We're checking out the only game where the most consideration you'll ever have to do is determining
who gets tortured last. It's Consider It New Era. Welcome to a new era of consideration. The announcement of the new era name. I totally missed what this guy had to say.
I-- The hell? Do I-- Oh, oh. Eh. The new name, you don't get a new name,
how about that? Obviously, like in the other considerates
you have options about what you can do. Oh, I didn't-- [chuckles] Such as this. Hold on, I wanna go for the three, four. All right, you guys move over there.
Hold on. Can I just get this guy off
of the entire board? You get options about what you wanna do,
and obviously, my job is to try and find the most stupid thing-- Hold on. Can I like--
Oh man, the little kid caught the ball. I didn't know that.
It wasn't supposed to be like that. I was hoping I could dodge it. We get beaned in the head
and suffer some brain damage. As usual, based upon the answers
that we get, we are given a score at the end in a bunch of categories
that this game just randomly makes up. I don't know what they're gonna be,
but let's try and score as low as possible. Progress update. In some way or another considerate. There's two things that I have to mention. One, it annoys me that I ended up
being considerate when I didn't want to. And two, what is this? Is it the Japanese version
of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is watching this baseball game,
or it's just zoomed in on the mega screen, on some unimpressed man's face? Please. Okay. [chuckles]
I could fall asleep in my Robin. Everyone's waiting for a seat. Guess what? I'm not going anywhere. I'm homeless so technically,
I'm just going to stay there forever. Okay, here we go.
We have our gang members chilling out. See what I can do. Oh.
Smile everyone. Hold on. Can I-- Oh, eh, ah. Say cheese. How about if-- I don't wanna be in a gang. Can I just leave?
Everyone's looking at me as I exit stage right. I managed to get right in the way
of the dude that looks like God from HunterxHunter.
Mint tablet. Okay. Yeah. You know what?
You're gonna need all these. More. More. [groans] Yeah, how big does this pile get? [laughs] Yes. How many mints are in this thing?
Now eat them all at once. You work part-time for a moving company.
I get to pick one of these. Okay. You get to pick up the books.
I'll get the clothing. Enjoy having your back thrown out.
Truly, mildly considerate. I was so considerate. I gave that one person about $400
in breath mints. I'll let you have one bite.
Yay. All right. So I have to decide.
Can I take-- Right in the middle. Hold on. One bite my ass. Here.
That's what you-- Hold on. There we go.
There's some diet cake for you. That's the sliver you get.
[chuckles] Starting school today. All right. Oh, yeah.
Now what-- Pff. What the hell?
What am I-- Aw, oh, oh. [laughs] What's this? Oh. Yeah. Hold on. Eh, ah, oh. I'm here. All I was doing was trying to rip
the flesh off of my fellow students and wear it like a cake. Uh, watching TV with my dad. Oh. Hey. Oh, ugh.
What the hell? What is happening? Hold on. Was it-- Is that one lion cheating
on another lion? What the--
And that's why we ended up on two. This isn't my stop. Okay. How do I-- Oh. All right. Oh. Everyone's-everyone's getting up.
Oh, hold on. Oh. Hold on. I know. I know what to do here.
There we go. That guy was sleeping anyway,
so there's no reason that I have to sit alone
What the hell? What is this? I run the elevator. Hi. [laughs] Yeah, that's right. You get to take the stairs. It's a pleasure to meet you
other person y-- [laughs] It's a pleasure to meet you, too.
Of course. The pleasure is all mine.
You gotta keep your arrow. [chuckles] I gotta keep
the cursor upfront area. I love that this is the one that it showed
for the considerate part. There's no actual consideration here. The person just had nothing to say
and they were like here's a word. Oh, my stomach. Okay.
Is this like a bathroom problem? Oh, hold on.
Yeah, just use this. Hold on. Oh, actually, is there like someone
in here? No, I really wanna use this. I really wanna use this.
Here we go. Did you hear that? It was like he just urinated
an entire thermos of Gatorade. Wow. Hi, I'd love to eat your gun.
Now I'm kinda curious. Was I chewing on his gun barrel
or did I pull my own gun out? Oh, what the- did I die? I'm the reason you shouldn't join a gang. It didn't turn out real good. What the hell is this? Oh. Oh, oh she trying to drink these? Yeah, you go- you go first. Yeah, you too there. Everyone inside. I'm not doing this. Actually, you know what?
I'll do it. I wanna know where I go. Where do I end up at?
Am I going to choke this lady to death? Congratulations, lady.
You have rabies now. Oh, hell yeah.
Sunday night fever. All right. So you're supposed to put the spotlight
on the person. [?] the camera. What else do we have down here? I wanna see what other kind
of freakish individuals-- Oh, here we go. Hold on. That's right. You're under the spotlight now. Where are you going to go?
[laughs] Yeah, that's right. I got to keep-- He can't go anywhere too
because he's trying to run from the light. Okay. Real quick.
I worked my ass off to be a part of the team.
This guy lost his hand. I lost my life. How come I'm in the picture way over here
on the side? The only person who notices is this dude. Great belt you have there. This is a natural sense. Okay. It's not something that can be trained,
right. Okay. Oh, what the hell I just did-- Did I--
Did my hair just give birth to another- to another pair of sunglasses? Oh, how many do I have? Hold on, let's keep going. Boop. I'm looking forward
to the next four years. Four years of what? Spontaneously birthing classes. My intuition doesn't lie. I love
how he is literally still giving birth to glasses. I thought maybe his hair
would get smaller over time. Visit from oil tycoon. Okay. Is it? Oh, electronic car or regular car. And here's what I think of your oil. About to use the hand dryer. Dampness. Oh no, you can't use it yet. All right.
Now, hold on. Actually, I'm just gonna stand here
in front of the hand dryer. Go ahead. Ugh, I run into a wall. Uh, yeah, no one- no one can leave. I'm taking the train with the girlfriend. Okay.
Oh, all right. Now, unfortunately, honey,
this is where you and I shall sit. Your change is $32.01.Here-here's-- Nope. Who the hell is this guy? I don't know who you are, but here
you can take this dude's change. The hand is continuing to move downwards. The arm was getting longer and longer. It's like Stretch Armstrong. I have a date with my boyfriend.
What the hell? Hotel loved nest Outdoor Cafe Prairie.
Uh, Outdoor Cafe Prairie. I didn't make any choices. I was gonna say,
what do they serve over there? Like venison? No smoking. Here we go.
I'm not putting this out. I'm gonna run right into this guy.
Oh, God. You, all right, so we're all supposed
to cut this at the same time. Thank you for waiting. Uhuh, When I say begin, press the button. Which button?
Are you ready? No. How do I- how do I say no? There. Ah, and you let him fall. Oh, damn it.
Oh, I shot him into space. Oh, God. I'm going to hit
as many people as I can, there we go. See if I can get through everyone here.
Beautiful. Hold on. There's one guy I missed so far.
I wish I had a bike. Leave it too big, bro.
Okay. Road race. The winner will get a brand new bike. Okay, here we go. Oh yeah. Okay. We're about to start.
Who will win the new bicycle? This is the final stretch, right?
There's a can in the way. Can I kill us both?
I wanna, I don't wanna. No, no, no no stop, stop, stop
damn it oh, wait. Did I steal it from the guy? The guy needed to win the bicycle
for his brother and I came in first instead,
but don't worry. I don't actually need the bicycle. So I'm gonna melt it down
and turn it into an ashtray. Did you think
I was going to give it to you? Your coworker got engaged.
His wedding ceremony is today. Okay. Can I just like-- Here, I'm gonna-
I'm gonna be the one getting married. I'm just gonna stop here. Okay. So now we're-- Ladies and gentlemen,
please stand for the bride. What is happening?
Ah, yes, you got to put the ring on. Which finger should it go on?
How low can I get? Can I put it on this finger?
I want to put it here. Yoink. Good enough. Yeah, just shove it on there. Right. Everyone's throwing. I hope you trip on them. All right. And did I stop them all from grabbing it? Because I was in the way,
look at the faces. I've never seen anyone so disappointed. Pushing the kid on the bike. Don't let-- [laughs]
You better not let go. I can't wait for this kid to wipe out. Oh, oh no, here we go. Right in traffic. [laughs] Oh, no. I knew I should have never got
my little brother a bike. It's summer break.
Let's take a summer vacation. Let's see here, boss, holiday. Oh, I see. Okay. Yeah.
Holiday actually here. Yeah. Let's do all these, perfect.
Actually can-- Oh, denied? I can actually deny other people
[laughs] their holidays. Lunch with a girl in a white dress. French, Curry Udon. Uh, oh, is the red from the Curry
gonna get all over her? All right. She's about to eat the apple. There she is. She's asleep. What the hell was that? Jesus. What is happening in this game?
Oh. Oh, hey. Nope [laughs] you're not going anywhere. Sit your ass back down. Oh, I can look. Oh, what-what the hell am I doing? Ah, yes. Nice barbecue. Oh, I can move the smoke. You can't get away from my smoke. [laughs] Drink it. I love how the kids are like,
"Ah, look at 'em die.” What does it take to kill this man? Cold sake. Press the button to stop. [laughs]
Welcome to an alcoholic lifestyle. [laughs] How far--
How long could I keep this going for? Yeah, very good. Mm-hmm, okay. How much is in this? It's like some kind of D and D decanter
of endless sake. It's no use.
I'm so sleepy. I've gotta take a nap.
How will-- Uh, oh. Oh, here we go.
I can recline. Yeah. All the way more.
More, more, more. Let's get-- I want it in his lap. It was actually in the guy's mouth. That sounded really bad. All right. Yearly physical over here.
We'll start with a urine test. Please fill up the cup. [laughs] Okay. Press the button to stop. [laughs] Oh, god. Here we go.
This nice vile of Urinaid here. Oh, all right.
Listen, I've been holding it for a while. I knew this urine test was coming. He told me not to go when I was at home. [laughs] Who's the one
who has to clean this up? [laughs] I'll go get our tickets
for the soccer game, grandma. Tickets booth, three tickets left. Oh, okay.
I got it. I'll spend all my money on this. No one gets to see the soccer game.
All right, Texas Hold 'Em in Texas. Oh, I'm-- [laughs] Every time we do it,
it makes the strumming sound too. All right.
We're gonna do-- [laughs] You thought this was gonna be
a fair fight? All right. Yeah. Oh, hold on. I wanna--
Oh, keep hitting her head with it. How long until she gets pissed off at me. Got a headache yet? There, I'll let you cool off. Nope. [laughs] Taking in the night scenery
with your girlfriend. Okay? Yep. [laughs] Hope you got space
inside of the car. Oh, it's a little dog. The family's calling. Okay. Oh. And I have to choose
which family member to go to. I'm running away. Goodbye. I don't love any of you. From the Japanese tale of little one inch. Make little one inch bigger. Oh, here we go. Oh yeah. There you go little one inch.
Congratulations. I'm like a- I'm like a-a legendary version
of Viagra. I think I'm in the wrong section. I kind of wanna climb on this seat again--
I don't know what this does. I know I was supposed to leave the area,
but all I wanted to do was ruin everyone's fun. Oh, oh, I'm supposed to do the wave. Yay. Yay. Ya-- Oh, oh.
I can just-- Oh, nope. Nope. Oh. Oh, I can dance. Hell yeah. Oh, it's the Michael Jackson. It's the crotch grab. Yay, yay, yay, yay. That is-- What am I doing? What am I doing with my hand?
This is not the crotch grab. This is something else. Ow. Here, I'll hold you up.
How does my finger taste? I'm not gonna lie, I'm hoping that the,
uh, score here is gonna be-- How? What?
Take this guy's drink too. Why would someone leave that behind? Ah, yes. Driving.
So that was-- Okay. Am I supposed to pay attention? You see it went and--
I think we're about to-- Then as well, right?
No, but that said, said that. No, no stop, stop talking.
I don't care. I know I asked how you were,
but I didn't actually want you to tell me. Let's cross at the crosswalk. [laughs] So well--
Can I just run into this car? There we go.
You hit me. Get your insurance company on the phone. Making cold Chinese doodles. Okay. Am I supposed to put it on the--
Screw your noodles. If you want cold Chinese noodles,
they're cooling off on the floor. Bro, look, it's a sea turtle. Okay. This is where she lays her eggs.
Let's watch over them. What the hell? What is this? The fishermen he wants to become a hero? Why are we beating this turtle? I feel like I committed
some sort of felony. You work part-time for a moving company
for picking up the books. It's like 800 pounds of books. I was surprised
that girl still works here. All right, everyone.
Now, as we can see, there's a small face chilling out on the bottom left-hand
and that's how you solve the formulas. Do we have any questions? Make sure to take notes,
especially on this important part right here.
Oh, did you get the E? No. Oh, hey. All ready.
Got a car coming. Supposed to stop. Right?
It's supposed to move out of the way. Oh, I'm just walking on top of the car. Just walk right over it.
Yeah. Screw it. Tap dancing on the windshield. The evil Mr. Rogue was cast down to hell. However, since he once saved a spider
in the past, the Buddha lowered a thread of spider silk. Seeing it, he went to climbing the thread.
Okay. But others also crowded seeking
to climb up. Okay. It's a lot of people trying
to get out of hell. "Everybody, stay calm,
the thread will snap if we all tried to climb it once.” So persuasive, so smart. Okay. Make a line and we'll climb it
one at a time. Right? Here we go.
All right, everyone there's the line. When you reach the top,
pull down for the next person. So smart, so persuasive. Oh yeah, here we are. Right. Okay.
Wait for it. Wait for it, boom. JK boys. There ain't no way out of hell
once you are there. What the hell? Oh, shake. Okay. Shake the fastest possible. I- did I-- Was that the winning sound? I won a sombrero? Bang. No one gets the ball on my watch. Not until you ask me
for my daughter's hand, oh in marriage. Okay.
3, 2, 1. Oh, where I'm supposed to sit? Hiding behind the gun. No way. Well, single forever. All right.
It's once in a century. Look at this about to be an eclipse. Okay. Oh. Oh. If I press it downward,
well I can kind of [grunts] there we go. [laughs] I cry. That's right. I use the tears of the people I-- Oh yeah, come on in. I'm sorry. Hold on. Oh, God. Yeah.
Come on in. Come on in, Mr. Zombie.
Anyone else want in? I was going to say, I use the tears
of people as my hair conditioner. All right. This-this little giraffe wants
to get some food tonight. Can I-- What, do I lower it? Oh my God. I just killed my own child. Match the rhythm and kick the stone. Okay. What am I?
Not like a caveman. Ah, ah, can I kick your hand? I'm not allowed to cut the hand, right? -Okay.
-Oh no, our table. I think I've screwed up the drum
and here we go. All right. New year, 5, 4, 3, happy new year. Happy new year more. All the new years. Now I'm not going to say it. Happy new year. Nope. It's not a happy new year.
Now for the next song. I don't want the next song. Can I leave? Okay.
We should almost be at our score. There it is yay. Goddamn,
was he running from the mafia? Not only did I break his leg,
but now he gets beaten to death for what he owes. Congratulations,
this will be our final homeroom together. Just a quick roll call,
and then we're finished. Be sure to answer when I call your name. Oh, it's all the people
that made the game. All right. Well, I don't-- I'm not--
We don't get to know who made the game. All the credits are going back,
where they came from. I even screwed up the actual credit roll. I want to know my score. Now then, class representative,
stand, bow, goodbye. I've got one last one, right?
There's me as a fetus. Okay. What am I supposed to do?
Ah, what is happening? Am I having a heart attack?
Am I having a stroke? I realized how to walk.
I just know it. Can I buy a laptop?
Can I go? Well, Oh, I'm down.
Well, I'm back up. Hold on. I want that camera-camera. Oh, I see. Okay. Pick up the camera you,
ass, what are you doing? You're not going to mom, I'm going back
over here to dad, I guess. All righty. And our score common sense 16, needs work, specified knowledge, poor. I kind of figured. Spatial awareness, horrible. Oh, my sympathy
is actually just disappointing. I find it interesting
that my information integration and speed are like some of my highest scores. My rhythm and interval are the worst. Somewhat considerate yet,
an unsympathetic air purifier. This is what I have been described as. Well, I went into this boy
and I came out of it an unsympathetic air purifier,
and we both sort of considering it new era until next time.
Stay foxy, much love.