I Caught The Rarest Treasure From The Very Bottom

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casual fishing game meet your worst nightmare so far we have the option to go down and go up so insert your mom joke because we're going down we can go as deep as five meters apparently and when we bring our rod back up we have nothing somehow i'm managing to fail at this game despite the fact that i have two buttons to push oh i think we got something and we got a tackle box and then apparently that also comes with a direct deposit of 15 which we can then use to upgrade our line length by 5 meters and our lone hero is very happy about that so we should be able to hit 10 meters if my math is correct which should mean better treasure sounds like we got something i assume the deeper we go the better it's going to be or we can make maybe catch nothing at all i might also need to actually react when i catch something i assume to wait to stay on the line but i don't think we're gonna be that lucky and we got a boot so i'm gonna try and be lazy and catch stuff at three meters that way i don't have to reel as far because there's another ten dollars i will make my fortune ten dollars at a time if i have to my first fish anchovy that was worth i don't know more we're going to get better real speed because i'm impatient that's much quicker we can go all the way down to 10 meters with this kind of speed which catches us more boots but look how fast it goes down there's 5 meters and 10 meters and we got an arctic salmon it could go to japan and back not anymore because it's gonna die eventually we'll be catching fish from the core of the very earth itself i'm gonna get a better hook type which i assume means we can hook things easier than extra line length now we can go down 20 meters i mean 15 meters because i'm not stupid and with that we're gonna catch a radio somehow it still works we don't have time for music we're busy catching fish another anchovy i assume deeper is better but at this point i'm not really sure if it makes a difference we caught a sea sponge was somebody bathing there probably not but with that we're gonna get extra real speed which is much quicker again i'm gonna enjoy this another arctic salmon we went from 35 to 85 so that's worth 50 dollars this guy gets no breaks not to use the bathroom not to get food not to sleep he sits here day in and day out making me money blow fish when she went from 85 to 115 for 30 dollars and a few sea sponges later we're up to 185 dollars so let's get some more lime length 45 let's go for two of those and three of those probably skipping over some very important stuff along the way but i'm going straight for the bottom 30 meters which is going to catch us an arctic salmon that we were catching at the surface definitely going to need a faster reel too because it takes a long time to pull up from 30 meters but we got an arctic carp which is worth considerably more i didn't see the value before but it's worth more and there's a new one ever pregnant guppy this seems unethical you should see the stuff i normally do that brings us from 175 to 190 and that's just gonna kind of hang out there for a while it's actually giving birth and we're getting money for what's popping out of it i think we're getting two dollars per baby and that's fine by me we need more of those let's increase our real speed you over there on the ground keep up the good work i should just leave for like six hours and let that thing spit out babies another carp for sixty dollars in theory that thing should die eventually but i'm happy it's not it's just gonna sit there and suffer and give birth for my profit but this extra line speed is definitely making a difference because we're already at the bottom and we can be back at the surface in no time as soon as something bites we got another ever pregnant guppy so now we're gonna make like four dollars every few seconds while we're at it let's get a better hook type i'm pretty sure that's gonna mean better fish i just need like a hundred of these things and then i can retire not entirely sure what the better hook does at this point because i've definitely got one and so far we haven't caught anything new yet so for now let's take a little more line length times two so we can go as deep as 40 meters which gives us a strange head is it a helmet or something yes an ancient warrior dropped it through the ice a million years ago we found our first rainbow trout which takes us from 128 all the way up to 203 so at 75 dollars per fish we're gonna start making some pretty good money and we got another ever pregnant guppy we can clearly fit a lot of those on the ground and before you know we're up to about 400 so i'm gonna get real speed up to four meters per second then a little more line length and we can get to the bottom that much quicker now and another new fish ankovi from a far away land we're going from 121 all the way up to 191 my conclusion currently is that the fastest way to make more money is to have faster line speed because it's eating up a lot of time going up and down still so let's go with five meters per second now it's only going to take us uh nine seconds to get to the bottom or at least that's what it's supposed to take i think it's actually faster than that in real time 500 and 80 babies later we're able to get real speed up to six meters a second so that means faster profit though i should have more uh of these spinning up babies i think i caught them around 30 meters so i might try to get more and that actually worked out pretty well because those are gonna add to a lot of profit especially if i get them sooner than later we're up to five of them now and we're catching them fairly quickly so we can have a whole army of these things producing us money it actually seems like these are the only thing we can catch if i go to about 26 meters never mind but we've got a lot of them this is rapidly turning from a fishing expedition into a baby farm and i'm completely okay with that because i'm gonna sit back and make money without having to actively fish that popping sound is the sound of money i suspect i maxed out how many of these i can catch now so we're gonna go back to catching regular fish for a while but not before i increase my real speed one two times at nine meters a second we can hit the bottom this fast now and the best part is even while i'm waiting for my lure to go down and up again we're still making lots of money thanks to the uh birthing fish but since i've quickly earned another thousand dollars let's get real speed up to nine meters a second now we can hit the bottom this fast which is much quicker i hardly even need to be catching fish at this point because we're making like two dollars per second but let's go a little deeper 150 165 let's try 55 meters per second that's gonna catch us a golden guppy which also gives birth to things or probably more money and after catching whatever this is i'm going to upgrade my line speed one more time which is going to give us an even 10 meters a second which is pretty quick a few minutes later we have 1300 to spend on 11 meters per second which means we get fish to the surface this quickly so let's try a better hook for the same depth to see if anything new comes out of the hole nothing new yet but we did get our fourth golden guppy so let's take it down to 55 meters correction 60 meters because we have the original five 60 meter depth so far nothing new more golden guppies which is always nice but we're making money at a pretty good rate so let's try the advanced talk which is apparently now maxed out but hopefully we start to catch something a little better now i mean golden guppies never hurt especially when you consider how fast we're making money i thought it was impressive when we're making like a dollar per second now we're making like 10 dollars per second so let's go a little deeper line length 60 meters we're going down 65. at some point there's got to be newer and more valuable fish because what's the point of spending all this time to go deeper well let's make it more worth their time real speed 12 meters per second for 1500 and let's go line length 65 so we can go down to 70 now and we can get there in a hurry there's all the way from zero to 70. still not finding anything new uh lots of golden guppies which is great making some money zero 30 fish found which is curious so let's go wheel speed 13 meters per second and then go down a little deeper now to hit the bottom we're gonna do it probably as fast as we used to but we're going a lot deeper now i'm starting to wonder if i'm doing something wrong which is weird because all i can do is press w or s to go up or down never mind we just found a sahaja shell must have drifted a long way that's worth approximately a hundred dollars and a walrus uh so we're gonna go from 1140 to 1260 so about 120. okay we're starting to catch lots of walruses which is good because if they're worth 120 each that money is going to stack up pretty quickly so let's go even quicker 14 meters per second and that's maxed out uh we're at 50 meters per second and that's the max and somehow we're still able to find rainbow trout which is something we could find pretty much at this surface i think the better hooks just mean the fish bite that much faster because now that i'm looking at it they're biting very quick once we hit our depth once the line stops moving they bite basically instantly so we go all the way down wait they bite back up they come it's very quick but we need better fish and a lot of money to get down to 80 meters so let's hope it starts to pay off although i won't lie to you the baby farm is pretty amusing still finding more rainbow trout than anything though maybe it shouldn't be going all the way down to 80. there's another walrus let's try 77.7 lucky numbers nope don't bite that no don't fight that wait wait uh it's gonna be too hard to let that specifically this is pretty close though right we'll see what this is a walrus okay we very quickly saved up thirty three hundred dollars so let's go a little more line length which gives us another wall race there's got to be something better down here somewhere also a little more line speed would be nice at this point because it's very quick but when you're going down 85 meters that still eats up a lot of time if this one isn't something new i'm gonna go down another five meters to hopefully find something new so we should be able to hit 95 meters now 90 meters that's good enough for me is this gonna be a new fish rubber ducky a programmer's best friend so we're going from forty seven hundred dollars to forty eight i think that's worth 250. we're going so deep now it might be worth it just to go like this because i can catch boots almost instantly at a rapid fire rate uh it's probably not as worth it but it's still a pretty decent way of making money at this point and i just wanted to try a few casts at random depths because i've been maxing out my casts all the way along and i thought maybe there's some new fish at weird depths along the way because i feel like there's a lot more fish to find and i have only found like six different ones so far another walrus we saved 7 500 so let's go down just a little more there's gotta be some good stuff down this deep we gotta be close to the bottom guess what we're finding at 95 meters more walrus we think if we're paying for these upgrades we start to find better stuff at some point and another walrus we're not even finding no shells anymore we found a shell at some point it wasn't worth this much but we at least found one and whatever happened to that helmet we found okay we're going to 100 meters and apparently that's not the maximum i assumed it was 100 meters surely has to have something new that's a nice even round number still more walruses that are also dead i've had this idiot here fishing non-stop for a month and a half he's made ten thousand dollars but he hasn't got anything more exciting than a walrus so let's go 110. i don't want to miss anything along the way because i'm worried there's going gonna be important upgrades and stuff and i have a way of missing these things deep sea jelly you deep sea jealous not really it's about to die we're going from ten thousand five hundred dollars uh to more money i don't know much that's worth but not a great deal and a strange device is this part of a machine i don't know is it so i feel like i can find parts for that probably and that's why i didn't really want to skip depths because i feel like i might miss out on parts and there's a cassette for the music i'm not listening to pretty sure i'm officially making more money off my baby farm than my fishing expedition so let's try 120. i wasn't even watching what those upgrades are worth i just know i still have a lot of money so from 120 we get device part it fits right on what are we going to make 120 meters down but at least we're not catching wall races anymore we're catching deep sea jellies but let's go another five ten meters down for almost one thousand dollars that's gonna earn us a vampire toothless legends say it come from hell does that mean it's worth more money fourteen thousand two hundred to fourteen thousand three fifty so i think two hundred and fifty dollars and i would be surprised we're only like 130 meters down here's a strange hat which we get to wear not sure if that actually has any effect or not it very well might and a hatchery tank this device seems to be a hatchery oh we get a fish farm we don't really need to grow the fish though we can just sell them as babies so i think the hatchery is actually collecting some of these babies once in a while and they grow up into the bigger guppies so they're actually just reproducing themselves now because it's definitely spitting them out once in a while and i assume that's what's happening there's another vampire whatever still mostly deep sea jelly so let's go down another 10 meters for about another 1 000 140 meters it's definitely taking a second to get that line back up but we're probably gonna catch more of these and maybe something new well at least our happy idiot is making some money up to almost 20 thousand dollars so let's see if we can hit 150. that will hopefully come with some new parts or something interesting maybe even a better fish who knows there we go morey eel that's amore so we're going to try and figure out what jet's worth we're going from 18 800 to 1819 feel like the fish aren't necessarily getting more valuable which is odd or maybe they are and i'm just bad at math which very well could be the case 150 meters down by the way and still catching more of the things i don't really want to be catching anymore let's try 160. really hope i'm not missing anything by skipping over 5 meters but you know what we'll figure that out later 160 meters and a vampire tooth us again so let's go another 10 meters down at some point where you've got to find something good money is no longer an issue we just need to keep going deeper and deeper and deeper until we find whatever it is we're looking for especially considering how long it's taken to get all the way down there i know it's not more than a few seconds but after you do this a million times you start to notice those few seconds come on big money well we got a more eel and that's okay but still not good enough 180 meters and that's going to turn into another more eel how exciting but this is also one of those rare times in the game where we're making money faster than we're spending it finally a new one there's a lantern fish which means we're getting deep enough so we're gonna go from uh twenty four thousand four hundred dollars to twenty four six hundred i don't know we made some money let's go another ten meters down still more eels but at least we're not catching a jellyfish anymore okay final reel from 190 meters then we're going down to 200 which should hopefully have something fun but 100 i don't think did and 200 is not the bottom so we still have hope and i am starting to wonder just how deep we can go and an ice cube which is interesting not sure what that's gonna do if anything guess it doesn't really matter my retirement is set thanks to my army of fish babies since we're only catching lanternfish let's try 210 and it's starting to take a long time to get this line back up again we caught a merm things are getting strange down there yeah i can't wait to see what's deeper good news whatever this is wasn't a one-off so we're probably going to catch a lot of those and i have to say i'm a little bit intrigued so let's go another 10 meters down 220 meters below the surface which got us another merm and let me guess another merm yep down another uh 10 meters we go for about 1600 i don't know if we can afford that we only have about thirty thousand dollars currently but hopefully we find something new that's even more interesting than a merm and we got the sun at least the fetch is a good price it better uh i don't know what that was worth but it seemed like it was actually quite a bit and there's an old locket with that probably means something to someone but not to me i can barely read regular english i'm barely even capable of pressing two keys repeatedly to make this work but at least we're finding some interesting stuff there's another old locket someone dropped a lot of those down the hole i love how many of these guppies we have though look at all the babies flying into space for my profit and the longer time goes on the more of those we're gonna find and another old locket so let's go down to 240. is it just me or did we actually pull the sun out of the sky on that one cast because it's not coming back up anymore it's permanently night and this cast we got arctic turn how did it get down so deep i think we're casting back into the sky and that's how we caught this sun maybe eventually i'm going to catch myself but i don't really know what to expect anymore because we've kind of gone off the rails normally that's something that happens accidentally it's nice when it's not my fault for once things just get weirder and weirder alright well i'm sick of the arctic turns so 250 meters were maxed out i'm pretty interested to see what we're gonna find at 200 and uh at question marks nothing seems to be biting is there nothing there do we have to wait a long time oh oh if you go down a little further you do actually kind of catch yourself uh okay well say i don't want it well i guess you don't have a choice now all right we're gonna catch ourselves what do we got thanks for playing okay but i still have zero of dirty fish found i have questions we can't have any more upgrades so what happens if we go to like 248 meters do we catch something new here 249.1 this is pretty much as deep as you can go without catching yourself and we got an arctic turn and another old locket okay so let's keep going down and down and down and down again until we hit the mysterious depth again and then do we not catch anything that time no do we have to keep going down okay i get it now so we go all the way to the bottom and break reality only to catch the worst prize of all which is me
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,222,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3TlymgCg1mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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