when chads find a karen

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All right, we're checking out the only game where if the Doom music starts playing, that means you win. It's Happy Wheels. Clearly, yeeting has now become a sanctified, almost holy thing. I say almost, it's literally called The Holy Yeet. Also, there's an area that says, "the Doom music starts playing." What are these cups? I- I think the letter J is making a hidden platform, I really don't know. The thing that's very concerning-- Oh hey, I'm average. That's nice. Wouldn't want me to get too big of a head. The thing that's really concerning is-- This thing follows me like everywhere. Watch. [chuckles] It is pointed directly at my head. I'm assuming this is connected to "pls don't hurt me." Not gonna lie, kinda want the letter J. I wanted the letter J and I came out of this with bad. Not even a real bad, it's only half the bad. All right, you know what? We'll go over to the right. Maybe the right loves me more. Nope, still just a regular yeet. Well, I almost touched myself but then I slapped my own bottle. How many-how many people can say they've done that before? Hey. Are you kidding me? I'm not even a full person. Come on, baby. If you're 30% Satan, what is the other 70%? There we go, got it. All right, back over to the left. I just got backhanded by the "calm down." All right, now we're only on number two over here, so this is-- I think we're gonna do quite nicely. Or I could just get bad again. Success-- Oh, maybe not. Come on. It is very difficult to be anything-- Oh, never mind, the death. I thought it was the "pls don't hurt me" but now I think I understand. You may be asking yourself, "How did I miss a giant death word?" Well, it's like a- it's like a survival technique. I just-- If-- It's like, if I don't know it's there, maybe it doesn't exist. What? Wait, is this stop like it's bad or stop like it's good? Wow, yeet+. It's an extra large yeet. Oh, I'm on the melon. That's nice. Ah. Ah. Uh, I think I'm okay. I just can't move. Come on. "I'm not impressed." Why not? I'll have you know I died for this. Don't mind me, I'm just on my way to heaven. Ooh, I got the level two cup, still don't know what it means but that's how it go. Oh, I finally get to see what my other 70% is. It's pizza. 30% Satan, 60% pizza, 100% stupid stupid. I'm John Cena. John Cena's invisible. That's actually kind of impressive. Oh, I'm a legitimate cup level two. I'm graystillplays. Wow, how about that? I wasn't gonna say I was gonna go for it because I didn't think it was possible, uh, you know what? It's possible. That's totally what I was going for. This is called Nixon's Evening Walk. "Good luck, there's lots of ways to win, even more ways to die horribly. Sorry about the brown, we're downstream of an industrial toxic waste site." [laughs] Okay. So if I get this coin-- Okay. So-- Whoa. Oh, okay, hold on. I have an idea. So what if I duck. Okay, I still die horribly. Ready, get ready, get ready. Ouch. How are you supposed to get past this? Oh, actually, you know what? It never said I had to use-- Hold on. Okay, choose left or right. Whoa, don't crush my head, please. Oh, actually, hold on. [laughs] I'm back. Whoa, full flip. Uh, you know what? This is fine. Uh, we'll go left. And hey-- Uh. "Please wait." I'm gonna get-- Oh, no, no, no, no. I can pretty much get the first coin all the time. Now. Ow. There we go, second coin. Ah, my little leg. Why? Okay, I feel like I can totally get this. People are gonna be like, "Gray--." Yeah. They're gonna be like, "Gray, you beat Elden Ring?" "Yeah, of course I did. Look at what I do with my life." All right, what else you got for me? Got a little bit of a battle axe, you gotta jump across-- Oh, actually, do you have to jump across, or is it like a-like a spike fall? Whoop. Nope, it is not a spike fall. I like how it insulted me too. And yeet. Perfect. Oh, my God. Ah. Ah. Why are the battle axes flying? Go. And stop. Ah. Okay, so-- Ugh. Okay, go through, and then-- Ah. It's a tough board. Okay, jump. Ow. Oh, God. Wow, that glass saved my life. There is a piece of glass sitting against my abdomen. That first step is a doozy, so. Is there death down here? It's death, isn't it? Hmm. Oh. Ha-ha. [laughs] Okay. Oh. Uh-huh. Ha-ha. Oh. Okay. Oh, no. Oh, nice and smooth. Nice and slow. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is happening. Look at this. That is beautiful. I'm not gonna lie, this requires a certain amount of patience that I really don't have. Okay. Perfect. That's like performing surgery. I know it looks like I might have been a good doctor. Trust me, you don't want this. Uh, ooh. Uh, so wait, do I go left or right? I'm really concerned right now because I've been given choices and I hate choices. We're gonna go left. Oh, please, don't let this be wrong. So far so good. Yeah. All right. Nice and-- Ooh [laughs]. Ah, okay, go. My God. Stop. Yes. Alcoholism. This is called Stickman Fight 1. Oh, it's KindaOkayMilk. Not to be confused with totally not poisonous nutritious milk. Hey, don't kill us. Uh, thin bridges, like Jeff Bridges only thinner. Come on. Ah. What is down there? Why is it like a-like a-a fall? Oh. Yeet. "Hey, he said don't kill us. Also, why are we evolved to have not so strong arms? Also, our species can't feel pain in our arms, but also that bridge was built with chopsticks." What? What is this like little-little stick child? Out of the way, stick child. "I hate Medusa." [laughs] Okay. Man, these stick figures aren't really putting up much of a fight. Yay. This is called Blood Tears. I am really concerned. Why, this is dark and ominous. Am I allowed to go backwards? Will this kill me if I touch it? It will, won't it? I'm not taking it. Oh, my God. Oh. Ooh. There's definitely something back here. Hold on. Aha. Okay. Told you. I thought there was something back here. Oh, hold on. I have an idea. All right. I think I can get lifted up. Hold on. Yeah. Okay, it is possible, just really tough. Here we go. Ha-ha. Whoa. I don't think I was supposed to go here. All right. Guess we're going forward. There goes my helmet. That ain't good. "I think I'm getting close to the source." The source of what? Ooh. "Hahahaha. Blood tears." Okay. Am I supposed to like a-like a guy, do I just go through it? All right, we'll go over it. All right. The bloody tears are, uh, very powerful. Oh. All right, look, you can't stop me. Ah. There we go. Oh, I'm stuck. All the sp-- Ow. All the speed. Wow, everything's really sharp down here. Hey, boom. There. I'm not gonna lie, that was really concerning. This is called The Cave or something. No, seriously, it's it's actually called The Cave or something. It says, "If you go in there, you'll get something, but it's very dangerous, so watch out." Okay. Wait a minute. What's over here. Oh, there's something holding me back, or is there? I'm leaving the level. I won. I got-- [shouting] My ears. I got like a little hidden level. All right. Well, I do wanna get something. So here we go. There's kind of a low ceiling you've got going on. Anytime I see a skull and crossbones, I feel slightly unsettled. "Save me." [chuckles] [shouting] I guess I waited too long. Oh, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Is that-is that a butcher's cleaver sitting next to a-an explosive mine? That doesn't seem very fair. All right. Hold on. We can do this. Ah. How about that? Ah. Ah. Huh? Oh, that's interesting. I mean, I guess I'll just go over it. Boop. Got the coin. That looks very suspicious. Can I go over it? Oh, God. Oh, no, please. Oh, I'm still alive. This is weird. Maybe I can cheat this. Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fi-- Ah. Ah. [laughs] Oh, God, it's -. I was so wrong. [laughs] Okay. So I did find a way over this. That's good. Nice. Right? What else you got for me? Uh-oh, that doesn't sound-- Whoa. Ow. [screaming] I'm fine. All it cost me was part of a foot. All right. Real quick though. I do have to win this. Winning. All right. Now, let's see what happens if you go all the way past it. Okay. So now I actually don't want to get the coin. Ha. [screams] Ha. You know what? Whatever. You wanna see something ridiculous? I could do this board the hard way or, [laughs], that's what you get. You should have made your walls higher. [screams] All right, well played. Now I know that that little drop is there though. Okay, so don't touch any of this. I can hear a wrecking ball. There it is. Okay, so wait for it-wait for it. Man, they don't give you a lot of space here, do they? Okay, there is an end. I can win this. Wait for it. Uh. Y-yes. "Congrats. You've won a girlfriend. Rarity: legendary" like a Pokemon [laughs]. Got it. The time has come for an anatomy lesson. As any young child will ask their parents, they'll say, "Mommy, where does a human heart come from?" Now you can tell them that every heart begins with a journey down 7,000 ramps only to get yeeted onto an F, which then turns upside down and throws you away like a sack of potatoes [chuckles]. After doing 10,000 backflips, the heart must wait its turn. But what happens after a lifetime of waiting? It goes to-- Oh, is that a legit ambulance? Yay. Oh, it's not over yet. Oh, the sad ambulance, the $2 ambulance is driving the heart into the cannon, which fires it out across the entire universe, gets backhanded-- Boom. Wow. Gets backhanded by a rocket over the triple loop de loop and into-- "Good news, the operation was a success." Yay [laughs]. And that's where hearts come from. The sad part is these lights are so big, they can give everyone this room cancer. This is called Chad versus Karen [chuckles]. That's just too much epicness in one board. "Welcome to Vermont." Ooh. Where's all the snow and depression? Is anything back here? [screams] Did I just get murdered by Thomas the Train? That is 100% a cursed Thomas the Train. Alright Tom, new rule, we never go to the left. [screaming] What was that? Oh, it's a-it's a snowplow Karen. "Hey you! You're not supposed to bike there!" Uh, all right. "What do you mean?" "Don't question me! It's illegal to bike." "Suck it up, Karen." Teaching-- I'm teaching my son verbal Judo. Is Karen going to try and kill me? She is, isn't she? I'm gonna knock over your garbage can too, so I think your- so I think your greenstate. What is this? Fragile. Like Karen, [laughs] really? All right. What, Twisted Tea? This is amazing. [screaming] Ah, it's Karen again. "Who spilled the half-and-half iced tea?" "It was me." He even made a little laughing-- "You will go to jail for littering." I did a lot more than spill over the tea. "Drink Florida Man Coffee." Yeah [laughs]. "Why are you being so specific?" [chuckles] 'Cause it's my brand. Anytime I see something called slow, and it looks like this might fall on my skull, it really concerns me. The other problem is, I put this stupid thing in the way. Ow. All righty, let's try this again. Now I think I do have to be slow because I think there's like a little bump. Uh-huh, see? All right. Also, where's all the tax dollars going in Vermont? They can't fix the sidewalk? They have potholes the size of a deep-dish pizza. Not gonna lie to you, that is very clo-- Why is there a windmill made of axes? What is this, like the national bird of Vermont? The four-winged axe swallow. Yay. Whoa, sorry, kid. [screams]. All right. Let's try and do this without killing me and my son. All right, oh, yeah, that's perfect. Look at that. We both survived that one. Oh, now we're doing it again. Boom. Right there. Is this one going faster than the others? It definitely looks like-- Oh, whoa. Ready? And go. Yeah [laughs]. All right. What else have you got for me? [screaming] "That's it! Prepare to meet justice." Define justice. Actually, you know what? Always lead with the groin when justice is afoot. Where's your justice at? Am I gonna get attacked by like a-- [screams]. Whoo. And that is why you lead with the groin. [laughs] What's happened? Ah. Ah, justice [laughs]. Ooh. Oh. Oh, yeah. Justice is bringing me to the end of the board, like very quickly. Yay. Justice tastes like blood. All righty. Now I've now biked across the entire s-- Ow. "Move out of the way. Lol." Okay. I mean, I did. Whoa. What-- How was that truck driving itself? Is it like Christine? The driver's dead. Justice. And, so, I just found out what had happened. I killed her way too early because now she's supposed to go by, whoop, [laughs] and then fall to her death. And thus, the Chad is successful with his little Chadlet son. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels. Till next time. Stay foxy. Much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,361,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, bottle flip, happy wheels space, indie, impossible happy wheels, i made, 10000x more dangerous, happy wheels bottle flip, when chads find a karen
Id: Pdz7wayBX88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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