How to Season Steak Experiment - When to Salt Your Steaks, INCREDIBLE!

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TLDR? 1 day best, 1 hour pretty good, 1 minute least favourite.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 14 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/chasebrendon šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jun 11 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

This video should be four minutes. That said, I watched the whole thing and now Iā€™m hungry.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/dustinlocke šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jun 11 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Dudes kind of a dork, but I watched the whole thing.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/itsMalarky šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jun 11 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
hey everybody I'm Joey and today we're going to experiment salting these steaks to the ones one day before cooking one hour before cooking and one minute before cooking and then we'll test the results so follow me and let's turn up the tasty [Music] so the first question we need to answer is why we add salt to steaks and really most foods for that matter well it's called flavor and you should google it or maybe you already did and that's how you ended up here if so you're right where you need to be now there's a lot of money and science dedicated to the investigation and use of salt and foods and its impact on flavor I won't dive into all the extensive science behind salt today but like great scientists before me today I'm going to do some valuable research for mankind about using salt to create tasty steaks I like to think of myself as the Tesla of tbonz of meat edison if you will the da vinci of the meats as i mentioned we're salting these steaks to the one starting with this steak right here which will be salted one day before cooking the steak will be salted one hour before cooking and this steak one minute before cooking now these are thick New York strip steaks about two inches thick and I have already cut them in half into a smaller serving size these are really called like a Casey filet or a Manhattan filet is the technical term for them if you're looking for some great information about cutting your own steaks we recently published a video where we took an entire New York top loin and broke it down into these steaks ourselves and there's a tremendous savings but now we're gonna go ahead and start the experiment all right so what the first thing I want to do is get this steak on a rack so that air can move all the way around it the next thing I'm going to do is salt the steak as I mentioned and I really want to isolate the impact of the salt so I am going to use a half tablespoon of salt on all the steaks to season them it gives me a nice consistent measurement and that way I'll know that the salt the amount of the salt itself is not impacting the flavor so salting steak it's pretty easy you know just get it on there you know and you're always going to need a little bit more salt than you think this is a thick steak so go ahead and really get it all around I like to kind of get it on all sides not just the top or bottom let's go ahead and get it all the way do go a little lighter on the sides now let's go ahead and just finish it off and today we are using kosher salt which i think is a pretty common salt used for seasoning steaks but we're actually working on a video where we experiment with different types of salt we look forward to sharing that with you as well now let's get this in the fridge and I'll be back in 24 hours okay I'm back alright it's been 24 hours the steak has been sitting in the refrigerator totally uncovered and let's just talk about the differences here as we can see it already has a much darker color than our steaks which have been refrigerated overnight so these were wrapped up we put them back in the fridge this has been sitting out uncovered and look at that it also has a much drier texture you can see the imprints from the bottom of the rack right here so I'm really excited to see how this turns out I've never tried anything like this before so before we can try this the next thing we need to do is get this steak salted for one hour prior to cooking so let's go ahead and get that done here I have weighed out not weighed but measured another half a tablespoon of salt again I am keeping this consistent across all steaks so let's just get it salted okay great now that that's done we're gonna let all these steaks rest uncovered for one hour to let them you know rise up to room temperature when I come back I'm gonna go ahead and solve this final steak right before I put it on the skillet now for anyone who's watched these videos before you know we have a little bit of time to kill here so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab my beer I love to search for conspiracy theories online and today I'm doing some research to see if Guy Fieri really can take us down to flavortown I have some pretty solid evidence it's a hoax but back to the research okay so it's been an hour and I just really want to talk about again the differences in between the three steaks so again I already talked about the one that's been in the fridge overnight you can see the dark color the dryness very interesting this is taken on a much different color too as well not quite as dark as our one that's been salted one day but as you can see it's a little darker color than the one that hasn't been salted at all but they've both been sitting out for one hour matter of fact they all have so okay so now that these are salted today we're using the reverse sear method so I'm gonna go ahead and get these on the rack and I just want to put them on the rack in the exact same order left to right one day one hour and one minute next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna get these things in the oven which has already been preheated 250 degrees the total cook time should take about 30 minutes now 30 minutes is just a barometer we're not cooking the time we're always cooking to internal temperature okay so I said right before I put these in the oven if they might take anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes well they these are very thick steaks and they did take 45 minutes to reach an internal temperature of 130 degrees now but I'm heating this cast-iron skillet it's getting nice and hot it's gonna take about two minutes and while we're waiting for that I just want to talk about you know time and temperature we get a lot of questions about what's the right length of time or what's the right ambient temperature to cook whether it's in the oven or on the grill and yes those things do have some and but the one sure way that you can turn up the tasty in your home every single time you cook is with an instant-read thermometer we published a short video on why that's important and you can go check that out learn a little bit more we do suggest that you have one because you know cooking time isn't it's not a perfect science there's a lot of factors that can impact the outcome next I just want to talk a little bit about these steaks what I'm seeing here so over here we have the sake that assaulted the night before very firm just like it kind of was when we pulled it out of the refrigerator this one has a typical steak feel as does this one but the one thing that I really want to bring your attention to is that the steak that was salted one minute before it went in the oven you can still see that that salt sitting on top of the steak whereas the other two have really absorbed it the one distinction I want to make about the salt is around the fat cap so again we cut these from a New York strip steak and as such they all have a little bit of a fat cap the salt is still very visible on all of those fat caps as it did not I guess it cannot you know permeate that fat so just wanted to bring that to your attention here we got this pan getting nice and hot okay it's been warmed up now for a few minutes so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna sear these on each side for about 45 seconds they're already fully cooked with the reverse sear method here we have a little avocado oil we're using this because it has a very high smoking point we get into oils in a another video you can really use canola avocado as we're using here canola oil or whatever you might have around the house that has a really high smoke point let's get this in [Applause] [Music] next we're going to turn up the heat and we're gonna get this blazing hot [Music] [Applause] again I know that I can add butter and thyme and normally I would add that after I flip but again I really just want to isolate the impact of the salting process and not introduce a bunch of new flavors okay they're seared they're cooked and now it's time for my favorite part the taste test before I do I want to talk about the coloring afterwards candidly there's very little difference I see in the type of sear there is a difference in feel that just translates to how it came out of the fridge but they are all very similar I would say that our one day and our one-hour steak have a little bit more of a mahogany color a little it appears like a little bit crispy or exterior then our one minute but I would say that any difference is really negligible but with no further ado [Applause] all right look at that perfectly cooked and medium-rare that's the outcome we'd expect with the reverse sear method that's part of the reason we do it is those consistent results here we have the one-hour steak again very very similar to its brother steak right over here and here we have the one-day steak this had just a little bit more thickness maybe a quarter inch let's see if that made any difference on the final cook all right so now that we cut it open I didn't think that there was a lot of difference in the crust prior to cutting it open but I want to bring your attention to this right here so on earth it appears like the crust is almost like a little thicker as we move down the timing guideline so here's one minute you can see it's just this little thin exterior right here at the top over there that's fat cap it's a little harder to see on the bottom but it is there it's a nice clear shot at the top so one minute it gets a little thicker at least appears to my eye to get a little bit thicker over here on the one hour and we can I think really see the difference over here on the one day look at that you can see it all the way around so that's interesting I just wanted to point that out and we'll see how it impacts the overall flavor here a steak is cooked it's very tender cook the perfection the first thing you get is you know the salt on the exterior of the steak and really rub bro you can really taste it right as it hits your palate it's harder to taste that salt as we get into the thicker part of the meat let's move over here to our one hour Wow great steak fantastic stick the OneNote thing I noticed about this that's different from this this had a saltier taste once it hit my palate as I mentioned this has a little bit more of a subdued salt taste that kind of really begins to run through the meat now I did see and we did point out that that meat that that salt salt had kind of absorbed into the meat for a lack of a better way to say and you're really tasting that as we bite in I mean that's just so good I have to have another bite I know it's going to slow down the taste test but that's fantastic [Applause] that's salt as it permeates also seems to be out as subtle a little bit of a richer beefier flavor than our one minute now over here to the one-day like I said it felt a little hard when it came out of the fridge at least harder than those to do it did but let's see what impact it has on flavor wow it's a great steak that that drying out process that happened in the fridge I think of what I'm I'm kind of tasting here is an increased sort of richness and beefy flavor I also noticed too that this steak here is just the ever slightest bit more tender than its counterparts again I got it going for another bite this is so good guys you've got to try this experiment at home find out for yourself definitely absolutely more tender than that steak that's an interesting outcome not one that I was expecting the same same with this steak though this has less of an impact on the salt as it hits your palate and really sort of has to seem to have kind of moved through the meat so you're getting that on every bite look I've always salted my steaks right before I put them on the grill or in the oven or on the skillet but I have to say the results of this test I think really change it for me I've got to say guys I think I'm gonna be salting at least an hour from now on and when I can the day before I don't know that the impact between this and this is so great that I would need to do this every time but if I do have the time and if I kind of think about it beforehand this is absolutely something I will be doing look if you like this video please give us a thumbs up like or even better subscribe to our YouTube channel for future updates not only will you get future updates about cooking meat made easy which is what we strive to show you in every single video but candidly your subscription and like goes much farther than you would know in supporting this channel so that we can keep on cooking meat made easy but you know look don't take my word for it I want you guys to try this at home let me give you a bite [Music]
Channel: Red Meat Lover
Views: 2,666,269
Rating: 4.8338962 out of 5
Keywords: how to season steak, steak experiment, how to cook steaks, salt experiment, season steak, recipe, how to, how to cook steak, steak seasoning, how to cook steak in a pan, cooking show, recipe 2, when should you salt your steak, new york strip, cook steak in oven, steak seasoning recipe, how to cook steak in oven, reverse sear steak, filet mignon, cast iron skillet, cast iron skillet cooking, how to cook steak tips, new york strip steak recipe, new york strip steak in oven
Id: x2m1xir2Yrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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