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All right. We're checking out the only game where you too can find yourself on the ledge of regrets. It's Happy Wheels. Oh, I got spleens right away. This bottle flip has two things I really love, a lot of stuff to get and a rainbow matrix that you need to understand how hard stuff is. I love how the God of Penetratus is right before alcoholism. Now, obviously I can't give up until I get something in the hardest category here, luckily there's so there's so many important ones, such as regrets, and Tom Hardy. I also notice there's an actual very special colon area right here, it's where the colon has lost the will to-- [music] Wow, alcoholism right off the bat, like, 9/11ths of the way there. I don't know what this math is. All right. Come on, gray color which is more or less just a shade. What is with the liver damage? All right, we're getting close. The fact that I can almost repeatedly get liver damage is kind of messed up. You know what, let's go backwards. I see there's a master right there. Ah, come on. I almost speed ran this win-plebby. I love how even plebby is hard. You know it's a GrayStillPlays board when hard is still easy. Colon powers, activate. I said, activate. For the love of God, activate, you're not activating, you keep doing the liver damage. I made it to the ledge of regret. I mean, kinda. Oh, I did find a way. Wait, is it-- How did I get in here? There's an invisible wall. [laughs] I actually did find a way. I mean, I meant to do that, ha, ha, ha. One day someone's going to ask if I'm good at anything, and I'll reply, "Not really." Trash. I always appreciate getting a trash early in the morning. Wouldn't want my ego to get too big after all. Slap, no. There's so much stuff here that every once in a while I'm looking at where my bottle is going and I'm, you know, seeing different things. I just noticed there's something here called extra tumors. God, Justin Bieber, you're getting in the way, man. Oh, [laughs] I'll take it. This is called ro-- Um, It's called rope swing two. Ah, I think I went the wrong way. Oh, wait a minute. Hold on a second. You can't-- Come on. Here we go. You can't lie to me. Watch this, watch, watch, watch. There's something back here. Oh, it's like a little hidden area. Click me to win. Okay. Yay, money. This board is called speed run, it doesn't actually say what I'm gonna-- Oh, I got it. Oh-oh, okay. It doesn't actually say what I'm going to speed with-- Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. Okay. You got it. [screams] Got it. What? I missed-- [laughs] I missed the end. Ah, I'm gonna fall to my death now. Speed run. My God, my groin. Ah. Oh, God. [laughs] How are you supposed to do this? More speed-more speed? The answer is always more. I went too high. Oh-oh [laughs] oh, yeah. Wow, that was intense. This is called gray rope swing green. Hello, gray/player, this is my first level. I hope that you could play this and finish, and also if this is Gray, hello. Your videos are so funny. There's a secret win somewhere. All right. So-- Are you se-- Oh, hold on. Crap. The problem is, hm. All right. God, no, no. Okay. So fall. Ugh. Fall. There. Okay. Oh, [laughs] no. Oh, [laughs] oh, it's only going deeper up my [?] ugh. Per-- Mm. Your secret win. Oh, yes. Okay, good, good, good. All right. Now for a jet fall. I'm ready-I'm ready for it. Here we go. All right. Grab, and yeet. Perfect. Ah, yay. All right. Now for the actual rope swing. Here we go. I'm dead. where am I? Ha, ha, ha. Ah, no, I am dead. Oh no, I'm not. Okay, I've-I've cheated death, like three-like two or three times. Ah. Oh. Um, well, this is a problem. Oh, hey, my helmet's back. My head is caught inside of the gears, uh, so it's only a matter of time before my head-- There it is. Okay, one rope swing. Whoa. Two rope swing. Almost die. Oh, no, I'm caught on this mobile thing, ugh. Ah. Well, this is a problem. You know what? I have a plan. Yeah, this is fine. This is fine. Watch this. Ready, ready? [screams] I can save this. I can't save this. Grab, swing, jump. Grab, swing, full flip. No. Having this-this little flippy thing right on the top here is really gonna make me annoyed. Go. Oh-oh, my swinging didn't have enough swing left. Um, okay it looks like- maybe it's just me but it looks like there is another spike fall after this. Oh God, there is. Wait for it. Now. I'm dead. All right, I need to preempt that spike fall like way ahead of time. Oh yeah, I'm getting the flip down good though. All right. Not yet, not yet, not yet-- Now. That's it. Luckily by literally folding myself in half and breaking my spinal column, I totally survived. There are levels in life. Bronze, silver, gold. This one is known as don't move platinum. Okay. There goes my bicycle. Now you'll notice that it looks like I am in terrible pain. This was basically the beginning to RoboCop, the reboot right here. So I mean there's still plenty of me left. I-I think I'm fine. If you notice, this is the first time I've ever been shot out of a cannon, so that was cool. There's an elf drinking a beer. I- because I have much less body now, I'm also much-- Really. I was gonna say I'm much more able to dodge all of the various harpoons. Did you throw a beer bottle at me? You were an irresponsible father. I just noticed a lot of adult moves are ending with me at the cemetery. This is called Block Fall Race. What is this? Chicken and waffles are the best, connect from USA, bad internet. Animelover69, connect from De-- Ow. What. Oh, okay, because we have the bad internet we got stuck on the block. I got it. Oh, whoa whoa whoa. All right. I'm coming Denmark, you scumbag. Not yet, not yet, not yet. Now. Oh, my spine. Go. Oh, my leg. I'm fine. Oh, my other leg. I wonder what happened to Denmark. I can't believe I got stuck by my own leg. Popeye's Cajun-style chicken is delicious. Oh there we go. Yes. [screams] How are you supposed to win this? Ow. [screams] Okay, here's a plan. Um, all right I gotta-oh jeez. I got like 10 seconds to try and desperately there we go. All right, and go. Didn't know-- Get ready animelover69, because I'm the one who took the other 68 anime-- Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it. Now. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. This is unbelievably difficult. Oh yeah. Oh no. Oh come on. Make it. Ow. We're gonna win. I'm not gonna complain about my ping. Okay, this is it, this is perfect. All right, I've gotta use the extra boost for my own power. Ow, my leg. [screams] Ow, my other leg. Yeah. Yeah. It's called Gray's happy hell. Don't let their smiles fool you, they're out for blood and will explode you with their minds. Oh this one's winking. So does this mean I-I like I can't touch him, or-how does it-- Oh, ow. Well, all right. All right, we're doing this. Go. Oh, I-wow I let go off my pogo stick. Actually you know what? That's good. We're gonna do this the fast-- I'm fine. We're gonna do this the fast way. Go. Ye-- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are we done? We're done? We're done. Okay. I-I-I have no idea. Did it say gentle butt pain? [laughs] Ah, prostate exam. Not today. [chuckles] All right, this is a game of speed and agil- speed and agility of which I have neither. There goes my helmet. That ain't good. [screams] where do you people come up with these boards? Wha-what-hold-what is this? Hold on a second. Why did I check this in the first place? What was oh, oh, whoa-whoa. All right. I have an idea. Here's what we're gonna do. Okay. You gotta grab and then-there. Perfect. Okay. Ow. All right, you know what? I'm gonna break my fall. Yeah, there we go. There we go. There we go. Yeah. Break my fall with my knees. Ah, Okay-okay-okay. Here we go. Um, hm. So I'm trying to figure out how I'm gonna grab this. Yeet, grab a rope. Ah, okay. I can make this. Didn't need that leg, was holding me back. In case you were wondering, I tried and failed. I need the leg. Okay. And-no. Oh, that's not enough. [screams] All right. Good. Perfect. Yeet, grab, swing. All right. Need to let go a little bit later. How many pogo sticks must die in the making of this movie? The answer, as many as it takes. All right. Grab, now let go? Oh, come on. Oh, yes-yes-yes. What? Ah, you kidding me? Okay-okay. This is war. You cheeky-- I am Gray Still Play-- Ouch. You don't understand what I'm prepared to do. [groans] How do you like that timing? Aerodynamic. Okay. So timed, heat, seeking insta-death balls. Got it. I don't care about the regular board anymore. All I care about is the secret part. Okay. I'm getting really good at that. Okay. So how in the world 'cause the problem is the balls are gonna come after me once I touch the ground. There's no way to fake them out. So I've got to, there we go. I've gotta just barely touch the ground, but like just barely. Oh, but it's not even the real ground. It's a fake ground. Oh yes. Yes. This is happening. This is happening. It's happening? Has it happened? Yes. Yes. Oh my God. I'm gonna save it. Yes. All right. It took me a while to figure it out. Obviously, the-the winky ones have the, uh, the bomb, but like there's points-oh, God. Okay. There's points in the game where just like random stuff happens anyway, like this. Actually, hold on. I have an idea. Ah-ha. Can I take this with me? Not the limbs. The ball? Yeah. Can I take the ball with me? Yes. Oh no. It's caught. All right. Oh, but the giblets are not caught. Mm. So what I can do is, oh, it didn't blow up. What happened? Uh, maybe it blew up on the way over. Huh? That's weird. Okay. So now under, okay. Well, watch the head, all right. Hemorrhoids? [screams] Wow. Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. Going for those shins. Yeah, you could've let me know a little bit sooner. No. Don't you touch me. Okay. More hemorrhoids, you gonna come at me with anything else? Huh? Oh, oh, whoa. Colonoscopy without anesthetic. All right. Oh, so I have to kind of like go through the middle here. All right. No problem. Yeah. There you go. Eh? Eh, that's nothing. Okay. Harpoon up the pooper. Mm-hmm. Gonna go low. Low. Yeah, just like that. Yeah. All right. Good. Watch the first step. It's a doozy. Okay. So the first three are evil. Got it. Okay. Wait for it. And now. Perfect. Whoa. Oh-oh-oh. I have a freaking heart attack in his board. Rectal grenade. Whoa, man. You know, you're not giving me a lot of space here, are you? Okay. What is this? Oh, okay. I just have to go up top, right? Colon brush made out of porcupines. Why? Ah, yeah. Thread the needle. No, you didn't. How? There's no way. Okay. All right. Hold on. Oh, geez. Um, all right. Now I've been-I've been pogo sticking for a long time, so I pretty much know-- No, I need to be a little bit farther forward. That's it? This is it. Go. Told you. Gray's lava enema. Now you're in trouble. Why? What is this? What is this? What is this? Oh, no. No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. Yes. Oh, I get the watermelon from Santa. Whoa. Wow, it was a good thing-ah, good thing I went through that as fast as possible. Well, he just had a colonoscopy without anesthetic, and uh, you know what, it wasn't that bad. Hey folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels. Till next time, stay foxy, much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,367,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, bottle flip, happy wheels space, indie, impossible happy wheels, i made, 10000x more dangerous, happy wheels bottle flip
Id: oyK-r0dIOek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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