think it was like just under 300 bucks which is crazy and within like 10 minutes of sitting on it it already started to like sag i don't know if you can see that it looks like it's kind of like sagging a little bit i've barely used this couch and and the fact that it's already showing age is uh quite tragic that's a body pillow don't worry about it uh this is my tv as you can tell i'm recording this at 5 00 p.m and over here we have some interesting stuff so i actually got this uh artwork done uh by min's art for my birthday last year and i just haven't had a place to hang it up because i don't know if you've noticed my walls look like serial killer walls there's nothing on them and i thought that putting like one thing on a wall would look like a serial killer so i i i wanted to wait till i had more stuff to put on the wall didn't i never got more stuff to put on the wall and also another cool thing that's down there i don't know if you could see that but right in the back there that thing there is my golden play button which i've never unboxed i mean it doesn't mean anything right it's cool that i have the button but it's it's whatever right like i i just i want to make videos i want to have fun i already give a if youtube sends me a button i just i want to make youtube videos that i enjoy there's a tangle on the ground there that has some chocolate in it snorlax from that plushie video welsh flag from my parents i'm just gonna be mad at you seasons actually that that was a gift for my birthday or christmas i can't remember mom i'm sorry i i was gonna hang it up again i just had nowhere to hang it up the reason why the living room is so messy is that i don't really use the living room much i mainly spend time in the bedroom or i sleep or i go and work in the office other than that i'm pretty much not here normally this table right here is extremely messy i just dump everything on it and then i clean it once every two weeks that's kind of how it goes i don't actually use the dining table it's more of like a pseudo storage all right so we're going to my bedroom which is all the way on the other side of the house and this is going to be the most tragic bedroom of 2021. this is my bedroom this is literally it it's just this that's it this is a monitor i use is a pseudo tv it is not a tv it is a computer monitor but i brought one of the very useful dining dieting set chairs and i use that as a tv stand so yeah as you can tell i have 2.2 million subscribers on youtube and i definitely live like one i think people would think i was a serial killer if i showed up this bedroom i get it okay i listen sleep for me is just a task i do it i get it done i don't care this is the tatami room and this is where i filmed the cosplay videos and honestly when i moved in here i thought this was going to be a completely useless room but i'm really glad that i got to use it in some videos because it is actually a really cool room like it's a cool set and i wish i had more ideas to utilize it and i'm actually going to be so sad that i'm losing the tatami room even though i didn't use it much outside of filming it was a cool room to have there is a lot of stuff in here there's the jojo poster boxes over there i put a lot of the boxes and suitcases and other jojo boxes up here yeah it's just one big storage room and a cool filming room oh let me tell you uh so cool about the bedroom actually so this bed when i bought it it came with the mattress and the bed frame for i think 250 bucks for both and yeah it's completely broken it actually isn't really functioning and if i lie on it in a specific way it collapses why do i live like i don't have two million subscribers you know what i mean like come on i have two million subscribers i should not be living like this right i live like a peasant so when i moved in here right i have the ac unit there and then we have another ac unit here but i didn't actually have those when i moved in there was no ac unit and i've been told many warnings about moving to japan that the summer was brutal when i moved here it was winter so i didn't know that yet so i didn't have an ac i was freezing all winter and i thought it's fine i'll just get like a bunch of blankets it's fine it's fine but yeah eventually in around march i think i i could feel it was getting really warm and i heard again the winter the start of the summer was really really bad and eventually i was like okay okay i'll buy one how much can ac cost they say c costs like one grand what the this was like more than my rent and and i found out as well that nearly every single apartment in japan comes with ac so whenever i move anywhere uh i can't take it with me because they'll already have ac so i don't need it i spent like a grand on this one ac unit i'm going to show you guys my office and i don't want you guys to freaking out uh because i am moving and that's definitely why it's so dirty all right so just keep that in mind all right please all right okay this is my office how how does it look i don't know how bad it looks so the office is quite small uh considering i film in here and one of the main reasons i want to move is because i do want to get more space to film in and the new place the office isn't that much bigger but it is just a bit bigger to make it a little more comfortable and i also want to do vr streams so i want more room for that and i think in the new place it should be definitely doable so i'm not going to show off too much of the jojo merch because i already have a video and i don't want to do that here because i want to do an updated video in future but yeah there's just a bunch of jojo posters i actually have more as well so in the new place thing i'm going to swap some of these out anyway this is my desk and as you can tell it's very messy um i keep that from the visual cave video as you can see one of the big problems i have is cable management there's cables everywhere it's quite dirty there's just a jojo mask there yeah it's it's uh it's very very cable intense i'm pretty sure this is the fire hazard in the waiting right look at this uh this is a cute plant that may lean got me thank you maylene i've been taking care of it it's actually growing pretty well isn't that cute this is the view outside of my uh home a lot of buildings i just kind of chuck everything that i'm not using but will be using for videos in here i definitely could have organized it i do want to reorganize everything but the problem is is that i want to get rid of like most of this stuff here like i want to get a new desk like so it is a corner desk right so you have like this side of the corner and you have that side but actually in reality you only want to use like the part where your keyboard's on you don't really use the side of it much and i ended up just putting stuff on it and it looks cool which is which is nice i think i just want to get a bigger desk that's more in the front so i'm probably gonna get the standing desks that we have the trash taste office and get one there but pretty much everything in my house was bought on a budget and that kind of really demoralized me to improving anything because everything i felt was not the way i wanted so when i'm moving i'm gonna try and do everything again i've already started getting solutions for cable management uh i did get a noise complaint while i was streaming late at night here i stream a lot i stream late at night as well and i'm gonna be sound proofing the new place when i get there so that's gonna be fun basically i just kind of let the mess get a bigger mess and i just kept thinking i'll deal with this at some point i never dealt with this at some point and like throwing things away in japan is really difficult you can't just put stuff outside you can't just call someone uh you do have to go through a process where you have to call up the local government get a bunch of stickers you have to measure things out specifically so if you're throwing away like this desk you have to get the dimensions perfect for it it's not like uh all right i just took it outside you know it's kind of an intense process obviously i understand why it is that way it's uh more environmentally friendly and they can load the trucks properly and whatnot so yeah that's the current tour of my place even though i've been doing youtube for two years i didn't feel like i was financially stable with youtube i just felt like it was naive to think that youtube would keep paying me and that the money would keep coming in that it would keep being good you know when you're a youtuber i think it's wise to think that especially when you're getting out that every month could be your last month because you know you don't really know what you're doing you're just kind of getting lucky even if i'd bring in like 10 000 a month i would think oh well i should just save that i shouldn't spend any of that i think i was doing that a little too much and i think when i moved to japan i should have been a little easier on myself with spending i pretty much didn't spend any money on anything that wasn't work related and obviously my channel's been doing very well and stuff is going well and i should be easier on myself and not beat myself up for earning money but i feel bad anyway enough about me dealing with my stupid struggles and more information about this place currently this uh four ldk which means four bedrooms and a living room and a i guess a kitchen uh is around 1400 bucks i'm paying a month for this place and that at the time was like crazy to me that was way more than i'd ever paid for any place you know you can live very cheap in tokyo you can get like one of those shoebox apartments for dirt cheap you know when you're a youtuber it's very important to take care of your mental health you might get burnout you know it is really important to have a space where you feel like you can be comfortable creating stuff in and i think after coming to japan i just kind of got over it and i realized that if spending money on certain things makes work easier then i should do it if i get a bigger office and it makes working a lot easier then i should just do it if i can get a new camera to make the videos look better i should just do it so yeah that's my current place i do like it quite a lot but i just feel like i'm kind of done being in the same place all the time i think i'm the kind of person who just wants to move after a while so i am really excited to move and see the new place and just get settled in and it's exciting going to a new place and getting to oh i could decorate it in this way oh even though that ends after like one week and it becomes hell decorating so i guess without further ado i'll be seeing you guys in the new place this will be the last time i do anything in this room which is uh kind of sad actually i i feel like i've had a lot of good memories here and you guys have seen it been built up from nothing yeah it's kind of bittersweet kind of like getting a little teary right there we're gonna miss this place it's i've made a lot of good memories here and uh i've grown a lot here so wish me luck guys new place i've just got back from a trip and i'm very very tired but i need a place to sleep tonight unfortunately the kind folks at koala sent me a bed for free because i'm going to tell you about it it's good i think i've used a bunch of the koala stuff before the trash taste office if you haven't seen that video go check that out so i'm gonna build my bed this lighting makes you look like a psychopath i'm so sorry i'm sweating i'm dying already the instructions are really short and basically they have a and b and a and b are in different colors as well so you could only match white a with white a and so that you you know you're doing it correct essentially very small koala [Music] i wasn't paying attention to things [Music] i'm so disgustingly sweaty right now you guys see my sweat in 4k all right back to the normal room tour this is my living room this is my life right now i don't have a living room i have a box room which happens to be the size of the living room wallah also sent me a bunch of couches and i'm gonna build it in five seconds maybe i should have left more room for this part i'm going to regret this don't do that [Music] but uh oh that's a lovely deep sofa couch i would like to thank koala for sending me this lovely sofa couch as well as the bed as i wanted furniture that wasn't the cheapest on amazon i always sent this stuff for free but i wasn't sponsored and i don't have to tell you this but if you genuinely want some good furniture i can highly recommend koala stuff we've been using it a bunch of the trash taste office and i can tell you that it is very nice all right i've just gotten back from a trip and i just woke up and yesterday i built my bed and this morning i built some of the koala furniture but anyway today is what you've all been waiting for it's the house tour and also holding this camera by myself is very heavy here's the entrance to the apartment got a ton of boxes this is my desk and some poster frames for the jojo posters right here we have a closet as you can see i can't open it either but it's kind of like a small walk-in closet it's pretty cool but i don't know what i'm going to use it for because i don't really have that much stuff i'm a man of simple pleasures and i own like four pairs of shoes which i think is like not good there this is the bedroom the bed is now here i used it last night it was amazing thank you koala and we have two big wardrobes here just full of clothes uh this one's the full one the other one doesn't really have much in it this is the hallway and behind me is the kitchen let's go and have a look yeah it's a lot nicer than the other one i think a lot more modern uh sink with a tap that can go like this so i guess that's where all the money went i didn't really need a tap that did this but it is helpful i guess we have drawers down here you know full of kitchen supplies and knives and whatnot stuff that i don't use but there also is a dishwasher which frankly had me sold on the place here's my little tea diffuser here honestly when i saw that it had a dishwasher i was already sold because most houses in japan don't come with dishwasher it's normally kind of a luxury item but also on top of that it also has a say that obviously i haven't used yet but maybe i will one of the things that i hated in my previous apartment was uh i just couldn't cook most of the british dishes that i knew not that british dishes are good to cook by any means you shouldn't cook british dishes but a lot of the dishes that i did know required an oven i wanted to make lasagna you know how hard it is to get lasagna in japan pretty goddamn heart i wanted to make my own i wanted like 10 kilograms of it i wanted a the point is i can now make lasagna also mudan who's editing this video i kept this by the way my editor made me a birthday card that is a youtube thumbnail am i really that old this is so good and look at this the red bar and everything into 10 minutes all right i'm going to show you guys my living room but i'm probably gonna have to blur out the windows just so that people can't figure out where i am you know take this view with a grade of salt and also you know i have just moved i have just got all my furniture shipped in uh so the living room um is a bit of a mess also in the back here connecting to the kitchen there's like drawers here so you can come out the kitchen this way you can also come to the living room that way anyway i'll stop i'll stop you know buying time this is the living room and as you can see it is just crammed full of boxes right now obviously you guys know that i live in japan and one thing about japan is that the summers get brutally hot so there's not only one ac but there's two acs so the living room will most certainly be cool and i will not cry i won't cry even though i have already that's the kitchen that's the living room and then this is gonna be uh one of the storage cabinets but as you can see right now it is completely taken up with cosplay the moving guys love that they were wondering why i had so many costumes i didn't really know how to explain it that's the hallway that's the entrance goes to here and then we have the bathroom here we have the toilet here and oh my god it's a big day it's a bidet it can squirt water in my butt cheeks from there by using this panel this is to stop the water this is to start the water and this is uh for the ladies private parts and you can move the nozzle back and forward and you can increase the strength and you know i do max strength every single time and right next to the toilet before my office we have more storage uh right now there is only jojo ties in there and we go in here i'll show you guys we have the laundry machine i have my office which i'm not going to show you much of today's it's not ready the bathroom and this storage it's pretty nice much nicer than my previous place what a beautiful large bath for a large fellow hello there my man that's the bath instead of window which it isn't you know prime viewing angle but it's it's it's nice to have a window in the bathroom it is really common in japan to not have a window in the bathroom uh so it does kind of feel a bit claustrophobic i'll just quickly show you guys the last room which is my office which is not even remotely done yet i'm not going to show you too much of it but essentially i'm what the that noise i am currently sound proofing the walls because in my previous place i got a noise complaint basically we have two materials here uh one just very fluffy material and a hard vinyl plastic and you combine these two and no noise should get through it and then we're also gonna be using some soundproof squares wherever it is oh it's over there i'm not gonna show too much of this because it isn't ready yet and i will do a full house tour my house is complete but yeah for the basics that's it one of the biggest benefits of this place compared to the previous place that unfortunately i can't really show you is the location uh previously i did live really far away from a train station and far away from tokyo so i had to normally walk about 15 minutes to get to my station i wish doesn't really sound bad but when you're doing it four or five times a week walking 15 minutes there and walking 15 minutes back does get really tiresome and especially in the japanese summer when you are actually just sweating and by the time i get to the place where i need to go i'm already drenched in sweat it's so disgusting so i wanted to move closer to a train station that's probably the main benefit of this place and i can't really show you that because i don't want people to know where i live maybe one day i'll have a meet up at my house and i'll get kicked out of my building for doing that really strange because i started this process months ago and i don't really remember what i was saying in those videos but i do feel very good that this is over with i feel very happy that i finally got this process done and i'm finding my new place and although there is cardboard heaven going on right now um i am very excited to have this place fully set up at some point and then i'll probably give you guys a tour some point in the future maybe it's when i leave next time maybe it'll be in a month i don't know if you guys want a full house tour when it's complete let me know uh if not don't let me know i guess just just just say no and just because i know all the comments are gonna ask how much does it cost to live in this apartment and where i am and uh it's a lot it's it's an awful lot around 3 000 usd a month for this apartment which is more than i've ever ever paid for anything in my life overall the process of getting a house in tokyo as a foreigner is a bit difficult it is not easy by any stretch of the imagination you know if you're doing it individually and not through a company or not through like the jet program it is very difficult because you are a foreigner you will have to sign extra forms you will have to pay extra fees for guarantors and stuff so there is some kind of barrier the price quickly rises as you find out there are a lot of hidden fees that you didn't know about and stuff that you don't consider from living in a western country but overall i'm just glad to be done with the process i don't really want to be doing it again and i'm very happy that i have these beautiful koala sofa beds that i can now sleep on and die on yes thank you massive thank you to koala shout out to them link in the description hope you guys enjoyed the house tour and enjoyed this hellish process of moving in japan see you next time guys bye [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,622,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDawg, Connor, Japan, Moving, House, Vlog, House Tour, Japanese House Tour, Moving In Japan, Japanese Apartment, CDawgVA
Id: f17lt8L1D8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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