I Made All The Money At Max Level

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good news i'm once again addicted to drilling for oil so today we're gonna make a fortune starting with one dowser over here and one on that side too because the other one's going to get lonely eventually they will hopefully find something i did already upgrade them so they have a little extra depth since he's already found something we're gonna do a little scan here to see exactly what it is we're working with that's a decent pocket and how about this idiot whoops didn't mean to click that one looks bigger so one little oil rig digging just into the oil then we're gonna build a little silo for storage probably right here then we're gonna buy maybe four horses just to get the ball rolling so they can fill up this silo nice and quick and if they don't i'll go in and i'm gonna wait for these place fluctuations to come up this one's almost at a dollar already so we're gonna sell a little bit of oil over there just we can have some extra money to get some more pipe in the ground to get some more oil again definitely made a little bit of money so far we've made fifteen hundred dollars might get a few more rounds in over a dollar looks like we will about two thousand dollars worth so let's set up another little oil rig here also because there's gas nearby then we're going to upgrade the size of this pipe and the size of the silo twice and then i'm also going to tell my idiots to stop uh trying to take oil over there then we're going to send down a mullen a few more dowsers because we need all the oil we can find this guy in the middle did just find something somewhere here i'm assuming it's deeper down but i've been wrong once there it is there's also some magma to the left and to the right so i probably got to watch out for that but we're going to go ahead and tap into this one so far so good i think the strategy is really just figuring out how much oil is there because then you know how much you can spend and how long you're gonna need to find it all uh we're gonna have to open up one of these because my silo is getting full and i need just a little money to buy a new one so that's going there price of oil is coming up over a dollar once it hits a dollar we're gonna send everything over there that's good enough for me right now everyone go over there we're gonna buy another horse or two also so everyone's gonna take all the oil over there we're just gonna buy lots of horses to make sure that happens we're gonna do a little scan somewhere down here also to figure out where exactly this guy's oil pocket is hiding there it is that's also actually a pretty big one didn't expect it to be this much oil luckily for me i know how to upgrade all the pipes aside from this i don't know if there's any more oil out there anywhere gonna buy another wagon for now though okay this guy found oil oh it's right there actually we could see that before i was just stupid so i didn't notice yeah that's a pretty big pocket in itself and in fact i think there's another one just kind of above that well there's gas there i don't think they find gas though i think he's found some oil that's probably the edge of it right there really should just probably pay more attention to what's happening but the price of oil is dropped back down again lucky there are a few gas pockets i can use to manipulate it later for now we're just gonna store a bunch of oil i'm gonna buy a third uh thing if i can right there then i'm also gonna see if i can uh we're gonna make a little joint right there so i can close this valve here and then it's gonna go here then into there okay this one's on its way to connecting i've closed it at both ends uh it's already at a dollar too so as soon as it gets there i'm gonna unleash it and we're gonna take all the oil over to left ink while also upgrading this one we need this oil out of the ground it's only july so we're gonna open up this everyone's bringing our oil over there rapid speed and i'm gonna buy a bunch more horses just to move a bunch of this oil dollar thirty dollar forty we'll make some money on this time the horses pretty well so far they're not gonna move a ton of oil very quickly but they will move oil uh the gas already ran out at a dollar 85 was its peak we could do the same on the left side but he's need to connect a dad there and then to there and then up to there that's probably whoops didn't mean to leave that open also we're producing oil too quickly the horses can't move enough right now because they're not upgraded enough so they're having trouble moving at all but we're also still getting a dollar 17 on the left side so we're still making pretty good money for every barrel we just need to find a way to get it out of the ground much quicker what if i'm actually allowed to do that i don't see why not i can just put another uh one of these in like that to help pull some of that oil out in a hurry the price fine you just went back below a dollar i just heard the oil about to overflow so we're gonna buy another horse this we're gonna close for now we're just gonna store it for a second it is august but we are gonna have to start unloading this oil soon because the horses can't carry much the price on the right is going up so let's help it get there and then we're gonna put all the horses in the world onto the right side totally make lots of money i do need money because i'm gonna keep this and roll this forward into more profit and upgrades and stuff so every horse of no one is probably just going to go to whatever side he's paying more we're not moving it fast enough to be able to be picky about price i also have maximum herd size reached i don't know how many horses i have but it's the max well that actually hit 220 per barrel which is great money we're still getting over two dollars a barrel so that's easy money kind of makes you wonder there's any more gas anywhere down here so let's put a few moles if there's gas on this side that would be great there's some in the middle that i can't really use okay i just uh did another little scan there's definitely some gas there which is great but i also saw this which is also just a little bit of oil we'll see if we can tap into that the price on the right is still way high so we're gonna take a look to see exactly what's going on in this area and figure out if we can get to that which i'm pretty sure we can if we just go straight like that then we're going to close that for a second but this price is going to go way up in saying that i didn't realize we'd sold so much of our oil already didn't realize we could even do it that quickly so they're going to store it for just a second uh until we let this go and then they're gonna take it over here everyone get over there unleash the pipe that's gonna push the price up for quite a while actually you know what hold off until the price goes up i mean with a gas pocket this big we might as well let that run for a sec before we put any more of our valuable oil into it okay the gas pocket's about half used up everyone get over there real quick but we should be getting like two dollars per barrel or more on all of this oil so that's gonna be tons of money for me which is gonna turn into more upgrades which means tons more money basically i'll probably just run out the rest of the year going like this there's two dollars and fifty cents two dollars twenty yeah we sold most of our over two dollars which is pretty good even a dollar fifty is lots i don't think i'm going to get all the oil out of the ground but that's because i just can't get my pipes big enough and i don't think i can connect to the lava right now to use it i will upgrade this one final pipe to hopefully get the last of the oil out of the ground but i have one month left okay i think we have the last of the oil coming out of the ground now at 10 days to spare and that's the last of it at least that we found there were a few more pockets down there but they were small so i'm glad i didn't really chase them profit was forty thousand dollars we spent thirteen thousand we averaged a dollar fifty seven per barrel on the right side dollar forty three overall which has me in second place just slightly behind my competitor now since i've got 127 dollars still to spend we're going to be able to increase the size of our wagons once uh maybe twice then also maybe a few more and a few more then we're going to spend 15 thousand dollars being able to widen their pipes one more time then also i think i want this for heat resistance so we can go straight through magma now we need to pick our next piece of land and usually we pick next to aries that already had a lot of oil in them so i'm gonna be gonna take this one we're probably gonna have to bid for it so that's why i left a little bit of money though everyone's pretty happy with their pieces the upgrades i just bought should make things a little bit easier again do you want cash sell exclusively to left or right to see no i do not want that i'll just slowly make money the good old-fashioned way i could get an easy 900 by selling exclusively but the price overall would not be worth it i hate how addictive this is so if you idiots thank you wanted to find some oil at some point i wouldn't say no we're gonna do a little bit of a scan right there not a very big pocket let's see what idiot number two has for us we'll do a little bit of a bigger one well that's a bigger pocket next to a bigger pocket and we get a nice little short pipe to start so we'll go to there then we buy a couple horses which might be able to go straight to the left right away depending on that price and i think we're going to put silos on the left side because i think there's going to be more room then we're waiting let's do a mall out over here they randomly go around but they will occasionally find me stuff i wouldn't find otherwise and since we are getting over a dollar on the left let's get a few uh wagons of oil over there real quick even one for 90 cents we'll take then while we're waiting and we got a very short haul let's upgrade the size of this pipe because this is going to be a major pipe pretty soon we're going to upgrade that twice and it's going to puke oil out now look at it go you can watch it oil level drop in real time we're actually getting so much oil that we're getting overloaded even on this short little hall course hello that was actually really expensive little maneuver we just did guys can you go quicker we're gonna start losing a lot of money if we can't keep up with the oil that's getting spilled uh oh we're losing lots of money okay what are you gonna have to go start selling so i can buy another idiot because we're about to lose more money because they cannot unload their oil fast enough i think i'll be able to buy a new one in time maybe hopefully it's actually so expensive to spell that much oil i hate that so much this guy's just sitting here being like hey i found oil by the way yeah just leave a flag or something i know where it is thank you sir i can even see it oh but look at those left side prices coming up over a dollar let's get that oil over there oh this pocket already ran out i had no idea but we're gonna make some money there so we can extend this pipe for sure and then we're going to upgrade the wagon size right away then they're going to take the rest out all over there for about a dollar a little less then they're going back to work on the silo so i'm just going to upgrade those a few more times then i think it's probably cheaper to buy this and do this than it is to drill all the way over to it i'm also a little worried to spend any more money right now because i'm not sure if there's going to be any more oil in the ground i might literally be these three pockets though there is something over here and this pains me a little bit but i'm going to sell some oil for about 50 cents a barrel because i want to upgrade some pipes and then we're going to send out another dowser to hopefully find a little more oil i can see what's something here and there's also something down there okay let's see if we can see both of these at once nope we're not really gonna get that luxury what is that that's a huge gas pocket and i'm pretty sure no the doubts are still here he's still looking for oil but that doesn't mean he's gonna find any we're starting to get a pretty good price on the left side again he did find some oil over here which might be what that pocket is okay everyone go to the left no don't go to the left let's scan and make a little plan okay that's a very small pocket i don't think that's the one he's found though because he's not on top of it but no we're literally not pumping oil so we're just gonna sell everything we can right now to the right side because it's almost a dollar per barrel and we'll take what we can get then i think i need to send a few moles loose just so they can do a little exploring because i need to see if there's other oil somewhere out there we're gonna spend like 500 on moles and then i also need to figure out how to um get over there and then up with the gas not that we have a lot of oil left but we do have enough actually we can manipulate the price so we still a little bit more and then we've got to move on to strategies so let's do an annoying expensive scan here that's a lot of rock and then we're going to scan the other side to hopefully find less do we have anything there well we could make it up to there if we really wanted to and there's something right there which might be oil is there any gap here not really so basically i'm gonna go like that uh actually that was kind of stupid but we can go like that yeah we can't go through rocks right now i forgot already we go between the rocks that's probably not gonna work very well that might work okay say i want to go like that will you let me nope that was just a big waste oh there's way more oil down here though i didn't see that we're gonna need some of this okay get the drill down there yesterday uh while we're at it let's take a look at some of this i know we're spending a lot to do this but there's so much gas there that i think we're gonna try and work our way around everything so let's spend a few of you to just start doing anything at all right now it's already the end of july okay then we're waiting we're gonna upgrade a few of these just so once the time comes we're able to dump a whole bunch of oil wherever we need it to go got a little bit of a price bruce on the left so i'm going to send a few more wagons over there just for some money right now i can set myself up pretty good then we're going to upgrade a whole bunch of different pipes then we also need to continue drilling over to here and then here and then hopefully up without hitting my this is a really stupid design but this might actually work depending on what's in the ground over there if i had magma right there oh we go through megma i forgot we're also getting a dollar well let's hold off because we're gonna have a lot of oil we'll be able to get for a good price once we let all that gas go so let's send one two wagons over just for a bit of easy money then everyone wait it's already the end of october so i'm upgrading this pipe hopefully like right now so these are all mac so we're putting a ton of oil through here let's buy one more horse and then we're at a dollar here on the left so let's open the gas up and that's gonna flow for a long time and get us big price we're almost overflowing because we're pumping so much oil to the surface and that's absolutely a good problem to have so let's uh bring one wagon over for now to get a little money in case we need to make any changes abruptly we still got tons of gas left so the price on the left is going to get ridiculous so let's just hold off on everything for a sec in fact i'm going to do something strange and go like this i hope this is worth it i just really want all this oil out of the ground especially for the prices we're about to get okay we can start getting some of this oil because we're at 270 per barrel this is gonna make up for our bad play early in this round so let's buy a few more wagons to be able to haul this around and we're also going to need to be able to reach into something here that might work oh oh that's very expensive stop doing now what do you all do oh we're out of a space okay everyone started dumping your oil off then i didn't realize their silos were full we're gonna get 324 per thing anyway at least so that's not the end of the world it's december already so everyone dump your oil off we're gonna buy as many horses as we can because we're gonna pretty big oil finds at the end everyone to the left please all the horses we can buy oh we can get a better upgrade too everyone go all the oil out three dollars fifty cents three dollars fifty cents i got an achievement for that look at all that money we're making suddenly there's forty thousand dollars we're at a time we still made 48 000 just because the ridiculous price we got an average of 272 per barrel that's definitely a record for me that wasn't the most profit anyone made but it was second place again so next i think we want to be able to maybe just get a drill so we can go through rocks if need be because the rocks are getting in the way uh let's also increase the speed of the dowser i want twenty thousand dollars left over to bid with should i have to bid again i mean there was good oil here there's good oil here i'm thinking maybe right here between these two hopefully okay i'm gonna have to outfit this lady that's fine they can all fight for what's left i hope this is good ground okay next i'm gonna have moles and cover three more cells each because they were actually hugely helpful last time i have eight thousand dollars so i need to make money uh so idiots get out there and do your job mo i'm just gonna throw him all dead center and he's gonna wander randomly to wherever he wants to go uh i'm gonna do the more central one we're gonna scan over a mall well we hit several pockets so that's perfectly fine by me you get into the oil and then uh go to the left straight away because that's really good money definitely get over there i'm even gonna upgrade that pipeline since you're getting a dollar 40 out of the blue both sides are very good right now everyone over there go quick as you can even the right side is pretty good value still so uh we're gonna sell this one more then i'm gonna spend a bit of money on a scan to see what exactly is going on over here that's a pretty good pocket definitely forgot to buy a silo so that's not great horse please take care of that that's what we call a tired mistake and unfortunately we're running out of oil so we're gonna have to sell a little bit for a little price so we can tap into this pocket this is a little bit awkward timing because we're running out of oil we don't really have a lot of money to do any more exploring then we're about to hit a dollar something go on the right so let's just send everyone this way for a sec we'll even bring another horse on for this job this will give us the money we need to keep on drilling and exploring and stuff we'll hire a few more dowsers put a few more moles out the usual stuff so let's do another dowser there another dowser there we're gonna throw an oil rig here then we're gonna throw another silo here while sending everyone to the left because we're over a dollar we're gonna upgrade that so we have lots of storage then i'm gonna buy one more horse just to make sure we found my oil somewhere here so let's send out a little big scan and another deep scan because he might have found a big pocket down below that's a pretty good one we'll tap it whoops tap into that right away dollar okay we're gonna upgrade the size of the horses and we're gonna upgrade how much oil they can move that way when they have oil they put it right to where they want to go for those prices that's important then prices are back below a dollar but we got three thousand dollars to work with upgrades so i'm gonna send another three or four moles out over here because i'm going to do a big scan over here anyway to find out what oil this idiot found pretty sure it's just this pocket but i want to take a look down here because as i was hoping there is some gas there's also maybe a pocket here and while we're at it there's something here spending a lot of money on these things that's definitely some good gas i'm going to try something uh strange i kind of don't like the way it is did that whoops that's also why because i didn't want to do that so that's going to go to there and then there then we're actually going to close it here not here uh okay that did work the price on the left is one cent i've also never seen that before so we're going to upgrade this um we are going to need a little bit of money so let's have two of those open there's oil there we need also but for this gas i'm going to do this really weird stupid plan where i'm going to go this way and then i'm gonna go through the oil over to that one maybe but i also need to figure out what's going on with whatever this is okay that's also gas great this is gonna be a really really stupid looking pipe uh well we're at it i think this one's gonna connect to there for 350 you've got to try and make it to there okay you're going to make it any way you can right now then like there then you go down then you go up then you go down and you go up and that'll all make sense later and i managed to keep hitting rocks everywhere i go i did buy a rock drill didn't i yeah i should have bought that a while ago it's only 750 dollars to go through rocks would it save me a lot of money had i remembered i had that the price on the left is pretty high right now so let's upgrade a few pipes while we're waiting uh i didn't mean to do that already we want to save that gas for as long as we can but i do also want to upgrade all of these pipes so we're sure to get all this oil out didn't realize we've been sending so much oil to the love this entire time so we're definitely gonna have to store every last bit we can find right now in fact i'm gonna bring another dowser in case there's more oil somewhere also a few more moles the moles just managed to find a lot that i never can okay the dowser did actually find something which is pretty uh good news that's a nice pocket of oil we're definitely going to tie into that one they both apparently found something so i'm not sure what the other pocket of oil is that he's referring to so let's take a quick look we can upgrade that oh i think i see it it's like right there uh we're not gonna do that there we're gonna use this one to get that okay then we just run it out just a little more but i think we're at about that time where we're gonna open up this valve because i wanna be sure we get all of that oil out now just pay attention to the gas levels once they start running low low ish we start sending all the horses over we can kind of manipulate them actually get them like halfway there before we say wait hold on don't do that i'm also going to buy a few more horses because we need to collect a lot of oil more am i max i think about max amount of horses okay we might spill a little bit of oil here but we'll hopefully make more than we lose by doing it this way no i can buy more horses great we didn't need to spill that oil we're at almost three dollars a barrel on the left so that was pretty good still got lots of oil left uh like a lot of it didn't realize how much we had in the ground i think i keep forgetting to put all my new horses in one direction or the other because i feel like we could have dumped that oil up a lot sooner because now like we take it away in no time but i think we might have actually got it all yeah we got a thousand dollars for getting all the oil which isn't worth it three thousand dollars in spillage uh we made 40 grand profit which is actually third place next i'm gonna buy conductivity uh that way if i put my pipe into magma it makes things go quicker maybe faster drilling would be good so i've been doing pretty well with the land i've had so far i might take one up here because it's beside a 47 and 45. i think that's the best bet down here is probably also fine but they're fighting over that they can have that so here we go again yeah i know all about spillage my friend i've already spilled basically all the oil in the universe you go there you go there and a mole somewhere in the middle they often go find something at almost the same time which is a little bit suspicious that's a pretty good pocket to start with i like the size of that now we're going to build a silo right away this time and a couple horses to make sure that we have something to do with it all so there's a pocket oil here probably oil here but that's about it so far and because it's a nice short little pipe we're going to upgrade that right away let's get this whole pocket mined out right away price on the right is climbing up a little bit so let's send a few of our horses over there for some quick easy money because 60 isn't enough for an emergency uh in fact even now we're gonna be close to overfilling oil we are back over a dollar so i'm just gonna put all my horses to the right now it's going to make me money almost overflowed there horse get over there i think we'll be okay yep they got that and look at that money roll in already but one more horse there price is dropping so we're probably gonna go back to using silos then we're gonna upgrade that one more time to make sure we're getting that oil out then we're going to let some moles go again we're going to put one there i'm all somewhere over here most somewhere there let's put a mole i don't know here i wish you could see this one better i really hope that isn't gas i just kind of blindly drilled into it so that better be oil and it's oil there's also a pocket down here the price on the left is going up so let's send a few horses that way that's definitely going to make us some money let's put all the oil we can over there right now while putting more horses on the job because they're slacking off again everyone over there all the horses we got we're gonna upgrade them also so they can actually carry some oil around seriously anyone gonna grab that oil and then i'm gonna upgrade them right now because we can make a dollar 23 per barrel and we're going to there's a dollar dollar dollar yeah we got six grand to work with now so we can sit back and dream which means i'm going to put another oil whatever right here i'm going to upgrade this one i actually want to scan this to see exactly how big it is because sometimes they're pretty deceptive we can do a big scan because we have big money we have magma too so we'll maybe tie into that because that boosts our productivity also that's going to go down there we're going to do the drill through rock just because i'm going to be lazy and assume there's rock in the way now this one's going to move some oil in a big hurry and this one we might also tie into the oil uh into the magma because there is a lot of oil here then we're going to throw out a few more dowsers to see where the rest of the oil is hiding on us also since we have that money let's send some moles okay there apparently there's oil in the bottom like way off to the left and way off to the right so let's do a big scan over here that's a little pocket over there that i'm not worried about it's only a thousand dollars if we get all the oil anyway so why would we fight that hard for it you go there and then there and then also a fork into the magma then i'm gonna oh actually the price on the right is pretty high right now we should take advantage of that a little bit i don't know if we're gonna have the gas here to get any good upgrades anyway so we'll send that over there for a dollar 15 for now we're also going to put a horse wherever it's about to overflow then i think we could probably pull up a little bit more oil but for now we're getting pretty good prices so let's just take advantage we're also going to have a lot of oil in the ground still prices have dropped but looking at the amount in the ground let's go like that and we need to try and find like a big pocket of gas if it exists since i have ten thousand dollars already to burn uh we also need to upgrade some of these pipes we did find a little bit of gas it'd be great if there's a big pocket here there's not necessarily one of those but we have a gold nugget that the mole can find well here's how this will work there'll be a valve there that'll tie into that that'll tie into that it'll tie into that and that's going to be closed didn't the mole grab that do they not grab those i guess what we can do then is or is he grabbing it now whoops didn't mean to open that one stop okay now i just hope i can get all this massive deposit out we're actually going to do a scan at the bottom of that because i want to see what's down here i know i'm spending a lot of money on this but i need to know exactly what it is i'm dealing with oh that's actually a little bit smaller than i thought but look at those nice big full silos uh might actually need another one if i can fit it i'm gonna do it just preemptively they're not that expensive because that's just a lot of oil to be moving we're pumping a ton out of the ground my like super upgraded horses can't even really keep up so can we talk about this gold nugget the moles can't seem to be able to grab i don't know how to get that okay we're kind of running out of options here because uh the silos are about full but the price is going up so let's go ahead and vent the gas over to it that's gonna put the price up not super high but high enough that we're definitely going to make some money still so pretty soon we'll let all the horses start going that way i'm gonna throw another one in because already that's starting to happen okay everyone go unload the oil we're gonna put a horse on that right away then we're gonna take advantage of dollar two dollar prices right 2.50 didn't think we get that high okay we got a lot of them for over two dollars so that's perfectly fine there's a whole bunch of dollar fifty still over a dollar should we wait for a price fluctuation will we get a price fluctuation the price on the left is moving quite a bit um we're also at 41 000 already so the right stall the left side is going up we've only got really two months left so let's get the horses moving in that direction at least i don't like 88 cents yeah it's already dropping again it's the end of november but we could dump this out in probably less than a month i just kind of need prices but to be fair this might be as good as it gets so everyone just go dump your oil i don't care right now we're already rich 41 000 so far that's perfectly fine there's 47 this will be over 50 easy enough but this one worked out nicely because we're sitting here waiting at the end without stress okay there were a few gas pockets deep down but that's fine we made pretty good money 49 000 profit and that means i was in the lead for the first time ever i also want to make a super sallow for 35 grand because we clearly need storage on some of these richer levels so that was definitely a good choice at my part because i got a 47 the rest of them had way less it's don't be pretty good money considering but i want this piece i'm gonna have to fight for it for sure and i will because i know there's money to be made here perfect what did i pay for that i'm the old woman four thousand dollars i've got a good feeling about this idiot's down we're gonna launch two moles this time uh probably something like that idiot one found something we'll do a nice good size scan yeah i could work with that there's also a gold nugget there so that's gonna tie into that right away then we're gonna put up the storage and also a couple horses wow they're literally standing on top of each other they're so smart can you guys go make some money on that right away dollar thirty i will take advantage of that all day long and while they're waiting to fill let's uh upgrade the pipe so we can push a little oil out for dollar plus prices then we'll upgrade that one more time then we definitely want to make sure we're not gonna run out of room so we're gonna link those together later 86 cents on the right side isn't bad so we're gonna take maybe a little bit of oil over there so we can continue our exploration because we could put down another dowser or two hidden on the left found something already and they're once again jumping up and down there must be another deposit down below so let's do a little scan to see what we're working with we're getting a pretty good price on the left that would be it there so everyone take your oil to the left for a second that means all of you stupids speaking of stupid i'm not currently mining any oil which is kind of the whole point of this adventure there we go now we're back to making money i'm just gonna let them run this out for a dollar plus prices fifteen hundred dollars to work with so let's send a few more moles down in random places they'll start to paint me a picture of what's going on down below i'm a little concerned about the lack of black spots we're finding down there shouldn't there be oil here somewhere there's something down here which is hopefully a monster deposit i'm gonna try and hit both of these because i think there's two well there's one big one price on the right side is about a dollar i want just a little bit more money for exploration we're gonna get drill through rock and then we're gonna hit this pocket also oh look at the left price also everyone get in on that i'm actually impressed with the lack of oil we seem to have on this area but i also need to find out the deposit that this guy keeps signaling okay that's a pretty good size we could probably work with this now in fact we're going to do something strange and go like that then this one's going to connect to say here and then here and then here and then up to there eventually price on the right is going up so we're definitely going to send some horses over there and buy some more before that overflows and because that's a pretty long journey let's upgrade the wagons as soon as we can i'm gonna upgrade the horses one more time so they can just bolt straight over to a dollar thirty cause we're gonna make a lot of money on those kind of prices so we use that money to connect up to there we'll close that we're gonna send maybe a few more dowsers out so it's pretty late in the season so we can upgrade all the pipes we'll also maybe spending a little bit of money tying that into the magma just because i think that's gonna push more oil out of the ground which obviously means more money for us oh he did actually find some over there too how fitting but i don't know how much it is over here it's probably not huge otherwise you'd be seeing it already somewhere because they tend to stand out because they're big black spots uh probably that one maybe also this one okay also need to remember that it's getting towards the end of the year so we're going to wait for price to come up a little bit and then we're going to also inflate it we're going to start that now so we don't miss out prices is already coming up actually you guys hold on you can move oil pretty quick when i want you to the gas is still going uh do we know oh we do need more horses oh okay okay yep go take the oil now stop spilling please that's good enough for me we're gonna get like two dollars per average on this horses go quicker this one's kind of tricky because there's just not a lot of oil so we don't need a ton of horses but there's lots of two dollar plus barrels uh we're still at the dollar fifty for a lot of that dollar twenty dollar ten so yeah we made pretty good money considering there wasn't a ton of oil here anyways but our profits were twenty two thousand compared to thirteen thousand spent i was basing every spending on the fact that i thought there's more oil that person had good ground next time we'll get the big stuff
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 967,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tkDzLsWRlss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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