Drawing the dumbest ways to die

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all right we're checking out the only game where the more dumb you put into your drawing the more Agony is put into people's lives it's dumb ways to draw dumb ways to draw is a game that starts out very simplistic see if you draw a line or a bunch of lines then you can save someone's life yay but my question is what happens if you refuse to draw what the game wants will does it murder you help we're about to find out in 3 2 1 oh my my God that man just vomited out strawberry jam from all of his orphan I love how it just leaves it there doesn't clean it up or anything does the um does the jam pile get bigger if you keep doing [Laughter] this I can't tell it might be God okay so obviously you need to stop the hazard do I have to do it that way or can I like can I draw less or does it matter oh no it doesn't matter you can definitely draw less look at how happy he is not because he got his MP3 player or whatever 1998 object he was picking up but because he didn't die pick a reward is it death I feel like this is a game where it would be death oh I got three light bulbs do I chew on them is this like breakfast God that doesn't look safe so if I if I draw like a giant Stickman here does he die from the from the pendulum of Despair or or does he kill the guy over here oh they just kind of fight together that's amazing I basically made the one punch man of stick figures lucky pen that look like a tadpull I'm not sure how lucky that is I got five more light bulbs I think this is supposed to be hints I'm not really sure I need any yet my other question is do you have different ways to die like right now it's all just dropping stuff on my character hold on I'm I'm checking something I want to know if I could put his internal juices spatter in a different part of the level like if I if I kind of like Arc this over here I didn't know that you can kill him with the drawing itself oh no don't mind me just drawing a tactical nuke you always you knew this was coming right the fact that I can get away with this much drawing and still have that much pen left is amazing oh the Tactical nuke didn't murder him the only problem is now he's just stuck in purgatory forever he can't get to whatever this is and the nuke is just chilling out in his way I I have to restart oh my god when you restart he blows up I love how he couldn't just walk back to the beginning he had to blow up is it this easy because you just yeah you just make one line and it stops the heavy object oh now you get double smashed all right go ahead take it take the double what if I put like an entire Dragon Ball Z or a force field around him like does that do anything I can't walk with it he's just stuck there which means I'm about to make this Jam pile grow exponentially watch Boop I think he would just do something like this there you go he's fine I think I got three stars on that too it cost me The Souls of two different people to get there but that's a sacrifice I'm prepared to make uhhuh so now the one big heavy thing hits the other big heavy thing which crushes you what's this what's this for what what can you what can you erase like like can you draw and then erase oh you can cut this stuff up hold on so I can make wow this is the worst stick figure I ever drawn in my life you can make the stick figure hold on there we go and now we can rip the stick figure's legs my God I mean I guess I should have seen that coming I didn't really realize that ripping the stick figure's legs off would make him RKO my eggplant or whatever this is supposed to be over here think of this like a poorly drawn pterodactyl it's kind of what it is I'm so dead I love that I didn't even need to spend the hint the game is like great for God's sakes just give it a hairpiece there you go I feel like that shouldn't have saved my life that definitely looked like the boulder was going to go flying off the edge there again there's the tadpole pen I don't know how it's lucky per se ah stop the wind I knew it was only a matter of time before I was dying in different methods is this like a uh like a water pool like a kitty pool I don't want to stop the wind oh it forces you to draw this well does it hold on can I just mess up yep all right hold on hold on I I hit I hit this I hit this one ah I'm trying desperately to hit the other one like oh I didn't do it I saved him that's so unfortunate I didn't want him to survive this but he did and now he gets to put his flaming head out how did your head get set on fire he's like vacationing in Florida cool you got to be kidding me hold on I think we can do this hold on hold on ready oh no can I just draw like a dude hanging from the back over here like this it's kind of like hangman except instead of trying to guess words you're just trying to survive there you go hangman totally work not at all in the way I thought it would work but whatever a win's a win three stars three light bulbs what is this what's this right here is it telling me I have to erase something very odd this is a crazy level do you just you just draw like a big staircase uh I'm kind of surviving what in God's name was that oh no oh boy oh hold on oh epic save at the last second you know I kind of like the fact that you can erase different things in this game it gives you that opportunity to save a life I don't want to do it too often mind you but I did that mostly to see if I could manage to make this work so if I draw this here he just gets crushed right like if I just draw a big pile of mashed potatoes it just murders him yep I bet if you draw like an umbrella okay it's the worst umbrella ever made but it's still an umbrella uh uh-oh hold like this oh does he just need like a staircase is that all it is I just need to make something like this and he walks on down oh yeah perfect now unfortunately the level is just covered in juices I'm okay with it though it just kind of lets the level know that we were there here watch everyone gets DNA you get the DNA huh that was that was oh whoops I love how the game forces you to eventually draw the right thing like you can't not draw the right thing well I'm going to I'm going to put that to the test hold on the I'm going to mess up a couple of times and then see if I could screw with the game suggestion oh that looks exciting hold on I just want to know what happen yeah kind of what you'd figure how in the are you kidding me how did I survive that draw a ramp [Music] no that's not what happened uh the meteorite fell it didn't get shot like a slingshot and take my entire head off hold on how many times will it let me do this but if I do it again again like I think no matter what it's not going to like mess up my oh it did it made my ramp look perfect okay and then you have to erase race the ramp yes not going to lie that ramp gave me a slap in the back of the face when I wasn't looking also how are the meteorites not destroying the rocket seems kind of weird also how do I fit in that rocket oh I'm just riding it like a cowboy I'm not going to get in it I'm just going to straddle it oh big red button am I supposed to press it does it matter press the big red button oh huh he doesn't break his legs when he hits the ground somehow it was like a four story fall why does your ventilation system look like a Call of Duty knife uh okay well I managed to get my juices in two different spots today that's nice all right so just draw a big thing like this oh god let's draw a big thing like this there we go perfect I finally got the lucky pen it's a snake like bleeding honey don't mind me just trap easing Overexposed wiring oh God there's the snake pen yes not going to lie for getting electrocuted and turned into a bunch of Ash I sure did spew a lot of raspberry syrup so if I just do something like this does it protect me at all does it save me oh the wind doesn't do anything at all I just cut that snake's head off I beheaded the snake in order to complete the level I feel kind of bad about it just going to put myself inside of a safety bubble wa well I don't think that the safety bubble's going to do it I'm dead there was in fact no safety inside of the safety bubble here here's like a safety ramp here's a larger safety ramp ah that safety ramp worked uh do you need to oh all right so what if I uh what if I take all these and just kind of lead them uhoh oh god well you know oh well hold on maybe I can maybe I can roll these out of here there goes one maybe this one over I'm so dead I love how they have no forward momentum but it kills you all the same that is very very red over here I am definitely changing the entire paint job of this place oh I can mess with a tip now I have 280 of them after all oh my God yeah it just forces you to succeed no matter matter what would you do it like this hold on I I have to murder my snake friend in order to get past the level ride that rocket um phrasing draw a line no oh wow it it turned my no into a line it also killed my snake why do I feel like this is about to fall on top of me and murder me I love how the end goal is right there but he can't do it hold on oh oh he just walks into this forever there's no other way around it there's nothing you can do I can give a bunch of disembodied snake heads at his feet then all you do is make a ramp right there's not much there's not much else to this no can I stop you from having success he's like I'm so close to happiness psych don't mind me just drawing a demented mushroom I don't know why it's leaking flesh rot juices I kind of wondered how much worse things could get in life uh you know about four spinning death blades were wor of bad it's about where you get was exciting so basically you have to kind of formulate a very specific staircase here but even if you do I think You' still end up dying I really don't know yeah he is desperately trying to die right now uh oh god oh oh the blades can stop I had no idea W wao okay that's not how physics works but I'll take it love that the blades are just randomly making my snake do all kinds of weird janky flips and stuff come on keep it rolling here take the head off the snake maybe that'll do something no how about that that doing anything I feel like I've just gotten myself into a way worse predicament right now oh god oh there is nothing inside of my character I'm pretty sure he was completely Hollow so wait do do you just go like this is it is it that easy is just something like that oh oh God oh God oh oh I don't know why that other blade up top was moving so languidly but that saved my life well uh don't know how I got here not super happy I took this wrong turn because now I am faced with a giant Guillotine and a spiked ball of rolling death a oh God it's like stick figure Gandalf with the The Stick of death oh my God it cut my face off okay first things first we got to stop this [Music] thing okay okay we got it well we don't we don't got it cuz the problem is now I don't know how I'm about to get past this without this taking my head off uh well maybe I can hold on oh oh my God yes I don't think that that is at all how you're supposed to complete that level but it totally worked I'm not going to lie these levels are getting freakishly elaborate why is it so American here wait is that it is this like America and then there's a moose over there like Canadian and American camerican uh so just just do this oh boy oh god um H well I don't want the time to run out I'd rather die my own way okay so you definitely have to walk down here and then you have [Music] to everything's fine okay just real quick stay inside the box okay or walk through the box please go inside the Box oh that worked out surprisingly what is going on here uh I don't know how that happened I just rode my bubble the victory got three stars for it not really I don't think that tire is supposed to be that level but sure I kind of interested now is it is this like a thing that always works definitely not now I can't move all I'm doing is just severing my my poor snake's head over and over again now I'm looking sad at the exposed wiring you you just here we go well that kind of worked I've got a real mess of snake corpses going on over here can I draw my own ramp and then roll like a a oh you can you can roll a snake down a ramp there we go oh it's working okay hold on wait for it oh God ah oh I I didn't realize that by opening that door I was going to unintentionally save my life tap to find the prizes I'm not sure I want your prizes I have so many tips just sitting there to be used what do you know have some more let me guess if I fall on the train tracks I'm going to die huh the only thing left was my legs so this kind of fights oh my God no oh no oh I'm wearing the snake as a hat oh you can slip on the water and died too you can die two different ways apparently all right so you need you need kind of like two different oh God uh-oh okay we're fine we're fine everything is okay wow I had no pen left you may notice there is a lot of red juices behind me this was a bit of trial and error a lot of the error part that is is that um is that just vomit on my head just there oh that ain't good uh is it oh it doesn't kill me can I erase it nope oh you can't erase that thing now I'm going to blow up randomly the lifespan of these creatures is is very odd oh no wait a second my eye was on the front of my face and yet somehow it got to the back of my face that ain't good all right so let's start this going just the tiny little here we go and now just like this there that then that's all you need boom I don't know why you're eating the cake when you've been vomiting all morning the only thing it does is give you food poisoning the guys like I love food poisoning uh oh is that a patriotic snake knowing on my eyeball if I don't save him do I get what happened oh oh it's a rocket and it melts my face off and it melts the snake's face off okay all right so you you got to climb the stairs like so it's it's like shooting out eyeballs or something over there I don't know what it's doing knock over the the beer pong canisters and then you get to enjoy a hot dog with your snake friend that's right when my snake isn't busy making me go blind him and I enjoy hot dogs together this doesn't seem that bad really do is just kind of all just draw oh no it got a lot worse I didn't know that this tilted uh okay all right so basically what you got to do is use this like a staircase that didn't really work the way I had anticipated I think we can still kind of Jank this there it is oh God okay like so right everything's fine everything's fine then delete all this oh okay this is this is wild cuz you've got to time everything I mean there's probably a way to just do this in one shot but I I hate that it's so much better to do this as absolutely as inefficiently as humanly possible okay so from here to uh oh okay let's let's draw this draw this first and then draw I mean I guess I could draw it like this and then do this and then uh-oh oh God I think I've hit every single blade yep every blade I hit every single one no I just barely stubbed my toe on the blade and my face fell off okay how about this and then this oh God okay everything everything's full no nope okay this this this that's got to that's got to do it oh no it didn't okay we're safe everything's fine and we're going to go through here I'm probably dead right now nope not dead totally alive yes inefficiency strikes again well I found dumb ways to draw and it allowed me to taste all the blazes anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of dumb ways to draw till the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 395,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0xbW_aG3XpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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