I Forced Things To Be 100x Bigger in TABS

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so they're gonna let me make my own units i don't see what could possibly go wrong with this the default unit is a human hot dog hybrid we can choose our base we can either have a sniffy or a child also don't ever combine those words in the same sentence well to start it's gonna be a melee unit you can make them target their closest friend or their most expensive friend who designed this me we're gonna have him attack the enemies like a normal unit at least for now time to pick out some weapons for this to wield is it possible to give him a bow and arrow in each hand we're going to dual wield bows and arrows i don't think clothes are necessary if you can have a bow and arrow on either hand clothes are simply not required anymore unit description our skin suit wearing man comes with double the penetration test unit nothing happened nothing went wrong we're right back to where we started so once again let's see how it performs ready and go i just realized i think i made him a melee unit didn't i he's a melee unit with two bows and arrows but he's actually winning the fight while he may not be that agile he makes up for it in penetration this time i'm gonna make him properly arranged unit then i'm gonna give him a snake bow in one hand in a regular bow in the other but to make sure he's adequately prepared i think it's time we start changing some of these things like maybe his attack speed maybe a five times attack speed multiplier isn't too much to break anything yet uh didn't expect that to happen he's still able to work his bow and arrow though this is at five times attack speed imagine how bad it would be without that yeah get em snakes do all the work face of incredible power okay this time we're going with a skeleton who's gonna have a big ass shield to protect him this wise bone man is also gonna have a mammoth charge because i think that would be a lot of fun then to show how big of a skeleton he is he's gonna get a massive skull helmet on top of that that looks pretty reasonable to me so let's make him 1.5 times the size 10 times as heavy and 2 times as fast also more hit points we don't want to be embarrassed when he dies gotta get it all in the picture that should be confusing enough for anyone gazing upon it i'm not sure how or even if i can save at this point but that's okay i'd rather not keep this thing any longer than i have to but let's what is happening what i like him he's very chaotic but i don't even know what's happening right now okay let's uh stand back and take a look who is the flamethrower is he too heavy is that the problem no he's getting the hang of it he was just very surrounded by units for a minute he's doing all right i'm also kind of annoyed i don't have my regular controls like slow motion or anything can you stop walking on him he's making a comeback if anything he is resilient just you wait though there's his mammoth charge he waited this entire time to use his ultimate move he missed entirely but it looked pretty good ten thousand hit points is a lot i'm kind of assuming it is because he's mostly been standing here being shot for the past 10 minutes only one more unit to go that one was artificially propped up before i batted him back to the earth there we go have a shield victory oh there's his mammoth charge celebratory dive into the pile of men as fun as this is we're moving on and no i'm not going to keep you i even have useless garbage floating around my house next up we're going back to our skin suit because that just looks too good to say no to but let's give him some kind of two-handed weapon this time as in dynamite a guy that throws only dynamite a guy that throws dynamite is going to need 10 000 hit points because he's going to throw dynamite at 50 times speed and imagine this going poorly guys i wouldn't go near him he's very explosive i got one dynamite on the ground i don't know if he can throw them if he's being attacked he'll get the hang of it eventually don't worry oh now you guys have done it if you get the dynamite from up there you're boned oh coming back down you know dynamite throwers are pretty much ineffective if they're being tangled up by anyone stop holding his arms he needs those to kill you what are those guys fighting my bum throw is interesting enough but what is this i don't know what's happening but i'm gonna move away from it i'm about prepared to say my dynamite thrower isn't working because i think so far he's stolen one piece of dynamite this guy's just built to suffer at this point he's got ten thousand hit points and he's just gonna get halberded again and again and again and i'm okay with this they killed him wow well that was the worst unit i built yet there is death events now i just need to find a useless weapon for him to wield how about a rock you can have a rock to throw at people and i don't actually know what it is clicked on but that actually suits the look of a man throwing rocks at people and i lost it somewhere so you can just have a mustache for now and enjoy that now we're gonna make him five times as big to make him easy to hit then he gets a modest 1000 health but he's also gonna be half as quick as normal just to you know make it fair it always starts to fight oh never mind i was looking up i knew that yeah it looks like it's going well for him any second i was gonna turn this around wait till he throws one rock at these guys well that guy got ballooned so that's kind of amusing maybe we should just have a rapid fire balloon thrower anyways as soon as he dies everyone else is gonna die cause he's got a death event and look at the size of him he is not enjoying this battle one little bit it would help if you do something anything at all just patiently waiting for him to die i shouldn't have given him one thousand health that was clearly too much because now i'm waiting and waiting and waiting oh there he is he died where's where's the death event was that the death event he just died even when you die you're useless has it been whining because i haven't given it a unit name this entire time okay i'm gonna call this one meat it's weapon is gonna be not one but two sticks but let's give him 100 times attack speed so we can have some deadly sticks damage is going to be normal because we want to keep it fair for now ladies let it haunt your dream yep so that was the only problem this entire time i didn't have a name for it so it wouldn't let me save it anyways for now let's give meat a little test as soon as he gets those sticks wearing nothing's doomed you can do it that doesn't look like a hundred times attack speed to me do we need to turn the numbers up more is that what the problem is i hope the other things have some cool wings and stuff my guy has no chance well let's try a little meat here in a real battle we're even going to give him a few friends he can hardly even stand up straight and i'm just going to put him up against some farmers because i don't really expect much from meat so far so good it's going to be a very even battle they do have like 50 times increase attack speed but they don't seem to use it very much you know you can hit them back you don't just have to get stabbed your entire life maybe sticks weren't the best choice of weapons whoa he got him smacked him right on the booty down he goes that's one attack at 50 times speed apparently so it's not pretty but it is functional we can do better we're going to have this young man dual wielding big ass swords then i've also given him all sorts of abilities some of which are defensive to help keep him alive and then he gets pirate shoes because why not he's going to be 1.5 times the regular size he's going to be 1.5 times the weight he's going to move twice as fast attack three times as fast and do double damage and he has the look of unyielding confidence in his eyes unit name is stabby save unit since i think stabby is going to be pretty good i'm gonna put him singularly against a team of something else say five archers and three squires at least to start all right they're already hit him with an arrow so clearly his defense isn't good or maybe they didn't looks like something hit him he's knocking down those guys with his sword because he could just kind of throw them at him that guy just got ganked by that sword so i'm liking this unit he hardly even has to do anything so far he just falls around the battlefield throwing swords at people got him with this sword okay maybe these powers are a little bit more overpowered than i thought they would be because i don't think he's taken any damage at all so far unlike the other team and that's probably bad news for you so let's also add in two catapults and a king that might help take him down because it's going to be a tough order for them uh the catapults definitely hit him but he made short order of those guys he's just impaling the hell out of the king i'm surprised that guy's still alive wow he's like a pin cushion a royal pincushion uh welcome back oh he's got like a cavalry charge okay that thing's going down we're gonna need a bigger armor to take this guy out catapulted the face he eats it for breakfast so let's add in three knights and a healer is that gonna be enough to take him out what do bards do incoming catapult he can't block those kenny but they can miss all right back to regular speed for a second to see how he fares yeah he really just mows down everything in his path i honestly might have made him a little bit overpowered already though the pincushion king does have healing on his side this time i don't think it's going to be enough to take on my blowing angel here however i know his lightning brock's projectiles but i'm pretty sure his swords can also do that there's his cavalry charge to get right up close to the enemies once it gets close to the archers they're all done for they can't defend themselves yeah that's just a massacre because he can launch swords that quickly and he jumps right over the king to get that guy for style points kingpin cushion is bleeding out pretty quickly so can i add more stabby to stabby may i trade a few of these others in for power because i like the projectile block that's all fun but what if we have three more sword castings does that by chance give him more swords okay we're gonna take out one more of my block for more sword stabby there we go he's pretty much made of swords and since i suspect that he's a lot more powerful now than he was before we're gonna give him lots of enemies to fight hopefully he does give him all those extra swords this time we're gonna go with this many archers that many knights uh maybe a few squires who could measure and then one king in the rear those swords are going bananas as long as he keeps his swords going out he'll be just fine though look at him go hacking and slashing his way through everything he's already taken out pretty much everything except the king they got him that's two out of three though he definitely takes out most of everything it's all the archers that get him he can only stop so many arrows with his one power yeah i might have to give him a little more deflection power but aside from that he's doing pretty good maybe he just needs to be bigger or he's smaller i can make him so small nothing could hit him he's doing better this time now because he's moving more never mind the arrows get him okay adjustment time we're going to add another mast style projector block to him so we can stop those arrows attack speed is also going to be five now so it's a little bit quicker for sure so what did we do before like a swirl and a half of archers then uh i don't know four nights a king in the rear and a bar just for funsies wait no two kings is fine the king's just there mostly for him to practice his aim they just absorb swords like it's nobody's business he's already taken down both kings and he's getting into the patch of archers now it's just a matter of whether they can kill him before he kills them and at this rate it's looking good for me wow he mows him down like he's cutting the grass this is awesome we'll slow motion the last few all he does go in sword sword sword dead this is fun i'm gonna make him bigger now all right say he was a cool five times the size with five times the weight i know it doesn't really work like that he should be heavier but i don't care if you wanted logic you've come to the wrong place let's escalate we're gonna go ten times attack speed and three times the damage he's gonna absolutely mow through everything i feel like i should update his picture because he's bigger now but that'll be a surprise for the enemies look how much bigger the square is now he's so big alright the archers should be able to hit him pretty easily now so we'll give him lots and then i don't know a row of knights and a king the game is not lovingness and neither is him he's just falling backwards because he can't quite get his balance but don't you guys worry because you need to get close to him he's going to attack that's that's a promise i oh what they can follow can i just be lazy and put him closer can you guys get to him before he falls off the edge this time please it gets more and more fun every time i need to add the units back but i did make him considerably lighter there we go he can not really move but you know i don't know if he can physically attack them anymore he might be too big i didn't know he could make things too big in a game like this and again he's just gonna fall off the edge okay here's what we're gonna do now as we've learned countless times before if things aren't working the way you want them to escalate will we be allowed to do a cool 50 time size he disappeared so i'm assuming that's a good thing maybe also a little increase in hit points and i don't think i want him moving any faster because that seems to be causing troubles damage can go up to 10 times just for funsies so yeah that's a big square he's gonna take up all of this space that is unbelievable where did he go oh don't tell me i lost him is he up here somewhere do i need two of them i wonder what happens if i press play is it gonna let me do this well i'm just gonna throw down a bunch of vampires for now because i'm not sure if this is gonna work anyways go i don't i don't i don't know where he went has anyone seen my giant he's big and pink i think i might need a bigger map because i can see him for a second kind of like when we load but then he disappears into the sky for some reason oh wait he came back he's around this level is a little bit bigger but maybe still not big enough to accommodate stabby we put him here it just bounces up into the sky every time we'll see if we can make him come back though didn't mean to have two of those the mod is 25 times he'll be fine hopefully especially on a level this big see it's not nearly as big of a square though he still goes into orbit every time i do anything they don't seem to know where he is either he's just kind of whoa there he is he's up in the sky uh he's not really doing anything helpful but looks like he's having a good time if you guys want i could probably toss you up there i don't really know how i'm gonna get him down though maybe he's too light maybe that's the answer he's 25 times as big so he needs to be at least 25 times as heavy that's how physics works right if something's too big it floats because you gotta make it extra heavy but my theory seems wrong i think as long as he's floating over here he's gonna be floating in game though he's touching down a little bit more now wait it's working he's ten times as big but he's holding onto the ground now before he floats away let's add some kings and a whole bunch of archers not sure the game's gonna love this but he just falls down he can still fight though he doesn't need to be able to stand up i might have forgot to make his weight back normal again but i'm sure he can still throw swords and zap people i've made the world's most useless giant i'm not really sure what he's doing he's floating in circles and hitting things with his limbs still not the worst thing i've ever created at least he has something of a function and he's very hard to kill just based on his unpredictability you know he's kind of stuck against these things now nope never mind oh yeah look at all the archers once he gets in there he takes them all out at once but then he flails back around uselessly we could probably still get a way of making him bigger but i'm not sure how much the game is going to love that yup that's it very useful lounging on the church like always okay here's what we're gonna do he's going back to 1.5 times size 1.5 times weight but he's also gonna do 100 times movement speed 100 times attack speed 100 times damage we're gonna give him something really big to fight gabby's going to go here and just as a little show of strength let's put him a few bars to fight real quick and see how quickly he does kill them ready go oh he flies now i don't know this is good or bad i don't think the game loves anything i'm doing today yep that way but also that way he just flies right past every time i need him to oh he got under the sword though okay maybe this is a little bit too quick he is still killing him though he just doesn't touch the ground anymore he just scoots on by and hits him with this sword at very high speeds well that's a problem right there he's made out of jello well maybe give him simply 20 times movement speed that should be a little more agreeable he is still kind of floating but that's fine he can deal with some of my beloved cactuses for a minute how does he deal with those it's all kind of flying not sure there's much we can do about it though the cactuses probably don't realize this but they probably don't want to be stuck to him as he's kind of like a cactus in himself then what happens if we take away his sword casting abilities does he fight better that way because he really should be strong enough to take out pretty much everything involved if he would stop doing that i do think he was better with the sword throwing because he's pretty clumsy he's doing a lot of damage but he's having trouble hitting things he's definitely effective just not very pretty or fun to watch
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 809,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 695hunRZtzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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