Using Automation On The Most Expensive Ground in Hydroneer

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all right it's making its way up not particularly quickly but it's making its way up that's all that really matters right now that little rock that could I do so my thing is up to the task of mulching yet it doesn't go super fast those boxes might not even be necessary yep that worked we've learned so much already like that this ground isn't producing enough gold so we're gonna take our whole operation over to the one that actually a giant gold nuggets that includes our single box I'm not gonna bring any of my pipes or machinery yet because I want to forego what exactly it is I need to do well it's good to see my pile of ayran is still here right now it's really just a question of whether I want to continue on mining the giant gold nuggets on this ground in some mega form of production or go find ground that has even better gold which I'm not sure exists because these things are huge for now I'm just gonna keep mining until I find one giant gem using that I'm gonna turn that into some jewelry and sell it for more money because I need more money before I can do anything anyways and with a big old pop we got ourselves an emerald which is unfortunate because now we got to go through this mess finding what we need well my furnace actually fits really nicely into this hill that way it's nice and low so I can drop stuff in it while it's hot and then the anvil is actually gonna go into bugs because that seems to be the only place that it likes around here except for that spot down there know it exactly where I wanted anvil then we'll just kind of do half and half for this gold I think there's about 12 15 large nuggets or there's no fit fast is that work that might not work all right we're gonna take this out and make a gold nugget a gold bar out of one single nugget and then the rest are gonna go in here to make a bigger nugget yes bar I said bar the first time hopefully somehow this is an extra extra big emerald it looks pretty standard two gold bars plus an emerald makes nothing apparently um uh we can do it what do I have to touch oh you need to re select what you want to build after you remove the anvil once or twice it's always saying uh nothing apparently the gold bar cooled down I'm definitely making a simple process a lot harder than it needs to be there are times a charm one amulet probably pretty valuable we'll throw that a new truck and go for a little Drive I'm led to believe I'll get a better price at the stock market then I will here so for this we'll get $2,500 let's go find a stock market and see what it's worth there I also kind of forgot I had all these gems so we'll bring those back to our little operation as well think I took a wrong turn but while I'm here let's see Oh expensive this ground is I'm just basically assuming to the more expensive the ground is the better the gold is gonna be sixty six hundred that's considerably more than the one I bought which means I'm in too there's got to be some valuables here somewhere just gotta find some water hopefully I think I found an adequate water source so unless we can find a more expensive piece of ground will likely be buying this one anyways the jeweler offered as 2,500 for one of these the value is down but what's it gonna give us 7422 yeah I definitely should have been selling stuff here the entire time even at a low price that's the REIT I'm sort of what it got elsewhere which means I could have been that much further ahead but we know of a total of $12,000 so let's go buy that really expensive ground it's not like it is set up an entire operation elsewhere money in give me the ground all right now I got to go get the rest of my stuff money can rob okay you know what I'm gonna carry it around in here I'm gonna forget where it is or no though let's go and load what we have we're probably gonna set up our operation right here near the water cuz that does make sense to me it's pretty tempted to leave all these behind but I'll pick them up really quickly because there is considerable value and last but not least my pickaxe I actually organized that surprisingly well believe it or not the best way to get to the far side of the bumpy ground is to jump and not bad oh maybe a little bit far no actually we're almost perfect that's where I wanted to be get her my stuff neatly all over the place let's see where the bottom is now turns out this whole strip is unknowable ground anyway so I might set up some of my stuff over there well I found the bottom the bad news is I made it a little bit too steep to get out of but it does seem like it's deeper than the other piece of ground but that is some nice deep ground so let's find out what kind of gold is down there so that's what we're getting at the last claim this one's gonna have the same size I mean there were two of them but they seemed to be about the same another glowy thing alright we could power some pumps for sure now I was hoping we'd find more of those but we'll buy a little bit more gold before we create anything and hopefully find a few more of those I do have a few smaller ones but I'm assuming the bigger ones work better bigger is always better unless you're actually getting stuck in a hole we got a lot of ground to work with over years mined up a bit of gold I'm gonna turn all of this plus a ruby into one single ring which looks something like that should be worth a few bucks to the stock market rate prices today couldn't be happier about that do you buy gold bars you do not rings are down fifty dollars today but four thousand dollars for that one little ring I'm definitely gonna take it because we're gonna use this money to set up whatever it is we're about to do next we do have things like conveyor belts also vertical conveyor belts and conveyor splitter that way you can organize materials somehow well the whole point of having too much money is so that you can build ridiculous things when in doubt just collect absolutely everything how far don't do that drill by the way that went down a little ways there are so many parts to put together and good news I think my truck just ran out of fuel it's gauges showing the empty luckily I think there's a bucket right here and they put the tank on top for extra convenient loading now let's hope I never have to refuel again ever really thought this through yet how this is gonna work but for now I'm gonna bring a pipe all the way over to there with water which is gonna be a way to travel and I'll need some power stones to do this but it's gonna be worth it was good to hoping this would work is sort of an exploit but no you cannot beat one a piece with the water bucket now that we've made it and this far it's time to add one of the power boosters these crystals are so big they hardly even fit which is a good problem to have closing a door in the other hand is an actual problem yep good I mean I guess we could attach it first it might be hard to drop a crystal and up there but I'll manage saying like that good enough for me and let's add ourselves a water gauge right here so we can kind of see what pressure we're at we're up pretty high actually considering we've gotten this far already despite everything I bought we're still gonna need more parts I definitely need a lot more straights to get us all the way out to there and I'm glad I didn't make all this money to not spend it this should be enough for now there's the one in the roof count is mine I'm taking it anyways well some interesting news we've finally gotten to the point where the games starting to crash but it loaded me back at the shop and threw my stuff everywhere while I was at it this stuff is still landing oh well do I get a refund on those ones because I feel like they're not gonna move a lot of water up there not only does it ground eat my stuff but so does heaven oh no where's my money due to throw my money somewhere no my money's still safe that's all I really worried about given uh what's transpired I'm gonna be saving a little bit more often now I just saved and loaded back into my game and guess what happened big explosion huh every time I load into the game I get to pick up all my stuff again but at least the best part about my new claim here is that it's closest to this store so I can actually drive backwards the whole way there aims probably not gonna love what happens next but so far it's not loving anything I've been doing don't crash into my stuff and we're good that's actually a quick wave unloading my truck if I leave won't go go down there and load back in it unloads for me it's not a very tidy process but it works let's throw down another gauge to see what kind of water pressure we still get pretty good water pressure I'll still add a booster right here and that's it my water pressure up by quite a bit I do have another crystal or two not super big ones but we can do it again if we have to you know what I think we will right now just to see the amount of pressure we can build with these little crystals after very carefully adding those our pressure is up to full so I might have even overdone it with one of those I could finally pull and further along we were is that close to make it to where we needed to go I'm actually out with straight pieces as far as I know there is one somewhere in the sky nearby but it's probably not coming down at anytime soon I've gotta go all the way back to store for just a few more pieces right so I'm pretty sure if I'm not mistaken through the walls of this cut we're very steep I'll maybe go down and confirm that yeah that looks pretty well vertical to me so I'm probably out far enough I just got to find out a way to connect the pipes all the way downwards now this is going to be something of a delicate operation I build this vertical structure I'm doing the circle technique I'm just gonna wrap around and around breaking my way deeper until we're at or near the bottom I feel like I'm probably getting pretty close to the bottom now so I'm gonna try and jamming my drill right here and just gonna see what it does before I do that I'm gonna give it a power boost as well because you can never have too much power unless with the power of loosing pieces you can't rotate them vertically which fine we're gonna have to make another plan I've also never really noticed that magnet on a stick or magnet staff attracts resources in a large area I'm kind of curious to see where this does but more importantly I need a mining helmet and some more straight pieces I'm mostly just kinda want to see uh what this is gonna look like does it automatically light up it's kind of annoying how it blocks my view I mean I'm sure it'll work great for when I'm underground that's mostly what I wanted for so you guys can see exactly what it is I'm doing I think I just realized what the magnet on a stick does it's for like if you say spill your iron in a small area you pick up this and yep it all groups back up except for the stuff that's actually more than three feet away so let's try this mining helmet which so far doesn't seem to be making much of a difference it is really really annoying to have to carry individual pieces all the way down to the bottom every single time but I think it's about time we added a drill to the equation to kind of see what it does underground I should be decently close to the bottom at this point so I like the way it's not doing anything at all that's reassuring wonder if it's because it's top half is completely buried I have to turn it on anyway pickaxes up top can I flip the switch from here is that the switch oh it's working I think it's working I might have to cloud some area over there so it's naturally you know spit out some dirt yes this will take a little bit of trial and error but I foresee good things happening well let's little slot has room to shoot stuff out whoops at this point Wow okay yep I'm just gonna keep an eye on it for a minute it's probably pretty dark for you guys but I wanna see if it's actually gonna spit something out like if we can actually drill here or not it should be able to but I don't really know if it's working or not yet so far it spit out no dirty dolls so what we're gonna do is maybe just move it one space over yeah something like that and then connect a pipe to it in a minute where it's hopefully gonna sit nicer you know what maybe this over here is part of the problem I didn't notice this before but I'm pretty sure I can fix it all I gotta do is that and cool it should be up and running yeah know that it's fixed I can actually hear pumping water again which is something I haven't heard in a while that's more like it it even has a light for me is it on or off right now okay no it's on so hopefully that starts spitting stuff nope it broke it broke that quickly really it probably just doesn't love the fact that its exhaust is going up into the dirt and I know that unfiltered water hurts it but the filter was what I just fix so I'm gonna bring another filter down to it as well as a wrench to hopefully fix it if I have a wrench sure do you think about these drop this down I'll be able to save myself a trip well it went somewhere if I can't find that again that might have been a poor choice nope it's working its way down piece by piece there you go I'll see you in a few floors though let's fix this thing and hopefully it starts spitting me out some dirt and doesn't break again I would just I just want some dirt I need some kind of progress at this point it's been a long time just to get to here it's just me and you know drill a hundred feet underground oh it's spitting out dirt okay perfect what I need to do now is install a conveyor belt to carry this derrick back to the surface Oh way up there these aren't the cheapest things in the world but you know we still got a little bit of money to burn and they're annoyingly big so I can really only carry so many of them at a time before the game's gonna explode no what I need to do is find a way to make these conveyors come all the way to this surface again next on my list of problems to connect to conveyor belt you've got to connect the pipe right there so it could spin step out onto the conveyor belt but it's not gonna be able to connect I think I need a funnel and put the conveyor belt below this Plus this thing goes to broke again it wasn't even really running this doesn't really work either because it's rolling straight down into that ground so if I run a pipe through that that doesn't work so the conveyors gonna have to go like that way and then up till will start by removing the broken piece and putting a tee in there then you just gotta connect there to there which looks something like that the conveyor belt is going the wrong way but you see what I'm getting at now all I need is a funnel and then like a million ramps going up that way they could probably kind of test this right now if I get this big rock to go through the funnel well no it works and it doesn't okay so if we take the funnel away yeah we don't need the funnel and luckily it lets me build ramps in the dirt so that's gonna actually help guide me quite a bit no I'm just kind of wondering how many of these it's gonna take to get to the top I finally broken through to the surface that's a lot of conveyor belts but a few more to go this also gives me a much easier room to get in and out of where I need to go and this is my last vertical conveyor I actually estimated out to the approximate level of the surface but now I need to go a little bit higher because in the end it's gonna connect to this thing buying some more parts for another two thousand dollars gonna start making some money back at some point we're almost out luckily I do know where to find some gold kind of seeing another problems by design at this point I don't need the funnel to go at the same place as the pipe that's not really the end of the world I have a workaround it's just kind of annoying there's now instead of splitting the water there I've got to split there and bring it all the way over here which is gonna be more money anyways it will eventually look something like that just need to tie it all together plus probably put a plug in that but the good dirt will come from way down there work its way up fall into there get ground up and then shoot off into oblivion just need to make a little money in the meantime so I'm gonna collect up all this iron I have lying around and hopefully sell it for some profit well harnessing the power of the magnet stick look at it go magical can we get like all of the iron no that would be great better I guess oh nevermind you can't run with it okay magnets dick you're going in the ocean and it's a good thing I bought lots of extra parts earlier you're gonna need quite a few more but this will be fun once it's done I think I just realized something - I've already learned that the funnel is too big for the rocks and I completely forgot about that I don't know what I'm gonna do now we'll try that anyway hopefully this is worth something and I took a wrong turn and ended up back in my old ground but you have $605 here so that's gonna add up to a lot of extra money we need the market is down but only slightly what's this very 633 I'll take it I'm just really glad at this point that these pipes are so cheap if they were expensive I wouldn't be able to do this because I was assuming my funnel wasn't gonna work as a piece of dirt we're gonna be too big I decided to make my own that might work that might not work but you know what this whole thing might not work anyway and I just spent the last few hours building nothing anyways if I tie this in not quite like that but you get the point I should have plenty of pressure feeding everything I have so far so I guess the only thing to do now is fire it up and see how it works I disconnected it for now because it was just running before and that was actually slowly breaking stuff and it's obviously counterproductive I gotta bring a wrench over cuz I'm pretty sure if I run on filtered water it hurts my drill down below and that gets annoying alright everything is fixed our water pressure is good here is our conveyor moving on this end things are making it over you have things are making it over water pressure is not bad here hopefully that's enough to take on the big dirt I'll find more of the power things as we go anyway and the more of those I find the faster we're going to mine though we'll turn you on then and see how this works well for now I'm just gonna send my first piece of dirt up by hand as soon as I never gave you my little disaster zone I've made well this isn't moving at all wait what my water pressure go I also forgot to buy a plug there but I don't know why everything stopped something may have broken I think I see what happened I think I accidentally removed a pipe I shouldn't have removed might get a pressure gauge down here to see what kind of pressure we are getting at this guy oh yeah we're gonna chase her rock up to see what happens to it alright it's making its way up not particularly quickly but it's making its way up that's all that really matters right now that little rock that could I do so my thing is up to the task of mulching yet it doesn't go super fast those boxes might not even be necessary yep that worked it is spit me out anything no that was an unlucky Rock but it's gonna work and like I said I'm gonna add those crystals everywhere I can might have to add a box down here I think it is about a piece of dirt out to where it's not supposed to go we'll see if that piece of dirt gets us anything not the quickest operation so far but it's automated I don't have to do a thing and I'm gonna find gold and it goes yeah there we go and the landing zone is somewhere over here and that's not the biggest gold in the world but it's automated I think if I get more power going in we'll find better stuff so here's the matter of it spitting up our crystals yeah I'm gonna need to add a box over here that way stop stop spitting up the wrong way so something like that and my operation for now is complete nevermind I'm gonna need another box still it spit that thing out fast ooh we found three power crystals already not really sure where those came from but I'm not gonna complain probably don't need that anymore we'll see my drill seems to be broken but I did just see a piece of dirt go up the ramp so I don't know what to make of that you know it's broken down there but still somehow producing dirt all do we have a jam already that's not good that's a big piece of dirt oh they're probably stacking up interesting alright well there's potential for them to stack up but I'm also gonna give this thing a lot more juice right now too because if we're not a max capacity what are we even doing with our lives these are probably medium sized as far as the power crystals go well was he a big step up in the pressure here and hopefully I'll be able to mulch the biggest of dirt all right he's find his better result it's gonna need a few more of those looks like with the second crystal we're at max capacity I still got to get a plug for that but everything else seems to be running pretty well I'm gonna go get a plug and see where this is that when I'm back all right this thing definitely stopped running I'm gonna give it another power boost right here and also put a gauge right here so my drill is running at about 3/4 capacity as soon as I get a chance I'll let a power Chris talk to this as well and the more power I add right there the faster my conveyors are gonna move not that that's a big deal because it's my drill that really makes a difference here but also let's break up this rock into probably one piece because the other one left and see what kind of results we get now that it's at full capacity Rock goes down rocks gonna go in and hopefully we catch what actually comes out of here nothing cuz I can't shoot through that rock apparently what is it processing rock cystic earlier yeah there it goes it she's got a land raid I guess not sure anything came out of there anyway so that's fun anyways let's go fix my ever broken drill and did she start spitting the old stuff once again as soon as we turn it on then we're gonna go buy a few things from his store why isn't it turning his light on that's alarming one thing I never considered was how fast this thing runs outta ground this whole setups kind of depended on you know a drill being able to drill for a while if it deals through the ground that fast I'm Way better off just processing it by hand I kind of have a few things I want to try though like just a regular Ram drill for one I don't know if it goes any differently than the other one but I've got to assume it does somehow probably the Sailor fact just not quite as far down don't worry I've got a few little tricks in mind alright so the first thing I wanna try is they're moving to drill for a minute and then filling in its hole with dirt from at the surrounding area not sure if that's gonna work or have any effect at all but you know what we're gonna give it a try is I've got lots of dirt down here and it's very easy to fill in the hole it certainly doesn't take long to replace all the dirt so whoops if you want to start work again at any point mr. machine and you want to stop making that sound yeah we're back in business I can actually just refill it with dirt with this shovel hopefully that's just as productive but the red lights on it should be spitting out a block of dirt any second now yep there goes one now so that plan kind of works for the time being and it's in oh it's not processing again when you'd have liked a better processing system Wow definitely shot out of there and those actually look like the big gold nuggets I think they are those are I don't know if they're mag size if they're not they're close they've really fire a long way so I might have to UI deflect those a bit it was another one yeah there they go that's kind of fun yeah I'm gonna put a block somewhere here to kind of deflect them a bit or maybe not here's one coming in and kablammo wow those are actually shooting all the way onto the road over there I'm just gonna put a box right there hopefully that stops from any of them are going to too far I don't mind if they go a little ways but I don't want them to go super far let's see how it works and they spat right down there I'm okay with that is this drill ever not broken I guess I'll come down and fix it again and it's outta dirt again already this is still bugging me of at a time cuz I could beat me you know expanding my operation while it's mining but it is kind of inconvenient to have to constantly refill this the gold is starting to add it pretty nicely though and I did get another Power Stone and that looks like a big one I'm just gonna add that one right here because we already know the pressures three-quarters now once I add XR stone it's definitely gonna be at max the ore is starting to stack up pretty nicely and I've got a little project for this piece since I probably got water pressure to spare I think I'm gonna try and set up another drill somewhere right here just kind of figure out how I'm gonna what line this thing down below but it's gonna find me a little bit of extra dirt that's for sure a little bit of extra gold if it can sit right like that sort of thing that would be fine not sure how well this is gonna work but if I go like that that should actually be feeding the second pump now I just got to find a way to get to it on switch and nothing Oh nope it shot out a little itty bitty rock Oh puts those out at a quick pace though all I gotta do is put a box over here to block that there's my box guess we're buying another one and there we go we got content little routes going to the top to get processed and then other drills gonna spit out big ones every once in a while maximum production and I don't mean to sound picky but I feel like a lot of my gold disappeared and went somewhere else and that's kind of a shame cuz I really like my gold yes Michael it seems to be disappearing I'm actually gonna dig a little pit for it to fall into can I just do that yeah that's better it's not the prettiest method but it's gonna collect the gold for me it shouldn't take too long to fill this up that little drill once it runs out of room I'm not gonna power it up again because it's only finding me a little gold anyway that's definitely not gonna process properly move even knocked off another rock for now I'm just gonna maintain my operation until that pit is full of gold that's easy starting to get not too bad of a stockpile of valuables okay I'm pretty sure my gold is disappearing because I'd love to go to the store and I came back and it seems like there's less than there was before and something else I never noticed before the power stones in here actually ran out or they disappeared by the way we're getting way less pressure than we used to I suddenly realized where all my gold had been going it hadn't been falling through the ground look at all the gold ooh missing out on because it all went that way so I'm probably gonna give this stuff up there an actual floor hours later I've worked out all the kinks and this is our pile of gold and gems so far it's getting pretty big would be a lot bigger I'd have figured it out sooner but not bad considering and everything dies right on cue so this was a pretty fun learning experience today but I can still see how much bigger we can go with this and how much more gold we can have we could have quite a mountain if we really wanted to I would weigh it process it and sell it all but I already spent so much time doing this I just don't wanna next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,177,147
Rating: 4.9322281 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously funny, gameplay, pc, hydroneer, hydroneer gameplay, convveryor belt, drill
Id: aNpcPWdCh1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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