I Tricked an Entire Nation Into Surrendering to My Army of Just 11 People - Manor Lords

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're checking out Manor Lords today developers thank you for a key this game just recently came out into Early Access so I'm expecting no hoping for some glorious Early Access bugs to play with well let's not keep that Village waiting new game first things first we need to pick a portrait and then our name we're going to go with this guy because while the mustache is practical nothing else about this is you can't just Manor a lord all day dressed like this Lord sir sweats a lot oh that doesn't fit well Lord sir sweat alow it is then and for the coat of arms it looks like there's all kinds of fun options really got some wild customization we can do or we can just import our own which is what we're going to do instead I made a custom one see here look TAA there we go a nuclear blast just like they had in medieval times ah and here we are in beautiful Wald brand well that simply won't do cryia okay game let's try that again here we are in the world of kandia much better anyway here we are in the beautiful world of cryia a world of hardworking people where everybody loves to do squats and if you're not doing them you just like to sit back and watch but they're not the only two around here we've also got other villagers waiting for something to do and until then they're just going to sit by the fire or hang out in the field and socialize talking to each other like they just met even though I think they came out here together to establish kandia all on their own I mean kind of on their own there is of course their Manor lord always watching over them and I do mean watching with the power of visit mode press to walk around your town in third person mode very early in development expect glitches ah yes and here we are decked out in our suit of armor just like our portrait yeah yeah I know early access that's okay I'm sure he's plenty sweaty he is a Mana Lord after all but it is pretty cool that we can go check out our village although I'm starting to think I went the wrong way let's try back this other way well now we've done it I'm lost oh I see we're like a ways off the road see this is where I was and that's where the village is well let's make this a little easier on ourselves and establish a nice Road that clearly leads to our town I mean eventually I don't know what kind of pathf finding this game deals with but if nothing else at least we'll know we're in the right place and build oh I see it's just instantaneous well that's nice now the road is just here in all of its wavy Glory oh and also if we zoom out all the way it does eventually pull us out to a map where we can see the region that we control which appears to be this right in the center see you can tell because it says right there cyia no wait I meant kandia you know what I love about looking at this map by the way how beautifully it illustrates our road so very considerate of them because I'm so kingly I'm just going to jwalk right over to it oh my goodness here we come hello everybody it is I Lord sir swatow what is the Riff Raff doing today sir are you looking sufficiently depressed good stay that way you sir sit down or leave okay then now go sit in the field and creepily stare good thank you you're Lord dis pleased sadly we can't really interact with much this is more just for looking around and also for being annoying and just generally in the way although he doesn't seem to mind very much look how happy he is and I think it is really cool that you can get down and personal with your village really makes you feel connected to the land actually now I kind of Wonder something like if we come up here we have these two other things that are highlighted yellow which I'm going to assume means it's this guy's stuff because his portrait is also yellow and that person is HBL Von Baron root who we can send a missive to unfortunately we can't just type anything we want but even at the beginning we do have a fun option you have no rightful claim to sell bits and Hof stattin I mean I don't know that I'm only like 5 minutes old but we got to set a powerful precedent that and we can't do negotiation yet because it requires five influence and we have zero or Declaration over here but we can't do that because it requires a lot of stuff anyway dear constipation face you have no right to the thing of above letter sent and over here we also have the Outlaws ah we have choices for this person and of course we're going to be nice to them it's a pleasure to meet you I hope we can be besties soon so wait what happens if we just walk from cryia all the way over into cellbits well only way to find out come me Lord It's time for a stroll oh boy this might take a while huh something else that's nice is at least right now if you zoom out enough where it shows you like the borders of what you own and then you click on the visit mode that stuff shows up when you're running around makes it really easy to know when I've left my property and I'm entering the bad guys stuff time to roam the opposing Countryside oh watch out here comes a Highwayman okay everybody be cool maintain carry on citizen well they seem nice okay still running down the countryside which is oh so beautiful especially when we're Tippy Toe running like this and occasionally we see somebody else and then I awkwardly follow them way too close look at our shadows he'll never know I'm there citizen can you believe this tree your lord should take better care of your land and then I just Flex on them by running backwards until I can't see them anymore and we do appear to be approaching the border that takes us actually off of the map which I think is signified by this thing this tapestry of puzzle pieces Beyond this border we have this beautiful uniformity perfectly placed crops as far as the eye can see and also this guy and you can tell this land is Untamed because that person wasn't even walking on the road oh this seems promising I love it when the road looks like it's being stretched to Eternity it's like a Runway but for royalty listen again I know this is early early access but it doesn't mean I don't love to watch things get slowly weirder and weirder and it sure is nice to get some sun now that the trees are becoming a distant memory oh boy this is looking even more promising here we are in the edge of the manor Lord world time to see what awaits us onward and downward oh my God we're falling it oh I guess we only fell down a little bit well either way let's keep going farther out now it's just us in the windows's XP wallpaper well this is turning out to be a little bit different but now definitely us and our pointy shoes need to keep going oh boy after all this time we finally hit what looks to be a seam are we ready to jump down again I do believe we are goodbye and just when I think we're going to be falling forever we hit the ground again but rest assured we're still running forward oh found another thing to jump off of okay let's see what happens next well something happened the game went into letter box for some reason before fading out of existence oh don't you hate it when you lose to overview summary text I guess we'll never know if our villagers all died or if we died or both but I do know we're going to keep underscore playing or maybe not that button doesn't do anything well finish the game it is then I feel so accomplished so the game has been Autos saving so I went ahead and loaded the latest auto save Wow we must have been gone a long time the game started in the springtime and now it's Autumn good to see you're all making the most of your situation what with all the Milling around for 6 months and for some closure I went ahead and sped up time to see if our village would give us any indicator as to what ended the game and I did notice these lovely folks walking towards our village or so I thought it's really hard to tell they keep zigzagging like a sniper's trying to shoot them but they are identified as Outlaws and in theory they could reach our settlement which at this point is a settlement of one something's happening and if I had to guess I would say we just became a settlement of none on we've been defeated okay so this is what it's supposed to look like 266 days pass solid zeros for everything else the perfect stats okay so let's see if we can do this better this time so let's go ahead and roll back the clock it's back to being April all of our lovely people are back and let's work on making cryia wonderful yes quite so if you played a settlement kind of game before this may look familiar you've got all kinds of buildings you can make like a logging camp to get Timber and then a wood Cutter's Lodge to get firewood and then a saw pit to get planks and so on and so forth and all these various categories from Gathering to mining to Logistics to residential and farming and Industry and blah blah blah super quick version is we need to build all that stuff if we want to have a settlement so we're going to start with the logging cam cuz we're always going to need wood and in theory we could put it along the road but why do that we can just put it over here in the forest trees uprooted for construction three sounds good to me now we have an unassuming plot and everyone's coming to build on it the real hero is that ax that's dragging that one piece of lumber what a diligent bunch of workers my favorite is the guy that's digging in the lumber he knows what he's doing and then before you know it TAA what a glorious little spot and then we can go ahead and click on the thing assign a couple people to work in it and off they go in the forest to do their job you there you're doing a great job wait a minute what are you doing how dare you try to kill your lord you're lucky I'm Invincible wait wait wait no no no and now the lumper stuff is going fine let's get ready to build something else apparently these losers don't want want to live in these tents apparently they want to live in houses of their own so we're going to build them some of these which is a burgage or a burgage depending on where you're from but probably the most exciting part you see where it says plot points zero out of four that's because to designate where they can build this stuff we have to plot four little points and then it'll build it like that or we could not do it logically like that like is there a reason I can't just make it look all weird like I'm not sure what all these indicators mean but when I see this line go through something else I feel very intrigued so let's build this just like it is and see what happens well it's certainly looks Sensational so far look at this guy he's like you can really see the potential and now I will proceed to walk off and do nothing why bother when we need to wait for this one piece of wood to get here but then once it arrives oh boy let the festivities begin and boy howdy do they work quickly before you know it the whole thing is here oh yeah and here's my favorite detail I'm not really sure what they were going for but I'm glad they built this on both sides of the fence your lordship agrees excellent out of the box thinking and now that we've got that built let's build a couple more all of them hopefully kind of stupidly placed just want to make sure all these people have a nice sense of community and while I was waiting for them to finish this stuff up I noticed this message running out of food well that doesn't sound good so I guess while these poor suckers build this out in the rain let's see if we can't tackle some of their food needs for that we're going to build a hunting camp which lets us hunt for wild animals and a forager Hut where we can gather berries and if we look on the map here we got these little icons like this one here shows us that in this Forest there's a bunch of wild animals and likewise further from our base there's this icon over here that lets us know there's a berry deposit I assume it would be smart to put the berry thing close by so of course we're not going to do that we want to make people work for their dinner so we're going to put it far away near the hunting stuff actually and then we'll take the hunting camp and put it on top of what I believe is a berry bush that'll teach them well don't just stand there at least pretend to care yeah there you go go have a spirited conversation or a court chip I don't really know you two better fall in love I'm talking to you crybaby and slowly but surely they get around to building everything up to an including this forager Hut oh boy and I think this lady is off to go build the Hunter's thing which I believe means taking the windy windy road oh God it's really touch and go is she going to stay on the road or just cut across like a smart person Fiddlesticks she's smarter than that you win this round lady and then I zoomed out cuz I thought she was going to go further that direction and she just stopped and turned around and back to town she goes I guess well whatever I'm sure they had their reasons I don't even care the hunting thing is built and that's all that matters to me and hopefully that means this lady just beining through the forest is on her way to do do some sweet hunting let's follow her and find out although I feel like you're going to want to be a little more quiet if you're going to catch those animals listen to her heavy heavy steps you have to learn to be Twinkle Toes like me okay now's your chance attack them there's so many of them out here okay never mind she's just going back to the Village silly me I forgot to assign some people to be Hunters okay here we go oh looks like I missed the hunt but not the struggle I love that they have to drag this all the way back over to that hunting Hut but everything is working as intended there goes the berry Brigade to get us all the anti oxidants we require oh no resources stolen by nearby Bandits how I was just staring at the resources oh these Bandits are so sneaky that said I think I figured out a way to increase our visibility in the forest so we need to build this thing the marketplace provide space for the assigned families to set up their stalls more importantly no construction cost can I just build this like really giant thing just like that will the game really be okay with this oh oh thank God it deforested everything immediately wait is there any reason we can't just build another one can we just take out our entire Forest this way only one way to find out that does kind of appear to be the case doesn't it wait wait wait wait wait what about where the wild animals are can we do this too let's see yep yes you can well I bet this feels really awkward for all the deer that previously were hiding in the trees I believe I have bested you surrender to your new Mana Lord thankfully they don't seem to really care this is their home and by God nothing's going to make them leave well no sense in stopping there not when we have all of this Forest within our boundaries so hold please while we turn this into this ah what a lovely Place we've developed for ourselves sure feels easier to find stuff now these berry bushes have nowhere to hide I also have no idea where the markets start and end I guess we'll find out if someone opens up a stall hey and how's my logging Camp doing this has got to feel like hard mode for you I'm sure you'll figure it out anyway with our land opened up hopefully we can see Bandits coming but now we need to deal with the most Insidious Bandit of them all not having enough supplies we always need to have a bunch of food and fuel of which we only have a couple of months before it runs out so in addition to all the other stuff happening we need to stay on top of building stuff like a wood Cutter's Lodge so people can have plenty of firewood oh and Happy Days here in the pouring rain one solitary Market stall has opened I'm not sure why you insisted on building it all the way over here feels like you could have done that a little bit closer but whatever if it makes you idiots happy to walk back and forth forever go ahead and also to help support all this new building we'll be doing we're going to need more villagers to work on stuff right now we have five families and they're all assigned to stuff already ready and so we're going to need more unassigned people so that they can do construction so we'll try to lure people in with our amazing awkwardly shaped plots I mean who doesn't want to live on this awesome property that's like canoe shaped and once again you inspire me with your Advanced building tactics when you're building residential plots the game really wants to like Auto snap I'm assuming it's so that you can make like even looking housing like this but I'm finding it a lot more enjoyable to try to get the game not to do that and instead make things at gross angles so that nobody is sharing offence if I can help it I think it's a much better use of the space Oh My Goodness what's this a bandit Camp was cited and here's where it is if this is our town it looks like the Bandit Camp is actually pretty close by I don't know they seem like okay people they're just standing around looking menacing and occasionally hitting each other as Bandits do but I don't know is this really anything to be worried about I mean look at these people that's not even how you're supposed to hold a sword I guess we'll deal with that if it becomes a problem after all we've got some problems of our own it's called winter which is very rapidly approaching I do have some very exciting news though there are now two Market stalls yes please the two of you sell your goods the best you can you're doing really good to attract many customers to our tiny weird Village of like six families but thank goodness for us the deer don't feel like ever leaving or even care that we killed their kind yes by all means take my friend away I'm busy grazing on snow hey Wildlife are you okay you look a little Frozen uh-oh what happened I don't know if I'd go near that one it looks pretty upset oh never mind carry on I guess and meanwhile this appeared oh God what now oh no the Raiders are getting restless we've received reports of a band of Raiders roaming the nearby lands should we track their steps absolutely track their movement there's no way we'll be ready oh good a countdown timer we have 365 days to figure out that attack or how about we just don't make an army and see what happens instead let's prepare for the inevitable let's give them a church to pray in and also a corpse pit for when things go horribly wrong wait a minute what is this a region is being claimed by hild bolt well okay well let's see what our options are we can resolve our claim on the battlefield or we can use King's favor which we can't actually cuz it's coming soon and also negotiate just kidding that's also coming soon well let's see what further options we can resolve with our claim on the battlefield oh oh wait no that's not what I wanted oh god what have I done where is this battlefield location anyway oh I guess it's just this field that appears to be over in his property you can tell because of the yellow coloring well while I'm here maybe I can convince him to not do it over here in negotiation we have two options we can end this squabble for a small payment or I can make it worthwhile if you drop all your claims I'm not really sure what each one of these means so let's go with this one offers peace in abandoning all claims towards the recipients regions in return for treasury I'm not really sure who the recipient is but whatever I'm sure it's fine letter sent ah peace declared and a new message awaits us what does he have to say uh okay I need to brush up on what I know about medieval times so it says peace silver can't followed by peace silver refuse and peace silver accept hungrily yours Holts well with such a nice message like that we can't not write back no response is currently available or maybe we'll just end the conversation I guess it worked out hey wait a minute what the hell is this I'm sorry I thought we declared peace and yet somehow this appears to be your army I don't know I thought your message was perfectly clear even though this battle message is still up here with a status of winning well I'm sure it's fine oh wait now it says losing by that do you mean I'm losing because your army just showed up at all for a fight we said we weren't going to do golly just look at all these brave Soldiers just waiting sure is going to be awkward when I don't show up at all isn't it I guess we'll see you in 83 days anyway back to building that church which they're taking their sweet time building come on guys we're on the clock you need to get some praying in before Lord what's his faces may be coming for us and in the time it took to build that church there's only 4 days remaining till this battle who's to say what's going to happen I know I'm excited to find out oh my goodness here we go only one day remaining what's going to [Music] happen ah peace declared again it was a gallant fight but now it's time to just wander through the trees again having not seen our loved ones for like 3 months by the way this is what real Prosperity looks like four stalls now you couldn't just line them up next to each other you had to do this awkward thing where this person has to face off with this person although these stands are getting an amazing view of what's his face is soldiers just walking by what is this some kind of flex you can't intimidate me I don't even have an army to intimidate oh boy they're getting really close now I like my villagers walking by with firewood completely not impressed so I guess they really are just passing through and this guy's like come on I'm just trying to push my wagon can you guys stop a you guys have to bash me over and O ah well thanks for passing through wait a minute what the hell is this bodies need burial uh I'm sorry what happened these can't even be my people I don't trust them with weapons oh good and now another one of these what's face is at it again so let's resolve the claim on the battlefield no wait I didn't mean it this time let's do I can make it worthwhile if you drop all your claims and send TAA peace declared again let's see what he has to say this time I may withdraw my claims for such a price my claims are non-negotiable okay that's fair enough tell me about the claims never mind I guess that's the end of the conversation again anyway back to these people okay I have an idea how about instead of bury them we build some nice premium housing right on top of them yes I too think that's a great idea I mean look this is premium land completely detached from the rest of society it's perfect for all you future serial killers out there wait no what are you doing don't pick them up or pretend to pick them up whatever this is supposed to be stop doing it just where are you jerks going with those ghost bodies oh I guess it makes sense you're taking them to the church to make them someone else's problem okay I don't want that to happen to these last two guys or these houses are no longer special so instead right next to these houses we're going to build a corpse pit it's not quite the same but at least the dead bodies will still be close to the houses don't do it don't touch those bodies okay thank you my God why does this icon show 10 now who else died in the last 2 minutes what the hell is all this how did you guys even die over here this is clear on the other side of my land Holt I think you have a problem your army is comprised of a bunch of quitters but wow do they have amazing death poses oh looks like they're going to start building without moving these bodies well don't let me stop you you really want to get a little bit of that human factor in your home ah it'll sticks they came to get the bodies well it was fun while it lasted at least we can still witness the corpse pile from this house and now that we've got our corpse pit I feel like we've done all the preparing we need to do all that's left is to wait 191 days oh looks like we're not the only ones preparing another ruler's Army was cited ah I see right here on the edge of the map and it looks like they're on the move I can tell you this much though they have now entered my land whatever guys you do you now us we only have 7 days left till those Raiders get here and I feel like my whole strategy of doing nothing will work out just fine wow what a rough deal these guys are still trying to cross my land I didn't realize all this walking would be such an Endeavor for you either way it's time the enemy has been spotted oh dear here they come rapidly approaching my Village and by that I mean they're right there and all they have to do is go all the way over here and I learned something else not too far away from where they are are those guys because they're trying to claim that land over there well what a coincidence let's do our normal thing where we resolve with the battlefield and let's go send hild theable to Sweet missive let's send him this one again here you go actually wait can I send this a second time you sure can in fact let's just add this message as many times as we can we want to make sure he understands hang on I need to go into the game settings over to language and accessibility we got to lower this interface scale to as small as we can make it so that we have more space to send as many of these paragraphs as we can oh good it's spilling over into a second page I'm sure 28 times is enough letter sent peace declared per usual let's see how he responded excellent concise thank you Hol for understanding and per usual they do that thing where they do an awkward Victory lap around my town oh in other news the bandits are here how quickly I forgot no lady don't go that way yeah there that's much better waa what's happening Holt is that you are you engaging the bad guys on my behalf oh hild you shouldn't have I like the part where I didn't have to do anything except sit back and watch and I can't really tell but I think the bandits are losing yep that looks like a big yes oh not even going to finish them off huh just heading home already hey guys on your way out of town you might want to pick up some Goods we have the finest crappiest Marketplace in town I aspire to be as unconcerned as this citizen getting shoved around by Bandits doesn't care has work to do while they just Retreat mysteriously into the forest well thanks fellas that was great you stop on by to fight my battles for me anytime well that sure worked itself out didn't it and per usual their army coming comes back over to wherever they were supposed to go and Parks themselves waiting for a battle that'll never come wait what happens if we do show up what if we actually make a little army we do have 11 Spears and 20 Shields sounds like the perfect spear militia there you go all 11 of you it's time everyone head on in and get your equipment enter some random person and come out a soldier a yeah oh boy here they come I see you've been doing your morning drills okay everybody line up men get information yeah okay that'll that'll do now come fellas let's go greet them on the battlefield and hope that we don't actually have to fight all right guys form up show them what you got yeah that's the spirit face the wrong direction you're doing really good work here oh I see I honest to God can't do anything well that's probably for the better they are supposed to be our allies after all ooh but a bandit Camp was cited maybe while these guys are sitting around I can take care of that look there It Is Well shall we oh yeah get ready for the fight of a lifetime you're ready to fight this empty Camp I'm sorry what why is nothing here well can I just take the camp then and Victory Is Ours well there you go and there's a new message waiting for us when searching through the enemy belongings you find a stash of goods they could be sent to your people who surely need them though it is your right to keep it easy choice this belongs to my treasury now on we've made 131 money what is it gold silver I don't know what they used in medieval times and look at this there's more of these around and this one's also empty I mean not for long yes you do your manner Lord proud this day I will be sure to show you all my gratitude by keeping all the money for myself and there's another one over here but uh-oh there's actually people at this one are we feeling Valiant enough to take them on uh you bet we are oh hey it looks like they're coming to us how did they even know we're all the way over here actually this gives me an idea if these Bandits are using their amazing homing capacity to locate us maybe if I turn around and head back they'll just keep following me all the way back over to hild the bolts Army who are still dutifully waiting for nothing well let's see the race is certainly on and as we get closer and closer oh looks like they've taken an interest it looks like hild thebolt is sending his finest Bowman which as you can see is not deterring them at all oh boy look at this dog pile are they losing I certainly think so based on just how many of Holt's guys are trying to get in here oh my God okay well off they go wait so can I just do this every time I need help just bring everyone back over to Holts Army and make it his problem I mean I don't see why not all you guys are just standing around and there's only like 11 of me I didn't what I said guys you look great much better than these guys with like armor and helmets and stuff and so nice of you to say our status is winning for the battle that we can't fight battle one huh wait what it's mine now I control this region all I had to do was show up and we won being a manner Lord is so easy oh where are you all going now oh to claim somewhere else I'll be the judge of that oh God maybe I shouldn't have done it when everyone was so close together well this got awkward fast didn't it although it almost feels like they're running from us oh God wait I changed my mind Hey Hilda bolt I need to talk to you really quick paace me up Hilda guy good thing word spreads fast around here before these guys tried to fight like a thousand soldiers and let's see this battle appears to be right over here and I assume that's where they're headed and soon so shall I oh actually it looks like the battle zone is right here in cryia I like how right now it says we're losing but as we inch closer and closer suddenly we're winning now it's time for us to stand here for the next 70 days although since it is on my land can I just build one giant housing plot right on top of them let's find out oh boy special delivery ax is on the way bringing with it the gift of lumber and I appreciate the dedication on this Soldier he's not going to let anything get him out of formation oh it looks like construction's begun okay and we've blocked in that first group of people before moving on to the next well all things considered they seem pretty okay with this they've also got this expression on their face like they can't stop staring at a car crash but I get it it's just that they're intimidated anyway you guys thanks for another Valiant battle ah battle one battle challenge descriptor and everybody goes home even the people in the houses although they're having a little bit of trouble with that a and another piece of land belongs to us well we're not going to need these houses anymore so time to demolish them it's not like I care now if more people join our town we don't need them to win Wars we just need these 11 randos and all we need to do is follow this Army around and see where they're going to go next and then before you know it this map looks a lot more like this look at all that red and I renamed them too we have stupid landia and Fa Asia and miseryville and this one's just called oh and you might notice that hild thebolt still has some land that's fine I've got my hands full over here after all we got big plans for all this space which is going to let me set up my favorite thing a Marketplace and let's see if we can't take this Lush landscape and turn it into something that's a little more us yeah like this you can tell pretty much where the borders of my stuff is because every tree I can move I have right up to Hill the bolts borders oh and look at this it looks like our gift at 11 want to go start a fight I'm sure this is going to go really well yes you're doing great catch all of the arrows well I'm sure this is going to be quite the fight and we can keep the dream alive that they're totally going to make it so I hope you had fun I know I did I'm just going to let them work out their differences and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,466,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, manor lords, manor lords gameplay, manor lords game
Id: aoKL75ns_8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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