YouTuber House Tours / Its Getting Worse Edition #4

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youtuber house tours we're back again are we gonna find an s tier youtuber house store probably not because i am extremely overly critical for no reason but entertainment yeah today we have some good ones we have big star ryland there's no house in this video apparently uh connersy dog and uh random couple i don't know who they are let's frickin do this which one do we start with big star yeah oh yeah number one on trending all right let's go welcome to our brand new home yo the fireplace at the entrance let's go what a smashing villa may look at that fry i don't know what to say what am i looking at where do you put your code i'm just trying to figure out the layout so in a minute we can take a look a newly constructed house bit of a blank canvas what do you think yeah uh okay so uk house market like you probably have to pay at least 30 at least 30 minimum more uh to get the same kind of quality that not quality but you know luxury uh that you get in the states for example i i think at least so as you come into the house yeah you come in where i put shoes you have the hallway which is oh no i hate that glass thing i think i know the artist i'm sorry but dude it's okay it actually kind of suits the house but i hate that type of last [ __ ] so tall because i think they were doing an exhibit where me and marcia had our wedding uh and the art is like oh that that's copyrighted so uh you can't take any photos we're like we didn't ask for your [ __ ] glass to be in our photos okay so annoying like we rented this venue months ago and then they're like oh there's a glass exhibit now but you can't take any photos i'm like get your glass shipped out of our wedding it's hot they look just like that ceilings and then it's it's two-story so it's wild i love the staircase the way it goes out we've got a little a little honestly that uh that looks like a smashing epic time to slide down that staircase or although will you break the glass that is the question fire in here too that is actually doubles up as uh like an air humidifier and yeah oh that's sick now i like it i guess it's kind of close to have a fireplace as soon as you enter but this is such a guy there isn't it like evil bond villain i like this line what's that it's so it's it's it's a hallway i don't know what else to say but we'll bring you one through to the rest of the house as you guys know i love open plan living you've probably seen from the flats i've been in so this is the kitchen slash kind of casual living area um we come around here the kitchen is massive i i like vickstar i don't want to be me but what the hell am i looking at it's so great i can't even tell like what is what he's got the blind fridge very nice i like the layout i like the layout open spline space uk has finally caught up that open plan space is actually a thing it could do a lot a hundred years later in here not that i will be maybe i should learn maybe i should learn one thing that i think that you know what they should do they should do all these new k kitchen for houses just like give them like a delivery wrap wall or something instead no one's gonna cook in these kitchens deliverers take care why is that smashing glass did you break already we got this this cracked glass backsplash i assume that was intentional no no no [ __ ] way that's intentional i don't think someone just dropped this on the way in i think no that is not intentional are you kidding me it's meant to look like that but it's a bit different from the humorous sounded brokenness i broke my uh outdoor glass window and it looked identical like this and i i don't know if that's a desirable effect the kitchen also has a few secrets i don't know if any of you have spotted them yet the first one is right here you think it's a cupboard it's actually more than it comes it's uh whoa so much storage that's so smart so it's a ladder that's i can you can there we go okay that's sick again you might think it's a cupboard but in actual fact we have a room that's kind of cool what the [ __ ] so now that there's some stuff i like i can say uh what the [ __ ] what's with all the gray i hate this countertop the [ __ ] is this light do it you want to drag over any color in there big store but though that's sick you can hit him you might think it's a cupboard but in actual fact we have a utility room and while we're here in the secret utility we also have we have that exact bag i don't know why and in here we have the ferrex v11 4.8 liter lawnmower this thing is serious this thing is mean oh not electric [ __ ] and that's just ah come on get that [ __ ] out of the way the background uh my tesla is i still have that that is out and about on its travel somewhere but let's go and take a look inside this one right here what does that mean no no no we're doing house not [ __ ] this side connected to the uh kitchen counter so the first like living room in kitchen is just like this long room it's kind of cozy in a way and i like the i mean i hate the furniture not to lie but i do like the layout of it it's kind of cool with like the fireplace being open space so you've got this it's like almost tacky i think the furniture makes it low but it's still cool because i i think it's so cool we got the tv up here floating now this is so what's the plan behind there then because that's all empty like what would you put there would be like a game dining table one thing we've been doing yeah debating do we leave this white or do we get some sort of some sort of wallpaper design on here let me know in the comments section uh that's the first question we have enough you can leave it white although some kind of color would be nice i'm not a fan of whole foods fireplace here as well and then is that that's a fake that's a fake fireplace but damn look at the effects on they come around they got a good one look at that you see the other side we have an empty space yeah an empty space what are you gonna do with it right underneath the chandelier you have a nice circular table here maybe even one of the ones i've seen them where you can like twist them and expand out another little bit of clever storage right here you've uh got this i guess you could put um drinks and bits and bobs in here i don't know but it's just another useful space and another feature that we have in here is if you look up how awesome is that it's just those little extra touches that why not why not right extend yeah pretty common in the uk yeah so then as we come out of the dining area i guess we have the living okay so you enter like on the other left side of where he is right now right did i understand the layout yeah living room which again and that's where the living room is it's very empty right now but it's it's a living room what is that to say have you got any cool ideas for it let us know i'm definitely not doing this video just to steal ideas from you guys of what to do with the house those lights the those lights they what you gonna do with those lights it's got a very masculine the whole this whole black marble or stone or whatever it is uh tone to it kind of suits him i just personally am not like that's not what i would go for he's got a pool pool in uk is such a like is it worth it like you see the weather great that's that's 99 percent of the time that's how it looks like you really need a pool in uk this is the question i mean tonight uh the english weather yeah there you go there you go we're helpful with that yeah here it is here we have outdoor shower and the hot tub and then round here we have the barbecue area again gonna have to pray for some good weather yeah exactly like you're not gonna get good use out of that it's like uh uk is just adopting all this like l.a kind of style of things and it's like okay i guess that's not in a great way right now but there is there is a koi car pond don't have any koi carp don't really know if i want any koi carp but yeah it's a koi kopp pond nice we're ticking all the unnecessary rich people [ __ ] i love it [Music] whoa we went under [Music] yeah for a moment i was like how did you do that he said okay i'm dumb sorry we have the master bathroom which is is yeah there you go that's stone again like brock come on a lot of closet space well right now that's nice yeah two things what are they this is slidy angle shelves angle shelves i don't know what i'm doing yeah that's pretty nice good for you vickstar good for you i think i'm so oh [ __ ] that's so cozy what a great idea they should really be uh homes not the the shape of the room doesn't suit a home cinema but i mean real gaming quarters we have a whole cinema room got the bar in the back for anyone that wants drinks big sofa for all the guests i'd love to kick back and watch something now but i'm a busy guy and i've got more of this house to show you so [ __ ] big is this house jesus an awesome gym on the top floor really let's assume it's in the basement or something but yeah fair enough cool good for you good for you big star you got your own tv the mirror is already set up has like a little kitchen area as well i actually really like this but the red is so bad their ice looks kind of cool i've had some snacks take over to the cinema room a post-workout treat you can do that here as well we even ha i'm so [ __ ] jealous bro i have i have so much money but i'm here because i am waiting to move and it's so frustrating and then another promise i would never buy a house like this because just like why what is wrong with me i'm jealous but i could get it but i don't want it what the [ __ ] oh and it's up nice i'll give you that big star it lights up really cozy i guess i gotta read this for uk i would say you know not bad i don't know how to like rate it because like i've been so harsh on all of them it's definitely better than facebook i think it's close yeah yeah let's go with that spreading the face rug that makes me think i should put him here but i hated his house moving on let's check out rylan crazy he's coming back i can tell he's coming back soon we're moving right or i don't know what do you want to do i don't know we could honestly so didn't they already buy a farm and now i think they bought another one and i'm just very confused i can't get rid of our house so like this house is less than half the price of our greenhouse less than half how is that possible same square footage less rooms look at the view of the postmates so this one cost half as much as our other one that's interesting that's kind of cute on the outside it's got some character yeah it's cozy in this house we laugh a lot we kind of dude i would i really alright done not this house is not for me [ __ ] this oh gosh okay clearly an interior decorator has done something for this i still don't like it oh this is the kitchen it's got some character to it like the ceiling being uh wooden panels or you know what the white right now i'm not sold on this tile though but it's kind of quirky oh my god they have knickknacks they have i don't know what i'm looking at it just looks fancy i like those fireplaces it's kind of cool kind of odd place for it but down there there's more a basement under the basement oh this is so cool office was on your checklist yeah this is a shane office oh my gosh i like the surroundings probably more than anything it looks like very remote relaxing no one wants around i would probably prefer a house like located like this i think that's really nice i'm not sold on the house itself but yeah i like how remote it is and the tour is so badly filmed i don't feel like going through it but it looks all right take a seat yeah sure i'm feeling more generously sure sure okay i don't know who the hell these people are so i can say whatever i want hey everyone we have an incredible episode for you today so you join me in knoll in solihull summer and i are going to be exploring this looks like vikksar's house on the outside dude so okay they they're just doing walkthroughs of other people's houses every new building in uk looks like this the white and the black they finally realize like the white [ __ ] whatever plastic it is they use on windows that's blasted on every house in the uk it's like no now we do black and it's all white and this is how house looking at this is gonna be dated so fast dude people are gonna be sick of this i would never buy a house like this trust me this incredible they look like new modern sleek so cool dude the price have dropped like crazy because they're badly behind me full of innovation full of technology yeah let's see it okay let's see i love this toast bro did they forget to remove the tape on the door what is that that's so ugly come on come on get that [ __ ] away from me and i love the led lights on both sides and this wow whatever you want what would you use it wow what a cool room i love to sit there and watch on my last but this place was smaller than my [ __ ] tv i mean my display the random mirror and the random what is this and the base in the corner before yeah i mean it's a separate lounge i love this room i would love to sit in this room and i feel so good about my purchases [Laughter] an older family hey grandpa you sit in this and you look at your tv and your face's corner lovely large windows to that side with electric blinds yeah whoa underfloor heating throughout as well and of course the uk obligatory got to put those lights in everywhere how many how many but it's at 12 in total probably behind me nah more we need 10 more underfloor heating throughout and in uk they love putting carpeting and i never understand why because it's kind of nasty they get really really dirty all three floors it's concrete and another weird thing is people walk in with their shoes on those carpets which is even more like what what are you doing um with let's see if he has his shoes on i'm generally curious now first floor and second floor is all carpet as well that's a shoe reveal okay he took off his shoes bless him sorry let's pop the floor plan up on the screen yes no don't care it has a disability ah what the [ __ ] is that tile dude dude i got it i i what the [ __ ] is this ugly i've ever seen jesus christ dude everything about this is ugly this tile sucks this whole thing sucks that sucks it sucks red towels okay red theme in the thing who would go for a red theme huh that's [ __ ] cringe yeah grandpa here's your shower idiot oh god it just hurts to look good i can feel the floor heating i think i know so tacky i bet you this is like three million or some dumb [ __ ] like what oh god a section over here oh god it's hit it's so bad it's so bad it's so ugly it's so ugly who made this kind of like the lights though they're kind of cool what the [ __ ] liberally made slightly offset this is the worst yeah like anyone's ever gonna sit there shut up why would anyone sit there why explain to me the process of people sitting here and then be like all right hey how you doing lately they take a seat down there over there how we [ __ ] slightly off center to allow some room over here for sitting reading reading actually you've got the main reading right here listen i understand these are like placeholder furniture that would just put in really cheaply to fill the space but man you have to put in a little bit more come on i would definitely have a nap oh yeah i would rather see the place empty than put in a bunch of furniture that i hate that's what controls well now i know how the ugliest version of it would ever be i like the backyard that's nice a lot of space it looks private no one can see it i like that private golf course now where i don't see the carpet you can tear down that shed and build a like an i don't know like an outdoor office a lot of people do that in uk those chairs those chairs is kind of like you find at the shittiest pub in your years of [ __ ] points out some more details so for example down here these skirting boards now these are around 100 mil high which is higher than and they're already been dented dude look at them how is that even [ __ ] possible what you normally find in a new property like this and it's just little details that you start to see like that and really set this place apart and so this is the dining room it's more of a formal space now whilst you've got i it hurts my soul to just look at this what the [ __ ] am i looking at a random chair corner most of your time um as the owners pointed out it is still nice to have a dining area for christmas time family get-togethers and obviously different yeah yeah sure sure why is there like electric sockets here what are you gonna like what are you gonna put there i guess if you put a cupboard there or something actually and then a light on top never mind retract statement you'll notice these large windows these are like the biggest windows that they could find and these are throughout the whole house and they there are definitely bigger windows than that get it out of here okay kitchen and throughout the year looks amazing yeah and that's been completely polished so yeah it looks really nice so now okay across here we've got the samsung ovens this is actually a double oven so you can open it all the way we have 600 ovens these charging points that pop out if i can remember how they actually do that there we go yeah each side of the island i kind of like that they put on the side in a weird way because it's kind of awkward i don't know okay i'm just going to assume i hate the red i hate it i hate it so much this is the the ugliest thing i've ever seen i wonder how much it goes for it says there three million i'm so stupid oh my god it's literally a right move i told you bro they're so bad it's not even worth buying a property here because this is the [ __ ] yeah imagine making it right all your dreams come true you made all that money you got that big money and this is what you [ __ ] get cool that's awesome love this what the [ __ ] what's the point it's just depressing me or is it located that'd be birmingham unbelievable what are people saying looks like they're 16 year old decorated from an elvis presley yard sale thank god it's not just me i'd have to change all the doors yeah right hasn't this house been on the market for nearly three years now for that prize and interior design no wonder is struggling to sell oh thank god i'm not crazy holy [ __ ] all right connor connor c-dog made a house tour welcome to the house tour there's probably going to be a little theme to this maybe you can figure it out anyway let's start with my front door unfortunately today oh wait i forgot to rate the other one it's not a youtuber house tour i know i know whatever i'm actually you know what i'm doing it i never thought i'd find an equally bad one done all right i don't have a cameraman to help me so this is all gonna be me this is my front door area the coca-cola flip-flops that i want you definitely didn't clean up before the video did you conor how long have you lived in japan literally anytime anyone japanese come and visit what they do is they'll put their chair they'll put their uh shoes like that neatly as they could and they even angle them so that once they leave they can come back and they're angled the right way i don't know what i'm saying this is awful now you're thinking connor uh why don't you put the shoes in the shoe drawer yeah that's a pretty fair question yeah much sense so i don't do that does it just work i keep my masks my cute little masks nice and organized yeah it looks great and stuff and hats and whatever anything that goes out often and doesn't mean that is a winter jacket is it summer right now in any specific place just kind of goes here and now my bathroom hello hey we're jumping straight in hey welcome to my house bathroom here you go don't judge that yeah i mean this is just the bathroom kind of basic all right he said don't judge it so i'm not gonna it's a bathroom what do you want it's a bathroom over here we have a laundry machine now note this is not the super cheap one that i got for free on craigslist oh yeah these these japanese style washers are so much better because if you forget to put an item in you can literally just open the lid and put more stuff in and i know that's the thing in american drive thing but we don't have that in europe okay it's cool to me uh the one that had cockroaches i got a new one and right here this is where i just hang up my towels and stuff whatever you get it alright let me show you the bath check this out all right whoa that's a nice bath huh it's a brown bat i don't know who wants a brown bat that seems kind of psychotic it that's a serial killer bathtub right there ah this is like a why didn't you not remove that wow by a while i mean a few months as you can see uh this is like a filter for like the cooking stuffs that goes up it's very dirty right now because i haven't actually cleaned anything this is oh you're supposed to put it up oh my god i used to use a kettle but then when i'm streaming i just want the water to come out instantly and i want it to be boiling so this just keeps it boiling all the time it's it's a kitchen oh my god i don't use any of this [ __ ] you know i mean i occasionally i clean but clearly i haven't this is my fridge but it doesn't have cockroaches in it isn't it amazing this time i got a fridge with no cockroaches so when i got my old fridge uh it had cockroaches in if you didn't know um because i got it from somebody on craigslist we've got not much going on in this fridge it's uh this kind of i noticed that when pewdiepie did a house tour video ah shout out i actually have a wine fridge too it's so convenient you can put like drinks in here and it keeps them at like room hell yeah i just love wine fridges are clearly made for like who drinks wine anyway come on get the [ __ ] out of here it's for gamers to have their game or drinks and that's it and connor please clean that up i want then when i'm coming to japan connor i'm i'm heading straight to your flat and i'm cleaning up we're going to do a big clear up we're going to do hey this how about this you need this no don't even answer we're throwing that out for all my problems we're gonna throw all this [ __ ] out we're throwing this out this uh this uh down here that comes out like this that's too lazy and i haven't had time to fill it up but by time i mean i'm just i'm just lazy i'm so lazy oh boy so that's my kitchen i don't really use it much no um i should be using it more but i don't this is my living room it's a mess right now it was much more of a mess before i started filming this i've actually have another room here which i've never used you're telling me you cleaned before this so okay the whole story about when i moved here right this looks like a torture room doesn't it how depressing is this it's a random chair and it's also a weird shape like look at this yeah what the [ __ ] what do you do with that room pentagram on the ground i guess you could put a desk or some [ __ ] what this is this is such an awkward room chair like i don't even put a desk there but yeah there you go use it i'd rather not waste it and buy a desk you know when i moved to japan i couldn't get a place that would accept me because i was a foreigner and i didn't live in japan at the time this struggle was one that accepted me and the problem with it is that it has too many rooms that i was never ever going to use i had no choice i just wanted a place so [ __ ] dumb the cheapest dining table set i found on amazon this is my old deal do you mean you don't know where all the chat there was one in the other room there's one clearly there oh wait that's the same rope yeah that's a chair that i don't use anymore this is a bunch of the crane game prizes that i won and this is my couch this was a game with the cheapest corner couch on amazon had to offer i think it was like just under 300 bucks which is crazy and within like 10 minutes of sitting on it it already started to like sag i don't know if you can see that it looks like it's kind of it's not even connected you can you deserve a nice comfy sofa connor come on the reason why the living room is so messy is i don't really use the living room much i mainly spend time but then it shouldn't be messy just clean it once and never use it always clean that's like the best scenario ever no entropy you don't use the come on car come on god i guess i think what i'm generally worried about with go moving to japan is that it's so complicated to recycle stuff and and as an average throw [ __ ] away addicting addictor addiction that i have how the [ __ ] am i gonna live do you know how much stuff i get like i love this figure but do i need three of them no i don't what he do you can just give it away okay i guess i'll go to jet random japanese people and give stuff away normally this table right here is extremely messy i just what is it now then what do you mean it's normally extremely what is it dump everything on it and then i clean it once every two weeks that's kind of how it goes i don't actually use the dining table it's more of like a pseudo storage all right so we go into my bedroom which is just your entire space of your flat suits that this description also if it seems like i'm a harsh car i i've met carl he's a really cool dude i'm sure he doesn't mind there's somebody playing on the other side of the house and this is gonna be the most tragic of 2021. this is my bedroom this is literally it yes it's just this i love that i love the tv next to the bed there's another one of your chairs we found it oh yeah i brought one of the very small dining uh dining set chairs and i used that as a tv stand up there 2.2 million subscribers on youtube and i definitely live like one this is the tatami room and this is where i filmed the cosplay video yeah i've seen these okay i clearly misunderstood this whole video i thought this was his new place and he's already made it so messy that makes no sense uh and he's moving out of this he's doing the pokemon when i moved in here i thought this was going to be a completely useless room but i'm really glad that i got to use it in some videos because it is actually a really cool room like it's funny our place in japan has tatami room too and we just asked to take them out and i don't know if that's culturally insensitive or something i just don't see us using it i i'm i okay his setup looks pretty all right i like the art especially he's a man of culture obviously jojo stan i can't tell if like i'm everyone else is normal and i'm crazy he's like i hate having stuff it i hate having stuff i hate it i don't like having stuff i hate having stuff it makes me feel anxious because it feels like i'm bound to all these things like if they just feel like a responsibility some like a loose end that i have to deal with at some point the less stuff i have the more free i feel and i know that it probably doesn't make sense it just makes me feel anxious and i don't know what the right opinion is maybe it's better to have a lot of stuff i don't know is it weird i only met carter once but i do want to i do hope he invites me over and we can build furniture together it's got some nice new furniture nice good for him okay connor smaller i think phase rug is just the new threshold and this is obviously better than faze rug it's better than cara delevingne i think we got a nest here there we go thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed smash like subscribe i realize i don't have enough subscribers so if you can hit the subscribe button that would help me out a lot thank you see you tomorrow breakfast you thought it was gay but true relevance never really died welcome to the first undead game use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber simulator add some of our patented stickers in 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Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,192,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: XwFmhh3QZxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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