When You Swallow The Sun

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today I'm going to be putting various things inside of me and you're gonna watch the more things we do the bigger I get the bigger the things I can put inside of me for example we can eat small leaves Clover is not so much and I think I get experience just when moving around also from jumping so we'll see how ridiculous we can make this today oh and a slime that consumes the universe hence probably are gonna be too big for us so for now we'll do settle on some of the little stuff we're cleaning up Nature by absolutely destroying it mushrooms we can actually get a hold of we're punching above our weight class this is a nice little pocket of leaves and water drops and there's a man mowing his lawn and the child on his swing I wanted to be so big I can absorb them and I just got a reward I think because I played for long enough it hasn't been that long but I'll take a reward which leaves us at level 12 we're slowly getting bigger Kenny that Clover I do want this mushroom though can I have one of these not quite there yet oh wait I actually got it I hit Level 13 and now that mushroom is inside of me I'm gonna go ahead and take a look at the sandbox I should be big enough to crawl in there now I don't think I can absorb the toddler but hopefully I can soon I'm also just realizing now the bigger slimes can probably absorb me so I've got to be careful maybe also the wildlife I'm not really sure yet I did this take down a rather big Clover and we're definitely getting bigger because the grass is starting to seem small it used to be as big as a forest yeah yeah we'll go ahead and take all that yep give us our stuff get us bigger there's a giant slime going around somewhere you might absorb me at some point but I'll get bigger than him eventually squirrel I'll get you eventually uh there's the big slime cruising over he's so quick too I'm not gonna be able to oh wow look at bingo I wouldn't be that big am I big enough for the ants yet I want living creatures no not quite big enough if I sit here and jump for long enough I will level up then I can take all the ants there's gotta be something good after making my way up over this there is a lot gnome that's way bigger than I am at least so far but for now I'm content with just absorbing this sort of stuff in a small garden there is a reasonably big slime over there but he's not that much bigger than me and I hit Level 19 so I've gained some size I might actually now be big enough to eat some of the ants but there's so much good stuff right here I'm just gonna sit here and grind for a second we'll get some easy size yeah we use a level 21 so let's go see how many ants we can fit inside of us oh I've got to be bigger than that idiot we're so big now I just realized yeah three points per end they just keep walking into me it's crazy to think that grass actually used to be like a forest to us we couldn't really see through it now it seems tiny compared to us it's a little bit hard to compete with the slimes that are that big because they absorb everything from everywhere so I just get the leftovers but eventually I'll be big enough I think the big slime is absorbing that child which is I want to be big enough to absorb humans I can even do stupid acorns yet it's gonna be a few minutes and I just got a reward that I think is a boost to jumping in speed for five minutes and that means easy experience for me I can zoom around now super speed leveling those clovers are pure gold since I still have this speed boost let's go explore a little bit to see what else we can put inside if I take a frog all right stupid get inside of me not quite big enough what about a dragonfly that's a little smaller oh you're not supposed to fall in that so it looks like the gold I'm collecting can be used to buy capsules I might as well save up for an epic so that means it's back to the Grind I did restart back in the center of the map but there's lots of stuff right here to put inside me about it level 25 so that you don't believe me we could put acorns inside of us nope we cannot get the acorns yet but we're getting closer I found the ants again these aren't even great experience like it's fun to eat plus these little weeds uh they're actually better than ants children's toys oh I gotta be a little bit stronger to eat all this stuff but this looks like fun chess pieces anything nope too intellectual for me all right we need more size I did also get a calculated Trail not entirely sure what that means maybe this is the best area for leveling now we're about to level 26 the long clippings are just always going to be there time for my revenge inside me still not quite there I did also join a mini game because I assume it's going to help me in some way I basically just need to get to the end Before Time runs out and I think it's this way there is a capsule up here I shouldn't be getting distracted and it's a very dangerous spot I think that's a capsule I fell all right well apparently I got whatever that was and I'm happy with that now I can get back to what's really important putting things inside me I wouldn't mind consuming this bird at some point but we're gonna need a little bit more size for that these are different kind of ants they look a little more aggressive they're still not great experience but I can't spawn Camp them so that's just easy experience what are you gonna do now stupid I wonder if we're ever going to run out of ads or if I could just sit here endlessly there's so much fun stuff everywhere I just need to get bigger I have found the first slime that's smaller than me oh we can't absorb them though that would have been so much more fun I did find some actual food food there's a hot dog and a corn cob and I think these are olives all very good things to help a little slime grow at least until it's big enough to consume Toddlers and people oh I can actually take the corn right off the cob that's super good experience and then it's just the cob uh the spiky hot dog however we not yet can Sim I got that might be an epic capsule uh shovel is that a pig Hold on get out of the way here I think I mean is that a pig no it's a dog I really can see me Arena dog just you wait I have equipped the new slime trail to the coin laying thing so now I leave a trail of coins behind me boost cap so level up even faster I didn't know I could buy things like that yeah give me one of those okay so I get double XP for 10 minutes I should pay more attention to the shop thing so I've just been enjoying consuming things uh I think it is ate the dog's bone which is a pretty big item so we're obviously getting pretty large we've had some screws and tools over here so that should help us get bigger especially double experience give me that yeah that's easy these Clover patches are always a favorite too another alien Lobby I'm not gonna do that this time I'd rather just eat things so level 30 apparently is when we can rebirth and rebirth usually makes us get bigger faster again so before doing that I did uh two times rebirths so now when we do we'll get better Boost from this max level 90 3 times XP multiplier so we're back to being a little slime but we're also getting mad experience increase so and we're also really quick because we've got some lots of capsules when we started for whatever reason we're already back to level eight the ants seems so big again but don't worry we'll be back to that size you look like gelatin okay this is kind of ridiculous at this point how quickly we're uh leveling up I wanted it to be faster but I didn't expect it to be this fast yeah things are gonna start escalating really really quickly and they already got another capsule which I think gave me an XP boost accidentally clicked through it another way stupid these are my clovers okay that put us up to level 17. so everything we touch now is pure gold I'll give you this little bit of stuff like look I'll find the experience bar moves Clover patches like these right now are pure gold 171 experience for all that and places like this full of olives and everything yep the bigger we get the more uh we can absorb because we're touching more things all at once this place is a gold mine look at all this clovers the corn on the cob is here this has got to be worth a lot yeah that's hundreds by itself so we're already back to level 30. and 30 is where we left off before we rebirth so the more we can do that the stronger we're gonna be soccer ball I should probably just spawn Camp the core learn I could just do little circles here and get crazy experience I still can't eat the big blades of grass but yeah I can definitely make this little lapse here because the time I'm done is to Loop everything's back the coins already respawned this is the second most excited I've ever been to see corn got a stack of waffles I'm competing with a stack of waffles I can't compete with that ah unless I overload myself on corn again and again that's so much experience I'm gonna go ahead and boost myself a little more uh we're now getting Twice The Experience so that's a little better now we're getting 25 per ant we are getting pretty big can we we even got the carb now uh Blades of grass still not quite there but the cob of the Corn level 40 just like that that might be big enough to eat birds and or squirrels probably not him yet but we'll get there what do you think squirrel No but we can bully him around a little bit how much is the corn give us like 500 these days that's so absurd I don't know what kind of psychopath drops whole pieces of pizza on the ground it doesn't eat them but I thank him for his service because eventually we're gonna eat those can't get the baseball I just ate something fairly large I didn't see what it was but it might have been a flower or a blade oh we can get the blades of grass that's tons of experience look how much those are all right we're gonna take on a nomadic lifestyle we're gonna go getting the big blades of grass and in between those we're gonna get some of those clovers but we're a grasslander now these flowers we gotta be getting closer to those even these little tools are good but grassland is uh what we want and look at all the grass here this is supercharger level 50 just like that look how big we're getting just sitting here staring in circles all the way up to 55 already I think 90 is when we rebirth and we're gonna get there before you know it wait what's a food capsule I can buy one of these for 200. oh can I get rid of these umbrella oh I missed can I clicked through it I've had too much coffee a spoon does the spoon do anything okay well we're gonna buy an epic capsule just because we can because I'm disappointed in a spoon aesthetic palm tree hat I'm not sure what any of that did but okay that's fine we got stuff now since we're over level 60 let's go see what we can consume now hopefully this bird will look way bigger than the bird now get inside me I'll get you quick we got the whole corn in the car but if they can not the can but the ants oh we get the pieces of pizza now oh they're actually surprisingly glow spatula no flower petals no ooh big hot dog everyone loves a big hot dog okay we can't get that one we can't get the little hot dog that corn should be no problem 600 experience baseball at this point this is fun suddenly we're able to absorb so much take all the ants we can't even fit through the Gap Acorn yup we got the acorn that speak experience ooh squirrel get inside me nope still not bird can we get the bird Bird's too quick the Frog I forgot about the Frog get inside me go yep you got the frog in the lily pad I'm on an eating tour pine cone Pinecone is Big experience I'm not sure what the most efficient lap here to do is right now that toddler is also not super far out of our reach we got a sand castle that's great Domino's oh yeah I forgot about all the toys too we might be Beyond this area now because we've actually gained a lot of size take some dominoes oh the chess pieces yeah the chessboard is pretty good experience too and all the Jacks probably not the shoes yet but we'll get there give me these little ants now without the boots are worth 40 something experience still can't take out the flowers oh we got this squirrel though our first living thing of relative importance squirrels are going to go inside me now and we made a loop all the way back around I bet birds are worth a lot we need more speed though to get birds they're too quick squirrel on the other hand isn't even that much experience we work so hard to put squirrels inside of us and there's so little reward the grass might still be the best use of my time as long as I'm going in between the tall Blades of grass and picking up everything in the middle I don't think anything's gonna stop us still can't get the wrench we did it level 70 though so now we can get the wrench tools are not Out Of Reach unless you're a screwdriver okay now that we've hit over level level 75 I'm pretty sure we can eat the pretty flowers yep we sure can they're not a crazy amount of experience but it is more things we can consume while we're cruising around and we're at the size now where we're almost always eating something just because of our Mass so moving through an area like this yeah we just gained like five levels in the past two seconds we even got the bird the bird is Big experience I think this guy used to pick yeah it used to be way bigger than us look at them now just a little slime so we'll go rampaging this way we can't eat the bottle soccer ball is still bigger than us but we'll be there soon there's a cat the cat's actually not usually bigger than us either I remember when I used to go in his garden eating the clovers one little leaf at a time I can't wait till I'm so big I'm just like a universe destroying slime my existence is going to turn the universe upside down can't get the baller red shoes the chess pieces we can do the chess board we can't yet well we could take the toddler's toys away that's fun in itself well at least a Sandbox there's another bird we can Ambush it from the sky got it all this good stuff I never really noticed there was something kind of behind the pond the pun kinda scared me because I fell in it that one time you might have to jump to get in there oh I can't jump that high maybe oh don't get stuck I literally just said don't get stuck okay we got out I'm not going near that again maybe I am big enough to go through the pond though uh we seem to be it does a weird thing but we get the lily pads anyway and Lily pad's a decent experience something there just gave us like thousands of experience oh it's just these patches with flowers I gotta get into more of those sorry I know you're doing again gardening work but I'm gonna go ahead and take it from here we even eat the top of that tree and the dog's dish oh cat can we do this cat not yet coming for you soon though there's so many things to put in my mouth it's so distracting I never know what to aim for and there is level 90 which means we get a rebirth which means even more boost plus a whole bunch of capsules that have restarted all my boosts we're now a baby slime or we're not actually we're already level 10 just because we're getting experience so ridiculously fast now so we're currently smaller than an ant but now we're already level 20 so we're gonna be gigantic and absolutely no time at all we can already eat mushrooms and clovers no problem even as going down this grassy patch right now is getting me so much experience of all this stuff like by the time we get to the end of this we're gonna be four times the size of what we are now do you just gotta try a name for the most densely populated pack of this stuff oh we can actually get a free ride if the lawnmower pushes us so now we're moving at light speed to be able to absorb all this experience oh never mind but we are beginning to eat the grass pieces again and that's crazy experience and our beloved corn is back that gives us almost 1 000 experience so I might just eat corn for a little bit with a side of ants here and there because that's just funny I never realized there was two corn side by side so I can just go to this corn you know do the loop here turn around eat the other corn while leaving a trail of ants along the way it's perfect this might be the most efficient use of my time yet and I'm talking about like my entire life here at level 75 is where things are going to escalate again because I can eat the flowers that are growing everywhere these are everywhere and they're massive experience and we're back to level 90 which is where we left off so we're under bigger Heights and Uncharted Territory I still want to put that cat in me but we'll get there now we can even see what's like on top of the barbecue there's food up there and I ate it we're going to quickly coming up at level 100 already we similar always end up back by the picnic table probably because of the corn still can't eat the sunflowers but maybe a level 100. any moment now level 100 and we'll see what else you can put inside of us now still not the sunflowers but there's got to be something new at this level by the time we figure out what it is there's a big pie up there uh we might be on to level 110 anyway in which we'll be able to eat even bigger stuff look at this little garden full of goodies oh we can even need some fence panels what about this shrub give me the top of that yeah that's easy level 110 of circle the entire yard still can't get that cat but soon oh there's a bunch of Pizza on top of the table I get to start climbing on things more we couldn't see that before that's actually really bad experience considering how hard that is to get I'm not sure what the best path is at this point I think I just need to cruise around eating whatever whatever happens to be in the way this might be my ultimate goal this old lady gonna get absorbed coming up by 120 pretty quick that's gotta be something good what about a soccer ball look how big we're bigger than the ball still can't eat it I'll take the pizza for now and the barbecue hot dog you see so much stuff when you're this big we just absorbed the cat okay I know where there's another one we'll go get that one too I know this man hiding behind the doghouse got it not super good experience but pretty fun nonetheless maybe you should just Cruise along the grass path the whole time each individual blade is in Crazy experience but look how quickly it adds up I can just cruise around in circles here and gain huge mass that guy might be bigger than me it's hard to say cause he's a stack of waffles that has syrup coming out behind him there's another cat yeah definitely should be more experience considering how hard you have to work to get here can I have this we can 180 dollars all right it is ready did some of my little speed boosts and stuff not sure if we're actually moving faster or not but we're moving into pretty good Pace now lots of stuff to absorb that's also a pretty big slime we're level 130 now which means we can eat most of the sandbox stuff not the toddler yet but pretty much everything else we're king of the world there's nothing that can stop us within this yard I did this absorb a dragonfly I don't know how much experience I was worth I haven't really been paying attention to the dragonflies all along I'm just trying to find the high value items everywhere we just broke through 140. can we give this kid or this kid's phone either way it's acceptable nope we could explore a little more of the Pod I can get those Reeds or whatever they are there's a bowling ball out here we can yet gotta be some good stuff in here right this is a hard place to get to normally give me all your stuff I don't know what we ate somewhere out there but we just gained like five levels I keep doing that once in a while I eat something very valuable but I don't see what it is why is this something back here was it a dragonfly get in my mouth no nothing there was crazy good we did eat a little unknown we big enough to eat the dog yet we gotta be getting close we're level 149 150 might be dog eating size 150 was our Max I thought we could go bigger than that can I a dog we've got work to do and just like that we're back up to level 150 and therefore bigger than ever before I realize that if you just circled the tree right here there's actually tons of stuff for you to eat and absorb especially with magnet power and we can eat the soccer ball not sure what that was worth but we can finally eat it and at this point there's really not a lot of things that we can't eat I'm not sure about this guy yet can we get you nope we would have gotten them already we're so big now we covered the entire swath at the lawnmower Cuts nothing is safe from us 160. we're actually not that far off the size of an adult human at this point so how does level 163 nope still can't get the dog and we just hit level 170 so we're gonna celebrate with the London and hopefully a toddler get in here toddler nothing yet and we'll go ahead and jump up here though and see what kind of stuff we can absorb pretty much everything but your team's so small when you're this big but with this child I think they're bigger than the other one so I'm gonna need a little bit more size to get that one okay we hit 180 this might be big enough for this guy still not maybe it is not allowed I hope so though I want to put people inside me kind of forgot about the dog but I think the dog is bigger bigger than the toddler so it's gonna take a little more size again for that one we just hit level 200 I think that means we can eat a bowling ball yeah we sure can 15 000 experience for all of that stuff I don't really know individually if something was worth a lot but we are pretty big so we can absorb this a really wide area we can even eat the fences themselves at this point do you want to do this and the dog we got the dog we didn't get the dog house we did get the cat what about the barbecue I don't know if that's even eatable but I've got a toddler that might be yeah we got the toddler one thousand dollars for that I'm gonna get a special reward for that too stolen baby 210 is a soft limit for now but we consumed a toddler so at least there's that there is level 221 officially bigger than we've ever been before and absorbing things we shouldn't be absorbing you really start to appreciate the art style when you circled the tree one billion times but we're getting so big that we're absorbing things from like a mile away ever been in Discord in a while we basically just eat everything we could jump right out of the yard if we were allowed to but instead we'll just go ahead and eat everything within the yard and there's 230 which should mean some new possibilities I'm hoping a child on a swing nope we got a little ways to go for that one but pretty much everything else in existence can be ours definitely the dog maybe the dog house not the dog house but everything else in the universe level 240 might make some differences just as a toddler responds we go ahead and absorb it gonna try the child on a swing again nope still not quite there you can jump up up here on the porch though and see what we can get up here pretty much everything including the furniture 250 might be the golden number it was we got the child off the swing at level 250. don't suppose the old lady comes with that deal nope I did this notice there is a ball on top of this place though can we get that what does that take well I can push it around it might be something that needs super high level so at level 265 we'll call it we can take on furniture we can't take on adult people uh the beach ball is just gonna wander around and Annoy Us for now the barbecue nope we did do the stack of tires and probably that tire to the toolbox that might also mean the doghouse because we're getting everything else it's relatively that size The Dog House counts uh she doesn't the child on the swing always a fan favorite gonna be 270 pretty soon and that should mean more stuff yet again rebirth well I was able to absorb most of everything good enough foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,308,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rEAOjFkHpEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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