making everyone's life unbearable in under 30 seconds

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-All right. We're checking out the only game where you have to make decisions on how to ruin the lives of the people around you. Which will then determine exactly what type of child you have. It's Considerate More. Consider It More is a game where you have to decide exactly what would be the most considerate option. At the end of making all your considerate or completely-- Okay, apparently you don't have to do anything. Like this. Just sitting on a random person's lap. Actually, can I sit on all the laps? [chuckles] Anyways, after all your choices are made, it will determine exactly what type of a human you are and what you'll pass down to your children. "The world in a state at the Demon King's hands. Would you help save it?" Yes. No. Can I-- Can I not choose either of these? Oh sh-- [laughs] God. I love that you don't have to make a choice at all. How do I-- Like what-- Like is someone gonna make it for me? So obviously, I assume you could push the block on here and save everyone's life. Can you also just leave? I just don't wanna be a part of this. You can. This game is fantastic because all of the stupid options I would always choose. you're allowed to-- The hell? Okay, so short line, long line, or you could just leave without paying. [laughs] "Progress update, the previous five questions, truly mildly considerate." I don't believe you. "I'm going to take the picture." All right. Oh, here we go. "Everyone, smile." Oh, what the frick? Say-- I'm assuming I was the one that was supposed to make everyone smile. Now, everyone just looks like they wished they were dead. Trip him, trip him, trip him. Oh, you can go. Oh, come one. Come on. Yo. Oh, what the hell? I can-- [laughs] Get kicked. Marathon. Do I get to ruin another child's life? "We're gonna reach the goal together." "Sure will." All right, you can do this. You can do this. How about this, I'll let you go first? Just kidding. Get away. There can only be one. Yes. Cardio. All right, new progress update. "Truly mildly considerate." It does not look that way. It looks like I'm causing everyone trouble simply living. Ah, it's my friend that doesn't know how to run. It's okay though. We're gonna— [laughs] What the hell? Did that say like the carnivores meeting convention? "Next stop is your stop. Your stop." Oh, no. I'm sorry, no stop for you. I guess you could- you could bring this-- No. Come on. You gotta jump for it, girl. Oh, oh, you're almost there. This game is just torturing people. That's what it is. "The baseball game's today." What the hell? Oh, God. Uh. Oh. There we-- Oh, no. Hold on. What kind of pants can I give her? There we go. Congratulations. Welcome to the game. You're dressed completely appropriately. "Big lines at your pancake. Just look at that huge line." What the hell? "Reporting from the field." That's it for me. Oh, whoa. [laughs] I'm giving the place the middle finger. "I'm Newton. Feels like I'm about to have an epiphany." Ah, the apple. Oh, what the? Whoa. What the hell? What is this? This guy is watching a tree violent-- What the hell? [laughs] I shook a bunch of bees. Now they're attacking Isaac Newton. No. [laughs] "Truly mildly considerate." Isaac Newton doesn't feel that way. He's currently going to anaphylactic shock. Sometimes I try and ruin li-- [laughs] Get over it, buddy. I like how he just takes it too. At the dentist. All right. Our girl is, uh, very scared. The dentist is here. "Raise your hand if you feel any--" Oh. [laughs] I just knocked the dentist out. I beat the hell out of him. On the plus side, she doesn't have to worry about being afraid anymore. What the hell? Oh, you have to put the right head on. Of course, there we go. The Voltron bunny girl is assaulting Tokyo. You're welcome. Okay. We've got a kitten here. Whoa, what the hell? Oh, that is a Roomba. All right, can I get on top of the Roomba? Come on, kid. I know you-- I know cats. There we go. Now, let's keep going. Go all the way and I'm leaving my owner. Ah, yes. Going to-- Oh. Oh, it's the- it's the speed of the wind. See, he can reach his girlfriend. He's getting pulled away. Can I even go beyond this? [laughs] If you keep pressing up, it goes even past that and it kills him. "Truly mildly considerate." This, friends, is the face of true consideration. [chuckles] "Downloading." Oh. Can I actually go backwards in the downloading? I can. How the hell? Oh, nope. Come on, come on, go. There we go, there we go. Yup. Back, back, back, back. All right. Inside the meeting room, got to look at the graph. Got to impress the boss. Is this dude's fly open? It's totally open. Like what are you? What do I do here? I guess just make everyone focus on this one thing. "This cow is so cute." "Yeah." All right. Are they- are we gonna butcher it? "Let's get some lunch." No. Oh, so you can-- [laughs] The cow gets closer and closer. He's just staring at them uncomfortably every time I open and close the curtain. [chuckles] Uh, oh, hey, what the hell? Oh, I can thumbs up, thumbs down. Tell him- tell him to stop. How about that? Don't do what you're doing anymore. "Going into the haunted house with a boyfriend." Am I beating the ghost to death? I am. I'm-I'm beating the ghost. I'm beating the hell out of the ghost. Oh, oh, nope. Nope. Still beating the ghost. How long can I beat this ghost for? Then we'll beat this one too. Anyone else? Anyone else want a piece of this? Oh, relationship is not getting ruined by you, Mr. Alien. Come on, give me some more. "To pay the bill." Okay. So, "Oh no. It's okay." Oh, all right, bye. I mean have fun. "I've got a date tomorrow. Tomorrow's the field trip. Tomorrow's the outdoor concert." Ah, yes, here we have the— Oh, oh Nope. Don't want you to get rid of that bad weather. Yeah, yeah. Chill out down here. As a matter of fact, hold on. Let me see. Can I like--? Oh no-no-no-no-no-no-no. Don't do that. Okay, walking along. Well, I could move but instead-- [grunts] Oh. Ow. "You became stranded." All right, there's the boyfriend. This is just like-- Wake your ass up. Get up. Come on. [groans] You think you can go to sleep, Jack. You think just because there's one plank of wood, I'm going to let you die. "Would you get us some tea, please?" Hmm. All right. Let's mix a little water in there. Oh, yeah. How about some more? And then some coffee. "Can you make mine a little sweet?" Okay. Oh, yeah. Time for some diabetes. Put it all in there. Yeah. Fill it. Fill the whole cup up. "Turtles are so slow." "That's not true." "You wanna race me?" This rabbit is creepy as hell. This poor turtle. Sure. [wheezes] So technically, who won there? Popcorn. Oh. Yeah, you want a place to put your pop--? Oh, go ahead. Oh, oh, oh. How much popcorn can I--? Oh, I could take his popcorn too. Okay. Put that over there. There we go. Yeah. [laughs] All right. Lightsaber duel, Obi-wan Kenobi. There we go. Ooh, having-having some performance anxiety here. "Answer correctly to win a prize money. Consider it. Which is it? Consider--" What? I don't-- "There's no budget. There's no budget." Uh, three. So how are you gonna pay me? Because that was technically the right answer. "Hi, I'm guide bot. If you wanna know where to go, ask me. The people always force me to work. I'll revenge you one day." Oh, I'm-I'm making it go crazy by doing enough of this. Okay, so I've overworked revenge bot over there, whatever the hell it is. I wonder if it'll come back to that. "Going to the arcade." Boyfriend. Oh, all right. So now I have to do better than the boyfriend. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Ready? [grunts] Yeah. "You became stranded again." This happens a lot. Do I have to slap the shit out of my boyfriend one more time? What the hell? I can do this to the-- Yeah. I'm just going to the concert. I left him for the concert, now he's gonna die. "Uh-oh. Not good, not good." Okay. "Cant ho--" Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, I missed the people. There we go. I got- I got one. Big Flush, Little Flush, what is this? [honk] [laughs] [honk] That's the sound. "Perfume." All right. Oh. [laughs] Yeah, that's what happens. All right. Get out of there. Oh, no. I can't-- [laughs] I got rid of one of the models. There's only one left to get rid of. "Happy birthday." Yeah, thanks, everyone for coming. Ooh, ooh. "How cute. Ahahaha." What the hell? It's just-- I'm just-- No, stop it. I'm not going out. I'm gonna burn this enti-- "Are you okay?" [chuckles] The candle burned all the way down, and she never managed to get it out. "Who wants cake?" Oh, I've got to cut it? Okay. How about-- [grunts] Keep it going. You may have 1 millimeter of cake. What the hell? "I'm Z.Z. the VTuber. I just have to adjust a few settings. Hold on." All right. [gasps] The-- w-what? [chuckles] I'm just punching my monitor. This is- this is what I have to say about your settings. "Train your brain. Guess how many people are left in the house." Okay. All right, well, there's three people. Then-then three people left. There's another three people. Oh, my God, that house is on fire. "Input your answer." So, hold on, can you-- 911, can I-- Can-can-- Does 911 actually come? It's also possible all these people just wanna die, so they're just rushing to the house to burn alive. I'd like to think that they're like the fire department or something though. All right. It's The Matrix, bullet's coming. Bullet, bullet, bullet-- The bullet just killed him. What the hell? Am-- Is this like a girl? Oh, you can land in his arms. Hold on. Just-just floating over him. Here we go. Oh, you know what, I'm gonna go over here this way. I"m just gonna-- Oh, you can just-- You can-- [laughs] I've got to drop this lightly into the soy sauce. [growls] Yes, I love sodium. [groans] Oh, it's so good. [laughs] The violently putting it into the soy sauce. At the bar, having a drink, "I am such a fool." Yeah, let— "It could be that I just don't have the--" [laughs] I'm creating an alcoholic. How many can I drink while she tells me her story of men? Keep it going. I'm going to have- I'm going to have cancer. [chuckles] My entire liver is going to explode. Look at the stack of drinks. "Will you back me up?" Look, I am, like, 212 cosmos in, okay? Hey, [chuckles] stop it. If I can't have a relationship, nobody can. [groans] Actually here, can I go- can I go this way? [grunts] Ow. I'm trying to get right in between the both of them. There we go. Yes, I'm better for you anyway. There we go. I finally killed one of them. It just took forever. "I'm gonna set off the fireworks. Timing is everything." "I had a great time today." Oh, hold on. "Um, uh--" "Yes?" Oh, he's gonna ask her out? Ready for it, ready for it? [fireworks blast] Oh, oh, there we go. [grunts] [fireworks blast] Try again. You wanna ask her one more time? No. [fireworks blast] [grunts] Come here. Uh, keep it going. How did your marriage proposal go? [chuckles] I wish I could say, "They lived happily ever after," but I'm pretty sure they didn't. "Long ago, somewhere far away, there was an honest woodcutter. One day, he dropped his precious ax. A goddess then appeared, 'What kind of ax did you drop, a golden ax or a silver ax, or--'" [laughs] I-- Oh, oh. Yeah, oh. You know what, I'm just gonna leave. Forget it. I don't wanna be a part of this. I mean, she's still alive, so technically, it's not murder. What is this? Oh, it's like a little- a little creature. What the hell? What? What the-- You can't run from this, you can't run from this. "Train your brain. What do you see? Answer in English." Okay, right. That was an apple. So, what happens if we pick orange? All right, I'm pretty sure that was a cherry but I guess we can do grape. That was-- What the hell was that? I'm gonna go with this. Now they're just censoring everything. What am I supposed to pick? There's nothing there. There's nothing there at all. I'm violently pregnant, I'm gonna sit in all the laps first, I'm gonna punch this guy out or I guess I can also hold his hand. I'm gonna have this lady run the freakin' marathon while she's pregnant. 3:00 AM, wake the baby up. Wake up, child. Make it so that your parents get no sleep. All right, so we've gotta focus this. Oh hold on, let me- let me see if I can bring it-- Oh. Yeah, take-- There we go. There's your family picture, you're welcome. All right, so now this is the-the photo album. "How time flies, you're already three." Okay. Oh, oh. What the--? Oh, Jesus. Seems my time as a mother something will-- I can go back and forward. I can go all the different directions, how many horrible things did I put my child through? "I wonder if one day this child too will be as considerate." How am I considerate? "But nowadays, don't they say that being too considerate is--" Oh, well, that's true. "Since everyone's different, you need to be considerate. If you have to ask--" I can't read it fast enough. "Still, being considerate is a good thing." No, it's not. You're welcome, young child. "I know you can do it." I lived a terrible life and I got to this point after all. "I'm so proud of you, my son." Here we go, we're all the way at the end of the child's life. "Family." What the hell? Oh hold on, hold on. I have- I have an idea. Okay, go ahead. Sit down. Sit down. No, no, sit down. Where are you going? All right, so now the overall results, detailed results. "Not considerate at all. A selfish hairdresser." Oh my God, you can see all of the stuff. Common sense, needs work. Specific knowledge, poor. Spatial awareness needs work, needs work. Adulting, horrible. [laughs] Wow, I scored 170 out of one thousand points. If there's one thing I learned from this, it's that I'm terrible at adulating and so too will be my child. Anyway, folks, I hope you enjoyed this episode of Consider It More. Till next time. Stay foxy, and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,151,680
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Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad choices, bad life choices game, all endings, funny ending, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, funny stickman, stickman jailbreak, funny escape, just draw, consider it, consider it game, consider it gameplay, terrible choices, bad choices game, in under 30 seconds
Id: afXAzerICg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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