The Most Profitable Mine Ever

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we're going even deeper today we've got a bigger map and that means a lot more riches if they ever wanted to make an appearance that is I don't think I've ever had luck this Dad luckily I have a solution for that okay we just simply restart until we get good luck and with that bit of wealth we're gonna get the Hostile proximity meter then I'm just gonna get right back to work looking for more riches I just realized I should probably be up at this elevation but then again maybe not oh but we did also find more riches so this is much better luck this is why we restart a million times definitely gonna have to upgrade this idiot speed I can't live with this forever but while we're at it we'll take up maybe one more triangle ah you know what the wave's gonna be so light I might as well grab this last guy before the idiot show up okay so this is a new type of Dome with a sword instead so I think I'm supposed to hit him like this or I can press up and stab them apparently which uh I I don't really know what that did so I think we're supposed to just go like this okay I get it now we gotta have big swings uh that's definitely a little bit slow but uh hopefully that gets better I mean I do enjoy stabbing things I'm gonna upgrade my drill strength right away uh let's also have a dome Health meter I would like to to know how close I am to dead at all times but with a stronger drill that means we can go a little bit further a little bit quicker and with just a little bit of luck we might actually be able to find some riches and looks like we had some luck okay I'm just gonna go straight up because it's quicker also meant to grab three of these but I suppose overall will make a huge difference with the drill this drawing everybody should just be bumping into things underway because it's not going to slow me down that much all right time for battle what does this stab do oh I think I get that I think I'm supposed to hold that down for now I'm just gonna uh smash this guy in the head it's still very slow to do that oh maybe it's a speed based thing I did actually yeah I get it the part that you swing it the more damage it does okay next I'm going to get more carry strength that way when I do finally find the mother node I can actually carry all of it all at once and it's very efficient for me this stuff over here is taking two hits to kill because it's that weird brick looking stuff that I'm gonna persevere through it because then we get into the easier stuff again and it really might be a pretty big nap alright so there's probably some nice shallow stuff up here somewhere or maybe not that's fine too we'll take our water droplets for a little walk and then probably mine to the left where it's easy year the upgraded drill is so much better because we can just plow through for a little bit more and uh yeah there we go we can carry five resources reasonably fast now then it's time to fight all right we got the bird thing so we're gonna have to go like that and got him and oh we have to recharge that that's kind of annoying but so is a needle in the face got him no I just really need more iron and I need it like really close to the surface uh Deluxe is kind of balling up again but we'll make up for that again there it is and there should be a few of them at this step yep so we got a little average deposit we can use I'm gonna drop half of that behind me that way and carry three and three quickly then also with these three because I can still move very quickly and we're running out of time I'm gonna mine this way a little bit while carrying the iron because I know there's got to be some good stuff somewhere over here okay we found some triangles running out of time there we go that's what I was looking for we'll come back for that stuff mostly because my alert meters are going off right now so we've got to get the battle luckily I can hit this guy with a big swing like that and that really hurts him okay and then I'm gonna have to launch it these idiots we're gonna have to time this carefully right about there whoops okay I let that go too soon I keep forgetting how to do that luckily they're pretty weak so I can get away with performing very poorly so far probably gonna have to upgrade this to the point where it could Pierce more than one thing because like it's gonna be a problem come on in got him okay so right away I'm probably just going to uh heal the Dome a little bit because we have lots of healing power I'm also going to get a little bit faster movement speed then we're gonna go down for my easy Iron right away and then once that goes to the surface we still have a little bit of extra time so I'm just gonna go straight down the main and perfect just what I was more or less looking for lots of iron then I'm going to improve my sword improve the slicing strength and speed of your sword then since I'm pretty rich I'm gonna upgrade drill strength also again now my sword is extra quick and we're starting with birds which is really annoying I'd rather slice these things but at least we have the health I don't know if I can hit that one so we're just gonna go for this one gonna have to upgrade my weapons probably a few times on this one we found iron the other way so I'm gonna go this way and we're one shotting the dirt as exciting as that sounds so we're making pretty good progress still there's some water which I don't think I care about very much but maybe I do there's an iron deposit I almost missed although it's not a very big exciting one but I'll take some water and I don't know if I'm gonna be coming back or not so we're just gonna do a little more exploratory mining we definitely want this but I'm still gonna do a little more exploratory mining because look at rebound yeah this is a much better use of my time than sitting up at the surface we'll just take a little bit of iron with this for now I'm also going to take stab bastard more often because that sounds like something I would enjoy the flying thing I don't think I need any improvements on because for the most part I'm just fighting these and these aren't oh it actually penetrates now I have penetrating stabs okay I can also one shot these guys it seems so yeah now I'm feeling a lot better about my defensive chances plus I've got a pretty good uh load of triangles we're going to carry this to the surface first that way I can think about whether or not I want to use it because this is condenser blast mining or shred to Cobalt I think I want blast mining that sounds fun you come with me if I'm understanding this correctly I can just let it go and it's going to blow some stuff up that's going to be nice because that's going to clear a big area and remove some hard drilling that I don't otherwise have to do in fact I might also be able to upgrade that into a ridiculous size bomb and I really hope I can but we'll explore that opportunity shortly then headed back I'm going to go down below this stuff and hopefully pick it up on the way out I think it's most efficient to mine this way I'm somewhat certain of that now as far as upgrades go we can't really afford a lot so I'm just gonna get reflection one that's basically going to help reflect projectiles and there is ways to increase my bomb size so that's going to be interesting I don't know how long it's going to take to recharge but I hope it's like every wave or what do we do against all these guys this oh it's killing all the little guys oh that's actually very satisfying oh and even hurts him on the way back I didn't realize that part okay we'll turn on the windshield wipers oh I see they just sort of explode when they hit okay my bomb did not respawn yet which is very sad so that makes me think that unless it is upgraded it's not going to be hugely helpful because a blast that size every once in a while isn't doing a ton found myself uh into some more iron but we're gonna push this a little bit further gotta utilize all the time we have I was hoping by the time I brought this first load back the bomb would have uh resurfaced but it hasn't definitely gonna need a speed upgrade too for how deep I am oh the bomb is back so it's about every two runs or something uh also I'm gonna have to go in uh murder this guy real hard I guess we'll murder this guy too while we're at it and can we get both those birds at once it's gonna be a little bit of a learning curve to see how to deal with these okay we're gonna heal the Dome a little bit because we have lots of those explosion radius yes we're gonna make the bomb bigger it's pretty cheap overall all right so we're gonna bring this down with us you know what we can just probably let it go it'll probably explode by the time it gets there anyway perfect that actually makes a lot easier because I can just drop it ahead of me and by the time I'm all the way caught up to it it's got us it's good stuff ooh there's iron there I didn't realize before but you can actually see the iron a little bit like on the edge of a new tile yeah we're gonna be pretty rich after this I'm just gonna blend in my way through this I guess would maybe be most efficient though to mine down a few notches then drop the bomb otherwise we're not really taking full advantage of its blast radius so in anticipation of that let's give it a few of those and then next time we drop the bomb down it will clear out a lot didn't realize how little time I had here so we're gonna settle for some water and one of these definitely gonna need a speed upgrade because this isn't good luckily my Dome is pretty strong and I have lots of heels otherwise I would be pretty worried about this right now but in the meantime it's only like two idiots that have shown up oh I tried to do something clever there and that didn't work at all uh oh okay so we're actually shooting at it interesting okay that thing's Gotta Die for sure so okay uh please die please die I don't really know Wow we lost a lot of Health here okay so we're gonna repair a lot of the Dome the health is way up there now I probably should have spot the more HP thing but we'll buy that next time perhaps I need more speed that way I can actually go down and get all this iron and bring it up I didn't realize how deep we got so quickly sometimes you're just too good at penetration and then I'm gonna mind my way back out this way hoping to uncover more anything at all while there's some triangles I'm just gonna take that with me for now then I'm kind of going to leave everything right here we're gonna do a little more exploring not too far because we don't have a ton of time I just want to see if we could find some easy Iron again for next dive I'm not really sure what that spot is there's like a dead spot but we're getting outside of the map okay there we go uh luckily the water rolled away because it's a circle I didn't want to carry it anyway right now then it's back to battle okay well I can only hit so many things at a time it's hard to use this sword it might upgrade really strongly though uh so we're gonna see if we can I guess if we can have it handling better actually that would help because then I could Pierce through things well my bomb is ready come with me little bomb soon to be big bomb bigger bomb get you go down down there please land in your slot perfect that was perfect bomb just have a way of making everything better wouldn't mind an elevator in a metal or something that way I could just drop crap and it would bring it up but I don't know if we're gonna get that lucky for now I'll settle for all that then I wanted to see what our thing found but to touch the edge of an iron deposit so we got lots of iron coming up we'll take what we can here and I also want to do the same thing just drop it down a few more that when I drop the next bomb it does some good work for us and with all this iron I think I'll just take fast stab too I'm not really sure the difference between all of these because I've never really used them before so this thing is quicker I wish I had better handling for it though okay I gotta go to that for sure come on okay that would charge you pretty quick now though so I think we're doing all right and I think I can actually like hit those back or something that's a projectile so I should be able to bash it back this guy's gonna get annoying please don't hurt me that wasn't so bad overall but now I need to take up these little remaining resources I'm gonna upgrade my carry strength that way it needs to take less loads up and down especially because the deposits are going to be bigger moving forward the next one we find is going to be even bigger again and the one after that bigger again okay there's some water there I could probably take some of that with me I'm running through some of the hard stuff never mind we're back into oh what's this you just found a one-way teleport okay so we can teleport at some point we just got to decide where we want to put that and I just want a jackpot of iron so that was a really good find in multiple ways I'm probably just gonna put that right about at the bottom middle hole right now or we also have another bomb very fun so in celebration of that let's make even bigger bombs just because we can I think that's probably a bit of a waste of iron but we get bigger bombs so who would am I to complain okay hopefully we can kill these guys nice and quick okay I'm starting to appreciate this sword a little more actually I can just whack these guys probably ready go okay you didn't die in one hit like you're supposed to you'll die well we can just go back and forth though oh it does like less damage the second idiot you hit of course it does I can't remember if I did a thing at the bottom of this yet I think I did so we're just gonna let it go and hope we're the best please make it down to the bottom there we go big explosion so our new teleport is going to be here and then we're gonna take this new iron up also we're so rich in iron suddenly give me all this and this is going to be a new bomb hole also uh we're pretty strong considering we can carry all this oh we have a teleporter why would you not use that wait where does it take us how does it work oh okay I think it takes us from the top down to it I guess I think I'm moving it right now do I have time to get another load of this can I upgrade speed first well I'm gonna go for just a little bit I think I can go straight down and back up if there's anything left straight down I don't really remember there was some iron here so much shallow I'm gonna grab some of this real quick and go for the top this actually worked out I got another full eight pieces of iron and I got back before the wave even started okay then I'm gonna give myself more drill strength and that's probably about it for now we're just gonna try and survive this battle which we should be able to do fairly easily these guys are going to be a little bit annoying I don't really have a great way to deal with them actually that works better than I thought it would also wish I had a better handling knife but at least it fires pretty quick and hopefully we can stab through you no but we'll stab all your little friends the babies and sap and stab stab stab I really do appreciate the amount of stabbing I can do with this build pretty sure I left some iron over here because I got excited about the teleporter I forgot how to use and there's a triangle and our stronger drill is going to carry us through here we're going to take this stuff with this because I don't think five even slows this down not getting enough lot of black for iron on this side yet but what we are going to do is place a teleporter here again then when we're at the top we can teleport ourselves down there's a leftover iron at least we're gonna go down here for the next bomb then I'm gonna mine just a little bit more because we have just a little bit of time to hopefully find some shallow iron again we have another bomb ready to go for the next one but for right now I'm feeling pretty good resource-wise could always use more iron though there's a lot of iron resources out there starting to get a little overwhelmed with how many of those there are I can let the little guys hit me maybe because I don't really care I think I understand like I think I have a reflection pad at the base of my sword now yeah okay I get how it works now so if we do that uh that guy will hit and then we're gonna reflect that I think I don't know if that worked whatever the case he's dead we're sending another bomb down wait where's my teleporter I think I can just teleport to the teleporter maybe uh well I kind of screwed up how we're gonna do that but I might test that in a sec for now bombs going down there it blew up a whole big thing I'm sure it found some iron if it didn't it's fired not finding much more in this way but we're still strong enough to plow through this stuff with little effort well wow all the iron here was in the center apparently which was good for me but that means I shouldn't export the outside and now this stuff is getting strong again but here's another power we could definitely use one of these I don't know if we carry all of this at once but I'll take it come on to the top I think if I press R now it's going to teleport me to that so I'm going to try it next time on the way down I think we want a stun laser because that's an easy thing to add that's just going to help me stay alive and now it's just a matter of getting back to work this done nature is going to help me yeah that's much better it can take care of that guy for a sec while I focus on this side okay I'm gonna need some upgrades here because this stuff whoops is all hurting me a lot I don't know if I can block that don't worry it's under control even though I screwed this all up pretty badly big guy first don't worry it's all under control Stanley's just got that one and then you're dead luckily what I can do is pay six of these we're gonna get 300 plus HP and repair 50 of the health so it's back at full health I'm also gonna buy this this is only two triangles your Dome automatically repairs if it gets hurt oh I need to try the teleporter thing it does work so it takes me right to the bottom where there's no iron waiting for me outstanding uh well we did find some iron here plus an upgrade this will be a big thing of iron like a lot of iron so perfect I'm just gonna milk this for a sec wow I've never found a deposit this big plus there's all sorts of power ups this is the jackpot the bomb respawned already what a nice surprise but um I can't really Let it Loose where I want to because it's already all mined out so I'm just going to put it somewhere over here or something I guess kind of doing this the wrong way again but whatever you go there find me some good stuff I'm out actually we can watch that but I wasted a bunch of time on that so uh uh uh teleporter go there okay since it's only two water my stun laser is going to work completely automatically even if I'm not here I'm also going to give it a little bit of endurance and damage those are just cheap upgrades and I feel like I kind of need the help at this point because enemies are definitely getting stronger and more numerous I kind of wish this would uh wish you a little further than it does oh I forgot about those things too so uh uh we're gonna have to block that I guess does that work oh we gotta hit that with a sword okay um surprisingly not very good at swinging a sword back and forth okay it's coming in we're gonna intercept it pow well that's kind of stressful teleport down did this find any iron I don't remember no but I found a power up kinda wish I forgot about this well actually it might be very good let's not get too disappointed yet we're not your parents after all and this power up is we have a resource converter we have drilbert we have shut the Cobalt I think I actually want the resource converted drill but it sounds fun but I'm pretty sure I need to upgrade him a lot and I don't have the resources to spare I just want to convert because I have an abundance of water generally I've had so much water actually that I've been leaving it around in places that I shouldn't have been really but if I go collect it now I think I can turn into iron what is that is that something it was not can I take all of this I might be able to take all of this I'm Gonna Leave a teleporter here for next time this might be perceived as greedy but greedy is just sort of what I am tempted to drop one of these right now but I think we're almost there if these can even fit through here it's probably gonna tear half of them out now anyway so nope we made it I'm gonna figure out how the resource converter works and also defend myself but let's also start the resource converter uh one water equals why is water is so valuable am I reading this backwards okay you convert water into iron okay I'm also gonna buy more speed because we have such a long ways to travel then we're just about out of iron again already we can actually use this converter to turn iron into iron like we can make water better so I definitely want that pretty soon anyways I need to do some murdering right now uh otherwise we're going to die a horrible death I mostly want that big guy dead but I'm gonna kill anyone I can and we're gonna thwack those guys I'm gonna thrack these guys we're gonna have these guys I look at this because it's actually really easy to do but we're also starting to take lots of damage we shouldn't be taking whoops little hit there ready as a bomb comes up can we teleport with the bomb uh we just dropped the bomb up there whatever oh this is one of the things for the end thing I think isn't it not entirely sure where the bomb went or what it blew up but I'm sure it had a happy Journey I'm not entirely sure where the bomb landed I dropped it somewhere up above I don't know if it blew up anything useful also not sure what that is here's the iron I've been needing I'm gonna try and bring this off to the surface I mean I'm still moving fairly quickly anyway I can drop a new teleporter soon but I don't know if I'm gonna bother at this height I guess I might as well there you go I can't teleport with the bomb and that's also kind of annoying okay I'm gonna make my uh wider and longer blade I guess I can use my teleporter right now though I'm a genius then use my super super speed to go find uh more iron I thought there was more that's okay we might find a little bit along here we also might not yay we did can't really take much of this to the surface or we're gonna die but here give me that much too much a little bit greedy I think I also want to try the iron converter uh yeah there's a Battleground on up top and I'm not here for it okay but now we're fighting with the bigger battery blade so that should do more damage to everything which seems to be can I block that I don't remember and these guys are gonna die nice and easy okay so we're gonna multiply iron that's going to convert iron into iron as I understand it so then okay I guess we dispatched some iron out we're going to convert one iron into five iron over five Cycles oh I see I see how it works you just coming you gotta empty it once in a while okay I wish I knew that the Dome also took quite a bit of damage there it'll survive for now but I do need to remember it's a little bit low on damage there was definitely a whole bunch of iron here I'm Gonna Leave a teleporter right here so I can come right back to that I don't think I need to bust out anymore over there so this comes to the top we're gonna teleport right back to where we were grab the rest of this iron hopefully or maybe not it's a little bit slow but what I am going to do is drop one right here where it's easy pickup for later and I do have a bomb ready to go is this ready it is okay I'm gonna convert one iron to five iron we're gonna stop in a bit and get next to easy five iron then I'm gonna try what's called a javelin it was very expensive so it better be worth my time I'm also gonna buy this right now impact recuperation 2 activate on getting more damage and 40 of total HP and now we have a colossal big pointy thing up here so I see okay so that just fires off now and I I can continue on with my sword maneuvering interesting don't know if I love this upgrade or not it was a little bit confusing at first we're gonna try and whoops uh yeah reflect some of these this isn't working very well got him it is very strong I just need to be sure to actually hit things because we charge it up and shoot dead okay we lost a lot of Health there we need to remember to repair next time oh so gonna take my nice little bomb for a nice little walk I'm gonna plant it I don't know over here somewhere maybe just so it does maximum explosioness okay bomb right there teleported right here here's the thing I'm looking for didn't realize it was right here uh not sure where his little friend cables are this is probably one of them I'm gonna set another uh didn't mean to do that I get the order mixed up on things again there should be more around somewhere I think don't remember where they are or how this works I'll bring another bomb down a little bit that'll certainly find everything we're gonna take this what I think is water and this horrible mess of resources I love buying because I'm stupid then we're gonna repair some Dome because we quite really need it at this point that put us quite a ways up we'll do one more I'm actually gonna give the Dome an electro blast ability and maybe also in over no let's use strength one now my precious little Dome is a Little Bit Stronger okay there's one of these idiots coming in whoops forgot how that worked again got him here comes another one missed oh I killed him but I think he also hit me which isn't super great I keep forgetting I have this new weird ability too where I like it despires other than that it's pretty straightforward to use whoops uh okay well whatever you did some damage and come on come on gotcha did I put a teleporter down I did not oh am I supposed to be turning these on maybe that's the part I forgot about okay teleport is going here uh I think oh I hit the teleport button okay well I ruined that already I've had a lot of coffee what do you want from me okay that one's lit up I don't know if there's another one here somewhere are they all lit up now are you lit up is this it I think this is it all right well we brought the weapon to the surface I've got a bomb I've been used though so I'm not letting that go oh the enemy's coming quick okay never mind I guess we're going to the surface bomb you're on your own I didn't realize the wave automatically counts down once uh because I've got some sorting to do still I didn't upgrade this sword for nothing the final battle I'm just gonna sort the life out of everything we're gonna start those big guys okay that probably really hurt the Dome uh okay well this comes to save me I think regardless anyway not entirely sure how that works we win Ultimate Dome lots of power thank you [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 503,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M0MErjLybWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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