I Spent 100 Minutes Upgrading Weapons That Can End Reality

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today we're going to start upgrading and we're not gonna stop until we defeat every pirate in the universe that one's Cannonball resistant but he's gonna get a little bit closer that way we can really hit him hard he will fire back at us on occasion and hit our Cannon or our Fort luckily we can repair that rather quickly he's gonna end closer and try it all again this time he had another hit luckily our horde is rather tough this is a pretty basic Cannon our last shot would go right over his head so we need to aim perhaps a little bit lower let's try there and got his cannon that means he's gonna get closer and not be able to fire but that's not a bad trajectory if we fire it pretty much the same spot maybe just a touch higher and cablamo it got him straight in the head and he tipped over I don't know why he's as tough as my entire Fortress Is but we won't ask too many questions pretty soon we'll have such a big cannon that will annihilate everything in front of us look how happy he is okay I want to knock him right off that can we fire array here maybe is that gonna get a head shot and he's dead then his rap6 it's a little known fact that that happens if someone on a ship dies the whole ship just sinks and from there we can uh definitely upgrade different things like our Fort if we want stronger for it 1140 dollars we can add a cannon of all sorts of varieties we have a lot of different cannons to get through the one we can afford right now shotgun is weak at long distances but is as affordable as peanuts the most expensive forty four hundred dollars controlled explosion cannon that would be fun I can simply upgrade my basic Cannon for 200 so we're gonna do that I'm not really sure what that does it gives us a sunset background on level two as our pirate idiots roll up in a slightly improved boat this one does still have a patch on it and a porthole it's a little bit hard to hit them when they're this far out because they're way out there you gotta kind of guesstimate and our new Cannon does this uh well we touched the boat just a little I think it's unfair that I can't hurt their wooden boat but they hit my stone Fortress and heard it but at least now I have my prior shots trajectory so if I fire the same trajectory we would hit their Cannon let's go a little bit above to see if we can hit one or both of the idiots on board got him that did eat up half his health we didn't hit the one in the back uh but we did hit the mustache man and that's really our priority mustache is always the captain hey they called in reinforcements they have like a jet ski in Pirate Land with a cannon on it trajectory would hit the rear one in the dome uh probably wouldn't hit that one at all so we're gonna go just a little bit lower to hopefully hit the front guy and maybe also the bad guy oh we hit the cannon and that guy great there's something amusing about how we just domed them in the head with a cannonball that they slowly fall over they desire directly over my Fortress the one in the back is I think a baby Cannon anyway if he gets close enough he's gonna hit that guy oh I got her cannon that's not great now they both get to move up and I missed a turn but presumably the closer they are the harder I hit them here comes the boom that time they hit me there where I don't know 60 health I'm gonna be a little bit less once this guy fires unless he misses which is how he did almost hit his friends okay so I need to take another guess of my trajectory again so we're gonna go I don't know here and then okay we gotta got that guy dead not dead but he probably has a headache by now okay he did manage to hit my fort that might have been a double hit even the physics in this are a little wonky but it's not exactly AAA game so we won't judge them too hard okay they're so close I can basically see them from the fort now so I really should stop uh missing this front pirate so we're gonna fire I don't know here like and there's strength I can control the power of this I'm just firing max power always because why wouldn't I get that was a really bad shot I will admit that and they hit my Cannon The Cannonball went through them that's not fair uh we're actually in rough shape here suddenly because I need to repair and they get the fire again and they're four feet away so um they're gonna hit me I'll get the return fire really hard on them but uh you see the problem here uh something hurt that one I'm not really sure what happened but I'm pretty sure I just died so I should probably start taken them more seriously but the beautiful thing is I get money so I can actually upgrade my Canon again so it's not in my worst interest to lose once in a while because I just get stronger because of it oh he bought a new helper today this guy's got a super mustache okay he's way out there so I need aim I don't know pretty high maybe here that was just a complete guess got him got him both a little bit I get extra money for that because I double shot at him that also took off half of his health I wonder if I have multiple cannons if I get to fire multiple times per turn these are things I don't know the answer to Kenny deemed is slightly lower than my last shot so let's try there is that gonna get one or both definitely knocked that one right off the boat and he insta dies oh that's good by heavier Cannon can one shot Pirates now okay the reinforcements still show up probably ran over his friend on the way and that guy I think I can get it one more hit if I manage to hit him cleanly in the head which I'll need to considerably lower shot let's try there and got him and we finished them off the guy in behind is so intimidated right now but he doesn't have a choice they just have to keep moving forward um okay I need to aim higher on this one considerably let's try there and oh we gave my hair cut on that one I really need a second cannon at this point next time I'm just gonna buy the shotgun one that way if they get close I can hopefully fire with all cabins okay he still managed to take off a lot of my health but I think this time we should be able to hit it pretty cleanly something there and well we heard his Cannon really hard pretty sure if I hit him like Square in the shoulder he will fly right off his little boat though because he doesn't have a lot of safe space there my prior trajectory is actually still pretty close let's just go a touch lower and got him he didn't fall off his boat but he almost did this is what you do with pirates you just fire a big cannon at them okay we need to go way lower than our last shot let's try there and oh that was embarrassing we were right up against him this shot though we should uh there there we go we knocked him right off the boat now we have eleven hundred dollars for the upgrades Cannon sale 30 off was that always a thing uh we get straight to buy actually another basic level cannon maybe from the top seven hundred dollars is that worth it I don't know if that's worth it but we can also upgrade this upper Cannon once I wonder if you can upgrade basic level cannons to that make if I bought a shotgun can I upgrade the shotgun or do they turn into newer they don't seem to I have questions but I have two cannons and hopefully I can fire both in one round that way I can you know rain down on these pirates that have a much more intimidating ship suddenly can I fire both at once that would be hilarious okay so this is an upper can and it's gonna have a weird trajectory so I'm just gonna go like that and I knocked off their anchor and we do get to fire both okay this will be all right so let's go there and hey got their cabin I really want to knock this guy out of the barrel they fix their Cannon okay my last shot was too low but they got closer so let's go there and got him the cannon hit him twice and okay the last shot from here oh it almost killed that guy let's go there okay we had a whole bunch of things there and broke their Cannon they just have to get closer and closer and put up with this they are bringing in reinforcements my fort's also taken uh basically no damage so I'm gonna fire a little bit higher because then I can hit hopefully that guy and then it's gonna fall into that guy perfect double hit I was hoping he would follow okay this shot we need a slightly lower trajectory because we want to finish off that first pirate let's try there and got him and touched it all fall off the boat yeah double shot uh This ship's so big that the guys behind might actually shoot this guy but we'll see if that happens because they move in and depending on how high they aim that I don't know if they can hit each other or not that's kind of close Okay the trajectory on this one's almost perfect we just need to go a touch lower let's try there and got him really hard didn't get it back guys this cannon we're going to have to adjust we'll go a little bit higher hitting hopefully either the upper guy or the lower cable he's pretty dead so that eliminates one Cannon incoming those guys yep they managed to get a hit but I've got two cannons firing back so I'm very confident here oh okay they brought in more reinforcements that's just a man on a wrap though like I'm not that worried about that one especially if we get a shot that bounces off the first guys does that shot look pretty good it looks not bad if we go touch lower than that right there and well we got his Cannon okay we're gonna name this one uh we gotta go definitely lower than whatever courage last shot was there did we get him well we got that one so we're gonna get one shot in return but we broke the rear guys Cannon oh how could I not take that shot I should be aiming for the guy at the front but like why would we not do this because you get to dome him straight into the head this one we got to go a little bit lower let's try there okay we got him bounced over the rear pirate but that's okay we're chipping away at their health they both would turn fire we don't about half Health but the guy in the wheel really isn't hurting that much it's gonna be a little bit harder to start hitting these guys because they're getting close I'm kind of guessing at where I'm shooting at this point especially if I'm an upper Cannon there oh yeah we got him Direct Hit he's so close to dead I feel like a light Breeze would finish him off oh okay we hit his Cannon instead that probably actually almost hurt him the rear guy fired he did a little bit of damage but we should be able to finish off the guy up front because I can basically see his boat from here he is right there so let's try I don't know here and we got his cannon in him and we hit the rear pirate apparently got a medal for that hopefully that's worth money so this is gonna be definitely a little bit higher than our last shot let's try there and got him he's dead we earned so much money so for our lower can then we can afford an even better one uh sniper rifle sounds interesting chain shot devastating ammunition well let's try a sniper rifle I did want to go back to level two for a second not only to test these but to just earn some easy money so we can upgrade some of these things these are new Pirates so the old cannon from I don't know here you shoot that one almost horizontal and it doesn't work anyway the middle one we definitely gotta shoot upwards then and got him right off the boat but our sniper rifle they sit fire like in a straight line the whole way what is it oh interesting that makes it easier oh yeah you could just snipe them right off the boat and he's dead there is easy money so we can actually exploit this right now to sort of just grind money here because these guys can't defeat me now because as long as we got a sniper rifle firing somewhere out there we're able to hit whatever we want so sniper rifle shoot him right there got him and it knocks him right off the boat yeah this is gonna work out real nice so let's upgrade the sniper rifle one more time because that thing can't be strong enough we should save up for the Fort that's gonna be 11 40. okay so this new upgraded sniper rifle this guy's half dead anyway because I hit him once but it definitely hits so hard like that would have sent him past the second guy even my basic Cannon just knocked him straight off the boat the pirate's coming up now the backup pirate so we get to try our newly updated sniper rifle we're just gonna waste a shot there because I want to see the super sniper and you go down okay super sniper rifle go and yeah that actually sent him quite a ways off the back of the boat okay I also want to try this other Cannon up top so it's gonna be whatever this one is we're gonna upgrade it once then I'm gonna upgrade my uh regular basic level cannon one more time it's starting to look pretty good I think it's maxed then we can try level four with bigger better Pirates this one's got idiots all over it so first we're gonna start with this new one I'm not really sure what it does oh okay that's fun that's gonna mess things up really big and then just our beginner Canon that's upgraded quite a bit and it's gonna bounce onto oh you can actually hurt those things and then of course the sniper so you can hit pretty much whatever you want with this so we'll try him and that took off 60 of his health they're starting to get pretty nice cannons but I did also upgrade my fort so it's pretty resistant to damage so this next shot I want to fire Just a Touch lower than my last one but it's gonna fire the whirly thing that's gonna mess up everyone that's maybe gonna drag him over the edge I didn't but he was close this shot I need to go a little higher with my uh basic level cannon but it hurt him and it rebounded into him then who do we hit with the sniper I think we can one shot this guy yeah we sure can off he goes okay they missed their one and only shot but they did bring reinforcements they have another actually full-size pirate ship so I think they get the most out of the damage of this thing we're just gonna fire way up here hopefully it hits yeah that and uh really makes a mess of their little ship okay my basic level cannon is gonna fire right there preferably straight into that guy's Dome finishing him off and then the sniper is going to finish you off then the first ship is sunk already then it's just a matter of dealing with these morons but I'm pretty sure I can take care of these guys especially if they do that and considering I'm firing this whirling ball of Doom with them that's gonna be no problem at all knocked him right off the edge you think they learned to swim being that they live on the ocean the basic Cannon which you probably will replace at some point because um it's not really doing it for me anymore but this time we're gonna take out him oh we can hit the cannon okay the sniper should maybe move to up top that way I can aim down over things oh they have a third pirate ship coming in now I'm really kind of happy about that because that's just more pirates that we get to hurt starting with that one well he's not hurt anymore he's dead Okay this shot looks like it's lined up perfectly for a nice uh head Dome and then it's gonna bounce off and hurt their Cannon a little bit and disappear the sniper is not really gonna do much right now I can hit maybe like I can aim for the top of his head I think I'm gonna hit there no I got him he just got to get just over the hitbox uh I'm gonna take a guess on this shot and just fire it it's got such a big like hitbox that I could fire it almost anywhere and it's Gonna Hurt something a lot this one's lined up pretty well perfectly not much adjustment needed there and the sniper again is well their Cannon's dead anyway but well now the Cannon's really dead the bald guy will lend a shot but our Fort is so tough now that it doesn't matter and they're getting close enough now that they're in trouble I wouldn't want to sit very close to this Fortress if I was them because I can just go like that and then we can hit multiple things all in one shot the closer they do get though the harder it is for my hybrid actually hit something useful like I might as well just aim for their Cannon oh okay I somehow got him that's fine accidental murder is the best kind oh they have a third idiot coming in too maybe despite all the ships in their order so next level we'll fight starting with a bigger ship then all the rest of the usual idiots so that would aim probably I could aim a little bit higher and think I got him knocked him right off the boat in one shot down and I gotta guess on this shot because I have no idea where he's sitting we managed to get him just a little bit of damage luckily our sniper's the final shot I'm pretty sure I can get right over top of the cannon which means we won we got 2 700 to spend on upgrades but I'm gonna move the sniper to the top I'm gonna upgrade this sniper so it's Max damage I'm also going to put my basic level cannon on the bottom but I'm maybe also going to sell the basic level cannon it's fun and all but we know a three thousand dollar whatever this thing is and that sounds like fun click anywhere to Triple angry Cannonball yes I think I will then I'm gonna upgrade my middle uh dangle ball cannon thing which brings us to level five so they're starting to get yeah pretty elaborate their pirate ship there's all sorts of things for me to hit here so maybe the sniper eventually isn't I guess it's going to be good for picking out individual idiots like him we could hit him really hard and almost one shot him because he went flying we should aim for the rear guy maybe this would be good for ships like this though because it's gonna do this and that can hit all sorts of different things and roll around that wasn't a great shot but that could definitely mess things up this is the new one this is the triple whatever so it fires up and then we go like that and yeah three different shots going out and it kills all sorts of things their Cannon is taking up 10 Health luckily the sniper here can just you know go like that and pretty much eliminate anyone that guy just needs a touch more damage so if we fire the same trajectory yeah I like that that's perfect because that's gonna hit the baskets and hit up there and finish that guy off and drop onto that guy okay that wasn't as dramatic as I'd hoped this one will be though because I'm just gonna okay might have done that a bit early well that works too because it might finish off him yep The Cannonball dropped from the sky and killed him the sniper really is nice for this you know when you have one individual ID you want to remove and he's gone now it's just these two but he's got a basket protecting him at least he thinks he dies I could probably weave this in between that what do we think well we got the basket out of the way then we're gonna fire that and split it right there we knocked him off the edge all right that one takes a little bit of learning but I can see how that could be really good they're gonna return fire and almost Miss because they're horrible Pirates there's definitely a lot of idiot stuff to get through here so well I'm gonna be sure to try and finish this one off oh so close he just needed a touch more damage I'm gonna try and fire this over top of the ship though and hopefully wow that was um not what I wanted to happen Okay so on this one we're gonna go like this then and we're gonna finish him off and then our balls are gonna go flying to their ship and they did at least a little bit which means these beautiful morons get a little closer as long as they don't hit my cannons I really don't care before it is strong enough to resist plus we have a sniper now so we can just go like that and knock him straight off the edge okay the last shot was way too high let's try that one that's a little better we got uh both him and the basket hurt and the basket's gonna block the shop for rear Pirates and we'll go like that a and split it there okay well their cannons are actually really tough now maybe that triple shot isn't that good we need something more powerful than a triple shot therefore it's down to 60 but as we start to get less and less idiots to have to deal with they're gonna be able to return buy or less because we'll sink them almost immediately we gotta go lower on this one let's try that shot and we took out the basket and gave that guy a good smack now this triple can and we're going to split right there that way we're sure to hit one of them dead and the other one's still alive we clearly need more upgrades because we're not one-shotting everyone immediately that's a big problem to me what I think we can one shot is probably this guy if we time it with the Bell nope we hit the Bell okay this one I want to finish off that guy we didn't finish him off but we hit other things which means they got to hit my fort down to that much health luckily for me I have a plan this time we're gonna heal kill him one hit that way this one does pirate have to deal with that we get to finish off uh this guy we just need a slightly lower shot that about do it wow okay that's not great gonna see at this point I just want to be sure to kill this ship it's just way too annoying in my face this should be perfect right about there it is such a weird trajectory but it makes people go flying if we fire about the same trajectory and split it there we should be able to hit multiple things his basket's almost dead so he will return fire he'll hit my Cannon and hurt me actually but they bring in the reinforcements so it's just a matter of whether they think I can get a sniper shot to them or not I think this guy's in the way so what we'll do is just finish him off hopefully no not quite so it's up to this cannon which needs to fire Just a Touch higher we'll try that which uh finished him off at least and then they're just dealing with the rear pirate but this one's gonna be close cause if they hit us we're getting low we could take probably two more hits but luckily all our cannons are up again so we can take out both of them probably reasonably easy this guy's one shot this one's a little harder to aim with but okay I hit him adequately hard he's gonna stand right at the back of the boat this one I need him just a little higher and we're gonna split it there because I wasn't sure if that was gonna hit him or not then he sinks with a cannonball on top of him then they're bringing in reinforcements one last time this guy says he comes in peace I'm not sure I believe him so we're gonna go ahead and snipe him and that's gonna knock him straight off his raft I don't like this triple gun thing so I'm gonna sell that for three thousand dollars wow I'm rich okay so let's go straight to the max level 4400 Cannon click anywhere to explode the Cannonball I will then this middle one if we sell that I think we can actually afford whatever this one is also but we want to upgrade the max level cannon oh we can upgrade the mid-level cannon too okay this should be great but also what are we fighting we're getting our big damage going is that an Airship interesting okay he says he comes in peace I need him to hit the low part of his okay that's a problem I'm not really sure what to do about this oh oh okay so that this explodes and hits everything uh he just hit his head also okay this one I think I can click when to explode it so I want to get closer than that but something's hurting him okay he's doing a little more than he did last turn I think if I tend to sniper shot better I could probably well I can hit him that didn't I think I hit the cannon first like it might have to be pure uh sniper shots I'm trying to time that so he's back on the down roll did I get him well I hit him a little bit something keeps hitting him here I don't know what's happening but like his movement hurts him as long as he's not into the Airship I'm not that worried because we have controlled explosions now I don't know what's happening something in his movement hurts him once in a while so these guys who do we want to hit who's going to be the hardest to take out we'll go for you still not one-shotting up but it's so close this one we can almost just fire straight in the same spot because it's an explosion which ah that works well yeah one shot at him and hurt him a lot this next shot we're just gonna fire wherever it goes and that's fun we can explode their ship now they will get to return fire I'm not sure I was strong oh my sniper oh I'm gonna miss that one but I'm not gonna miss is the ability to do this and that really hurts him I don't think it sent him flying because the one guy kind of blocked the shot for the other one but if we fire this one in the same about Zone we can definitely get him a clean headshot you think that would do more considering a cannonball just domed him in the head and then exploded we might need to upgrade the fort's health at some point too but we got our sniper shot going I wish we could hit him we could take our pick to finish off anyway window so let's go with him because I'm pretty sure this shot if we go like that we're just gonna nicely explode there Drake him over the edge and I think I can get him right about here and well we tipped him onto the boat but now we should be able to hurt both of them together they hit my sniper again it's like they know they're reinforcements are probably gonna be adequately strong also so this one I definitely got to go a little lower with my explosive I split the difference got them both this one's honestly a pretty good shot to just kind of go like that and oh I kind of see we should hit them first and then explode it depending on where they land that's Prime for an explosion also Unfortunately they are going to return fire and that's gonna hit the fort which is fine because we're able to snipe this guy one shot so he's not a problem this one needs to be a higher shot by quite a bit and got both of them now it's just this poor guy with the beard we need to go not too much higher maybe that and well that doesn't do as much damage as you'd think it would more reinforcements that one does have three Pirates so it's gonna take a second to take that out which is a little Annoying what's not annoying is pirate anymore okay I need a pretty well higher shot on this hit anything at all we got that wasn't bad it almost killed him and hurt their Cannon but I wish it took out both we're gonna fire pretty much the same trajectory here and it's just gonna sort of hit what it hits and that really doesn't do a lot when it explodes please miss it would make me feel better if you'd Miss oh that was a weak hit but it counted okay I know that if I try and hit him it hits the Bell we could just take out him uh we're just gonna hit him what did we aim for here hmm let's go for him one quick kill him but if we get explosion somewhere in the vicinity it should make a mess you can find Inspire the same shot again it definitely got him dead oh Drake him off perfect two for one okay this one's a little tricky we need a much lower shot that's hopefully gonna do nope and they hit my sniper again super annoying they always aim high that sniper would have been good because I could have taken out anything at all so we need a lower shot on this okay that definitely killed him very dead this one actually is a pretty good shot right where it is so if we go like that and okay that guy died the problem now is I think if he gets a good shot he will actually finish me off that might be too low okay they didn't get a good shot which means it's time for my sniper which hits very hard it didn't quite finish him off oh yeah I did he tipped into the water because he's an idiot but we're not done yet we gotta fight this guy luckily my sniper is back in Action so if I hit him there he walks the plank he defeated 17 Pirates and got five thousand dollars so we're gonna upgrade our explosive Cannon we're gonna do maybe just do that twice I really like that one the sniper's max level this guy's max level this guy we're gonna upgrade once then I just want to test that against some basic level pirates for a second to see the damage because we already know the uh sniper damage I can't weave it between that Bell so then it's just a matter of my controlled explosive which is that one to go there and there okay that works pretty good this one's got to be just a little higher so we can go Splat and yeah that's a much better exposure that's an implying and the big cannon here it's not quite one shot you know but it's hitting a lot of things for a lot of damage but I do have an explode a controlled explosion to what I want so I can hit him and then explode him I do like this sniper just for occasions like this because I can just get them straight into his dope and then he summaries sells off the raft easy peasy I think we're probably overdue to turn our portraits into metal at this point then I want to see how a basic like level 2 Cannon hurts her fort yeah that's a little better they do like five percent damage and we can return fire with big Firepower and then we should probably upgrade this cannon to its max level so that's a max level cannon upgraded to the max split let's find out what kind of disaster we're going to be fighting against on level 7 good old Airship pretty sure you guys gotta get the timing right if I aim there and he's coming down I can probably got him hit him really hard there he's gonna be dizzy and hopefully hurt himself if not I got a good old explosion they could probably get the job done there I kind of misclicked that but I got him okay he's dead before he could fire keep in mind all of these cannons are max level upgrades so they're hurting and there is a lot of things oh and explosion is going to eat these guys alive so let's do our best to get them to group up if I hit you there you'll group up with your friend that almost killed you actually that was very close to killing you knee Dame is a little above that let's try there in cablamo that definitely killed 1.8 Pirates haven't you got to fire this one yet where's that gonna go okay it's gonna hit you and explode there and that definitely killed you that basket's about dead they have very big cannons on their ship now which are probably gonna do adequate damage so I'm glad I upgraded that this is a perfect shot watch this straight to his Dome yeah okay that hurt him and took out half the basket now as far as a controlled explosion is going we're gonna try and land that right there that way oh it almost knocked him right out of his basket I didn't even know what could happen like that they are gonna get one shot to return but then uh I think they're doomed because look at what's left they didn't even hit any of my cannons so we're gonna uh we could hit either of these fairly easily let's go for you because I know I can okay never mind this is an easy shot for you who went way overboard way out there this one I just gotta go a touch higher and direct it and he launched and here comes the next ship it's definitely a smaller one I like how these were nicely bunched up we'll see if we can add another one to that mix you go stand with your friends for a sec that way when I fire an explosive into your midst it hurts all of you real bad it definitely killed two Pirates this next shot's gonna be a little bit harder to land that trajectory might not be bad let's try it there and okay that guy died a very horrible death they returning fire like they are I'm down to 65 70 Health but I do also have a sniper people so no problem at all income the next idiots one two three of them on board I think the key is either to knock someone off the back with a sniper rifle or try and knock them back so you can hit more than with an explosion the trajectory is not bad but if you fire there should hopefully hit some multiple guys oh he almost fell out of his Barrel I'm just guessing at this point okay well that definitely took him out of his nest and then there's only two left that should be easy enough for me the worst part is when they hit my Cannon because it hurts the fort and disables one of my guns for a second I could definitely well wait to finish you off just got him a little bit lower that might do it that definitely did it he was low on health to begin with this one I think we gotta go just a touch lower and then it's gonna oh huh that's embarrassing I thought we're just absolutely gonna annihilate this little ship they did hit me rather hard down there luckily the sniper is always the first shot up after I returned fires so it's easy to knock off anyone at all the lone hope for the Pirates to finish me off I think I could probably hit him from here not sure when they always follow up with that guy they should do it the other way around oh no hold on we got more what is this thing does that mean it sinks or something can I hit him is that getting away nope sure doesn't look at how that shot's already lined up I need to put no effort into this I'll maybe just go ahead hair higher and got him that definitely got him oh surprise uh again the trajectory is actually pretty close directly to his Dome so if we go maybe there then we can just go kabang again oh he's tough uh yeah he's gonna take a lot of heat I didn't um didn't expect this to happen but I do have a sniper rifle that's very good at um doming people complamo okay yeah he's very tough I might have to keep trying to disable his gun with one of my explosions uh I'm moving in a title with a controlled exposure no that way of you know sort of options okay right in the dome got him that hurts for sure okay this one I'm gonna try and hit his gun just so he can't okay we didn't hit his gun but we actually did a lot to him we might be okay here uh yeah we're gonna be okay his Cannon hurts us but not that bad I would still would be better served to try and knock out his Cannon every turn but I mean we can knock out him instead we just gotta aim lower and lower every shot and that should not quite kill him by close this shots almost lined up automatically anyway and I think he's dead off goes the brand submarine and that's it we're the greatest pirate in the universe with max level upgrades oh [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,520,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hu93IrIpu_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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